How to remove pen stains from jeans. How can you remove ink stains from fabric or remove marks from white clothes?


A pen is an indispensable item Everyday life person. With its help, small children learn to draw, students write lectures, and older people use it at work and at home, to fill out various papers.

Very often you can find pen marks on your clothes. These can be lines, strokes, blots.

The latter appear if the pen was in the pocket of a shirt, jacket, jacket or jeans and began to leak. These stains are extremely difficult to remove. This is due to the fact that the ink is sufficiently stable, dries quickly, and it is not always possible to erase the stain immediately.

White fabric may also leave streaks that plain soap and cannot be washed off with powder. But don’t despair, much less throw away your favorite thing. Since there are many ways in which you can remove stains and give clothes original appearance.

Here are some tips for removing stains:

  1. You need to deal with the stain immediately, without putting off washing until later. The ink dries fairly quickly, but the more time has passed since it appeared on the item, the more difficult it is to remove it.
  2. You need to choose a method for removing ink from clothing based on the type of fabric.
  3. First you need to try to remove the stain with gentle means ( laundry soap, alcohol), and only then use more aggressive substances (nail polish remover, acetone).
  4. Special attention You should pay attention to white things so as not to ruin them completely.
  5. Consider the size of the blot. If the stained area is small, you can try homemade stain removers. industrial production, otherwise use improvised means.
  6. Follow safety rules. Put on your hands latex gloves if products containing oxalic acid or other substances that can harm the skin are used to remove stains.

Do you know that: Dry cleaning services are expensive, but anyone can remove the ink themselves at home and almost free of charge.

Types of handles

The handles that modern world used by most people, they are divided into two types: ball and gel.

The main difference between them is the density, viscosity and brightness of the ink.

The paste in gel pens is more liquid, so the risk of it leaking is much greater than with a regular ballpoint pen.

Traditional methods of dealing with gel paste stains can be done using:

May also be useful:

  • latex gloves;
  • absorbent fabric;
  • cotton swabs;
  • Toothbrush;
  • paraffin;
  • petrolatum.

Means for removing ink from different types of fabric

To prevent the stain from increasing in size, you can draw a circle around it with melted paraffin or Vaseline.

What remedies can be used for ink stains:

  1. The most gentle product, suitable for almost all types of fabric, is laundry soap, but, unfortunately, washing with it does not always get rid of ink on clothes.
  2. You can use industrial stain removers. But it is worth paying attention that to remove paste from white and colored fabrics you need to use different means.

Expert advice: The effectiveness of any method can be increased if you first soak the stain in cold water.

  1. Alcohol-based products can also help remove ink stains from clothing. They should be poured directly onto the stain and allowed to soak in, then rub the stained area with a moistened cotton swab and wash the item in the machine.
  2. You can also remove blots using acetone and substances that contain it. First you need to soak the item in water for a short time, then put it on a towel front side things, and rub from the wrong side with a cotton pad soaked in acetone. Then you should blot the stain using a cloth or cotton pads.

Note: Acetone should not be used for delicate fabrics.

  • if the ink marks are small in area, you can pour a little valerian on them and let them absorb, then rub the stained area with a soft, absorbent cloth;
  • Table salt can also help, moisten it with water and apply the resulting slurry to the stain and leave for a couple of days, then shake off the salt and wipe the surface with a damp cloth or wet wipe.
  1. Silk. The fabric is very thin and delicate, so the use of aggressive stain removers in this case impossible:
  • table mustard stored in the refrigerator can help: you need to apply a small layer of it to the stained area and let it dry, then rinse under running warm water;
  • You can try to remove some of the ink using a damp cloth: moisten the stain with water, then put an unnecessary, clean cloth on a hard surface that absorbs moisture well, lay the item on it with the stained area, then another layer of absorbent cloth and a heavy object, leave for 5 minutes , remove the load and see if the stain is gone; if yes, then just rinse the fabric with warm water, if not, you can spray hairspray on the stain, it should disappear;

Note: Instead of a cloth, you can use paper towels or add a layer of starch, which will absorb the ink and prevent the stain from increasing in size.

  • ink stains can also be washed off with lemon juice: to do this, you need to take a lemon, cut it into several parts and squeeze the juice onto the stain, then rinse the item in water.

Some of the most common, as well as the most difficult to remove, are stains from ballpoint pen. The biggest problems with such stains arise during the first wash or during the first attempts to erase the stain: instead of an inscription or line made in ink, you get something less pale, blurry and... firmly ingrained into the fabric.

Nowadays, there are many ways to decorate denim clothes more attractively than, like in the good old days, drawing a skull and crossbones or Metallica lettering on your jeans. However, anything can happen - a pen carelessly placed in a pocket can leak, paint your jeans younger brother. And just an accidentally drawn dark blue line on light denim jeans... In this article we will try to understand the methods of removing ink stains from jeans and choose the most effective one.

Methods for removing ink stains from denim

  1. shows good results handwash in warm water using a brush and regular laundry soap. The only caveat: this method is applied only to small ink stains - various kinds dashes and scribbles. A large ink stain from a leaking pen, or a carefully shaded “drawing” will only blur after such a wash.
  2. The ink can also be dissolved with alcohol. In order to get the result, you need fresh stain blot with a cotton swab and alcohol as many times as necessary to completely remove the stain, and then evaporate the alcohol from the surface of the fabric. Attention! If your jeans are not of very high quality, and you doubt the method of dyeing them, then you should be careful with alcohol: it dissolves some fabric dyes very well. And instead of a stain from a pen being removed, you can simply get White spot from dissolved paint
  3. sometimes housewives also use various recipes based on ammonia: ammonia + baking soda, ammonia + hydrogen peroxide, ammonia + turpentine. In fact, sometimes these methods work very well, but it would be a good idea if you first try these techniques on a separate piece of fabric from your jeans. To do this, you can use those patch flaps, usually included with jeans along with a set of additional buttons and other accessories.
  4. It is also logical to use modern achievements household chemicals: stain removers, special powders and washing modes.

Ink stains on clothes are, although not the most pleasant, phenomenon, but very common. Especially in summer period, when from high temperatures the pen suddenly leaks in your shirt pocket, leaving an unpleasant mark. In this article we will look at the most effective options, how to remove ink from clothes using special chemicals or improvised means that can be found in any kitchen or home medicine cabinet. Remember - don't leave the stain for later, act immediately.

First of all, you need to prepare the surface. To do this, hold the contaminated area in water for 10-15 minutes, or wipe with a generously moistened cloth. It is desirable that the latter contains alcohol. This will loosen the stain and make it easier to remove from the fibers of the clothing.

  • treat the ink stain while it is fresh;
  • do not rub, smearing it, but blot it;
  • do not dry with warm air or rinse with hot or warm water. Otherwise, the stain will be more difficult to remove from clothing.

Chemistry is a faithful assistant

Looking for how to remove ink from a pen? You don’t need to go far - any stain remover that has the inscription OXI on the packaging will help cope with the scourge. Such products contain 15-30% oxygen-containing bleaches that penetrate into the pores of the fabric.

  • « ACEOXIMAGIC» for colored linen. How to use: pour 3 tablespoons of powder hot water until it reaches the consistency of kefir and pour it onto the stain. Leave it for 5 minutes and be surprised: not a trace remains of the stain!
  • Antipyatin series of stain removers" Available in different options: in the form of concentrate, powder, soap. Active substance– active oxygen. How to use: apply to the contaminated area, leave for 10-15 minutes, rinse. If the result is insufficiently effective, repeat.
  • Sarma Active. In addition to active oxygen, the composition also contains sulfates (15-30%), carbonates (15-30%) and phosphates (5-15%). Removes even old ink stains. Suitable for both machine washable, and for manual. Does not contain chlorine, which means it is safe for fabric.

Available means

It is not always possible to use specialized stain removers. Then you have to use proven “grandmother’s methods” on how to remove the ink of a ballpoint pen.

IMPORTANT! Before trying any of the following products on clothing, test on a small, inconspicuous piece to see if it changes the texture or color of the fabric.

  • Alcohol. Excellent ink removal from cotton fabrics. If the mark is fresh, pour a little alcohol on it, wait 3 minutes and wash it off. If the ink has long dried out, then mix alcohol and vinegar in equal proportions and wipe the dirty area until it is clean. A combination of alcohol and baking soda also effectively removes ink. Apply the mixture made from one teaspoon of alcohol and two teaspoons of soda to the fabric and gently blot the ink area with it.
  • Glycerol. Apply a little glycerin to the ink stain and leave for an hour. Rinse with lightly salted water and wash with laundry soap.
  • Acetone. It will help remove ink, but this is a very aggressive product and can ruin the fabric. Do a short reaction test first. Pour acetone onto the stain, wait 20 minutes. Wash in soapy water.
  • Ammonia and soda. Mix ammonia and soda in equal proportions. About a teaspoon of each substance. Soak the item damaged by ink in the resulting solution for several hours. If you need to remove a stain from thick fabric, instead of baking soda, add medical alcohol.
  • Vinegar. You can heat vinegar to 50 degrees and apply it to the ink blot. Afterwards, rinse thoroughly under cold water. This method of removing ink from clothes removes even old stains well.
  • Lemon. Squeeze lemon juice onto a cloth and leave for 20 minutes. During this time, you can add a little juice several times. The ink should dissolve.

Leather and denim

Skin requires special care, and jeans are difficult to wash due to the density of the fabric. The methods discussed in this article are suitable for cleaning both types of material. Let's note the most important points how to remove ink from leather and jeans:

  • A mixture of ammonia and baking soda is suitable for fresh stains and is only safe for light shades leather and fabric. On dark ones, white spots may remain.
  • It is better to remove ink from denim in several stages. First, apply alcohol to the area of ​​the fabric, then, without rinsing, add a little hydrogen peroxide. After 15 minutes, rinse with cool water and wash with laundry soap.
  • A rich hand or face cream is one of the effective ways removing stains from skin. Apply it for a few minutes, then wipe with a cotton pad. If necessary, wipe the cleaned area with a damp cloth. This method can also be used as preparation for stain removal.

Happy cleaning!

How to remove ink from clothes

Pen marks - eternal problem schoolchildren, students and people involved paperwork. A loose cap, a defective pen or an accidental print mark - this and much more can lead to the formation of large and small ink stains on any clothing.

Features of pollution

It is very important to promptly remove fresh leaked ink. Old and dried stains are much more difficult to clean and often leave marks behind.

There are also some differences between a regular ballpoint pen and a gel pen. Modern ballpoint pens are divided depending on quality and cost. Cheaper options are less stable and therefore are withdrawn quite quickly. However, Traces from expensive items (fountain pens) are more difficult to remove, since the ink they contain is of higher quality and more durable.

Helium pens are distinguished by their corrosiveness and liquid gel.

It quickly saturates the tissue and spreads over the area. That's why The first step is to outline its edges to prevent further spread. It is also more difficult to remove gel paste from delicate and thin fabrics, and old ink is practically impossible to clean.


The most the best remedy To remove ink, you need to take your clothes to the dry cleaner. However, this service is not cheap and you will have to pay quite a bit a large sum money.

At home, improvised means come to the rescue, who are also capable of successfully coping with this task:

  • liquid glycerin. Fill the stain with glycerin and leave for 60 minutes. Then wash in a warm, slightly salty solution. Reach greater effect Ordinary washing will help;
  • soda with ammonia. To prepare the cleaning mixture, mix: 5 grams of soda + 5 ml of ammonia + 250 ml of water. Apply the resulting mixture to the stain and let it sit for about an hour. At the end of the allotted time, wash in soapy water and rinse thoroughly;
  • hydrogen peroxide with ammonia. The method is safe when used on white items. To do this, prepare a solution: 250 ml of water + 5 ml of hydrogen peroxide + 5 ml of ammonia. Let's soak cotton pad and wipe the contaminated area. If the ink has dried, the disc can be applied to the stain for 10 minutes. Afterwards, clothes can be easily washed;
  • dishwashing liquid. The detergent can remove ink stains from any fabric. Squeeze out and spread over the stain, leave for 20 minutes. Afterwards we wash it in the usual way;

  • laundry soap with alcohol. In this method, the substances act alternately. First we wipe with alcohol. Afterwards we apply foam from soap for 5 – 10 minutes. Wash in warm water and rinse thoroughly in cool water;
  • vinegar. We heat it to 50 degrees and treat the contaminated area. We wash in the usual way. The method is effective against both ball and gel pen;
  • ethanol with vinegar. Mix vinegar and alcohol in equal parts. We saturate the contaminated fabric or apply it to the ink stain. After rinsing under running water, wash in the usual way. This method will remove even old and dried ink;
  • dairy products. Both fresh and sour milk, as well as yogurt, are suitable. We wash fresh stains in warmed milk. Dried ink can be dealt with by soaking it in it for a couple of hours. At the same time, it is necessary to prepare a special cleaning solution, mix soapy water with a small amount of ammonia. After soaking, take the item out and squeeze it lightly. We wash first in the solution, and only then in washing machine;

  • salt with lemon juice. To remove a fresh blot, sprinkle it with salt and moisten it with lemon juice. The ink will dissolve literally before your eyes. Then wash as usual. Not suitable for cleaning white items, as it may leave a yellowish mark on the fabric that is difficult to clean;
  • kerosene. Safe for wool items. We wet the cotton pads and treat the stain. Wash in the usual way;
  • pencil erasing ink. To remove ink stains, they can be treated with a special pencil or marker. They are sold in hardware stores. The pencil absorbs the ink. We pass it over the stain until the ink turns pale or almost completely disappears and washes it in the machine;
  • stain remover It can be any soap, powder or gel. Use according to the instructions, the main thing is to take into account the type of fabric;

  • Polish for hair. Since it contains alcohol, it works well with ink. Spray the blot until it gets wet. After the stain disappears, the item is washed in a washing machine;
  • toothpaste. A small amount of Apply toothpaste to the blot with rubbing movements, then erase in the usual way;
  • nail polish remover with acetone. First, use a blotting motion to remove the ink and place a towel or napkin under the stain. We saturate the fabric with liquid and wait for 10 – 15 minutes. Afterwards, wipe with a damp cloth, wash only in cold soapy water. This way you cannot clean thin and delicate fabrics;
  • soap solution. To prepare the solution, you need to mix: 100 ml of warm water + a little dishwashing detergent + a tablespoon of soda. Soak the stain and leave for 20 minutes. Afterwards we wipe with a damp cloth and then with a dry one. The solution is well suited for cleaning products made of genuine leather;
  • shaving foam. Apply foam to the stain, and then wash it as usual.

How to remove a stain?

It is equally important to consider the type of fabric, choose a safe cleaning product and know temperature regime when washing.

From the jacket

Cleaning steps:

  1. To clean a raincoat jacket, you can use acetone, alcohol, or an alcohol-containing solution. Apply acetone to the stain, then blot with a damp cloth and wash in a cool soapy solution.
  2. Alcohol compounds, acetone, soap solution and cleaning products can also help remove ink from a fabric jacket. In this case, it is important to first wrong side check whether the selected recipe will damage the fabric.

From jeans


  1. You can use chalk to remove ballpoint pens from your jeans. Moreover, the sooner it is used, the more effectively it will remove the stain. Simply sprinkle the stain with crushed chalk (you can replace it with talcum powder or starch) and blot it with a napkin. Afterwards we wash it in the usual way.
  2. Also in advance denim can be treated with an alcohol solution or an alcohol-containing product. Afterwards, the contaminated area must be sprinkled with salt and washed.
  3. Acid (acetic essence or lemon juice). Heat the aqueous solution of acids until bubbles appear and wet the fabric. The stain lightens and disappears completely after washing.
  4. For light jeans A solution of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia is safe.

With colored fabric

The methods are:

  1. To clean cotton colored items, use a turpentine-ammonia solution. The compositions are mixed in equal proportions and the stain is wiped with the solution. Old stains should soak in the solution for 20 minutes, and only after that we wash the product.
  2. "White Spirit". Used for cotton items. Before cleaning colored materials, you should check to see if it will discolor the fabric. To do this, we check it in an inconspicuous area, from the wrong side.


Cotton or linen clothing can be cleaned using the following household products:

  1. Ammonia. Suitable for thin fabrics used for sewing women's blouses or T-shirts. It can remove ink stains from white clothes without leaving any marks. To do this, prepare a solution: a glass of warm water + 5 ml of ammonia. Soak a cotton pad in the resulting solution and wipe the contaminated area. Afterwards we wash it in the usual way.
  2. "White Spirit". This cleaner is able to remove old and deeply ingrained ink. Use a sponge to pick up the cleaner and treat the stains. Leave for 30 minutes, then rinse under running water and wash as usual. Suitable only for thick cotton.
  3. Lemon. Lemon juice is great for removing fresh blots. For old stains cleaning takes place twice. Not suitable for white items as it may leave yellowish stains.
  4. For thicker cottons, e.g. men's shirts Any alcohol solution will do. We wet the fabric with it and wait until the stain becomes lighter and then wash it off.

Sweatshirts and sweaters

The material requires a delicate approach. Aggressive cleaners should not be used here:

  1. Dairy products. This is a gentle method. The method is universal and will clean cotton, knitted and linen fabric with the same success. The product is first slightly heated and the clothes are left to lie in it for a couple of hours. At the end, rinse the items thoroughly and then wash them in the usual way.
  2. Soda. To prepare it, you need to mix soda and warm water so that the mixture looks like a slightly runny paste. Distribute the paste over the stain and leave for 10 minutes. We remove the remaining soda with a cotton pad and wash it in the usual way.
  3. Mustard. It can remove both fresh blots and old dried stains. Mixture: water + mustard powder. You should get a paste. We saturate the stains and leave for 3 hours. Afterwards we remove the rest of the paste and wash it in the usual way, the water should be cold.
  4. Kerosene. Particularly effective against fresh ink. Using a cotton pad or any rag, treat the stain and wait until it turns pale. Due to the strong specific odor, we use conditioner during washing and dry it on fresh air.

Suit fabric

You need to try hard to remove marks from your pants. Sometimes you can’t do without dry cleaning services. Among the available means, the following are used:

  1. acetic acid or lemon juice. We treat the contaminated area and then wash it;
  2. ammonia with hydrogen peroxide. The substances are mixed in equal proportions and the stain is wiped;
  3. alcohol with salt. First, treat the ink with alcohol, then sprinkle with salt and leave for 30 minutes. Afterwards we wash it in the usual way;
  4. Residual ink stains can be removed soap suds. Apply foam and lightly brush. Suitable for old stains.


The recipes are suitable for all leather products (jackets, bags). Can be applied:

  1. Salt. Sprinkle the fresh blot with a thick layer of salt. We stand for 24 hours. Afterwards we treat it with a rag previously soaked in turpentine.
  2. Scotch. You can try to remove dried ink with tape. Glue the tape to the contaminated area and peel off the stuck part. We wipe off the residue with an ordinary eraser designed for erasing pens from paper.
  3. Fat cream. Apply it in a thick layer and leave for 3 minutes. The residue can be wiped off with a cotton pad. Afterwards, the area of ​​contamination can be washed with warm soapy water.
  4. Hair fixation spray. Spray the varnish and blot with a napkin. Spray a second time and blot again. We wash in the usual way.

Hello. Parents, students, and working people most often encounter ink stains. It’s difficult to find a way to remove ink from a pen. There are many ways to get rid of ink stains, today we will look at them in detail.

How to remove ink from clothes: proven methods

You can buy a special stain remover, for example, antipyatin soap, or ACE or VANISH. But you can use what you have learned traditional methods. No need for experiments, better look at what cleaning methods have already been invented.

After choosing a method, try it on a separate piece of fabric, which is usually hemmed to finished product, or from the inside out in an invisible place.

It is very difficult to remove ink stains from fabric that fades. The best way- cleaning, which does not blur, but, on the contrary, fixes the color. Remaining stains can be washed off regular soap.

Rules for cleaning clothes

  1. Spread the product on a flat surface.
  2. Place on a fresh stain toilet paper, put a weight on it to absorb as much moisture as possible.
  3. Place a paper napkin under the ink spot. The napkin will absorb excess liquid.
  4. Soak a cotton swab in vinegar.
  5. Wipe from the sides to the center.
  6. If washing is necessary after hatching, then wash only in cool water.

How to remove ink from white clothes

Many children wear white shirts and blouses to school, which suffer the most from the ink. The best way to remove a stain from a white item is ammonia:

  • Take equal quantities of water and ammonia.
  • Apply to the blot and leave for 2 minutes.
  • Rinse in water. Repeat if necessary.

At all fresh tracks cleanable sour milk. Soak the stained area in sour milk, leave for 1 hour, then wash with soap and drop 5-7 drops of ammonia.

With clothes from linen fabric the stain is removed with warm a mixture of acetone and alcohol, taken in equal proportions.

Soak gauze in this mixture, place it on the blot, and iron it with an iron.

Glycerol is also effective means from ink:

  • Apply to dirty area.
  • hold for 1 hour.
  • rinse with salted water.
  • lather with soap, wash.

For all colors, can be used lemon juice. How to wash with juice? Moisten the contaminated area, then wash. Action citric acid can be strengthened table salt:

  • spread the fabric on the table.
  • Sprinkle the spot with fine salt.
  • pour a layer of salt over the juice.
  • leave for 3-4 hours.
  • then wash by hand in cool water and lather with laundry soap.

Delicate fabrics will be revived by ordinary soda. Moisten with water, apply to the dirty area, hold, then wash the item. A ballpoint pen stain will quickly disappear if you soak it in shaving cream or toothpaste. white.

If old pen stains do not want to leave the product, then mix turpentine and alcohol in equal proportions, wet the marks, leave for 1 hour, then rinse.

How to get rid of ink stains at home

How to remove ink from clothes? Traces from fountain pen will help bring out starch. Sprinkle onto fresh stain and press paper towel. You can simply wash it with laundry soap. Wool products It's best to clean it with gasoline. Treat the blot, then wash with a suitable powder.

Gel marks will come off if you soak them in mustard pulp. Moisten with water mustard powder, apply to the item, leave for 24 hours, then wash. If your silk blouse is dirty, then this product will help restore its original appearance.

How to clean leather items? Natural or artificial leather can be easily wiped off soap solution with added salt:

  • make a soap solution.
  • add 1 tbsp. l. table salt.
  • wipe the contaminated area.
  • wash with a damp cloth.
  • wipe dry with a piece of cotton cloth.

Soak old stains generously lemon juice, after a quarter of an hour, pour over the heated vinegar(9%), leave for half an hour. After half an hour, rinse the fabric under running water, then wash. Pollution will disappear before our eyes.

The sap may lighten the fabric, so be careful when scrubbing.

Alcohol and vodka to remove ballpoint pen marks

Ballpoint pen marks on a shirt can be lightened with vodka. Soak a cotton swab with vodka, then rub the contaminated area. If you cannot remove the pen marks, dry the shirt and repeat the procedure. Stains will go away faster on a dry product.

Alcohol is also an excellent stain remover. Moisten the blot generously with alcohol, then add 6-7 drops of hydrogen peroxide, wait three minutes, then wash by hand in a solution of laundry soap.

If the paint has not come off, then prepare a mixture of equal parts of alcohol and vinegar (9%). Rub the product in until the material is completely clean.

The paste will come off if you rub it with the warm mixture. medical alcohol and acetone, taken in equal proportions. Apply the liquid to the paste and iron through cheesecloth with a hot iron. Remove stains with a cotton swab soaked in ammonia.

How to remove ink stains from jeans?

Mix medical alcohol and ammonia in equal parts. Rub the dirty area with the resulting liquid, then wash in soapy water.

Excellent product- a composition of ammonia and baking soda, taken in equal parts. If the paste is strongly ingrained into the material, apply the mixture to the material on both sides, that is, from the inside and out. front side. After 2 hours, wash in a solution with laundry soap.

How to remove ink from a printer?

What might happen when replacing a cartridge? When replacing a cartridge, despite careful actions, you can stain your jacket or blouse.

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First, do not put off the paint removal procedure for too long. Fresh paint will come off faster.

Second, having chosen the product, apply it to the inside of the seam and leave for half an hour. If the fabric is not damaged, you can proceed. First, place it under ice water to prevent the blot from setting. If traces still remain, then use proven means.

You can easily remove it at home ammonia. Rub the stained area with a cotton swab, then you can trust the automatic machine. Fresh paint can get wet paper napkin, sprinkle with chalk or starch so that they absorb the dye. After 5 minutes, shake off the starch.

If the paint does not come off, treat the stained area with alcohol or vodka.

When the mark becomes less noticeable, soak the product in powder. But alcohol should not be used on fabrics that shed.

Clothes won't get damaged if you clean them lemon juice:

  • Pour the juice over the mark with all your heart;
  • Then sprinkle generously with salt;
  • Set aside for 3-4 hours;
  • Brush off the salt;
  • Wash the product.

If the paint has not had time to saturate the fabric, place the item with the stain in milk, leave it overnight. Instead of milk, you can dip it in whey. Just don't forget that the serum will whiten colored fabric.

If you have a printer dye stain on a silk blouse, then mustard powder.

How to clean with mustard:

  • Take 1 tbsp. mustard powder;
  • Pour in 1 tbsp. water;
  • Apply the mixture to the stain and leave for 24 hours.
  • Wipe off the crust with a damp sponge.
  • The blouse will get old look after washing with silk detergent.

Bright things can be saved sour milk, or hydrogen peroxide. Pour a little liquid onto the stain, let it sit for 1 hour, then rinse with water.

If streaks are visible, dissolve 1 tbsp in a glass of water. ammonia, treat the marks, then wash the item with bleach powder.

Turpentine- also a proven remedy. Apply it to the paint, wait 5 minutes, then moisten the cotton wool with peroxide, clean the turpentine from the fabric. Afterwards, soak the clothes in the powder and wash.

To enhance the effect, mix turpentine with ammonia in identical parts, dampen a cloth, apply to the stain for half an hour, then wipe off traces of ink.

If you get dirty with colored ink from a cartridge, this will help. stain remover "Dr. Beckmann".

The jacket is dirty. What to do?

How to remove ink from a jacket? It turns out to be an excellent cleanser for leather jacket is fat cream for face or hands. Rub the cream into the dirty area of ​​the jacket, leave it for 5 minutes, it will dissolve the paint, then it can be easily removed with a cotton swab dipped in vodka.

Petrol It will also remove all dirt. To check if it will streak, try it on the reverse side. After cleaning with gasoline, the item should be dried in the fresh air.

Stains can be quickly removed from a leather jacket hairspray. Spray the contaminated area and wipe off immediately. If it doesn't work the first time, spray again. Repeat the procedure until completely cleansed.

You can remove dirt using thinner, gasoline, white spirit or kerosene. Don't forget to test with reverse side things.

If your bag is dirty, dampen a cotton pad cologne or eau de toilette, quickly remove the strip from the handle. If you hit your bag with a pen at work, use monitor cleaning cloth.

Excellent result can be achieved by cleaning your bag or jacket with the mixture salt and detergent for dish washing. Apply the mixture to the dirt, hold for a few minutes, then wipe with a damp cloth.