How to hint to a guy that you want to see him. How to hint to a guy about a relationship: methods, leading questions, friendship and advice from guys and girls


It often happens that a girl really wants to try to build a relationship with a guy who doesn’t even think about it. In this case, the girl usually begins to think that the guy doesn’t like her at all. But this is not always the reason. It happens that a guy is indecisive on his own or simply thinks that he is rushing the development of events too much.

How to hint to a guy about a relationship?

First you need to make sure of your chosen one. You need to collect as much information as possible about him: how many girls he had before you, and whether he even likes girls. It’s better to find out everything right away, otherwise it will be very sad later if he completely disappoints you.

The second thing you need to make sure of before you start dropping hints is interest. Does he have an interest in you, does he like you? It is likely that he considers you just a good person with whom he would not want to have a future together.

How to determine this?

If he likes you, he will try to be around you more and constantly start all kinds of conversations. It doesn’t matter what it’s about, what matters is what exactly is happening to you.

If you agree with all these signs, you can proceed with the action plan.

At this stage, you just need to carefully create “random encounters” and be nearby more often. But under no circumstances should you impose. A man must understand for himself that he wants to be with you, otherwise he will simply be unpleasant, and he will decide that you are following him.

If the guy approves of your constant meetings, you should consolidate the successful result. Give him a friendly greeting and talk to him.

And after all this, you should step away from him for a while. Stop watching him and constantly looking for meetings. If you are not mistaken in your sympathy, the guy will get nervous and will look for meetings with you. He will understand that he needs you and he can no longer live without your attention.

The main rule in this matter is patience. Wait, wait and wait. There is no need to take on the role of initiator. A man by nature should be a conqueror,

If you are lucky and a guy invites you somewhere, you shouldn’t immediately throw yourself on his neck with the words “Finally, you’ve made up your mind,” “I’ve been waiting for this.” Be more restrained, don't run after him and don't be intrusive. Otherwise, your relationship that has not yet begun will end like this.

If you have used the action plan, and the guy is still just a friend to you, then here are some useful tips for you.

You can take advantage of a common hobby, if you have one, of course. Go skiing or play volleyball together. This can really bring you closer together.

If you study together at a university or work, then creating “casual meetings” will be much easier, and it will not seem like surveillance.

Flirt discreetly with him, but never talk about your feelings directly.

Today on our agenda getting a guy into bed. Well, or more simply put, I will teach you hint about sex to the guy you like. For many girls, detailed topics are considered shy. In vain! As they say, what is natural is not disgusting. But hint to a man that you want him, you also need to skillfully.

I found one question on the forum, I hope the girl won’t mind if I post it here and answer it.

I've been dating a guy for about a month now. To say that I like him would be an understatement. When you first look at him, “butterflies begin to fly in your stomach.” In general, how to tell him that I want sex? Please tell me.

Marina 23 years old

Well, let's answer the question posed. Many will probably advise: “So tell him straight, he doesn’t have to endure it.” Such advisers should be immediately blacklisted. Girls, learn to control yourself. Yes, if you want to seem like a “girl of easy virtue” or push a guy away, you can follow the advice and say everything directly. But we are not like that. We need to light a fire in the guy, make him crawl and ask for sex.

  1. Want to get a guy into bed? The flag is in your hands. More precisely to him. Flirt with him, make advances, but don't let him get too close. Light a flame in it. He should want sex more than you do. We have already discussed the rules of seducing men
  2. The guy shouldn't see that you want him. He shouldn't even suspect it. Even if the desire is high, restrain it. It's difficult, you have to try.
  3. If the guy is too shy, you will have to push him a little. Kiss or hug, generally encourage him, so that he becomes more confident.
  4. Once the process starts, try not to stop it. Otherwise, all your hints will go down the drain, “the fish will break loose.”

The most important advice from

Human relationships are ornate and multifaceted in their retrospect. Young people of opposite sexes who have been friends for a long time often become one happy family. They can carry friendship from childhood through their entire lives and then ultimately understand that they cannot find a better candidate for the post of spouse. Love does not come immediately; it can rush in with lightning speed and become the reason for one person’s dependence on another. But, unfortunately, in this case it is not always mutual. How to hint to a guy about a relationship if he is your longtime friend?

Love “happened”: what to do next?

Life is so unpredictable, so sudden in its random impulses and manifestations, that it is difficult to predict its next attack. You never know in advance what will happen tomorrow. Especially in matters of the heart: you are never sure who your choice will fall on, since everyone knows that you cannot order your heart. You can fall in love with a person who is simply physically unattainable, not to mention reciprocal love. You can lose your head over the cute new tenant of your house, who recently moved in from a neighboring city. Or you can fall in love with your own friend, suddenly realizing that the feelings of friendship experienced earlier gradually grew into feelings of love. And then how to hint to a guy about a relationship?

Firstly, you should let off steam and think about your further actions. Sitting silently and hiding your emotionally unstable state is not a very good choice, since sooner or later patience and silence will crack and result at the most inopportune and inappropriate moment for this. Therefore, you should initially think about how to hint to a guy that you want a relationship and crave reciprocity from him.

Secondly, sometimes you need to hear an outside opinion. Advice from friends who have already found themselves in a similar situation or the help of friends of the object of their adoration can significantly contribute to establishing a favorable atmosphere and preparing the ground for further actions in the mission of carefully disclosing your feelings to your loved one. What methods help give a guy a hint about a relationship?

A hint of feelings through a friend

One of the most effective and reliable steps to “taming the obstinate” is to influence the object of your adoration through his friend. That is, in other words, in order to successfully confess your love to a guy, you need to enlist the help of his friend in this matter. But here you need to be careful: in 99 percent of cases, immediately after receiving information about the liking of a pretty girl for his friend, the young man will not fail to immediately notify his friend about this with a phone call or message on Twitter. Therefore, you need to insist on confidentiality or show him the benefits of his silence in the form of help in a student test or help in developing a project at work - by any means you need to force him to keep this sacrament secret.

Thanks to communication with a friend of a potential pet, you can find out his personal status, understand whether he is in a relationship with someone, test the waters regarding his interests, hobbies, preferences in appearance and internal qualities of girls. Being armed, it is much easier to develop a further strategy for taking the “Bastille” called a man and come up with a plan on how to hint to a guy about a serious relationship.

A note with a hint of love

Very often, shame prevents people from acting. A certain embarrassment, fear, and excitement overwhelms you and prevents you from further impulses and desires to do anything. Especially often such a stupor happens to a person who is in love. When his object of affection appears, he becomes numb, first experiences confusion, and then terrible excitement, which does not allow him to adequately think and express himself. What can you advise in such a situation?

Or a note - this is the simplest hint to a guy about a relationship. The question is: what to write in this note and how to express thoughts and feelings so that they hook and force you to react in the most favorable way for the author? Again, the notorious embarrassment sometimes goes off scale even in silent communication with a young man pleasing to the heart, so many girls use anonymity to express their feelings through a love letter. So, without much fear, you can express your confession on a piece of paper and quietly throw it on your desk or in the pocket of the man you like.

Hints about relationships through social networks

Today's society's dependence on the World Wide Web is truly great and significant. Work, study, shopping, paying for services, making utility payments, business, financial transactions, media, communication and communication - absolutely everything today is reflected in Internet communications. And one of the most powerful resources of the Internet is the social network. Through this application you can exchange messages, calls, information, photos, videos, posts and other data. It’s no wonder that social networks are the ideal bridge between a girl and a guy she likes.

How to hint to a guy about a relationship? “VKontakte”, “Odnoklassniki”, “Instragram”, “Viber”, “Whatsapp”, “Twitter”, “” - a huge number of various websites provide the opportunity today for a girl to give a guy a hint about her feelings and offer to join relationship in a more unobtrusive way than in a face-to-face meeting. Draw fancy graffiti on the wall, send a love “GIF” or picture, post a romantic audio recording on the wall - in any way you can make yourself known, being a confident user of social networks.

An important indicator can be an unusual hint to a guy about a relationship - status. Here you can express all your thoughts directly or veiled, openly or between the lines, with or without subtext. An attentive man will be able to discern in it a phrase intended for him personally.

A gift with a declaration of love

If a guy and a girl have been communicating for a long time, are work colleagues or friends at university, neighbors or visitors to the same sports club, a competently presented gift to the young beauty will help him express his feelings. With or without a reason, on a holiday or on an ordinary gray Monday, a romantic craft created by a girl with her own hand, or a figurine with two lovers, or a heart-shaped pillow - anything that will help her convey her feelings and emotions in a small symbolic gift without further ado. Any man will like such a warm surprise and will be at least pleasant. And if he is as favorable towards the girl as she is towards him, everything can work out.

Creative impulse with a hint of relationships

An equally frank declaration of love and a hint of a relationship is the poetic form of a love letter. A person who knows a lot about poetic reading, or simply a guy who has a keen sense of the emotional background of such creativity, will always appreciate the step that a girl has decided to take by reading him her favorite passage from a rhymed poem by a famous writer or from her own love essay.

Mini-quest with confession

A well-organized and well-planned mini-quest by a girl, the final step of which will be her sincere confession, will help give a guy the opportunity to play “cat and mouse” and play the role of a hunter looking for his prey. This form of how to hint to a guy about a relationship serves as a vivid example of non-standard female thinking, but a very effective and interesting option for showing your attitude towards a young man.

Voice message revealing feelings

You can confess your love to a guy using such a simple gadget as a telephone. By leaving an SMS message or sending a voice message with a text about how things are in the soul of a girl in love, you can get rid of exhausting thoughts about how to make a declaration of love to him as simply and sincerely as possible. Recording on a voice recorder all those words that I wanted to say to him for so long, but there was no opportunity and I didn’t have enough strength - this is the ideal way out for a shy and timid young lady.

Organized date for a declaration of love

Taking the initiative into your own hands and simply inviting a young man to a cafe for “important negotiations” is a bold but effective act. Why procrastinate and suffer in doubt? Almost everyone knows how to hint to a guy about a relationship via correspondence via SMS or in dialogues on a social network, but daring to take the first step and simply meet fate is the lot of a strong woman.

Message via radio

A brave and resourceful girl can find a way out for her emotions through a message on the air. Saying hello to a man you like on his favorite radio wave and, as if inadvertently, dropping a couple of phrases about your sympathy and desire to start a relationship - this is how extraordinary you can confess your feelings to a young man.

Culinary magic with a hint of relationship

And finally, the most effective, most effective, most ancient way of “taming the obstinate” is the way to a man’s heart through delicacies and spices. Men love not only with their ears, eyes, and body. They love to eat delicious food. And if a girl manages well in the kitchen, this is the key to success in approaching almost any man. Making a juicy cake with an inscription in the form of a declaration of love is something that will truly stun him and lead him into pleasant confusion and subsequent delight.

Yes, he is the one. Like it but don't pay attention? This means either complete indifference on his part, or embarrassment. The first option is hopeless, but you can deal with the second on your own if you find out how to hint to a guy about a relationship and choose the appropriate way to do it.

Capture plan

First you need to get comprehensive information about his disposition towards you with the help of friends. This will give you confidence that you are doing everything right and not putting yourself in an awkward position. After all, he might have a girlfriend. Collect data as carefully as possible, it’s better not to notice.

Next, you should make sure that the guy really likes you. To us, impressionable young ladies, an ordinary smile “out of politeness” may seem like a sign of a burning feeling. Ask your friend to observe your not yet quite relationship: how he looks when you pass by, whether he turns around after you.

Move to real action

  • Collision. Organizing a casual meeting. In the hallway, on the street - anywhere. Skin contact is important. In such a situation, a conversation will definitely happen, albeit an absurd one. Show maximum feminine charm, fix your hair, touch your wrist. Any normal guy can't resist and will give you his attention.
  • Consolidation of the result. Accompany further meetings with a smile and play with your eyes.
  • Stop. When the heat is already there, retreat. Miss his appearance a couple of times, ignore him. Just don't get carried away. The goal is to cause mild anxiety and bewilderment. Let him be afraid of losing you.
  • Forward again. Give him a stunning smile and fiery gaze.
  • Patience, just patience. Feelings are on lock for now, keep the intrigue.
  • Is it finished? He came! No, no tears of happiness, jumping to the ceiling. You calmly pretend to be amazed and say something like “I’ll think about it.” You can immediately agree, but it’s more interesting this way.

A few more plans B

If the standard solution does not suit you, feel free to use other options.

A hobby is a great opportunity to get closer to an object and get on the same wavelength with it. Talking about hobbies always arouses interest, lifts your spirits, and makes communication with you more trusting. It is imperative to understand the subject not superficially, but at least at an average level. Achieving some heights in his area of ​​interest will be an excellent bonus.

If you already know each other more or less, then an unplanned meeting will help establish contact. You need to ask in a veiled way, ask questions in such a way that the guy doesn’t answer yes or no. The dialogue can begin with a question like this: “What are you doing tomorrow?” Further developments in the situation. You can say that someone invited you to a party, and you would like to go with him (he is an interesting conversationalist, you decided to invite him because you like him) or you bought movie tickets, but your friend has her own plans.

A win-win idea is to visit an amusement park together to have fun. When it gets scary, take him by the hand - all men like to feel like a protector.

If he has a sister, befriend her. The ideal option is to win the affection of the guy’s mother. She will definitely hint to her son about such a beautiful girl.

You can play as an anonymous fan: correspond on the Internet under the guise of a stranger or write him a note with a confession. In the latter case, he will begin to find out and take a closer look. Don't give yourself away right away, do it a little later.

Clear taboos

  • You can't act like a girlfriend if you like him. No discussions of other girls, advice on a personal level.
  • Don't force yourself, act carefully. You shouldn’t constantly flash before his eyes.
  • No carelessness in appearance. Always well-groomed, tastefully dressed.

Don't forget that you can always hint at a relationship honestly and openly. Yes, just take it straight and say: “I like you.” In the process, coquetry and feminine tricks will add seriousness to your relationship, and then it will no longer be so important who approached whom first.

Rules of communication for successful continuation

  • Try to exchange information with the guy, and not just chat. It’s better to smile sweetly and listen to him than to chat about everything in the world.
  • Biography aside. About yourself and about yourself - such a conversation tires the interlocutor, kills interest in your person. Remain a mystery.
  • It is better not to discuss former relationships, as well as problems in the family, difficult topics that are boring to everyone. Talk about something distant, but interesting for both.
  • The look “at the corner, at the nose, at the object” is ideal for a flirty date. It’s clear that you want to see enough, but you shouldn’t stare at him, he might feel awkward.
  • Act natural. A fake smile, unusual movements - this is for a doll. A lively girl flirts, but does not cross the boundaries of normal behavior.

If suddenly the efforts are not crowned with reciprocity, never, you hear, never get upset and don’t make stupid conclusions. This is not a tragedy, but just an experience. Make mistakes, fall in love, there will definitely be a mutual feeling.