How to arrange a romantic evening on Valentine's Day. Romantic ideas for Valentine's Day: how to spend Valentine's Day beautifully


A romantic evening for two is the best end to Valentine's Day. Yes, February 14th came into our lives quite recently, but it has already appealed to not only children and youth, but also older people. Why not, if there is an additional reason to show your feelings to your family, friends, most importantly, your soulmate, say, and give cute valentines.

How to properly organize this celebration for two, what can be done and what are the main rules? We already wrote, it’s time to dream about this foreign holiday.

Valentine's Day has been celebrated since the 13th century, but it came to us only in the 90s. It is customary to celebrate it on February 14th. It was then, according to legend, that the authorities executed a priest named Valentin, who dared to marry the lovers.

It is believed that at that time the Roman Emperor Claudius II directed his forces to conquer new lands. For these purposes, he needed a strong army, but the soldiers devoted a lot of energy to their family. A solution was found - to prohibit subordinates from getting married before completing their military service.

And only an ordinary priest agreed to marry couples, not caring about taboos. For this he was arrested and later executed, but in captivity the guy managed to find his love, the blind daughter of a guard, and completely heal her. Before his death, the priest wrote a note to his beloved, signing simply “your Valentine.” Since then, lovers have given it to their loved ones as a sign of deep feelings.

You can spend this day in different ways: in a large company, in a public place, or just the two of you. We offer some interesting celebration ideas.

A romantic evening at home is the most common option, but that doesn’t mean it’s banal. A beautifully set table with culinary masterpieces prepared by hand, or light snacks, fruits, sweets on a small table near the TV. You can organize a real movie show by choosing a romantic film and turning off the lights.

Computer experts can mount a slide show or a short film with the best moments of relationships (family life, underline as necessary) in order to remember all the good things that happened and strive for new heights. A game with wishes will do. For example, when drawing forfeits, lovers must: kiss, say words of love, compliment, reveal a secret.


A day at the spa together is suitable, but treatments can even be organized at home. All you need to do is buy the necessary aromatic oils, choose slow music, fill the bath with warm water, and add salt.

Erotic games

Nobody talks about whipping or domination, although if the wife and husband themselves dream about this, then go ahead. But it never hurts to add some zest to your established intimate life. Enough:

  • wear beautiful underwear, stockings, a good dress that emphasizes all the advantages of your figure
  • choose stimulating music, you can shade the room a little
  • learn a few erotic movements or simply dance for your loved one “from the heart”, you can invite him to participate
  • A trick with blindfolding your eyes or hands is suitable - in the dark every touch is felt more sharply, and the inability to participate makes you want more.

Dinner on the roof

If you have the opportunity to rent a room or simply negotiate with the utility companies, organize dinner on the roof, where you can admire the city at night. The only drawback is the complexity of the implementation, since you will have to deliver a table, chairs, tablecloth, dishes, food (so that it does not get cold), and definitely blankets, because winter is just around the corner. Fortunately, some companies are ready to take on all organizational issues themselves, of course, on a paid basis.

Sports, you are the world!

For people who love sports, a date on the street is suitable. For example, ice skating to test the strength of relationships even in frankly slippery situations, or skiing. Yes, just a walk around the city, because cool flash mobs are often timed to coincide with this holiday, for example, for the longest kiss!


An excursion to a beautiful city, even if it’s not Paris, but we also have places to go, admire the snow-covered streets, beautiful architecture, and nature!

Cultural recreation

A great gift for your wife or girlfriend is a trip to a restaurant. Firstly, she won’t have to stand at the stove preparing delicacies for the table, and secondly, this is a reason to dress up beautifully, show off herself and see others. Just don’t, like in the movies, propose right in a restaurant; it’s still too personal a moment. What if she wants to refuse?

Cultural trip

A cultural trek is also an option for a festive evening. It’s easy to time a long-delayed trip to the theater, cinema, or exhibition to coincide with this date, especially since the repertoire here is often dedicated to Valentine’s Day.

Riddles, searches, adventures

An idea for the most active is a romantic quest; these are organized in many large cities. Riddles, tasks, tests will show the strength of your feelings.

Gift certificate

The gift-impression is no less original; this day can be devoted to a tango, ballroom dancing, pottery, yoga, or rock climbing lesson.

Interior decoration for February 14

Decorating a room or home for Valentine's Day is a separate topic; I suggest briefly mentioning the most striking ideas.

  1. Candles. This constant attribute of romance can not only add mystery to the room, but also visually makes people more attractive, hiding imperfect features and emphasizing the best. These small pieces of live fire will be appropriate on the table, as additional lighting, or even as a separate decoration. Just imagine how beautiful a path of tiny candles looks, leading from the threshold to your beloved! There are even floating views suitable for a relaxing, romantic bath.
  2. Balloons. It’s easier to buy them ready-made, filled with light helium. All that remains is to tie the strings to the furniture or release the balls to the ceiling, giving them a heart shape. Another option is to attach valentines with wishes, compliments, and gentle words to each “tail.”
  3. Hearts are a standard holiday attribute; when decorating a room, different things of this shape would be appropriate, but garlands hung in different directions look most elegant.
  4. Photos. Print out, put in different frames photos depicting the best moments of the relationship and hang them around the room. This decoration has one significant advantage - such decor will bring a good mood for a very long time!

Don’t forget about the little things - rose petals on the bed, beautiful, perhaps bright scarlet bed linen, a nice bucket for champagne, sweets with hearts will create the right mood.

What to give for Valentine's Day

As a rule, gifts for this holiday are not so expensive and large-scale. They are rather intended to show love, rather than the thickness of the wallet. Therefore, small romantic gifts would be more appropriate here: cute photo frames, paired cups, pendants, T-shirts, soft toys, heart pillows, useful little things. Gift ideas are described in detail in a separate article.

Congratulations for loved ones in verse and prose

You can congratulate your loved ones not only in deeds, but also in words. A correctly chosen phrase can convey a whole bouquet of emotions. It is clear that not all of us are poets and writers by nature, but that’s okay - there is one for Valentine’s Day.

What to cook for dinner for your beloved man (husband, boyfriend) on February 14

A romantic dinner prepared with your own hands is the best gift for a loved one (perhaps a girl or woman will be even more happy, since she won’t have to stand at the stove that day). It’s worth choosing something special for the holiday table, we offer these recipes.

Salads for the holiday table

Traditionally, salads are served first; here the scope for imagination is enormous. You can prepare “Men’s whim”, because the dish is being prepared just for your loved one. The recipe is:

  • take boiled beef, hard cheese, eggs, onions, mayonnaise
  • finely chop the onion, marinate in wine vinegar and water
  • cut the meat into cubes
  • lay out the salad in layers: meat, onions without marinade, a mesh of mayonnaise, grated egg, grated cheese, mayonnaise again, repeat all the products twice.

Hot food recipes

Shrimp pasta

This is the pasta we are used to, but with a more original presentation. We have to:

Take: spaghetti, grated cheese, milk, onion, clove of garlic, dry wine, shrimp, eggs;

  • finely chop shrimp, garlic, onion
  • fry the onion in a hot frying pan with butter, add shrimp, seasonings, white wine, salt, simmer until excess liquid disappears

  • Heat a glass of milk, add two eggs, stir quickly until thickened, add cheese, and green onions if desired.
  • add sauce to shrimp

  • Strain the spaghetti, place on plates, top with sauce, and garnish.

You can also cook chicken breast, meat in French (LINK to an article about a romantic dinner),

Snack “Kiss to your beloved”

The original delicacy is prepared as follows:

- take lemon, hard cheese, walnuts, mayonnaise;

— cut the fruit into rings, remove the seeds if necessary;

- grate cheese, chop nuts;

— sprinkle the lemon with sugar, put a little cheese, mayonnaise, and nuts on top;

- Roll everything up and secure it to the skin with a toothpick.

Various snacks in the shape of a heart look nice - cut tomatoes connected with a toothpick, pieces of sausage held together in the same way. If you have time, you can use metal molds to cut out hearts from vegetables and fruits, making original delicacies from pineapple, apple, watermelon. The main thing is to turn on your imagination.

Simple and quick recipes for Valentine's Day

A delicious dinner can be prepared simply, quickly, easily without loss of quality. Don't believe me? Read on!

Potatoes baked with sausages

The dish is simple to prepare; even a not particularly economical husband can handle the process with ease.

potatoes, carrots, onions, hunting or other thin sausages, spices, salt, butter;

  • cut the peeled products into rings and mix

  • pour melted butter over everything, salt, pepper, mix

  • place on a baking sheet, bake at 190° until the potatoes are soft
  • serve with greens.

Chicken chops with cheese

They cook quickly.

You need to prepare:

  • 0.5 kg fillet
  • two eggs,
  • mayonnaise
  • vegetable fat

  • wash the breast, cut into pieces 1.5-2 cm thick, beat, salt and pepper
  • grate cheese
  • Break eggs into a bowl, add flour, mayonnaise, salt, cheese
  • brush the meat with batter on one side,

  • place the chop in a hot frying pan with oil, batter side down
  • grease the top with batter too

  • After frying, turn over and cover with a lid.

So we found out how to organize the perfect Valentine's Day, delighting your soulmate. And may love, mutual understanding, and romance be present in your relationships not only on February 14, but every day! Visit us more often, subscribe to blog updates!

Let someone say that Valentine's Day is not our Russian holiday at all. Here it’s not even about national specifics, but about how often we say to our soulmate “I love you” and how often we stop among the bustle of rapidly changing everyday life to devote a little time and attention to the one who is dear to our hearts.

Valentine's Day on February 14th is a great reason to spend time with your loved ones, say again (after all, this is so important!) three simple and warm words, bring a little romance into life and again feel the awe and excitement of how wonderful it is, how It is still joyful to love and be loved.

Romantic ideas for February 14 - Valentine's Day and all lovers

1. Breakfast in bed
Start the day with something pleasant for both you and your partner - organize a romantic breakfast. Of course, on Wednesday morning many people need to run to work, so many can only dream of a leisurely romantic breakfast in bed on this day, however, even a cup of hot tea or coffee with fresh baked goods and sweets (after all, it’s the sweetest time outside) holiday of the year) will provide you and your other half with a great mood for the whole day!

2. Gifts for Valentine's Day, Valentines

Exchange small gifts and valentines, even a small gift is a sign of attention, and love is a feeling that is hungry for attention, you know.

You can make a Valentine card with your own hands - it’s very simple, and a couple of lines about love written in your own hand are also welcome - words that we often don’t have time to say in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

And it’s even more pleasant to write a short poem about love - your own composition or something that has sunk into your soul.

On this day, a heart-shaped box of chocolates will be a wonderful gift - not only beautiful ladies love sweet gifts!

On Valentine's Day, a great gift for lovers would be paired items - for example, mugs with your names on them for drinking morning coffee together.

Choosing a gift for February 14 is both simple and difficult at the same time - you always want to amaze your chosen one with an original choice, but the main thing in this case is to be guided by what your heart says when choosing a gift.

After all, the main thing today is to give strong emotions and good memories that will refresh your feelings and show your loved one that you need and value him.

Be sure to take a bath together on Valentine's Day - please your soulmate.

Candles, champagne, sweets and fruits, romantic music - all this will create a festive atmosphere for two on this wonderful evening.

Dinner in a romantic place, by candlelight, special menu and atmosphere. The best option for February 14 is, after all, to have dinner in a cafe or restaurant. Going out somewhere together is always pleasant and the eternal question of who will cook and wash the dishes does not arise: let everyday life wait.

But if you wish, you can arrange a romantic candlelit dinner at home - if this will be variety for your relationship.

An exquisitely set table, beautiful dishes, a lot of red color - after all, it is considered traditional for Valentine's Day, delicious food, a light dessert and... watching a beautiful film about love. This evening scenario for two is also very good.

What movie should I watch on Valentine's Day? The choice here depends on your personal preferences and the interests of your loved one. We can recommend watching the touching film “Julie and Julia” with Meryl Streep.

“And I realized - it’s her... Julia... My only one...
You are the butter on my bread... The breath of my life...
I love you my girl... Happy Valentine's Day..."

One of the characters in this film said these words to his wife.

We were inspired to create this post by the design workshop of Natalia Grishaenkova.

Are you looking for a romantic evening idea for Valentine's Day? I have great stories for you and your significant other on how to celebrate this holiday.

The best gift you can give each other on Valentine's Day is lasting memories. Despite the fact that this year Valentine's Day falls on Thursday, i.e. working day, you must find a romantic way to spend time together brightly and unforgettably. Some ideas may seem banal to you, but what can you do, I believe that romance is still alive...


The first romantic idea involves drawing a treasure map to some special place or surprise, and leaving small gifts along the way. Gifts can be hidden in various places, and in order to get them, your partner will have to solve a riddle. These could be any questions related to the two of you or just tips. For example: “My tenderness is warming in a cup...” And put some romantic little thing or note in any cup in the house. Finding gifts is an exciting and interesting process at any age; it will definitely please your love.


For this idea you will need art materials. Take watercolors, brushes, canvas, lots and lots of paper, and old clothes. Draw for as long as you like. You will see how drawing together will bring you even closer. Moreover, your artistic talents or special training do not play any role, what is important is the creative act itself as such, and your inner state, which will manifest itself as a result of drawing. Express yourself spontaneously and freely with paint, without worrying about the artistic merit of your work. It is not only fun, but also useful; drawing has the ability to relieve stress, improve mood, helps a person open up and has many other positive properties.

Quiet romance:

You can create a loving atmosphere at home to celebrate Valentine's Day in the evening when your loved one arrives. If, of course, you have such an opportunity and you are at home. Fill the bathtub for the two of you, decorate the path to it with flower petals or hearts cut out of paper, or balloons, or notes with words of your love. Light scented candles when he is about to arrive. Turn on calm melodic music. After your bath, you can enjoy a romantic dinner in an intimate setting.

Valentine's Day Party:

Gather your friends, family, acquaintances and have a themed party. Think about the decor, games, and treats in advance. No Valentine's Day party is complete without hearts, candles, gifts, music and, above all, lots and lots of love in the air...

Of course, there are plenty of more unique and interesting Valentine's Day ideas you can try this year. These stories are just examples to get you in the mood for romance. Turn on your imagination, think about your one and only and ideas will pour in one after another. You can also surprise your loved one and give him one. I am sure that you will figure out how to please your loved one and enjoy this day together.

Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day is a great occasion for a romantic date, which can be organized even within the walls of your own apartment. Of course, to spend an unforgettable romantic evening at home, you need to create the appropriate atmosphere, and for this you need to put in very little effort and desire to arrange a fabulous date.

How to decorate a room?

Creating an intimate and charming atmosphere in your apartment begins with decorating the room in which you are going to spend the evening. Subdued light from table lamps or lit candles will help create a romantic atmosphere. Buy candles of different shapes and sizes, place them around the perimeter of the room or create an original composition in the shape of a heart or your names. At first glance, such a decision seems banal, but don’t let these thoughts bother you.

Each love story is unique in its own way, and therefore your evening will look extraordinary, because you don’t arrange such a holiday every day.

An important element of your room decor should be a cozy place where you can be close to each other, holding hands or hugging tightly. You can create a completely comfortable corner right on the floor. Lay out a thick blanket on it, throw in a few pillows, put a couple of glasses and wine on a tray, and scatter rose petals along the edges of the makeshift bed.

You can settle into such a cozy nest after a delicious dinner, turn on a good movie, enjoy the taste of wine and each other’s company.

What should a romantic dinner be like?

Of course, to maintain a romantic mood, you need to take care of a delicious dinner. First of all, dishes for February 14 should not be complicated, because the main thing here is a loving mood. Take note of a few rules before creating a menu for a romantic evening:

Dishes should be easy to prepare and not require additional culinary skills. Otherwise, you will have to spend several hours at the stove, and when it comes to romance, you will collapse from fatigue.

If you are going to cook meat or fish dishes, take boneless products so that your hands remain clean and the meal process is easy.

Try to minimize the addition of onions, garlic, and hot seasonings. Agree, for a romantic evening the aromas of these products will be superfluous.

Dinner should not overload the stomach. Avoid spicy, fried foods, beans and peas.

For a romantic dinner, create a menu of three or four dishes. In the end, so as not to sit too long at the table, but after a light dinner, continue the romantic evening with your loved one.

As for table setting, decorate it with appropriate accessories - candles, hearts, red napkins.

An important point in preparing for a romantic evening at home is the decoration of the festive table. Of course, you will not have dinner at the kitchen table, but in the room, sitting at a beautifully decorated table. So be inspired by the ambiance of fine restaurants.

Surely in your cabinet behind glass doors there are sets of dishes that you take out only on special occasions. Rest assured, Valentine's Day is the most special occasion. So don’t feel sorry, but take out the most beautiful plates, cutlery and set the table in the best traditions of a romantic dinner. Don't forget to prepare a beautiful tablecloth that needs to be ironed well. Choose a tablecloth in dark colors, preferably red or blue, and linen fabric.

What drink to choose for a romantic evening? This is an important question. Most likely, it will be wine or champagne, if alcohol is not contraindicated for either of you. Firstly, there should be little of it. Secondly, alcohol must be chosen correctly. Red wine goes well with meat dishes, and white wine goes with fish dishes. You should avoid strong alcoholic drinks so that you can admire your soulmate with a more or less sober gaze.

Musical accompaniment

Calm music will be a great addition to your evening and will set you in a romantic mood. Experienced lovers insist on choosing music rather than TV. If you watch TV at dinner, your date at home will lose the thread of romanticism and will look like an ordinary evening, of which you still have thousands ahead. By the way, put your smartphones and tablets away, because this evening only your loved one exists for you, and there is good music in the background. Make a playlist of your favorite tunes in advance, taking into account each other's musical preferences if possible.

What to wear for a romantic evening at home?

It is worth noting that the concept of “romantic evening” has different meanings for men and women. It is important for a woman to put on a beautiful dress, open champagne and light candles. And for men, most likely, the surroundings are not as important as female attention and the anticipation of a sweet night. So, if you want to please your loved one, then take into account his preferences as well.

When choosing an image for a romantic evening, it is better to give preference to a relaxed outfit, and let the evening dress be saved for another occasion. In a homely atmosphere, an outfit with a slight hint of flirtation and frankness will look more than ideal, and will help you and your man relax. Of course, it should be a dress and only a dress! Made from light, flowing fabric. On your feet - no slippers or tights. Just stockings and low-heeled shoes. A little attention should be paid to light makeup. In this regard, the main thing is not to overdo it, because at the end of the event, passionate kisses await you, and your loved one should not “get enough” of foundation and lipstick.

The desire to spend a romantic evening at home is already half a step towards a new stage in the development of your relationship with your other half. And Valentine's Day is the perfect occasion. A lovingly prepared evening will certainly dilute your gray everyday life with bright lights, because romance is appropriate in any relationship: in those that are just beginning and in those that grow stronger over the years.

Good evening, dear friends!

February 14 is already upon us - Valentine's Day or, in another way, it is also called St. Valentine's Day. Even though this is a secular holiday, it is still necessary to congratulate each other and confess love and warm feelings.

We have already looked at how you can decorate the interior for this holiday and give memorable gifts in an article about.

And today we’ll talk about another attribute of this heartfelt holiday - a romantic dinner menu for two. More precisely, we will consider recipes for light snacks and dishes that will fill you up but not burden your stomach.

You also need to take care of the place for the evening, candles, pleasant music, and serving dishes. Everything together with delicious dishes will create the right romantic mood and will pleasantly surprise your other half.

It is worth noting that many recipes contain aphrodisiac products that produce a burning love desire and increase libido.

It is these delicious and ardent recipes that I took into account in my interesting menu. And what exactly these ingredients are - you will find out further in the menu. A wide selection of dish recipes gives you the opportunity to choose and cook something interesting and most delicious to suit your taste for a romantic dinner.

Therefore, for your convenience, there is a menu content that can instantly take you to the choice of the recipe you like.

Delicate salad “Boats” with shrimps

Avocado is a powerful aphrodisiac for men. It is this fruit that contains beneficial elements and vitamins for men's health.

Therefore, you can include this delicious salad of avocado and boiled shrimp on your list of must-have cold appetizers. The salad is served in the fruit peel itself.

We will need:

  • Avocado - 2 large fruits;
  • Shrimp - 300 gr.;
  • Lemon or lime juice - 2 tbsp;
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp;
  • Salt and pepper - to taste.


  1. We make the dressing for the dish. To do this, mix citrus juice and mayonnaise in a separate container. Salt and pepper to your taste.
  2. Cut the fruit vertically and remove the pit. Using a tablespoon, peel the pulp so as not to damage the halves. We need whole boats.
  3. Chop the pulp into a bowl. Add shrimp.
  4. Shrimps, if small, do not need to be cut. They will look organic anyway. But large ones will have to be cut.
  5. Season everything with sauce and place on prepared boats. Serve to the table.

Julienne with mushrooms and sour cream according to the classic recipe

We will need:

  • Fresh mushrooms (boletus, boletus) - 300 gr.;
  • Onion - 2 pcs.;
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr.;
  • Sour cream - 0.5 tbsp;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Bay leaf - 3 leaves;
  • Black peppercorns - 5 pcs.;
  • Nutmeg - 1 pinch;
  • Salt - 1 pinch.

Canapes with cheese and olives on skewers

Canapé is translated from French as “small, tiny.” And, as always, the French gave an apt name to small snacks - sandwiches that fit easily into the mouth.

The basis of the canapé is a piece of bread on which more ingredients are placed. And what kind depends on the imagination of the culinary specialists.

I offer you 2 small recipes for simple canapés that will look harmonious both on the table and in your tummy.

Option #1.

We will need:

  • bell pepper
  • Ham
  • Skewers
  1. Cut the bread into small pieces measuring 2.5 x 2.5 cm each.
  2. Slice the ham thinly and place it on bread slices. It can also be cut on a slicer and then folded in half.
  3. We also put cheese cut into small pieces on top.
  4. Peel the bell pepper from seeds and cut into pieces. We place these pieces on top of all the sandwiches and fasten each sandwich with a skewer.
  5. Place the canapes on a flat plate.

Option #1.

We will need:

  • Hard cheese
  • Olives
  • Tangerines
  • Grape
  • Skewers

This two-ingredient canapé recipe is even simpler. To do this, cut the cheese into small pieces and put either a tangerine slice, an olive or a grape on top.

We fasten everything with a skewer and transfer it to a flat plate.

Lavash rolls with red fish

You can prepare such rolls by using red caviar instead of red fish. It is also a powerful aphrodisiac.

We will need:

  • Thin Armenian lavash
  • Red fish or caviar
  • Chopped herbs (dill, parsley, green onions)
  • Processed cheese
  • Lemon juice
  1. Apply a thin layer of melted cheese to the pita bread.
  2. Sprinkle chopped fresh herbs on top.
  3. Place red fish in thin slices and sprinkle with lemon juice.
  4. We wrap the pita bread in a tube and wrap it in cling film. Place in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  5. Take out and cut the roll into 3-4 cm pieces onto a large plate. Serve to the table.

Milk pancakes in the shape of a Valentine

A pancake lover can be pleased with such masterpieces. We choose a recipe for a delicious dough from the article about it and work wonders in a frying pan.

Just stock up on a special, convenient container with a narrow spout. Like the one in the photo below.

From such a bottle it will be convenient to pour the dough directly into a hot frying pan.

Good luck with your imagination and bon appetit!

Italian pizza in the shape of a heart

If you have time and desire, then you can prepare delicious Italian pizza for your beloved half. And not just round, but in the shape of a heart.

At the sight of such a dish, your loved one will immediately understand your passionate feelings and will not remain in debt.

Well, use your own imagination with the filling. You can put everything you find in the refrigerator: sausage, pickled mushrooms, olives, pickles and sprinkle everything generously with hard cheese!

Chicken wings in the oven in nut-soy sauce

A wonderful appetizer for the holiday table! And chicken is generally the most affordable product. So let’s get ready and get ready!

We will need:

  • Chicken wings - 1 kg;
  • Flour - 1 tbsp;
  • Sunflower oil for frying - 3 tsp;
  • Grape jam - 3 tbsp;
  • Peanut oil - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Water - 2 tbsp;
  • Soy sauce - 1 tbsp;
  • Roasted peanuts for decoration.
  1. In a small saucepan or enamel ladle, mix grape jam, peanut butter, water and soy sauce. Cook over low heat until smooth.
  2. Grape jam can be safely replaced with honey. And olive oil will help you replace peanut butter if you don’t have it at home.

  3. Take a bowl and mix the chicken wings with flour.
  4. Pour oil onto a baking sheet and heat the oven to 180-200 degrees Celsius.
  5. Fry the chicken wings for 10-15 minutes until golden brown.
  6. We take out the wings and place them on a plate. Then pour our sauce over it. Serve to the table.

Cheese fondue and chocolate fondue

If you have a fondue set at home, then you are guaranteed an interesting pastime.

For cheese fondue, grate hard cheese and melt it in a small saucepan. And then pour it into a fondue container, light a candle under it to keep the cheese in a liquid state. And use forks to dip delicious foods, for example, white bread cut into small pieces.

We carry out the same manipulations with chocolate fondue. Just instead of cheese we take chocolate, chop it finely and melt it in a saucepan. Then we also pour it into the fondue pot.

Here I note that dark bitter chocolate improves mood and also works as a delicious aphrodisiac for women.

As attachments for the fork, I suggest cutting fruits, preparing cookies or marshmallows.

We enjoy a pleasant and tasty activity, as well as a one-on-one conversation with each other.

Shortbread cookies “Ardent Hearts”

The day before, you can bake delicious, crispy heart-shaped sugar cookies.

  • Flour - 300 gr.;
  • Butter - 150 gr.;
  • Sugar - 120 gr;
  • Egg yolk - 3 pcs.;
  • Cocoa - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Vanilla sugar - 2 tsp.
  1. Beat the yolks in a deep bowl with sugar and vanilla sugar.
  2. Knead the softened butter with a fork, add to the yolks and mix.
  3. Sift the flour through a sieve and knead the shortbread dough/
  4. Divide the dough into 2 equal parts. Add cocoa to one part through a sieve and knead to form a uniform chocolate dough. We make 2 koloboks from 2 parts and put them in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  5. We take out the dough balls and roll each ball out with a rolling pin on a smooth surface. The thickness of the layer is approximately 5-7 mm. Cut out hearts using a cookie cutter.
  6. If you wish, you can carefully mix the koloboks so that you later get marble cookies.
  7. We also roll out the remaining dough into a new layer and cut out new hearts until the dough is finished. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Place the buttons on a baking sheet already lined with baking paper and put them in the oven to bake. Bake for about 20 minutes.
  8. Cool the finished button cookies and transfer them to a plate. Can be served with tea or coffee.

Strawberries in chocolate

Another dessert with chocolate.

Such a juicy and tasty berry like strawberry, itself looks like a heart. You can simply serve it on a plate, or you can put in a little effort and get a savory dish - chocolate-covered strawberries.

To do this, melt the chocolate and dip each berry into it. Leave for a while for the chocolate to harden.

Serve with dessert wine. We are blessed!

Fruit salad “2 hearts in love”

A delicate dessert that will not spoil your figure. It goes well with any wine.

We will need:

  • Raspberries
  • Grape
  • Strawberry
  • A pineapple
  • Fruit syrup

We clean the fruits and cut them into small pieces, except raspberries. Place into bowls. If possible, buy salad bowls in the shape of hearts.

Pour any fruit syrup on top and serve.

You can do without the salad. The main thing is to serve the fruit correctly - for Valentine's Day.

Mulled white wine according to a classic recipe

Smoothly we moved on to drinks... I chose special recipes that warm both soul and body - hot wine with spices. Because Valentine's Day falls in winter. A time when you want hot hugs, hot kisses and warm drinks.

In addition, wine relaxes and sets the mood for a relaxed and light atmosphere.

We will need:

  • Dry white wine – 750 ml. (1 bottle);
  • Granulated sugar - 2-3 tbsp;
  • Carnation buds – 4-5 pcs.;
  • Cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • Lemon - 2-3 slices.
  1. Place all the spices and lemon in a heat-resistant bowl.
  2. Uncork the wine and add to the spices. We put it on fire.
  3. Stirring, bring the wine with spices to 75 degrees. If you don’t have a food thermometer, then we determine the readiness of the mulled wine by the appearance of small bubbles.
  4. Remove the mulled wine from the heat and let it brew for 15 to 20 minutes. Add sugar and stir.
  5. Strain through a strainer into glasses, garnish with a cinnamon stick and a slice of lemon and serve.

Strawberry margarita - video recipe

Do you want to make a delicious and relaxing cocktail? Let's watch the video.

Oriental coffee recipe and interesting coffee serving

In conclusion, you can serve coffee or start Valentine's Day with great aromatic coffee. Oh, I just love its unsurpassed aroma! And yes, scientists have determined what is beneficial and what is harmful. But it should be a real drink, brewed in a Turk, and not instant.

How to brew real oriental coffee in a Turk?

  1. Pour coffee beans into the grinder.
  2. Grind into very fine grains.
  3. Place a heaped teaspoon into the cürka. I have a Turk for 250 ml. Add salt immediately at the tip of the knife. It is better to use coarse sea salt.
  4. Shake the turk with coffee and salt to mix.
  5. Fill with cold, preferably even ice-cold, clean water.
  6. Place on very low heat.
  7. As soon as foam appears, remove from heat and pour into cups.

It is important not to overcook. Otherwise, the drink will lose all its taste and aroma.

Here is an interesting option for serving cappuccino coffee from a coffee machine. For this method, you can make a heart-shaped stencil and sprinkle cinnamon on top.

In conclusion, I want to say that if your significant other sincerely loves you, he will happily appreciate your efforts.

I wish you sincere and mutual love, warm and tender feelings, bright, positive emotions!