Lured a married woman. How to make a married woman fall in love with you: tips that work


Dating & Pickup

How to seduce a married woman

Every man on Earth wants and desires to know more about women. We will not hide the fact that often such interest is associated with sex. And, as a rule, the best sex happens to experienced women.

Therefore, consider the question: How to seduce a woman - especially if she is already married. If you're really thinking about how to date married women, you should read the advice on this.

Any woman can be seduced, except for those who are in a happy marriage. But, unfortunately, there are not many of them. Women love attention, they always want to be in the center of events. They love to hear compliments about their beauty and can succumb to the charms of a strong man. They want to feel like the queens of the ball, the most needed and valuable. They answer the call of adventure with great determination.

Many men mistakenly think that it is easier to date free girls than married women, this is not entirely true. The main advantage is that married women, as a rule, do not require any responsible steps. Such relationships are needed only for entertainment, and if so, there is no need to make plans for the future. Even after marriage, a woman instinctively looks for a strong and confident man. And if she turns out to be like that next to her, she can change her mind about the inviolability of marriage.

Neither men nor women are perfect. But with age, a man loses his passion for hunting girls. But in a woman, this desire, on the contrary, wakes up and becomes very strong. Why would a married woman want to date another man? Boredom!

Where to look for married women

Any woman at home or at work is looking for a “spark of passion” in the eyes of a man. Let's not argue with the fact that over time, husbands cool down and take their wives for granted. Therefore, in order to seduce such a woman, you need to make her clearly understand how you differ from her husband. You should only be interested in romantic relationships and wild sex. Such women practically do not need anything else.

The best place to find such women is in their workplaces, bars and clubs. Also dating sites. And there it will be easy to find out their desires and preferences.

In the bar, look out for a lonely woman who sits alone and looks hopefully into every corner. She tries to attract the attention of some man so that he can brighten up her evening. Never hesitate to approach a beautiful girl in her 30s. Surely, she will not refuse your offer to join the company. They want to get male attention and hear compliments in their address.

Also, do not write off the account of women who came to relax with a cheerful company. Any woman will be happy if a handsome man comes up to her and invites her to dance. And the positive feedback from her friends will only increase your chances.

A man should not be ashamed of such a relationship. Since it is clear enough that they do not last long, and the end result is clear and so. The decision to sleep will come entirely from the woman. If she doesn't want to, you can't get her to do it.

How to act?

Oddly enough, but such a relationship must be started very slowly. If you want to enjoy such a relationship, then you should start with an invitation to a cafe or bar. You can invite to yourself, but still it is better not to rush into it.

You should not start such a relationship through phone calls and sms. You definitely don't want problems with her husband, and these methods can be quite explicit. Think first of all about safety and comfort.

On the first date, you need to pay attention to her beauty, her eyes, hair and clothes. Women always want to hear a good compliment. But they must be real. If you start to exaggerate, a woman will recognize your lie.

You need to make the girl laugh, more spontaneity, more flirting and ease of communication. But you also need to be able to listen to it. Never talk about yourself on the first date, all attention should be directed to her. Find out her interests, problems and desires. You can not argue with her, you can not condemn her for any actions. Be soft and flexible in your communication.

You need to dress appropriately for where you are going. You don't have to dress too extravagantly or act like a cowboy. If a woman goes to a bar, it means she wants to meet someone from the bar. If he goes to the theater, then with someone typical of the theater. You have to be courteous and courteous. Just like they show in movies about heartthrobs. Good looks, wit and a keen eye.

But the most important thing is that you need to convince her that she is more interested in you than you are in her. You need to talk about third-party things and interests. Avoid kissing and sex on the first date. You need to show yourself as a confident man who talks freely with women, and does not stare at their breasts.

These tips are taken from real life, so you can be sure of them. It really is.

This will help:

HOW TO MEET A GIRL: dating without problems

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Short description

Having a girlfriend is cool! It's nice to know that you have a girl with whom you can correspond, chat, spend time together and have sex. However, many guys are afraid of girls and sit at home alone. After receiving a couple of refusals, they forever lost faith in themselves.

And we will put an end to this nonsense! Every guy deserves to have a good girl, every guy deserves to have sex with a girl. And we will teach you how easy it is to meet girls and bring it to sex.

You know all these opinions:

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  • the guy should pay for the girl
  • girl's whims must be endured
  • sex is possible only after a couple of months
  • a simple guy can't get a cool girl
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It is not difficult! It is enough to understand a little about female psychology, to be able to behave correctly with girls and to know when to offer them sex. And we will teach you these things in our book.

You don't have to be rich Pinocchio to meet and have sex with the best girls. Girls don't need that! Girls need a guy next to them who can take them! You can become such a guy, we will teach you!

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If a person who should not fall in love becomes the object of strong feelings, for example, a man begins to experience passion for a married woman, then he has a choice: try to muffle his feelings or try to conquer the chosen one. A guy can win a lady who is married by using certain tricks and giving her lover what she lacks in her usual life. At the same time, it is important to match her image of an ideal man.

Important! Today, taking care of yourself and having an attractive appearance at any age is very simple. How? Read history carefully Marina Kozlova Read →

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    How to seduce a married woman?

    According to psychologists, it is possible.

    Sometimes a lady who has a family and constant domestic problems makes contact faster than an unmarried woman.

    There are several reasons for this:

    • she was tired of the family routine;
    • the husband ceased to be interested in his wife as a woman;
    • intimate life has come to naught or has become scarce;
    • the girl is overcome by banal boredom and the desire to feel desired again.

    Sometimes such a lady herself begins to look for acquaintances. If a man met a woman who looks like a respectable wife, but he wants to try to seduce her, then the boyfriend will need a supply of certain knowledge and skills. This person must be:

    • gallant;
    • romantic;
    • cheerful;
    • successful;
    • mysterious
    • well-groomed;
    • passionate.

    How to find a mistress


    Ladies of all ages are very fond of polite men. Such a gentleman has a chance of luck. You should not forget to give the chosen one a hand, help put on a coat, bring a bag.

    Politeness has now become a rather rare quality, so a man will immediately attract the attention of even someone else's wife.


    Women who have been married for a long time get tired of the monotonous life, of the exhausting and boring home routine. The husband eventually gets used to his own role, ceases to notice the attractiveness of his girlfriend, does not give compliments and does not give flowers. Therefore, a man who does not forget to show signs of attention has every chance of success.

    The technique of seduction prescribes first to find out what a woman likes, and then behave in accordance with this standard. If a lady is romantic, she should be presented with flowers, dedicate poems, present all sorts of cute memorabilia. During the meeting, it is important to look the interlocutor in the eye.


    It is not in vain that the people love with their ears. Ladies of all ages are very susceptible to talkative and cheerful men. Both the friend's wife and the wife's girlfriend will pay attention to witty jokes and "suspended" language. can be done through heartfelt conversations. If a familiar man listens to her, agrees, tells similar stories and at the same time has a sense of humor, then success is guaranteed to him.


    If a girl is judged by her appearance, then a man is judged by his achievements. Even if he is nothing special, you should at least try to look respectable and solid. It is rare that a married lady will risk her status and stable life for a guy who has nothing in his soul. And if a new acquaintance is a successful person, then this will help him win the lady he likes.


    To be attractive to a woman, a man must represent some kind of mystery. You can never open up completely, you need to leave something that she will only guess about. Girls are naturally curious and endowed with a rich imagination. If a fan periodically disappears somewhere, does not talk about his work and life, then in his own imagination, the chosen one fantasizes something interesting and believes in it herself.

    At home, everything is ordinary and usual, but here is something unusual and interesting. Any woman will want to unravel the mystery that surrounds her new acquaintance.

If you want to know how to seduce a married girl, then you must have found out from somewhere that she is married. In most cases, these questions are asked by those men who often intersect with these girls (for example, at school or at work). On the one hand, you like her. On the other hand, you are afraid that she can send you in public and start gossiping with her friends, as she sent you off. And besides, the whole team at work may think that you are “some kind of wrong” if you pester a married girl.

However, it has already been proven hundreds of times that married girls do not mind having an affair with another man. It is important to simply choose the right key.

Since we found out that you often cross paths with her (or you have the opportunity to make sure that you see her regularly), then better to play more subtle. Those. to attract her attention, to evoke the necessary emotions, to meet, but not in the same way as they do in the case of free girls, but in a slightly different way.

Now you will understand what I mean.

Find out what she's missing

The emotional sphere of a person can be represented as a black and white image, then you can see that the dark and light sides are on the same level. Any bias towards the light or dark side creates a need for opposite emotions.

Light emotions include romance, kindness, care, love, etc. To the dark ones - jealousy, the desire to get the "forbidden fruit", the desire to be humiliated and punished (this applies more often to girls, although they themselves will do their best to deny this fact :)).

Over time, the feelings of people who are married begin to fade. This is a normal process.

And if at the very beginning of the relationship romance prevails, and the husband acts as a kind of “nice guy” (in most cases), then later the romance disappears, and the husband either remains cute, but not at all attractive guys. In this case, the girl has an acute need for so-called "dark" emotions.

And vice versa, if he often drinks, walks somewhere with friends, then she needs male attention, romance, etc.

Your #1 goal is to figure out what emotions she needs and give them to her..

To do this, try to make her portrait by answering the questions:

  • what kind of life does she live
  • who is her husband
  • how often do they see each other
  • what emotions does he give her

Of course, you should not ask your female colleagues directly about this. Your observation will work best, which will help you hear interesting facts about her at the right time.

If you ask your male colleagues, you may come across statements like “You won’t succeed because…”. In this case, you don’t need to argue with them - it’s better to ask: “Yes?” and watch your colleague tell you fact after fact about her. Of course, you can keep asking leading questions to get even more information. 🙂

To attract attention

Before moving on to active actions, you need to make sure that she has an attraction to you (albeit a small one).

This can be achieved by creating sociall proof (social proof), showing that all people in your company consider your opinion, laugh at your jokes and seek your attention.

To do this, it is enough to communicate more actively with everyone, joke and participate in collective life.

Also try to establish micro-communications with other girls. These micro-communications should be such that every time you are near them, you notice interesting details in their behavior, environment, voice your opinion aloud, joke and ask any questions.

The natural feeling of rivalry between girls will do the trick.: in the eyes of each of them, after a very short time, you will become a very attractive man. And they will seek your attention.

The process of seduction

In seducing married girls (especially in the early stages) it is important to use occasions for meetings.

Direct offers to drink tea or coffee will be perceived as too obvious a hint. The fact is that even if a girl really likes you, she will it is important to have an excuse not only to other people, but also to yourself.

For example, if you work with her, then say that you need her help with work. You can ask her if she can help you with a report or anything else. Even if you can do it yourself, you can still pretend that you need help.

During the meeting, try to give her those emotions that her husband does not give her.

And only then, when you feel that you have come close to the intended goal, you can no longer use the occasions.

In some cases, some obstacles will await you: sex with another man for a married girl is not such an easy step. Even if she really needs the emotions that you give her, she needs time to get used to the thought of cheating.

In addition, many married girls are interested in an easy, non-binding romance. They do not need a serious relationship, and they want to be sure that if anything happens, you can leave without unnecessary conflicts. Therefore, they will test a man for need. The most preferred way to do this is refuse a meeting or sex and see the reaction.

If, despite her refusal, you continue to be the same interesting positive man who gives her the same emotions, then this will be a plus for you. If you get upset because of her refusal, then, by doing so, you will show weakness.

Follow these simple rules, and the seduction of a married woman will be very easy. But before you start taking action, remember that they should only be started if both conditions match:

  1. You like her very much.
  2. You feel that she is ready to cheat on her husband with you (those who are interested in the moral side of the issue should be reassured by the fact that her willingness to cheat will mean a lack of sincere feelings for her husband).

Otherwise, it is better to direct your efforts to free girls. Fortunately, there are enough of them around.

How to seduce a woman? There is truly countless advice on this subject. They write about it in magazines, talk on TV shows, even devoted a whole doctrine called “pickup” to this topic. The whole difficulty lies in the fact that women have recently become much more self-confident, they are fighting for equal rights with men in almost all areas of life. The time has long passed when the young ladies were shy and gave the reins of government to the strong hands of the opposite sex, taking care of everyday life and raising children. Now everything has changed dramatically - women wear trousers, go to work, occupy leadership positions and make responsible decisions on their own. Matriarchy flourishes to the fullest.


And how to seduce a woman with such strong qualities, self-sufficient and self-confident? Many mistakenly believe that the key to success for the fair sex lies in the financial situation, the presence of such attributes of a successful life as a luxury car, an apartment in the city center, an apartment somewhere abroad, and other delights. It is also believed that status invariably has a special influence on popularity among girls. But there is another category of men who believe that in order to win female attention, it is enough to have a pumped-up torso, muscular abs and an even bronze tan. In other words, be macho. Of course, all of the above qualities will not interfere with any man and certainly will not scare away the fair sex. But the presence of all indicators at once is completely optional.


When it comes to methods of seduction, there is a certain gradation of women by age. It's one thing to impress a young girl who may have no experience at all. And quite another thing is to win the attention of a lady who knows her worth. How can a guy seduce a woman? To understand this issue, it is necessary to focus on the needs and preferences of the fair sex.

For example, everyone knows that most girls in childhood listen and watch fairy tales about beautiful princes and their companions. No one, of course, makes you sit on a horse and ride to the thirtieth kingdom. Although adding more romance to your image does not hurt at all. Especially when it comes to young girls. A great sense of humor, a romantic look, a positive mood - all this attracts people like a magnet. Why not work out the methodology more carefully? How to seduce a woman with your presence alone? Easily!

Neat appearance

To begin with, the guy must definitely put himself in order. Creative mess in the hair, of course, is not a reason to be rejected, and at the moment it is even a sign of style. However, in this you should know the measure. Neat and clean clothes, a fresh scent, a healthy appearance of the whole body are a good basis. The next step is to learn how to use your own perspective. The eyes have a powerful magnet and are able not only to reveal the inner world, but also to attract representatives of the opposite sex. Women are thrilled by a confident, sometimes even brutal, look that takes their breath away and makes them shudder. When a guy looks at a girl, he should be confident. This will definitely get her attention.


Next, you need to pay special attention to the aroma. After all, women have a more sensitive sense of smell than men. Perfume or toilet water should not be intrusive, but it is necessary to contain a certain zest in its smell. It is she who creeps in and remains deep in the memory of the girl. According to statistics, after the first or fleeting meeting, young ladies may not very clearly convey the facial features of a young man. However, the aroma remembers the predominant majority.


Next, the main trump card should be used - compliments. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that women love with their ears. You can unobtrusively note how beautiful she looks today or that such bottomless eyes are rarely seen in life - and a smile will involuntarily appear on the girl’s face. The first step in winning favor has been taken. Further, it all depends on how far the man intends to go.

quick seduction

Many young people are wondering how to quickly seduce a woman. If the purpose of dating is directly intimacy, then the methods will differ significantly from those that promise a romantic relationship. Firstly, appropriate places should be chosen for such purposes. For example, being at work or in the lecture hall of the university, rarely does anyone set the goal of intimacy. Although similar cases have taken place in history. The best conditions for dating, of course, are nightclubs, bars and other places of entertainment. Here people are in a relaxed state and are ready to have fun and have fun until you drop.

How to seduce a woman for sex? First of all, you need to assess the situation. It is clear that if a company of girls gathered on the dance floor, then here it is, the opportunity to choose. The next step is to evaluate the object of attention. If the young lady is modestly dressed and behaves appropriately, then this option is hardly suitable for a short meeting. The likelihood that anything will happen at all is minimal. Another thing is the girls are liberated, speaking with their own behavior about the desire to have fun.

It often happens that such people themselves become the initiator of acquaintance and the subsequent outcome of the evening. The girl you like can be invited to a dance, treated to a drink. At the moment of acquaintance, you should give her all sorts of signs of attention, say compliments, make her laugh - all this works flawlessly. A little bit of alcohol and it's done. In dance, you can go for rapprochement, because everything favors that. Hugs casually, a light kiss, pleasant strokes, after which you can try to invite to a more secluded place.

first date

If everything went well and after a fun evening there is a date, you need to prepare for it. If the meeting is to be after a quick acquaintance, for example, on the street or in transport, then it is worth considering how you can interest the young lady. When the first date is with a classmate or a girl from school, you should learn as carefully as possible about her preferences.

What to talk about on a first date? Now, almost everyone has access to social networks on the Internet, where you can read about his hobbies, get acquainted with the music that he loves, even without knowing a person personally. Thanks to this method, a guy can understand what topics to talk about with a beautiful person. There are many topics for such meetings. The main thing is not to get hung up on this as a list that you definitely need to follow. Let everything be at ease.

Heart to heart conversation

What should you not talk about on a first date? Firstly, about past relationships, in particular, you should not ask for details. This is at least incorrect. Secondly, you should talk about what will help you get to know your interlocutor better. At the same time, when asking a question, it is necessary to look directly into the eyes, if possible. This approach arouses the disposition of the opponent, the conversation becomes emotionally filled. You can talk about musical tastes, food preferences, places and ways of recreation, books, films and more. The first date can take place anywhere, it is not so important, because it is communication that fills the place with that atmosphere that is remembered for a long time.

Hard case

Now at every step you can find a lot of material about how depreciated female purity and inaccessibility. Most girls, after reading this, begin to build themselves touchy. How to seduce hard-to-reach women in this case? The fact is that they are ordinary people who are by no means alien to anything human. So, there are methods that are very common. Of course, vulgar jokes and outright compliments in this case will produce more of a scare effect. Therefore, you should be patient and gradually gain attention. Location can be achieved in several ways.

Action plan

How to seduce hard-to-reach women? First, be genuinely interested in (or skillfully imitate) her hobbies or achievements. If a woman loves pets, you should pay maximum attention to this topic. Perhaps her pet too, if the allergy to wool does not become an obstacle to achieving the intended goal.

Secondly, to adopt the behavior of the object of sympathy. The advice of psychologists on the topic of seduction lies precisely in this technique. When a couple is talking while sitting opposite, the man should, as if by chance, take a similar position of the body, imperceptibly repeat her gestures. This technique allows you to set up an opponent on a wave of mutual understanding.

Attention is also important. When a woman speaks, look into her eyes. If this is not possible, then at least look in her direction. During the conversation, it is necessary to say confirming phrases, support her point of view, etc. This will make her think that understanding with a man is really strong. That he is exactly what she needs.

Seduction of an adult lady

At a young and carefree age, everything is clear with the technique of seduction, it is not difficult. When it comes to a woman with experience, then, it turns out, not everything is so simple. After all, you already have certain knowledge and skills related to relationships. How to seduce an adult woman who, as a rule, has already laid down her price and knows for sure her desires. In this case, you should spend maximum effort on signs of attention. Yes, that same candy-bouquet period. He is never redundant.

A man should show that he is ready to give a lot for the attention of a lady. It is advisable to come to a meeting with a bouquet of flowers, visit interesting places that both would like, where, in fact, you can get to know your partner better. A woman should say a lot of compliments, be insightful and sensitive during communication, take the initiative. All these seemingly banal things can bring people together in the shortest possible time.

How to seduce a mature woman? Having reached a certain age, people, as a rule, get tired of the monotony of life, they want emotions, pleasant excitement and, of course, feelings. A man should be given signs of attention: call more often, take care, offer help and, of course, do not forget about the miraculous power of humor. At this age, a lot of problems already have time to accumulate. It may or may not be worth tackling them. But at least show courage and express support will not be superfluous.

married lady

How to seduce a married woman? To begin with, you still need to think about whether it is worth doing this, because a married girl is already busy, and it’s definitely immoral to do so.

There are many tips on this subject, all of them relate directly to seduction. In family life, as a rule, romance and sharpness of feelings go away. This is how you can play.

A bouquet of flowers from an anonymous person with a mysterious note will spur interest and raise a woman's self-esteem. An unobtrusive joint lunch break with a conversation on an interesting topic. Women with family experience behind them usually quickly understand what a man likes. The more romance and intrigue there will be in meetings, the more emotions it can evoke.

How to seduce a married woman at work? Pleasant communication, compliments and a piercing look. Few women are able to resist true male perseverance. A necessary condition is the confidence that it is really needed.


In our article, we gave advice to men who want to successfully seduce ladies. We hope you can achieve what you want. Just remember that everything should be done as sincerely as possible, but assertively. After all, every man knows by nature how to seduce a woman, you just have to turn on your instincts.

Since time immemorial men have heard how shameful seduce a married woman. Many consider this act immoral, and most likely men will not be worthy of such debauchery. But believe me, this is far from the case. Let's leave moral foundations and medieval prohibitions alone. Do not hide that with a skillful approach, you can seduce any woman. And if this married woman- a ripe fruit for love pleasures fell into men's hands. And do not think that other people's women are not much worse than lonely beauties.

Here she is - the queen of unearthly beauty. For her sake, you are ready to move mountains, spread a field of fragrant flowers. But, I would like to note that all women are the same. Well, perhaps, a solid size of the chest and legs from the neck. Otherwise, the quirks of the female character are not much different from each other, which, with male perseverance, can be turned in their direction. But here's the catch, it's not yours. This is from the field of the law of meanness, when strange woman just a figment of your imagination.

How not to be fooled

However, if you decide to become married woman's lover, there are certain prohibitions that should not be translated into reality in any situation.

  1. Not seduce a married woman wealthy and powerful man. Of course, they have exquisite ladies. Their age, figure and appearance are impeccable. But do you need extra problems? The disappointing option of being beaten will take away any desire to go after the wife of a wealthy businessman. The most perfect option for you is to become financially independent. As the saying goes, don't look for women, get money. If you have money, women will find you. And already you will choose the ladies according to the standards created for yourself, where you will give preference to young and young girls.
  2. Do not try to destroy the society of happy newlyweds. All your love affairs will be invisible when a newly-made husband is at hand. After all, having managed to pull the ring on your finger, the person you like will be in complete submission to her husband. Sexual drive prevails in almost all newlyweds. After all, this is what they will do at the beginning of family life. You can flirt, shower with compliments the person you like. But for someone else's woman you will be in the background after the legal spouse. The honeymoon will have a logical end after two years of married life. Although today many newlyweds take a year to understand that family life is far from an eternal holiday. Just at this moment you have all the cards in your hand to spread married woman.

  1. seduce a married woman who suffered a complete fiasco in marriage, stupid and unmanly. To catch on the hook a nice person whose husband is a deep alcoholic, or beats in proof of family headship in the family ... Believe me, such adultery will be beneath man's dignity. After all, she will have time to believe you, she will begin to imagine herself as your future wife. And you have absolutely no interest in the next registration. What can you give her in return? Only sex, and that at a regulated time. So, think carefully, is it worth encouraging strange woman, or remain a normal and decent person?
  2. The most stupid mistake is to become a bosom friend of your mistress, and even more so to drink with him. Any woman wants to bring her husband and newly-made lover together in one cage. Unhealthy female interest, otherwise this situation cannot be called. To have a powerful appearance, and to see which males she snatched off is an idiotic situation of female sadomasochism. And male psychology did not sit close to female idiocy. seduce a married woman, and to see how the “horns” of the spouse have grown - even for you it will be unpleasant. And who knows, suddenly your male communication will result in friendship. And you already have to choose which is better, a new friend, or her spouse. One way or another, it is worth maintaining personal safety, and not succumbing to the possibilities of mutual meetings with the spouse of your mistress.

Having adopted the tips described above, I propose to take tactical actions to seducing a married woman.

What does a married woman want?

If the family has managed to take place, and family relationships are on the knurled strip, there is every opportunity to seduce a pleasant beauty. It seems that married woman necessary for complete happiness? But sometimes it's so boring to cook in the same family swamp. The husband managed to get fed up, the children have grown up, and no longer require special care and attention. So, it is a reasonable time to become a lover of someone else's wife.

If a woman has given a reason to draw attention to herself, do not miss this moment. Any little thing in a woman's behavior can be a reason for a future acquaintance. Find a pleasant place to socialize. But in no case do not agree to be a guest at her house. Only neutral territory should be the place of your future conversation. Invite a friend over for a cup of coffee, or propose a walk in the park. You need to collect as much information about her as possible during the conversation. And the fact that they are talkative, you can not doubt it. Any woman will pour out such a stream of information on you that you will have nowhere to put it. Unobtrusively take an interest in her situation in the family, find out about her tastes and preferences. By filtering a set of diverse information from a woman's lips, you can decide how long she has not been to the theater, and flowers are one of the most unexpected and pleasant gifts for her. In most cases married woman becomes lonely after three months of living together with her husband. After all, ordinary friendship with a newly-made spouse has a rainbow hue. Family life is diluted with cloudy tones, far from far-fetched girlish fantasies. And most importantly, you are not married - the only argument that women like. After all strange woman in most cases, he does not have the habit of breaking the family happiness you created that you managed to create with your wife.

Do not be too lazy to collect information from friends and colleagues. Indeed, quite often they do not lie on trifles, which is characteristic of a married mistress. A bouquet of flowers and joint visits to an exhibition or theater will melt any woman's heart. These excursions will bring you closer, because that's exactly what you wanted.

If her husband leads an active holiday, and she is anxiously waiting for the next fishing trip, circular bike rides or mind-blowing parachute jumps, do not be too lazy to say that family comfort and female happiness are two unshakable components for family happiness. I would like to note that married woman loses many pleasant things that she loses over the years of living together with her husband.

From words to deeds

And finally, let's decide what not to do if you decide seduce a married woman.

  1. Do not stretch the novel for a long time. A year and no more - it is at this time that you must seduce, enchant and make strange woman his "second" wife.
  2. All you have to do is make fewer promises. Or rather, promise nothing at all. I would like to say that any woman wants to be the one and only for her lover in your face. And your promises will once again make it possible to stretch your adultery indefinitely. And you just don't need it.
  3. Do not allow intimate meetings at her place, or in your apartment. It is worth taking care of the neutral territory, because otherwise your dates will become available to a large number of strangers. Don't forget she married woman, and of course she has a legal spouse with whom your dates are not planned in any way.
  4. Do not give expensive gifts, or ones that will make your presence in the life of your beloved known to her friends or spouse. And it is better to exclude gifts altogether for your and her benefit.
  5. If your romance drags on, take care of new places for meetings in private. Kisses and gentle hugs do not advertise in public places. Believe me, there will be people who will be more interested in your meetings than in the global cataclysm in the world.
  6. And most importantly, in the heat of passion, do not leave scratches and bites on her body. After all, no matter how, she married woman and she has a legal spouse.

How to seduce a married woman we have decided. Otherwise, a little perseverance and determination on your part. And believe strange woman will turn into your mistress for a short period of time.

It is much easier to seduce a young girl than an experienced mature woman. If a man is thinking about how to make a married woman fall in love with him, it will be even more difficult to achieve such a result. Some men do not dare to have affairs with unfree women, others, on the contrary, to achieve the location of one that is impregnable and inaccessible, like a forbidden fruit.

Statistics and social surveys show that about 85% of women in long-term family relationships do not experience happiness. But not everyone has the courage and determination to change something in their lives, being burdened by living conditions, circumstances, children. And only the man who manages to win over a married woman will be able to push her to take decisive action.

Even the strongest marriage is gradually collapsing against everyday difficulties, monotony, family quarrels and periods of crisis. A woman is so tired of the family routine, constant stay at home in troubles and worries, that they literally dream of going out, make-up and beautiful clothes, dates and romance. As a rule, in a long relationship, any efforts of a woman often go unnoticed by her husband.

The second reason that leads to the breakup of families is the lack of passion. Over the years, spouses are increasingly having sex, it becomes more of a duty than a desire of partners. Men often turn away immediately after the finale to sleep or play games when a woman would like kisses, caresses and emotional outbursts. In connection with these reasons for family breakdowns, psychologists call the main points that married ladies need, namely:

  • romance;
  • passion;
  • holidays in life;
  • sources of positive emotions.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Family Relations Expert. Family psychologist.

Marriage for most girls eventually turns into duties and a mountain of responsibility on her shoulders. Therefore, from her lover, she expects lightness, euphoria, a fountain of joy and positive emotions, no hassle and maximum attention from him in her direction.

How to win a married woman?

If a man has found ways and opportunities to communicate with a married lady, then he needs to do everything to pull her out of the abyss of everyday life and troubles. Such women are ready to immediately throw themselves into the pool headlong, so her boyfriend is required to be slow and gradual in her conquest. It's one thing to please a married woman, it's another thing to build a healthy relationship with her that doesn't harm anyone. First you need to build a friendly format of communication, supplying your shoulder of help and support.

be gallant

The rules of behavior for a man with a girl he likes are based on a gallant and polite attitude towards her. It is especially important to observe all the norms of behavior with a married girl who is deprived of attention from her husband, and playing in contrast will help win her heart faster.

Can you be gallant?


A potential lover must follow several rules of gallant behavior, namely:

  • give a hand when leaving the vehicle;
  • bring the girl her bag;
  • help put on outerwear;
  • if there is an umbrella, hold the umbrella over it.

It is extremely important to monitor your speech, eradicating rude phrases, obscene language and jargon, demonstrating your respect for your companion. Every time a man sees his chosen one, he needs to note her external beauty and attractiveness, hairstyle, makeup and outfit. Just such attention is categorically lacking for married women, whose husbands look at them less and less.


Most men think that romance and the period of courting a woman should last only at the initial stage of a relationship. It's no secret that all compliments, little surprises, flowers - all this is used by men to conquer women's hearts. If she has been married to a man for many years, he can afford not to even notice a new hairstyle or dress.

If a woman is married but allows herself to be taken care of, a man needs to pamper her in every possible way with romantic moments, for example, giving sweets and pleasant little things that demonstrate his sympathy. At the same time, you need to understand that you do not need to give such presents that she cannot take home. You can amaze her with poems, donated postcards, horseback riding, hot air ballooning, etc.

Humor and positive

All women, without exception, love with their ears, which husbands often forget in the course of family life. Spending time together becomes so rare that there is not even communication between couples. Therefore, a potential lover needs to fill a woman with positive and relaxed communication, filled with humor and compliments. If he manages to make a woman laugh, believing that this is already 50% success in conquering her.

In his reserve there should always be positive cases from life, funny stories, jokes and anecdotes that will help the girl to be distracted from the world of everyday life and troubles. Heartfelt conversations will help her open up, trust a man, and connect with him emotionally. If she begins to share with him what she so lacks in life and relationships, you can be sure of her success.


If men choose a soul mate for themselves initially according to external data, then the determining factor in the choice for a woman is the success and prospects of a man. In any case, to conquer a married lady, a man needs to give the impression of a respectable and businesslike person. Even if there is no idyll and happiness in family relationships for a long time, women will never exchange their husband for a “dark horse”.

Regardless of whether a woman wants to simply have a lover on the side or completely leave her husband for a new boyfriend, the social status of a man is important to her. But it's not about self-interest, but rather, the rationalism and practicality of experienced ladies. A man needs to show his generosity with his appearance, actions and courtship, appearing before her as a real gentleman.


To interest a woman, it is extremely important to be open and versatile, but not open all facets of your life. The desire to unravel the object of sympathy is inherent not only in men, but also in the fair sex. A man does not need to lay out all his cards in front of her, show dependence on her and readiness to do anything for her. Otherwise, he risks quickly losing her interest.

Women are naturally curious and adventurous people, so a slight mystery will only stir up interest and passion, creating intrigue. If you do not say some points correctly, translating the topics of conversation, you can excite her imagination, thanks to which she will spend all her time thinking and thinking about him. Trying to unravel the stranger, she will not even notice how she gets into his network.


No man can attract the attention of the opposite sex if he is untidy and unkempt. Girls also love with their eyes, paying attention to the hairstyle, clothes, shoes, accessories of a man. The ideal would be a man with a broad haircut and facial hair, in smoothly ironed clean clothes, polished shoes with a pleasant train of perfume.

You can create a contrast to the boyfriend with your external gloss and respectable style against the backdrop of a husband who scatters his socks, walks around the house in a stretched and wrinkled T-shirt. Therefore, at each meeting, you need to be dressed to the nines, carefully choosing things, shoes and toilet water. Brand and stand aroma will become an indicator of solvency and good taste of a man.


If a woman decides on a new relationship while married, most likely she is not interested in sex with a new young chosen one, but more in reciprocity of feelings. Psychologists say that such ladies want their lover to want her with every cell of his body, to be in love and long for meetings.

Therefore, it is important for a man to behave sensually and openly in communication with her, demonstrating his desires, but without vulgarity and rudeness. Sex must be varied, regular and filled with affection, feelings, so that a woman feels loved and desired. Married ladies are extremely lacking in tactility, so even in the absence of an intimate component, a man should strive for tactile contact with her.

Advice! Infidelity and determination to cheat is a serious step on her part, so a man needs to wrap her in passion and romance to help her plunge into new feelings with her head.

What should not be done?

When building relationships with a married woman, it is important, if there is sympathy on both sides, to identify the goals and prospects of such a relationship. That is, the first thing you should not do in a relationship with a married woman is to indulge yourself and / or her illusions and deceptive hopes. Does it make sense to encroach on the role of her new chosen one, to destroy the family, if the man does not strive for a serious relationship?

The second thing not to do is talking about her spouse. A man does not need to interfere in her family life, speak negatively about her husband, compare herself with him. The time spent together should be devoted only to each other, try to listen to the girl more than to overwhelm her with interrogations. The third, which is extremely contraindicated in building a relationship with a married lady, concerns pressure on her, pushing her to break with her husband.


Married women in most cases are so mired in everyday life, family chores, neglect of her husband, that they simply forget about themselves. And only a new boyfriend can revive her, revive in her the fair sex, a romantic and adventurous person. It is only important to follow all the rules of how to fall in love with a married woman, and most importantly, to have serious plans for her.