Pleasant words to a guy: how to melt a man's heart? Beautiful, affectionate, gentle, pleasant words and confessions to a beloved man.

March 8

A message to a loved one should not be too long and pretentious. You need to choose simple and kind words that reflect the attitude towards the man and express certain emotions. Examples of wishes Good morning or Good night: "At night I dreamed of my fairy prince. Guessed who it was? Of course you! Good morning, my only man", "Let the love of your life come to you today in a dream. I wish you yourself."

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Beautiful love SMS to a young man

Write pleasant words for your loved one, you can at any time of the day, reminding the guy of your feelings and making it clear that he means a lot to the girl.

Examples of love messages to a guy:

  • "My dear lover! I think about you constantly and more than anything in the world I long to feel your hot lips and cling to your chest with my whole body."
  • "Hurry up the evening, because I dream of our meeting with you."
  • "Sending you this text message to which I attach thousands of hot kisses and my love vibes."
  • "I love to tears, I love to pain and to stupefaction. Although I don’t know how to express my thoughts beautifully, I wrote a poem for you."
  • "My heart beats in your chest, because at first sight you were able to conquer it and take it forever with you."
  • "With every moment I feel a love attraction to you."
  • "If you feel and think about the same thing as I do, then let me know, because I really want to hug you as soon as possible."

Options for cute messages to her husband with good night wishes:

  • "Kitten, you will fall asleep, and he will come. It will be a dream in which I will appear and make your heart beat more often. You will wake up with positive thoughts and make sure you date me like the first time."
  • "Closing your eyes, you see my soul, which is always open for you. Sweet and unforgettable dreams, my sun."
  • "Erotic-strawberry-vanilla dreams your Bunny wants, don't forget to give her a sweet smack."
  • "Know that I adore you, I protect my sleep at night. Sleep tight, sleep sweetly, let the bed be soft!"

In the morning you can write a wish to the guy Have a good day and ask for a meeting. Good morning message examples:

  • "Good morning, dear, I want to meet you. Do not delay your visit, take a cake and take it. Do not forget about hugs, I will wait in beautiful dress. Come quickly, the morning will be kinder in an instant!"
  • "Another happy day has come - after all, you are there, and I don't need more. Wake up, my beloved, so strong and vulnerable."
  • “I am ready to pray to heaven and thank the Almighty for spending another day next to you. I know that this is mutual. good morning, Darling!"
  • "The day will be truly joyful and unforgettable if our meeting today takes place. Let's paint this morning with rainbow colors together?"
  • "My sun smiled after reading the morning message, and received a positive charge for the whole day."
  • "Drink fruit sweet tea and don't be bored in the morning!"
  • "Great morning! bright day! Sea of ​​fun! Kiss you".

No need to write a lot of love messages in a row. A few pleasant words are enough for the guy to feel the care and attention from his girlfriend.

What to write to a guy who is now in the army?

For young man, which is located on military service, it is important to know that he is loved and expected. A message about how much the girl misses and is waiting for her hero will inspire the guy and give him new strength.

Any man will be pleased when his beloved, as a sign of her feelings and affection, sends love message, even if these words are written on the phone. Pleasant words to the guy, spoken in his own words, a beautiful SMS message will give him a few pleasant minutes when reading and help strengthen mutual love.

Nice words to your beloved guy in SMS

  • Thanks to you my love, in my soul at any time of the city there is always spring. So I can't think about bad weather or cold wind, because your love will always warm me and give me the first snowdrops.
  • Darling I want go with you and look at bright stars that sparkle not only in the night sky, but also in your eyes.
  • You turned my life into a romantic fairy tale in which I became a princess, and you turned out to be a beautiful knight. I want the story to last forever.
  • Expensive, your tender words and kisses touch the strings of my heart and give birth in it great music our love.
  • our love bound us with a golden chain, binding our hearts and lives together. If someone, God forbid, breaks these chains, then my heart will shatter like transparent porcelain or melt in the fire like soft gold.
  • My happiness- to be near you, my dream is to love you, my joy is to look into your loving eyes and hear your voice.

Interesting! The most common romantic nicknames that girls give to their loved ones are words from diminutive animal names: “bunny”, “cat”, “bear cub”, less often more masculine names: “tiger”, “lion”, etc. d.

Pleasant words in your own words to a guy in prose

Every girl dreams of love, happiness and tenderness that her chosen one will give her. Therefore, kind, beautiful and tender words addressed to your beloved will help her to express everything that has accumulated in her heart and soul, to strengthen relationships with him:

It is not so difficult to compose pleasant words for a guy in your own words. beautiful sms, congratulations, compliments in prose will definitely please a man when he finds out that his girlfriend composed them.
  • You are the most beautiful and gentle man all over the world. You are my soul mate, which has finally been found and without which I now cannot breathe, speak and live. I remember your passionate embrace, your joyful laughter and your Perfect eyes- without all this, I just can not live now.
  • I'm madly in love with you, I want to be with you always, hug and kiss every night and wake up next to you in the morning, knowing that you are here. I became a dreamy romantic who always smiles with happiness and love for you.
  • Our meeting became our happy fate, and now I want to confess that I can not live away from you and your hot love. I'm waiting for a meeting, come ...

Nice words to the guy, in your own words. Beautiful congratulations

Birthday greetings:

Beautiful congratulations in your own words
(in verse)
Nice words for a guy
(in prose)
I dedicate poems to my beloved,
And Happy Valentine's Day to him.
I wish you true and good friends,
Success in career and joy in life.
I want more smiles sunny days,
And we will be together in sorrow and in happiness!
My dear! I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you to sail on the waves of optimism and irony, and avoid troubles or accept them with a smile.

I want you to believe in your dream and make it come true, always staying true friend and my favorite.

Our love will help us to withstand any adversity and bring a lot of happiness.

Congratulations on your new position:

  • I wish your new position became the starting point on the path to all sorts of career heights. To make every working day joyful and inspiring for new projects and their brilliant solution. Good luck, love!
  • Expensive! I wish you to become the Big Boss, I believe in your victory and your aspirations. Let your favorite occupation will bring you success and a high salary.

nice words to your boyfriend for the night

Modern psychologists advise all people and couples in love to tell their partners more about their love. Especially such words are invaluable at night, so that a person falls asleep in a good mood, and wakes up in the morning rested, cheerful and inspired, with new forces that he will need in work and in creating a mood for the whole day.

It is important to know! Pleasant words spoken in your own words by a girl to her beloved boyfriend in the evening before going to bed will help create a beautiful lyrical mood, cause good and pleasant dreams.

Here are some examples of such requests:

  • My love, let you dream this night of our love, our hot summer that we spent together. I am always waiting for you, and I will come to you in a dream and in reality when you call me.
  • Good night dear! I wish you sleep, see sweet warm dreams, and wake up tomorrow and meet a new day with faith in success and good luck.
  • Sleep my kitten! I will think of you and forever remember our kisses of love and the joy of being with you. Tomorrow will come a new day that I dream of spending with you and your love.
  • Darling I want today you dream about never parting, even in a dream. Tomorrow will be a new day, and we will see you again. I love you.

Pleasant words in your own words on the topic: "Good morning!"

Pleasant words said to the guy in your own words, beautiful and warm congratulations with the advent of a new day - they will help create a sincere and joyful atmosphere in the house from early morning and strengthen love.

most successful and nice phrases for a loved one at the beginning of a new day:

  • Expensive, may luck come to you this morning, not depending on the mood of the boss and rainy weather. Let the summer sun shine in your soul and warm our love, which will always be with you.
  • Good morning my fluffy bunny! Let's meet the dawn together and spend this day just the two of us. I want to show you all the fabulous beauty of nature and my warm heart that loves you and wishes us eternal happiness.
  • Darling, this morning I am sending you my bird of luck, which will flap its magic wings and drive away all your problems, protect you from troubles and troubles, bring success and much positive energy. This bird is my love for you!
  • Good morning, honey! I want to tell in my own words how much I love you. To my love sunlight shone in your sky, brought a beautiful holiday and penetrated into your heart along with the beautiful and pleasant words that I say to you. You are my boyfriend, I look forward to meeting you.
  • My dear! I wish you spring and sunny mood for the whole day, and if it rains, let it fill you with joy drop by drop, and lightning charge you with happiness, let the sky light up with a bright multi-colored rainbow and the sun that will illuminate your day and our meeting today.

Attention! Every man (and the young one will not be an exception), waking up in the morning to the gentle words and kisses of his beloved, will say, “It will be a successful and good day!”

Nice words for a guy in the army

Letters from a beloved girl who is waiting for her beloved, who is serving in the army:

  • Your photo is with me everywhere, she goes with me to the institute, writes laboratory tasks, control. She will be by my side all these months that I will be waiting for you from the army. I love you and dream of spending the rest of my life with you.
  • Darling. If it will be hard for you there, remember me, I will always support you in everything. I will wait for you as long as it takes, because our love in separation has become even stronger and hotter. I kiss you, I'm waiting ...
  • Warm greetings to my soul mate! I miss you and hope to meet you close. I hung a calendar on the wall and I cross out all the days spent without you there. Your "demobilization" is getting closer and closer, I dream of how we will walk through the streets at night and meet the dawn together, how we will go to swim in the river and bask in the sun. How you hug and kiss me. Come back soon, love, kiss ... your half.

The most pleasant compliments to a guy in your own words: top best

Any compliment or praise will make a man feel more confident, raise his self-esteem and self-respect, make him strive for high goals or even accomplish small feats.

Important to remember! Compliments and pleasant words spoken to the guy in your own words, beautiful and passionately expressed admiration for his abilities or achievements will strengthen love and tell the man how the girl admires him and appreciates him.

Expression true feelings admiration and value for your beloved:

  • How beautiful you are, especially when you put on this suit (sweater, jacket, etc.), you look aristocratic, courageous and sexy.
  • I always guessed that you had golden hands. I believe in you and your abilities.
  • I am proud of you, I love you dearly and will always support you in everything. Your creative mind will help you come up with new ideas and solutions.
  • You have a deep and penetrating voice. Your hands are so strong and gentle, they will always protect me from all troubles. Next to you I feel comfortable and calm.
  • You are very sensitive and attentive to me, I appreciate your opinion and ability to find rational solutions to the most difficult questions in any situation.
  • I did not expect such a romantic. Our meetings are a fairy tale filled with love and fun adventures.
  • You have a talent that allows you to turn the most uninteresting activity into an exciting event.
  • I want our children to be like you. You will be the best father.

Pleasant words spoken by a girl in her own words to her beloved boyfriend, compliments and praise, beautiful and tender congratulations happy holiday, a letter to the defender of the fatherland with words and assurances that he is loved and expected - all this is proof of their mutual love and fidelity.

As the poets say: compliments are a balm for love ...

Interesting videos about pleasant congratulations for a guy, man or husband

Pleasant words and compliments to your beloved man, guy:

Beautiful and pleasant words for a guy in your own words:

Another selection beautiful phrases for a guy if you are apart:

Do you think that only the female half of humanity loves with ears? Wrong! This quality is endowed and men. Say nice words to your beloved guy every day and in a month you will notice that your relationship has become brighter, stronger and happier! The opposite sex flies with happiness when they hear beautiful speech addressed to him.

nice words for husband

Sometimes it is necessary to leave aside all your household chores, caring for children and pay attention to the man with whom fate brought you. Tell him that he is dear to you. Below are some phrases to express your feelings.

  • Since you burst into my life, peace has appeared in my soul, and happiness in my heart;
  • You are the most best husband, being your wife is a great happiness!;
  • I still remember the day when we, two parts of each other, united. I pray that we will never be separated;
  • I happy woman. Will you ask why? Because I got the best husband!;
  • You are my own kitten (bunny). I need your love so much
  • For so many years you and I have been united by the bonds of marriage, and you still deprive me of my mind.

Send your husband a message when he is at work, at home, or on a business trip. You will see, he will come home in an excellent mood.

Nice words for a guy at night

Psychologists and cosmetologists say: if you want to wake up cheerful, fresh and full of energy, then fall asleep in a good mood. What can please more than a text message from a beloved woman before going to bed? Please your chosen one with a couple of beautiful phrases. If you have problems with fantasy, then use a little hint.

  1. Night. Winter. How cold I am! But it gets warmer when I remember our last meeting with you. Thoughts of you warm my heart. Thank you for these moments of happiness that are still stored in my memory;
  2. My dear, may you have clear and bright dreams this night. I love you. With great impatience I look forward to the next meeting with you;
  3. Good night. Good luck to you tomorrow. You will succeed, I believe in it!
  4. Sweet dreams my kitty. You sleep, and I will think of you and remember our sweet kiss;
  5. Every person involuntarily closes his eyes at night because he wants to sleep. And I do this only to see you again, at least in a dream.

Romantic people are not in fashion now. Someone considers them banal or strange. But still, it will be pleasant for any person to read before going to bed a few beautiful phrases dedicated to only to him.

Pleasant SMS to your beloved in your own words

Young people like compliments and pleasant phrases. But hardly anyone will like a banal verse copied from the Internet. Do you want to melt the heart of your chosen one? Write him a sincere message about everything that is going on in your soul. Below are some examples of such messages.

  • Today I caught myself thinking that I can predict your actions. I realized we really became close. I can safely answer the question about your dreams, about your favorite drinks and idols. I am glad that our thoughts converge in many ways. You are a part of me;
  • It's been a long time since our first date. And I still remember this moment to the very small detail: what you did, how you were dressed, your facial expression. You know, I realized that with the advent of you in my life, the world has changed. He became kinder, I myself want to give everyone my care and warmth;
  • We had many moments with you, pleasant and not so. But the strength of our feelings resisted all obstacles. I believe our love is so strong that it can overcome any difficulties.

To please your man, it is not necessary to fantasize and look for patterns on the sites. Just open your soul to him and tell him everything that you feel.

How to affectionately call your chosen one?

Your man is worthy of beautiful phrases and pleasant speeches. He has a name that his parents, friends and colleagues call him. Come up with your own affectionate word that belonged only to the two of you. There are a huge number of romantic nicknames for couples in love. All of them can be divided into several classes.

  1. subclass of animals. The simplest and most common. An affectionate word can be any name of an animal, with the addition of a diminutive suffix. For example, a bunny, a teddy bear, a cat, and so on. strong men called lions or tigers. Similar sweet words are the most popular, respectively commonplace;
  2. Do not surprise a man if you call him such nouns as an angel or a sun;
  3. Men like to feel that someone needs them. Therefore, add a preposition before the spoken word. For example: “You are my happiness, you are my life, you are my joy”;
  4. You can call your chosen one with an adjective. He will be happy if you call him affectionate, sexy, unique, desirable, beloved, unique or loved. It is not recommended to use comparative adjectives: the cutest, the best, there are no more like you. The young man may feel that he is being compared to other men;
  5. The least commonly used phrases are macho, male, superman, honey, charm. If you want to surprise your boyfriend, then use these phrases.

A kind word should reflect inner world your significant other. Carefully monitor the reaction of your partner, if he does not like compliments, then do not impose them on him.

Nice words for a guy in the morning

Awakening is the main part of the day. With what mood a person wakes up, so he will spend the rest of the day. Send your boyfriend a message about how you feel. a pleasant surprise will give him happiness, a feeling of cheerfulness and joy. Don't know how beautiful to wish him Good morning? Use templates:

  • Hello. Congratulations on the start of a new day. I hope he will give you a lot of pleasant moments;
  • Good morning, Dear. I dreamed of you. I woke up and you weren't there. How do you want the dream to become a reality;
  • Hope your day is good today. A surprise awaits you in the evening! Have a good mood;
  • Good morning darling. How nice it is to wake up knowing that I have you. I count the seconds until our meeting;
  • Today I had a dream that you came to visit me, and I prepared for you delicious dinner from your favorite foods. Let's work together to make this dream come true.

A man wakes up in the morning, wants to look at his watch and sees beautiful message from the woman you love. His day went well!

Why do men need beautiful words?

As selfish as it may sound, but beautiful words benefit both partners. A man always needs an incentive, he will not try for that woman who does not appreciate him.

Did he nail a shelf in your bathtub? Be sure to remind him strong hands and good wit. Got an award? Tell me how proud you are of his determination. Did you do housework? Boast with him to your girlfriends, what a wonderful man you have. Praise will make him feel confident and he will have the desire to achieve new heights, because there is someone for whom.

In this video, Anna will tell and give some tips on how to please her boyfriend with pleasant words for him:

In October, my husband and I celebrated our third wedding anniversary. We've had our ups and downs in our marriage over the years, but one thing I now know for sure is that men need love and want to be loved.

And they need to be constantly reminded of their feelings.

Marriage can be thought of as a box designed to hold little love bombs. When you constantly put something nice and romantic into it, your husband feels it. And in return, he also contributes.

There will definitely come a time of testing when you will need to look into this box to remind yourself how much you love each other.

When my husband and I were having relationship problems, a friend of ours, who has been married for 40 years, advised us to send love messages to each other throughout the day - the very “bombs” that can rekindle feelings.

  • I'm so lucky to have you by my side.
  • I love you.
  • I feel safe with you...and I'm grateful for that.
  • Darling, do you have any plans for tonight? A delicious dessert awaits you at home...
  • You are the best. I just thought you should know this.
  • I like being with you together. Miss you!
  • Have a nice day at work! I will wait for your return home.
  • I like you. I really like you.
  • You are the most caring man I know.
  • I love your sense of humor! Today with colleagues the whole day laughed at your joke!
  • Thank you for being who you are.
  • I am happy next to you. I love you so much!
  • Thanks for having you in my life.
  • Let's cook something special for dinner tonight, shall we?
  • Let's spend the evening together, shall we?
  • Just you and me. romantic dinner at 5 p.m.
  • Thanks for washing the dishes! My manicure remained intact and unharmed 🙂
  • I have no one closer to you!
  • You inspire me, dear.
  • Darling, I'm not afraid to trust you.
  • What God has joined together, no one can separate...
  • I'm so glad you are in my life.
  • Today, tomorrow, mine!
  • I am married to a very sexy man!
  • I will always love you.
  • You are my one and only! I am so grateful to you for everything!
  • I want you to hug me!
  • I miss you, come home as soon as possible.
  • I propose to tell at work that you are sick - let's spend the whole day in bed!
  • You are my protection and support.
  • You are my sun.
  • Tonight is just the perfect evening for dinner. Meet me at 7.
  • You are my dearest person.
  • Hello! I love you. You must know this.
  • I can't wait for our date.
  • I'm counting the minutes until we meet.
  • You are the most best father in the world!
  • I want you to know how lucky I am to have you?
  • Being with you... It's the best thing in the world!
  • I want you to kiss me!
School of Yuri Okunev

Hello dear readers! In order to please your loved one with pleasant words, it is not at all necessary to have writing or, even more so, poetic talent. After all, you can express thoughts, feelings with the most in simple words, and this does not diminish their importance.

Do you still doubt that you will be able to do it beautifully and romantically enough? Especially for you, I decided to talk about how to write a truly sincere SMS in my own words to a loved one.

good morning wishes

A day started with a ray of goodness received by SMS from a lady of the heart may not be the most successful and productive, but it will definitely be more joyful. Every day you can come up with new wishes. They can be tied to those cases and problems that your boyfriend has to solve during the day. Or they can simply contain affectionate words designed to support, give a charge of vivacity and optimism. So, we start with those same two words of welcome, and then the options can be, for example, like this:

  • May your boss have a great epiphany today and finally see how much you are doing for your company.
  • May you meet at least three good man that will make your day better.
  • I wish that today the sore is disappointed in you and proudly leaves, taking with it a temperature, body aches, sore throat and fatigue!
  • This day will be one of the happiest and most successful of the week! Why? Yes, I just want it that way, and a woman's desire is the law!
  • I asked the sunbeams to fly into your window, wake you up and pass on from me tender kisses And good mood. Have they already carried out my order?
  • Here we are for another day closer friend to friend. Looking forward to your arrival, dear!

good night wishes

Wishes good night in SMS to your beloved guy will be set up not only for good dream but also for a good awakening and a good new day. Exactly the same as in previous version you can write about anything. The main thing is to show that the young man is very dear to you, important and necessary.

  • Let the night take away all the negativity today, and in the morning you will wake up rested, joyful, renewed, ready for new achievements.
  • I'm looking at the moon now. Look out the window and look at her too. Do you feel? We are now bound by her ghostly light...
  • 10 more nights like this and we will finally meet! Looking forward to this magical moment, my tenderness!
  • You know, now I hurry to bed every night, because dreams are now the only place where we can be together. I hope they come true soon!
  • I asked Ole Lukoile to give you fabulous dreams. Before you go to bed, dress warmly. I wished that you were Aladdin, and I am Jasmine. It will be cool to fly on the magic carpet at night, so a warm sweater not prevent.

Letters about what you miss and are waiting for

Experience shows that a long separation, although it brings a lot of grief, is the test that truly loving couples can handle. Therefore, do not despair and just patiently wait for the cherished moment of the meeting!

They say that it is not very easy and simple love usually encourages writing poetry. But if you don’t have a craving for this, then feel free to write SMS in prose to your beloved man. It seems to me that it is better to express your feelings in simple words than in iambic pentameter.

  • Today is exactly 2 weeks since you left, but it seems that you have passed whole year. It's amazing how fast time goes by when you're around. And how painfully long it lasts in your absence.
  • It seems to me that it was parting that allowed us to understand how strong feelings are. After all, usually a person begins to truly understand and appreciate those things that are inaccessible to him. So in our separation, it turns out, hiding great wisdom. Thank her for this...
  • I never thought I'd miss the dirty cups you always leave in the sink. By grumbling in a dream and loud songs in the shower. By the way your stubble pricks my cheeks. It's amazing how much you really mean to me. Not separate positive traits but entirely!

Bon appetit wishes

I told you that there can be any number of reasons for a message. Why not include this one as well. After all, eating is an important part of our daily routine. And in order for food to bring more joy, it will not be superfluous to flavor it not only with spices, but also with bright feelings.

  • I hope you enjoy what I have prepared for you. Let porridge give strength, fruits vital energy, and the cake will please my beloved sweet tooth.
  • Recently I learned that cooked with love does not turn into fat on the belly. So eat with pleasure!
  • Today I added a handful of tenderness and affection to the stew / borscht / pie, seasoned everything kind words and praises addressed to you, and generously sprinkled with love from above. I hope you enjoy...

About their hopes, a joint future

Having found her “prince”, a woman usually soon begins to think about how she would like to see relationships through time. She tries on her chosen one first the image of a guy, then a groom, and there she already begins to think about how she will write SMS about love to her husband and father of her children ... If you have been together long enough, and discussing such dreams is not something out of the ordinary , then you can safely share your thoughts with a partner.

  • Rather, I look forward to the moment when we begin to live together. I think about the love with which I will cook for you, wait from work, take care of you. Being constantly around is wonderful, because you are my soulmate!
  • Today I was walking home through the park, I met so many couples in love. I sincerely envy them and dream that soon you and I would walk like this on weekends, holding hands. And then, breathing fresh air would go home, have dinner and watch a movie.
  • I like every feature of your face and character in you. May our children certainly take the best from you. A sweet smile, the brightness of green eyes, inner charm and kindness that make everyone around love you.
  • With your appearance in my life, I really thought about how I want to see my home, my family. Previously, it was only timid youthful dreams, which today acquire the features of a real adult life where I am already a wife and mother. Very exciting, but also pleasant at the same time!

Just about my feelings

  • Only next to you I feel truly protected, only next to you can I be weak, indecisive, trusting. Therefore, when you are not around, it is very difficult and sad for me. Let's do our best to be together.
  • There was the smell of your cologne on the pillow, on the table - a cup of coffee you had not finished drinking, and in the bathroom - a tube of toothpaste that you again did not spin. J You know, these little things make me incredibly happy, because they say that I'm not alone! Thank you dear for having me! You are my happiness, my joy and great value!
  • Right now I hugged you tightly, tightly, kissed you gently, gently! I love!
  • I just want to say that you are very dear to me. Thank you for your care, attention, affection! You are the best for me the best man in the world! Come soon, we are waiting for you with the cat.
  • I'm sorry I lashed out at you yesterday. I was wrong! It's not your fault, I just had some trouble at work that completely ruined my mood. Don't be angry... I love you!
  • I always hated men who tried to call me "one of them". It seemed to me that by doing this they were infringing on my freedom, they wanted to appropriate me as some kind of thing. But now I realized that I just didn't like them. Because today the thought that I am YOUR warms my soul!
  • I'm sorry I haven't written to you for a long time. There were difficulties at work and at home. I know it's not an excuse, but still... Thank you for sending those wonderful flowers! The bouquet is still standing and makes me happy! Let's meet at the weekend if you have time. I miss you so much, I want to see you.
  • And I have prepared for you little surprise... Come home from work, I'm waiting for you!
  • I baked such a pie for you (you will need to attach a photo), it will be waiting for you until dinner. Do not linger, otherwise you will eat everything! Kiss!
  • Thank you for leaving me breakfast, dear! It was amazingly delicious and incredibly enjoyable! You are the most caring and romantic person in the world!!! Have you opened your portfolio yet? If not, then it's time to do it so that the yummy that I put for you does not spoil! You see how everything is mutual with us.

Helps you better understand how to build happy relationship with your partner and yourself. Very simple, very feminine, about the most pressing issues, the answers to which often determine the quality of life. I recommend it to my readers!

Well, for my part, I am ready to answer any of your questions on the topic of the article. If you have any, feel free to share them in the comments!

That's all for today. Don't miss out on new posts. The site news subscription function will help you a lot with this. See you again and all the best! Yours, Yuri Okunev.