Birth process: does the baby move during contractions? How children behave before birth: movements in contractions, activity before childbirth. Stages of fights


During the first birth, pregnant women have many questions, and the main one is - Does the baby move during contractions?. For all this process individual, but according to statistics it can be noted that the baby even for a moment pain keeps stirring inside the mother. He shows his motor activity, showing that he is completely ready for the birth. After all, on recent months he significantly increases in size and literally asks to be born as soon as possible.

Why does the baby move during contractions?

Contractions are a process that occurs before the birth itself. The child, with its movement, can mother, helping to quickly provoke the process of childbirth. Many women in labor are wondering if the baby should move during contractions? Since the process is not simple, and the woman is in a state of shock, she simply may not feel the efforts of the baby.

During fights it is very important. Indeed, at this time, the baby is catastrophically lacking oxygen, and therefore such activity increases. As soon as an unusual activity of the baby is detected, you should immediately consult a doctor who will determine whether the process of childbirth has occurred and how soon the child will be born. If he stopped moving at the time of pain, then it can be judged that the birth is taking place correctly and safely for the baby. He has enough oxygen to stay inside his mother for several hours.

Does the baby move between contractions?

The baby should not move between contractions. If he is in his usual environment, he has enough oxygen, then he will not show signs of discomfort. It is very important to breathe during childbirth correctly, listening to the recommendations of the doctor. Because the safety of the child and the duration of the process directly depend on this.

All pregnant women know that the movement of a child in the womb is one of the indicators of his condition. But the answer to the question of whether fetal movements are felt during contractions remains unclear for many. Let's try to figure out how the baby behaves at the time of his birth, and find out whether or not the child should move during birth process.

How do babies move in the womb?

The fetus begins to move in the uterus already at 8-9 weeks of gestation, but at this time the expectant mother cannot yet feel these movements, because the child is still too small. Pregnant women can feel the first movements of the baby as early as 16 weeks. However, a little more late deadline the appearance of the first light tremors in the stomach is also not considered a deviation from the norm.

At first, the movements will be rare, but as the fetus grows, the woman will notice them more and more often. Most of all, the baby moves in the period from 24 to 30 weeks. From the moment when the movements become distinct, the pregnant woman will need to pay attention to how and how much the child moves in her womb: this will be one of the indicators of his well-being. Starting from the 28th week of pregnancy, a woman can count the number of movements made by the fetus within 12 hours: this figure should not be less than 10. If deviations from the norm are observed downward or there are no movements at all during this period of time, this should be paid attention to and contact the gynecologist leading the pregnancy as soon as possible. In addition, you should be wary if the child behaves too actively: this may indicate oxygen starvation. However, do not panic ahead of time. Much also depends on the temperament of the baby: some children move more often and more, others less. In addition, sometimes the mother may simply not notice the movements of the fetus. However, at the next scheduled inspection you need to tell your doctor about your doubts.

But how does the child behave shortly before birth? In the third trimester of pregnancy, the fetus is actively gaining weight, so over time it becomes crowded in the mother's stomach. Because of this, the motor activity of the baby is significantly reduced. In addition, before childbirth, the stomach drops somewhat, the child is fixed in the small pelvis, preparing for passage through the birth canal. In most cases, there is no reason to worry if the fetus has become less likely to move on recent weeks pregnancy. It's perfect normal phenomenon. The movements will not be felt as often as before, but they will not disappear completely. Basically, the baby with jerks makes it clear to the mother that she has taken an uncomfortable position, and he does not like it.

However, it also happens that the baby moves right up to the very birth and only briefly calms down just before they begin. If the indications of ultrasound and CTG do not differ from the norm, this only indicates that a very active baby is growing in the mother's stomach.

Baby movements during contractions

The main moment of any pregnancy is childbirth. The further health of the mother and, of course, her baby depends on how they pass. Therefore, during the birth process, pregnant women continue to listen to their feelings and strive to understand how the child feels, who should be born very soon. Many of them absolutely do not feel how the fetus moves during contractions, and worry about whether everything is in order. Doctors assure: even if there are no fetal movements noticeable to the mother at the time of childbirth, this does not mean that the baby is not moving.

In fact, at the time of his birth healthy child is in motion whenever the next contraction begins, because uterine contractions bring discomfort and pain not only for the mother, but also for the baby. In addition, in this way he accelerates his birth. However, the pain from contractions most often overshadows these movements, so it may seem to a woman that the child does not have any motor activity. In fact, at such moments, the baby is repelled by the heels from the bottom of the uterus and gradually moves along the birth canal. At this time, he can also press his chin to his chest and turn to take the position necessary for exiting the small pelvis. In addition, during the final stage of labor, he rotates his head to the left and right to ensure an easier and painless birth. By the way, the expectant mother may well feel the movements of her child, when the contractions of the uterus are still insignificant.

What happens in those moments when there are no contractions? It would seem that in moments of calm, the mother should feel her baby. But it turns out that normally between contractions, the baby should not move. At this time, he, like his mother, is gaining strength for the next “step”. If the fetus begins to move actively even before the next contractions begin, this is cause for alarm: it is likely that the child develops hypoxia. This condition requires urgent medical intervention, so this behavior of the fetus in the womb should be immediately reported to obstetricians. However, as a rule, any undesirable changes in the child's condition are reflected in his heartbeat, including hypoxia. Since during childbirth, specialists constantly monitor heartbeat fetus, it will not be difficult for them to suspect the danger in time and take appropriate measures.

It also happens that the child practically does not move at the time of contractions, although this is rather an exception to the rule. Even with this course of events, childbirth can be quite successful, although it usually lasts longer than for women in labor whose children are actively involved in the process of their birth.

Thus, the answer to the question of whether the child should move during contractions is unequivocal: yes, it should. This facilitates the birth process and helps the baby to be born faster. Women do not feel these movements at all due to the fact that during contractions the sensitivity is significantly dulled. But this is not a reason to panic: if doctors do not observe any negative changes in the behavior and condition of the child, most likely, the birth is proceeding normally, and very soon long-awaited baby will be in the arms of his mother.

During pregnancy, the expectant mother feels the movements of her baby. However, the proximity of childbirth may cause her some concerns, because the movements of the fetus become less active. As a result of this, it is important to understand whether the baby should move during and before contractions, and to what extent?

Before contractions

When the baby moves in the womb, she has special feelings that cannot be compared with anything. Is it worth it to worry and run to the doctor if the fetus has become less active closer to childbirth? The fact is that in the third trimester, his movements are limited, because the volume of water near him decreases. As the baby grows in size, there is less and less room to actively move. However, his nervous system fully matures, as a result of which reflexes are formed, which are necessary, among other things, in order to be born safely and live on.

How closer acquaintance baby with the real world outside the womb of his mother, the less often he moves. It seems that it subsides before the next important events. It's like the calm before the storm. But due to the size of the fetus and the limited uterine cavity, a woman perfectly feels almost any of his movements. The child can even create pain, because often the mother herself is to blame for his discomfort, for example, when he crosses his legs. The movements of the baby in the womb at the end of pregnancy are a kind of dialogue with his mother. So he informs that she is doing something wrong. You need to be careful about such manifestations!

Does the baby move before contractions? Yes, but it is important to remember that internal shocks are active only until 32-34 weeks. IN last days During pregnancy, movements can become so rare that a woman may begin to worry about the condition of her baby. If there are any concerns and the child is too quiet, you need to see a doctor to determine the condition of the fetus. The complete absence of movements of the child before contractions may indicate oxygen starvation or hypoxia, which means that serious measures must be taken. But if the baby is too active, you should also consult a doctor. Even the slightest suspicion must be refuted or confirmed by a specialist!

Therefore, it is important that at the end of pregnancy there is always someone nearby who can take the woman to the hospital at any time. Sometimes urgent action is required, on which the life of the baby or his mother depends.

During fights

Does the baby move during contractions? Of course, because this is an important part of the birth act. While a woman feels tolerable pain, she can feel all the movements of the child. But as the quiet intervals between contractions shorten, the pain increases. It is difficult for a woman to understand whether her baby, who is in shock, is moving, because the calm atmosphere has been replaced by something chaotic. He begins to push off with his legs from the anterior uterine wall, but because of pain, his mother may not feel it. By the way, too active fetal movements may indicate hypoxia, then the doctor will take the necessary actions.

How does the baby understand that labor has begun?

Modern science believes that the birth of the baby, or rather, his body starts itself. Of course, the fetus does not have the experience of giving birth, but in most cases, during childbirth, without complications, it does everything right - this is how nature arranged it. When the first contractions start, future mother oxytocin is produced, a substance that we know as the hormone of love. He comes to the baby and reassures him, because childbirth is also a great emotional and physical stress for a child. However, all the shocks that await the child during childbirth are within the boundaries of his capabilities.

What does the fetus feel during contractions?

Presumably, children feel something like a strong hug, more discomfort than pain. Doctors suggest that adults experience such sensations when they try to crawl under a fence. During contractions, the baby receives less and less oxygen from the placenta (this is normal), and this has a calming effect on him - he falls into a kind of trance, some babies can even sleep while the cervix is ​​​​opening.

What does he hear and see while he is born?

This issue has been little studied. It is known that children hear their mother and other relatives even before birth. During the time spent in the womb, the baby gets used to the mother's voice and can recognize it at such a difficult moment for him as birth. As for vision during childbirth, nothing concrete is known either: doctors say that immediately after birth, the child sees everything indistinctly, the picture in front of his eyes is blurry. However, at a distance from his mother's chest to his face, he already begins to see more clearly - and this is not accidental, as the baby sets the first eye contact with your most important person.

How does a baby breathe as it passes through the birth canal?

In the womb, the lungs do not work, they are filled with fluid. During childbirth, the baby continues to receive oxygen from the mother, that is, through the placenta. But his lungs are already preparing to take their first breath - the fluid gradually leaves during childbirth, allowing the respiratory organs to expand. After birth, the placenta ceases to perform its function, the pressure drops, and blood begins to flow into the lungs in the required volumes.

How does the baby move during labor?

Shortly before the onset of labor, the baby descends into the entrance to the pelvis, and when the uterus begins to contract, the fetus goes on a journey through the birth canal. During this time, he manages to press his head against his chest in order to squeeze into a narrower part of the pelvis, and then turn over to face his mother's spine. If the baby lies facing mother's belly, contractions may become more painful, then doctors may ask the woman in labor to walk so that the fetus still takes a normal position. Before birth, the baby makes a few more movements: he unbends his neck, and when the head is born, he turns sideways (often doctors help the baby do this semi-rotation), and then, starting from the bottom of the uterus, appears entirely.

Is the baby scared?

There is an opinion that children feel discomfort from the fact that life in the womb is over and that the uterus ceases to be cozy home. Some psychologists tend to believe that because of this, the baby experiences fear of loss during childbirth, is afraid that he will no longer have a mother. But no one knows for sure. It is known, however, that the birth itself becomes a shock for a child, and the intensity of these sensations depends on how noisy and light the room is.

Is the baby in pain during childbirth?

Scientists have found that babies are able to feel pain even before birth, from about the 20th week of pregnancy. However, little is known about the baby's feelings during the birth process. Scientists believe that the child does not feel pain as such, and certainly the labor pain that accompanies a woman does not concern him.

How does he manage to get out through such a small opening?

It's all about the mobility of the bones of the skull. It seems to consist of small tiles that change their position, allowing the baby to move through the birth canal. After natural childbirth The head of any newborn is slightly deformed, but after a couple of days everything will return to normal. In addition, it helps to give birth to a baby comfortable posture (we are talking about children in cephalic presentation) - he tries to shrink so as to become as small as possible.