Fasting day for pregnant women. Fasting days for pregnant women - menu for the day


Pregnancy is a very responsible and important period in the life of every woman. Its physiology is due to significant changes in metabolic processes, as well as hormonal levels. This manifests itself in the formation of edema and intense weight gain. To avoid this, it is recommended to periodically arrange so-called “ fasting days" This will help keep the body in good shape.

Fasting days involve a temporary revision of the diet. For many expectant mothers, this raises a number of concerns related to the baby’s health. I would like to say right away that there is no need to worry about this. In any case, the fetus will receive everything it needs for harmonious development.

It should be understood that not all pregnant women can practice fasting days. There are a number of contraindications that you should definitely familiarize yourself with. But everything is in order...

How fasting days can affect the body during pregnancy

As mentioned earlier, pregnancy can cause intense weight gain. To prevent this, leading nutritionists recommend arranging fasting days at least once every 7 to 10 days. In advanced cases, the result will be noticeable within 3 to 4 months of this regimen.

Those who have gained 8-10 kg after pregnancy should seriously think about fasting days. If the nutrition is high-quality and balanced, then such a development of events does not threaten anyone, and unloading is in in this case not relevant. Girls who have noticed a tendency towards obesity throughout their lives should think about this preventive measure.

Fasting days will help in optimal timing get rid of excess weight. According to statistics, on such days at least 0.5 kg is burned. subcutaneous fat formations. This effect is almost immediately noticeable.

It is extremely important not to sparkle with enthusiasm! Some girls arrange for themselves several fasting days in a row, thus trying to get rid of several at once. extra pounds. This is fraught with harmful consequences, both for the mother and the baby. With this approach, the body does not receive required quantity beneficial microelements, which causes severe hormonal stress.

As a result, fat is deposited in different parts of the body. At the same time, the cells themselves do not disappear, but simply become smaller. When the diet stabilizes, all previously lost weight will return in a matter of days in full.

The advantages of this preventive measure are not only about burning excess weight. This type of food unloading has the following advantages:

As a result of this action, appearance women are much improved. The rash on the face and body disappears, the mood and skin color improve, and the body is filled with strength and lightness.

Fasting days can also be used during lactation. This will not have a detrimental effect on the mother's physiology.

A secondary, but undoubted advantage of unloading is the absence of the need to prepare complex dishes. This will allow the woman to devote the day entirely to her business.

There are many different menus for fasting days, but they are all united by several key factors:

  1. In the evening, before the fasting day, it is recommended to refuse a rich dinner. It is better to give preference to a light snack made from fresh juice, kefir or other fermented milk products. Plant foods are also ideal, but only in reasonable quantity. This will allow you to get the most out of the upcoming fasting day;
  2. During the fasting day, it is recommended to drink as much liquid as possible. It may be herbal or green tea(exclusively natural, without flavoring and aromatic additives) or non-carbonated mineral water. This will help the body fight fat deposits, while ensuring the mineral-salt balance necessary for the normal functioning of organs and systems.

Extremely important before acceptance this decision consult a specialist and undergo appropriate examination. This will help identify possible contraindications, as well as determine the feasibility of this preventive measure. The main indications include:

It is important to discuss the menu of fasting days (in the absence of contraindications) with a gynecologist who has been monitoring the woman from the first weeks of pregnancy.

Possible contraindications

It would not be amiss to remind you that there should be only one fasting day per week! Otherwise, this measure will cause a deficiency of vital microelements, which in turn will provoke metabolic disorders.

To avoid this, it is recommended to supplement fasting days with standard physical exercises. 30 minutes a day will be enough. Exercises should not include sudden movements and forceful loads. This is especially true for women later pregnancy.

Fasting days are contraindicated when:

  • weakened immunity (presence of respiratory infections or intense psycho-emotional stress);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • individual allergic reaction to certain foods in the diet;
  • diabetes mellitus

Some indications can be found out only after undergoing a set of diagnostic procedures, which can be referred by a gynecologist. Before fasting days consultation with a specialist is required!

Fasting days involve eating one main product during the selected day, around which the diet is built. There are more than enough menu options, but there are general rules, which should be kept in mind. First of all, it is important to know which foods should be excluded on fasting days. These include:

  • food cooked in butter or vegetable oil;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • canned foods;
  • sugar in any form;
  • sparkling water.

In other words, preference should be given to fermented milk products and plant foods.

You should also know that the unloading menu should contain all the necessary microelements, depending on the duration of pregnancy and other physiological indicators. In addition, unloading should pursue a specific goal - losing weight without compromising your health.

The most popular menu for weight loss is a fasting day on kefir. The popularity of this method is due to its effectiveness and simplicity. This diet has been recommended for a relatively long time by leading nutritionists. The secret of success lies in the technology of preparing this product itself.

The starter provides the drink with the necessary bacteria and elements that have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal microflora. It’s worth noting right away that this diet is not suitable for everyone. Contraindication is increased level acidity of gastric juice. In this case, excessive consumption of fermented milk products can provoke serious consequences.

The most attractive thing about this diet is the almost complete absence of hunger. You should drink about two liters of this drink per day. It is recommended to divide this volume into equal portions (within 100 ml) and drink at regular intervals in small sips. The product can be combined with green apples. This will not affect positive effect.

You should not consume more than one and a half kilograms of apples per day. In this case, you should protect yourself from excess liquid. With this diet, even mineral water without gas is unacceptable. All liquid should come from fruits and kefir. These products contain enough microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Unloading on kefir can be supplemented with buckwheat for greater comfort. This should be taken care of in advance. Dry cereal (approximately 250 mg) must be poured with boiling water and allowed to brew until the morning, covered with a lid and wrapped in warm clothes. This is necessary so that the buckwheat is properly steamed.

In the morning, the finished porridge should be divided into five equal parts of 50 mg each, and consumed throughout the day, washed down with kefir. Such a diet will provide the body with lightness and also cleanse it of accumulated waste and toxins. At the same time, the woman will not be haunted by an obsessive feeling of hunger, which is important.

Unloading options in the first trimester

A distinctive feature of the first trimester is the rapid gain of excess body weight. For some this causes panic, for others it causes depression. In any case, something needs to be done. Fasting days come to the rescue with certain rules that should be followed during mandatory. These include:

  • strict adherence to the planned menu for 24 hours;
  • during unloading, it is necessary to protect yourself from physical fatigue, including playing sports;
  • a fasting diet should not include more than two products;
  • no fatty animal foods or preservatives.

The most popular diet options in the first trimester are:

  1. Boiled potatoes with sour cream. One kilogram of this product should be distributed into 5 - 6 doses throughout the day. It is recommended to supplement each serving with 100 g. low-fat sour cream;
  2. Cottage cheese with dried fruits. This option unloading is ideal for a lover of sweets. To do this, you need to consume 100 grams at the same time throughout the day. low-fat cottage cheese with the addition of dried fruits. Ideal choice there will be raisins. No more than six snacks are allowed.

These diet options will help you feel the positive effect within 2-3 weeks, and they do not pose any potential threat to the health of the mother and the unborn baby.

This period of pregnancy can be characterized by intensive growth of the fetus itself, which puts an unprecedented burden on the mother’s body. To make this period a little easier, it is recommended to go on a special diet once a week, namely:

  • egg white combined with kefir (4-5 eggs and 1.5 liters of kefir 2.5% fat);
  • apples and kefir (no more than 1 kg and 1.5 liters;
  • cottage cheese and kefir (no more than 1 liter and 600 grams).

In addition, it is necessary to exclude all canned foods from the diet, as well as potential allergens (including honey and herbal teas). This is explained by changes in hormonal levels, which often leads to an unpredictable reaction of the body to potentially dangerous substances.

The selected products must be divided into 5-6 equal portions and consumed throughout the day.

Features of fasting days for the third trimester. What is important to consider

The diet in this period is somewhat different from previous diets. On at this stage The baby's early immunity begins to form, so more active amino acids are required, such as omega 3. However, this should not be abused either. That is why in the third trimester it is recommended that low-fat fish be the main product for fasting days. Ideal for:

  • pike;
  • zander.

In addition, you can give preference to fruit salads (there should be no plums or grapes), as well as stewed vegetables. The last two options can be combined with the use of kefir, divided into small, equal portions.

In some cases, pregnancy may periodically be accompanied by swelling. As a rule, this is explained either by individual physiological abnormalities or by a large accumulation of toxins.
In the latter case, you should get rid of them immediately. Fasting days are a good solution, but only if there are no contraindications!

To remove toxins and eliminate swelling, the nutritional options described earlier for the first and second trimester are suitable. It is important to first consult with a specialist to accurately identify the causes of swelling. If fasting days do not bring the expected effect, then you should undergo an appropriate examination and eliminate the identified pathology with therapeutic agents.

Impressions and reviews

Expectant mothers speak positively about the effectiveness of fasting days during pregnancy, we present to your attention their reviews:

I was very interested in the option of unloading with apples and kefir. You still feel hungry out of habit, but it’s tolerable. I manage to stand it honestly for exactly one day. On the first day I managed to lose 1 kg. I would especially like to note the very good mood!

Alexandra, 27 years old, Kamensk

And I prefer buckwheat porridge with fresh cucumbers. Since childhood I have had a dislike for dairy products) The effect is very good! I manage to lose almost 2 kg in a day, and I hardly feel hungry. Maybe it's a matter of habit.

Anastasia, 24 years old, Kaluga

I try to cleanse my body with fasting days every summer. In my opinion, low-fat cottage cheese and raisins are best. It's really tasty and effective! Sometimes I stick to this diet twice a week and feel great!

Rima, 38 years old, Kerch

Details about fasting days during pregnancy can be found in the following video:

Fasting days are perfect solution to cleanse the body, normalize metabolic processes and gastrointestinal microflora. Thanks to this method, it is possible to significantly facilitate the body’s experience of pregnancy and lactation. It is important to comply with all conditions and adhere to the planned menu. It is also very important to consult a doctor before a planned unloading, and if you have any suspicions, undergo appropriate diagnostics of the body’s condition. This will avoid a number of undesirable consequences.

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Should they be carried out? What are the contraindications?

Let's try to figure it out!

Firstly, before making any changes in your diet, you need to consult a specialist in order to avoid many unpleasant consequences.

  1. In case of excess and excessively increasing body volume, the doctor prescribes a weight loss system, especially the popular one.
  2. For edema and other manifestations of gestosis, fasting days are simply necessary
  3. A few days before delivery, you can eat oatmeal, it will be very useful, especially when extra pounds can cause harm to both the mother and the newborn baby.
  4. You can spend such days during pregnancy only after 28 weeks
  5. No more than once every 7-10 days
  6. It is recommended to alternate the diet of foods during preventive periods in order to provide the body with the necessary nutrients
  7. You need to eat more often, in small portions, without overeating
  8. Drink plenty of fluids, up to 2 liters. in a day
  9. If you feel an irresistible feeling of hunger, you can drink a glass of low-fat yogurt or kefir
  10. It is better to carry out such preventive days at the same period of the week, so that the body gets used to and more easily accepts food restrictions.

  1. Apple: we eat green apples all day, up to 1.5 kg. You can make juices with the addition of carrots, bake with cinnamon without sugar, prepare salads with olive oil and lemon juice.
  2. Watermelon: 1.5 kg of watermelon pulp per day, drink clean water and watermelon juice.
  3. Fruit: We eat fresh fruit throughout the day, but not bananas and grapes.
  4. : one and a half kilograms of fresh vegetables per day, you can have zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers. When making salads, you can add olive oil or sour cream, with a low fat content, lemon juice instead of salt.
  5. Juice (): we drink various juices and plain clean water throughout the day.
  6. Compote: suitable for the winter, boil dried fruits with the addition of a few tablespoons of sugar. We drink throughout the day.
  7. Fermented milk day: 1.5 liters of fermented baked milk or low-fat kefir, you can eat 600 g of cottage cheese. Calcium is especially important for the body of mother and child, so such fasting days will be especially useful in recent months pregnancy.

If it is difficult to endure such dietary days during pregnancy, then you can introduce lean meats, fish, potatoes, and cereals into the diet. The main thing is to do this in moderation, not to oversaturate your diet; after eating you should feel light and not forget digestive system to capacity.

Be sure to drink fluids, do not overindulge in sweets and salty foods, less bread and confectionery items. Take care of yourself and your baby!

Maria, at 29 weeks of pregnancy, was faced with the problem of rapid weight gain and terrible swelling. The doctor advised me to do fasting days on fruits and vegetables. This was a real salvation for her, her weight stabilized, even a few kilograms disappeared. Now the girl feels great, and month old baby helps her forget about all the problematic periods during pregnancy. Thanks to the nutritionist’s timely prescription of the correct nutritional system, Marya did not gain extra pounds before giving birth, and therefore gave birth quickly and painlessly. The little son weighed 3,400 kg, height 48 cm. Wonderful parameters for a child, and after a month mommy lost another 7 kg. Now her weight is normal, Maria is breastfeeding and enjoying life!

Video about fasting days during pregnancy

For pregnant women, a fasting day is a load for the body, so it is not always possible to follow such a diet. It is important to first consult with the doctor leading the pregnancy. This diet is effective in the presence of rapid weight gain and severe swelling. Unloading during pregnancy with the help of certain foods can fully become a replacement for some medications. But it is important to remember the need to take multivitamin complexes in order to harm your own body and the unborn child.

During pregnancy, you can only unload after a doctor’s recommendation. This diet helps remove harmful substances and toxins, helps correct weight gain. During a period of short-term restriction in the diet, metabolism and the immune system are activated. The expenditure of accumulated fat structures in the body increases, this reduces weight and prevents its rapid gain. The doctor can prescribe options for fasting days for pregnant women in the presence of rapid weight gain, edema, and manifestations of gestosis. TO general recommendations adherence to such nutrition include:

  • It can be carried out during pregnancy no earlier than the third trimester, since when the organs of a growing child are formed, the lack of useful elements can negatively affect the development of the unborn baby;
  • The frequency of unloading is no more than once every seven days;
  • If toxicosis is present, do not unload;
  • Limit your diet to no more than one day;
  • When repeating such a menu periodically, it is recommended to alternate the diet in order to diversify the supply of nutrients;
  • It is recommended to divide all ingredients into equal portions. Consume foods at regular intervals;
  • For good digestion of food, it is recommended to chew food thoroughly and slowly, without being distracted by talking, reading, or watching TV;
  • It is important to drink at least two liters of clean water throughout the day. By observing the correct drinking regime, you can replenish the mineral-salt balance in the body;
  • Do not take diuretics or laxatives;
  • After preliminary consultation with a specialist, you can take natural choleretic preparations that will help get rid of stagnation in the liver and gall bladder;
  • After a fasting day, the next day eat in small portions, in moderation.

Indications and contraindications

  • Rapid weight gain in the third trimester of pregnancy;
  • Severe swelling;
  • Late gestosis.

In such conditions, any restrictions on the daily menu can be implemented only after preliminary consultation and permission of the doctor leading the pregnancy. You should not unload yourself during pregnancy. The main contraindications include:

  • before pregnancy, too slow dial body weight during pregnancy;
  • The presence of chronic diseases for which any kind of unloading is not allowed;
  • Availability chronic pathologies heart apparatus, vascular system, digestive tract.

In the listed conditions, only a qualified specialist can decide on the need for restrictions in the diet after preliminary diagnostic measures have been carried out.

Menu options

Ideal products for regulating body weight during pregnancy and restoring the functioning of the vascular system are fermented milk products - cottage cheese, yogurt, sourdough, yogurt. If you have a tendency to jump blood pressure, dysfunctions in the functioning of the urinary system, it is recommended to consume cucumbers. If there are chronic diseases organs of the digestive system, cardiac apparatus, it is not recommended to eat meat. With the help of and you can remain full for a long period of time, since such cereals contain a lot of slowly digestible carbohydrates. Recommended Product Options:

  • Boiled meat. It is better to choose chicken, beef, rabbit, turkey. In addition to boiled meat, the diet should include raw vegetables and tea without sugar. There is no need to salt the dishes;
  • Boil the fish or cook in a double boiler. Choose lean varieties of fish, diversify the menu raw vegetables, steam them, wash them down with tea without adding any sweetener. Pour freshly squeezed lemon juice over chopped vegetables;
  • Do not add salt to boiled potatoes; you can drink them with kefir or tea without sugar;
  • Boil buckwheat, do not add salt. You can add pieces of chopped fruit;
  • Boil the rice, do not add salt. You can add pieces of fruit to the finished dish. It is better to choose brown, wild rice.

On such fasting days it is possible to restore the digestive system and saturate the body with vitamin compounds.

Various menu combinations

The basis of the diet is 2 kilograms of green apples. Eat whole, make a salad, bake in the oven without sweetening. You can drink tea without sugar - green or herbal. This menu helps prevent iron deficiency. Cannot be used for gastritis.

Watermelon fasting day. You can eat one and a half kilograms of ripe pulp. In between meals, it is recommended to drink at least two liters of clean water. Since watermelon is a diuretic, it is very important to drink plenty of water. Fruit. Can be combined different fruits except bananas and grapes. Consume on your own, cook fruit salads, . Season salads with lemon juice.

Vegetable. One and a half kilograms of vegetables can be eaten raw, boiled, or steamed. Season salads with a small amount of sunflower, olive, corn or, low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt. You can drink freshly squeezed juice. Extend the cocktail throughout the day. The total volume of the drink is 1 liter.

Divide one and a half liters of kefir into several doses. Choose only non-greasy products. You can replace it with sour milk, plain yogurt, or sourdough. Such fasting days contribute to satiety gastrointestinal tract beneficial bacteria, prevents difficulties with bowel movements.

Take half a kilo of low-fat product. Divide the total mass into several servings. During breaks, drink clean water, low-fat kefir or milk. Typically, such a diet is easily tolerated; cottage cheese saturates the body for a long time. At the right approach fasting days will only bring benefits to the pregnant woman’s body.

Your feedback on the article:

Overeating during pregnancy leads to excessive weight gain. By virtue of physiological reasons the expectant mother often feels the urge to chew. At the same time, she gains significant weight, carries large fruit. A child weighing more than 3.4 kg is at risk of injury during childbirth. In this case, the woman’s birth canal will also be injured. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor weight gain during pregnancy, adjust the menu and, if necessary, arrange fasting days for pregnant women.

Who needs unloading

  • A fasting day for pregnant women is necessary for intensive weight gain expectant mother. There are some average weight gain norms. So, in the second trimester, a woman can gain 300 g per week, and in the third – 400 g per week. If during a singleton pregnancy the mother gains more than 500 g, fasting days are necessary.
  • A fasting day is necessary for women with initially large body weight, a diagnosis of obesity of any degree, which was made before pregnancy.
  • Unloading is necessary if a pregnant woman’s blood pressure begins to increase or arrhythmia appears.
  • For swelling.
  • After feasts and holidays with plentiful meals.
  • During toxicosis.
  • In case of exacerbation of an allergic reaction.
  • And also in the presence of chronic diseases - the gastrointestinal tract, urolithiasis, diabetes mellitus.
  • When the first signs appear colds or other manifestations of decreased immunity.

How often should you unload?

Fasting days are indicated for pregnant women after 28 weeks. At this time, all the child’s organs are already formed, and the fetus continues to grow in the womb. Intensive weight gain is underway. Fasting days during this period will not cause problems, but will allow you to reduce the amount of adipose tissue.

During pregnancy, a woman gains from 10 to 15 kg (normal). At the same time, only 3-3.5 kg per child. Everything else is mom’s weight gain. Namely, the uterus becomes heavier by 1 kg, the chest by 0.5 kg. Appear amniotic fluid, whose weight at the time of birth can reach 1.5-2 kg. The placenta is released into the uterine cavity, the weight of which can reach 0.8-1 kg. Everything else, more than 4 kg, is added as fat deposits in the mother’s body. It is this fat that needs to be controlled on fasting days.

The frequency of fasting days is once every 7-10 days. The frequency of these depends on weight gain. If it is relatively small (from 400 to 500 g), it is enough to “unload” once every 10 days. If the weight gain is significant (more than 500 g), more frequent “unloading” is necessary, once a week.

During pregnancy, a diet for 1 day is sufficient. You should not unload for longer than 2-3 or more days.

What does a fasting day give?

In addition to normalizing weight, periodic fasting days during pregnancy can improve digestion and increase resistance to infections. They:

  1. They remove some toxins from the intestines, and thereby increase resistance to infections and improve immunity.
  2. A fasting day normalizes blood pressure - this is important for women with hypertension.
  3. Unloading reduces swelling, which is observed in 80% of women in late pregnancy.

Fasting days for pregnant women in the third and second trimester are recommended for most women.

Rules for unloading

So, we are planning a fasting day for a pregnant woman. To lose weight, you must follow these rules:

  • The fasting day menu should be familiar to a pregnant woman. This is due to the absorption of products. Enzymes break down food components in the intestines. They are specific, for certain food products. Therefore, unusual food is poorly digested and often causes allergic reactions or disorders. Note: you can spend fasting days even on oranges, if this food is familiar to a woman.
  • It is necessary to accompany the day of unloading by doing all possible physical exercise. Note: doing gymnastics and performing physical movements is necessary throughout pregnancy. You cannot start classes abruptly and actively in the third trimester. This may cause early labor activity when the fetus is not yet fully developed and ready for birth.
  • Must be observed drinking regime. This will speed up the removal of toxins and enhance the cleaning effect. The amount of liquid on a fasting day is 1.5-2 liters. What is suitable for drinking: unsweetened compote made from natural fruits and dried fruits, green or herbal tea without flavorings or additives, pure water. Important - do not drink carbonated water.
  • Chew food for a long time. Few people know that the process of digesting food begins in the mouth. Here, in the oral cavity, a feeling of satiety is formed. Chewing each piece for a long time allows you to feel the moment of fullness in time, and satisfy your hunger with a small amount of food .

And one more thing: dinner on the eve of unloading should be light - steamed and raw vegetables, fermented milk products.

Fasting day menu options

Let's look at which products are most often used for fasting days. What do they give to the body and what benefits do they bring to a growing child.

A day on kefir - ideal for any period

Fermented milk products - kefir, fermented baked milk - contain the calcium necessary for the body and probiotics important for digestion. Fermented milk products contain a complex of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which ensure the digestion of food. The intake of live bacteria along with fermented baked milk and kefir replenish the composition of the friendly bacterial flora. What heals the body of a pregnant woman. Namely:

  1. Food is better digested. A pregnant woman's nutrition becomes more complete. The baby in the womb receives the nutritional components it needs in sufficient quantity, develops normally.
  2. Intestinal function is stimulated. This ensures timely evacuation of feces and removal of toxins from the intestinal cavity. The large and small intestines get rid of fecal deposits.

With a kefir diet, a pregnant woman drinks up to 300-400 ml of kefir or sour milk at one time. The total amount of fermented milk product is up to 2 liters per day. You need to drink it in small sips. In this case, each sip must be held in the mouth, as if “chewing liquid food.”

A day on a fermented milk drink can be enriched with fresh or dried fruits without sugar.

Store-bought packaged yogurt is not suitable for a fasting day. It contains sugar and flavorings. For those who have high acidity, it is better to spend a fasting day on fermented baked milk. You can also replace kefir with sour milk - at normal acidity.

A day on apples - middle zone

Apples are affordable fruits that can also be used for fasting days during pregnancy. The pulp and peel of apples contain a lot of useful substances, vitamins and microelements. They contain especially a lot of iron - in those varieties whose pulp is outdoors acquires brown tint, oxidizes to form a light brown color.

Apples should be eaten when they are in season. In mid-summer - early ripening summer varieties. In autumn and during winter - winter varieties with long-term storage.

Can be eaten with apples a small amount of honey - up to 2 tablespoons during the day.

For pregnant women with high acidity, it is recommended to spend fasting days on sweet apples. Despite increased amount sugars in the pulp, they also contain many living vitamins and enzymes, therefore they are useful, despite the sweet taste.

Fruit day - for the southern regions

Apples are one of the options for a fruit diet. Such a diet can be very varied if you create a fasting menu for any fruit and berries. For breakfast, lunch and dinner you can eat plums, apricots, pears, mulberries, strawberries, currants, blackberries (according to the season).

For fasting days during pregnancy, fresh fruits are used. Any options canned food– not suitable for menu unloading.

IN winter period time in the absence of fresh vegetables, you can “unload” on dried fruits. To do this, use drying prepared without sugar syrup and other sweeteners. Preferably homemade.

You can dry and prepare any berries and fruits for winter consumption - melons and watermelons, pears and plums. They are prepared in a home dryer, stored in glass containers and consumed in winter in the form healthy sweets or on the fasting day menu for a pregnant woman.

Autumn diet: a day on watermelons

This is a variant of the fruit and berry diet - the best fasting day during pregnancy with edema. It is definitely recommended for women with kidney disease (without stones in the renal ducts). Watermelon day is also indicated for women diagnosed with cystitis.

When carrying a child internal organs women move to make room for the growing fetus. Displacement of the buds often causes sand to settle. Watermelon diets in the fall allow you to wash away the sand without waiting for the end of pregnancy.

Unloading on cereal and kefir - for the eighth and ninth month

This option for a fasting day is suitable for nursing women, since they need to maintain production. breast milk. For gentle “unloading”, flakes are used - oatmeal, wheat, corn, buckwheat. They are sold in departments healthy eating. To prepare breakfast, lunch or dinner, the flakes are poured with kefir, fermented baked milk or homemade yogurt and left to swell for 20-30 minutes. During this time they will absorb fermented milk product, will increase in size and become digestible.

For those with a sweet tooth, you can add 1 tablespoon of honey to kefir. It will increase the sweetness and add benefits. Honey contains microelements in digestible form. On such a diet, a woman will not be haunted by hunger.

A day on kefir and cottage cheese - for the third trimester

Kefir and cottage cheese are the first complementary foods given infant upon reaching 5-6 months. This is a complete food that contains many useful substances and a minimal amount of fats and carbohydrates. On kefir and cottage cheese, you can successfully carry out fasting days in any trimester of pregnancy.

In order for the kefir-curd diet not to create a feeling of hunger, it is necessary that the pregnant woman’s body is accustomed to dairy products. The intestines need enzymes to break down milk protein and fat. To do this, you need to consume dairy products daily.

For many pregnant mothers who gain weight too quickly, doctors recommend fasting days. We have collected the most popular recommendations on our forum so that you can choose the most delicious diet!

Important: a pregnant woman must follow the recommendations of her doctor! Before making any changes to your diet, be sure to consult your gynecologist!

In the heat, I preferred a fasting day alone apples- 1.5 kg and a liter of juice.

The doctor told me that an “apple day” is hard, it’s better to do a “protein” day (either “curd” or “milk”).

Here is my fasting day - 1.5 liters of milk and 500 g cottage cheese and that’s it, you can’t eat anything else, the effect is amazing. It’s very difficult to eat cottage cheese every two hours and wash it down with milk, but what can you do?

I created the following fasting day for myself: for lunch and dinner - oatmeal on water, for breakfast and afternoon snack, fermented baked milk (I just like it more than kefir). And apples as snacks. Weight loss is the same as on all “apple” and “cottage cheese” days, but what a variety...

My doctor advised me to have a less strict fasting day: for lunch a full second course ( good cut of meat and side dish), but without bread, but for breakfast and dinner, and just when you want - 1.5 kg of apples. You can also have a glass of juice or milk if you really want it.

Cup brown rice steam with boiling water, add a little dried apricots. Available throughout the day. Really helps remove fluid from the body.

The housing complex prescribed me this diet:

  • rolled oats porridge with water or milk with a spoonful of honey, into which crumble an apple, pear, banana, nuts;
  • fresh vegetable salads: tomatoes, cucumbers, bell pepper- seasoned with olive oil, if not, sunflower oil;
  • millet porridge with milk and boiled pumpkin;
  • drink compotes of dried fruits and rose hips with the addition of immortelle and motherwort herbs, you can also use black currants instead of tea;
  • eat dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, figs, dates;
  • from fruits: apples, persimmons and kiwi.

Try it, I lost up to 900 g per day (only if you don’t overeat it all, but a little bit).

I know about these fasting days that:

  • kefir or milk - 1 glass 6 times a day - minus 700 grams;
  • apples - 1.5 kg in 5 doses - minus 600 grams;
  • vegetables - 1.5 kg (cabbage, carrots, green salad - can be in the form of a salad, seasoned with 1 tbsp. vegetable oil or kefir) - minus 600 grams;
  • cottage cheese 600 g low-fat, 60 g sour cream and 2 glasses of tea without sugar in 6 doses - minus 700 grams.

But I myself only used the kefir diet - I lost up to 1-1.5 kg.

And this is what the doctor prescribed for me: 0.5 kg per day beef and 1 liter of cranberry juice.

And I on cottage cheese I arranged fasting days - I took low-fat, 2 packs, and topped it with fruit yogurt (so that it wasn’t at all bland).

Girls, the problem of edema can be solved in three days. Brew regular dried fruit compote(minimum sugar). Compote and plain still water, nothing else from drinks, but at least drink up on these. Under one condition - salt is completely excluded. Nutrition is like this: each meal - one type of product.

For example:

The serving size is not limited. No sauces, store-bought juices, ketchups, or condiments. Everything should be without salt, products should not be mixed in one go. Drink more compote. The swelling goes away before our eyes. The diet is not starvation, eat either in the morning or in the evening. She gave it to me very much good doctor, obstetrician-gynecologist. Replaces IVs, fluid restriction, you simply don’t recognize yourself.

In the second half of pregnancy I do fasting days, writing the most effective ones for myself:

  • Kefir + cottage cheese + sour cream or yogurt - at least 700 g.
  • Kefir + apples + 1 banana - at least 800 gr.
  • Vegetable salad (carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, radishes, onions, greens) + compote - 600 gr.
  • Vinaigrette without potatoes + cranberry (lingonberry) juice - 600 gr.
  • Breakfast - oatmeal with water, lunch - okroshka with kefir, dinner - buckwheat with milk - 600 gr.

In attacks of hunger, I cut one apple and one banana into tiny pieces, put them on a plate, pour a small glass of kefir and slowly drink and eat everything, a feeling of satiety appears.