How to care for your baby's skin: important points. Proper baby skin care: basic principles

With your own hands

Hygiene – essential element caring for an infant is the key to the successful development and good health of the newborn. It includes morning routine, and procedures that are carried out throughout the day.

After the baby wakes up, the first thing you need to do is wash the eyes, clean the ears and nose, and wash. At the same time, pay attention to your hygiene. Before starting the procedure, be sure to wash your hands with soap. Choose only high-quality and safe products. Let's take a closer look at how to properly carry out morning procedures for a newborn baby.

Morning baby care

Eye care carried out using a cotton swab, which is moistened in warm boiled water. Wipe the eye with a swab from the outer corner to the inner. Get a new tampon for each eye! When a child's eyes are very watery, you can prepare a special infusion of pharmaceutical chamomile or calendula. Dilute 1-1.5 tablespoons of the herb with 200 ml of boiling water and leave for an hour. Then wipe each eye with the infusion. For children older than 3-4 months, the infusion can be instilled into the eyes, this will prevent the appearance of.

Nose care It is important to do this every day so that the snot does not clog the mucous membranes and interfere with normal breathing. Characteristic for a newborn physiological runny nose, which goes away on its own by 2.5-3 months. At this age, the baby does not yet know how to blow his nose, so the baby’s nasal passages need to be cleaned. The nose can be cleaned with soft cotton swabs dipped in vegetable oil. Instead of cotton swabs, flagella from cotton swabs are also used, as they are softer and safer.

Liquid mucus is removed using light rotational movements with a stick or flagellum, dry mucus is removed using sea water. Sea water does not cause allergies and is safe for a newborn. It eliminates allergies, colds and other types of runny nose. How else to treat a runny nose, and how to properly clean a newborn’s nose, read.

Ear care must be done very carefully and at least once a week. You only need to clean the outer ear, since the delicate ear canals of a newborn are easily damaged. To clean, take soft cotton swabs and soak them in water, then gently wipe your ears.

Facial care carried out after you have cleaned your nose, eyes and ears. Wipe your baby's face with wet wipes or wash with running water. In addition, you can use a special chamomile decoction. To do this, pour two tablespoons of dry chamomile into a liter of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Moisten a cotton pad with the infusion and wipe your face. After washing, it is important to wipe the skin dry using disposable wipes.

Caring for the umbilical wound needed in the first days of a newborn’s life, since the wound heals 10 days after birth. Sometimes she bleeds at this time, which is normal for babies. For processing, take hydrogen peroxide 3% and brilliant green. Soak a cotton swab or swab in peroxide and wipe the navel area. Remove dry crusts when they soften. Then clean the wound again with peroxide, dry it and treat it with brilliant green.

Intimate hygiene is also very important for the newborn. Washing the genitals and buttocks is done warm water without soap, and it is better to wipe with dry wipes, since towels dry out and irritate the skin. In addition, disposable wipes are more hygienic. After drying, the skin and skin folds are treated with special products, which can be used as baby diaper creams or powders containing talc.

Caring for your baby during the day

In addition to morning hygiene, it is important to perform other procedures throughout the day. So, after each bowel movement, you need to organize washing for the baby. When the skin is dry, apply baby cream with talc or powder to the skin folds. For dry skin, baby moisturizing oil or milk is better, and for oily skin, powder. After feeding, carefully wipe the corners of the baby's mouth; leftover milk or food can lead to allergies, thrush and other problems.

Change the diaper after each bowel movement and every 3-4 hours, regardless of the degree of wetness. It is important to take air baths after a diaper, as it negatively affects the baby’s skin, can cause allergies and leads to diaper rash.

Regularly check the skin folds on your neck and the spaces between your fingers, as they often accumulate in such places. small threads and villi. Wipe with wet and dry wipes.

In addition, the baby needs to cut his nails regularly, since long edges of the nails can lead to wounds and scratches on the skin, because the baby cannot yet follow the movements. The child begins to understand and control the movements of the arms and legs only after three months. It is better to cut nails when the baby is sleeping. For the procedure, choose scissors with rounded edges and thin blades. If you are afraid of injuring your baby, purchase special pliers with a magnifying glass that will enlarge the area of ​​the nail.

Bathing is one of the main rituals when caring for a baby, which should be done every day! The first time, bathing is carried out for 10-15 minutes at a temperature not lower than 37 degrees above zero. Then you can gradually reduce the levels by one degree every four to five days. But for babies under four months, the temperature cannot be lowered below 32 degrees. After bathing, it is important to dry your child thoroughly with a towel so that no moisture remains on the skin. Otherwise, the child will become hypothermic and get sick.

Bathing and swimming are important for more than just hygiene. Exercises in water develop muscles, help the child’s legs, arms and fingers straighten faster, improve blood circulation and normalize blood pressure. Bathing strengthens the immune system, and procedures before bedtime relax and calm the baby. As a result, the child will sleep soundly and peacefully.

Hygiene products for infants

It is important to choose the right hygiene products for newborns, because many compounds can cause an allergic reaction. As a rule, an allergy in an infant manifests itself within two days. If during this time a negative reaction does not appear, you can safely use creams, lotions and other cosmetic items. If your baby has an allergy, stop using this product immediately and consult a doctor.

What products will you need to care for your baby:

  • Baby liquid soap;
  • Baby shampoo “no tears”;
  • Cotton pads and cotton swabs;
  • Powders in the form of liquid talc;
  • Wet and dry wipes;
  • Baby oils and lotions;
  • Baby creams with moisturizing properties;
  • Clean towels;
  • Diapers;
  • Hydrogen peroxide 3% and brilliant green;
  • Nail scissors and hair brush.

Take only special means for babies from the first days of life. Before purchasing, carefully study the expiration dates and composition, and check the packaging for integrity. Let's find out in more detail which products are suitable for children under one year old.

How to choose hygiene products for babies

Choose wet wipes impregnated with lavender, chamomile, calendula and other plant extracts, as they are less likely to cause allergies. Do not use products containing alcohol and chlorine, chemicals and various preservatives!

Choose cotton swabs for children under one year old with special restraints. Standard adult products can penetrate too deeply and injure your baby. It is important to choose high-quality sticks with cotton wool tightly attached so that it does not accidentally remain in the nasal or ear canal. Choose napkins and cotton swabs in sealed plastic containers.

Oils and lotions for newborns are used during massage and bathing. Such oils moisturize the skin, relax and remove crusts on the head. Choose only natural products without dyes or other chemicals. Choose neutral, plant-based, fragrance-free liquid soap for newborns. It is desirable that the composition includes glycerin or lanolin. Such substances soften the skin. Liquid soap, oils and lotions, take them in sealed containers with a dispenser.

Also choose plant-based creams with or without glycerin. mineral oils. The cream may contain almond or olive oils. Please note that shorter period suitability of the product, more natural composition. Moisturizer is used after swimming and water procedures. Additionally you can purchase special cream from diaper rash.

In the second or third month of your baby's life, you will need shampoo. It will effectively cope with dirt and excess fat on the head. Baby shampoos will strengthen hair follicles and improve hair growth. Avoid products containing sulfates, diethanolamine, dioxane and formaldehyde. Choose “tearless” shampoos for children under one year of age, as they do not contain fragrances and do not cause allergies, and are characterized by mild and gentle cleaning properties.

Baby powders absorb moisture well, which prevents irritation, diaper rash and redness. Today, powdered powders, which our grandmothers and mothers are accustomed to, are rarely used. Such products, when interacting with moisture, form lumps, which causes discomfort to the child. Modern mothers choose liquid talc, which does not create lumps and forms protective layer on the baby's skin.

Brushes are not used for combing, because a baby at this age still has very little hair. Brushes with fine and soft bristles made from natural quality materials effectively massage the scalp and stimulate hair growth. In addition, they remove crusts from the newborn's head. After six months, when your baby’s hair has already increased, buy a special baby comb with rounded teeth. Don't forget about nail clippers. They should have rounded edges and a thin blade.

A child's delicate skin needs careful care and special care from the first days of the baby's life. Her health and beauty in the future depends on this.

Initially, a child’s skin is very thin and delicate and is finally formed only by the age of 12. Infant skin contains a lot of water, is practically devoid of its own acidic protective layer and is not able to withstand external influences: harmful bacteria, infections and other irritants. She is very sensitive, gentle and requires special attention and care. Irritation can occur from the slightest friction - be it from a diaper, diaper or washcloth. Even clothes containing synthetic fiber can easily cause prickly heat, itching or simply discomfort for the baby.

As the child grows up, so does his skin. Over time, she will be less affected external factors. But until this happens, she requires special care, including the use of special children's products. It's important to remember that healthy skin for a baby it is not only a feeling of comfort, but also the main barrier to the penetration of germs.

There are several basic rules for caring for a child’s skin and his things.

1. Nutrition and hydration

Since the baby's sebaceous glands do not yet work normally, the surface of the baby's skin is much drier than that of adults, so it needs constant nutrition and hydration. Light moisturizing creams are evenly applied to the skin, quickly absorbed without leaving greasy shine, soften the skin and maintain natural moisture levels. These creams can be used throughout the day to leave your skin soft and smooth. And they must be used to replenish moisture loss after taking water procedures, as well as during the hot season.

Nourishing creams not only nourish, but also protect the skin of babies. The basis of these creams is mineral and natural oils. Mineral oil, forming a thin film, remains on the surface of the skin and thus provides it with protection. Natural oil penetrates deep into the skin, nourishing, moisturizing and softening it.

A child's delicate skin is very vulnerable. With the task of recovery skin And the children's anti-inflammatory cream "Eared Nannies" does an excellent job of providing protection. Thanks to optimal combination mineral and natural oils he contributes fast healing and skin regeneration.

Of course, it will be best if you prevent inflammation from occurring. To do this, you need to constantly carefully monitor the condition of the baby’s skin and, if possible, prevent the occurrence of irritation. If they are not prevented, serious consequences may arise in the future.

It must be remembered that a child’s skin is also an indicator of his internal health. Pimples and redness can also be caused by food allergies, so it is important to always remember what new foods your child has eaten. Lately, this will allow you to quickly remove a potential allergen from your baby’s diet. Likewise, allergic rashes can appear in response to the most various factors external influence: dust, pollen, animal hair. An allergic reaction to unsuitable cosmetics is also possible.

2. Proper diaper changing is important.

Disposable diapers are convenient, quick and easy. But they do not guarantee a complete absence of troubles - diaper rash, irritation and redness on the skin. A completely comfortable existence in a diaper for a child can be ensured by proper care of the baby’s skin.

The skin under the diaper becomes especially sensitive to external irritants. Therefore, even if you buy the best diapers for your baby, you should not abuse their continuous use. Remember that the optimal time for wearing one diaper during the day should not exceed 3 hours, and only at night, if the child sleeps peacefully, this time can be extended to 8-10 hours. You should not put a new diaper on your child immediately after removing the old one. Set aside 10-15 minutes for your child to take “air baths.”

Every time you change a diaper, the baby must be washed under warm running water, and girls are washed only from front to back to avoid infection. Baby cream soap will help cleanse your skin quickly and thoroughly. When there is no way to wash child, you should definitely use specially designed cleansing wet wipes. If your baby's skin is prone to dryness, it is best not to just use wet wipes, and cleansing cream wipes "Eared Nyan".

A new diaper should only be put on the baby’s clean and dry bottom, having previously treated it and the groin area with a special baby diaper protective cream, which prevents diaper rash and irritation.

3. Choose children's cosmetics wisely

When choosing children's cosmetics, pay attention to the fact that not all children's cosmetics can always be used from the first days of a baby's life. A baby's skin is too thin and sensitive, so it is better to use creams and detergents to care for it. designed specifically for newborns.

For example, when choosing baby shampoo, remember that the fluff that replaces newborn hair in the first months of life, and the hairs that replace it, are much thinner and weaker than the hair of an adult, and the emerging top layer of the scalp is still very delicate and vulnerable. In this regard, baby shampoo should be pH-neutral so as not to wash out the natural protective layer, not dry out the skin, rinse off well and not irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes.

The smell of the products you use when caring for your child is no less important. Sharp synthetic perfume fragrances irritate infants and may even cause allergic reactions. Therefore, children's cosmetics should have a neutral, subtle and as natural scent as possible.

To avoid allergic reactions, do not forget to test all new cosmetic preparations first on a small area of ​​the body. If after some time the skin in this area remains clean and of normal color, then you can safely use the chosen product.

4. It’s trite but true: cleanliness is the key to health.

Most children enjoy swimming: warm water calms them down and helps them fall asleep. Children should be bathed at the same time every day; best before feeding.

Wash the bath thoroughly before use, then pour water into it. The air temperature in the bathing room should be 22-24ºС. Optimal temperature water - 36-37ºС. You can add medicinal substances to the water ( sea ​​salt, herbal extracts) or special children's bath foam.

It is very important to immerse your baby in the bath correctly. The left hand should be placed under the child’s back, grabbing his left armpit. The back of the head and head in this case rest on your shoulder; We support the baby from below with our right hand. After immersion in water, be sure to support the child’s head and torso with your left hand and forearm. The water level should not cover the top chest. The duration of bathing ranges from 3 to 15 minutes. Right hand soft in a circular motion alternately soap the child’s head, neck, armpits, arms, chest, stomach and legs, and the soaped areas should be rinsed immediately. For washing, use a special baby gel. At the end of the procedure, the child must be rinsed clean water. While rinsing, cover his head with your hand to prevent water from getting into his eyes.

When washing your child's hair, pay attention to the condition of the scalp. If you notice crusts of milk scab, be sure to remove them. To do this, 2 hours before the evening bath, thickly lubricate the baby's head with baby oil, and when the crusts soften, remove them using a fine-toothed comb. After this, wash your baby's hair with baby shampoo.

To simplify the procedure for washing your baby, you can use a universal bathing product from head to toe. It performs two functions at once - it cleanses both the body and the head well.

In the baby hygiene complex important role plays care of the nose, ears and nails. To regularly clean the nose, use a tightly rolled cotton wool moistened with baby oil. Using gentle rotating movements, insert it into the nasal passage to a depth of 1.5-2 cm and remove accumulated secretions from the nose. If there is too much mucus, use a nasal aspirator.

Your baby's ears should be cleaned after bathing. For this it is better to use cotton swabs with limiter. In this case, only the auricle should be cleaned, without going deeper into the ear canal.

Don't forget about your baby's nails. Be prepared for the fact that children grow very quickly and require regular care. Use small scissors for this, and it is better if they have blunt ends. Some people find it convenient to use baby nail clippers. It is more convenient to cut nails when the baby is sleeping, but be careful. To avoid touching the skin, squeeze the pads of your fingers.

5. Baby's clothes require special care

Since children's skin is extremely delicate and reacts very sensitively to external irritants, Special attention You should also pay attention to the care of children's clothing and dishes. The immune system of babies in the first months of life is still very imperfect, which is why the risk of allergic reactions even in an initially healthy child is quite high.

It is impossible to avoid contact with clothing or utensils. Therefore, proper care for them is very important. Since a simple rinse in boiling water cannot always completely wash the baby’s clothes or wash the dishes that you use to feed the baby, you will have to use detergents. Of course, the use of conventional detergents is unacceptable, since they all have complex chemical composition, contain aggressive components that can provoke allergic reactions. To this day, many parents continue to believe that the best means for washing and washing children's clothes - baby soap. But this is far from the most effective method removing contaminants. And mom doesn’t always have an extra hour and a half to hand wash the accumulated children’s clothes.

Therefore more the right choice There will be the use of detergents from the "Eared Nyan" series. After all, they not only perfectly remove dirt, but are also completely safe for children (all products have successfully passed clinical tests for hypoallergenicity and are intended for washing newborn clothes).

Russian mothers give preference to domestic children's cosmetics, trusting their quality. The World of Childhood company has developed new formulas for already familiar Russian products, and thanks to the spectacular, memorable design, the brand’s products are easy to find on store shelves. “World of Childhood” bathing products are safe for baby’s skin. They do not contain synthetic dyes, parabens, silicones, SLS, SLES. Shampoos, gels and bathing foams contain only mild detergent ingredients that...

00 Moscow time there will be a webinar on baby skin care - a newborn and the first years of life. Here [link-1]. The pediatrician will give information about what problems most often occur, how to solve them, what to apply, what principle to choose cosmetics for the baby, etc. Can...

Every child can benefit from a walk outside at any time of the year. The freshest air outside occurs in winter. However, there are special rules for walking in winter. So, it is important to know how to protect your child’s skin from frost. Children's skin is the most soft skin, since, unlike adult skin, it is most susceptible to natural aggressive factors. Children's skin suffers more from wind, frost and cold. In ancient times, before going outside with a child, the child’s skin was smeared with various...

Children's skin differs from adult skin in its high moisture content and lower content of sebaceous secretions, because... The sebaceous glands are less wealthy, so the protective oily film is very thin. In winter, when it is frosty outside, and the indoors, under the influence of central heating, on the contrary, is hot and dry, the child’s fragile skin needs special care. In this article, a dermatologist and cosmetologist at the Children's Clinic of the Literary Fund will tell you about the rules for caring for children's skin during the cold season. Before...

Share your experience on caring for your baby's skin after allergic dermatitis. The dermatologist offered several products to choose from: 1. Emozium 2. Xemosis Uriage 3. Extrem Aven 4. Atoderm Bioderma 5. Mustela Stelatopia 6. Locobase Riepa.


We use Atoderm, Topicrem (it’s cheaper plus larger jars), and Lipikar for skin care. Mostly shower gels and lotions (with urea) are used afterwards. Our skin is very dry and this determines the choice of products. They also recommended Dardia to us, but somehow I never came across it in pharmacies - they didn’t use it.

We used Mustela Stelatopia, Skincup, Bepanten!

23.12.2010 14:29:36, NataliaS

1.Chicco cream helps well against diaper rash.
2. It is better to bathe a child up to the 3rd month in boiled water with chamomile and string. Others don't bathe, but we decided it was better to be safe.
3. The skin peels off - a kind of adaptation process to life without amniotic fluid, in cat. The baby swam for 9 months. Apply "Bübchen" milk, warm it in your hands and lubricate the baby's body.
4.See clause 3
5. Heat rash occurs because the child is dressed too warmly. Touch the back of the neck - if it is wet, it means they wrapped it too warmly. The child must be dressed as himself + 1 more layer of clothing.
6. This is prickly heat, but it’s better to consult a pediatrician.
7. It is better to pat dry with a towel and lubricate the baby with cosmetic baby milk.
8. They can do it from birth, but by 3 months, when the intestines have developed their flora, they should go away. But we need to show the baby to the doctor, we ourselves thought it was colic, but it turned out to be dysbacteriosis.
9. I don’t know, maybe individual. Ask your doctor.activated carbon
zinc ointment (lassara paste)
chlorophyllipt (helps very well in the fight against all kinds of pimples and
fukortsin (aka castellani liquid)
Vaseline oil (more and better use it for cosmetic purposes)
vitamin D3 (water or oil solution)
against abdominal colic - espumisan or sub-simplex (which helps)
oxolinic ointment (to smear the nose to prevent acute respiratory infections, etc., it also helps adults)
smallest enema (2 pieces)
gas outlet tube (not for everyone, I didn’t dare use it)
for taking baths - herbs chamomile, motherwort, string, sea salt,
pine extract

for Mom:

to increase lactation - apilak and mlekoin, lactavit tea (if necessary)
bepanten (take to the maternity hospital to prevent cracked nipples)

Zelenka, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, activated charcoal, chamomile, snot sucker :), cotton wool on a stick, children's panadol (for crumbs), St. John's wort, dill water, gas outlet tube. Not everything may be useful, but it's better to have it all.

04/28/2001 14:19:09, By

Human skin is a complex mechanism that must perform many important functions: barrier and protective, excretory and thermoregulatory, receptor (reactions to touch, temperature, superficial pain sensitivity). However, the skin of a newborn baby has its own very important features:

  • its surface is covered with a secretion with a reaction of the environment close to neutral;
  • it is very delicate, easily affected, the surface layers peel off easily;
  • The sweat and sebaceous glands do not work sufficiently.

When you first touch your baby's cheek, you will immediately feel how soft his skin is. The baby's thin, sensitive and delicate skin requires protection and daily care from you, because the protective function of the skin of a newborn baby is low.

The skin of a newborn has not yet developed its own natural protection against bacteria and the influence of various physical factors environment, and therefore reacts sensitively to all external stimuli. Any impact that is insignificant for an adult can cause irritation or redness of the baby’s skin.

Part of the reason for damage to the skin is the inept (careless) care of the parents themselves for the baby or the use of incorrectly chosen skin care products for the baby. Provoking factors are:

  • the child’s tendency to allergic reactions;
  • violation of the diet of a nursing mother;
  • use of children's cosmetics based on mineral oils;
  • tight or synthetic clothing;
  • wet diapers (diapers);
  • overheating or hypothermia of the baby;
  • teething;
  • lack of direct skin contact with air.

So, given that the skin of a newborn requires especially careful care, you need to take care of its health and normal functioning from the first days of life.

The most common danger to a baby's skin in the first months of life is the so-called diaper rash or diaper dermatitis.

Diaper dermatitis is a non-infectious inflammation of the skin, which is almost always a consequence improper care associated with improper use of diapers (diapers), reaction to mechanical stress, squeezing, maceration (wetting) after prolonged contact with urine and feces, soap residues.

Prickly heat also applies to non-infectious inflammatory processes and is the result of improper care. If the child is dressed too warmly, “wrapped up”, a compensatory expansion of the ducts occurs sweat glands and the surrounding capillaries. Miliaria manifests itself as a pink nodular (papular) rash.

Diaper rash and prickly heat can manifest as redness of the skin, and sometimes blisters and peeling may appear. The most vulnerable places for their occurrence are the areas of the groin folds, under the arms, under the knees, on the neck and buttocks. That is, where there are natural folds of the skin or in places of contact with clothing. Carefully inspect the area behind the ears: there may also be redness or flaking areas of the skin.

Part of the reason for the occurrence of such skin lesions is individual characteristics skin of a newborn. In order to prevent diaper dermatitis and prickly heat, it is necessary to keep the baby's skin dry and pure form. This can always be achieved if you adhere to the following rules:

  • carefully care for the baby, promptly replace diapers (diapers) as they become dirty;
  • Do not use harsh detergents or soaps intended for adults;
  • prevent the occurrence of abrasions. To do this, select clothes made from natural fabrics (for example, cotton) with a minimum number of seams (turn them inside out);
  • maintain in the room required level humidity;
  • avoid prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • leave the baby naked for a while during changing, observing the temperature regime so that the skin can “breathe”;
  • observe the bathing regime;
  • Use only cosmetics specifically designed for children.

Proper care care for the skin of newborns ensures the normal development of the baby’s skin in the first year of life, forms the necessary conditions for the further development of his body, increases resistance to aggressive environmental influences.

The principles of newborn skin care stem from its structural and functional features. In a nutshell, they can be formulated something like this: you need to help the skin perform its protective function - and not interfere with its breathing. Let's try to list the basic procedures that will help you follow this principle.

Treatment of the umbilical wound

The umbilical wound is treated until it is completely closed and there is no discharge during its treatment. For treatment, it is recommended to use a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide; the edges of the umbilical wound must be opened. If there are crusts at the bottom of the wound, they must be removed. At the end of the procedure, the wound is treated with a 1-2% solution of brilliant green or a 5% solution of potassium permanganate. The visiting nurse should teach the parents how to treat the umbilical wound.

Changing a diaper (diaper)

Using disposable diapers(diapers) you need to ensure that their top layer is dry. In any case, do not reuse them. The newborn must be washed daily during the morning toilet and after each urination or defecation. If necessary, wash the child with baby soap. After washing, the skin is dried.

Special napkins

It is advisable to use special napkins for washing while walking, visiting, or in a clinic.

Treatment of natural skin folds

After moisturizing the skin, it is necessary to treat the inguinal, cervical, popliteal and other folds of the skin. To do this, you can use specialized baby creams. You cannot lubricate the entire body with cream: this paralyzes the respiratory function of the skin and can even lead to hypoxia (lack of oxygen in the blood). Do not use creams with synthetic ingredients.


A properly organized bathing process usually brings great pleasure to the child and is one of the main ways to care for the skin. Water treatments harden the child, improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in the child’s body. If there are no contraindications for health reasons, it is advisable to bathe the baby daily during the first half of the year, and every other day during the second half of the year.

The temperature of the water in the bath should not be lower than 35 ° C, ideally 37 ° C. Fill the bath no more than half or two-thirds of the total volume. The duration of bathing at first should not exceed 2-3 minutes. Bathe your baby mainly in the evening, before bed. Do not overuse detergents. It is not necessary to wash your child with soap every day. When washing, lather your hand with soap, not directly the baby's skin. The soap must certainly be for children; it does not dry out or irritate children’s skin.

You can wash your baby's hair no more than once a week, starting from 2 weeks of age. To wash your hair, use baby shampoo that does not irritate the eyes (tear-free shampoo). After bathing, do not dry your baby, but pat him dry with a towel. If a full bath for the baby is impossible for some reason, you can resort to a procedure called a “sponge” bath: the child is gently wiped with a soft sponge soaked in warm water.

Moisturizing baby's skin

The child's skin must be examined every day. If you notice dryness certain areas, they should be moistened. Baby skin does not retain moisture, so moisturize it daily light cream, which is quickly absorbed and maintains the skin's natural moisture. Usually the cream is applied to the surface of the skin in a thin layer.

Air and sunbathing

Air and sunbathing Parents perceive them primarily as hardening procedures, but they are an integral element of skin hygiene, as they help prevent prickly heat and diaper rash. In no case should the baby be exposed to direct sun rays, it can lie in the garden in the shade of trees, under a lattice awning or on the veranda (of course, at an adequate ambient temperature). This regime will allow the child’s skin not only to “ventilate” well, but also to receive a minimum dose ultraviolet rays, necessary for the production of vitamin D.

In winter, of course, you will have to do without sunbathing, but air baths can also be arranged in an apartment. When swaddling or changing clothes, leave your baby naked for a while. It will be enough for a newborn to lie on his stomach for 2-3 minutes before each feeding; a three-month-old baby can take air baths for a total of 15 - 20 minutes a day; up to six months, their time should be increased to 30 minutes, and by a year - up to 40 minutes per day. day.

If you notice any unusual changes on your baby's skin, immediately contact a pediatric dermatologist or pediatrician! In any case, do not try to treat your child yourself. There are many diseases that cause lesions on children's skin. Often their symptoms are very similar, so only an experienced doctor can make a correct diagnosis, find out the need for correction and prescribe an effective course of treatment.

Cosmetics for newborns are divided into the following categories:

  • For daily hygiene;
  • for changing diapers;
  • for swimming;
  • to protect the skin from bad weather and sun.

Daily hygiene products include baby lotions, creams and butters (butters).

Lotion Designed to cleanse and moisturize the skin. It degreases the skin and removes dirt. A single application of the lotion on the face, groin area, and under the arms is sufficient.

Baby cream - one of the main components for baby skin care. The so-called barrier cream is applied under the diaper to prevent or treat diaper dermatitis. Before using a new cream, first apply it to a small area of ​​skin. And only after making sure that the cream does not cause allergies can you use it.

Baby soap does not lead to drying or irritation of the skin. It is good to wash your child with this soap, because you have to do this several times during the day. The main advantage baby shampoos is the absence of irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, so bathing takes place without tears.

Baby oil can be vegetable or mineral. Preference should always be given to vegetable oils. It must be remembered that baby oil should be applied to well-dried skin (especially after bathing), in small quantity. Usually the oil is well absorbed and does not leave a greasy film on the skin.

Weather cosmetics used when the baby is in the sun, strong wind, or cold. In summer, special children's sunscreen lotions and creams require reapplication outside, even if the child is in the shade. But when the air temperature is below 10 ° C, it is impossible to treat the baby’s skin with any cosmetics.

What is the most important thing for every mother? Of course it's health. Good health her children. And it begins with personal hygiene, which is provided first by the baby’s parents, and then by the grown-up child himself.

Features of a child's skin

Complete care of children's skin is possible only if you know its features well.

In infants, the skin is in the process of development. They are still immature and just in the process of growing. In newborns and infants under 1 year of age, the epidermis (the layer that performs a protective function) is 2-3 times thinner than in older children and adults. Therefore the skin is completely small child more delicate and sensitive, which means the likelihood of irritation in areas of friction is very high.

The sweat and sebaceous glands of newborns have a special structure. In a small child, the sweat glands are located very densely, and their number is sometimes 6-7 times greater than in an adult. Such features can lead to their underdevelopment, which negatively affects the body’s thermoregulation. In fact, children under 6 months do not have this function. That is why there is a high risk of hypothermia or overheating of the child when the temperature changes. In addition, in the heat, children experience irritation and itching. Sweat glands fully develop only by the end of the child’s 1st year of life. Sebaceous glands in children also have characteristics. Firstly, there are significantly more of them than in adults. Secondly, they usually function with some reserve. Excessive discharge sebaceous glands sometimes lead to a whole range of problems. For example, if this process is very active in the head area, then so-called milk crusts can form in the crown area, and small cysts can form near the nose and areas located next to it. As the child grows, the functioning of the sebaceous glands normalizes.

Leatherthe child has a developed network of capillaries and increased vascular permeability. This feature, on the one hand, increases the risk of infection spreading through the bloodstream, and on the other hand, promotes effective gas exchange. We can say that the child literally breathes through his skin. In other words, the protective function of the epidermis of a newborn is inferior to that of an adult, but the respiratory function is significantly superior. This feature largely determines that babies have a beautiful pink-pearl-colored skin tone.

IN stratum corneum a small child contains a large number of water and very little lipids. This feature leads to the fact that water-soluble substances pass through children's skin more easily than through the skin of adults. In addition, infants have significantly developed subcutaneous fat. The ratio of hypodermis mass to body weight in children is five times higher than in adults. This suggests that when exposed to harmful substances, intoxication child's body will be stronger and develop faster than in an adult.

Leathernewborns have a nearly neutral pH level. In a child it is approximately 6.5, and in an adult it is 5.5. Nevertheless, this indicator in infants decreases quite quickly: during the first month of life, the pH reaches 5.5. The baby has an acid mantle (a slightly acidic mixture of sweat and sebum), which provides protection against pathogenic microorganisms and creates conditions for the development of normal microflora. At the same time, it is quite sensitive to negative external influences and is easily damaged by applied preparations that are not intended for caring for the skin of a child.

Until six months of age, the pigment melanin in newborns is secreted in a very small volume. This fact suggests that the baby’s skin is practically defenseless against the action of UV rays.

Thus, children's skin is very delicate, thin and easily vulnerable, susceptible to microbes and toxic substances, prone to damage. water balance, sensitive to negative impacts environment. That's why it's correct daily care taking care of a child's skin is of particular importance. It should be carried out using delicate baby hygiene products.

Basic hygiene procedures for children

Washing and washing hands. This procedure should be especially careful in the first months of a child’s life. To do this, the newborn's face and hands should be regularly wiped with swabs soaked in boiled water. To process each eye you need to take a new one. cotton pad. From 5-6 months, the child can be washed with regular running water at room temperature without using tampons. From 2-2.5 years old, children need to instill hygiene skills so that they learn self-care behind your body. A child must be able to wash himself properly, wash his hands before eating, after using the toilet, as well as when they become dirty in any way (after walking, playing with sand, interacting with animals, etc.).

Bathing. Full water procedures can be started only after the umbilical cord falls off. In the first six months, when the baby’s skin is very tender and vulnerable, a hygienic bath should be done every day. This procedure not only ensures cleanliness of the body, it helps to normalize all skin functions, stimulate blood circulation, strengthen the nervous and immune systems, psychomotor development of the child. Babies older than 6 months can be bathed every other day, and after 1 year - 2 times a week. Upon reaching 3 years of age, it is enough to take a bath once a week. Washing and washing your feet should be done daily.

Babies with an umbilical wound that has not completely healed should be bathed in boiled water, sometimes you can add a little potassium permanganate. When the child gets stronger, ordinary tap water is drawn into the bath. It is very useful for children to bathe in a decoction of herbs. Chamomile, nettle, string, lavender and juniper have anti-inflammatory and calming effects. The baby bath must be washed before bathing the baby. hot water with soap, then put a clean diaper or a special mat on its bottom. The temperature of the poured water should not exceed 36-37 °C, and the air in the bathroom - 22 °C (for children in the first months of life), later - 20 °C. The baby must be immersed in the bath very carefully; the head must be placed on the forearm.

In the first days of life, the child’s body should be washed by hand, and a little later with a soft sponge or mitten. For this, ordinary water is used. You should not bathe babies using baby skin care products every day, but 2-3 times a week. It is very important to ensure that water does not get into your eyes, ears and nose. First you need to wash the child’s body, then his head, and then rinse with warm boiled water. You can use it for hair care.

Wiping and care. After bathing the baby, you need to carefully dry it with a soft towel, paying special attention to the folds. They can be treated with special baby skin care products. The ears and nose are cleaned with soft cotton swabs. Scissors with rounded tips are used to trim fingernails and toenails. They can be wiped with alcohol first. After bathing, the bath should be thoroughly rinsed and dried.

Treatment of groin folds and buttocks area. This is especially true for children who wear diapers. The skin underneath is very unpleasant conditions: the level of humidity is increased, there is not enough oxygen, in addition, tender places are rubbed and are constantly in contact with natural baby secretions (urine and feces). In this regard, it is necessary to treat delicate areas with special products as regularly as changing a diaper. Moisture makes a child's skin vulnerable, so prolonged contact with it increases the likelihood of irritation. Before putting on a diaper, the child should be left without clothes for a while (give him an “air bath”). The MIRRA company offers a specially developed product for the care of children's skin in particularly delicate areas -.

Baby skin care products

We answered the question “how to provide a child necessary hygiene?. Now we need to understand in more detail what means can be used for this purpose. The first thing that comes to mind for most parents is baby soap to care for their baby's skin. It has been known for decades; our mothers and grandmothers used it. It seemed like everyone was always happy with him, because the children grew up normally. But today, scientists have decided to improve ordinary baby soap, since it has already been proven that its constant use damages the acid mantle. This is due to the fact that this product always has an alkaline reaction, and therefore changes the pH of the skin (dries it out).

It is better to avoid using regular soap for hygienic purposes (washing hands, bathing, caring for delicate areas, etc.). For these purposes, we suggest using a modern cleanser: . This NEW item in the BABY line of the CHILDREN'S SKIN CARE series is specially designed for gentle and gentle cleansing of the skin of a child of any age. The foam can be used from the first days of the baby's life. The mild surfactants it contains are excellent for children. cosmetics. The pH value of the foam is natural, so it does not irritate or dry out the baby’s sensitive skin.

The foam, like the CHILDREN'S SHAMPOO with aloe juice and chamomile, contains oleic acid glyceryl. This ingredient is produced from sunflower; its structure is similar to the natural components of sebum. In addition, it helps strengthen and preserve the lipid layer of the child's skin. Foam is great for frequent use. It also contains healing extracts of aloe, chamomile and yarrow. They have anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, softening, analgesic, moisturizing, regenerating, soothing and wound-healing effects. Such extracts have long been known and are widely used for the production of children's cosmetics. As you know, proven products are the best choice in matters relating to the health of the child. In addition, the foam contains moisturizing components (glycerin and urea) and an antioxidant (vitamin E). Thanks to the above ingredients, the product helps to maintain the natural protective function of the child’s delicate skin, without affecting the mechanisms of self-regulation, self-defense and self-healing.

As a result, we note that careful care Taking care of your baby usually helps keep his skin healthy. And our cleansers (for example,) will make daily hygiene procedures safer and more complete, and will also give the mother happy moments of communication with the baby. You won’t have to look for anything for a long time or worry anymore, because MIRRA children’s cosmetics from the BABY line perfectly complement and enhance each other’s effects.

Oksana Ivanova
Leading technologist, assistant at the Department of Technology of Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Products of the Russian Chemical Technical University named after. DI. Mendeleev.

1. Dribnokhod Yu.Yu. Cosmetology. Ed. 9th, add. and processed Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2013. - 779 pp.: ill. - (Secondary vocational education).

2. Margolina A.A., Hernandez E.I. New cosmetology. Volume I. M.: LLC "Firm CLAVEL", 2005. - 424 p.: ill.

3. Goncharova Yu.A. Age-related anatomy, physiology and hygiene. Tutorial. Publishing and Printing Center of Voronezh State University, 2008.

P.S. While washing a very young child, you can encourage him with funny rhymes.

Water, water,

Wash my face

To make your eyes sparkle,

To make your cheeks blush,

To make your mouth laugh,

So that the tooth bites.

And for an older child, you can give an entertaining lesson about personal hygiene. You can start it with M. Stelmakh’s poem “The Stork is Washing.”

On the water under the willow tree

The stork walks barefoot

Because this bird

I'm used to washing in the morning.

He touches the vine with his beak,

The dew is shaking on itself,

And under the silver shower

Washes your neck clean and clean

And he doesn’t whine: “Oh, trouble,

  1. Every morning you need to wash your face. Water treatments include washing your hands, face, neck and ears. They should also be carried out after walks and at night.
  2. You should wash your feet before going to bed. It is necessary to regularly cleanse the skin of your feet from the sweat and dirt accumulated during the day.
  3. You need to wash your entire body at least once a week. You can bathe at home in a bath or shower, as well as in a sauna. To get rid of sweat, grease and dirt, you need to wash with warm water, rubbing your body with a washcloth. hygiene product. After swimming, you must put on clean underwear.
  4. Hair must be washed very thoroughly. It is on them that a large amount of sebum, dust and dirt accumulates. After water procedures, you need to comb your hair.
  5. Nails require careful care. On the fingers they need to be carefully trimmed once a week, and on the toes - once every 2 weeks. Taking care of these parts of the body is extremely important, as they long nails Dirt accumulates and is difficult to remove. You can also scratch yourself and another person. Dirty nails are a sign of sloppiness and sloppiness; such a person usually does not observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  6. It is important to constantly keep your hands clean. During the day we touch the most various items(pencils, pens, books, notebooks, balls, door handles And so on). Many people love to pet their pets. Often we may not see microscopic particles of dirt that remain on our hands, but this does not mean that they are not there. If you later take bread, an apple or candy with such hands, then the microbes will first get onto the food, and with them into the body. And this threatens poisoning.

It is important to remember that no rules for caring for one’s own body will teach a child to maintain personal hygiene if his family does not set an example for him.

This material was prepared on the basis of the training program “Rules and Skills of Personal Hygiene”, compiled by Natalia Mirskaya, candidate medical sciences, Research Institute of Public Health and Health Management named after. THEM. Sechenov.

*When using article materials, a hyperlink to the source is required

When I first touched my daughter's cheek, I was amazed at how soft the skin was. The thin and vulnerable skin of a little person needs protection and daily care. While the baby was sitting in his mother, in sterile amniotic fluid and covered with vernix, his skin was protected from microtrauma, irritation and diaper rash. Sometimes the cause of skin damage is the parents themselves, who care for their baby ineptly or use the wrong skin care products. Therefore, you definitely need to figure out what special baby skin care products should be on the changing table. Which ones can take care of the baby, and which ones can cause allergies?


Soft and delicate, baby's skin is defenseless against aggressive manifestations external environment. In infancy, the protective function of the skin is not yet developed. The dermis layer is 3-4 times thinner than that of an adult; the superficial layer (keratinized coating) is also thinner and gradually increases with age. Any exposure that is insignificant for an adult can cause irritation and redness on the baby’s skin. By caring for your baby's skin using the right products, we increase its resistance to aggression.


Skin damage is often caused by the mechanical impact of diapers, especially if they are not changed regularly. Every time you change a diaper, you need to treat your butt and groin area with diaper cream. This will protect your baby from diaper dermatitis and prevent irritation and redness in the diaper area. In this case, use a cream that does not close the pores, does not impede skin breathing and is easily removed. It is advisable that the cream contains vitamins B5 and F, which help relieve irritation and promote skin regeneration. The best representatives of such protective creams are imported “Desitin” and “Drapolen”. The cream should be applied regularly to the skin in the anal area and to the “panty” area, which is usually covered by diapers. This cream cannot be applied to other places.

Ointment "Bepanten"(5%) (based on vitamin B5) is suitable for treating mild forms of diaper dermatitis, eliminating dry skin and treating facial skin before going for a walk. fresh air. However, in severe frosts it is not recommended to use it (the water included in the ointment may freeze).

Easy to use cleaning wipes. They are especially good for caring for your baby's buttocks after regular urination or bowel movements. The wipes are impregnated with a weak antiseptic solution and are also suitable for wiping the skin of the face.

Use powder to remove excess moisture from the surface of the baby’s skin and skin folds. First, pour the powder into your palm (quite liberally), and then apply it to the child’s skin. At the same time, you need to make sure that the powder does not “fall off” (it can turn into grayish lumps that resemble dirt).

Suitable for removing fatty secretions and sweat from the surface of the skin baby lotion. IN mandatory The lotion is used when washing your face in the morning. It moisturizes the skin and prevents excessive dryness. It differs from cleansing lotions for adults in that it contains absolutely no alcohol.

One of my grandmother's old remedies is cottonseed oil sterilized for steam bath within two hours. It has two disadvantages: an unpleasant odor and greasy spots on the baby's clothes. But it easily copes with heat rash.

Baby oil is used for massage, and in some countries, such as the UK, it is even added to the water when bathing a child. It is better to apply it to dry (not wet!) skin after bathing in a small amount. Usually the oil is well absorbed and does not leave a greasy film on the skin. It can be vegetable or mineral (as a rule, in the latter case it is a product of oil refining).

Baby skin does not retain moisture, so moisturize it daily with a light cream that absorbs quickly and maintains the skin's natural moisture. Baby cream (like oil) can be of plant and organic (mineral) origin. Choose the first one. Typically, the cream is applied to the surface of the skin several times during the day (can be alternated with baby powder) in a thin layer with light “driving” or circular movements.

Bathing as a skin care method has many advantages. Water procedures harden and also improve blood circulation and nutritional processes in organs and tissues. In the first half of the baby's life, you need to bathe him every day, in the second - every other day. The temperature of the water in the bath should not be lower than 35 degrees, ideally it should be 37 degrees. Fill the bath no more than half or two-thirds of the total volume. And at first, let the bathing time not exceed 2-3 minutes. It is preferable to bathe your baby in the evening. Do not overuse detergents. It is not necessary to wash your child with soap every day. Soap must certainly be for children; it does not dry out or irritate the child’s skin. It is good to wash your child with baby soap, because you have to do this several times throughout the day. In addition, baby soap is an ideal product for hand washing baby diapers and clothes. When you wash your baby, wash your hand rather than running soap over your baby's skin. To wash your hair, use baby shampoo that does not cause eye irritation (tear-free shampoo). Wash your hair infant no more than once a week starting at 2 weeks of age. From about 1 month you can detergents add bathing foam. It contains no soap at all. It is very soft in composition. Foam is added to the baby bath in a small amount immediately before bathing. After bathing, do not dry your baby, but pat him dry with a towel. Don't forget to use baby oil.

If a full bath for the baby is impossible for some reason, you can resort to a procedure called a “sponge” bath: the child is gently wiped with a soft sponge moistened with warm water.

Babies in the first three years of life often experience dry skin in the late autumn, winter, and early spring months. Most often, individual areas of the face are affected, sometimes the entire surface of the skin. Many believe that this is a consequence of exposure to cold wind and low air temperature outside on the skin. This is partly true. But dry skin can be caused not only by cold weather, but also by indoor air. When the heating is turned on, the air in the room becomes dryer. Air conditioners also suffer from excessive drying of air. Therefore in winter time year, you need to take care of the source of additional moisture in the house. It is best to get a special device “evaporator” (also known as “vaporizer”). Home remedies will also help, for example, hanging wet towels on radiators or placing open containers of water in the children's room.

Regarding walks in the fresh air cold weather, you can use vitamin ointment “Bepanten”. It will protect the child’s facial skin when walking in winter, and correct application lotions, creams and oils will help maintain the elasticity and softness of baby's skin at home.

IN summer time When solar activity reaches its peak, care must be taken to protect the baby’s skin from possible burns and the formation of dangerous skin diseases. The simplest and effective means sun protection - special children's sunscreen lotions with varying degrees of protection factors (depending on the intensity of sunlight).

The cream-balm with the promising name “Rescuer” contains arnica, which is a favorite remedy for doctors in many countries around the world for the treatment of bruises, abrasions, minor cuts and minor burns. “Rescuer” is a must-have in every home medicine cabinet. Another valuable quality of this cream is the ability to use it as an insect repellent (deterrent).

Seborrheic crusts on the scalp of babies are irritating, and removing them incorrectly will cause a lot of problems. To carefully remove seborrheic crusts and prevent the formation of new ones, use a special “Foam Shampoo” for removing seborrheic crusts.

Carefully inspect the area behind the ears: there may be redness or flaking areas of the skin. Apply moisturizer to particularly dry areas of the skin at least twice a day. And under no circumstances use unfamiliar types of skin care products from unknown manufacturers. Better yet, before choosing skin care products for your baby, consult your doctor. health visitor or a pharmacist. Pharmacy is the best place for purchasing baby skin care products, since all products sold in pharmacies have undergone strict quality control. Skin care products should not contain mineral oils, as they make it difficult for your baby to breathe on the skin. Remember that you baby oil, cream or lotion must have a shelf life (or optimal implementation) that cannot be exceeded. Keep an eye on the storage conditions for children's cosmetics: dark, dry and cool place, undamaged packaging.