Summary of a lesson on modeling on the topic: “Victory Day” outline of a lesson on appliqué, modeling (senior group) on the topic. “Eternal Flame” from plasticine Modeling from plasticine for May 9

For teenagers

Elena Nikolaeva for Victory Day: postcard and craft “Eternal Flame”.

Children will definitely be given the task of making a sculpture at school. postcard for May 9th from plasticine. As part of military-patriotic preparation for Victory Day, such tasks are not uncommon. And they carry an important educational aspect. When preparing a craft, children will definitely read the information and remember an important event that happened more than 70 years ago. The world was saved from terrible and ruthless fascism. You can give such a wonderful handmade card to your grandfather or grandmother who fought or were still children during the war, to thank them for our bright future.

  • cardboard base;
  • red, orange, yellow, blue plasticine;
  • toothpick

How to make a postcard for Victory Day with your own hands

  1. Take the base of the card. It doesn’t matter what color the thick paper is, even if it’s waste cardboard. As we work, we will apply a thin layer of plasticine to the surface of the paper to create a monochromatic background.

  1. Knead the blue plasticine in your hands. Spread an even layer on the surface of the cardboard. You can use a different color for the background. The rest of the details will be bright red or orange, so you need to choose a color that contrasts with them.

  1. Knead the red plasticine in your hands. Press it down and stretch it from all sides. Using a toothpick, cut out the central shield-like piece. Also cut out a five-pointed star from the second smaller portion. Prepare a thin orange thread for edging.

  1. Glue the shield in the center on the blue background. Carefully glue the orange border around it. Use a toothpick to make holes in the orange thread. Stick a red star on top.

  1. Also make an orange border around the red star. Treat it with a stack, but without piercing it with a point, but pressing the tip with the flat side on top along the entire length.

  1. Stick a hammer and sickle in the center - important symbolism that accompanies the Red Banner.

  1. At the foot of the shield you can glue a laurel branch - a symbol of the winners. To make it, form thin long threads and leaves from orange plasticine.

  1. Glue three branches to form a bouquet. Add leaves and dots. Draw veins on the leaves with a toothpick and pierce the dots.

  1. The resulting postcard contains all the elements of Soviet symbols and perfectly matches the theme of the spring holiday of Victory Day.

  1. Next you need to write May 9 in plasticine letters. Find an empty space on the card and glue the number and letters there. In our case, it is convenient to do this at the top. Glue the St. George motif to the laurel bouquet - several orange and black threads interconnected alternately. Run a bright thread along the edge of the cardboard base and decorate it with a toothpick. Thus, we received a wonderful framed greeting card.

Ready. This is an unusual three-dimensional postcard, for the production of which the method of painting with colored mass was used - plasticineography. You can come up with your own design, but it is advisable not to change elements such as the red star, the hammer and sickle, and the St. George ribbon, because these are symbols of the Great Victory.

How to make an eternal flame from plasticine

Eternal flame- this is a reminder to us of the Great Feat of our ancestors. It will burn as long as there is a great sense of pride and gratitude in our hearts for what they have done for us. Millions of ordinary Soviet citizens and soldiers of the Red Army united in their fight against the fascist plague. It’s scary to even imagine what would have happened to the world if Hitler’s followers had not been destroyed back in 1945. Indeed, May 9 is Victory Day, which we must always remember. With children, you should definitely come to the monument and lay flowers to the fallen soldiers. You can also blind an interesting craft for May 9 - an eternal flame made of plasticine. This tutorial explains how to do this.

What you need to take for work:

  • - plasticine, among other bars, we will definitely need gray, black, red, orange, green;
  • — a paper box (you can use a matchbox);
  • - toothpick;
  • - an acorn hat.

How to make an eternal flame step by step

  1. We are faced with the task of important patriotic education, therefore, when showing schoolchildren an interesting master class, be sure to tell them educational stories about the Great Patriotic War. To build a monument, prepare two gray plates. You can even use spoiled previously mixed mass to make them. Make one plate even by sticking plasticine on cardboard cut out of a box, the second one is the same size, but you don’t have to smooth it.

  1. Create a pedestal. Take a matchbox and glue a second plate on top of it, forming a step. Press down the plasticine to make a straight piece. Then fasten both gray parts together.

  1. Next you need to make a helmet of a Soviet soldier. To do this, take an acorn cap, dark green plasticine and a little red plasticine. Knead the mass in your hands.

  1. Stick green plasticine onto natural material. The shape of the acorn cap is suitable for us to make a rounded hemisphere. Then pull out the ends of the helmet with your fingers. Make a small red star and stick it on top.

  1. For the five-pointed stand of the eternal flame, take black plasticine. Stretch out the convex cake, then cut the part around the circumference in five places, using your fingers to sharpen the rays, showing a star. Glue the ring on top.

  1. To cover the monument with a banner - a red flag, use red plasticine. Knead the block in your hands, then pull out a thin rectangular sheet. Also have a toothpick ready. Stick an orange feather on one end and make two tassels.

  1. Make a border of orange plasticine in the form of a fringe. Glue a toothpick holder to one side of the banner. Drape the red fabric over the base of the monument and add tassels to the side.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, kindergarten of general developmental type No. 28 town. Chernomorsky municipal formation Seversky district

Educator: Shudra Natalya Alexandrovna

Summary of a modeling lesson on the topic: “Victory Day”


Give an idea of ​​the Victory Day holiday; learn to tell stories, answer questions, develop attention and speech; cultivate respect for veterans and patriotic feelings.

Exercise children in creating an image of an object using a constructive modeling method.
Strengthen the skills of accurate gluing, the ability to divide plasticine into parts (cutting in a stack), sculpting techniques (direct rolling, flattening) and connecting parts.
To develop the ability to establish similarities with an object.
Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Materials and equipment: illustrations depicting the attributes of the Victory Day holiday; illustration material: drawing of an airplane, painting of an airplane, toy airplanes; plasticine, stacks, base, napkins.

Progress of the lesson

  1. Organizing time.
  2. A story about the Victory Day holiday.

Educator (shows illustrations depicting holiday paraphernalia).

On May 9, we all celebrate the Great Holiday - Victory Day. On this day, our country won a terrible and long war. Brave soldiers fought for the freedom of our Motherland, many of them died. Those who survived this war are called veterans. On this holiday they are congratulated, given flowers, thanked for defending our country from enemies.


What happened on this day?

Who fought for the freedom of our homeland?

Who are called veterans?

Who is congratulated and thanked on this holiday?

From whom did veterans protect our country?

2. Listening to the song “Victory Day” (music by D. Tukhmanov).


What is this song about?

Is she sad, happy or solemn?

What are the main words in this song?

3. Outdoor game “Airplane”

4.Guess the riddles

1) The wing is motionless, but flies. (Airplane.)

2) Iron bird

Not afraid of heights

It flies into the sky.

Then he hurries to the ground! (Airplane.)

Teacher's story about the airplane.

The most important person on an airplane is the pilot; he controls the airplane. The pilot must know a lot: how the plane works, how the engines work, how to deal with bad weather.

A navigator works on the plane. He uses special instruments to check in which direction the plane is flying.

There is a flight engineer on the plane, he monitors the operation of the engines. An engineer can tell from the sound whether a motor is running well or poorly.

5.Bas-relief sculpture “Airplanes”.

The teacher shows examples of airplanes in drawings or toy airplanes.

1) Divide the plasticine into 3 parts.

2) From the first part we make a sausage, one end of which is pointed and the other end is rounded.

3) From the second part we make an oval sausage, flatten it - these will be wings.

4) From the third part we sculpt the rear wings, be careful - when drawing out elements such as wings, try to ensure that the wings are the same size as each other, then your plane will be neater.

5) Portholes made of small flattened balls.

We squeeze the wing parts between our palms and form the desired shape, and then we connect all the parts to the body.

6. Reflection.

– What did we do today?

– What did you like most?

At the end of the lesson, the children’s work is evaluated, and an exhibition of work is organized together with the children.

Crafts for Victory Day can be made from a variety of materials, including, of course, plasticine. A plasticine craft can take the form of a voluminous souvenir, toy or original panel.

To make it, in addition to the plasticine itself, you only need a thick cardboard sheet and standard working tools: a modeling board and a stack. If the plasticine is soft and easily soiled, paper or wet wipes will also come in handy: if you clean the handles in time, the craft will turn out more neat.

Let's get started! The central element of our panel will be a medal. It is not difficult to make a medal from plasticine, breaking the manufacturing process into several stages. At the first stage, we turn a lump of yellow plasticine mass into a smooth ball.

Then we give this ball the shape of a convex pentagon, squeezing it from different sides. This task is best handled by adults; it may be too difficult for children.

We separate the faces of the pentagon with lines, which we draw using a stack, connecting the top of each face with the central vertex.

In each of the faces, in turn, we cut out the middle (central) part in the form of a wedge.

At the same time, our figure gradually takes on the shape of a three-dimensional star.

We attach a small plasticine ball to its upper beam - like a loop for hanging.

You need to stick a red plasticine rectangle to this loop. It turns out to be a military breastplate.

From the remaining red plasticine we roll a long thin stick.

We cut off pieces from it and, giving them the shape of the desired symbols, lay out the inscription “May 9.” We fix the medal and the inscription on a silver cardboard sheet.

Roll two thin green sticks.

Give them an arched shape.

We decorate our composition with these green arcs. We attach a small ball to the top of each arc.

Pinch off small pieces from the remaining green plasticine, make leaves out of them and attach them to the arcs.

When the leaves are secured on both sides, the arches will look like laurel branches.

Our plasticine craft for Victory Day is done!

If you plan to hang such a craft on the wall, it is better to cover it with a thin film or place it in a frame with glass so that pieces of plasticine do not fall off and become dusty over time.

Plasticine tank for May 9 (video)

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Creating beautiful paintings with your own hands using the plasticineography technique. This technique allows you to quickly achieve the desired result, introduces a certain novelty into children’s creativity, making it more exciting and interesting.
The activity of plasticineography allows you to integrate various educational spheres, creating stucco paintings depicting convex, semi-volume objects on a horizontal surface.

Purpose of the lesson: to develop artistic and creative abilities in children of senior preschool age using plasticineography.


  • to develop children’s visual skills and develop interest in artistic activities;
  • learn to analyze the properties of materials used in work and apply them in your work;
  • develop sensory abilities: perception, sense of color, shape, composition;
  • develop fine motor skills of the fingers and eye;
  • develop interest in the process and results of work;
  • cultivate perseverance, patience, independence, aesthetic taste, accuracy in work;
  • cultivate responsiveness, kindness, the ability to sympathize with the characters, the desire to help them;
  • cultivate the desire to create beautiful paintings with your own hands.

Form of organizing children's activities: collective.

Form of communication: orally - fingerprint.

Preliminary work:

  • Conversations: “Be a Patriot”, “Immortal Regiment”, “Great Victory of the People of Donbass”, “Our Veterans”.
  • Examination of the painting “Victory” by Alexander Lopukhov (1975).
  • Drawing with pencils “Victory Day”.
  • Modeling of military equipment from plasticine.
  • Making military equipment from matchboxes.

Materials for creating a plasticine picture:

  • cardboard with a contour pattern in a framing frame;
  • plasticine set;
  • hand wipe;
  • stacks;
  • oilcloth.

Relevance of work technique is determined by the need to stimulate children's creativity through acquaintance with new and diverse non-traditional methods of modeling. By creating an image using plasticineography, the child covers the surface of the sheet with plasticine, rolls and unrolls various shapes, which makes the hand more obedient, and the process itself helps the child express emotions, his vision of the world around him, form aesthetic taste, develop flexibility, coordination, fine motor skills of the fingers. . This technique allows you to quickly achieve the desired result, introduces a certain novelty into children’s creativity, making it more exciting and interesting.

The activity of plasticineography allows you to integrate various educational spheres, creating stucco paintings depicting convex, semi-volume objects on a horizontal surface.

Progress of the lesson

Children work at one large table with 10 people. The child’s workplace is prepared by the teacher. Children look at paintings with outline drawings and choose the ones they like to work with. Children work independently, asking for help as needed. During the lesson you are required to do a physical exercise for a minute. At the end of the work, the children admire the paintings and prepare for the exhibition dedicated to Victory Day.

Summing up the lesson - a photo report and an exhibition of children's plasticine paintings.

Plasticine is an excellent material for children's creativity, which is suitable not only for creating all kinds of figurines, but also for decorating postcards. For Victory Day, we invite you to create an original postcard from plasticine with your own hands. Despite the fact that the process of making such a postcard is very easy, it looks very bright and unusual.

Materials and tools for creating a postcard:

  • high-weight paper for creating the base of the card, such as watercolor or pastel paper;
  • plasticine;
  • tweezers;
  • brush;
  • rolling pin or roller;
  • stack.

How to make a postcard for Victory Day from plasticine

Step 1. So, you need to start by creating the base of the postcard. Cut a strip 10-13 cm wide from a sheet of watercolor paper. Fold it in half and thoroughly iron the fold line.

Step 2. From a piece of yellow plasticine, roll a long flagellum no more than 5 mm thick.

We decorate the outline of the front side of the card with a tourniquet. Using a round stack or the tip of a brush, we create this texture on plasticine.

Step 3. Next, roll two more long sausages of orange and black to create a St. George ribbon.

Cut the sausages into several equal parts. We add them, alternating shades. Using a rolling pin or a special roller, roll out the sausages into a wide ribbon.

We cut off the uneven ends of the workpiece, twist them several times and glue them diagonally on the sheet.

Step 4. Decorate the ribbon with a bouquet of red mini carnations. Roll out the red plasticine sausage into a thin strip.

Using tweezers, create a jagged edge along the edge by pinching off small pieces of the mass.

And then we twist the workpiece and pinch its lower part so that the lower petals “bloom”.

Create a few more buds and glue them to the top of the card and to the center of the ribbon.

Step 5. We form oblong leaves from green plasticine and stick them to the carnation buds.

Step 6. We complement the lower part of the leaves with a star molded from orange plasticine.