A pregnant woman does not eat toxicosis 11 weeks of pregnancy. The appearance of the future mother is also changing


Toxicosis at 10-11 weeks of gestation is not only vomiting and nausea. First of all, these are cardinal changes in the hormonal background, which can lead to drowsiness, sudden mood swings, irritability, lethargy, and in some cases a sharp weight loss. However, all this can be attributed to "early" toxicosis, which occurs in almost all women at 5-6 weeks of gestation.

As a rule, toxicosis at 11 weeks passes without nausea. During this period, the body should already have time to get used to the new state, so all unpleasant symptoms should disappear. If 10-12 weeks, toxicosis has not yet passed, then most likely the reasons for this may be as follows:

  • expectation of twins, in this case, toxicosis disappears at 14-16 weeks of pregnancy;
  • late pregnancy, often it is much more complicated;
  • chronic diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

It is likely that if you feel sick at 11 weeks of pregnancy, then the reason for this is hidden in the characteristics of the immune system. The woman's body tries in every possible way to protect the fetus from harmful substances, showing a similar reaction to harmful products. In addition, the development of the muscles of the child requires more protein, with the help of toxicosis, the body tells the woman that it is necessary to reconsider her diet. Usually, at 11 weeks of pregnancy, a woman no longer faces the problem of vomiting, but if this happens at least once, you need to reconsider the diet. Cases of vomiting, repeated with a clear frequency, are an alarming sign.

When you feel sick at 11 weeks of pregnancy, it is quite possible that the reason lies in psychology, and not physiology. A woman feels a great psychological burden from the fact that a new life has arisen and is growing inside her. She probably lacks sufficient attention from loved ones (or she just thinks so). It happens that a woman thinks that there can be no normal pregnancy without toxicosis, and she herself is looking for its manifestations. However, toxicosis does not have to be in the life of a pregnant woman. Many lucky women have never felt it.

What is dangerous in toxicosis?

By itself, toxicosis that arose at 11-12 weeks of pregnancy does not pose a great danger to a woman, but only on condition that it does not accompany her constantly. Also normal with toxicosis is an increase in temperature, this is due to an accelerated metabolism.

Feelings during the gestation period include both positive and unusual moments. All of them are explained by changes in the hormonal background and the development of life in the womb of the expectant mother.

The well-being of a pregnant woman is associated with the rapid growth of the fetus in a given period of time. Until the twentieth week, the embryo will quickly gain weight and develop intensively. The fair sex will feel a number of changes in her body. And, unfortunately, not all of them will be pleasant. Although the thought of the long-awaited birth of a baby will support and warm.

11 weeks pregnant stomach sensations

Often at the 11th week of pregnancy, the lower abdomen hurts. If such sensations bother the expectant mother, she urgently needs to tell the gynecologist about it. The examination will show the cause of this ailment. And the specialist will take certain actions to relieve the manifestations of pain.

When the lower abdomen is pulled at the 11th week of pregnancy, there may be an increased tone of the uterus. This sometimes happens during this period. Certain medications and vitamins will help with such pain and reduce uterine tone.

What is the discharge at 11 weeks pregnant

The causes of bleeding at the 11th week of pregnancy can be very different. Small smears of blood may be due to sexual intercourse or lifting a heavy object.

Another reason is hormonal imbalance. When the secretion with the blood goes at the time when the menstruation was supposed to go. If there is no pain, you should not worry much. Although it is necessary to signal the doctor about this. Sometimes the consequences of such secretions can be the most terrible for the fetus. Usually, such secretion is accompanied by a sharp pain, the discharge intensifies.

In any case, when observing the secret of a brown or pink hue, it is necessary to tell the specialist about it. With the help of a series of studies, as well as by touch, he will be able to accurately determine the cause of the observed secret.

If the discharge from a girl has a curdled character, then we are talking about thrush at the 11th week of pregnancy. In this situation, the gynecologist will prescribe a number of drugs that normalize the microflora of the vagina, and the secretion will return to normal.

Can you feel sick at 11 weeks pregnant?

Those who are interested in whether toxicosis occurs at the 11th week of pregnancy often receive an affirmative answer from specialists. Morning sickness, dizziness and weakness are common manifestations of toxicosis at 11 weeks of gestation. How to deal with it? By and large, you just need to endure the malaise.

In the second trimester, the malaise usually ends. Although if the discomfort greatly exhausts the pregnant woman, usually experts prescribe special remedies that can alleviate the condition.

Cold at 11 weeks pregnant

SARS at the 11th week of pregnancy - that's what a girl in position should be wary of. In general, any infection is a big test for the fetus. And drugs can cause disturbances in the development of the embryo. Therefore, you should be wary of drafts and avoid contact with sick people so as not to catch the virus.

Causes of missed pregnancy at 11 weeks

In the first stages of gestation, a future mother has a lot of fears. For example, girls are concerned about how to recognize a frozen pregnancy at week 11. Usually this anomaly is detected during a routine examination. The heart of the fetus stops beating, development stops and gestation stops. Why did the pregnancy freeze at 11 weeks?

This can be due to many factors: hormonal imbalance, injury, poisoning with toxic substances, genetic disease, infection.

Signs of a missed pregnancy at week 11 may be immediately and unnoticed. Everything happens quite individually. If we talk about the most common symptoms of a missed pregnancy at week 11, then this is, first of all, the cessation of toxicosis, and quite abruptly, and brown discharge, which is not always accompanied by pain.

There has long been a stereotype of "sickening means pregnant." But if this is quite normal in the first trimester, toxicosis at the 11th week of pregnancy is a separate issue.

What is toxicosis?

Toxicosis at the 11th week of pregnancy is not only nausea and vomiting. This is a radical change in the hormonal background, which entails sudden mood swings, drowsiness, lethargy, irritability, and sometimes weight loss. However, all this is “early toxicosis”, which affects many women at 5-6 weeks.

Nausea at the 11th week of pregnancy, as a rule, is no longer observed. Usually, by this time, toxicosis has already passed, since the woman's body has already got used to the new state.

If the expectant mother is still sick at 11 weeks of gestation, then the following may be the likely causes:

    expectation of twins (toxicosis stops by 14-16 weeks),

    late pregnancy (often it is somewhat more difficult),

    chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

These cases are special, and therefore only a doctor can offer methods to combat the manifestations of toxicosis. You may need vitamin complexes or medication.

Toxicosis at 11 weeks and child development

At week 11, the embryonic period of development ends, and now it is no longer an embryo, but a fetus. Manifestations of toxicosis at the 11th week of pregnancy may be due to the fact that at this time the fetus is going through a period of particularly rapid development. His internal organs grow rapidly and begin to function actively. In this regard, the metabolism in the body of a woman is accelerated by almost 25%, which means an increased need for carbohydrates and fluids. The load on the gastrointestinal tract increases, as a result, toxicosis "delays" for another couple of weeks.

It is possible that if you feel sick at the 11th week of pregnancy, the reason lies in the characteristics of the immune system. The body of the expectant mother tries to protect the child from harmful substances by showing such a reaction to inappropriate products. In addition, the development of the muscles of the fetus requires an increased amount of protein, and with the help of "alarm signals" the body tells the woman that the diet should be revised. Usually women do not experience the problem of vomiting at the 11th week of pregnancy, but if this happens once, you should reconsider your diet. Repeated episodes of vomiting during this time are a warning sign.

If at week 11 toxicosis has a pronounced form and greatly worries a woman, consultation with a doctor cannot be avoided. These may be symptoms of serious problems, and not a manifestation of hormonal changes.

When you feel sick at week 11, it is possible that the reasons are not at all in physiology, but in psychology. A woman experiences a huge psychological burden from the fact that a new life is rapidly growing inside her. Perhaps she does not receive due attention from loved ones (or so it seems, or it really is hard to say). It happens that the expectant mother is sure that there is no pregnancy without toxicosis, and she begins to look for its manifestations herself. This is clearly superfluous, since the psychological state of a woman directly affects the development of the child.

Contrary to popular belief, toxicosis is an optional companion of pregnancy. Many lucky women have not experienced all the "charms" of this phenomenon.

Why is toxicosis dangerous?

By itself, nausea at 11-12 weeks of gestation is not terrible if it does not constantly accompany a woman. An increase in temperature is also normal and is associated with the mentioned acceleration of metabolism.

It is worth worrying if there are repeated bouts of vomiting at the 11th week of pregnancy. This leads to dehydration, and a large amount of water at 11 weeks is necessary for the development of the child.

Another danger of nausea at 11 weeks of gestation is that natural oxygen exchange is disrupted. The reason for this is uneven breathing. The lack of oxygen to the blood of the mother (and, accordingly, the fetus) negatively affects its development in general and the nervous system in particular.

If toxicosis is accompanied by apathy, drowsiness and lethargy, it is necessary to discuss this problem with a doctor. Perhaps the woman needs psychological support.

Methods of dealing with toxicosis

By the 11th week of pregnancy, a woman already knows which foods she should avoid so as not to provoke nausea and vomiting. However, often nausea occurs regardless of what the expectant mother has eaten, it seems that this happens for no apparent reason.

The cause of toxicosis at week 11 may be an improper diet. So, you should switch to fractional nutrition (5-6 times a day in small portions). You should not go to bed immediately after eating - you need to wait 30-40 minutes. This will reduce the load on the stomach, and food will be absorbed better.

Vomiting at the 11th week of pregnancy is an indicator of the retention of metabolic products in the body. You can help the body to remove these substances with a decoction of wild rose and cranberry juice. These drinks also have a mild soothing effect on the stomach. Grapefruit juice has similar properties, but its consumption is associated with the risk of allergies. You can use this juice only with full confidence that it is normally absorbed by the body.

Helps fight toxicosis at 11 weeks of gestation and the careful use of alternative medicine. You can try aromatherapy. So, a drop of jasmine essential oil, applied to cotton wool, will help overcome a sudden attack of nausea. It is also effective to massage the area between the thumb and forefinger on the hands.

A positive attitude is the best way to overcome the psychological aspects of toxicosis. The expectant mother should not get hung up on unpleasant sensations, straining with every slight attack of nausea. This is normal, and there is nothing wrong with that (unless, of course, this is repeated too often).

Toxicosis, of course, is not the most pleasant companion of pregnancy, but it should not overshadow the joy of expecting a child, which will erase all negative memories.


On 11 weeks pregnant the number of blood vessels in the placenta has increased significantly, because the unborn baby needs more nutrients every day.

Everyone can also disrupt the usual "pre-pregnancy" rhythm of life drowsiness And fatigue, in this case, you should not deny yourself additional rest, also do not forget that now it is important to get enough sleep.

It's time to get to know the department maternity underwear, your breasts may become so large that she needs a new comfortable bra.

mood swings a future mother should not be a reason for her loved ones to suffer. Try to talk more with the dad of the unborn baby so that he understands what is happening to you. Tell him about your feelings, sensations, ask for help if you need help in any matter. Pregnancy is a difficult period for all family members, so you should go through it together, being as attentive and patient as possible to each other.

With the end of the first trimester, toxicosis finally gives up and recedes. But the uterus continues to grow, and its weight is already felt in the belly of the expectant mother. While invisible to the rest, she already makes the pregnant woman think several times a day about the tiny "bubbler" that lives in her tummy. The first "pregnant" fears are already behind, and you are firmly convinced that yes, you will become a mother very soon.

What does the baby look like at 11 weeks pregnant, and how does the woman feel?

What happens at 11 weeks pregnant

There is a restructuring in your body: blood volume has increased, metabolism has increased, calories are burning, as after the most exhausting workout. The uterus already occupies the entire pelvis, and by feeling the lower abdomen, the expectant mother can feel how hard she is. Well, if you are doubly lucky, that is, two babies “sit” in your tummy, it is already very difficult to hide your position from others.

Sometimes it seems that the baby has already begun to “bump” in the stomach, and the mother feels it - in fact, the pushes of the tiny legs are still very weak, and the sensations that you take for the movements of the little one are nothing more than bowel contractions.

The corpus luteum disappears, the placenta develops. The uterus at week 11 puts a little less pressure on the bladder, so you can forget about the constant running to the toilet ... though not for long.

Feelings and signs at 11 weeks pregnant

For most mothers, the morning finally becomes good: toxicosis passes. However, if you are still feeling nauseous, it’s not scary: in some cases, the “best friend of pregnant women” does not leave mothers until the 14th week, gradually fading away, and this is also normal. Well, even if he disappeared, you may notice that he was replaced by heartburn, as well as constipation. Hormones are to blame. True, this does not happen to everyone.

For almost everyone, the tummy is rounded from below, and it is already difficult to fasten trousers with a low waist or fitted skinny (as a rule, such clothes are sent deep into the closet - why squeeze the uterus and its “inhabitant” with it). Sometimes women feel an ache in the lower back and pulling or sharp pains in the lower abdomen. With such sensations, it is better to immediately contact the antenatal clinic.

Vaginal discharge increases. This is normal: they will be like this until the very birth. They should be whitish, with a sour smell. Colostrum may be secreted from the nipples - it does not need to be squeezed out. Synthetic bra is better to change to cotton.

Development and size of the fetus at 11 weeks of gestation

The baby's head now has impressive dimensions: it is twice the size of the body, and due to the strengthening of the upper vertebrae, the baby can bend it. The legs are smaller than the handles; the baby already knows how to stretch, his fingers have gained sensitivity. The internal organs are formed, the intestines begin to contract.

The fetus has a sense of smell, so it can smell how your breakfast or lunch smells - and, remembering all the most delicious for itself, the baby forms its own food preferences. The baby's eyes are wide-set, eye irises are formed on them; "Decorated" eyes with eyebrows and cilia. And, of course, the genitals are formed in the little one.

At week 11, the little one grows to 5-6 cm. Interestingly, 1/10 of the body is the liver, which is an extremely important organ at the moment, in which proteins are actively generated that help the body develop properly. The nearby gallbladder is already producing bile. The brain is also actively developing, the main parts of which are formed.

The kid resembles an athlete in a warm-up: he improves his movements and actively “swims”. His nervous system develops with amazing speed. Thousands of new cells appear, the body "learns" to control its muscles.

Since the whole skin became sensitive, the baby began to react to various stimuli. There are already red blood cells in the spinal cord.

Screening and other examinations at 18 weeks

At week 11, the gynecologist often sends his patients for screening. This is a triple ultrasound, plus a blood test for biochemistry. An examination is considered mandatory, it can reveal if there are deviations in the development of the child or there may be a risk of their occurrence. The procedure is not dangerous either for you or for the little one.

If the screening shows something suspicious, the pregnant woman will be asked to consult a geneticist. And by the way, in this case, there is no need to worry: this is not a sentence at all, but simply a reason to undergo even more thorough examinations.

The first screening is done at 11, sometimes at 12 weeks of gestation. This is the best time to set your expectations, assess your baby's condition, measure his collar space, and identify twins/triplets.

The appearance of the future mother is also changing

It is impossible not to recall the changes in the appearance of a young mother. For example, many pregnant women at week 11 complain of brittle nails, hair loss. It makes no sense to buy expensive shampoos to change something. Wait a little: after the birth, everything will pass.

However, sometimes the opposite happens: The "mane" becomes apparently thicker, and grows faster.

It’s better for you not to dye your hair now: although you will choose ammonia-free paint, due to hormonal changes in the body, the result of its action may turn out to be unexpected.

But what you need to buy is oil for stretch marks (say, olive oil). Let striae not appear on the skin until stretch marks are good prevention and will not allow their appearance, but if you miss time, you can earn marks on your stomach or chest for life.

Sex at 11 weeks pregnant

If toxicosis has not yet left the woman’s body, she sometimes does not want her husband’s hugs (especially since she can be sick not only from the smell of fried potatoes, but also from the aroma of her beloved’s skin). Well, if this "scourge" is gone, you can indulge in love as much as you like. Of course, remembering that dangerous positions can harm the unborn baby. But for mothers of twins or under the threat of a miscarriage, doctors can forbid carnal pleasures.

Physical activity

Need to move! Choose what you like best: swim, or do gymnastics for pregnant women. And if there is no fitness club nearby, just walk for 30 minutes - ideally, in the evening, before going to bed. Don't exhaust yourself by planning two-hour "hikes" so you don't gain weight! What is important for you now is not the waist (which will soon disappear altogether), but relaxation. Tired? Go rest and let the whole world wait.