Features of preparing masks from fresh cucumber. A simple but effective cucumber mask will restore freshness and beauty to your face.


Cucumber face masks at home - easy to prepare, have instant positive effect and are one of the indispensable cosmetic products for modern women! Why are they so good? Thanks to homemade cucumber facial masks, it is easy to refresh and tone the skin even after the most grueling workout. working week! In addition, such products are universal and suitable for all skin types!

Secrets of efficiency

Healing properties natural remedies for the skin "hiding" in them chemical composition. And cucumber is no exception to the rule. Although it consists of eighty percent water, the rest of its mass contains many elements beneficial for the skin of the face. Cucumber pulp is a natural storehouse of vitamins that can transform the dermis in a couple of hours of home treatment.

That's just incomplete list such microelements:

  • Niacin: tones and tightens the skin;
  • Biotin: capable of accelerating the restoration of damaged skin;
  • Phylloquinone: relieves irritation, eliminates swelling and helps get rid of age spots;
  • Ascorbic acid: can restore facial skin elasticity in a short time;
  • Tocopherol: actively promotes cellular renewal;
  • Pyridoxine: able to stimulate cellular metabolism;
  • Pantothenic acid: smoothes completely fine wrinkles, making deep ones less noticeable;
  • Folic acid: quickly eliminates pimples and blackheads;
  • Thiamine: is better protection from harmful influences;
  • Riboflavin: saturates the skin with oxygen;
  • Vitamin A: relieves the feeling of tightness and flaking of the skin.

The rejuvenating effect described above that can be provided cucumber face masks at home is also due to the content of organic acids in the pulp of this vegetable and mineral salts, used in modern cosmetology. In addition, cucumber contains no components that irritate the skin, so they are perfect for caring for the area around the eyes, which has a fine, delicate texture.

What are the benefits of cucumber masks for the skin?

Here are the most common reasons why thousands of beauties trust their skin to cucumber-based masks. These masks:

  1. Considered the most effective and in an accessible way face whitening. They perfectly get rid of pigmentation and freckles, evening out the complexion!
  2. Due to the fact that the Ph level is the same as the acid-base balance of the dermis, ready-made cucumber masks do not cause allergic reactions.
  3. Cucumber face masks at home are considered the best summer remedy for eliminating oily shine of combination and oily skin face, as well as to cleanse its pores along with such an ingredient as raw protein.
  4. Bags and dark circles on the delicate skin under the eyes are a very common problem. However, for decades, women in our country have been using cucumber slices to eliminate it. The juice of these fresh vegetables is said to be able to get rid of even light bruises.
  5. Cucumber masks are a wonderful remedy against hysterics and worries due to teenage acne and acne!
  6. Dry facial skin will become soft and tender after a couple of treatments with homemade cucumber masks.
  7. Cucumber juice relieves irritation.
  8. Restore the elasticity and tone of the facial skin, restore its natural oval line and freshness - all this becomes possible with cucumber face masks.

Interesting cucumber video.

Since ancient times, this vegetable has had different names: false berry and female joy. It is an excellent cosmetic product for everyone who cares about the beauty of their face. Cucumber perfectly moisturizes it, since it contains 95-97% water.

That's all the useful properties folk cosmetologist do not end there: it smooths out wrinkles, helps remove acne and age spots, and gets rid of such troubles as. It's hard to find more effective remedy for every skin type.

Using cucumber face masks is beneficial for dry, mature and problematic skin. Their systematic use helps improve skin. On a problem skin there will be noticeably fewer rashes, on a mature skin - unevenness, on a dry skin - many, and on a pigmented skin freckles will disappear.

Benefits of cucumber masks

Each cosmetic product has limitations in its use. For different types facial skin, a cucumber mask has its own task. It will moisturize dry skin, while pigmented, aging skin will be saved by the rejuvenating properties of the vegetable.

Cucumber masks at home

It is necessary to use only fresh cucumber, pre-washed, grated or cut into slices.

Cucumber masks for dry skin

Recipe 1. The easiest one to prepare is a mask made from cucumber and sour cream. You will need one cucumber and two spoons of fresh sour cream. The ingredients are mixed and the mixture is applied to clean, steamed skin. Keep for 20 minutes. It is not advisable to wash off with water; it is better to remove with a damp swab.

Recipe 2. Finely grate 2 cucumbers, add a few drops of lemon and stir. Use the mask immediately. After 20 minutes, carefully wipe your face with a swab without rinsing with water. Such cucumber mask for the face wonderfully nourishes the skin.

Recipe 3. Grate the cucumber on a medium grater, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cottage cheese and milk, a couple of chopped sprigs of parsley and a few drops olive oil. The resulting mass is applied to the entire face and can be applied to the neck. Wash off after 20 minutes with warm water, then with cold water. The procedure will give the skin a special silkiness.

Cucumber anti-wrinkle mask

Half a peeled cucumber is grated on a standard grater and cooled for 10 minutes in the refrigerator. Prepare the mixture for 15 minutes.

The mask reduces the likelihood of dark circles and unsightly swelling under the eyes and is prophylactic from education.

You can, of course, use wheel-cut cucumber slices instead of gruel if you are in a hurry, but the gruel will have a more pronounced effect.

Cucumber masks for oily skin

Add oatmeal to finely grated cucumber. A slurry is formed, similar to viscous sour cream. It is advisable to use the mask regularly for 20 minutes, 2 times a week for 2 months. This will help forever.

Cucumber mask for acne and blackheads

Two tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese are diluted with juice from squeezed cucumber and applied to problem areas. After 15 minutes, rinse your face. Using the mixture a couple of times a week for 3 months will help you avoid acne.

Whitening cucumber mask

Grated cucumber is diluted with lemon juice (or boric acid) and heated. The uncooled pulp is applied to the skin and covered with gauze soaked in cucumber juice. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask.

A cucumber mask is an economical and high-quality method of facial skin care that has no contraindications. It will easily and quickly help get rid of many skin problems.

Cucumber has long established itself as an effective home cosmetic product, and is available at any time of the year. It is added to moisturizing, refreshing cosmetical tools, as well as those that are designed to lighten the skin, eliminate age spots and freckles, and fight pimples and acne. Only regular use of cucumber masks can lead to the expected results.

The composition of this product is truly unique. About 80% is water, the remaining 20% ​​contains a lot nutrients, which have a beneficial effect on the skin. The main ones are:

  • vitamin A – moisturizes, eliminates flaking;
  • riboflavin promotes skin respiration;
  • thiamine rejuvenates;
  • folic acid fights acne and acne;
  • pantothenic acid fights the signs of skin aging and smoothes wrinkles;
  • phylloquinone brightens the skin, prevents redness and eliminates age spots;
  • biotin activates skin cell regeneration;
  • Niacin refreshes the skin, giving it a healthy color.

The success of using a cucumber-based face mask is due to the presence large quantity mineral salts, derivatives of organic acids. It is these components that have a rejuvenating effect.

Another advantage of cucumber is the complete absence of irritating components. That is why it can be added to cosmetic products for the care of eyelids and hypersensitive skin.

Rules for preparation and use

To get only a positive result, you need to pay attention to the choice of product.

You need to use a chilled cucumber, which, as a rule, is either cut into thin slices or grated to obtain cucumber juice. In the first case, it must be applied to the face and left for some time to absorb beneficial substances. In the second, add it to face masks or other cosmetics when preparing at home.

During the procedure, for its effectiveness, certain rules must be observed:

  1. When using the eyelid skin product, keep it on for no more than 15 minutes.
  2. When applying cucumber slices to the face, the procedure lasts up to 25 minutes.
  3. When using cucumber juice as a mask or toner, there is no need to rinse it off, as it is absorbed very well into the skin.

Despite all the benefits of cucumber, in some cases it is not recommended to use it. For example, in the presence of skin damage, skin diseases and individual intolerance (in the case when cucumber is supplemented with other products).

Mask recipes

A cucumber face mask will help cope with acne, dark circles under the eyes, age spots, freckles, oily shine and others. cosmetic problems, according to numerous reviews.

Lemon mask against dark circles around the eyes

Grate half a cucumber and separate the juice, which is cooled in the refrigerator for an hour. Next add lemon juice. Dip cotton pads into this mixture and apply them to the eyes for 15 minutes. The main effect of this compress is to get rid of swelling in this area, smooth out wrinkles, and moisturize the skin.

Anti-acne mask with egg

Cucumber contains special components whose action is aimed at narrowing pores and eliminating irritation.

Grind the cucumber in any way until you obtain a homogeneous paste, mix it with the protein and apply to the skin, which must first be thoroughly cleaned. It is recommended to use the mask immediately after preparation, since over time the protein settles and such a mask does not bring any effect. Keep the resulting composition for at least 15 minutes.

Mask against age spots with honey

To prepare a product that can whiten the skin and discolor age spots, you will need the following ingredients: a small cucumber, 2 tbsp. l. aloe juice, 1 tbsp. l. honey, 1-2 tbsp. l. powdered milk. Chop the cucumber. Add the remaining ingredients to the resulting slurry until a thick mass is formed, which is applied to problem areas for the required time, then rinsed off cold water.

This whitening mask cannot be stored.

Mattifying mask

Combine 1 tbsp. l. cucumber juice, 1 egg white, lemon juice, 0.5 tsp. clay. This composition Apply to the face, except the area around the eyes. After 10-15 minutes, rinse off using warm water.

Also suitable for caring for combination skin at home.

The frequency of procedures is once a week before bedtime. When choosing this particular mask, it is worth considering that lemon juice, which is part of the product, can increase skin sensitivity to sunlight.

Cleansing mask

This composition has several properties at once: cleansing, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, rejuvenating.

Combine cucumber juice with honey and milk in proportions 1:1:2. It is recommended to apply the resulting mixture cotton pad. After 20 minutes, remove - for this it is better to use cold water.

Mask for sensitive skin

Combine 1 tbsp. l. brewer's yeast and the same amount of ground oatmeal. Leave the resulting mixture for some time. At this time, mix cucumber juice, 1 tsp. honey and 4 times more sour cream (can be replaced with natural yogurt).

Add the resulting mixture to the oatmeal, then put it in the refrigerator. Apply the cooled mask to clean skin face and neck. Rinse off with warm water.

Anti-wrinkle mask

In addition to smoothing out wrinkles, this particular combination will help improve your complexion and combat dullness at home.

Grate the potatoes and cucumber and mix, taking in equal proportions. Cover your face with the mixture and certain time(usually no more than 15-20 minutes) rinse with cold water. Complete the procedure with cream.

A face mask with cucumber can become in an effective way facial care, just choose the right composition for yourself.

Also in distant times women knew that garden cucumber It has special properties, which are responsible for the youth and beauty of the skin. There is a huge amount various recipes from cucumber, each of which will benefit the skin in its own way. The benefits of a green vegetable lie in its composition. 95% of cucumber is water, a natural absorbent, the main task

which removes and breaks down poisons in the body.

Benefits of cucumber for the face Alcohol and cucumber juice make a wonderful refreshing facial tonic. A homemade product can remove age spots. Cucumber face masks have a beneficial effect. With their help, they smooth out wrinkles, whiten the skin and make it lighter. You can make such masks yourself. They do not cause any harm, since they contain only natural ingredients . Compatible with any skin type. Folk recipes

You can make it with cucumber yourself.

Recipes for homemade cucumber face masks

Cucumber mask for acne

Benefits: Regular use of cucumber mask for problem skin will help clear your face. Particularly suitable for teenagers. The course of treatment is 2–3 months.

  • Ingredients:
  • fresh vegetable juice;

3 tbsp. l. low-fat cottage cheese. Grate the cucumber on a fine grater. Take the pulp and squeeze until the juice flows. Add cottage cheese to the liquid. Mix everything.

Application method: First you need to cleanse the skin. Action time: 10 minutes. After the specified time has expired, rinse with water. It should be cool. The mask is natural and has no contraindications.

Cucumber and sour cream mask

Action: a homemade cucumber-sour cream mask nourishes dry facial skin. Makes it soft and tender. Making this cucumber face mask is very easy. In order to achieve an amazing effect, apply the mask twice a week.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It’s worth paying attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of curls, hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, our editorial experts conducted an analysis sulfate-free shampoos, where first place was taken by products from Mulsan Cosmetic. Sole manufacturer fully natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.


  • small cucumber;
  • sour cream.

Cooking method: The cucumber is crushed using a blender or a fine grater. Take 1.5 tbsp. l. gruel and mix with 1.5 tbsp. spoons of sour cream. Stir until smooth.

How to apply: the finished mixture must be applied not only to the skin of the face, but also to the neck. The duration of the mask is 25 minutes. The rinsing water should be room temperature.

Cucumber and egg mask

Final result: ideal for oily and combination skin. Helps get rid of oily shine. Has a calming anti-inflammatory effect.

Benefits: Regular use of cucumber mask for problem skin will help clear your face. Particularly suitable for teenagers. The course of treatment is 2–3 months.

  • 1.5 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed cucumber juice;
  • 1 egg white.

Cooking method: squeeze juice out of cucumber. Egg white beat and add to juice. Stir the mixture until it becomes homogeneous.

How to apply: Make sure your skin is clean before applying. Then apply the prepared mixture to your face in any convenient way and leave for 10 minutes. It will be useful to wash your face with mineral water.

Cucumber and honey mask

Action: This one is considered one of the most favorite homemade face masks. As a result of regular use, the skin becomes clean, takes on a healthy and beautiful appearance.

What it consists of:

  • flower honey;
  • a couple of small cucumbers.

How to apply: application method is standard. You can use a special brush, spatula or any other means. Action time: 10–20 minutes. At the very end, the mask is washed off.

Cucumber and lemon mask

Benefits: Lemon-cucumber recipe is intended for dry skin and has a whitening effect. Moisturizing and nourishing mask for skin.


Preparation: cucumbers should be young, ripe and fresh. As usual, grate it on a fine grater, add lemon juice and mix.

How to apply: Apply immediately after preparation. Do not save for next use. Better to make a new one. Apply to face. After 20 minutes, carefully remove with a cotton swab and do not rinse.


Cucumber and potato mask

Action: a cleansing mask prepared at home gets rid of blackheads and eliminates dullness, making the complexion natural.

For this you will need:

  • cucumber mixture;
  • grated potatoes.

Preparation: Grind all ingredients. Take one tablespoon of each and mix.

How to apply: ready mix shouldn't be cold. Raise the temperature of the cucumbers and potatoes to room temperature. Apply and rinse off with slightly cool water after 20 minutes. Dry with a towel and apply a light cream.

Cucumber mask for dry skin

Benefit: gives special silkiness and freshness. Well nourishes and moisturizes.

Benefits: Regular use of cucumber mask for problem skin will help clear your face. Particularly suitable for teenagers. The course of treatment is 2–3 months.

  • cucumber, small;
  • 1 tbsp. l. homemade cottage cheese;
  • 1 tbsp. l. milk;
  • olive oil;
  • parsley.

Cooking method: Chop cucumber and parsley. Add all the greens, cottage cheese and milk. Mix thoroughly and add olive oil before applying.

Application method: ready-made mask apply to cleansed face. If it is not possible to apply the mask yourself, it is better to ask someone to do it. Close your eyes, relax, and after 20 minutes, wash everything off warm water. Then rinse your face with cold water.

Cucumber mask for oily skin

Benefit: natural cucumber-oat mask is extremely popular in cosmetology. The components that make up it normalize secretion sebaceous glands. As a result, it is completely removed greasy shine, and the skin becomes moisturized.

What you need for cooking:

  • small cucumber;

Preparation: to make a mask you need to take oatmeal. You can buy a ready-made product or make it yourself. Grind cereals You can use a coffee grinder to make flour. Grate the cucumber and add a little oatmeal. But you can’t pour it all out at once. You should get a thick mass, the consistency of sour cream.

How to apply: Apply the mixture to the face. The effect of the mask is 15 minutes. Next, rinse everything off with water at room temperature and finally anoint your face with moisturizer.

Folk recipes are always very popular. This is a gentle treatment and prevention of the skin. Cucumbers can be used in many different ways. Some people make lotion from cucumber juice and rub it on their face. This green vegetable whitens the skin, gets rid of freckles and other age spots.

Even after simply rubbing a slice of cucumber, after a while you can notice positive result. The girls who have already tried homemade masks were satisfied. A huge number of positive reviews speak about this.

Video recipe: Moisturizing mask with cucumber - refresh your facial skin in 5 minutes

Cucumber for the face: reviews of use

Natasha, 21 years old

I have struggled with acne since childhood. Recently, a friend advised me to try a cucumber mask. After 2 months of regular use, all skin problems disappeared. Now I am not afraid to open my face, because I know that it is without a single pimple.

Oksana, 30 years old

I always try to use what nature itself has given. I just love cucumbers. They are not only tasty, but also very healthy. With the help of cucumber juice, my face always remains fresh and toned. Girls, don’t be afraid, try cucumber masks. They really help.

Antonina, 27 years old

My main problem is freckles. At first I used a cream purchased at a pharmacy, which contained cucumber. Then I decided to try to do everything myself. There is simply no result. The skin whitened a little, became clear, but the freckles remained.

Alexandra, 32 years old

Hello, my profession is cosmetologist. I often have to treat problematic skin. I advise all my patients to use natural products. Especially, do this in the summer. The skin sweats and dirt accumulates on it. And cucumber masks help bring her back healthy looking. This excellent remedy for the treatment of wrinkles. Try it, the result will definitely satisfy you.

Video: Simple and effective cucumber masks for all skin types

For several centuries, women have been using for cosmetic purposes a vegetable like cucumber. And this is not surprising, because it has mass beneficial properties, which allow you to keep your skin healthy and young for many years.

What are the benefits of cucumber masks?

The beneficial properties of cucumber, proven by hundreds of scientists, have allowed this vegetable to take a leading position among all natural products used in home cosmetics.
Cucumber masks combat such skin imperfections as:

  • acne, pimples, irritations and various kinds rashes;
  • peeling and irritation;
  • freckles, age spots, acne marks;
  • age-related changes skin: skin dullness, sagging, grey colour faces, wrinkles;
  • bruises under the eyes and dark circles.

It should be noted that almost 96 percent of a cucumber consists of water, but the remaining 4% is occupied by micro- and macroelements, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B9, C, PP, zinc, iron, silicon, calcium and magnesium , which are so necessary for our skin.

IMPORTANT! Cucumber masks are universal, suitable for any skin type, and are not allergenic.

Modern cosmetology has in its arsenal hundreds of recipes for products using cucumber. As mentioned above, cucumber, in the form of masks, lotions or tonics, is suitable for any skin type and any age. Depending on your skin type and desired result, you can add the following products to homemade cosmetic masks with cucumber:

  • fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, sour cream, yogurt;
  • cosmetic clay;
  • lemon juice;
  • egg white.

To prepare a cucumber mask, grate the vegetable on a coarse grater, drain off excess liquid and add an additional component. Apply to previously cleansed skin, then rinse, and apply nourishing cream to the face.

Cucumber mask for oily skin

  • Grate a small cucumber, add 2 tbsp to the pulp. sour cream. Mix everything well and apply to your face. After 20-25 minutes, wash with warm water;
  • Grate a small cucumber and add half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply to the skin, and after 15 minutes, use a tampon to remove the mask.

Cucumber mask for normal skin

If you are the happy owner normal type skin and want it on for a long time remained the same, we suggest you use an amazing cucumber mask, which will help maintain the water-alkaline balance of skin cells, give your face a fresh and healthy look, and slightly whiten it.
So, take this: grate a small cucumber on a fine grater. If there is too much liquid, drain it. Add one to the cucumber pulp egg yolk. Apply all this to the skin, and after 15-20 minutes, rinse off the mask with cool water.

Do you suffer from freckles, age spots or acne marks? We offer you an effective whitening mask made from cucumber with sour cream, which will cope with these shortcomings with a bang. To prepare it, grind a medium cucumber until mushy, add 1 tbsp. fat sour cream and 1 tsp. lemon juice. Apply the mask to your face, and after 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.