Unloading day for pregnant women. Unloading day during pregnancy


Many women completely ignore unloading during pregnancy, believing that dietary restrictions during this period are completely unacceptable. Is it possible to spend fasting days during pregnancy, why are they needed, what products can be used?

Helpful information

Fasting days during pregnancy are quite acceptable, but they need to be carried out only after coordinating their actions with the doctor. As a rule, unloading is recommended in the presence of indications such as overweight and swelling, as well as signs of preeclampsia and problems with digestion. The first fasting day is allowed only after the 28th week of pregnancy. It is believed that by this time the baby's organs have already been formed, and therefore a short-term nutritional deficiency is quite acceptable.

Pregnant women are advised to unload once a week. The optimal energy value of the diet is 1000-1500 kcal. Nutrition should be fractional - the recommended norm of products should be divided into equal portions. The intervals between meals should be the same. It is highly desirable to unload on the same day of the week - on this case the body gets used to such a diet, which will avoid stress. It is important to chew thoroughly solid food so that it is completely absorbed by the body. The rate of free fluid for 1 day is 1.5-2 liters. Doctors recommend not to exhaust yourself - if the feeling of hunger is difficult to withstand, they advise drinking an extra glass of kefir or yogurt (sour milk drink satisfies hunger well). It is advisable to reduce on the day of unloading motor activity(but don't lie on the couch).


Unloading days for pregnant women with edema are prescribed by a doctor. Compote unloading provides a good result. To prepare a drink, you need to use 1 kg of fresh fruit or 100 g of dry fruit and 1.5 liters of water. The drink can be sweetened with sugar (its minimum amount). The liquid should be drunk throughout the day in equal portions. Boiled dried fruits (fruits) can be eaten.

Meat, vegetables

Boil a piece of lean meat (the weight of the finished product is 400 g). Salt should not be used. You can supplement the diet only with fresh or steamed vegetables. Their daily norm is 800 g. It is better to alternate vegetables and meat, but you can also combine them in one meal.

Fish, vegetables, rosehip broth

Steam or boil fish fillets (the finished product should weigh 400 g). Supplement the diet with stewed or boiled vegetables (600-800 g), a decoction of rose hips (500-600 ml) and water. Salt and sugar are excluded during unloading.

Buckwheat porridge, kefir

Boil without salt 1 tbsp. buckwheat (do not fry the grains). Do not add oil to porridge. Supplement the diet with kefir with a fat content of 2.5% (1 liter is enough). Drink water. You can alternate or combine kefir and porridge in one meal.

Kefir, cottage cheese

You can supplement a fermented milk drink with a fat content of 2.5% (1.5 l) with cottage cheese (product fat content - 4%, weight - 500 g).

Kefir, potatoes

Boil or bake 1 kg of potatoes, supplement the diet with kefir (1 l) and water.


During the day you can eat 2 kg of different fruits. They can be either fresh or baked. It's okay to cook fruit salads, seasoning them with a spoonful of yogurt.


Distribute 1.5 kg of vegetables for the whole day - you can cook fresh salads with herbs, or you can bake vegetables, boil them, stew them with water, cook vegetable soup.


Eat 2 kg of apples throughout the day without peeling them. Fruits can be baked, sprinkled with cinnamon, eat in fresh, prepare salads with lemon juice or low-fat sour cream.


Eat watermelon and toasted bread (3 slices) throughout the day. Calculate the amount of sweet pulp by dividing your prenatal weight by 10.

Rice, apple, carrot

Cook porridge from 1 tbsp. rice soaked for 8 hours (do not use salt and fat). Supplement the diet with apples and carrots (2 each). You can drink water and unsweetened green tea.

Cottage cheese

During the day, eat 600-800 g of cottage cheese, adding 60-80 g of sour cream. It is also acceptable to use a handful of dried fruits.

Excess weight during pregnancy, as you know, increases the load on the body many times over, and can also cause pain in the legs and lower back, varicose veins veins and edema.

Perhaps those women who follow their menu and do not allow a significant excess of the caloric content of the diet are doing the right thing. In this case, after childbirth, all the kilograms gained will evaporate by themselves, and the figure will be the same build as before pregnancy.

Fasting days during pregnancy: benefit or harm ^

Many gynecologists advise their patients to unload once a week, which will serve as a wonderful prevention of edema and weight gain. To do this, it is better to choose one day of the week and eat the recommended foods. You should not expect a noticeable weight loss after a fasting day, but in this way you can lose weight per month by 500 grams.

Rules for one-day unloading for pregnant women

  • A one-day restriction can be carried out after 28 weeks, when the organs of the fetus are already formed and the lack nutrients will not affect its development.
  • You should eat in small portions, and all daily allowance products are best divided into 5-6 doses.
  • Be sure to observe the drinking regime: during the day you need to drink from 1.5 to 2 liters clean water.
  • It is advisable to alternate the options for a one-day menu so that the baby's body does not lack vitamins and trace elements.

In any case, you should ask permission from your doctor, he will also advise optimal products diet.

Indications and contraindications

There are situations when fasting days are prescribed for therapeutic purposes. These include:

  • swelling;
  • overweight;
  • too fast weight gain;
  • gestosis of pregnant women;
  • hypertension.

Contraindications are conditions where careful control over the caloric content of the diet is required, for example, in diabetes mellitus. It is better to refuse a fasting day, if any. serious illness digestive system, allergic to any components, chronic pathology internal organs or just feeling unwell.

During pregnancy, it is better to choose light vegetable, dairy products, cereals for a one-day menu. Some women cannot endure even slight hunger, then you should stop at a combination of lean meat and vegetables, cottage cheese and berries, rice porridge and vegetables. Such a diet is limited to 1-1.5 thousand calories and does not allow you to feel hungry.

Best recipes and menus ^

Unloading days for pregnant women: best recipes, menu

During a light day, the body is perfectly cleansed of toxins, metabolism improves, and the digestive organs rest.

Unloading day during pregnancy with edema

The menu involves the inclusion of products with a diuretic effect. The following options will help remove excess fluid from the body:

  • Cucumber unloading day. Prepare 1.2 kg of cucumbers and divide them into 3 doses. Salads are prepared from vegetables with the addition of fresh herbs and a drop of vegetable oil. It is also allowed to drink 3 glasses of kefir per day. Reception of vegetables and kefir should be alternated at regular intervals.
  • Watermelon unloading day. Watermelons are known for their diuretic effect and will be useful for women in the second half of pregnancy. For a day, you can eat 1.5 kg of watermelon pulp, while not forgetting to use another liquid.
  • Unloading day on rice with dried apricots. Rice does not allow the feeling of hunger to develop during the day, removes liquid and cleanses of toxins. Boil a glass of brown rice until cooked and divide into several portions. In the finished porridge, you can chop a little dried apricots, apples, add grated carrots or sprinkle with a pinch of cinnamon.

Cranberry and lingonberry infusion, rosehip broth help to remove excess water well. Such fasting days for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester, when there are edema or dropsy, will be especially useful.

Unloading days for a pregnant woman to lose weight

Usually when extra pounds doctors advise to give up sweets, floury and fatty foods, prepared foods with preservatives, ketchups and mayonnaises.

But some women complain that even proper nutrition does not lead to weight stabilization. For weight loss, it is better to choose vegetable, cottage cheese, fruit "light" days.

Unloading day on apples during pregnancy

Experts advise choosing seasonal fruits that grow in the region, such as apples. They are consumed fresh or baked, you can cook compote or sprinkle cinnamon on top.

  • They eat 1.5 kilograms of fruit per day.

Unloading day on buckwheat during pregnancy

Buckwheat is one of the most beneficial for the body, because it contains a lot of minerals and lysine, an amino acid that promotes better absorption of calcium. During heat treatment, buckwheat retains the bulk of the nutrients.

  • To lose weight and cleanse the body, 250 grams of cereal is poured into a thermos, steamed with 500 ml of boiling water. Thermos wrapped in terry towel and leave until the morning.
  • The buckwheat menu will help diversify low-fat kefir, a glass of which is drunk after eating porridge.
  • Another option is to alternate buckwheat with apples.

Unloading day on kefir during pregnancy

This product should be be careful for women with chronic diseases of the digestive system.

  • If the stomach does not bother, then they drink 1.5 liters of a fermented milk drink per day, it is also allowed to eat 600 grams of cottage cheese.
  • Drinking water is chosen without gas.

Unloading day on cottage cheese during pregnancy

  • 600 - 700 grams of cottage cheese is seasoned with natural yogurt or kefir.
  • During the day, you can drink 2 glasses of tea, the rest of the liquid is water.

Unloading day on vegetables during pregnancy

  • Preference is given to zucchini, pumpkin, cabbage.
  • One and a half kilograms of fresh or boiled vegetables without salt are eaten per day.
  • spice up vegetable oil or yogurt.

Reviews of doctors and results ^

According to doctors, a one-day diet restriction will not adversely affect the child, he will take the missing elements in the following days.

To avoid discomfort, you should take into account the reviews and recommendations of doctors about fasting days during pregnancy:

  • If there is gastritis, high acidity, peptic ulcer, it is better to choose a cereal day for unloading.
  • Be careful with a vegetable or fruit menu for intestinal disorders, bloating.
  • The results of fasting days for pregnant women should be consolidated with the help of a properly composed menu in the following days. It is recommended to eat light food. Such a diet is suitable: porridge with an apple for breakfast, low-fat vegetable soup and chicken meat for lunch. So gradually you can switch to a healthy diet.

Feedback from our readers

Reviews about fasting days for pregnant women sent to the editorial office are also very positive:

Lydia, 25 years old:

“Here is my unloading day - cottage cheese with milk. The effect is wonderful, but it is difficult to eat cottage cheese every 2 hours. But what can you do, it’s necessary”

Elena, 27 years old:

“The doctor told me that in no case should I starve. It is better to eat right, but there are few fruits. It is easy to gain weight from a large amount of glucose.

Katerina, 30 years old:

“I used a kefir diet for unloading, I managed to lose up to 500 grams of weight per day”

Eastern horoscope for March 2019

A mother and her unborn child need proper nutrition to prevent complications during pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, it is a guarantee of the health of the baby in the future. To avoid excessive weight gain, as well as to prevent various complications of pregnancy (for example, preeclampsia, manifested by edema, increased blood pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine) or the correction of existing conditions, doctors sometimes recommend resorting to fasting days. So called episodic (for example, 1 time in 7-10 days) restriction of certain types of products in terms of composition or calorie content.

Fasting days or diet?

Diet is special rules meals used in certain situations, such as obesity, diabetes, allergic diseases etc. Diet means daily adherence to pre-established rules for eating, limiting certain types of foods depending on the chosen goal (for diabetes, limiting simple carbohydrates and fats; for obesity, reducing the caloric content of the diet). Diets can be used daily for various diseases (and this is already a necessary lifestyle for patients), they can be used for a certain period, sometimes quite a long time, in order to achieve desired result, for example, to reduce weight or reduce the likelihood of an exacerbation of a disease. During pregnancy, the need for diets may arise if a woman has concomitant chronic diseases (allergies, diabetes gastritis - inflammation of the stomach, diseases of the liver, kidneys). Diets are prescribed in consultation with the attending obstetrician-gynecologist. For a long time to restrain appetite during pregnancy is very harmful, and sometimes dangerous for the health of mother and baby. Long-term suppression of the desire to eat certain foods can lead to a “breakdown” and overeating. Therefore, if it is necessary to limit calories or the amount of food consumed, fasting days are carried out. They allow you to control weight gain, help reduce swelling, etc.

During the fasting day, if it is used correctly, on the recommendation of a doctor, a pregnant woman will receive all the substances necessary for her and her child, i.e. proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements, but not in excess. Such days facilitate the work of almost all organs, give them rest. Normal flow metabolism is the balance between catabolism (cell destruction) and anabolic processes (cell creation). An imbalance in nutrition can lead to various "distortions", for example, a violation of the breakdown of fats, protein synthesis, etc.

Fasting days establish this balance, improve anabolic processes. Resting during them gastrointestinal tract, the intestines are cleansed, toxic metabolic products are released from the body, enzyme activity is regulated, and metabolism is accelerated. In addition, excess fluid leaves, as the work of the kidneys improves and all its excess is removed with urine.

Fasting days during pregnancy should not be used uncontrollably (without the supervision of a doctor and the implementation of his recommendations), since a lack of nutrients can lead to abnormal development of the fetus (for example, a delay in its development). Fasting days are a kind of shake-up for the body, so there must be strict indications for their appointment. Most often, they are recommended to be carried out after 28 weeks of pregnancy, when all the organs and systems of the fetus are already formed.

Unloading days during pregnancy should be "full": it is necessary to eat food, but its calorie content should be less than usual.

Indications for fasting days during pregnancy

Obesity future mother even before the onset of pregnancy or excessive weight gain during it. Women who were obese before pregnancy or who gained excess weight during pregnancy are at risk of developing gestational diabetes (this is the so-called gestational diabetes). In addition, expectant mothers with excess weight often develop preeclampsia. With the development of diabetes during pregnancy, the baby may experience diabetic fetopathy (fetal suffering), which can lead to obesity of the unborn child (in this case, the birth of large fruit- weighing more than 4 kg or giant - more than 5 kg). It can also contribute to increased child trauma during childbirth.

Preeclampsia. The consequence of the development of preeclampsia may be premature birth (birth before 37 weeks) or, conversely, prolonged pregnancy (birth after 42 weeks). During childbirth, convulsions and an uncontrolled increase in blood pressure may develop, which indicates the most severe stage of preeclampsia - eclampsia (it is manifested by spasms of the skeletal muscles of the whole body, loss of consciousness, high blood pressure figures). And most importantly, these conditions in the mother worsen the condition of the baby. The baby begins to receive less oxygen and nutrients coming to him through the umbilical cord from the mother's blood. This often develops fetal hypoxia (lack of oxygen), delay prenatal development fetus, increases the risk of traumatism in childbirth. From excessive weight gain, edema and various diseases the health of the child and the woman herself depends on the mother.

Edema(accumulation of fluid in the interstitial space). They are one of the indications for the appointment of fasting days. As a rule, edema is formed in all organs (in addition to obvious ones - those that are determined visually, there are also hidden edema), which leads to a decrease in their functions.

fast gain weight in a short period of time or uneven increase weight of the expectant mother. During pregnancy, weight gain is inevitable and is called “physiological weight gain”. When calculating normal increase it is necessary to take into account the weight of the woman before pregnancy (what was the body mass index - BMI) and how many fetuses she bears - one, two or more.

BMI is calculated as follows: weight in kilograms must be divided by height squared in meters. For example, BMI = 68? kg: (1.72x1.72 m) = 23? kg? /? M2. For non-pregnant woman BMI from 19 to 25?kg?/?m2 is considered normal. BMI less than 19 - underweight, 25-30 - overweight, 30-40 - obesity, more than 40 - severe obesity.

On average, weight gain from 8 to 12 kg is considered normal for the entire period of pregnancy; if this figure is greater, then they talk about pathological weight gain. A woman who was underweight before pregnancy will recover more than the indicated values.

On average, a pregnant woman recovers in a week:

  • with a lack of weight before pregnancy (BMI - less than 18.5? kg? /?? M2) - by 300-400 g per week;
  • ri normal weight body before pregnancy (BMI - less than 19-24.9? kg? /?? M2) by 200-300 g per week;
  • with excess body weight before pregnancy (BMI - more than 26? kg? /?? M2) - by 150–200 g per week, depending on the degree of excess weight in a woman before pregnancy.

If we break down the weight gain during pregnancy into components, we get the following average values:

Contraindications to fasting days:

  • weight loss in a woman before pregnancy;
  • the presence of a chronic disease that prevents the restriction of daily caloric intake or a certain type of food (for example, diabetes mellitus);
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system, cardiovascular diseases etc.

The doctor always decides on the appointment of a fasting day individually for each expectant mother. Sometimes an obstetrician-gynecologist, before prescribing a fasting day, needs to consult other specialists (for example, a cardiologist, endocrinologist, etc.) if the patient has one or another chronic pathology.

Diet during pregnancy

The main thing is to follow the basic rules for building fasting days:

  • Fasting days can be used only with the permission of a doctor!
  • You can not spend fasting days more often than 1 time in 7-10 days. Their more frequent use during pregnancy is undesirable: although it is insignificant, it is a “stress” for the body of the future mother and fetus. Too frequent fasting days can lead to complications during pregnancy - a lack of nutrients in the body of the mother and child, which can contribute to disruption of the growth and development of the baby, worsening of the course of preeclampsia.
  • It is best to start a fasting day in the evening, from about 6 pm one day to 6 pm the next (it is easier to abstain from food this way).
  • The entire amount of food that needs to be eaten per day is recommended to be divided into 5-6 doses, with breaks of 3-4 hours.
  • Should not be eaten a large number of food when you feel hungry, after dividing all pre-planned foods into several servings. It is necessary to eat slowly, chewing thoroughly.
  • It should be borne in mind that the main meal should be in the morning and daytime, any food restriction is much easier to tolerate in the evening, as the body is already adapted to this.
  • Drink in the first half of the day enough water (2–2.5 l, if the reason for the fasting day was not preeclampsia, in which it is recommended to limit the amount of fluid consumed to 1–1.2 l per day).
  • Do not use during fasting day physical exercise- A more gentle daily routine is needed.
  • If hunger becomes unbearable, you can drink a glass of fat-free or low-fat (preferably 1?%) kefir.
  • Of all the variety of fasting days, it is better to spend those that involve a large amount of vegetables (low-calorie foods containing fiber), fruits (carbohydrates), cottage cheese, lean meat, fish (proteins) and a limited amount of fat, since it is fats that contribute to the appearance of harmful "reserves" in the body.
  • The calorie content of food on a fasting day should be at least 1000 and not more than 1500 kcal per day.
  • It is recommended to leave the fasting day gradually: during next day light food should be taken in small quantities.

Examples of fasting days during pregnancy

  • Boiled lean meat (beef, veal), poultry (turkey) - 400–500 g with fresh vegetables (for example, 1 kg of fresh cucumbers).
  • Low-fat fish (pollock, hake, perch, etc.) - 400 g with stewed or fresh vegetables (for example, 450 g of cucumbers, or 350 g of bell pepper, or 350 g of cauliflower).
  • Lean cottage cheese (2–4% fat) - 500 g, kefir 2.5% - 1 l.
  • Rice porridge boiled in water (150 g of dry cereals), combined with vegetables and fruits. Divide boiled rice into 3 portions, for breakfast you can add a pinch of cinnamon to a portion of rice, for lunch - rice and 2-3 grated apples, for dinner - rice with carrots (2 pcs.) or green bell pepper.
  • Buckwheat boiled in water - 300 g. Porridge should be divided into 3-4 servings and eaten throughout the day.
  • 1.5 kg of ripe green or yellow apples per day.
  • 1.5 kg of fresh vegetables (it is better to choose neutral ones - zucchini or pumpkin). You can eat them with 10?% sour cream (up to 500 g, 100 g contains 166 kcal) or vegetable oil (several tablespoons).
  • 2 kg of boiled potatoes and 500 ml of 1?% kefir.
  • If you use these simple and affordable tips, it will be easier for you to endure pregnancy, and your figure and the health of your unborn child will bring you only positive emotions.

During the period of bearing a baby, women are biased towards their appearance, especially their figure. Many expectant mothers practice fasting days during pregnancy for health and weight loss. From our material, you will learn whether they can be carried out, how to do it correctly, why you can’t arrange “hungry” days in the first and second trimesters. You will also read testimonials from future mothers who have practiced "unloading" as prescribed by a doctor or on their own initiative.

During pregnancy, you must adhere to the golden mean - do not overeat and at the same time do not adhere to strict restrictions on the menu. That is why many women include fasting days in their diet to control their weight. However, this method has whole line nuances and contraindications that you need to know about.

When is a fasting day needed?

  1. With gestosis in the early and later dates pregnancy. Complications can lead to premature birth, intrauterine hypoxia fetus or placental abruption. Women suffering from hypertension, diseases of the kidneys, liver, pathologies of the endocrine system are at particular risk.
  2. Obesity during pregnancy is another indication for fasting days. Gestational diabetes mellitus is accompanied by impaired blood flow. This can lead to the development of obesity in the fetus. This is especially true for children weighing more than 4 kg.
  3. Doctors often advise fasting days every week if future mother gaining weight too quickly. The norm is an increase of 300-500 g per week. If a woman recovers more, then "unloading" will not hurt.
  4. Unloading days during pregnancy are shown with fluid retention in the body and edema.

How to organize a fasting day

In order not to harm your baby, you should follow a few rules:

  • It is recommended to start fasting days only in the third trimester. It is by the 28th week that all organs and systems are formed in the child, so a small diet will not harm the fetus.
  • During pregnancy, you should not “unload” more than once every 7-10 days. Reviews of pregnant women say that with the help of one unloading day a week, you can get rid of 3-5 extra pounds for 2-2.5 months.
  • If you are gaining weight too quickly, then you need to arrange fasting days regularly. "Unloading" must be done once a week. Thus, in a month (that is, in four fasting days), you can get rid of 0.5 kg. excess weight. It's not much, but sticking to this system, you will not gain excess weight. To make the fasting day more effective, it is recommended to drink plenty of water.
  • Divide the required amount of food into 5-6 meals. So you can avoid overeating and discomfort in the abdomen, which is very often observed in pregnant women.
  • During fasting days, a pregnant woman should not limit herself to drinking water. And it is best to drink not tea or coffee, but clean water. It is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters. Also worth adding drinking regimen rosehip broth (up to 0.5 l.).
  • The norm is weight loss in one fasting day up to 800 g. This is facilitated by the rejection of salt and sugar, which retain fluid in the body.

Types of fasting days

Unloading days during pregnancy can be of two types - "hungry" and "full". If you do not like to radically change your diet (even with good intentions), you should choose a “full discharge”. We offer several menu options for variety. The total calorie content of each day varies from 800 to 1000 kcal.

"Satiated" days


You need 400 g of boiled meat (skinless chicken or turkey) and 800 g of fresh vegetables (preferably rich in fiber: corn, cabbage, pumpkin, bell peppers). It is advisable to boil vegetables for a couple, bake or stew. Divide this amount of food into 4-5 meals.

In the third trimester, it is better to unload on fish, and not on meat. In extreme cases, opt for poultry or rabbit meat.


If you like fruits, then you will like this option of "unloading". For a while fruit day you will need 1 kg. ripe fruits and berries, as well as salad dressing in the form of low-calorie natural yogurt (or 10-15% sour cream). Divide the total amount of healthy salad into 4 meals, and half an hour before bedtime, drink a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt.

On cottage cheese

Protein is necessary for women during pregnancy, so we suggest you treat yourself to cottage cheese with ripe berries in the summer. You will need 400 g of cottage cheese and 600-800 g of berries. Eat this treat in the third trimester during your fasting day whenever you feel hungry.

On buckwheat

You need to boil 1 tbsp. buckwheat without salt. It should be eaten during the day with 1.5 cups of kefir or milk.


Many pregnant women get tired of fasting days on cottage cheese or buckwheat, so you can diversify your monoration more interesting option menu. Such “unloading” is much easier to withstand, because not only vegetables and cottage cheese, but also meat products are present in the diet.

  • 100 g of cabbage and cucumber vegetable salad (you should be careful with cabbage, as this product often causes bloating);
  • 4 baked apples;
  • 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 100 g of boiled chicken;
  • 100 g of cheese;
  • 200 ml. kefir with a low percentage of fat content.

During fasting days, vegetables and meat dishes are not allowed to be salted or seasoned with spices! Such a measure will remove excess water from the body.

"Hungry Unloading"

A “hungry” unloading day for a pregnant woman, in order to reduce weight, is recommended to be arranged as rarely as possible, since the daily calorie content of such a diet is very low.


1.5 kg. watermelon is divided into 5-6 meals. On this day, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters. water.


1.5 kg. ripe apples to eat during the day. Sugar or honey can not be used, you can sprinkle apple slices with cinnamon powder.


You can spend a fasting day on kefir with a low percentage of fat (you should drink 1.5 liters of lactic acid drink per day).

Such fasting days during pregnancy are not suitable for every woman, so you need to consult with your doctor. Still, it is better to use kefir as an addition to meat or cottage cheese, buckwheat.


A vegetable day will also be useful. It is best to choose vegetables with a neutral flavor (such as pumpkin or zucchini). Chopped pulp of vegetables can be poured with vegetable oil or sour cream.

There are certain contraindications for carrying out milk, meat and fat days for pregnant women. Follow this unloading menu forbidden for diseases digestive system and hearts.

Meal plan: video

How to eat the next day

A common mistake of pregnant women is to eat plenty of food the next day after the “unloading”, carried out on cottage cheese or buckwheat with kefir. After a fasting day, your menu should be light. Otherwise, the lost weight may return the next day.

  • It is best to have low-fat yogurt with fruit, boiled eggs or a serving of oatmeal for breakfast.
  • For lunch, eat protein-rich foods (such as lean fish or lean beef, rabbit, or chicken). Protein foods are best combined with fiber, so bake vegetables or make a salad out of them as a side dish. You can also cook a light vegetable soup with herbs.
  • In the evening, eat a serving of grainy cottage cheese with kefir or boiled meat with vegetables.

During pregnancy, it is worth limiting the intake of carbohydrates in late time days.

Fasting days are a great way to quickly lose weight. excess weight, cleanse the body of toxins and help your body long time stay in good physical form. During pregnancy, fasting days have another goal - to create favorable conditions for the development of the fetus. How to organize your meals during such days?

General information

Unloading days are understood as days with a monotonous and low-calorie menu. The calorie content of food in this case is no more than 30% of the norm:

  • I trimester - 600-800 kcal (at a rate of 1600-2000 kcal / day);
  • II trimester - 700-900 kcal (at a rate of 2000-2200 kcal / day);
  • III trimester - 800-1000 kcal (at a rate of 2200-2500 kcal / day).

Regarding the calorie content of food, nutritionists could not come to a consensus. It is believed that during pregnancy drastic changes can adversely affect the condition of the woman and the fetus. Many experts do not recommend reducing the calorie content of food to less than 1000 kcal per day at any stage of pregnancy.

How are fasting days different from a regular diet?

Diet - these are special rules for eating that allow the body to exist safely in unfavorable conditions for it. Diets are prescribed for certain diseases: diabetes mellitus, pathology of the digestive tract, kidney disease, allergies. Among women, diets for weight loss are very popular. During pregnancy, such changes in the usual diet are not recommended.

Being on a diet, a person is forced to eat strictly certain food every day. For a long time, a wide variety of dishes are excluded from the diet (usually sweet, salty, fried and flour). For some diseases, food restrictions can be very serious. Diet requires a person great strength will and desire to achieve the desired result by all means.

During pregnancy, diets are allowed only as directed by a doctor and under his constant supervision. For some diseases, the doctor may recommend temporarily or permanently removing certain foods from your diet. Excluded dishes are replaced by a specially designed menu. strict diets prohibited during pregnancy.

Fasting days have a number of advantages over the usual diets. They are short-term (last no more than 24 hours) and do not create an exorbitant load for the body of the expectant mother. Such a diet does not interfere with the normal course of pregnancy and does not negative impact on fetal development. To withstand a fasting day is within the power of almost any woman in interesting position without harm to your health.


Fasting days are shown under the following conditions:

  • rapid or uneven weight gain;
  • swelling of pregnant women;
  • preeclampsia;
  • isolated increase in blood pressure;
  • obesity.

During unloading days, positive changes in organism:

  • the load on internal organs(alimentary tract, kidneys, heart);
  • metabolic processes are stabilized;
  • toxins and metabolic products are removed;
  • the activity of digestive enzymes is normalized;
  • excess fluid is removed;
  • swelling goes away;
  • the general tone of the body increases.

Unloading days are a serious shake-up for the body of a pregnant woman. It is not recommended to practice such changes in the diet in the first trimester, when all the tissues of the fetus are laid. Any negative changes during this period can disrupt the development of the embryo and even cause a miscarriage.

Fasting days should be carried out after 28 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, all the organs and systems of the fetus are formed, and short-term changes in the mother's diet will not affect its development in any way. At the same time, in the third trimester, the load on the digestive tract, kidneys and heart increases. Unloading days will become great way prevention of various complications during this difficult period.


  • I trimester of pregnancy;
  • severe prolonged toxicosis in the second trimester of pregnancy;
  • initial deficiency of body weight;
  • low weight gain during pregnancy;
  • some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • severe pathology of the urinary system;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • heart failure;
  • diabetes mellitus and other metabolic pathology;
  • delayed fetal development;
  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • multiple pregnancy (with caution).

In case of any doubt, it is not superfluous to consult a doctor. The gynecologist will be able to adequately assess the condition of the expectant mother and her baby and recommend optimal nutrition during this period. In some cases, it may be necessary to consult a therapist or other specialists.

Basic Rules

Unloading days are stressful for the body, and it is very important to spend this time competently without harm to your body. When changing the diet during pregnancy, you should follow some rules:

  1. Unloading days during pregnancy are carried out no more than once every 7-10 days. In some conditions, the doctor recommended a break of at least 14 days.
  2. The fasting day lasts no more than 24 hours (usually during the entire daylight hours, from waking up to sleeping at night).
  3. Before changing the diet, you should consult with your doctor and find out about possible contraindications for unloading days.
  4. Unloading days pass only when good health women.
  5. Changing the diet is not recommended for colds, various acute diseases, as well as exacerbation of chronic pathology.
  6. Do not play sports or do any physical work during unloading days. Mental stress is also prohibited. Outdoor walks are recommended.
  7. Night sleep during fasting days should be full and last at least 8 hours. A short two-hour sleep during the day will be beneficial.
  8. On fasting days, diuretics and laxatives should not be taken.

When compiling a menu, there are several important aspects to consider:

  1. All food is divided into 5-6 receptions during the day. It is not recommended to eat large portions at a time.
  2. The break between meals should be 3-4 hours.
  3. The main meals should be in the morning and afternoon. The evening portion should be the smallest.
  4. Feeling hungry, do not pounce on food. Eat slowly, chewing each bite thoroughly. Do not eat more than planned for one meal.
  5. You shouldn't bring yourself to strong feeling hunger. Between main meals, you can drink kefir or unsweetened yogurt.
  6. When carrying out fasting days, you should not limit yourself to liquids. It is recommended to drink up to 2 liters of pure water per day (in the absence of contraindications). Most of the liquid should fall on the first half of the day. You can drink regular or mineral water without gas, weak green tea, berry juice.
  7. All dishes are steamed or in the oven.
  8. Before fasting day, you should not eat heavy food. The day before the start, only easily digestible foods should be in the diet.
  9. Get out of the fasting day should be gradual. During the day after the completion of unloading, it is worth eating only light food in small quantities.

During pregnancy, fasting days are recommended, in which the optimal balance of nutrients and vitamins is maintained. A menu based on fruits and vegetables, dairy products, with the addition of lean meat or fish will benefit. The volume of fats and easily digestible carbohydrates is limited. Such a diet will allow a pregnant woman to maintain her body in good physical shape without harm to the child.

Examples of unloading days

Unloading days allowed during pregnancy:

Sour milk day


  • kefir, fermented baked milk (no more than 1.5% fat content);
  • yogurt without fillers;

Food volume: 1.5 liters. Drink kefir or other fermented milk product should be taken in small sips throughout the day. Such a fasting day is allowed only if the pregnant woman feels well.

cottage cheese day


  • low-fat cottage cheese (up to 500 g).

All cottage cheese is divided into 5-6 servings and eaten during the day. You can drink cottage cheese with low-fat kefir or yogurt without fillers.

fruit day


  • fresh fruits (local, seasonal, up to 1.5 kg).

Apples are considered the best option for this day. You can add pears, apricots, plums (in a small amount). Bananas and grapes do not participate in fasting days. Ideal for hot summer days when you do not want to load the body with heavy food. You can drink freshly squeezed fruit juices throughout the day.

vegetable day


  • fresh vegetables (up to 1.5 kg).

Priority is given to neutral seasonal vegetables (zucchini, pumpkin). You can add carrots bell pepper, cauliflower. Vegetables cut in the form of a salad are seasoned with vegetable oil.

berry day


  • fresh berries (up to 1 kg);
  • low-fat cottage cheese (up to 500 g).

Berries can be mixed with cottage cheese or eaten separately. Berry fruit drinks and green tea are suitable as drinks. The best option for summer days.

meat day


  • boiled beef or veal;
  • boiled poultry (chicken, turkey);
  • fresh or boiled vegetables.

The optimal amount of meat is 400-500 g, vegetables - up to 1 kg. Dried fruit compote or green tea is best for drinks.

fish day


  • lean fish (300-400 g);
  • fresh or stewed vegetables (up to 1 kg).

From vegetables it is best to take bell pepper, fresh cucumbers, cauliflower.

rice day


  • rice porridge on the water (200 g of cereals);
  • fresh vegetables and fruits (as an addition to rice).

Ready rice porridge should be divided into 4-5 servings. You can add some fresh fruits and vegetables as a dessert or snack throughout the day. From fruits, preference is given to apples, among vegetables - carrots and bell peppers.

Buckwheat day


  • buckwheat porridge on the water (300 g of cereals).

Ready buckwheat porridge is divided into 4-5 servings. You can add fresh fruits and vegetables to the porridge.

soup day


  • White cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • string beans;
  • tomatoes;
  • garlic;
  • greenery.

Soup is prepared from finely chopped vegetables (without meat, with low content salt). Vegetables are not fried. Ready soup should be divided into 4-5 servings. On this day, the volume of other fluid is reduced so as not to overload the kidneys. Soup ingredients may vary based on your own needs. taste preferences. Such a menu is suitable for women who can hardly tolerate the feeling of hunger (including those with diseases of the digestive tract).

Exit from the fasting day

After the end of the fasting day, it is important not to break loose and not harm the body. The exit from unloading is carried out gradually in compliance with some important rules:

  1. In the morning of the next day, you need to drink a glass of water half an hour before breakfast.
  2. Breakfast should be light, but satisfying enough.
  3. Throughout the next day after unloading, the diet should contain easily digestible dishes (vegetable stew, chicken broth soups, salads).
  4. It is not recommended to eat fried and spicy foods within 24 hours after a fasting day.
  5. Nutrition after a fasting day should remain frequent and fractional (5-6 times a day in small portions).
  6. You should not plan serious physical and mental stress the next day after unloading the body.

Fasting days will benefit not only during pregnancy, but also after the birth of a child. Nursing mothers are not recommended "hungry" unloading (fermented milk, fruit, buckwheat days, etc.). The best option during lactation there will be “full” fasting days (meat, fish, soup). It will not be superfluous to consult a doctor before changing the diet.