Weight loss conspiracies: consequences and reviews. Weight loss conspiracy - a sure cure for excess weight


Ancient conspiracy for weight loss will remove fat layers and cellulite; this ritual is supposed to be carried out on the waning moon. You will need water and three wax candles. White magic for weight loss is very effective, but you should not assume that the spell will work instantly. Usually visible result begins to appear in about a month - provided that all recommendations are followed.

Can a weight loss conspiracy rid you of folds on your stomach, thighs, sides and other problem areas? To check this, we collected reviews from those who lost weight using ancient magic recipes and published them at the end of the article.

Water spell (read before bed)

This ritual is supposed to be carried out for a week, starting from the day of the full moon. Prepare a glass of water, as well as three wax candles. It is best to use spring water, but if it is not possible to get it, then ordinary unboiled water will do. Light the candles, bring a glass of water to your mouth and whisper the following spell:

Put out the candles after reading the weight loss plot. They will need to be hidden until the next evening, and then used again for the ceremony. The cinders that remain with you after completing the final seventh ritual must be buried in the ground.

Important! You should read a plot that helps you remove fat on an empty stomach. In other words, the last meal should take place at least two to three hours before you begin the ritual. After reading the spell, you should also not eat until the morning.

We speak to the doll

To perform this ritual you will need a motanka doll. You can read about how to make it yourself. Place a note inside the doll with your name and the number of “extra” pounds you want to lose. Then read the following weight loss plot (for the waning moon):

It is advisable to have a helper doll accompany you everywhere. During the day you can put it in your purse or pocket (fortunately, the figurine is very small), and at night you can put it under your pillow. Try to keep the doll out of sight of others, otherwise you will not be able to avoid unnecessary questions.

Weight loss plot from Vanga

2. Flaw physical activity . When we move, take walks or light jogs, the Muladhara chakra and the etheric body receive nourishment from the Earth. “Sedentary” work and a sedentary lifestyle lead to energy stagnation. If you spend a lot of time sitting in front of the TV screen or at the computer, then start your day with a light comprehensive warm-up. If even a light jog seems too tiring to you, then take up sports (fast) walking.

3. Frequent stress. Many people tend to overeat stressful situations. Try to avoid if possible negative emotions. It is clear that you cannot hide from all stress. But, if there is such an opportunity, then refrain from scandals and quarrels, avoid communicating with aggressive people, etc. Don't watch news or political talk shows.

4. Lack of communication with nature. Almost all residents of large cities suffer from this. Try to arrange picnics for yourself and your loved ones more often (of course, without excesses in the form of pork kebabs and alcohol), get out of town or at least to the park. It will be just perfect if you can go on a short hiking trip. It can be quite tiring, but your energy will receive a powerful boost.

Herbal decoctions

To combat fat and overweight You can use herbal decoctions for weight loss. To lose weight, you need to get rid of toxins, which senna infusion will help you with. Brew a tablespoon of finely chopped herb into 1 cup of boiling water, then let the broth sit for 30 minutes. Take a quarter glass before bedtime. To enhance the effect, you can add 100 grams of prunes to the prepared infusion.

The chicory drink is recommended for people suffering from diabetes mellitus and excess weight. In addition, chicory contains vitamins of several groups and beneficial microelements, which has a beneficial effect on the skin. To prepare the infusion, brew 1-2 teaspoons of chicory in a partial glass of boiling water. Take a few sips of the drink, 3 times a day before meals.

Herbal tea that speeds up metabolism. This ancient recipe for weight loss helps to “accelerate” the metabolism, which will promote the burning of lipids. Mix equal amounts of dandelion leaves and flowers, green tea, finely chopped dried ginger and grated horseradish. Mix all components thoroughly and fill the collection with water at the rate of 1000 ml per 100 grams of collection. Prepare the herbal decoction for thirty minutes in a water bath. The infusion should be cooled and drunk in 100 ml doses. three times a day before meals.

Trying to achieve a goal, a person can even resort to things that seem useless and have no reason to believe in them. The category of such methods includes conspiracies and rituals for weight loss, carried out at home according to the lunar calendar or on days significant in paganism. A number of reviews raise doubts about the “emptiness” of this method of losing weight and interest in the effect it has. Is there any point in magical rituals performed independently and how do they work?

What is a ritual for losing weight

Love spells, lapels, conspiracies, slander - all these manifestations of pagan magic were the main way to influence the situation in antiquity and the Middle Ages. Traditional healers treated more in words– not a medicine, and it worked. After the spread of Christianity, the church began to deny magical rituals as “games of demons,” psychics, fortune tellers, and other representatives of this group were recognized as “devilish spawn.” However church prayers, which a person began to entrust to himself, have the same nature as conspiracies.

The essence of these rituals for weight loss is the same:

  • Any ritual during which a person needs to pronounce (read) a certain text is neuro-linguistic programming (abbreviated as “NLP”) - modeling and cultivating faith in a successful situation. To put it simply, any ritual for losing weight is self-hypnosis.
  • If a person does not believe what he says or hears, positive result he won't see. All “magic” helps not by action, but by faith.

Regarding women’s attempts to lose weight using magic at home, we need to clarify: conspiracies or rituals can change the principle of thinking, adjust some eating habits, make you fall in love with initially unloved food and vice versa, give motivation and the desire to change. However, no weight loss ritual will act like a magic wand that burns fat: without additional effort, it becomes an empty affair.

Black Rite

The danger of such rituals is payment or “kickback,” as experts call it. In terms of effectiveness, any ritual for losing weight using black magic is more powerful than using white magic, but the consequences can be more serious. Behind generous gift you have to pay, so if you suddenly lose 5 kg in a week, this will be compensated by getting another problem, and it is unknown in what area: health, work, family, etc. The reason for this is the form of influence: black rituals work through exchange. Yours overweight move on to someone else rather than disappear into the void.

White Rite

The rituals of light (in other sources - creative) magic are relatively safe, since the one who is influenced does not take away the good from a third party and does not transfer evil to him. However, white rituals for weight loss do not work as quickly as black ones: they, like fairy-tale helpers, give direction, a hint, but the person must do the rest on their own.

Effective conspiracies and rituals

Experts are confident that the most effective conspiracies are those in which a person does not deny what he wants to remove, but confirms the desired goal. That is, if you intend to lose weight, you are already forming a mental image slim figure and correct eating habits, and don’t tell yourself “I’m not overweight.” The subconscious mind misses all particles “no” and “not” and therefore accepts them reverse phrase. In addition, remember that even black magic is only a help, but not a sorceress who does everything for you, so the listed rituals and conspiracies must be supported by action.

How to perform a ritual for weight loss

At home, a woman has access to a lot of effective conspiracies and rituals, but their effectiveness depends on following certain rules. Any magical sacrament requires adherence to canons created centuries ago. The “Golden Three” looks like this:

  • The basic rule, without which weight loss magic will not work, is maintaining secrecy. You need to remain silent about the very idea of ​​losing weight. One of the reasons is the possibility of the evil eye: even a person who is not your envious person can unintentionally “deactivate” the sacrament with his own thought.
  • All rituals that require reading something should be performed facing the sun and, if possible, in an open area in order to see it. In a city apartment you can sit by the window or even on the balcony; in a private house you should go outside. In the morning, conspiracies are read with the face facing east, and at night (or evening) - facing west.
  • Experts in the field of magical arts claim that the most effective rituals are those held at the beginning of the week, i.e. on Monday, or at the end - on Friday. Weekends are not affected. The explanation for this is simple: new life start with a blank page that opens when in front of you new week. They get rid of everything with the last leaf, which marks Friday.

On the waning moon

If you want to remove something from your life, then you need to perform the sacraments to achieve your goal when the moon begins to wane. Just as her “pieces” gradually disappear, contributing to her rebirth, so a person gets rid of the excess, striving for the same thing. It is important to learn all the words of spells and prayers by heart, i.e. words should not be read from a sheet, but come from the head. You can repeat it until the new moon, every evening, and on the next waning moon, if you still continue to lose weight, perform the ritual again.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Choose a night when the waning moon is visible.
  2. Remove all metal jewelry, including the cross.
  3. Go outside (the balcony is not suitable), turn around and face the moon.
  4. Slowly, with understanding of the words, say the following phrase several times: “As you, moon, decrease, ten fats disappear from me.”

On a candle

The principle of operation is to establish a connection between fatty deposits and wax. The last one needs to be melted, and this will affect the figure. You see the weight loss process with my own eyes and project the same process onto yourself, only taking into account a slower speed. The ceremony should take place on the full moon, and preparations will have to be made 7 days before. The procedure is like this:

  1. Buy some wax church candles. Melt everything except the first one.
  2. Roll as many small balls from soft wax as kilograms you want to lose.
  3. Collect them in big ball and place it under your pillow.
  4. You need to sleep on this “accumulation of fat” for a week, and on the full moon above church candle melt a piece of wax, imagining that your kilograms are melting.
  5. In the morning, bury it in the ground or throw it down the toilet. Repeat until the new moon or until the entire ball melts.

Maundy Thursday

WITH church holidays There are also many rituals associated with white magic. The ritual for losing weight here is a trip to the bathhouse to start the process of “distilling” fat along with sweat. In a city apartment, you can use “Thursday water”, always in the evening, imagining how it washes away your excess weight and strengthens the will.

On Palm Sunday

Important Orthodox holiday, with which it is easier for a person to start a new life (and this also applies to losing weight) - Palm Sunday, with which a lot of rituals are associated. In the morning, imagining a clear mental image of a slender figure, you need to eat 3 willow buds. All day they eat light food, and in the evening, at sunset, drink a glass of holy water in small sips and repeat: “St. Paul waved the willow, drove away illnesses from me!” Amen". Excess weight is a health problem, so magical actions are aimed at restoring it.

On the water

For this ancient rite For weight loss, church water and 3 candles from the same place are used. It is necessary to carry out during the waning of the moon. The procedure is like this:

  1. Light the candles, take a glass of water in your hands.
  2. Look either at the fire or at the liquid in front of you for a minute.
  3. Read to yourself: “Voditsa-voditsa, take the weight, flow through the stones.”
  4. Put out the fire with your fingers, wash your hands with water outside and pour the rest into the ground.

For green tea

There are no difficulties with this ritual, but you need a very strong faith in own strength and the result. It can be done every day, the phase of the moon does not matter. The scheme is like this:

  1. Make a simple green tea drink.
  2. Holding the mug in front of you, whisper: “I’m drinking hot tea, let the rattling fat come off.”

With red thread

To perform a simple and effective magical ritual, you only need a sheet of paper, a piece of red woolen thread and patience. They carry out this weight loss ritual on Thursday evening, writing on paper ( better with a pencil) in a column as follows: “Vitosap, Anazapta, Ohola, 13 25 79, Siritanos.” The paper is rolled up, tied with a thread and placed in the ground, imagining how the excess weight disappears from your eyes along with it. The kilograms will begin to disappear from the moment the thread rots.

On honey

Honey conspiracies are carried out before dawn, when the moon is still visible. You need to prepare a jar of fresh honey (about a glass in volume), place it in front of you on the windowsill and, mentally turning to the sun, in your own words formulate a request for weight loss, which will be helped by healing honey. When Sun rays fall on the jar, you can remove it, and eat a teaspoon of this honey on an empty stomach every morning.

Video: oil ritual for weight loss

The question of whether magic is relevant in solving everyday and medical problems has not been resolved.

Although people who professionally practice magic are declared charlatans more than once or twice, people still go to them, “carry” their problems, try to get healing, bring back loved ones, and succeed in life.

The magic of words: is it possible to remove fat deposits using a weight loss plot?

Contrary to numerous statements, it is not necessary to believe in omnipotence magical rituals. That is, this is not a placebo, a magical ritual works even if a person does not believe with all his soul and does not expect manna from heaven.

Of course, if blind faith in magic is added to a weight loss plot, the effect may come faster, but we must take into account the fact that people tend to subconsciously expect a reward for their faith.

As a result, without getting any effect magic wand, the person begins to feel disappointment, which is simply disastrous for the process launched by the magician. In this case, you can get the opposite or get nothing.

A healthy attitude towards what is happening is optimal. If the subconscious is ready for the body to begin to change, if there is no internal resistance, then the effect will exceed expectations.

At the same time, you must understand that you cannot rely only on magical actions; passivity will slow down the time of fulfillment of your desire.

Subject to availability only active action in the right direction, the weight loss plot will begin to really work and attract people positive energy that contributes to achieving the goal.

When turning to higher powers with a request to remove fat and make your body beautiful, you should remember that only those who walk can master the road.

Conspiracy to lose weight by cutting in the video.

Basic rules for conducting rituals

Carrying out rituals requires focus and concentration on the purpose of the magical action being performed.

The order of the ritual must be observed to the smallest detail, since the very mood to lose weight and the sequence of actions in themselves are a virtual “gate” to a certain information sphere, where, in fact, information about the desire to acquire a slim figure will be sent.

Therefore, you should not neglect little things like “pour out water at three intersections,” or “bury something under an oak tree.”

What to believe and accept when approaching magical powers, is that even actions that seem stupid or senseless have some meaning (otherwise it is better to do quite reasonable auto-training).

By the way, auto-training and magic can be combined. It has been proven that self-composed weight loss spells can also work great.

If you want to create a conspiracy, you should read several ancient texts, look through books on the topic, and most importantly, feel your own life rhythm.

The main thing is a stable desire to do something in this direction, then a simple statement in front of the mirror will be valid.

When creating a conspiracy, you should avoid the words “perish” and derivatives from the root “thin” (the words “weight loss”, “thinness”, “thin”). Word form data in magical practice are destructive.

It is better to carry out weight loss rituals during the waning moon, because what should decrease is usually associated with this period lunar cycle, and this especially applies to Lunarians (people who depend on the lunar cycle, as opposed to Solarians who live in accordance with the cycles of solar activity).

Ceremonies can be performed on any day of the week, but Monday and Friday are considered the best.

Powerful ritual for a doll (quick weight loss)

The ritual is performed on the waning moon, in the dead of night. To carry out the ceremony, you need to mold a doll with clear signs overweight.

Wax is ideal for making such a doll, but in the absence of it you should not postpone the ritual; wax can be replaced with stiff dough (flour, water, salt), you can even take ordinary plasticine.

After making the doll, you need to name it by your name and quickly, before the wax hardens, start reading the plot for quick weight loss:

I pinch the sides and kill the fat. I burn lard and banish gluttony. Little food for the belly.

You need to read at such a pace that during the reading process you have time to tear off pieces from the doll from the belly, hips, buttocks, waist - from all places that are problematic, while you need to imagine that own body becomes slim and beautiful, like models.

After reading, the torn pieces must be collected and burned. Do not throw away the doll; on the contrary, hide it and store it so that no one can see it. You should not tell anyone about the performed ritual with voodoo elements; this is a personal secret.

Subsequently, you shouldn’t think about it, you just need to love yourself and rejoice at the positive result that is coming.

Vanga's powerful weight loss conspiracy

Many people revere Vanga, the famous soothsayer, and therefore, if her name strengthens the spirit in the fight against excess weight, you can use a magical weight loss ritual that is associated with her.

The main thing here is to believe that losing weight is possible, to understand that a person can do almost anything. You need to imagine that the result has already been achieved, see your slim body, your clothes in small sizes.

There are no restrictions on the number of utterances; every midnight, while the moon is waning, you can go out and, turning your gaze to the moon, read:

In the ocean, the sea sleeps with constipation. Three whales are not letting him out. The Lord’s servant (name) will not suffer from hunger. The terrible trouble will calm down, dissolve in the morning fog. Go to the ocean, leave the Lord’s servant (name) slender. The eyes are asleep, they don’t look at the food. The nights will melt by morning, and hunger will leave the body behind, do not harm it, do not break it. It was said in the night: “hunger, be silent!” Amen

It should be remembered that Vanga always focused on the fact that, first of all, you need to expand your perception of the world and have a positive attitude towards life. Then there will be fewer internal and external problems, and excess weight may disappear on its own.

Several effective rituals

Here is one of the few rituals for the waxing moon (for those who want to rely only on prayers for weight loss).

Starting from the new moon, every day before falling asleep, you should read “Our Father”, until last day before the full moon.

On the specified day (the day before the full moon, you need to look at lunar calendar) the prayer is read three times, after which, looking at the moon, say:

“What I look at will increase, what I stroke will decrease”

When you start speaking, you need to stroke yourself on problem areas in a clockwise direction.

“You’re chubby, I’m not far behind, you’re on the decline, and I’m behind you. You are good, and I am even more beautiful. I whisper cherished words, I want a wasp’s waist. You will grow in the future, and I will gain harmony.”

The spell should be pronounced by going outside and looking at the moon.

On the waning moon, such a ritual can be performed.

Undress, pour water into a basin, look into the water and read 12 times:

My fat goes away with the moon. Take away, moon, my fullness, make me slim and thin.

After the twelfth utterance, stand in a basin and pour over the spoken water. Collect all the water that remains in the basin and pour it at three intersections.

Another strong conspiracy on water for washing, read on the waning moon.

Before going to bed, pour water into a basin and pronounce the weight loss spell so that your breath touches the water:
Lord, help, Lord, bless.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
At sea, on the ocean, on Buyan Island
There is a bed, on that bed there is a feather bed.
There's a pig lying on that feather bed, guarding my fat.
That pig has two heads, three heads,
About four heads, about five heads,
About six heads, about seven heads,
About eight heads, with nine heads,
With nine mouths.
Eat my fat with your head first
Eat my fat with your other head,
Eat my fat with the third head,
Eat my fat with your fourth head,
Eat my fat with your fifth head,
Eat my fat with your sixth head,
Eat my fat with your seventh head,
Eat my fat with your eighth head,
And the ninth will eat up all my fat,
It will take over my fat.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen

Now you need to wash your face very carefully, with plenty of water, and go to bed. Drain the water.

Enough for the next one effective ritual To lose weight quickly, you need to buy a comb. It is bought on Saturday, you will also need two red candles, the ceremony itself is carried out in the morning (Friday or Monday).

I need to wash my face cold water, then put candles in front of you and light them. Place a comb in front of them.

Looking at her, you need to imagine yourself slender, graceful, in tight, tight clothes. Then close your eyes and see yourself with your inner gaze.

The performance should be filled with positivity, joy, one must imagine how everyone will be shocked by the result, the result of one’s actions must be perceived as an already accomplished fact.

After the “movie” has been watched, you need to open your eyes, look at the comb and say this:

Just as a comb combs out lice, so the fat would go away! Just as nits evaporate, so would my weight evaporate! The pig gets fat and fat, but my body gets thin and prettier! Amen!

The plot is read three times, then the comb must be hidden under the pillow. You need to charge the comb every month by reciting a spell on it as written above.

From time to time it should be used: slowly comb your hair, imagining your slimness and beauty. The rest of the time, the comb should lie under the pillow.

A delicious ritual with enchanted honey will make the process of losing excess weight much more pleasant and healthy (if you remember the benefits of honey).

Buy a jar of liquid natural honey.

Select Monday on the waning moon, and speak to this jar of honey using the following text:

To be beautiful is for me, to be slim! Get rid of all the fat from me, get rid of all the fat from me! I shouldn’t be fat, I shouldn’t live with too much weight. He will leave me, run away, fly away and not return! Be beautiful, be slim, be graceful! Like a thin birch tree, like an aspen tree, so I must be thin. Like a graceful swan, like a sweet little darling, so should I be slim! I’ll speak, I’ll put a spell on myself, I’ll treat myself to magic honey! It can only be this way, there is no other way! My word is law! My word is true! Amen!

Now the morning will begin with a teaspoon of honey, it will have to be diluted with water. The process itself is not quick, if the honey is eaten, you should start the next jar.

Consequences of conspiracies: to be afraid or not

Once you start working on yourself, you shouldn’t be afraid of the consequences. Essentially, all of the above is an appeal not only to magical forces, but also to oneself.

Helping yourself in reducing your appetite and giving up gluttony cannot be considered something beyond even very strict ideas.

Here, before you get rid of extra pounds with the help of black magic, it’s worth thinking better, because there are a lot of white rituals, is it worth turning to the devil for harmony?

Weight loss conspiracy - effective method lose extra pounds, but you shouldn’t forget about training. Magic will help if you believe in it and follow the recommendations, alternating them with going to the gym, dieting, counting calories, or at least regular walks in the evenings.


General rules for the ceremony

Before starting weight loss rituals, you should carefully study the spell being used and its meaning.

When resorting to the help of magic, you must:

  • strictly follow the sequence of rituals;
  • believe in the result;
  • perform magical manipulations on an empty stomach;
  • be in a good mood;
  • be able to wait.

Conspiracies to lose weight

There are many powerful conspiracies and rituals that have come from time immemorial and have been tested by more than one generation of people who want to lose excess fat.

On the waning moon

Almost all spells are cast on the waning moon. It is believed that it is at this time that she is able to take away or weaken something. You need to read the plot while looking at the luminary on the street, without looking away.

To the waxing moon

This is the only working ritual performed during the waxing Moon. To carry it out, you need to start preparing before the new moon. At this time, before going to bed, those who want to lose weight should pray three times, reading the Lord's Prayer, until the day before the new moon. Then, for three nights, looking at the growing month, stroke the problem areas clockwise and say.

On the water

Charmed to good figure water:

  • drank;
  • they swam in it;
  • washed the body;
  • face.

Some of the most powerful spells and rituals are performed on water. Because she absorbs magic and is able to transmit information, helping to achieve the goal.

A strand of hair

On a full moon, a glass of water is placed on the window so that the moonlight is reflected in it. The next night, a lock of hair is cut off. It should be soaked in this water and a wet strand should be passed over all the places where excess needs to be removed. After this, the strand will need to be wrapped in paper and burned. The ashes are thrown into the water and the spell is read nine times. After which the water is poured onto the ground so that it is quickly absorbed. Repeat the steps for 9 days.

Glass of water and moonlight

They speak water in a glass exposed to the open sky. Ideally catch a reflection in the water moonlight. The spell is read over the water seven times, after which the glass is placed in the refrigerator. You need to drink it before meals, about half a glass.

It is believed that this procedure will help you feel less hungry and reduce your appetite.

To reduce appetite

Another water spell is designed to reduce appetite. To perform the ritual, you need to pour water into an uncut glass and read the words three times.


IN in this case those wishing to gain slim stomach run a bath, draw hot water or warm water, put a pectoral cross.

Then, the cross is removed and added to the bath:

  • a glass of cow's milk;
  • a glass of holy water;
  • petals of three different roses(color is not important);
  • thread or braid (15-20 cm).

Anyone who wants to lose weight goes into a prepared bath and lies there until the water temperature becomes comparable to body temperature.

After the water in the basin has cooled, it is collected in a container.

After the twelfth reading, stand in a basin and pour the spoken water over yourself. All remaining liquid must be collected and poured out at three intersections.

For washing

Another water spell is read during the waning Moon. To do this, you need to pour water into a basin and whisper on it so that your breath touches the water.

They wash themselves very carefully and generously with the charmed water and go to bed, draining the remains.

Prayer for the waxing moon

In addition to conspiracies, prayers also help to lose weight. Ask higher power optional. However, believers testify that the most strong prayer to lose weight is a request to tame the belly addressed to the Lord.

On the toilet

They read the weight loss plot while in the toilet. During the process of defecation, those who want to lose weight read the following words.

The spell can be repeated regularly.

To the snow

Next effective conspiracy for slimness they read on the first snow, which was collected from tree branches. They rub problem areas with it while pronouncing the words presented below.

For bread

They talk about weight loss and bread, which in the future will be given to the birds.

A strong spell designed to help you lose weight is read over water that is splashed on a heater or on a steam stove. They read it while bending over the ladle.

When rinsing in a bathhouse, the saying below will help you lose weight.

On a wool thread

Magicians perform an effective weight loss ritual with a thread. Powerful conspiracy to blue wool thread carried out on the waning moon. It is read fifteen times over a glass of water and thread.

Then the thread is tied around the base of the ring and middle fingers. The enchanted water must be drunk, divided equally, in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed.

Green tea spell

According to reviews from people losing weight, green tea spells are effective. It is read over the cup at least 2 times a day. The drink for the ritual must be without sugar, honey, sweets or any additives. They drink it confidently while pronouncing a spell.

The ritual should begin on the first day of the waning moon. It is carried out daily for a month.

Apple conspiracy

A magical ritual is also performed over an apple. They talk to him every time they want to take a bite.

Comb spell

Next strong ritual for quick weight loss is carried out using a comb and two red candles. The comb for the ritual is bought on Saturday, and the action itself is carried out on Friday or Monday morning.

In the morning, those who want to lose weight should wash their faces with cold water, place lighted candles in front of them, and in front of them - a purchased comb. Looking at her, you need to imagine your body as slender, take a look at yourself with your inner gaze. At the same time, it is important to maintain positive attitude and an elevated state of mind. It is important to see yourself as if losing weight has already happened. Visualization must be continued until the imagination builds the picture as realistically as possible. Then you should open your eyes and, looking at the comb, say a spell.

You will need to repeat the procedure once a month, reciting the spell.

On a candle

The candle helps those who want to lose excess weight. You need to read the plot on it at sunset on the first day of the waning moon. It is important that a clean, clear sunset is visible from the window. The words must be pronounced when the sun's disk touches the ground and end at the moment when it disappears beyond the horizon.

For the ritual, a red wax candle is taken and lit at the moment the plot begins to be recited.

At the moment when the sun disappears below the horizon, the candle must be extinguished thumb left hand and little finger. The remaining fingers should be pressed against each other; if it was not possible to extinguish the candle, then the excess weight is the result of damage.

After the ritual, the stub of the candle should be placed under the pillow and not tell anyone about it. Before going to bed, you should read the Lord's Prayer. Sleep that night should be sound.

Vanga's conspiracy

Another powerful conspiracy is attributed to the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, who, in addition to global problems, helped people solve daily problems.

They read the plot at midnight, every day, while the moon is waning. The effectiveness of words is enhanced if you imagine the result. The brighter the visualization, the faster the result will be visible. The clairvoyant also recommended working on the perception of the world, which is the cause of all troubles, including those with excess weight.

On the talisman

You can also say weight loss on a talisman that is tied around the body (belt, thread, chain, etc.); the item must be suitable for constant wear.

At midnight, looking at the object, they read the plot.

On honey

For those with a sweet tooth who want to lose weight, a honey spell is suitable. For these purposes, choose liquid natural honey. They slander him on Monday on the waning moon.

Every morning you will need to dissolve a teaspoon of charmed honey in water and drink it.

Powerful doll ritual for quick weight loss

Rapid weight loss is guaranteed by a ritual with a doll performed on the night of the waning moon. She is sculpted from wax (hard dough, clay, plasticine) with forms of obvious obesity and given her name. Before the wax hardens, you should start reading the plot.

This must be done in such a way that you have time to tear off pieces of wax from the stomach, sides, thighs and buttocks. When performing a magical ritual, you should imagine how the body becomes slim and beautiful.

At the end of the ritual, everything torn off must be burned. The doll must be hidden and not shown to anyone. You shouldn’t tell anyone that such a ritual was even carried out. Magicians recommend forgetting about the manipulation and simply enjoying the result.

What could be the consequences?

Before you start trying conspiracies and magical rituals on yourself, you need to understand that magic is an ancient power that relies on genetic memory. Not many people know that the word “weight loss” for our ancestors was akin to damage. “Badness” was sent to enemies, and by reading the wrong plot, you can attract not harmony, but endless problems. Moreover, conspiracies that send “bad things” to a person are classified as black magic, which means they must be used with caution.

Having studied the reviews of those who performed the weight loss ritual, experienced magicians recommend not using all magical remedies at once. It is necessary to carry out at least one of them and look at the consequences. The first reaction will show how the body perceives interference in the aura.

If the weight starts to come off too quickly, you no longer need to perform the ritual. However, if after magical manipulations the number on the scales begins to increase, try to analyze what could cause such an effect.


How do “weight loss” conspiracies work?

In some ways, the principle of the influence of magical rituals on the body is similar to the work, only in this case we put our intention not in the runes, but in water, food, or simply send a special message to the Universe. In fact, even the most powerful weight loss conspiracies will not cause any harm to the body. Their effect will not be permanent; it gradually fades away after reaching desired result. These rituals do not influence strangers, they do not destroy anyone’s life, which means you can be calm - there will definitely not be a “kickback”.

Rules for conducting weight loss rituals

The most important rule- carry out a ritual on the waning moon, because we want to part with extra pounds, and not gain new ones. If we made money on the waxing moon, thereby increasing our capital, then here we do the opposite. Otherwise, the same rules remain relevant: we perform the actions in the described order, we do not change the words of the conspiracy, we believe that everything will definitely work out.

Rituals with water: help from the water element

One of the most effective techniques weight loss are considered special conspiracies against obesity, which are read on the water. Sometimes it’s just a glass of water, sometimes it’s washing in a bathhouse, and sometimes it’s swimming in a natural body of water.

Evening glass of water

Most easy way Losing a few extra pounds means drinking a glass of plain water every night for a month, after speaking with the following words:

“The moon is waning, and I am losing weight; the moon is growing - adding my fullness to its own. Whatever extra I have, let it dissolve, fly away, evaporate! To the moon, to the sun, to the steppe, to the field! And it will remain there forever. Amen!"

After drinking water, it is strictly forbidden to eat anything until the morning. The effect will become noticeable after a week.

There is another similar method, only it uses not ordinary tap or drinking water, but holy water, specially consecrated in a church, or collected from a holy source. There, in the church, you need to buy candles - three pieces. In the evening before going to bed, light candles in front of a glass of water and read the miraculous words three times:

"The water is wild,
You flow here and there,
Don't you run
Help me.
Take my weight
Run away with it.
Water, water,
Not my problem
Take away the trouble
I won’t find grief!”

After finishing reading, drink all the water in one gulp, and then say the addition:

“I don’t know the troubles from clean water. My weight will go away and go to the enemy. Amen, amen, amen"

Before bed ritual

A spell to lose weight before bed is considered very effective. In order to set up our body for weight loss, we will again use water, only not to drink, but to wash ourselves with it. Shortly before bed, you need to prepare a small basin with warm water and read the magic words over it three times if you need to lose no more than five kilograms, or seven times if more:

“Warm water, take my fat with you. Wash away the excess from me, leave the thinness. Make your sleep sound and your body slim. Me healthy and beautiful. Pour some water, but the weight goes away and doesn’t come back. Let it be so!"

After reading, we wash our body and face with water from the basin - and with in a great mood Let's go to bed. You can’t read a weight loss plot before going to bed on a new moon - the moon must waning!

Fat burning sauna

If you have a summer house or live in country house, where there is a real Russian bathhouse on the site, you can do a little magic in it. Unforgettably important rule- read a weight loss plot to remove fat on water on the waning moon! You don’t have to do anything complicated - just before entering the bathhouse, say out loud:

“I’ll come to the bathhouse as a fat woman, and I’ll leave the bathhouse as a slender birch tree.” The steam room will warm me up and remove the fat from me.”

After reading, carry out the usual procedures, steam yourself with a broom, relax your soul and body, and when leaving the bathhouse, say gratitude:

“Thank you, baby, for the relief, thank you, baby, for the deliverance.”

Naturally, the ritual must be repeated regularly. It won't be difficult if you are summer time You’ve been living in the country for years.

There is another version of “bath magic” from healer Natalya Stepanova. Essentially, you do everything the same as described above, but at the same time take a church candle with you to the bathhouse, which you need to light and hold in your hands while you are in the room. This spell from completeness should be read on the waning moon, similar to the previous one, and it is best to do this in a loud voice:

“The monk walked in a cassock, read psalms, ate holy water and prosphora. The monk sweated and lost weight on the road. Let me sweat and lose weight too"

Let the candle burn out quietly inside the bathhouse.

Ritual bathing in a pond

If it’s summer and you dream of becoming slimmer, more beautiful, more impressive in the eyes of others, find a body of water where you will come at midnight. Try to find a secluded place so that there are no strangers there except you. Exactly at midnight, enter the water, plunge headlong, and then recite the water spell for weight loss:

“Mother Water, help me, servant of God (your name). I poured you some milk, decorated you with rose petals, and put on a holy cross! Help in my trouble, in my grief! Take all the fat away from me, far, far away from me! I want to be beautiful, I want to be slim! So that the weight never comes back to me! Amen!"

Plunge your head in again, and then get out of the water, dry yourself with a towel and go home. It’s better not to eat anything until the morning; you can only drink clean water.

Food rituals: eat and lose weight

Conspiracies against obesity for various foods and drinks are very popular. It is very easy to perform such rituals, they are all essentially similar:

  1. Find the specified fruit or vegetable beautiful shape, which looks appetizing - not flaccid, not dry, without dents and wormholes, as fresh as possible
  2. Reading the magic text
  3. We eat the product immediately or after a certain time, if specified.
  4. Losing weight with ease and a good mood

So, here are the conspiracies themselves for different foods:

Apple (read once): “The apple is round, the apple is red, help me, help me lose weight. Asmuren-nataren, I ask, I make a strong sacrifice, I bear the burden within my power, I will give what you take. The apple is round, the apple is red, help me, help me lose weight."

Peach (after reading, leave the fruit on the windowsill overnight, eat it in the morning): “Just as the sun rises every day, so I wake up every day. As the day begins to wane, so will my weight. As soon as the week ends, I’ll lose weight.”

Carrots (eat immediately): “You little bitch, take away the fat, help me. I'll give you everything, I'll give you everything, help me. I want to lose weight, I want to lose weight, I’ll pay with my soul.”

Green onions: “Godomun-meregach, help, rescue me. I’ll lose weight, my father, help me, I want to lose weight. Godomun-meregach, I will pay any price, help me"

In addition to fruits and vegetables, you can use the following spell to spell honey. The main thing is that the product is natural, made from bees, and not store-bought, with preservatives. We read the spell for a whole jar, and then eat one teaspoon every morning for one to two months.

“Be beautiful for me, be slim!
Get rid of all the fat from me, get rid of all the fat from me!
I shouldn’t be fat, I shouldn’t live with too much weight.
He will leave me, run away, fly away and not return!
Be beautiful, be slim, be graceful!
Like a thin birch tree, like an aspen tree, so I must be thin,
Like a graceful winch, like a sweet little darling, so should I be slender!
I’ll speak, I’ll put a spell on myself, I’ll treat myself to magic honey!
It can only be this way, there is no other way!
My word is the law! My word is true! Amen!"

You can also read magic words to normal green tea. True, you need to do this every time before you are going to drink a drink. It is prohibited to put sugar. This ritual has a pleasant bonus - it lowers blood pressure, which makes hypertensive patients feel better.

“I drink tea, hot tea, let the rattling fat go away. My word is strong, like a stone on the banks of the Ora River."

Slimness rituals with various objects

In order to part with the hated kilograms, you can use not only water and food, but also various improvised items.

Magic soap

For example, there is a conspiracy to lose weight during the waning moon, which is pronounced over a piece of soap. It must be white or transparent, and must be new or made independently. You should not give this soap to anyone - only use it yourself.

“I’ll run soap over your little body, and I’ll burn all your sagging fat to hell. I’ll lose a lot of weight, I’ll lose weight, and I’ll glorify this conspiracy in my thoughts. Let it be so! Amen, amen, amen."

Miracle comb

Instead of soap, you can use a comb. We carry out the ritual, of course, when the moon wanes, on Thursday or Friday. The comb must be new, as well as the two candles that we will need for the ceremony. In the evening, light candles, place a comb between them, and leave them to burn for ten to fifteen minutes, mentally imagining how your extra pounds will disappear while combing your hair. Then we say the miraculous words, extinguish the candles, put the comb under the pillow at night, and the next morning we begin to comb our hair with it every day.

“Let the fat go away like lice are combed out with a comb. Let my weight disappear like nits disappear. Let the pig plump up and get fat, and let my body get thinner and prettier! Amen"

Magic candle

Another conspiracy to lose weight - this time with a simple church candle. True, you need to not only buy it, but stand in the church throughout the entire morning service, without letting go of the candle. In the evening at home we put a candle on a piece of cloth white, light it, read the text of the conspiracy:

“My fat goes away along with the moon, take away my fullness, moon, and make me slim and thin.”

We wait until the wax burns out completely. We wrap the cinder in the same fabric, and then simply store it in our room on a shelf with personal belongings or clothes.

The most powerful fat burning rituals

The most powerful weight loss plot is guaranteed to help you remove fat once and for all. But we will have to work a little with our hands. To begin with, you need to sew a doll from available materials (for example, straw, wax or rags) - it will symbolize our figure. At night, all alone, you take the doll in your hands and recite a spell on it, at the same time pinching all the “problem” areas of the figure with your hands and saying the words:

“I pinch the sides - I expel fat, I remove lard - I remove gluttony, small food is good for the belly!”

This doll should be kept in a secluded place so that no one but you will ever see it. If it falls into the wrong hands, disaster will happen. If you have lost enough weight, the doll should be burned at night at any intersection far from residential buildings and people, or near a cemetery.

Good luck in your fight against excess weight!