If the husband is Muslim. Muslim husband

February 23

Islamic canonical marriage law allows marriages between Muslims and women of the People of the Book (Christians and Jews). At all times - both during the period of the Prophet's mission and today - Muslim men could marry Christians and Jews.

Today, in the context of globalization and the mixing of cultures, as a result of interfaith marriages, a number of problems arise in families, for example, with raising children in the spirit of the Islamic faith or with instilling in them an Islamic worldview. The demographic factor is also important: marriages of Muslims with non-Muslim women to a certain extent reduce the chances of Muslim women finding a spouse of the same religion, forcing them to marry non-Muslims, which is canonically prohibited.

The overwhelming majority of authoritative scholars of Islam, including theologians of all four madhhabs, expressed the opinion that it is undesirable for a Muslim to marry a woman from the People of the Book. As an argument, the example of the second righteous caliph ‘Umar is given, who, when he was the ruler of the faithful, called on Muslims to divorce their Christian and Jewish wives. Everyone except Huzeifa immediately divorced. The same man divorced his wife after some time, thereby showing that there is no direct prohibition on this kind of marriage in Islam, but the orders of the caliph cannot be disobeyed.

‘Umar’s order was not groundless. In view of the canonical permissibility of Muslim marriages with women from the People of the Book, many Muslims began to marry Christians and Jews, but did not subsequently show a desire to introduce their wives to the Truth of the Quranic gospel and strengthen them in Islamic virtue.

Some theologians, especially of the Hanafi madhhab, declare the prohibition (haram) of this kind of marriage in a non-Islamic state, where Muslims are a minority, since in such conditions, basically, the question of the personal religious status of the believer - the right to live - was and remains unresolved according to the canons of their faith, which presupposes the free exercise of religious needs (including the possibility of timely performing five prayers), regulation of their life in accordance with Sharia law (in matters of family, marriage, inheritance, etc.). An important factor is the nationalistic, anti-Islamic sentiments in society and propaganda in the media in some states, as well as (perhaps as a result of the above) the categorical desire of the non-Muslim spouse to raise children in a different (non-Islamic) religious tradition. This state of affairs cannot but have an impact, first of all, on families in which the spouse (caretaker, mother and teacher of children) is not Muslim: the spiritual, religious and national-cultural foundations of the family are weakened.

Of course, Islamic canons allow marriages between Muslims, on the one hand, and Christians or Jews, on the other, but one must understand that this permission by the Lord contains hidden wisdom and benefit. A person who has taken the path of truth will try to help his neighbor find this path, will make every effort to ensure that the members of his family hear the Word of the Lord and practice His commandments, which is sometimes difficult to achieve even in a Muslim family if the society and environment do not contribute.

A Muslim who marries a Christian or Jewish woman because of her beauty, but then makes no effort to make her understand and accept Muslim values, falls under the above-mentioned order of Caliph 'Umar. If he neglects this serious warning, then he calls into question the well-being of himself and his children in both worlds.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that the marriage of a Muslim with a chaste and well-behaved woman of Christian and Jewish cultures is canonically permitted, but it is necessary to take into account (1) the preservation of the status of the husband in the family according to the canons of Islam, (2) the desirability of the wife accepting the Islamic faith and (3) the obligation to raise children in the spirit of morality and religiosity, commanded by the Holy Quran and Sunnah of the final Messenger of God (may the Almighty bless and greet him). And all this must be in the context of faith in the One God, among whose last prophets were Moses, Jesus and Muhammad.

May the Almighty protect us from rash actions and grant us and our descendants ways and opportunities to achieve happiness in the earthly world and in the eternal world!

Answers to questions on the topic

I am Orthodox, and he is Muslim. We fell in love with each other and would like to start a family. Is this possible and under what conditions?

If your feelings are complete, sincere and mutual, then try to see the world through the prism of the worldview in which your loved one lives and, perhaps, you yourself will answer the questions that arise.

I am a baptized Christian, I love a Muslim very much. The love has been mutual for almost five years, but we haven’t been able to start a family because my boyfriend can’t decide on nicknames due to the fact that I don’t accept Islam. His mom doesn't mind me. Recently he turned to his mullah relative for advice, who said that I should definitely convert to Islam.

I feel very good about Islam, knowing that God is One. I want our future children to be Muslims. Yes, and I, perhaps, will accept Islam if I come to it myself. I consider it wrong to take such a responsible step as accepting another faith, knowing practically nothing about it. Please give me some advice. And is it sinful if I convert to Islam because I love a man very much, and he wants to marry a Muslim woman? Tatyana, 27 years old.

You say that the feelings have been mutual for 5 years, but if your intentions are serious, why haven’t you decided after such a long period of time whether you need Muslim spiritual values ​​in your life or not?! And one more thing: if your friend has been cohabiting with you (living as if he were his wife) for all these years, then it is not clear what values ​​he is guided by and what he follows. It turns out that Islam is a kind of formal status, but for the rest - live as you please, the main thing is that words like “live according to the Koran and Sunnah”, “what is it like according to Sharia”, etc. Strange, isn't it?

My Christian wife wants to get married. Can I marry her and then perform a similar ritual according to Muslim traditions? If this is possible, then what and how should be done? Nail, 21 years old.

There is no need to get married, you should not do this, registration with the registry office and a Muslim wedding will be enough.

My fiancé is Muslim, I am a Christian. His parents insist that I change my religion, otherwise I will not be accepted into the family. But I’m not ready for this, or rather, this religion is absolutely unknown to me, to tell the truth, it’s even scary, because, I think, this is a great sin. What should I do? I'm afraid of losing my boyfriend. Veronica, 27 years old.

Yes, a change of belief from the point of view of any confession is regarded as a sin, apostasy. But “there is no compulsion in religion!” (Holy Quran, 2:256). Only your heart can tell you what to do. To get acquainted with Islam, read my books “The Path to Faith and Perfection” and “Peace of the Soul”.

I am a Christian, dating a Muslim. We have a wonderful relationship, but I was married and I'm afraid to tell him about it. I think that if I tell him, he will decide to break up. I’m tired of being silent and it’s becoming more and more difficult to communicate because of this. After all, for him this is a shame, on my part it’s a deception. Irina, 22 years old.

The best thing to do is to tell the truth.

I have Muslim roots, I myself am half Armenian. I would like to connect my life with a Muslim. I am drawn to Islam. But as soon as I begin a relationship with some young man from this environment, after a while everything stops only because I am a foreigner. Answer, why are parents sometimes against the happiness of their children? I come from a decent family, I’m modest and well-mannered, but that’s not what they seem to be looking at.

They, parents, have their own understanding of happiness. For each person it has its own shapes, shades, colors.

I married a Russian girl. After marriage, I found out that she was not a girl, she had a relationship with someone else before me. Can I continue to live with her? Is this allowed or prohibited? Now she is studying Islam and plans to become a Muslim.

Your situation is a sad and common reality of our time. In this case, you canonically have the right to divorce, but you can also continue to live with her if you think that she has repented of what she did and is not going to repeat this kind of sinful and harmful actions.

I hope you yourself did not have an intimate relationship with anyone before marrying her.

Please tell me what should a Muslim do if he is married to a non-Muslim woman who does not accept Islam, although she verbally says that she wants to become a Muslim, but in fact does nothing?

Be a full-fledged Muslim, that is, a person from whom only good, positive, creative energy comes, both in relation to others and in relation to oneself (the desire to successfully realize one’s capabilities and constantly improve oneself intellectually, physically, spiritually). This will require a serious attitude from you and a lot of energy and effort, but everything will quickly pay off in the end. Don’t be rude, don’t force, and you will see how those around you will transform as a result of your personal transformation. "Example is more powerful than preaching" (S. Johnson).

Do you think that I, a Muslim, can marry a Christian girl who wants to convert to Islam, as it seems to me, for my sake, for the sake of marriage (not out of conviction yet)? Jimmy.

Theoretically, you can, but practically, it is very responsible and has dangerous prospects for you and your future children.

Is it permissible for a Muslim man to live with a non-Muslim wife even though he has called and admonished her many times? I know that a Muslim can live with a Christian Jewish wife. What if it doesn’t belong to either the first or the second?

The question of whether it is possible to live with a non-Muslim wife (especially one who is neither Christian nor Jewish) would be relevant if asked before marriage, and not now, when the relationship has already been realized.

For a Muslim, as a submissive person devoted to God, in such a situation, patience is the only key to preserving the family, especially one in which there is a child who needs both paternal and maternal care. In addition, it can be very difficult for a person who has formed as an individual in a society in which spirituality is clearly in decline to change his inner world, fill it with faith, and even more so to understand and accept the final Scripture revealed to all humanity, especially when there is no living example of Muslim virtue, for example, in the person of her beloved husband. By the way, some married couples took years to come to the Divine Truth.

My husband is Tatar, Muslim, I am Orthodox, and very religious, observing all fasts and canons, from a non-drinking and non-smoking family. Before the wedding, my husband assured me that there should be no questions about religion with the child, that I could raise my children in my traditions. But now, when I am pregnant, he walks around sad, dejected, I can guess why. He is afraid that I will give the child a Christian name, that the child will not know Muslim traditions. What to do? I love my husband very much and don’t want him to be upset. He says that even if I do it my way, he will never leave me, but will live his whole life in melancholy and sadness, as if withdrawing into himself. It's like he's blackmailing me. Is it possible to circumcise a child, read the azan and iqamat, and then baptize him in the church? Is it possible to instill two faiths in a child at once and is it not considered a terrible sin if the child attends a mosque and a church? To me, as an educated and urban person, it seems possible, given the century we live in, to avoid family conflicts and reproaches.

Islam is the stage of religious development of mankind, following Judaism and Christianity. It is unrealistic to inculcate several religions at once, especially when there are serious differences between them. For a believer, if he really understands the meaning and significance of his religion, this is absurd, this is, as they say, neither here nor there. Your husband’s reaction is clear, understand that he, as the head of the family, must answer before God on the Day of Judgment for the righteousness and correctness of his wife and children’s beliefs.

See, for example: al-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vol. T. 9. P. 6654.

The order of the Caliph concerned only those Muslims whose wives during their married life did not accept Islam and did not become Muslims.

In the modern world, marriages between people of different religious faiths are no longer surprising, borders are being erased, globalization is advancing by leaps and bounds. If sometimes questions arise like: is it possible for a Muslim to marry a Christian, life makes its own adjustments, people find a common language or solve the problem in some other way.

To get the correct answers to questions on this matter, you need to turn to the primary sources, the Bible and the Koran, only they can give true believers the right instructions.

There are often situations when a follower of Islam falls in love with a Christian girl. The young man is lost and does not know what to do with his feelings. What should he do? Is marriage possible between a Muslim and a Christian?

Nikah between a Muslim and a Christian

Nikah is a marriage according to the rules of Islam between a Muslim man and a Muslim woman. It will also be valid if a Muslim marries a girl of Christian faith. In this case, the woman is part of a Muslim family and will honor the traditions of this house.

At the same time, she does not have to convert to Islam, this is stated in the Koran.

Another thing is that a woman will be held accountable for her relationship with a non-Christian before her faith. If the woman is an unbeliever, such a problem will not even arise.

Nikah will be valid between a Muslim and a Christian, since the Koran makes an exception for women who, by religion, belong to the adherents of the Scripture or Ahlul-Kitab (in Arabic). Christians and Jews are included in this list.

It is worth noting: A woman will also receive a divorce (talaq) according to Islamic customs; as soon as the husband publicly pronounces this word three times, the marriage will be considered dissolved. In some communities it is enough to say it twice and without witnesses.

A woman has no right to divorce. The Koran spells out cases when talaq is possible for a wife, but there are very few of them and it is practically impossible to do. For example, to accuse a spouse of infidelity, you need to find several witnesses; no one will believe the words of the woman herself.

We must remember that the children from this marriage, in the event of a divorce, will remain with the father; the mother will have no rights to them. Also, the man will have to support his ex-wife, pay something like alimony if he got her as a virgin.

Is it possible for a Muslim to marry a Russian?

Russians are Christians by faith, but the Koran distinguishes them from other adherents of the Christian faith.

According to Allah, Russians are polytheists; they believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This means that until a Russian woman believes in Islam, she cannot be taken as a wife.

She will be considered as a wife if she renounces her faith and honors the traditions of Islam, raising her children as true Muslims.

If a girl was raised in a family with strong Christian traditions, it will be difficult for her to abandon her faith. The option of a Muslim man accepting another faith for the sake of his beloved is not even considered; such precedents are one in tens of millions.

Let's look at how the Bible interprets this situation.

Is it possible for a Christian woman to marry a Muslim?

A Christian woman can marry a Muslim, but she will live unmarried, which means she will be in sin.

The Christian faith does not recognize such marriage, considering it cohabitation. If she is ready to take this step, then she takes responsibility for her destiny and turns away from her Creator.

The Bible calls such marriages a “great evil” and a “sin before God” that cannot be washed away in a lifetime. The guilt will “grow to the skies”, the act will be considered “lawlessness that exceeds the head.”

The Holy Book of all Christians does not approve of marriages with people of other faiths, this is clear from the sayings of the Old Testament: “take wives and marry only from your own people.” The New Testament is also opposed and through the mouth of Paul (the apostle) it says that “to marry only in the Lord,” and a Muslim does not walk under our God.

The book of Father Daniel, where he reflects on such marriages, will help you study this topic in detail.

Book by Father Daniil (Daniil Sysoev) “Marriage with a Muslim”

The author of the book communicates with the reader in simple and understandable language. The topics he raises are relevant today, as there is a constant mixing of cultures and religions.

His reflections help to understand how the Orthodox Church views mixed marriages. For some this will be just information, but for others it will be a useful lesson.

What to do if you are already in an alliance with a non-religious person? How to divorce? Or how to behave in an unusual environment? Answers to these questions may be helpful to young people. Maybe someone will begin to look at their relationships with people from a different angle.

The examples given in the book will make you think about what I would do or would do if I found myself in such a situation. Those who are interested in learning about the sacraments of Wedding or Baptism will also find their topic; they are described in accessible language.

The first thing I would do in such a situation is to prepare the rear first of all - this is money. Tell your husband that, let’s say, your parents need money (you wrote that dad is sick) and therefore you would like to go to work, since you are not comfortable asking him for money, and children should help their parents (for example, you you help your mother so wonderfully) and continue your studies at the university. And studying at a university in order to work in the future in a normal specialty. So to say, my mother does such a wonderful job around the house, with the child, etc., that I just get in her way.

Probably, in the current situation, he would be against your work and would simply offer money. You send this money home, where it is quietly deposited in a small bag or into a bank account.

Then your studies would have crumbled into pieces, but you would have continued, this is your future. Sudden movements and ultimatums are not allowed here; you have already received a slap in the face for one. Maneuver, be affectionate and flexible, agree with your mother-in-law on everything, reduce her vigilance and wariness.
As an argument for studying - (you seem to have written that you will be a pediatrician), you say that you are planning many children, so it will be wonderful when there is a children’s doctor in the family. Children's health is very important.
You have just six months ahead, slowly, gradually, by the fall, to finish off this issue. As soon as you start learning to restore your relationships with friends and classmates, life will be more eventful and interesting.

Child - it is customary for Muslims to leave children to their husband during a divorce; as a rule, they are raised by their mother-in-law. I know a couple of such cases. Think about your relationship with your husband. In such a situation, I would not try to get pregnant with the next child; it would be more convenient to hide with one. And then - another child means at least a couple of years at home and, accordingly, problems with communication and study.

You can look for advantages in something - does your mother-in-law do everything around the house? - Amazing! It's better for you. How old is she, by the way, and how is her health? Don’t try to conflict with her, on the contrary, gain trust, and then depend on the situation. Try to neutralize your opponent in small ways.
And everything is literally point by point, what you don’t like, slowly persuade you to the options you need, there is no money for pocket expenses, you talk to your husband that it’s very inconvenient for you to strain your mother (him), that you need money for pads, it’s very inconvenient for you to ask her money, when you want to give her a gift (when she has a birthday, March 8th is coming soon), maybe he will be able to give you some amount of money? etc.

Well, and most importantly, try to talk with your husband at the moments of his greatest disposition - how he sees your relationship in the future. Tell us about yourself and your life. Maybe he will listen and think.
I would simply save up money, study, get back on my feet, and in the absence of a desire on my husband’s part to change anything, take a child under my arm and send these comrades on an erotic journey on foot. ;-), although no, I’m already looking at the situation through your eyes, I would have a heart-to-heart talk with my husband and, in the absence of his desire to change anything, I would send him right away, and let them release Fatima from her village and have an uncomplaining slave. But that's me.

The content of the article:

Marriage between a Christian and a Muslim is a voluntary union of a woman and a man professing different faiths and belonging to different cultures, when a passionate feeling forces one to abandon traditional Christian virtues and accept Muslim values, namely complete subordination to one’s husband, restriction of rights and freedoms in public life .

Is marriage possible between representatives of different faiths?

Registering love relationships between representatives of different religious faiths is permitted in any country. The restrictions apply only to the age at which one can officially marry.

Russia is a multinational state; more than 190 different peoples live in the country. Moscow has over 11 million residents, and the Slavic brothers - Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians - are a minority here. There are only 4,620,000 of them. The rest are representatives of other nationalities. Let’s say there are significantly more Tatars in the Russian capital than in Kazan.

Currently, there are more than 20 million people professing Islam in the Russian Federation, and this number is constantly growing. Over 15 years, their number in the country has increased by 40%. If the growth continues to be so rapid, in forty years every fourth resident of Russia will be a Muslim.

The Family Code of the Russian Federation (Article 156 “Marriage on the territory of the Russian Federation”) does not speak of any restrictions based on nationality when entering into a marriage relationship. So marriage between a Muslim and a Christian is quite officially possible. It is not a novelty and is quite relevant today.

Many Russian women marry Muslims. This is a matter of personal relationships and is not regulated by the state. But Christian dogma imposes certain restrictions on such marriages. The Apostle Paul also said not to “be unequally yoked with unbelievers...” (Second Corinthians 6:14).

But this was said a long time ago. Now times are completely different. Orthodox Christians and Muslims live side by side in the same country. They work, study and often live in the same dorm. There is no time for dogmas of faith here. Yes, and the question is very intimate, but you can’t order your heart...

All this is true. Only a girl who married a Muslim can hardly be considered a true Christian. Did you wear a cross and even go to church on major holidays? So what? Now this is fashionable and does not at all mean that she was a believer, knew the tenets of Christian morality well and understood the differences between Christianity (Orthodoxy) and Islam.

And they are big, especially when it comes to the behavior of women in the Muslim community. Nowadays, marriage between a Christian and a Muslim is possible, but often insight comes “later.” And then those who left for their faithful in a Muslim country are eager to go home to mom and dad, and it’s good if they return without serious consequences for their health, not physically and mentally exhausted.

And yet, despite this, some girls recklessly “get married” to the faithful, leave their country and go with their husbands to the promised land - to their homeland.

It is important to know! In Islam, a woman is in a lower position compared to a man. One of the hadiths (a retelling of the words of the Prophet) says that “A woman is created from a rib and will never straighten out in front of you, and if you want to benefit from her, then let the crookedness remain with her. And if you try to straighten it, you will only break it.”

Why Christians marry Muslims

There are many reasons for marrying a Muslim. The main thing that is cited to justify such an act is that a great feeling forces you to get married. And with a sweetheart, as you know, there’s heaven in the hut. It is useless to tell a foolish heart, but a reasonable one should listen to the arguments of elders or at least ask what awaits a woman of a different faith in the house of a Mohammedan.

Among the reasons why marriage between a Muslim and a Christian is possible, the following should be mentioned:

  • Love. In their youth, everyone is a maximalist. And if the feeling that flared up for a handsome brunette with a burning, irresistible gaze is first love? She makes you crazy. Follow him to the ends of the earth! The girl agrees to become his slave and wash his feet, as long as he doesn’t leave him. There are such simpletons by nature; they easily convert to another faith and, without unnecessary emotions, adapt to Muslim customs, which are unacceptable for most Orthodox women.
  • Unexpected pregnancy. Let’s say they are students and often meet in companies outside of their studies. A cheerful student party ended in a casual affair. She became pregnant and wants to solve all her problems through marriage. And these could be complaints from parents, “crooked” smiles from friends and acquaintances. He is quite attractive, and he has money, because he came to study in another country. So marrying him is not the worst option. But the girl doesn’t think much about the fact that he is a Muslim and how life will turn out in the future. Such a marriage is short-lived and can cause her big troubles in the future.
  • The desire to go to another country. He's from another world. And everything there is fabulous, and besides, he’s rich and doesn’t skimp on expensive gifts. And here is such a prose of life, parents give very little money for study. And you want not only to eat well, but also to look beautiful. It makes no difference that he is a Muslim; their customs are strict but fair. And he loves me so much. I’ll go with him and have a great life!
  • Loneliness. The woman was already married. My husband, for example, drank a lot and beat me too. A hopeless, tedious existence. I had to get a divorce. And here is an oriental handsome man with money. And how he cares, gives such gifts... He promises to take him with him, for example, to Turkey. There is only one life, but you want to live beautifully.
  • Business. He comes from, say, Turkey. He has his own profitable business here. She works in his company. Warm relationships grew into love. They began to live together, over time the woman converted to Islam and left for her husband’s country.
  • The appeal of Islam. Nowadays there are many divorced Islamist preachers; it is easy to find them on the Internet. They convincingly talk about the benefits of their religion. The vices of Christian society are stigmatized. Let's say same-sex marriage, which is prohibited in Muslim countries on pain of death. Many girls (guys) succumb to this propaganda and accept the new faith. What this can lead to, a striking example is the sad fate of Moscow student Varvara Karaulova. She traveled to Turkey and tried to illegally cross the Turkish-Syrian border in order to join the ranks of ISIS, the Islamic State terrorist organization banned in Russia.

It is important to know! There will always be women eager to marry a Muslim man. In the end, it's a personal choice. And it is not always fatal. However, the decision must be conscious, so that later it will not be “excruciatingly painful” for making a mistake, if it does happen.

Features of Muslim marriage

The marriage of a Muslim man and a Christian woman should be viewed through the prism of the norms of Muslim law, enshrined in adat and Sharia. Adat are ancient customs that believers are obliged to strictly follow in their lives. And Sharia is the “right path” given to people by the Prophet Muhammad.

Islam states that a woman should be an extraordinary person. For example, Khadija, the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad, was engaged in trade and herself invited him to marry her. Aisha, his second wife, left a lot of hasidim about the Prophet - information about his personal life. Muhammad respected his many wives, telling his followers that "You have rights over your women, and your women have rights over you."

But the Prophet also said that “Most of those who will go to hell will be women.” This controversial opinion of Muhammad about the female sex actually resulted in a severe restriction of the rights of Muslim women.

For example, in Saudi Arabia, women are actually prohibited from riding public transport; all parts of the body must be covered. Disobedience can result in imprisonment. And if she’s already behind bars, then there’s no early release, unlike men.

Therefore, a Slavic girl should think seven times before deciding to marry a Muslim. Will she be able to endure all the restrictions that life as a Muslim will impose on her if she has to leave for her husband’s homeland? After all, there you will have to change your faith.

Great love is not an excuse for a rash decision. You should verify your feelings with your mind. Passion may go away, but it is extremely difficult to rewrite a broken destiny.

Life in a Muslim family has its own nuances that a girl who wants to join her destiny with a Muslim simply needs to know. She must understand that Islamic traditions regarding family relationships are holy and unshakable. For example, she must not spend money without her husband’s permission and cannot leave home without a male escort for more than 3 days. Otherwise it will be considered incorrect. This already entails punishment.

Main features of Muslim marriage:

  1. The husband is the head of the family. It is impossible to disobey, his word is strictly fulfilled. He can listen to his wife's opinion, but the decision is his. You should please your man in everything and always, even in sex. Refusing it without a serious reason (this could be, say, menstruation) is considered a serious fault.
  2. Household. The wife is obliged to conduct all household chores under the supervision of her mother-in-law. And strictly follow all her instructions. She is the eldest among the women of the family. He has no right to talk to her of his own free will, only when she speaks to her.
  3. Work permit. You need to ask your husband for it, he can give it, but this does not free you from housework. Muslim women can only work as doctors, nurses, teachers; they are prohibited from other professions.
  4. A woman has no right to talk to strangers. For disobedience there is a severe punishment; they can be charged with prostitution.
  5. Wearing a hijab. These are dark clothes that hide the body from prying eyes. What multi-colored dresses are here, so beloved by young people. Even the decorations cannot be seen by strangers. Everything is just for my husband.
  6. You can't leave the house. Only with the consent of your spouse, without his accompaniment or a relative, you cannot visit, for example, friends.
  7. Maybe more than one wife. I came to his homeland, and it turns out that he has three more wives at home. Muslim law allows polygamy. There is nowhere to go, you have to put up with it.
  8. Punishment. A husband can punish if his wife stubbornly refuses to obey him. But hitting is not allowed. If she can prove cases of physical violence against her, she can obtain a divorce. However, in this case, there is a very low probability that the Christian wife will take the children with her. The law is on the father's side here.
  9. Restrictions on attendance at sporting events. This is due to the fact that there will be involuntary communication with strangers, and this is strictly not allowed.
  10. You can't drive a car. Accordingly, a ban on obtaining a driver's license. In Saudi Arabia, being a female driver is a great sin.
  11. Internet restriction. Anyone who wants to marry a Muslim should know that in Muslim countries he is under strict control. Let's say there is a ban on social networks, dating sites, etc. The greatest restrictions exist in Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Jordan, and Iran. Anyone who violates Islamic values ​​on the Internet may end up in prison.

It is important to know! The Islamic theologian al-Ghazali said: “Out of 1000 virtues, only one applies to women, the remaining 999 apply to men.” Before a Christian woman marries a Muslim, she should carefully weigh all the pros and cons of such a union. So that later you don’t bitterly repent and don’t bite your elbows.

Consequences of marriage between a Christian and a Muslim

Actually, all the features of the marriage of an Orthodox woman and a Muslim can become consequences. Happy or sad if the decision to marry was made hastily.

There is a high probability that he will be prosperous when the husband stayed in his wife’s homeland and even converted to her faith. And if they are both non-believers, it is possible that they will simply live happily, without burdening themselves with the religious dogmas of Christianity (Orthodoxy or Catholicism) and Mohammedanism.

In her husband’s homeland, if she decided to leave with him, the family can also be happy. And here a lot depends on the country where you went and the personality of the faithful. Will he be able to provide his wife with familiar living conditions in a state completely unfamiliar to her? An important role is how the foreigner will be received by her new family.

Her character also determines her future fate. How will she react to a new unusual life for herself, will she come to terms with it or will she resist the tough life situation.

A true Christian is unlikely to decide to marry a Muslim; even great love is not a reason to abandon the faith of her ancestors. And if this does happen, such an apostate departs from Christian morality and loses herself in God. He turns away from her, the realization of this will torment her soul for the rest of her life.

It is not easy to break oneself for a person who is accustomed to living freely, without wild taboos in the 21st century. And in Islam there are many of these for men, and even more for women. For example, the Islamic preacher Abu Isa at-Tirmidhi, who lived in the 9th century, said: “If a woman is disobedient or immodest, the husband has the right to beat her, but not to break her bones.” He believed that if a husband wants intimacy with his wife, she must unquestioningly submit, “even if she bakes bread at the stove,” since she “has no power over her body, even her milk belongs to her husband.”

Sharia law speaks about the inequality of women. For example, in court, the testimony of two women is equal to the testimony of one man. A Muslim can cheat on his wife, and, interestingly, can enter into short-term marriages from one hour to a year. In fact, this is a license for prostitution.

And God forbid a wife look at a strange man or she will be caught in adultery. This could end very sadly, for example, they could get stoned. This punishment is not practiced in all Muslim countries, but in Somalia in 2008 there was a case where a teenage girl was beaten to death only on the grounds that she had allegedly been raped by three men. The Islamist authorities interpreted this as having provoked them to violence.

An Orthodox Christian should certainly know about these and many other consequences of marriage with a Muslim before deciding to marry a Mohammedan. So that later all the harsh restrictions on the rights and freedoms of women that reign in Muslim society will not be a heavy duty for her. If this doesn’t stop you - love is above all, then good luck.

But more often than not, women have a very vague idea of ​​the consequences of marriage to a Muslim. In the Soviet Union, there were often cases when a girl married a guy from Central Asia. Let's say he served where she lived. The soldier seemed like a sweet and reliable person, but upon arrival with his young wife at his home he suddenly turned out to be a despot. His relatives also did not want to recognize her. And this became a great tragedy for the woman.

Today, a Muslim often takes his girlfriend to his country. All roots with relatives are cut off. It’s hard to say what could happen to her in a foreign land if life doesn’t work out. The unfortunate woman has to endure many ordeals, and it’s good if she manages to return to her homeland. And some are resigned to their lot. But such a fate can hardly be called happy.

In our troubled times, it is especially dangerous that preachers have appeared among young Muslims who describe the delights of Islam to Slavic women and even marry them. But in fact, women are recruited into the ranks of various terrorist groups banned in Russia. And this is the most terrible side of marriage with Muslims. It happens that such women become suicide bombers.

Watch a video about the marriage of a Christian and a Muslim:

Marriage between a Christian and a Muslim is a very serious step. There are many “pools” invisible to the inexperienced eye in which you can get wrapped up and confused. First of all, this applies to women who decide to throw in their lot with a person from a Muslim country. Feelings are good. But a wisely made decision is better! If a girl does not value her personal freedom and is ready to sacrifice herself in the name of love, then she should take the flag into her hands! But unfortunately, sad stories often happen in life when a rash act can significantly ruin your life. And not only can it be spoiled, sometimes you can even lose it.

Nowadays, quite often girls on forums write “I’m looking for a Muslim husband,” considering Muslim guys to be a more profitable match - their religion forbids them to drink alcohol, and family is a sacred concept for them. But is everything really so good in Muslim families? Surely there are some peculiarities here too.

Muslim husband, Christian wife

Many ladies are interested in whether it is possible for a Christian woman to marry a Muslim; will the wife be forced to accept another faith? According to the laws of Islam, a Christian woman may not renounce her faith, but she will not be able to raise a child in Christianity - he will have to become a Muslim. You also need to remember that parents in Muslim society are highly respected, and therefore their word is often equated to the law. And if the parents are categorically against the Christian bride, then the man would rather break off the relationship than contradict the parents.

Marrying a Muslim - Features of a Muslim Family

Often women think about how to marry a Muslim, and not about how they will live with him. In order to meet a Muslim, there are no special problems - if domestic ones do not suit you, then you can look for them on vacation or in universities that accept foreign students, as well as on the Internet. But before you turn away from men of your religion, consider whether you can follow all the rules of a Muslim family. There are the following features and they will not be acceptable for every woman. Of course, everything depends on people, but it’s worth being prepared for such moments:

Perhaps these rules seem complex and incomprehensible to a non-Muslim woman. But in the person of a Muslim husband who honors his religion, you will receive a faithful, devoted, honest, sympathetic family man with excellent moral qualities and without addiction to alcohol, who will love you and your children, honor your relatives and will not interfere with you in observing your religion.