Be careful with them! Homewrecker women: dangerous zodiac signs. How to get rid of your rival forever

For children


There are women who, in their jealousy, are similar to the ancient Greek goddess Hera: if they find out that they have rivals, they unleash megatons of anger and rage on their competitors, wanting to destroy them. The divine wife is merciless to other goddesses, nymphs and earthly women who have received the attention of her most loving husband Zeus. But she never touched him himself - he is too valuable for her.

Modern Hera's best case scenario they try to harass their rival with barbs, make her look funny and absurd to others, and highlight her shortcomings. In more severe cases, they are ready to grab their hair, and we read about the saddest examples of “herina’s” jealousy in crime chronicles.

Their motivation: they do this because they are convinced: a man is the main, most valuable resource in life. He gives money, status, support, protection. The Avenger only feels valuable if she holds on to him. And he perceives all other women as potential enemies who dream of taking him away.

Avoiding competition

There are those among us for whom any competition with other women for a man is unbearable. Before risking getting closer, such women carefully find out whether the man they are interested in is definitely single. Are you sure you're not married? And there's no girl? Did he finally break up with his ex, without periodic attempts to start all over again?

Noticing next to a man at least someone who resembles a rival - just a friend, ex-wife, a random lover - those avoiding rush to their heels. They are confident that a decent man can allow them to show signs of attention only if he is absolutely and unconditionally free. And if not, then he insults them with his advances, they should be offended by him, turn around and proudly leave.

The problem is that men are living people. And even if the place leading woman their lives are still free, Serious relationships with no one, he nevertheless continues to walk on the ground and breathe air. He is friends with someone, has sex with someone from time to time, and just has fun with someone.

And even if one day he meets the most beautiful and desired woman In the world, it would be difficult for him to predict that just before her appearance, all the old acquaintances would suddenly disappear. Moreover, if he does not immediately understand that you are “the one.”

Their motivation: they behave this way because they want to protect themselves from suffering. They are vulnerable, and it will be very painful for them to lose if they get involved in a fight. Those who avoid competition subconsciously do not believe that they are valuable to a man. And they believe that someone more successful, beautiful, smart or energetic will come and take him with her, simply because she seems more worthy.


They are confident that a man’s love and devotion can be earned by becoming the best for him in every way. Such women perfectly know how to fit into “harems” and come to terms with the fact that her chosen one has others, but do not give up hope of one day gaining the status of “beloved wife.”

They can walk for years married man in his mistresses, delight him with beauty, exquisite caresses and culinary masterpieces in the hope that he will appreciate them and give them preference. Or, if the lover is married, they simply resign themselves to their role as second or third in his harem.

Their motivation: they do this because they believe that if you “be good,” you can work to earn happiness. And without work, they are somehow not even interested in living and loving.


Unlike avoiders, they are attracted to unfree men because they give them the opportunity to fight and win. So what if he has a fiancée? This was before me, and now I will come and prove who is here best woman in the world and has more rights to it than anyone else.

It is competition, victories over other women that raise their self-esteem. Predators do not sit and feed their victims like patient ones. They attack in one jump. Well, if you missed, then you can grieve a little in your hole and go on a new hunt, which will be more successful.

Their motivation: desire to increase self-esteem. It is competition and victories over other women that give them strength and confidence.

A “collaborator” is a type of woman who thinks outside the patriarchal paradigm. They stopped looking at a man as the main prize, and at potential rivals as enemies who needed to be defeated on the distant approaches to him. And therefore they do not see other women as dangerous competitors.

The “cooperator” will not be embarrassed if she sees a man with another man. She will try to find out what kind of relationship they have and whether there is a place for her there. It is unlikely that she will have a desire to defeat, expel, or eliminate anyone. Most likely, she will simply try to come to an understanding with everyone.

Their motivation: the need to solve any situation sensibly, logically. It may seem that the “cooperative” type of woman does not need a man at all. This is not true, it is very necessary. She just knows how to see women not as competitors, but as people like her. She knows how to take into account the interests of everyone involved in the problem. Men know how to agree with each other about which woman will be one of them, they respect their friends and do not pretend to belong to someone else. “Cooperative” women do the same.

A rival is an enemy who has quietly entered your family’s territory. Where did it come from and why? Is it worth meeting him face to face? And how best to deal with it?

In this article we will try to answer these questions.

No matter how a man tries to hide it, a woman immediately senses the appearance of a “third man”. This someone is invisibly present nearby, evaluates her through the eyes of a loved one, speaks in his voice, even when he smiles and says that everything is fine. Darling, dear person suddenly become somehow... stranger. He is increasingly using expensive perfume and lingers longer than usual in front of the mirror, pays more attention to his clothes, even underwear! He is no longer interested in household chores, but sudden delays at work and unplanned trips with friends to a bar or to football are becoming commonplace, and mobile phone turns into the Ring of the Dark Lord, which no one can touch except himself. The annoying whisper of intuition turns into suspicion, suspicion keeps you awake at night and turns into knowledge, powerless, devoid of evidence. What should I do? How to eliminate the frightening ghost of a rival and not destroy the family ship with a brewing storm?

First of all, you need to understand one thing for yourself - a storm, storm, tornado and any other scandal will first of all turn against you. Yes, yes, rushing around the house alone probably more than once made you want to immediately rush to your loved one, grab him by the lapels of a fresh new shirt and shake out the whole truth to the last comma. But is it necessary to do this? Think for yourself, in whose favor will the show play, where you appear in the image of an unbalanced hysterical woman, with a tear-stained, swollen face and a slightly crazy look?

The best thing in such a situation is to order the heart to temporarily become just a vital muscle without any “voice” there. And start thinking with your head.

Why do men leave? They get bored. They want variety. They simply have nothing more to gain here. The beloved woman is clear, understandable, everything is known about her, she is like the territory of the Indians, over which his flag has been flying for many years.

You have the power to change everything. It's not difficult at all.
First of all, you need to understand what stage their relationship is at. If this is just the beginning of the “candy and bouquet office romance", and they mostly spend time at work or corporate events, you need to do everything so that even while there, your loved one mentally strives to go home, where you are, well-groomed, beautiful and affectionate woman, you will surround him with tenderness and attention and will not burden him with household problems, but instead of them you will serve his favorite dinner, steamy cold beer, flashing new sexy lingerie in the neckline of your blouse. At the same time, do not hesitate to surprise him, give him surprises and most importantly, remain calm. And even better - mystery.

The territory may be captured, but does he know it as well as he thinks?

If you do everything right, he will begin to strive home in the same way as he previously strived from home. He will become interested. He will be mentally next to you again, and he will have no strength or desire left to communicate with another woman.

Everything here is based on the same thing: don’t try to get him to talk, or let him know that you know everything. It will end badly.

Most likely, their relationship is based on sex alone; he wanted novelty, thrill and variety. Having played with her enough, he will return to you, but only if you do not give in and, again, do everything right.

  1. Look after yourself. Figure, hair, nails, clothes - you should look perfect. Affection, tenderness, attention. Imagine that you are the Queen, and let your King run around playing with the ladies-in-waiting, you should look ten, a hundred times better than any of them;
  2. Comfort and order in the house;
  3. Delicious, hot dinner.
The rival, no matter how desirable she may be for him now, is the same woman. And after just a few meetings, your man will begin to notice shortcomings in her, sooner or later, he will run into the thorns of her character, he will have to put up with her habits, who would want to get involved in all this, when in his “fortress” it is always warm, light, roasted meat smells delicious, and the Queen is patient, steadfast and faithful. She's also damn attractive, she's lost a couple of kilograms, new hairstyle and bought beautiful lingerie.

However, the comfort of the fortress is not everything. Remind your man that you are not just his vest and reliable shoulder. Remind me what you have common interests, attend interesting events together, have fun. Erotic evenings, exploratory forays into the city, picnics in nature (preferably with common relatives), where you will be cheerful and fearless.

Become your own Rival, a mysterious, beautiful, sexy, interesting and sought-after woman with whom you want to be close all the time. Your enemy will then feel confused, scared and abandoned. It is unlikely that she has your wisdom, so very soon she will begin to throw tantrums at him - and this is a sure way to break any relationship.

Very soon your man will realize that he is much more comfortable with you. That you don’t need anything from him except himself, while his mistress constantly demands something. Become the most necessary, the most irreplaceable for him, and then your enemy will surrender himself. Of course, she may try to get in touch with you and by hook or by crook she will begin to prove that your man loves her and only her. But should the Queen be interested in the opinion of her lady-in-waiting? Don't show her your hurt and pain - that's exactly what she wants. She needs scandals to start raging in your house.

Do you need it?

It is best to let her understand that you are well aware of their relationship, and you are not worried about it, because all his previous girlfriends ended extremely poorly, and in your eyes they all, and she, too, look very pathetic, because they are capable They only grab what belongs to others, and are completely incapable of creating something of their own.

The desire to meet this bitch and tear out all her “patties” is natural, because you are hurt, offended and scared. This desire needs to be nipped in the bud and not returned to it again, because she will probably also have something to tell you. And her speech will probably begin with words about what kind of person you are. bad wife, since they are not able to hold a man. Then she will immediately be in a position of strength. This is of no use to you. In addition, remember that he will definitely find out about this conversation, and then no plans will help.

Remember - this is your man. You have every right fight for him. And the most best strategy in this struggle is to be a Woman with capital letters, no matter how difficult it may be for you. Calmness, resilience and a gentle smile are your best friends. No screaming, tears or showdowns. Don't follow him, don't call him, and don't rummage through his things under any circumstances. Don't humiliate yourself or threaten. Play. Become for him again the woman with whom he once fell in love. Show him how interesting, affectionate and attractive the woman he was ready to exchange so thoughtlessly is. Let him see that you are much better and wiser than your mistress, that you are his person, his best and most understanding friend, always ready to support and help him. That he simply can’t do without you.

Men cheat - and that's a fact. But cheating is not the end of the world. This is a lesson necessary for both you and him in order to take a sober look at the relationship and understand what exactly needs to be changed and what to treat with caution. great attention. Just don’t become a bitch under any circumstances, because bitch means “carrion” and “rotten.” Let the one who tries to steal your man remain a bitch. And you are a Woman. Stay that way.

Of course, every wife considers herself ideal or very close to it, but everyone has some characteristics, their own advantages and disadvantages. This is how the zodiac sign influences a woman’s behavior in family life.

Rival wife. This is very Strong woman, so she needs the same strong man, persistent and hardy. And surviving the regular storms of a temperamental Aries young lady is not for the weak. When she finally finds one, she will immediately marry him. After this, they will face a long-term struggle of characters, which may become a little calmer only by the golden wedding.

Wife is a motivator. Such people usually marry cute and funny slackers, because they are always fun to be with. However, very soon the slacker will simply have to become successful and rich, because his wife will need good food and a beautiful dress, cute house and a small car. For this, she will methodically nag him, manipulate him, blackmail him and use other motivational techniques. In short, the fittest will survive.

Often they want everything at once, so if they get a husband who has failed in life, then it is quite possible that their love will quickly cool down. They need to learn patience and endurance. Despite this, Gemini women are good and hospitable hostesses, but they are like that only when they are in the mood. Home improvement is not the most important thing for them. They value feelings, beauty and material stability more.

Perfect wife. It is difficult to persuade her to marry, but if she succeeds, her husband will receive the full package: a smart girl, a beauty, a wonderful mistress and a hostess. Family is the main thing for her. And if the husband does not share this conviction, he will be mercilessly “pinched” by the claw.

Queen wife. Such women marry those who are ready to immediately provide them with a royal life, and then conquer new heights every day and throw the whole world at her feet. In a word, the Lioness needs to shine, and her husband must provide her with everything she needs for this.

Smart wife. You can talk to her about anything, she will always understand, support and give wise advice. She is both a wife and a beloved and best friend, so her husband doesn’t even really need friends. But there are times when Virgo is attacked by something that makes her really want to blow out her loved one’s brains, using well-thought-out, sophisticated methods. Although this passes quickly, and then she, of course, will apologize.

Wife is a cat. Sweet and charming, but not particularly useful in everyday life. But without her, the house will be empty, because she transforms it with her presence. And she must be cherished and carried in her arms, otherwise she will get offended and run away in the middle of the night.

Witch wife. She can bewitch anyone, and if he behaves well, she will conjure success and wealth for him. Of course, everyone envy her husband, because his wife is beautiful and smart, simply the epitome of ideal woman. And the Scorpio husband will have to be strong, smart and charismatic, he simply has no choice.

Wife-fighting friend. That woman with whom you can go through fire, water and reconnaissance. He hides behind his husband's back only because it is more convenient to give him ammunition from there. And the husband will really have to have a good “arsenal” to fend off many fans and defend himself during quarrels. There is only one way to win an argument with such a wife - by admitting that she is right.

Wife is principled. She always has a clear idea of ​​what marriage should be like. Following their conviction, Capricorns never marry just anyone for some stupid love. The Capricorn young lady will never make a rash marriage and will very carefully select a chosen one who would fit her requirements. If in a marriage it turns out that the husband is not so ideal, then she will definitely bring him to this state with all available means and methods. If he manages to survive this period, then harmony will reign in the family.

Wife is fun. Her main belief: life is too short to waste it on some kind of everyday life. That is why there will be no fresh borscht and cutlets in the refrigerator, and there will hardly be any in the apartment. perfect order. Family life, in her opinion, should be filled with joy, laughter and fun. Therefore, a husband with such a wife will never be bored. The main thing is to have time to recover between regular sessions of fun.

Actress wife. Her husband will never guess what she is really thinking about and what she has been doing all day. But he won’t be bored, because all his life he will have to unravel the mysterious soul of his beloved. And for such a wife, the husband must be a stone wall, a breadwinner, a master, good lover and an interesting conversationalist. Otherwise, she will wag her tail and won’t even say goodbye. The wife’s task in this case comes down to one, but the most important task - to decorate her husband’s life.

Cheating on your spouse is always a threat family relations and a difficult period in the life of any woman. It is very difficult to behave correctly if this does happen. Therefore, you should know the tactics of behavior in such a difficult task - how to defeat your opponent.

Psychology of Genders

First of all, you need to take into account that a man and a woman have different ideas about the concepts of love and falling in love. That’s why representatives of different sexes have different attitudes towards betrayal. If a woman immediately throws a scandal, then the man takes everything more calmly. This is because representatives of the stronger sex clearly distinguish between love and infatuation. Real love for a man it can be to the woman with whom he feels good, comfortable, with whom he feels spiritual closeness. His beloved woman is, if you like, a close ally. Falling in love arises solely because of physiological needs, as well as the desire to win and conquer new bastions. But the presence of another woman is often not a reason for a man to break up with legal wife and does not mean that he stopped loving her. A woman does not share these two concepts, therefore for her, passion for another woman is a real threat to family happiness.

The husband tries to divide the relationship with his wife and mistress into two different lives, existing independently of each other. And if the spouse seeks to save her marriage, she needs to understand this position.

Silence is gold

Suspect adultery there is reason if you notice that:

  • your loved one begins to spend less time at home. At the same time, he answers questions very vaguely where he lingers;
  • he suddenly did not have enough money for ordinary expenses;
  • pays more attention to his appearance;
  • next to you, your husband is always attentive and caring, but when he leaves home, he forgets to fulfill your requests;
  • goes into another room to talk on the phone or turns it off when a call comes in, sending endless text messages.

In addition, a woman has better developed intuition and she can sense the presence of another woman in a man’s life. The most difficult thing becomes when the suspicions are justified. At this time, it is very difficult to restrain yourself, not to break down, and not to show at all that you have become aware of the “other” life of your spouse. But this is necessary, otherwise you will make things even worse with a scandal. Keep in mind that a sharp reaction can only push your husband away from you and provoke him to leave for his mistress. And if you start insulting your rival, this will not add respect to you from your husband. Also, don't force him to choose between you.

In this situation, it is important to be able to remain silent and remain calm.

Home comfort is your main weapon

To understand how to beat off your opponent, you need to evaluate what you are stronger at. And you are stronger in your home, where it is necessary to create the most favorable conditions for the husband. It should be taken into account that with age it becomes increasingly difficult for a man to care for the women he wants to conquer. And his mistress takes a lot of effort from him. Therefore, the warmth of home is what helps him relax, which, naturally, he will strive for.

And here your task is to use all your skills in arranging your life so that your husband is as comfortable as possible with you. Let him do what he loves. Show how you miss him. But don't be pushy. If your husband is delayed, do not ask him where he is. Just tell them what you are going to cook for dinner and would like it to be ready in time for your spouse to arrive. Sometimes you can use a trick: invent some kind of illness for yourself so that your husband can look after you and feel that you really need him.

I took a walk and came back

If, nevertheless, your husband left you, but after some time, realizing his mistake, decided to return, do not rush to accept him right away. Give him the opportunity to prove that he is truly repentant.

When your husband expresses his desire to return to the family, say that you agree to try. This will not allow him to relax; he must know that he still needs to fight for your forgiveness. Let him give you signs of attention, which you should accept with restraint and a little surprise.

Do not try to humiliate your spouse and defeated rival. This will only cast doubt on the correctness of his decision to return.

Hello! Several years ago my husband random connection, cheated on me at a drunken party with a woman much younger than me and as a result he had a daughter out of wedlock. He categorically did not want to acknowledge the child, explaining that she had a relationship not only with him, but also with other men, but she insisted that yes, it happened once, but I know for sure that it was from you. That woman first demanded a divorce and help from her husband, then she resigned herself and stepped aside. Soon we also had a child - a son. And she finally calmed down. Well, she calmed down, of course, in quotes because she directly or indirectly threw mud at us everywhere, complained that my husband was irresponsible, that he promised to marry, promised help, but he himself deceived her. Apparently no one was interested in my suffering. I worried for a very long time about the appearance of an illegitimate child, worried about his obvious similarity with my husband, then I blamed myself for taking the child’s father away, but on the other hand, my children would then have lost their family. And I was categorically not ready to communicate with this woman, and neither was my husband. Soon everything calmed down and we managed to cope with this situation and live in perfect harmony. After all this, her husband does not meet or communicate with her, and she only causes wild aggression in him. But the problem is that I personally can’t get rid of this woman. We have a lot of mutual friends and literally in all social networks she catches our attention. He writes comments immediately below mine. Although she has successfully arranged her life and has already given birth to a second child, she apparently cannot accept that my husband remains in the family. I am either amused by her impulsiveness, or frightened by her desire for revenge, or irritated by such persistence and helpfulness towards my friends and acquaintances. Despite the fact that she is married, she tries in every possible way to make friends with every friend or relative of mine. And they believe her, it's amazing that she's good and a kind person, then seeing that I don’t react at all, she starts telling them nasty things about me and remembering that story with the betrayal and the child. I have the impression that she no longer needs my husband, but only a wild desire to ruin my life and be present in it constantly, so that I remember her and the child more and more often. And by the way, she specially posts a photo of the child, knowing that our mutual friends will like it and I will definitely see it. Or he fills up with joint family photos, where everyone laughs and so that I can see where she is happy. Although, of course, I can’t say that I madly wish her well, but I don’t really want to see her face all the time either. I don’t want to remove myself from all social networks because this is my only opportunity to communicate with family and friends. And I don’t want to change my life, or run away from it, so to speak. Sometimes I don't care so much about all this that's happening, but Lately I increasingly want to answer her in the comments in the form of banter, ingeniously or, on the contrary, in a friendly way. And I don’t know whether it’s worth going through with all these provocations. Or continue to remain neutral? It seems to me that she feeds on my energy and my torment. And I don’t know what to do. I would be very grateful for professional advice.