Sweating during pregnancy in the third trimester: causes and methods of eliminating the disease. Sweating during pregnancy: an alarming signal about the need for treatment or the result of a general restructuring of the body


Major Event In the life of any woman there is anticipation of the birth of a child. Emerging life contributes to changes in the body. Changeable moods and unexpected whims accompany a woman in an “interesting position” for nine months, manifesting itself especially clearly in the first three months.

The first trimester is the most difficult waiting period. The restructuring of the body increases the flow of blood flow to the skin, causing increased sweat production. The problem goes away after the birth of the child, but brings discomfort with its manifestations. You can relieve discomfort using methods available to every expectant mother. Recommendations are given by dermatocosmetologists.

Sweating at different stages of pregnancy

The most difficult period of hormonal changes in the body is the first three months. Increased sweating is caused by changes in the endocrine background of the expectant mother, say gynecologists and endocrinologists.

The system increases blood flow, building the overall system of mother and child. The result is a reaction from the sympathetic nervous system, which is accompanied by an increased amount of sweat. The effect appears even when the woman is lying or sitting. Physical activity increases sweating of the armpits and feet. Pregnancy in the first trimester is accompanied by the most severe bursts of changes caused by a decrease in the amount of estrogen. Symptoms of hyperhidrosis can be especially acute at night, disrupting the rest of a pregnant woman.

The second three-month period is marked by the normalization of body processes. Sweating decreases and normalizes. The need to drink more fluids may cause you to naturally sweat more. An increase in term is accompanied by fetal growth and an increase in the weight of the expectant mother. Sweating during pregnancy increases closer to childbirth. Processes accompanied by sweating ─ an increase in the body weight of the expectant mother, necessary for the development of the baby. The consequence is a load on the body, which reacts with hyperhidrosis to physical activity. Manifestations of increased sweating are a natural phenomenon.” interesting situation" Dermatocosmetologists remind that usual hygiene procedures facilitate its manifestations.

How to protect the body from unpleasant sensations?

A contrast shower can relieve sweating

Increased sweating during pregnancy, according to the unanimous statement of doctors, does not mean a disease. Alarming symptoms may report a failure endocrine system caused by natural changes in the body. Excessive sweating can be alleviated by simple hygiene procedures.

For prevention, you need to shower as often as possible. Baths and steam rooms are contraindicated for pregnant women not only because they increase sweating. Overheating harms the mother’s body and can cause premature birth. This is why hot showers are unacceptable. While waiting for the birth of a baby, the feet are most likely to sweat. Foot baths are used warm, but the water temperature should not be too high.

If you break into a sweat during pregnancy at night, this is the most unpleasant condition for the expectant mother. To prevent its manifestations, it is worth ventilating the bedroom before going to bed. Use natural bed linen and pajamas that allow the skin to “breathe” freely, eliminating moisture retention.

During pregnancy, it is better to give preference to natural hygiene products

Evening walks in the fresh air are especially useful for a woman expecting the birth of her baby. Sleep is normalized and the manifestation of hyperhidrosis is reduced.

A pregnant woman's diet should be balanced and include essential vitamins, minerals. You can reduce sweating by eliminating spicy, heavy foods, the processing of which increases the effort of the digestive system.

Sweating during pregnancy in the third trimester - normal phenomenon, but only if others don't bother associated symptoms. On later the load on all internal organs and the body as a whole increases, blood flow increases. The woman begins to sweat at the slightest movement.

During the long 9 months of bearing a child, a woman can be plagued by various problems, as the body is completely rebuilt to a new mode of functioning. Among frequently asked questions with which pregnant women go to the doctor: “Why do I sweat a lot during pregnancy?”

Sweating plagues a woman at all stages of pregnancy. Advanced education Sweating is medically called hyperhidrosis. The symptom appears as a result hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy. A woman breaks into a sweat suddenly, for no apparent reason.

The problem is especially common in the early stages of pregnancy as a result of changes in the functioning of the endocrine system. At this time it happens sudden jump hormones - estrogens. Palms, feet, face, back sweat. Sweat can change the smell.

The secretion produced by the sweat glands is odorless and colorless. But during pregnancy the smell may change. This is due to an increase in the amount of secretion secreted and changes in the microflora on the surface of the skin. The composition of the skin changes, the number of bacteria increases, and they begin to decompose sweat at an increased speed, resulting in an odor.

The pathology is indicated by a sharp, repulsive ammonia odor from sweat in pregnant women. In this case, you need to contact a gynecologist or therapist to clarify the diagnosis.

As a result of increased work of sweat and sebaceous glands The composition of the skin also changes. The lower extremities suffer from excessive oiliness or dryness and begin to swell. Similar symptoms disappear only by the second trimester. In the meantime, sweaty feet can cause a lot of trouble. Sweaty feet begin to smell unpleasant, so you have to change not only your socks, but also have an extra pair of shoes.

Sweating during early pregnancy appears as a result of changes in emotional background. The woman becomes more vulnerable, susceptible to words, and tearful. Any minor emotional experiences lead to increased heart rate and increased sweating.

Sweating does not disappear as pregnancy progresses, but rather intensifies. This is due to the addition of another circle of blood circulation. Blood volume increases by 40%. The flow of blood to the surface of the skin increases, and the sweat glands begin to work more actively.

By the second trimester hormonal background stabilizes, but the body's need for fluid increases. The woman begins to drink more, excess fluid is eliminated through sweat. The most problematic areas are the back and armpits.

Last months

In the last trimester, blood flow begins to increase its activity to the limit, and hyperhidrosis manifests itself especially clearly. This is explained by several factors:

  1. The blood flow to all organs and skin increases, the woman begins to sweat more often. A large fruit puts a strain on everyone's work internal organs, its development requires more vitamins and other nutrients. The products of these metabolic processes are excreted not only through the kidneys, but also through sweat.
  2. The feet sweat the most, even if the woman is lying or sitting. The problem of the first trimester returns - the legs swell, become dry or oily. The uterus puts pressure on the vessels, and blood circulates poorly in the lower extremities.
  3. In recent months, a woman gains weight, the fat layer becomes larger and prevents heat from escaping. The body tries to cool itself by actively secreting sweat.
  4. IN last weeks before upcoming birth the amount of lymph and blood increases, which explains the active secretion of sweat.

In the last 3 months, you should devote a lot of time to personal hygiene, nutrition, and choosing clothes. Walking and healthy sleep are beneficial.

Contact a specialist

It happens that increased sweating during pregnancy is associated not with physiological changes, but with pathological processes in organism.

It's about about diseases that cause increased sweating:

  • respiratory diseases: pneumonia, tuberculosis;
  • oncological neoplasms;
  • CNS disorders;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • obesity;
  • very often pregnant women experience severe sweating due to kidney disease (white traces of sweat remain on clothes, and the discharge itself smells of ammonia);
  • exacerbation of allergies.

You need to suspect a problem if the sweat begins to smell unpleasant, changes color, or becomes sticky. At the same time, other signs of the disease may appear, for example, headaches, pale skin, cough, drowsiness, and apathy.

Night sweats

Sweating can also bother a pregnant woman at night. You have to change your shirt or pajamas several times a night, and your bed linen is damp after waking up.

The reason that excessive sweating bothers you may be the underwear in which the woman sleeps. Clothing should only be made of natural, breathable material.

Too hot, stuffy and dry air in the room causes bad sleep, nightmares in sleep and development heavy sweating during pregnancy. Before going to bed, be sure to ventilate the room for at least 30 minutes.

This regimen will help normalize sweating at night. It is necessary to learn to go to bed and get up at the same time, not forgetting about daytime rest.

If sweat appears only at night and begins to smell bad, you should definitely tell your doctor: perhaps the cause is a disease of some internal organ.

The causes of night sweats can be:

Sweating at night may indicate low blood pressure or problems with the heart.

Increased sweating has a medical name - hyperhidrosis. It can be general and local.

General hyperhidrosis (a uniform increase in sweat secretion from all sweat glands) often occurs as a protective reaction of the body during overheating, physical stress, etc. Some foods also contribute to increased sweat production: coffee and all caffeine-containing drinks, tea, spicy and salty foods. This is also a normal reaction of the body.

Many pregnant women often experience general increased sweating. In the first trimester, this problem is associated with a natural change in hormonal levels at the beginning of pregnancy, which causes increased activity of sebaceous and sweat glands. In the second and third trimesters, increased sweating is explained by an increase in the amount of circulating blood by 30–40% and an increased need for fluid. And we note that after childbirth, as a rule, everything returns to normal.

But general increased sweating can also be observed in certain diseases, for example, cardiovascular, excretory and other systems. Of course, in such cases only a doctor can help by prescribing the necessary treatment depending on the pathology. In addition, be sure to consult a doctor if the amount of sweat produced, its color and smell suddenly changes. First of all, visit a therapist: he will conduct necessary research and, if there is such a need (for example, a disturbance in the functioning of the kidneys, liver, endocrine or nervous system is detected), he will refer you to the appropriate specialists.

Local hyperhidrosis manifests itself in increased sweating in the area of ​​​​the feet, palms, large folds (axillary, inguinal, etc.), head (face and scalp). This is often caused by a hereditary predisposition and indicates autonomic-vascular dysfunction, a condition caused by a slight imbalance in the normal nervous regulation of internal organs. This is not dangerous to health, but such increased sweating causes anxiety and interferes with living and working fully, it represents serious problem in her personal life, causing the woman to focus solely on her predicament. In this case, you need to contact a therapist or neurologist.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat?

If hyperhidrosis is of an unexpressed nature, then the well-known methods will help reduce the severity of the problem. cosmetical tools: emulsion creams, deodorants, antiperspirants and antiperspirant deodorants.

Since the ways to combat hyperhidrosis during pregnancy are limited, the expectant mother must not forget about natural methods reducing excess sweating:

  • Eat less coffee, tea, spicy foods and other foods that cause sweating. You should not drink a lot of sweet carbonated drinks; replace them with regular mineral water.
  • If you have hyperhidrosis, shower more often.
  • Choose clothes and bedding from natural materials(cotton, wool, linen and silk) that allow your skin to breathe.
  • To avoid excessive sweating on the feet, it is very important to choose the right shoes. It must be made of materials that allow air and moisture to pass through. And in summer and spring you need to choose as many as possible open shoes. The sole should preferably be leather.
  • You can also take it regularly warm baths with pine needles, sage, oak bark, rubdowns are also suitable.

If these methods fail and the problem increased sweating continues to bother you greatly, then you can resort to medical methods effects, therapeutic or surgical.

First, of course, you need to try to apply therapeutic methods. It is likely that they will help cope with hyperhidrosis without more serious surgical procedures.

Where does the bad smell come from?
Sweat itself does not have an unpleasant odor, since it consists of water and salts dissolved in it, most of which are odorless. An undesirable aroma appears only when interacting with specific bacteria located in the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands. With such contact, bad-smelling substances are formed. fatty acid and protein degradation products.

∗ Physiotherapy (iontophoresis, electrophoresis). These procedures can make it easier moderate sweating, but do not remove it completely. The essence of the method is the impact electric current and special anticholinergic drugs that reduce local sweating. Local exposure to current promotes the accumulation of medicinal substances in the layers of the skin. Usually the effect is not permanent and lasts 2-3 weeks. Doctors also recommend physiotherapeutic techniques that reduce the excitability of a woman’s body and thereby reduce sweat production (electrosleep, cold and hot shower etc.). After consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist, in the absence of contraindications, physiotherapy can be used during pregnancy.

∗ Medicines. There are special medicines, reducing sweat secretion (anticholinergics). However, they have complex impact not only on sweating, but also on the entire woman’s body (increased and rapid contractions of the heart, relaxation of the uterus and decreased tone of the walls of the uterus), therefore they cannot be used during pregnancy. The doctor may advise the expectant mother to try lungs sedatives(herbal preparations, teas with chamomile, lemon balm, mint, valerian, motherwort). They can reduce the excitability of the nervous system and reduce the intensity of sweating.

∗ The drug “Botox” (“Dysport”, other analogues). Botox is an analogue of botulinum toxin. This is a protein substance that is injected with thin needles into areas of increased sweat production and blocks the enzyme that provokes the sweat glands to produce and secrete secretions. Usually injections are given in armpits, palms and feet. After the procedure, the skin in this area does become dry, but only as long as the botulinum toxin is active (an average of 6–12 months). Then new injections are required. This method should be used only if the sweating is really very significant and seriously disrupts the woman’s normal life. But such injections will only be possible after childbirth; the use of this method is contraindicated during pregnancy.

From surgical methods correction of hyperhidrosis today there are the following modern and effective ways treatment:

∗ Curettage of the hyperhidrosis area. The essence of the procedure is to remove the sweat glands in problem area, as well as at the intersection of the smallest branches of the sympathetic nerve (it activates the work of the sweat glands) at the level subcutaneous tissue. This procedure is performed with a special instrument - a curette, which resembles a kind of metal spoon, under local anesthesia. After this, there is a persistent decrease in sweating by 90%. In addition, after this procedure, the specific smell completely disappears. However, this method can also be used only after childbirth.

∗ Endoscopic sympathectomy. If increased sweating is observed on the face and palms, a procedure such as endoscopic sympathectomy will help. This is a serious operation that involves blocking the impulses of the sympathetic nerve, the source that provokes sweating on the face and upper limbs. During the operation, under general anesthesia, a mini-TV camera is inserted through several punctures, making it possible to observe the procedure on a video monitor screen, and a special probe, with which a 5 mm clip is applied to the sympathetic nerve. It is clear that this operation can also be performed only after childbirth.

Thus, if increased sweating bothers you greatly, it is quite possible to get rid of it. However, when choosing a method of struggle, do not forget that sweating is still a necessary function of our body. Without it, we would die from overheating and poisoning by decay products. Remember: when trying to get rid of sweat odor, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Reliable tool

Baths made from tree bark effectively eliminate excessive sweating of the feet. They have astringent, drying and anti-inflammatory properties due to their tannin content. To prepare the bath 2 tbsp. spoons of oak bark and 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of willow bark into 1.5 liters of water. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain the broth, cool and soak your feet in it for 15–20 minutes. This bath should be done daily or every other day after washing your feet with soap.

Pregnancy for a woman is a period of enormous changes in the body. During this period, taste qualities, habits, daily routine, and nutrition change. Sometimes allergic reactions from products may occur that were not previously apparent. All this is considered normal, since the main part of the changes is hormonal. Increased sweating during pregnancy is also normal.

In the first half, the woman sweats more often than in the second. In the last trimester, the frequent bouts of sweating stop, and only her feet sweat a lot. Hyperhidrosis in pregnant women often causes discomfort and irritability, especially its smell. There are many ways to reduce excessive sweating during this period of life.

In the first trimester, the female body is especially susceptible to restructuring. All this is aimed at adapting a woman to bearing a fetus. Key role Hormones play a role in this process. Some types of hormones contribute to the activation of the sweat glands; sweat is produced in large quantities and quickly, sweating increases during pregnancy. In addition to hormonal changes in female body Other modifications are also observed, fraught with frequent bouts of sweating:

In the early stages, the expectant mother sweats a lot and often, and attacks can occur suddenly without any visible prerequisites. This often happens at night when she is sleeping.

Body odor changes due to sweat. This manifestation is due to two fundamental factors - the amount of sweat secreted by the body and the nature of the microflora skin. During this period, much more secretion is produced, and changes in immune system affect the nature of the bacterial composition of the skin, as a result of which the number of microorganisms increases significantly, and they, in turn, decompose sweat, which is why an unpleasant odor appears.

Increased sweating when nervous stress observed in every person, even completely healthy ones. Against the background of pregnancy-related hormone imbalances stressful situations occur much more often in pregnant women. And this entails excessive sweating in the early stages of pregnancy.

To summarize all of the above, increased sweating during pregnancy in the first and second trimesters can be considered normal. All pregnant women should calm down and not worry about this. True, the discomfort from this condition and the unpleasant smell have a strong effect on the woman’s psyche. During this period, you should simply monitor body hygiene more often in order to interrupt the proliferation of microorganisms that provoke its appearance.

Sweating in late pregnancy

In the last third trimester, a pregnant woman does not stop sweating. This is where a woman’s individual reaction to hormonal fluctuations takes place, and it does not occur in all pregnant women. Increased sweating during late pregnancy is caused by completely different factors, and they are more or less the same for most expectant mothers. At this stage, the nature of the secretion also changes - the woman does not throw herself into bouts of sweating, as before, here night and day sweating are evened out, but the legs sweat more often.

In later stages of pregnancy, the intensity also weakens. unpleasant odor. The key factors for the appearance of sweating during this period of pregnancy are:

Thus, the intensity of sweating in later stages differs from sweating in the first trimesters. Despite the fact that attacks become rare, the smell is not so pungent and unpleasant, hygiene procedures at this stage of pregnancy should not be stopped - this will not only prevent discomfort in sensations, but also relieve expectant mother from unwanted diaper rash and other unpleasant phenomena.

Despite the fact that increased sweating in women in this position is the norm, this manifestation should not be taken lightly. Following this logic, you can easily miss the flow or formation of initial stages some diseases, the symptom of which is sweating.

During this period of life, a woman’s body is highly vulnerable to all sorts of pathogenic bacilli, bacteria and microorganisms, which can significantly impair the performance of vital organs and systems.

If a pregnant woman has seizures during the prenatal period excessive sweating do not decrease, then she needs to see an endocrinologist. She could have problems with the endocrine system, for example, with the thyroid gland.

If during any trimester you smell ammonia when sweating, and traces of sweat secretion leave a mark on your clothes white- this is a sign that there is a problem with the kidneys, and this is considered a complication of pregnancy.

Excessive bouts of sweating at night can signal the presence of tuberculosis in a pregnant woman or any other lung pathology.

There are also a lot of conditions that, accompanied by sweating, pose a direct threat to the health of the child and the expectant mother. If you have the slightest doubt that sweating in a pregnant woman is of a complex nature, you should seek advice or diagnosis from doctors who correspond to the condition of the pregnant woman at the time of treatment and qualifications. He is obliged to establish the cause of the pathology and make an appropriate decision in terms of therapy.

How can you reduce heavy sweating during pregnancy?

Reducing the intensity of sweat secretion during pregnancy should be done very carefully so that the manipulations performed by the woman do not affect hormones or cause harm to the fetus:

  1. It is recommended to sleep in underwear made from natural fabrics.
  2. You should not wrap yourself up too much in winter.
  3. It is advisable to completely abandon synthetic clothing during this period.
  4. Systematically ventilate the room where the expectant mother is, especially before going to bed.
  5. Eliminate spicy foods from your diet.
  6. Avoid heavy physical labor and any other stress.
  7. Spend as much time outdoors as possible.
  8. Maintain personal hygiene. Moreover, it is better to refuse the bath and take only a shower.

Special attention should be paid to antiperspirants and deodorants. During the period of bearing a child, it is better to completely abandon them. They can provoke allergic reactions or inflammation of the skin. In addition, they are designed to constrict blood vessels, and this is very undesirable during pregnancy.

Most women complain of unexpectedly appearing constant, unpleasant and increased sweating during pregnancy, and this is not without reason. Pregnant women's hormonal levels are always changing, so during pregnancy many experience hot flashes and increased sweating. A pregnant woman's metabolism increases by 20%. In the body, the activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands increases, which even affects the condition of the skin - from normal it can become oily or, conversely, dry. By mid-pregnancy, problems with sweating may become less pronounced, but do not completely disappear. The fact is that the body, in connection with the growth and development of the fetus, increases the volume of circulating blood by 30-40%, and the presence increased amount fluid in the body accordingly increases sweat production. Excessive sweating goes away after the baby is born, but for some new mothers it can last up to several weeks after birth or last until the end of the period. breastfeeding. In general, increased sweating during pregnancy is a safe phenomenon and does not require treatment, but simple additional hygiene procedures.

Causes of sweating during pregnancy.

The reason for increased sweating during pregnancy is obvious - these are the same hormones. Reduced level estrogen affects the dysfunction of such a part of the human brain as the hypothalamus, which is responsible for the regulation temperature regime body. If it's hot outside, it cools our body through sweating. In the case of pregnancy, a change in estrogen levels is perceived erroneously by the hypothalamus - the body begins to produce more heat, and is released from it through sweating, which becomes the cause of hyperhidrosis in pregnant women.

At the same time with natural processes in the body, infectious and colds, Problems thyroid gland, causing, as a rule, an increase in body temperature. Excessive sweating is also negatively affected overweight bodies. Hyperhidrosis most often affects plump women.

The expectant mother must definitely report existing problem sweating to your doctor because this problem may be a sign of an endocrine system disorder. For example, a threat diabetes mellitus, increased function of the thyroid gland, etc. Serious consequences can be avoided by timely tests and a thorough examination.

Night sweats and pregnancy.

One of the problems of pregnancy is increased night sweats. Excessive sweating causes the expectant mother to wake up frequently at night, and many women have difficulty falling asleep at all due to sweating and heat. Physiologically, the process of night sweats is explained by the fact that during pregnancy a woman’s level of the hormone estrogen decreases as a result of hormonal changes in the body. The hypothalamus is responsible for regulating the temperature of the body - if the temperature environment increases, the hypothalamus cools the body through the process of sweating. During pregnancy, a reduced amount of estrogen incorrectly affects the functioning of the hypothalamus, which gives impulses to erroneously warm the body, and then, when body temperature rises, cools the body by increasing sweating.

Some women experience night sweats that go away after giving birth. Others remain with this problem for several more weeks, until hormone levels normalize, and some sweat heavily throughout the entire period of breastfeeding.

How to reduce sweating during pregnancy.

Pregnant women should deal with excess sweating very carefully so as not to affect hormone levels and harm the unborn baby. Drastic methods are not suitable in this case; changing hormones through the use of medications during this period is unacceptable. As you know, pregnancy is not a disease, but natural state, V this moment During life, significant changes occur in a woman’s body, which require correction in order to facilitate pregnancy familiar image life and hygiene regime:

1. Nutrition. Foods that provoke sweating should be excluded from the diet - coffee, spices, alcohol have a stimulating effect on nervous system and stimulate sweating. Should be eaten dairy products, enriched with live cultures of bacteria, yogurt and so on. But those with a sweet tooth need to be patient; excess sugar is a favorite food for harmful microflora.

2. Casual clothes. Change your wardrobe, dress in light and loose clothing made from natural fabrics, no synthetics. Poor breathability synthetic fabric promotes the appearance of the first signs of hyperhidrosis - sweat glands are activated by contact with synthetics, so it is more hygienic to use linen or silk fabrics.

3. Physical activity. Walk in the fresh air more often, move more, avoiding, of course, being too active physical activity. Rational physical activity improves body tone and helps regulate hormones.

4. Hygiene procedures. Most obstetricians and gynecologists recommend that women take a shower rather than a bath every morning and evening to maintain hygiene during pregnancy. The shower should not be hot, the water pressure should not be too intense. It is optimal to shower twice a day, and recent months pregnancy even more often. Hot showers should be avoided, and it is strictly forbidden to steam your feet.

5. Sleep mode. Adjust your sleep schedule - if you go to bed at the same time and rest at least 8 hours a day, then the hypothalamus, which is responsible for regulating sleep cycles, will better cope with normalizing the body’s temperature.

6. Fresh air in room. Ventilate the room in which you spend a lot of time. Fresh cool air will benefit not only you, but also your future child.

7. Bed linen and nightwear. Pick up bed sheets and a light nightgown made of natural materials (for example, cotton, chintz), since synthetics create favorable conditions for night hyperhidrosis.

8. Rubbing with herbal decoctions. To combat increased sweating After hygiene procedures, you can wipe yourself with a sponge soaked in a decoction of herbs that have a drying effect. Willow and oak bark, hazel, and horsetail are ideal for this purpose.