Relationship with a married man. Psychology of relationships with a married man


Romances with married men can be viewed in two ways - for some they are non-binding entertainment, while others try in every possible way to avoid such relationships. Are there advantages to such relationships, and how to end them with the least emotional losses?

How to find a married lover

If you set such a goal, then achieving it will not be difficult. special labor– you just need to register on a dating site. As a rule, on most of these resources, married men try to find non-binding relationships. Those who deliberately seek connections with unfree men are most often women who themselves do not strive for marriage. Also, such relationships do not exclude girls who need financial support, knowing that married and wealthy lovers are often particularly generous.

Where to meet him if you are married

Many women often seek acquaintance with other men, even if they themselves are married. Like single people, they can meet a potential lover at work, on a dating site, at a resort, in a restaurant, and many other things. in public places. Most often, women are driven to such acquaintances by dissatisfaction with their own marriage. Nevertheless, not wanting, for some reason, to destroy the family, they are more willing to get in touch with a married man. What are the advantages of such a novel:1. A married man will not make your relationship public. A free lover, sooner or later, may want to be the only one for his chosen one, and tell her husband about the betrayal, while a married man initially knows what he is getting into, so he acts very carefully. 2. Usually from similar men don't expect unpleasant surprises. They do not suddenly disappear, do not bother you with calls and messages, well understanding the specifics of meetings with an unfree person. 3. You can have peace of mind regarding your health. Married men, unlike single men, most often do not go for random connections. If they already have a mistress, in addition to their wife, then they limit themselves to these two women. Accordingly, the risk of getting some kind of sexually transmitted disease is minimized.

How to behave to interest him

Married men differ little in their perception of women from unmarried men, so if he is interested in an affair on the side, then seducing him will not be difficult. However, in this case, one appearance don't limit yourself. A man must understand that you do not consider him as yours. potential husband. Single women should say that they do not plan to tie the knot in the near future. In turn, married people should mention that although there are problems in their family, divorce is unacceptable to them.

The pros and cons of dating a married man

    If you are an opponent official marriages and in general, you don’t want to get involved in a serious relationship at the moment, then this option may suit you quite well. You have problems in your marriage that you cannot solve, however, you are not ready to dissolve it. In this case new novel can distract you from family troubles. You are experiencing serious financial difficulties, and a married boyfriend promises to help you solve financial problems, or you understand that this relationship will save you from at least some difficulties of this kind. You are unable to start an affair with a free man, it seems to you that you are not interested in the opposite sex, and a married admirer is trying in every possible way to achieve your affection. A short relationship in this situation will help you increase your self-esteem. You know that your husband is dishonest with you, and you want to take revenge on him. In this case, some women decide to cheat and choose a married man, realizing in advance that they do not count on a long-term relationship with him.

    You may get used to your lover and want to start a family with him. The chosen one, in turn, will not be ready to destroy his marriage, which will inevitably lead to stress. If you are single and your lover is married, over time you will begin to feel more and more that you are wasting time with him. While a man lives full life, you are forced to be content with fitful meetings. There is a chance that your lover’s wife will be aware of your relationship. This may turn into a big scandal for you, which your friends, colleagues or relatives may find out about. Remember that some deceived wives are very inventive in their revenge. Having become accustomed to a married man, you will gradually begin to torment yourself with jealousy of his wife. Instead of an easy romance, you will end up with a depressed mood and irritability. Your self-esteem may decrease. At first, meetings with a married man sometimes bring a certain “spiciness” to life, but gradually this too becomes boring. You will want to be the only one and loved by your chosen one. In addition, the attitude towards mistresses in society is quite ambiguous, and you will want to be in such a status less and less.

How to build such relationships correctly

Don't make a scene. As a rule, people enter into such relationships to solve some of their problems, and not to add new ones. Surely, a married man who is not completely satisfied with his relationship with his wife will not date for a long time a woman with whom not everything is going smoothly either. Be careful. Over time, many lovers begin to lose their vigilance, which turns into exposure for them. If you do not want your novel to be declassified, avoid writing SMS and messages on a social network - they may be read by the wrong person. The same applies to dates - do not meet in places where acquaintances or friends can see.

The man is married and the girl is single

Many married men prefer to date girls who are not married or other romantic relationships. Being an owner by nature, such a man wants to be the only one for his mistress, despite the fact that he himself lives with another. As a rule, such an affair risks turning into much bigger problems for the cheater than relationships with married girls. A free woman gradually realizes that she, too, would like her lover to belong to her alone. The status of a mistress is becoming less and less attractive, and nothing else is in sight. Often the romance has to be kept secret, so when girlfriends go somewhere with their boyfriends or celebrate holidays as couples, the girl dating married man, forced to feel disadvantaged. They stop organizing secret meetings for her, and she begins to put pressure on her lover, hinting at divorce, or even demanding it. The outcome can be different. As a rule, if the relationship lasted for many years, that man may never decide to divorce. If the affair began fairly recently, separation from his wife does not threaten major losses, and the man is sincerely in love with a girl who is in many ways superior to his wife, then he can go for a divorce.

An affair between a married woman and a non-free man

In this case, lovers are less likely to decide to divorce. The man and his mistress already have their own families, so none of them is chasing a stamp in their passport. In addition, if people decide to start a relationship on the side rather than get a divorce, then there is a very small probability that in the end it will eventually come to a divorce. Often, if families break up, this happens when the spouses of lovers find out about the betrayal and themselves become the initiators of divorce. In general, such a relationship can last longer than in the case when the girl is single. Firstly, a married girl already has the status of a wife and does not pursue it. Secondly, a married woman, like her lover, is more careful and prudent than a single woman. Married men who enter into relationships with married women see many advantages for themselves in this. Usually, such a romance guarantees them pleasant meetings and eliminates unnecessary requests. Free girls periodically need male assistance– with car repairs, household appliances and the like. Married girls more often they turn to their spouse with these requests. In addition, there is no need for such a girl to give gifts often because... she does not want to arouse her husband's suspicions. In turn, the free one requires more attention.

What do statistics say, is marriage possible after such a relationship?

The statistics in this case are quite vague. However, it is worth noting that in most cases, if a man did not decide to divorce in the first year after his mistress appeared in his life, then later it will be more difficult for him to do this, because he will get used to the current state of affairs. A man who has only recently become interested in another and at the same time his relationship with her brings him a lot positive emotions, more pliable, and easier to divorce.

Fall in love with yourself In this situation, you should act as with any other chosen one. If you want a man to fall in love, then you should always look well-groomed and seductive. Even if you Bad mood, the lover should not feel this - let him always be pleased to be in your company. Also pay attention to how you treat him. Sincerely support your man, be his inspiration, rejoice in his successes. He must understand that you are the woman who is truly interested in his personality, desires and hobbies. You must arouse the interest of other people or be a fairly versatile person. Do something new interesting hobby. Pay attention to dancing - many men like girls who are passionate about some kind of dance. This intrigues them and excites their imagination. Try to live exciting life so that your chosen one is interested in being with you. Through pregnancy If you decide to get pregnant from married man, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to raise your baby on your own. If a man’s family already has children, then your position will not make much of an impression on him. Moreover, he may decide that the relationship has become too difficult and leave you. It is for these reasons that you must understand that while he is married, the responsibility for the decision to give birth to a baby rests only with you. Another case is if there are no children in the man’s family. Perhaps the spouses were unable to conceive a child, or the wife decided to postpone it - then your chances increase significantly. Many people associate children with family happiness Accordingly, the man will begin to understand that it is not his current wife, but you and your common child who are his family. However, keep in mind that the situation may turn out differently if the man has not yet intended to become a father and this prospect raises doubts in him. In any case, it is better to discuss this topic with the man in advance. Ask him how things would turn out if he found out about your pregnancy. Most likely, his answer will be close to the truth. “In war, as in war, all methods are good”1) If your spouse knows about your existence or at least suspects it, then at home the man regularly faces conflict situations. You must act completely differently - support your lover, say that if necessary, you are ready to let him go. He should feel calm and comfortable with you. 2) Don't put pressure on him. You must be superior to his wife in many ways, but do not demand that he leave for you. He himself must understand that you are more winning option. If you want a man to become more active, it’s better to tell him that you have a fan. Jealousy may force him to choose in your favor. 3) Become a close person for him, and we are talking not only about the intimate side of the issue. Support your lover, encourage him, show his high importance to you. Ask for his advice often, praise him and admire him. 4) Don't try to make your spouse find out about you. Most likely, your lover will immediately understand who became the “source of information”, even if you are careful. Your initiative will probably push him away and put an end to this relationship. 5) Create favorable conditions for meetings. If the dates are at your home, make sure he feels comfortable coming over. Get ready delicious dishes, keep your home clean. Let the man have his own slippers, his favorite cup, bought especially for him. If you are meeting on neutral territory, also find an opportunity to show concern for your lover, he will pay attention to this.

How to end an affair with a captive man

Most women who have had sex at least once long term relationship with a married man, they try not to repeat such an experience again, and such fans become taboo for them. Even if it is possible to “take” a person away from the family, this does not always bring the expected feeling of satisfaction. If a man decides to stay with his wife, then the woman may feel used or become depressed. So, do you understand that from this relationship you have more negative emotions than positive ones? It's time to finish this novel! How to do it:
    Realize that such a relationship most likely has no future. While a man lives a family life, and even spends time with his mistress, you are simply wasting time. You become attached to this person and begin to consider him the main man in your life. However, for him main woman the one with whom he lives, no matter what he tells you. Understand that you are being used. A man who would love you would belong only to you - because it is so natural and obvious. He would certainly find ways to solve all the difficulties and reunite with the woman he loved. While in a relationship with you, he most likely wants to add more spice to his life, is escaping the family routine, or is simply trying to improve his self-esteem. If you decide to leave such relationships in the past, do not delay it, because you have already lost a lot of time. Tell your lover that you are forced to break off your relationship, seeing no further prospects for yourself. Note that you are ripe for marriage, and a relationship with him takes away your time and energy, which you could devote to finding the right person for you. Most likely, your lover has already gotten used to you, so the prospect of separation is unlikely to make him happy. Be prepared for various promises and manipulations. He may declare that he will divorce soon or say that he has already told his wife everything, but he needs some more time to leave her. All these are just words. Warn the man that maybe something will work out for you when he shows you the divorce petition and finally separates from his wife. Voice it to him and remind yourself that you are worthy of an open relationship with a free man. You need to get out of the habit of meeting with your lover and live a completely different life. Often, your desire to limit communication with a married man may not be immediately accepted by him, and for some time he will continue to remind you of himself. The best way To avoid this, go on a trip for a while. Try to find such an opportunity. A change of environment will allow you to look at the whole situation from the outside and more easily accept changes in your life. Having warned your lover that you no longer want to meet and communicate with him, interrupt all contacts. Block him in in social networks and blacklist his phone number. It is possible that you will have to change your number if the boyfriend turns out to be too persistent. Determine for yourself why you entered into such a relationship - you lacked male attention, you had financial difficulties, you were simply bored. All these difficulties are completely solvable. You can get male attention by taking up different types of hobbies that interest guys. Become a football fan, go to the shooting range, bowling alley, and car shows more often. Many women meet life partners on a dating site. To solve money problems, find suitable job, because your lover can leave you at any moment, and financial difficulties you still have to decide for yourself. If a married man has simply filled your life with new impressions, then start getting them in a new place - take up active hobbies, meet friends more often, go to interesting crowded places. Understand that by dating this man, you are depriving yourself of the chances of creating full-fledged family. While you are waiting for his decision or wasting your energy and nerves on “taking him away” from the family, other people meet, fall in love with each other and get married. Think about how you would feel if you were the only woman and my beloved wife in life worthy man? Surely, this is much more pleasant than sharing a lover with another woman, who is also clearly in a more advantageous position. Most likely, you will always be uneasy in a marriage with a person who already has experience adultery. You can convince yourself as much as you like that everything will be different in your family life, but this man has already made several conclusions that will be unpleasant for you. Firstly, he is used to running away from problems in the family or with his chosen one, plunging into other relationships. Secondly, he realized that, be that as it may, you can share him with another woman, and if he becomes interested in someone else, it will not be a new thing for you to realize that you are not the only one with him. To make matters less If you are worried about breaking up with your lover, fill your time as much as possible with work or new hobbies. Don't follow his life and don't be interested in his affairs - take care of yourself. This may turn out not an easy task, so it makes sense to write down an action plan for the next month. You need to keep yourself so busy that there is simply no time for sad thoughts and boredom. If you have a single suitor, try giving him a chance at a relationship. You should again feel what it is like - communication without humiliating conditions. You will not need to hide with your chosen one from casual acquaintances, you will be able to write and call him without fear, you will not have to share him with another woman or spend the holidays alone.

Today, relationships outside the family, as a rule, do not lead to horror. Adultery does not threaten not only “stoning”, but even serious condemnation from friends. Nevertheless, such a connection always raises many questions and often provokes serious problems. How to deal with them? What is it based on? The psychologist's advice given later in the article will help answer the questions asked.

What makes a man look for a mistress?

It is so customary in our society that relationships between a man and a woman most often develop on the initiative of a representative of the stronger sex. A woman can make it clear with a smile or a glance that she would not mind getting to know each other, but it is the man who will take the first steps in this direction.

But sometimes, when the acquaintance has taken place and everything has gone far enough, a woman suddenly finds out that she is having an affair with a married man. What to do, and most importantly, why did he start all this?

As psychologists explain, the reason for this is most often the relationships that have developed (or rather, not developed) in the family. If a man’s wife is the boss or simply, then she naturally suppresses her partner, and the latter, in order not to completely lose his manhood, begins to look for an outlet on the side.

But it also happens that the wife stops worrying, the man begins to treat her more like a relative. Everything in the family suits him, but sex is clearly lacking. It is too serious reason for adultery.

Why do some ladies want to date married men?

But what can push a woman or a young lady into such a relationship, because, as will become clear later, she basically does not have the future so expected by most ladies?

A relationship with a married man (the advice of a psychologist about which we are considering) turns out to be very tempting for some women. Such a gentleman, as a rule, is gallant, knows how to look after beautifully, does not skimp on compliments and gifts, and looks more reliable and respectable than bachelors of all ages.

And some ladies are driven to do this by the desire to assert themselves. After all, at home they no longer feel welcome as before, and the relationship with their husband is gradually slipping into the realm of endless solving everyday problems. And here everything is like in my youth!

But there is also a category of women who are specifically looking for relationships that have no future. They are pushed to do this by childhood experiences - or they grew up in incomplete family, where the mother was overloaded with work and could not pay due attention to the child’s state of mind, or the father treated his daughter distantly. In such cases, start a family.

Pros of being in a relationship with a married man

If you listen to the answer to the question: “Is it worth continuing an affair with a married man?” - advice from a psychologist, it turns out that such a connection can be very useful for some ladies.

  • For young and very poor young ladies, these relationships often turn out to be a way to improve their well-being. True, the main thing here is not to sell yourself short and agree only to real help and expensive gifts.
  • For convinced feminists, such a relationship is an opportunity to maintain freedom and independence while having a permanent sexual partner.
  • Moreover, a woman who has married lover, at the same time, she can look for her future husband, without rushing at everyone who is more or less suitable, since she is satisfied and calm.
  • And for married ladies, such relationships can add what is missing in their family life. thrills and serve as confirmation of their undiminished feminine attractiveness.

As you can see, with a conscious and calm position in the mentioned connection, both a man and a woman can discover a lot of positive and beneficial things for both parties.

And now about the cons

But, as you understand, most often a woman’s relationship with a married man is not at all rosy. The psychologist's advice here is always the same - do not create illusions when entering into such a relationship. Remember:

Why are married men more willing to date married ladies?

There is one more nuance, without which it is difficult to understand what exactly a relationship with a married man consists of. The psychologist's advice given to women who have reached a dead end with the mentioned connection contains one important aspect: It turns out that married people are most willing to engage in adultery with married people! And, as it turns out, what comes to the fore here is the opportunity to indulge in your passion without risking virtually anything.

  • A woman free from the bonds of marriage may suddenly not be able to withstand the tense waiting and start calling him or writing SMS messages at the most inopportune moment. And a lady burdened with a family, as a rule, has neither the opportunity nor the desire for this.
  • An unmarried mistress may eventually begin to demand to legitimize the relationship - to leave the family and marry her. But for a married woman they are just a way to get bright emotions and a special “spice” in your life.
  • A married lady, even if she becomes pregnant from her lover, will bring her well-fed child to her husband. In such a case, with a lonely, and even young lady, you won’t end up with a lot of trouble!
  • A married woman even needs to be given gifts much less often, otherwise how will she explain to her husband the appearance of more and more new jewelry!
  • In addition, there is no the most offensive option for communication on the side - the possibility of catching a bad disease, because family woman I’m not inclined to change partners often, much less sleep with just anyone.

Why does a married lady need this connection?

A man is looking for benefits, but what are relationships built on? married woman with a married man it is simple - the woman asserts herself or compensates for what she lacks in the family.

Amorous and overly emotional people go to new ones. But most often this happens if the husband is not affectionate enough or is not able to satisfy his partner. And if a woman discovers that her husband is cheating on her, then the desire for revenge may throw her into the arms of her lover.

Think about it, do you need this relationship?

From all that has been said above, we hope you understand that a married man, going in search of a mistress, least of all thinks about creating some kind of Serious relationships and dreams only of new intense feelings and sexual pleasure. That is why a relationship with a married man has no prospects and in the vast majority of cases is doomed to break. So maybe you should avoid it from the very beginning? Well, of course, this does not apply to those who take such a connection lightly, and those to whom for some reason it seems very convenient.

Yes, if you are planning a relationship with a married man, only you will decide what to do (support them or not), but remember: too much is being put on this altar. Such a relationship can only be short-lived and non-binding. Even if a miracle happens and your lover gets divorced to marry you, you can only dream of peace: after all, now your spouse can just as easily leave you as soon as he feels bored Everyday life- He already has experience!

Long-term relationship with a married man

  1. Never criticize your loved one's spouse. Even if he complains about her and talks about some misunderstandings in their life together, a man will react painfully to criticism from his mistress - after all, his wife has long become a part of him, and he constantly feels a connection with her.
  2. No one should know about your relationship. After all, all this can reach your wife, and she, believe me, will be able to force her husband to stop what you value so much now.
  3. Don't put pressure on your lover - men can't stand that. Instead, constantly tell him how important he is to you and how much you love him.

And lastly (but perhaps most importantly) - you will have to become a professional in everything related to sex. After all, it was precisely this man who was looking for him on the side. And if you do not amaze your partner with your ingenuity, over time he will begin to run away from you.

How to break off a relationship with a married man you love?

If you are tired of the uncertainty of a relationship with a married man and decide to break off relations with him, do not give up and do not bring the situation to a state where your nerves cannot stand it and a loud scandal breaks out with breaking dishes and hysterics.

To begin with, imagine that you have achieved what you wanted - you married this man. Will you trust him? But answer this question honestly! Understand that having changed once, he will not stop before changing again. Now for you. AND new lover he will tell you the same thing that he “sang” to you, blaming himself for everything!

Such a man is incapable of making a decision conflict situations problems that arise over time in any family - he follows the easy path, changing partners. Do you want someone who will run away as soon as trouble arises? If not, then break up with him. Keep meetings to a minimum, and then stop answering his calls altogether. However, if he feels coldness on your part, he will quickly disappear - after all, as you already know, he is not used to solving problems!

A few final words

We hope that the psychologist’s advice given above will help you answer the question “how to end a relationship with a married man.” If you are waiting for real feelings, then it is important to understand how futile this relationship is and how humiliating the position of the mistress is. You deserve to be an object true love, and not a toy in the hands of a man waiting only for pleasure. Don't waste time, look for your real half! Good luck!

Today I want to look at the psychology of relationships between a man and a woman from a slightly different perspective. She is free and beautiful. He is interesting, successful, but MARRIED.

A similar alliance occurs in modern world quite often, because it has ceased to be something forbidden and condemned by society. Previously, loving a married man was considered a disaster and a shame for a woman. Today this is quite acceptable.

Do you want to know why married men are willing to “get in touch”? Do you want to understand why they don’t leave their family? And how to behave with a married man?

Then let's figure out WHAT is a relationship with a married man and WHERE does it lead?

Danger! Keep out

Don't you think it's strange that similar warning does it only work on the transformer? Because it will really kill!

Everything else that does not kill immediately is questioned, since between the action and the result lies PLEASURE.

What pushes a man to have an affair?

- novelty of sexual and emotional sensations
- sexual dissatisfaction, fear of fading youth (you have to do everything in time), the desire to prove to yourself and friends that he is still WOW
- the need to establish a solid status, modern man who can afford to keep a gorgeous girlfriend
- not too high moral principles, in other words, if a man is a womanizer
- lack of understanding from the wife,

A man is looking for an outlet, a holiday, new sensations that charge him with energy, stroke his pride, and allow him to feel confident and satisfied.

Moreover, NORMAL man, and many women choose an affair with a married man, not considering him an unprincipled scoundrel. He realizes that he is betraying his wife - a woman to whom he owes a lot. What does it mean?

At home he tries to justify himself own eyes, atone for guilt. He becomes more attentive to his wife's wishes. Tries to be more tender and new in bed, putting into practice the tricks of a mistress.

The mistress, without wanting it herself, STRENGTHENS the marriage of her lover.

Why does a woman need a relationship with a married man?

For a woman, a relationship with a married man, no matter how strange it may sound, is also very, very attractive. Here you can highlight sound arguments and misconceptions.

Sound arguments - a woman knows what she wants:

A woman receives a man “ready to eat”, he is well-fed, well-groomed, already successful - this is the psychology of a mistress.
-You don’t need to shoulder a seemingly monotonous life - preparing breakfasts, lunches, dinners, washing dishes, cleaning, washing, ironing...
-A man is perceived as a gift in holiday packaging, while the wife is dealing with a man without a wrapper.
-A woman doesn’t want to get married today and now, but she doesn’t smile at being alone either. Therefore, dating a married man is perfect option For open relationship. No one owes nothing to nobody.
-A wealthy man is able to correct, and sometimes very noticeably, financial situation mistresses.
-Unconfident women with low self-esteem explain their actions by saying that there are not enough good men for everyone; they are ready to be content with a piece of the pie.


The woman is confident in her exclusivity. She sincerely believes that EVERYTHING will be different with her, not as hundreds of former lovers say in their memoirs.
- Naively believes in a man’s promises to leave his family... LATER.
- She is afraid to be alone, so she is ready to remain on the sidelines.

Each person has his own arguments. Each of them has the right to life. Everyone is free to accept own solutions, make your own mistakes, because you only learn from YOUR own mistakes.

If there is no taboo on having a relationship with a married man, most women, having experienced the charms of someone else’s husband, will succumb and risk experiencing the taste of the forbidden fruit for themselves.

I will not moralize about why a relationship with a married man has no right to exist.

Relationship with a married man

I want to reveal to you TWO patterns, which, like any law, operate independently of our consciousness.

1. A man leaves not where it is BETTER, but where it is UNBEARABLE. The mistress has absolutely NOTHING TO DO with this.

If family relationships have burned out, the marriage turned out to be a mistake (this sometimes happens), it will fall apart regardless of whether the man has a mistress or not. If this didn't happen, no spell would do it.

2. Over time, needs INCREASE

No matter how good it is today, tomorrow you will want more... . A man will not be able to satisfy this need. Why? Read the first law.

Now let's strike a balance.

A woman invests in a relationship:

- soul and body
— time is the most valuable and irreplaceable resource
- the future, pushing it back indefinitely


– attention and care – a teaspoon per day/week/month (select the one you need)
- a small part of material wealth, while the husband would bring all the income to the house
- unsettled personal life
- uncertainty about the future

But these weapons must be used. Use it SKILLFULLY and CONSTANTLY. To use = to be like this. Amen:).

Thank you for your attention.

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Approximately this set characterizes the psychology of a married man. You might say there are a lot of thoughts. They think a lot where they communicate little. When you are in last time had a heart-to-heart conversation with your other half? Why is the frequency of the request “psychology of a married man in a relationship with a woman” steadily growing on the Internet? After all, the same betrayal can be avoided if you just talk together and find out who is missing what, and how to fill it with mutual desire and actions? It's actually not difficult. Are you afraid of revelations? And with whom else should you be sincere, if not with the person closest to you? Who do you lie to and who do you avoid? After all, you still have to walk along the field of life and walk together. In fear of losing her husband, the woman remains silent, tries to please, and cries quietly. And what? It’s like quietly taking a shovel and methodically digging a hole between you.

Which representative of the fairer sex do you think of when you read the phrase “relationship between a married man and a woman”? Who said that we are talking only about the mistress?.. These words apply equally to her and to the wife, who often forgets about her feminine nature and essence. Dear wives, I understand that children - everyone has children, that work - so where without it, everyday life and problems are stuck. What about your husbands, for whom you have less and less time and energy? So they take care of themselves. Remember, the secret of men’s psychology is that they fear boredom more than the plague! I'm not advocating entertaining them, but sometimes it doesn't hurt to introduce something new into your relationship with a married man.

Are you afraid of betrayal? Fear is a bad travel companion. I’ll tell you a secret: you can change without leaving home, in your thoughts. Make sure your husbands are distracted only by you and not by their own fantasies. How exactly? Each woman has her own recipe. Some people love to be listened to, others prefer touch, others prefer to spend more time together. Take a closer look. And don't worry about your husband. Live for your own pleasure, do what you love, promote your psychology, and his instinct of conqueror will spur him to win attention to himself. Well, if he whines that no one needs him, dinner is not ready and everyone has forgotten about him, the question involuntarily arises: “Should we be afraid that such a person will leave?” Guys, if anyone recognizes themselves, no offense. If anyone has anything to add about the reasons why we are sometimes pulled to the left, please add them in the comments to this article. Let's open the cards...;)

/for those who are interested in the psychology of a married man, I offer another interesting article “

Married man and free woman psychology of relationships – eternal theme. Many words have been said and many songs have been sung about this, but such situations are not becoming less frequent. And every woman, having fallen into this emotional trap, continues to hope that her unfree chosen one will one day divorce and lead her to the altar.

Why do husbands have mistresses?

The attraction of such a relationship for the stronger sex and why they have mistresses is explained quite simply. The soul of a male asks for fresh vivid impressions, holiday, new emotions, body - thrills, diversity in the intimate sphere. His family life has long been established, the rear is covered, there is nothing to worry about, the relationship with the wife has entered a calm, even boring phase, the former sharpness is no longer there, the nights on the marital bed are not marked by special passion. For him, making new acquaintances on the side is just a game, a sport. He's not in love - he's infatuated. He believes that his mistress will come out of this game without much loss (if he even thinks about what her prospects are), that the game will always be under his control and will last as long as he wishes, until he drinks the cup of pleasure to the bottom. This is really a game of a married man and a free woman, a psychology that includes the roles of hunter and victim - only the victim believes that she is loved and will soon become happy.

There are other reasons too. For example, many family men have a desire to assert themselves in front of friends and themselves, to show others that he is able to support a luxurious young charmer - since she agreed to respond favorably to his advances, it means he is still “ogogo.” Or the desire to make the “last push” before approaching old age. Or it could simply be infidelity that has become a habit, low moral principles and consumer standards towards the wife.

It also happens, however, that the basis of a marriage is a mistake of youth - the so-called “flutter” - and therefore the wife was not initially loved enough for her husband to remain faithful to her. It’s just that the child must be raised by his own father. He does this in good faith, but... his search for his woman still continues.

It happens, although extremely rarely, something for which you can hardly blame your spouse. An unexpected meeting, an outburst of emotions, a kinship of souls... and it is no longer possible to return to your old life, because a new feeling has turned your whole life upside down and crossed out the past. In this situation, both, as a rule, do not remain lovers for long, breaking the previous marriage ties and creating anew, without lies, even at the expense of someone else’s grief.

Finally, when everything has completely fallen apart for the two spouses, and the family is preserved formally, on paper, only for the sake of the children. In such a relationship, both feel liberated and treat the new connection of their half philosophically.

Why do women date other people's husbands?

Why unmarried girls meet other people's husbands - the motives here are mostly completely selfless. Most women are romantically inclined, want to have a trusting, tender relationship with their partner, and they are not stopped by the fact that he is already taken. Not everyone manages to avoid drama along this path.

Some ladies are unsure of themselves, do not consider themselves worthy of a monogamous relationship, are afraid to be alone, or are convinced that “normal men have already been snapped up,” and therefore agree to the second role.

Married man and single woman relationship psychology is often based on the involvement of young ladies looking for a “sponsor”. They usually go into this deal with a clear head, being interested not so much in their beau as in his income, and never become so attached to him as to try to take him away from the family. Some slightly older girls have a child with their rich boyfriend in order to have a constant income in the form of alimony.

Those women who do not really need a permanent relationship and family can also seek meetings with husbands other than their own. They are satisfied with occasional meetings, intense sex, an atmosphere of flirtation, an evening in a club or restaurant. In this case, the everyday side remains for the hero’s wife, the mistress gets a pleasant pastime, hassle-free comfortable communication, and she is completely satisfied with this.

But in most cases, a woman meets with a married man, having strong feelings and great hope of “victory” over her lover’s wife. And this path can take years.

A ringed lover is very gallant, successful, looks great, balanced, generous, and brings with him a festive atmosphere. He showers her with compliments, tells her that his wife is a tyrant, that she is seriously ill, that they stopped having sex a long time ago. Because the woman is in love and enchanted, she believes everything and agrees to wait. But gradually everything seeps into her soul more pain. She realizes that, in fact, she remains lonely, because her chosen one lives with someone else. The person who promised to “get a divorce” is in no hurry to fulfill the promise, despite her efforts to become the best. And, it seems, he will never fulfill it. Because husbands go not where it is good, but from where it is bad. If you think about it, since everything is so terrible in his family, there is no understanding, sex, harmony, then why does he still remain the husband of that woman?

How to behave correctly with a married man for a free woman psychology

First of all, you need to understand that the prospects of becoming his first lady are very vague. Married man and single woman psychology consisting, in most cases, of imbalance. A man is unlikely to leave a home where life is organized, where everything is in the usual places, where his children are raised. To force him to give up a measured and comfortable life can only be very strong feeling, sweeping away everything in its path. But this happens extremely rarely.

Therefore, it would be most prudent to end such relationships right “on takeoff” - unless, of course, the woman belongs to that rare type of independent nature who does not need marriage, joint evenings watching TV and other lyrics.

At some point, a mistress may become jealous of her boyfriend’s wife. This is very alarm signal, and should be taken as an SOS. That is, change the phone number, apartment or door locks, or even the job, and maybe even the city - it all depends on the depth of the immersion in the abyss of passion for someone else’s husband. If you don't escape at this stage, it will be much more difficult later.

It also happens that a man hides until the last minute that he already has a family. In those times when there was no mobile phones, bring it to clean water It was not difficult: such a suitor would never leave his home number to a new acquaintance or invite her to his place. Today, vigilant women ask neat suggestive questions, but this does not guarantee that the man will give himself away in any way.

Some women break off long-established relationships with family boyfriends, but here another trap awaits them: a man cannot allow himself to be abandoned, and will move mountains to return everything to normal.

I fell in love with someone else's husband, what should I do?

If a woman is not ready to part with her ringed gentleman, she will have to learn several rules of secret relationships.

  1. The main thing is to come to terms with the fact that she will be in last place after his family, friends, work and hobbies.
  2. She shouldn't call or text him after hours. He will get in touch himself when it is convenient for him.
  3. She will have to internalize with her whole being that he does have sex with his wife. That she most likely is not sick, not ugly, not mercantile to the point of disgust, and does not have a crocodile character. It’s impossible to even imagine this type of woman, let alone share shelter with her and raise common children.
  4. It is important to remember that with such a connection, lovers do not go on vacation together, so as not to meet his friends. And holidays are not only New Year, but also her birthday - she will have to celebrate alone or with friends.
  5. You need to be aware that a man can have many mistresses, and not be deluded by his position desirable woman, since a lover can easily have a new passion.
  6. She should always look great, robe and sports suit hide away. Don’t get hung up on your lover and don’t be afraid of losing him. One of the best time-tested medicines is self-development. The successes achieved in this field inspire and distract from worries.

And in general, sometimes it’s useful to look at yourself from the outside. One way or another, any experience develops and enriches – even this one. Perhaps, in a relationship between a married man and a single woman, the psychology and solution to the problems of this relationship will be found after some time and will be non-trivial.