Happy birthday and wish you good health. Happy birthday greetings in prose

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Dear Mikhail Mikhailovich!

Let me sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary birthday. Over the years of leadership of Togliatti State University, thanks to your professionalism, experience, energy, the university has been successfully developing and strengthening its authority as a scientific center of our city and region for the training of highly qualified specialists. I am convinced that your fruitful and constructive activity will serve the interests of domestic professional education, development and enhancement of the achievements of Tolyatti University. I sincerely wish you good health, family warmth, loyal colleagues and friends, talented students, success in implementing the most daring plans for the benefit of Russian science.

State Duma Deputy, Ekaterina Ivanovna Kuzmicheva

Dear Mikhail Mikhailovich!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I sincerely wish you good health, a lot of joyful and bright days, happiness and good luck in everything.

Sincerely, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption, Alexander Evseevich Khinshtein

Dear Mikhail Mikhailovich!

accept mine my sincere congratulations on the occasion of your birthday! With all my heart I wish you health, happiness, prosperity, physical and mental strength, and the implementation of new ideas aimed at implementing future plans. May good luck and success accompany all your endeavors, may optimism and good mood never leave you, every day will be filled with happiness, understanding and support of others!

Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on IndustryV.V. Gutenev

Dear Mikhail Mikhailovich!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you good health, vigor and longevity. May every day be filled with optimism, joy and fresh ideas, and all dreams and goals will be achieved. Best wishes to you!

Sincerely, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on the Financial Market of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Ivanovich Savelyev

Dear Mikhail Mikhailovich!

Please accept the kindest and warm congratulations Happy anniversary!

With all my heart I wish you good health, strength, energy and optimism in the implementation of all your plans, a positive mood, life balance and comfort.

May life be filled with bright and joyful events, and may good luck accompany you in business. Happiness, goodness and prosperity to you and your loved ones.

Chairman of the Duma of the Tolyatti City District D.B. Mikel

Dear Mikhail Mikhailovich!

Please accept congratulations on your anniversary! I wish you health, happiness and inexhaustible energy! Let your work in training professional personnel bring rich fruits for the benefit of the city and the country! Well-being to you and your loved ones!

President of OJSC Bank AVB, E.P. Kazymova

Dear Mikhail Mikhailovich!

The Interstate Coordination Council on the Physics of Strength and Plasticity of Materials cordially congratulates you, its colleague on the Council, on the glorious date of your 45th birthday!

Tolyatti State University, of which you are the rector, has become one of the famous scientific centers, which regularly hosts prestigious International conferences and schools, carries out mega-projects, and trains a wide range of highly qualified specialists!

We sincerely wish you, dear Mikhail Mikhailovich, new creative success, health, happiness and joy in our difficult life!

Chairman of the ISS, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. Sciences, professor, full member of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of the Russian Federation and the International Academy of Informatization,IN AND. Betekhtin

Dear Mikhail Mikhailovich!

Please accept my congratulations on your birthday! I wish you fruitful work, confidence in tomorrow, good mood and good health! May luck not leave you, and may you have enough strength and desire to achieve new achievements.

And about. General Director of the Center for Technical Inventory of the State Unitary Enterprise TsTI A.S. Shepherd

Dear Mikhail Mikhailovich!

Please accept my most sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your significant anniversary - your 45th birthday. I wish you good health, happiness, prosperity, success in achieving your goals, inexhaustible energy and optimism.

Rector of SamSTU, D.E. Bykov

Dear Mikhail Mikhailovich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on this wonderful date – your 45th birthday. We wish you the implementation of all your plans, professional success, good health and family well-being.

Rector of SGAKI, Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor E.A. Kurulenko

Dear Mikhail Mikhailovich!

Happy Birthday! Please accept our warmest wishes for good health, prosperity, and success in implementing your plans. May you always have the sincere and comprehensive support of your colleagues and friends. We wish you great achievements in your position and in life, new decisions, promising projects, bold plans, wonderful meetings!

CEO OJSC "Togliattikhleb" Yu.A. Zelentsov

Dear Mikhail Mikhailovich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday! May your most cherished wishes come true, may peace and tranquility reign in your home, may luck, joy, and success accompany all your endeavors.

Head of the Education Department of the City Hall Tolyatti, T.L. Terletskaya

Dear Mikhail Mikhailovich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday! With all my heart I wish you good health, good mood, inexhaustible energy and optimism. May you be accompanied by inspiration and good luck, which will help you realize all your good plans and ideas.

General Director of the Architect group of companies, Sergei Mikhailovich Anpilov

Dear Mikhail Mikhailovich!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday! With all my heart I wish you prosperity in business, good luck in all your endeavors and, of course, personal happiness and well-being in your family.

President of the Tolyatti Academy of Management, I.V. Bogdanov

Dear Mikhail Mikhailovich!

On your birthday, accept sincere wishes tireless love of life, excellent health and happiness! Let every day bring joy and satisfaction, and let your work open up to new interesting facets! I wish you further success in your activities, so that luck will support you in all your endeavors, so that everything that is planned finds its embodiment! Peace, goodness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Sincerely, Deputy Mayor - Head of the Administration of the Central District of the city. Tolyatti, A.V. Goncharov

Dear Mikhail Mikhailovich!

Accept the most good congratulations Happy birthday! I wish you happiness and prosperity, constant good luck in all your endeavors, success in implementing the most daring and interesting projects! All the best to you and your loved ones!

Head of the branch of OJSC "Special Economic Zones" in the Samara region, A.V. Pakhomenko

Dear Mikhail Mikhailovich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday! With your work to build human resources and scientific potential, you are making a significant contribution to the development of Tolyatti and the Samara region. Appreciation and respect from the city community is the main criterion for your tireless work. With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness and love from your loved ones!

Sincerely, President of AKOM Group of Companies CJSC, N.M. Ignatiev

Dear Mikhail Mikhailovich!

On behalf of the ZENIT Banking Group, I warmly and cordially congratulate you on your anniversary! A bright professional and talented leader, you set serious tasks and make bold decisions. With all my heart I wish you the successful implementation of all your plans and plans, and the faithful support of your friends and partners. May good luck and good mood always accompany you! Happiness, good health and all the best to you and your family!

Deputy Chairman of the Board of ZENIT Bank, V.V. Padanin

I cordially congratulate you on your anniversary. With all my heart I wish you good health, family happiness and further success in the activities of the wonderful university you lead, since the most important thing is in your hands and in the hands of the entire staff of Togliatti State University - the professional training and education of young people who will lead our country! We are sincerely confident that in the future your talent and energy will be directed to the development of TSU and our beloved Motherland.

Chairman of the association of trade unions of Russia "SOTSPROF", S.A. Vostretsov

Dear Mikhail Mikhailovich!

On behalf of the rector’s office and the teaching staff of the Volga Region State University of Service, I warmly and cordially congratulate you on your birthday! Your entire professional life is connected with science and education. Today you are the rector of Togliatti State University, a university that is today one of the largest scientific and educational complexes in the Volga region. Managing such a huge mechanism as your university is a difficult, important and responsible task, which you handle as a true professional. Under your leadership, university scientists are engaged in fundamental scientific research, development and implementation innovative approaches in the education system and make a significant contribution to the development of domestic education and science. Your tireless energy and talent as an organizer are a shining example professional attitude towards your work. Dear Mikhail Mikhailovich! On this wonderful day, I wish you only the best with all my heart! May every day give you the warmth and love of the people who surround you, bring joy and good luck, and open new horizons for creative and professional achievements. Be always healthy and happy.

Rector of the Volga State University of Service Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation L.I.Erokhina

Dear Mikhail Mikhailovich!

On behalf of the Council of Rectors of Universities of the Samara Region and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on wonderful event– Happy 45th birthday! Your many years of activity in the higher education system are devoted to the extremely important and noble cause of the development of national education and science. Colleagues and friends know you as a modern leader with outstanding analytical, organizational and creative abilities. On this wonderful day, I wish you further professional success, good health, for long years life, happiness and prosperity.

Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Universities of the Samara Region, Rector of Samara State Medical University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences G.P. Kotelnikov

The President of the Republic of Ingushetia, Murat Zyazikov, began to receive congratulatory telegrams Happy birthday.

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my most sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your birthday! With all my heart I wish you good health, prosperity, the same inexhaustible energy and success in all your endeavors.

Health and good luck to your family and friends.

Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation M. Trinoga

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!

On this significant day, allow me to sincerely wish you personal happiness, good health, success in all your endeavors and the implementation of your plans in your difficult activities for the benefit of our Fatherland!

Head of the Main Directorate of Federal Property of the Presidential Administration Russian Federation A.A. Konyushkov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you good health, happiness, prosperity and success in your work!

Chairman of the Supreme Court of Russia V. Lebedev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept the wishes of good health, prosperity, inexhaustible vitality and energy, success and good luck in all matters and endeavors for the benefit of Russia!

Happiness to you and your loved ones!

Sincerely, Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of the Russian Federation in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation A. Yatskin

Dear Murat Magometovich!

On this wonderful day - your birthday, I ask you to accept my warm congratulations and wishes of great human happiness, prosperity, good health to you and all your loved ones. Let the sun and clear sky shine over you and our beloved Ingushetia. May your hard and selfless work for the benefit of Ingushetia and all of Russia bring more and more significant and high-profile victories. May all your endeavors be accompanied by success and good luck. May the Almighty protect you.

With sincere and deep respect, Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation B.N. Agapov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my warmest and most sincere congratulations on your birthday. I am convinced that your high professionalism and competence, deep knowledge, and subtle knowledge of the problems of the region will contribute to the development and prosperity of beautiful Ingushetia and improve the living standards of its residents.

I sincerely wish you good health, happiness and prosperity, strength and energy in fulfilling difficult responsibilities.

Sincerely, Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation N.I. Ryzhkov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Happy birthday to you!

I wish you health, well-being in your family, stability and success in your responsible government position.

Sincerely, Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation I.M. Kostoev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

On your birthday, please accept my warmest and heartfelt congratulations.

Your life path deserves sincere respect. You have gained a reputation as a talented, professional manager, an energetic and responsible person, always committed to finding an original, fresh solution.

Surely, today words of gratitude and admiration are flying to you from all over the country. I am sincerely glad that I know you personally and highly value you as a kind, sensitive and sympathetic person, for whom serving your fellow citizens is the highest goal.

I wish you with all my heart a great mood and inexhaustible optimism, good health, prosperity and all the very best!

Be happy and full of energy as always! Yours sincerely,

Director of the Department of Administration of the Government of the Russian Federation V. Kokunov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Happy birthday to you!

I wish you success, strength and energy in your work in this government post, for the benefit of the residents of Ingushetia and all of Russia.

Good health, happiness and prosperity to you, your family and friends.

Sincerely, Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation N. Patrushev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

I wish you good health, prosperity, new creative achievements and great success in your activities for the benefit of our Russia.

Minister Agriculture Russian Federation A. Gordeev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the occasion of your birthday!

With all my heart I wish you good health, peace, happiness and inexhaustible strength for further work for the benefit of our Great Motherland. Let wisdom, determination and luck in realizing your goals and objectives be your faithful and reliable companions.

I wish you success in all your endeavors.

Sincerely, Director of the State Courier Service of the Russian Federation, Colonel General G. Kornienko

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my kindest and warmest congratulations on your birthday. May your life always be filled with respect and support from colleagues, warmth and love from family and friends, true human happiness, inexhaustible energy, optimism and the ability to implement assigned tasks in order to achieve positive changes in life.

I am confident that your high patriotism and love for your homeland will bring stability and prosperity to Russia and our long-suffering peoples and will contribute to the further development of democratic processes.

With all my heart I wish you good health, family well-being, and success in your work. May all your plans come true, and may everything accomplished bring joy and prosperity.

Sincerely, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the Chechen Republic S.K. Yakhikhadzhiev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

The goals you achieve today will be a confident step towards new achievements. I am convinced that your enthusiasm and fortitude are the key to success in your career, in creative endeavors, and in communicating with loved ones. Let your initiatives always be met with understanding and appreciated. Let there be like-minded people and those you trust nearby.

I sincerely wish you and your family health, prosperity and good luck!

Sincerely, State Duma deputy A.E. Khinshtein

Dear Murat Magometovich!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!

On this day, it is especially pleasant to note your enormous contribution as President to strengthening the economy of the Republic of Ingushetia and the cultural upsurge of our brotherly Ingush people. I highly appreciate your human qualities: political wisdom, professionalism, high ability to work, decency and selfless service to our multinational Russia in a high government position. I wish you good health, vital energy, prosperity, an inexhaustible supply of mental and physical strength.

Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Hero of Socialist Labor, Academician M.Ch. Zalikhanov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

I warmly and cordially congratulate you on your birthday!

It is gratifying that you are celebrating this date in full health, in the prime of your intellectual and physical strength. I wish you good health, inexhaustible energy, fruitful work, great success in implementing plans and ideas for the benefit of the Motherland.

May you always have faithful comrades, time-tested and circumstance-tested friends, family and friends by your side. I wish you well-being and good luck in all your endeavors.

Sincerely, Deputy of the State Duma, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Federation Affairs and Regional Policy V.V. Usachev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!

I am confident that high professionalism, business and personal qualities will continue to contribute to your fruitful activities for the benefit of the residents of the Republic of Ingushetia.

Good luck to you in implementing your plans. Good health and prosperity to you and your loved ones.

Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation V.E. Churov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my warmest and most sincere congratulations on your birthday!

With all my heart I wish you happiness, joy, prosperity, confidence and optimism!

Let your dreams come true and your plans come true.

May luck help you in your business, and may warmth, comfort and love always reign in your home!

Sincerely, Deputy Chairman of the Central Election Commission of Russia L.G. Ivlev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my warmest and most sincere congratulations on your birthday.

Not a single year of our life passes without a trace; each of them gives us a lot: life experience and wisdom, support and loyalty of friends, and, of course, achievements in professional activities.

I wish you further successful work for the benefit of the state, as well as good health, Have a good mood and vigor. Patience to you, firmness, wisdom and good luck in everything.

Sincerely, Secretary of State of the Union State P. Borodin

Dear Murat Magometovich!

The career path you have traveled, your fruitful activities in responsible positions are an example of hard work, dedication and service to the people and interests Russian state. The period of your strengthening of statehood, law and order and legality on the territory of the Republic of Ingushetia is evidence of a worthy contribution to the preservation of the power of the Russian state.

With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness and prosperity, goodness and peace, new successes in the service of the Fatherland.

With deep respect, Head of the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Field of Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare, Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation G.G. Onishchenko

Dear Murat Magometovich!

I wish you success in solving the problems of economic and social development of the republic and raising the living standards of its population.

I wish you happiness, good health and prosperity!

Sincerely, Head of Administration (Governor) of the Rostov Region V.F. Forelock

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your birthday! With all my heart I wish you good health, inexhaustible vitality, great personal happiness! I wish you new good deeds and achievements for the benefit of the residents of Ingushetia and Russia!

Sincerely, Head of the Lipetsk Region Administration O.P. Korolev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday!

I wish you good health, prosperity, support from friends and like-minded people in achieving your goals, opening up new opportunities, constant good luck in implementing all your plans and endeavors for the benefit of the Republic of Ingushetia and Russia.

Sincerely, Governor of the Murmansk region Yuri Evdokimov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations and best wishes on your birthday!

Governor, Chairman of the Government of the Orenburg Region A.A. Chernyshev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday!

You bear the burden of enormous personal responsibility for everything that happens in the Republic of Ingushetia, you solve a whole range of large-scale tasks aimed at improving the standard of living of your fellow citizens. On this holiday, I sincerely wish you effective and successful work, and the Republic of Ingushetia - stability and prosperity under your strong leadership.

May your deeds, in the midst of creative endeavors, always be a shining example of the ability to live, work, and build tomorrow for the benefit of people and Russia as a whole!

Good health, happiness and joy to you and your family.

Sincerely, Governor of the Kemerovo Region A. Tuleyev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

On behalf of the inhabitants of our ancient heroic land of Smolensk, I warmly congratulate you on your birthday!

Please accept my sincere wishes for good health, happiness, prosperity, inexhaustible energy, fortitude and optimism, inspired work, and further success in your activities for the sake of the prosperity of the Republic of Ingushetia and our great Russia!

Governor of the Smolensk region S.V. Antufiev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my warmest sincere congratulations on the occasion of your birthday!

Your human qualities, political will, initiative, energy, and professionalism have earned high praise from your colleagues and regional leaders.

May all your efforts aimed at the development of your republic, the rise of its economy and culture receive due understanding and support.

I express hope for the continuation of mutually beneficial cooperation between Ingushetia and Mordovia, which will serve to further strengthen the socio-economic potential of our regions and Russia as a whole.

With all my heart I wish you good health, personal happiness, family well-being, success in all your endeavors for the benefit of all of Russia and the Republic of Ingushetia!

Head of the Republic of Mordovia N.I. Merkushkin

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday!

I wish you good health, prosperity and happiness in your family, creative plans and their successful implementation.

Let your work continue to be aimed at positive development Republic of Ingushetia, strengthening stability in the region, improving the quality of life of the population. I wish you new successes and victories, bright and fruitful activities for the benefit of Ingushetia and all of Russia!

Head of the Administration of the Tambov Region O.I. Betin

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Happy birthday to you!

I wish you good health and successful activities for the benefit of the residents of the republic. Peace and stability, family well-being and all the best. Good luck!

Sincerely, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District A. Kvashnin

Dear Murat Magometovich!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!

Your professionalism, courage, loyalty to the interests of the state and intransigence to any attacks on the constitutional order allowed you to gain high authority among the Ingush people.

I am convinced that under your leadership the Republic of Ingushetia will continue to successfully develop along the path of socio-economic progress, improving the standard of living of the population, strengthening the rule of law and social stability.

I wish you happiness, health and long life, new achievements in your work for the benefit of Ingushetia and all of Russia!


Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District P. Latyshev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my sincere and kindest congratulations on your birthday!

With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness, mutual understanding and, of course, further success in all your deeds and good undertakings for the benefit of our Fatherland. Let optimism, energy and luck always be your faithful companions!

Good luck and prosperity to you!

Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District V. Zhukov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday, which marks the beginning of a new year in your life. May the help of the Almighty strengthen you in doing good deeds for the benefit of our people, for the benefit of our beloved Fatherland for the joy of family and friends. May the All-Merciful Almighty keep you in full strength, health, peace and tranquility for many more prosperous years.

Sincerely, Archbishop of Stavropol and Vladikavkaz Feofan

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my warmest and most sincere congratulations on your birthday!

I wish you and your loved ones good health, happiness, prosperity, long and fruitful service to the Russian state.

Head of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment Hertsy

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Happy birthday to you!

I wish you further fruitful activities for the benefit of the Fatherland, success in all your endeavors, health and prosperity.

Sincerely, Director of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control V.P. Ivanov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Accept from the team Federal agency special construction and to me personally the most sincere and warm congratulations on your birthday!

We sincerely wish you good health, happiness, new creative achievements, inexhaustible energy and great success in your activities for the benefit of our Fatherland.

Sincerely, Army General N.P. Abroskin

Dear Murat Magometovich!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I would like to wish you lasting peace, stability, good health, political wisdom, prosperity and love. May the Republic of Ingushetia, under your leadership, overcome all difficulties and become a strong and thriving corner of our great country. May good luck accompany you!

Advisor to the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation E.G. Semerikova

Dear Murat Magometovich!

On behalf of Central Council Russian defense sports and technical organization ROSTO DOSAAF and from me personally, please accept sincere congratulations on your birthday and wishes for good health, happiness, prosperity, new creative deeds and achievements for the benefit of the republic and all of Russia.

Chairman of the Central Council of ROSTO DOSAAF Yu. Kamyshanov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

On your birthday, please accept my sincere congratulations. Your hard work, vast professional experience, business and human qualities have earned well-deserved authority and universal respect.

I sincerely wish you further professional success, so that inexhaustible energy and luck always accompany you in all your affairs and endeavors, happiness, health, prosperity and all the best for you and your loved ones.

Sincerely, Auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation S.N. Ryabukhin

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Happy birthday to you!

With all my heart I wish you good luck in achieving your goals, success in your responsible work for the benefit of Russia. May your life always be accompanied by good mood, good health and inexhaustible optimism. Happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation M.I. Beshmelnitsyn

Dear Murat Magometovich!

I cordially congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you good health, happiness, good luck, good mood and great success in your activities, may every year of your life be filled with creative energy, the warmth of the hearts of your family and friends, and may your knowledge, experience and dedication serve for the benefit of Russia.

Auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation A.V. Nazarov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

On behalf of the command, the Military Council of the North Caucasus Military District, please accept my kindest and most heartfelt congratulations on your birthday. I sincerely wish you good health, family happiness and prosperity, vigor and optimism, great success in your responsible activities at a high government position for the benefit of the development and prosperity of the Republic of Ingushetia and our Russian Fatherland.

Sincerely, Commander of the North Caucasus Military District, Colonel General S. Makarov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

On behalf of the team of the VSK Insurance House and from me personally, please accept sincere congratulations on your birthday!

With all my heart I wish you good health, peace and prosperity! May your family and friends always warm you with their warmth, may they be by your side faithful friends and comrades!

May only good luck accompany you in all your endeavors!

Chairman of the Board of Directors S. Tsikalyuk

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Happy birthday to you!

Today, in your responsible position, you are working towards strengthening statehood, improving socio-economic relations, and stabilizing the life of the population of Ingushetia.

Let the accumulated experience and good creative energy determine your everyday life!

May good luck and success always accompany you in all your affairs and endeavors!

I wish you Caucasian longevity, happiness, peace, goodness and further achievements for the benefit of the Republic!

And about. Head of the Southern Customs Administration, Major General of the Customs Service S.V. Pashko

Dear Murat Magometovich!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!

May this day bring you a lot of sun, joy and warmth. Let life be generous with all the good things in your destiny, and let the support of your associates, friends and family give you strength to implement the most ambitious projects.

I wish you good health, Caucasian longevity, goodness and peace to your home!

Head of the North Caucasus railway V.N. Goloskokov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

I cordially congratulate you on your birthday!

I wish you continued success in your multifaceted and difficult government activities for the sake of successful implementation national projects and programs for the socio-economic development of the Republic of Ingushetia. Ensuring the steady growth of the people's well-being and strengthening the power of Russia.

I wish you good health, happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones.

Sincerely, Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Central Research Institute CENTER V.G. Artyukhov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

On behalf of the management and team of OJSC System Operator of the Unified Energy System, I congratulate you on your birthday!

I sincerely wish you good health, successful and fruitful work in the interests of stable and dynamic development of the Republic of Ingushetia!

May you always have the sincere and comprehensive support of your colleagues and friends. Happiness, goodness and prosperity to you, your family and friends!

Chairman of the Board of JSC SO UES B.I. Ayuev

Happy Birthday to Murat Magometovich ZYAZIKOV!

We were only able to place a small part here kind words and our 10 million audience raised a glass to you. After all, the friends of Komsomolskaya Pravda are friends of our readers too! Your Komsomolskaya Pravda and

Editor-in-Chief, General Director V.N. Sungorkin

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!

I sincerely wish you good health, happiness and prosperity, new successes in serving great Russia.

Chairman of the Parliament of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic I. Bechelov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on your birthday. Your glorious career is a worthy example of professionalism and conscientious service for the benefit of the people of the Republic of Ingushetia. Let your goals be achieved and your tasks be effectively solved.

I wish the successful implementation of all projects, as well as good health, happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Minnikhanov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept congratulations on your birthday!

I sincerely wish you good health, longevity and success in your activities for the benefit of the Republic of Ingushetia.

Happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones.

Chairman of the Government of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic A. Yarin

Dear Murat Magometovich!

We cordially congratulate you on your birthday and in your person the hospitable, brotherly Ingush people!

You, as President and Chairman of the Association " North Caucasus", have done a lot to maintain stable peace and harmony between peoples in our Caucasian home.

You have made an extremely important contribution to stabilizing the situation in the North Caucasus.

We wish you health and Caucasian longevity for the sake of the prosperity of the entire country.

From members of the Association of Theaters of the Southern Federal District, from the team of the Dargin Musical Drama Theater named after Batyray

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation M. Ibragimov, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation R. Charakov

Birthday is a holiday that is full of joy. And happy birthday greetings in verse make it even more joyful. In addition, we have birthday greetings in prose and congratulations to a woman in verse. We also have birthday song remakes.

1. I wish you a happy birthday

I wish you happiness on your birthday,
Health, laughter, kindness!
Let every moment give
Dream come true!
Everything that brings joy
And why does the soul sing,
Everything that inspires the heart
Let him definitely come!

2. We wish to be richer than the earth

We wish to be richer than the earth,
We wish you to be more beautiful than the dawn
And faithful happiness for many, many years.
We wish you many stars in your palm,
We wish you love as hot as fire,
We wish you roads in life that are not steep
And live not for yourself, but for others!

3. Be the most fun and the happiest

Be the most cheerful and the happiest,
Good, and gentle, and the most beautiful.
Be the most attentive, the most beloved,
Simple, charming, unique.
And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let troubles go out of the way in powerlessness.
Let everything you want come true.
Love, faith, hope, goodness to you!

4. We wish you health for many years to come.

We wish you good health long years.
So that adversity bypasses you,
So that happiness and joy do not know separation,
May your children and grandchildren warm your soul.

5. Birthday is a good date

Birthday is a good date
But it's always a little sad.
Because they fly unnoticed
Our best years ever.
Birthday is a special date,
This holiday cannot be compared with anything,
Someone smart once came up with this idea
Give joy to the birthday boy.
The joy of meeting, smiles, hope,
Wishes of health, warmth,

What a success things were!

6. Happy birthday

Happy birthday,
With such a big, happy day,
We wish you with all our hearts
Prosperity in everything!
And let your star shine
Star of love and inspiration,
Never goes out in life
Doesn't fade, even for a moment!

7. I wish you happiness and goodness

I wish you happiness and goodness,
And eternal youth bloom,
Love, fun and warmth
In your Holy holiday- Birthday.
Let your dreams come true
And the years will have no power over you.
And you will always be beautiful
Like these wonderful flowers.

8. We wish you bright and joyful days

We wish you bright and joyful days,
Success, health, reliable friends,
Always be loved and happy,
And may the years never age you!

9. Where can I get some prosperity?

Where can I get some prosperity?
It doesn't happen that way - that's a fact.
But let more be "better"
And there will be less “somehow”.
We wish you on your birthday -
Smiles, joyful chores,
Health, happiness and fun,
Today Tomorrow, all year round!

10. Handsome and strong, lucky, brave!

Handsome and strong, lucky, brave!
You can handle even difficult things!
We know you're on the right path,
And we wish to continue victoriously,
Successes in work and in the affairs of new forces,
Health and happiness! You deserve them!

11. Such spiritual beauty

Such spiritual beauty
It's not often possible to meet.
We are happy that you are near
What a tremulous heart beats!
The eyes are beautiful and sad,
They look at us with tenderness,
And let’s confess on your birthday:
We love you, dear!

12. Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you,
Close friend, our dear person,
And we wish you health
Not for a year, but for your long life!
In the midst of intense heat, bad weather,
Among grief, deceit and lies
We wish you only happiness,
Only devotion and love!

13. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday!
We wish you happiness and pleasure!
And so that life does not become a mistake,
And let your face bloom with a smile!

14. Dear, accept on your birthday

Dear, accept me on your birthday
Congratulations and congratulations.
Well-being to your family,
Always be on top of everything,
Good luck in your business, reach the top!
Be a model for all men!

15. Let the years rush by in succession

Let the years rush by,
Bypassing all the bad weather,
We wish you with all our hearts.
Love, health, happiness.

16. Today is your birthday

Today is your birthday
This is the most joyful of days,
Let this be a congratulation
It will also be your joy.
On this day I wish you happiness,
The longest, most interesting years,
May you not have bad weather
Only joy, only sunshine!
May great love come to you,
Not for a year - for eternity, forever,
And let your life be, dear,
Light, like spring water!

17. May the sun shine brighter for you on this day

May the sun shine brighter for you on this day,
Flowers fall like a carpet under your feet,
We wish you health, happiness, light,
All that is called good.

18. Let this day not be a noisy holiday

Let this day not noisy holiday,
Not a red day on the calendar,
But he is happy and wonderful -
You appeared on earth.
And we sincerely congratulate you
Happy such a wonderful day to you,
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you -
Health and joy in everything!

19. Your birthday is a bright day!

Your birthday is a bright day!
Let the lilacs not bloom now,
The roses under the window don't smell,
But is that really the point?
Look into the eyes of your friends -
What could be warmer than their eyes!
They contain roses and lilacs,
There is a sea of ​​affection in them on this day!

20. Today, on your birthday

Today, on your birthday,
We wish with our hearts and soul:
Health, vigor and laughter,
Success in all your endeavors!

21. Once a year, as in the song, a birthday

Once a year, as in the song, a birthday,
Rejoice and hello from the heart,
Nature awakens for you,
For you, the spring sings in silence.
Year - you took the springboard, as before,
Puzzle another year with dreams,
And trust in fiery hope!
Happy Birthday! Happiness and good luck!

22. The years fly by, it’s a pity, of course

The years fly by, it’s a pity, of course,
You can't keep them for an hour.
We know: youth is not eternal,
And we are sad about it sometimes.
It doesn’t matter how many times it hit,
Well, why count years?
Keeping up with the times is important!
And don’t be left behind on the road!
Let there be everything you need in life,
Why life is good:
Love, hope, loyalty, friendship
And an eternally young soul!

23. Unfortunately, I’m not a genius, I don’t write poems in verse.

Unfortunately, I'm not a genius, I don't write poems in verse,
I would like to tell you about you in a hundred pages.
Happy birthday, I want to tell you:
You are a great friend, believe me, in happiness, joy, and trouble.
One has only to see you - a ray of sunshine will flash,
And if you are in a bad mood, it will go away in no time.
You bring the joy of light and self-confidence.
Smile! And may luck accompany you!
It’s a pity that I don’t know how to turn feelings into lines,
And there are terribly few words to tell you everything.

24. Congratulations

A piece of our warmth.
We wish you good health,
Comfort, happiness and kindness.

25. We wish that life never ends

We wish that life never ends,
Trouble and sadness were not encountered along the way.
Great happiness and true friends,
Health success and sunny days!

26. We wish you personal happiness

We wish you personal happiness,
Excellent mood
May you be healthy
She lived to see her grandchildren’s wedding.

27. May God grant you wisdom in decisions

May God grant you wisdom in decisions
And multiplying the best qualities,
Excellent relationship with children
And understanding their eccentricities.

28. We wish you a life without sadness

We wish you a life without sadness,
Don't worry for no reason
Always look cheerful
You will never know where it hurts.

29. I want to love, I want to stay awake at night

I want to love, I want to stay awake at night
And give you the caress of hands and lips.
I want to walk with you in the evenings,
Talk about your tender feelings.
I want to come to you both reverently and passionately
Snuggle up, drowning in the waves of love.
I know you were not born in vain
May your days be happy!


30. Always both sad and pleasant

Always both sad and pleasant
Celebrate your birthday:
Years go by forever,
Just have time to count them.
But time seems to flow
Nothing can hold you back.
Today is your birthday
We want to wish you happiness,
Good luck, joy, success,
To be healthy, not to know troubles,
Obstacles in life and obstacles
Easy and quick to remove,
More laughter, less sadness -
And never lose heart.

31. Your birthday has come

Your birthday has come
And this is not a simple date,
May everything be fine on this day,
And fun from dawn to dusk.

32. Well, where can we get such a song?

Well, where can we get such a song?
Find worthy words
So that from warm congratulations
Your head was spinning.
May this wonderful date
It will leave a good mark on your soul.
Be happy and rich,
I wish you health and many years to come!

33. To a man, on his birthday we should wish

To a man, on his birthday we should wish -
Mother-in-law of a not grumpy and affectionate wife,
So that I want to build a house, plant trees,
And in love and consent, have children.
After all, in principle, you don’t need much to be happy:
A house, a garden, a wife and children, and love as a reward!

34. May your life go peacefully.

May your life go peacefully.
Live without knowing sorrow and troubles

For many, many, many years.

35. On your birthday today

On your birthday today
You can't count the years
On this very happy day
We would like to wish:
To smile in life
Your clear eyes
For happiness and health -
Have always been a companion!

36. I wish you to live and enjoy life

I wish you to live and enjoy life,
Take everything you can now, not later.
Dream, joke and most importantly - fall in love
And, of course, don’t regret the past.
I give you congratulations today,
Smile and the world will become brighter!
Let the holiday of childhood happen again,
After all, going through life is more fun with him!

37. I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you happiness, good mood,
Success, vigor, good luck,
Good health to boot.
Live, bloom like a purple poppy,
Not knowing grief and need,
And bloom again in spring,
And cherish the caress of the sun!

38. I wish the sun on earth

I wish you sunshine on earth
And the sky is soft blue.
Love and joy to you
And the most earthly happiness!!!

39. Congratulating you today

Congratulating you today,
We want to wish you from the bottom of our hearts
So that for many years
To live yet without getting tired,
May these years be good.
We wish you eternal youth,
May everyone's dreams come true,
And happiness will be endless.

40. Girlfriend, be confident and bright

Girlfriend, be confident and bright,
Shine with a smile, live joyfully!
On your birthday, accept gifts!
I wish you happiness and love!

41. On this wonderful day

On this wonderful day
Forget about the past years!
Be happy always
Always be beautiful, be gentle,
Don't stand still - move forward.
Movement is the guarantee that happiness and success will come to you.
Movement is life and happiness in it, forward, forward -
And you will get younger every day!

42. I wish you happiness and good luck

I wish you happiness and good luck,
So that the doctor does not visit you often.
May the sun always shine for you,
And grief was everywhere.
May you be successful
And you were the happiest of all!

43. On your holiday we wish only

On your holiday we only wish
Grow, laugh and bloom,
There is so much kindness, warmth and happiness,
So that you don’t carry it away for a hundred years!
Good luck in your studies and work,
And rest is easy and to your heart's content!
Let there be villas, money, dachas
And let there be power over fate!

44. Make a wish now

Make a wish now
Let it certainly come true.
And your days will be filled with luck,
And every hour will be happy!!!


45. Let life go smoothly

Let Life is going calmly,
Live without knowing troubles.
And good health,
And many, many years! Happy birthday!

46. ​​May your life become fuller

May your life become fuller,
And every day you become wiser.
Let youth not fade for a long time,
And life is more fun.
Let there be joy and fun,
After all, this is the only thing we live for.
And we say: happy birthday!
Have a bright and happy day!

47. Let spring forever

May it be spring forever
lives in your heart,
Let the rays of the flower
It will bloom for you!

Happiness - without measure!
Health - without measure!
Lots of success
Hope and faith!

48. Let the years go by

Let the years go by,
Don't be sad about what has passed.
And everyone who once offended
From pure heart sorry.
Don't waste your nerves in vain,
You can't buy health anywhere.
May your life be wonderful
We wish you happiness!

49. I wish you a bright holiday

I wish you a bright holiday
My eyes sparkle with joy,
For happiness, live your cherished dream,
Health and strength for many years to come.
I wish you love and good luck,
Success in everything for you,
May the days be brighter and brighter
And favorable fate!

50. We wish you health, love and warmth

We wish you health, love and warmth,
So that life is interesting and long,
So that there is comfort in the house, love and advice,
So that the house is protected from grief and troubles.

51. Birthday is a special date.

Birthday is a special date.
This holiday cannot be compared with anything.
Someone wise once came up with
Give joy to the birthday boy.
The joy of meeting, fun, smiles,
Wishes of health and strength.
So that happiness is cloudless,
May success come every day.

52. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday!

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday!
On this nice spring day
You can't count your wishes,
They contain everything hidden!
And most importantly - so that spring and love,
Always stirred the feeling and the blood!
We wish that life is not overshadowed by dullness,
And let your every day be sunny!

53. Today is your birthday

Today is your birthday
And how old it is doesn’t matter.
So stay cheerful as always
And let your heart, friend, never grow old!
I wish you spiritual cheerfulness,
Various successes in everyday life,
Always good health to you,
Don't be discouraged, never lose heart!

54. We wish you everything that life is rich in

We wish you everything that life is rich in,
In your work, success, happiness, long years.
May good luck always accompany you,
Let there be no troubles in your life!

55. On your birthday, a bright holiday

On your birthday, a bright holiday
Let there be good friends nearby,

But there is no way to cry or be sad.
We wish you happiness, joy, fun,
Success in small and big things,
And may there never be sadness
In your happy, joyful eyes!

56. We wish you health for many years to come

We wish you good health for many years to come,
May all sorrows and adversities pass a mile away,
Let your eyes sparkle with joy and happiness,
And only tears sparkle from laughter!

57. They wished you a lot today

They wished you a lot today,
And I want it in your eyes
There was no room for sadness.
There was always a smile on my lips.

I so want you to shine with happiness,
Not knowing grief, tears and all sorts of troubles.
Happy birthday dear mother,
And many, many years to you!

58. In honor of the great day today

In honor of the great day today,
We would like to say warm words to you:
Good luck, excellent health,
And may every dream come true!
May only the best await you in life:
We wish you the most joyful events,
Prosperity from the heart, prosperity,
And much, much happiness! Congratulations!

59. Accept wishes

Please accept my wishes
You are at this good hour.
Beautiful confessions
Today - just for you!
We wish you on your birthday
You have joy, love,
So that our congratulations
They brought you happiness!


60. I wish you on your birthday

I wish you on your birthday
You have great patience,
The feast is fabulous to set
At the same time, be like a cucumber.

61. Happy birthday in simple words

Happy Birthday in simple words
Let me congratulate you.
Smile and all sorrows will go away,
Look at the problems jokingly!
I wish you good looks
And good reliable friends,
Your loved one is nearby
And crazy adventurous ideas!

62. Today you have grown a year older

Today you have matured a year,
Don’t rush to the mirror with anxiety
You've gotten better this year
Have fun and laugh heartily.
Forget grievances and adversity,
Smile magically and brightly.
In heat and cold, rain and bad weather
We wish you good luck.

63. We wish from the heart

We wish from the bottom of our hearts,
So that future years
They were also good
For happiness and health
They certainly walked nearby,
So that months and years
They brought you only joy!

64. Let the soul never know cold

Let the soul never know cold,
Like a clear day, like a garden in bloom.
May your heart be forever young
Crowning kindness with kindness.

65. On your birthday, congratulations from us - this is the time.

On your birthday, congratulations from us - this is the time.
We send kind words - that's two.
Being ahead all the time is three.
Living with everyone in friendship, in peace, seems to be four.
Never be discouraged - that's five.
Multiplying everything you have is six.
Being attentive to everyone is seven.
Always be in normal weight- that's eight, nine, ten.
Well, and in addition to this -
Happiness, joy, good luck!

66. I want to say a lot of good words

I want to say a lot of good words,
On this birthday we would like to wish you:
Heart and soul never grow old
And live in the world for many, many years.

67. I wish on this day

I wish on this day,
As they have long wished in Rus':
Health, joy, fun
And life has a long way to go.
Don't whine, don't cry and don't be bored,
Don't drip phlegm on your blouse.
Drink strong tea for up to a hundred years
With a smile in the bite.

68. I wish you on your birthday

I wish you on your birthday,
So that your life goes on without worries,
So that the sun always shines brightly for you
So that gardens always bloom in your soul,
So that love lives in your heart,
And so many pleasant moments
Life gave you day after day!!!

69. Always be friends with your loved ones

Be loved, always be friends
And celebrate all births with us.
And if suddenly there is not enough money,
Then anyone will pay for you!
We wish that for all thoughts
Would pay without delay
And they wouldn’t disappear in the fog
Your brain's inventions!

70. Beautiful words, a luxurious bouquet

Beautiful words luxurious bouquet
I give on your birthday,
After all, there is no one more precious than you in the world!
I want to always be only with you.
May God grant you happiness forever
For your smile and tenderness.
My dear, dear man,
How much I love you!

71. On your birthday, accept congratulations

On your birthday, accept congratulations
All of them are just for you:
Eternal paradise, endless happiness,
A faithful friend in trouble,
Clear youth, beautiful life
And twists and turns in fate!

72. On your wonderful birthday

On your wonderful birthday
Let us hug you
And give a poem,
Wish you love and happiness.
And may your health be good,
And the heart is forever young,
May your every day be bright
To the joy of us and all our families!

73. We wish you:

We wish you:
In work - speed,
In health - vigor,
In happiness - eternity,
In life - infinity.
From the sun - warmth,
Good from people
From my husband - tenderness,
From friends - love and loyalty.

74. Happy birthday wishes from the heart

On your birthday we wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Warmth, good luck, blue sky,
Smiles, sun, joy, love
And the greatest happiness in life!


75. Passes every day at your work

Passes every day at your work,
And you have a lot to do.
But on this day forget all your worries
And let a smile adorn you.
But what is that outside the window?
Winter! Doesn't matter.
For you, even on a winter day, lilacs will bloom.
And everything will be fine in your life,
And youth will come to you again on this day.

76. Let the years rush by - it doesn’t matter

Let the years rush by - no problem,
Because time heals wounds,
And let them go forever
Adversity and fog.
And what is light for the soul,
Let it stay with you.
On this day we wish that
Whatever you want yourself.

77. We wish you not to be sad on your birthday

We wish you not to be sad on your birthday,
It's fun to laugh and joke!
Let the whole family get together
And your friends will congratulate you from the bottom of their hearts!
We wish you health, happiness, laughter,
Prosperity, optimism and success!
Let the morning dawn be a joy,
Cloudless to you, bright, bright years!

78. Let life go carefree

Let life go carefree
Easily like a butterfly's flight.
May every day bring joy,
May you be lucky in everything.


79. How to joyfully congratulate you on your birthday

How to joyfully congratulate you on your birthday,
Wish your friend love and happiness,
So that you don’t take it into your head to be offended by life,
After all, there is no reason to be discouraged today.
May your path be uninterrupted,
Let there be only joy and peace in her,
A little sadness, but a lot of success,
Always greet your holiday with a smile!

80. We are very happy to congratulate you

We are very happy to congratulate you
And we say with admiration:
Meeting with you is like a reward,
We all adore you
Don't bow to sadness
And don't be sad in the silence of the night.
We congratulate you today,
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts.

81. When the birthday comes

When the birthday comes,
You become a year older.
There is joy and fun in the soul,
And life becomes more difficult.
But the years fly by quickly
And they can't be stopped
They change us a lot
And they should be treasured!

82. We would like to wish you a happy birthday.

We would like to wish you a happy birthday
And wish you happiness in life.
You shouldn't be offended by life,
There is no need to be discouraged in life.

Let there be joy and peace.
And if it becomes very difficult,
Know that we are always with You.

83. Congratulating you on this day

Congratulating you on this day,
We wish you one thing:
To make sadness a cold shadow
Didn't touch your face.
Let there be no failures in business,
So that you never know them,
To be the happiest
On this day, this year and always!

84. Sweet, kind, gentle, nice!

Sweet, kind, gentle, nice!
How old you are is not the main thing.
We wish you to be the happiest in life,
Beloved by everyone, cheerful, beautiful.

85. Today is your birthday

Today is your birthday,
God bless you with good health,
Let only peace huddle in your hearth,
Warmed with happiness, joy, love.
I wish you to live without sadness and sadness,
And happiness is like picking daisies,
So that difficulties do not upset you,
Laugh all your life and don’t be sad.

86. On a bright day, on your birthday

On a bright day, on your birthday,
We hasten to congratulate you,
Happiness, joy, fun
We want to wish you
So that worries and sorrows,
You never knew
May health and good luck
We were always nearby!

87. Birthday - a holiday from childhood

Birthday is a holiday from childhood,
A holiday of memory, faith, love.
Please accept congratulations from us.
May you live healthy for many years!
And don’t just live, but be happy,
Every day, making dreams come true.
Be lucky in life, be lucky,
But come down to your friends from above!

88. Today is your birthday.

Today is your birthday.
God bless you!
May there be peace in your home,
Warmed with happiness and love.

89. On a beautiful day, a spring day

On a beautiful day, a spring day
Happy Birthday!
Let you from all sides
They will bring a million flowers!


90. We wish you happiness with all our hearts.

We wish you happiness with all our hearts.
So that there is no bad weather in the soul,
Health, vigor and laughter,
In big things - great success!

91. What should I wish you on your birthday?

What should I wish you on your birthday?
Success in life and work,
Good friends and fun,
Prosperity in the family,
So that the soul does not know the cold,
Like a May day, like a garden in bloom,
So that the heart is forever young,
Greeting kindness with kindness!

92. Happy birthday

Happy birthday
I congratulate you!
I wish you happiness
It was in every new day,
I wish you the colors of life,
Good luck in your endeavors.
And I want to confess
How dear you are to me!

93. Let us congratulate you in verse

Let us congratulate you in verse
And wish you health and good luck,
Success in your endeavors and affairs
And bright positivity to boot.
Let energy flow in your life,
Let your dreams turn into reality
And happiness will firmly settle in your home,
And joy will not leave your heart!

94. Everything on this holiday is for you:

Everything this holiday is for you:
Flowers, smiles, congratulations.
May your life be bright,
Beautiful - every moment!
Everything you have in mind
Let it become reality without a doubt!
We wish you happiness and great love,
And live life without regret!

95. Birthday is a wonderful date

Birthday is a wonderful date,
It doesn't matter that years pass.
Life is so bright and beautiful
That you should never be sad.

96. What can I wish for you? Wealth? Good luck?

What can I wish for you? Wealth? Good luck?
Everyone wants their own thing in life...
And we wish you just happiness,
So that there is a little bit, but everything!

97. The scents of velvet roses

The scents of velvet roses,
Every bright, wonderful moment,
Fulfillment of rainbow dreams
May your birthday be a joy!

Gentle, sincere words of warmth
Let it warm you with a magical breath,
So that there is always happiness in your soul
And any wishes came true!

98. May your life go peacefully

May your life go peacefully,
Live without knowing sorrow and troubles.
And may your health be strong
For many many, many years.

99. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Have fun on this day, don't be bored!
I wish you so much happiness
So that it spills over the edge.
Let everything good be remembered
Let all your plans come true,
Let your eyes glow with happiness,
And good people will meet!

100. Don’t regret what you do on your birthday.

Don't regret that on your birthday
You become a year older
Remove all doubts from your heart
And run and pour some champagne!
Our years are hard coin,
They can no longer be returned,
And that's why we on the planet must
Use our life to the fullest!

101. And no matter how old you get

And no matter how old you get,
Believe me, you shouldn't be afraid of them.
We wish you bright happiness in your destiny,
Your years are your wealth!

102. On this joyful birthday

On this joyful birthday
There is no reason, my friend, to be sad,
You are not marking the date of aging,
And the day when you began to live.
Even if many years
If there is little joy in fate,
Even if there are adversities,
Life is beautiful in itself!

103. Only you are my breath

Only you are my breath,
The sun is my light and my life.
I have one wish -
Seeing and loving you.
I rush only to you,
The soul is full only of you.
I fall in love with you again and again
And I get drunk without wine.
Happy birthday my dear
May you be happy forever!
You are no longer dear or closer,
My dear man!

104. Our wishes are countless

Our wishes are countless,
So why divide them into parts,
If all of them, whatever they are,
They are contained in the word happiness.


105. Long life and good health

Long years and good health,
Youth, strength, beauty!
May it always be - not only on your birthday,
Cherished dreams come true.

106. The essence of congratulations is simple

The essence of the congratulations is simple -
I wish I could live another half a hundred
In a pleasant environment,
In love and respect.

107. I hasten to congratulate you

I hasten to congratulate you
And, like a verbal sonata,
I will add notes of tenderness
In one beautiful quote.
Let the feelings of a trembling soul
They fall on the lines with a song.
Tell me what should I sing to you?
And rhymes will turn into notes!
May it be on your birthday
Fate will bless you with good luck.
I wish you happiness
And bright words of love to boot!

108. Happy birthday

Happy birthday -
I wish you love and kindness!
Happiness, joy, good luck,
An ocean of flowers to boot!
To make life wonderful
And the weather is warm, clear,
It was bright and sunny!
So that tenderness, beauty -
Surrounded you throughout your life.
And everything would come true -
Everything I ever dreamed of!

109. On the wings of sunny love

On the wings of sunny love,
Through distance and time
May my congratulations
You have achieved your goal, dear.
I will bless this day
With your smile and love.
I give you every moment
And I want to always be with you!

110. Birthdays come and go

Birthdays come and go
And life goes on without stopping,
Without giving us an iota of leniency
In a series of downs, ups and worries.
But let them smile at you more often
Happy and joyful days,
And only good people meet
And the main lights will not go out!

111. Many years have passed since then

Many years have passed since then
How your cry rose above the earth
And he immediately notified everyone that
That a person was born.
And so, today, on your holiday
We sincerely congratulate you,
Good health to you
And we wish you happiness!

112. Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to you!
And we want to wish you on this joyful day
So that the deer from the fairy tale brings you happiness.
So that joy can be given by two faithful wings.
May love always be with you.
So that there is more good in fate.
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts!

113. I wish you a whole bunch of happiness

I wish you a whole heap of happiness,
A bouquet of joyful smiles,
Reliable and cheerful friends,
Happy life for a century!

114. You are always on top

You are always on top
You command respect!
Let them accompany you
Good luck and luck!
We wish you many years to come
Blessings and abundance!
And let it be heard
Everyone has your last name!

115. We wish not to count our years

We wish not to count our years,
The day will come - life will sum it up.
Sometimes we want to rely on us,
To make it easier to overcome anxiety along the way.
Don't be cold about worldly concerns,
Be generous with your love.
We will help you with your work
And may the angel protect you!

116. Holiday of the soul - birthday

Holiday of the soul - birthday,
We shake your strong hand!
Happiness, love and health,
Our to the best friend!

117. I wish you not to grow old, not to get sick

I wish you not to grow old, not to get sick,
Getting younger year by year.
Happiness, joy, success,
Less sadness, more laughter!

118. Years fly by silently

Years fly by silently
Like a caravan of birds of heaven.
And time rushes by unnoticed -
Don't be sad over trifles.
Don't be sad when you notice the changes,
When you find an extra wrinkle.
New days come to replace days,
And every age is good in its own way.

119. Happy birthday to you today

Today we congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish your dreams to come true,
Health and happiness for many years to come
We wish you together from the bottom of our hearts!


120. Don’t be afraid of your age

There is no need to be afraid of your years,
Although you are already over twenty.
And if there are friends nearby,
That means you don’t live your life in vain!

121. Let's hurry to the table once again

Let's hurry to the table once again,
There are reasons for having fun:
Let them become holidays for us
The next name day.
Let's close our glasses together,
Strengthening my position,
So that this day becomes a bright day
To the one whose birth we are celebrating!

122. We wish you many years, we wish you quite a few

We wish you many years, we wish you many years,
May they only bring you good luck.
May you become a year older today,
There is no need to be sad: we have entered the time of maturity!

123. Sweet, gentle, bright, pure

Sweet, gentle, bright, pure,
May this day when you were born,
Radiant happiness will smile on you,
Troubles and sorrows will pass.
May it never, never end
Your faith in the coming of spring,
May all your dreams and hopes come true.
Fairy tales and dreams come true...

124. May the house be full of happiness

Let the house be full of happiness,
And it will, without a doubt.
Have a wonderful, bright, good day.
It's your birthday.

125. We wish you health and personal success

We wish you health and personal success,
More smiles, fun and laughter,
Life and youth in a warm heart,
Faith, hope, good luck to boot,
True friends and strong love
You will get the best from life!

126. We would like to wish you a happy birthday

We would like to wish you a happy birthday,
And wish you happiness in life,
There is no need to be offended by life,
There is no need to be discouraged in life.
Let there be everything: thunderstorms, snowstorms,
May there be joy and peace,
And if it becomes very sad,
Remember, we are always with you.

127. How many years have you lived?

128. I wish you joy always

I wish you joy always
And a cheerful mood,
Never know sadness
And all the best in life.
Never be discouraged
Don't see grief
And start the days with a smile,
Just like on this birthday!

129. When you wake up on your birthday

When you wake up on your birthday,
The world is filled with miracles!
Returning in the magic of whirling
My favorite dreams!

Let your dreams come true urgently,
And for a moment life will appear like a fairy tale.
Only on your birthday, that's for sure,
Whatever is planned happens!

130. Be happy today and always

Be happy now and always,
Love both snow and wind,
While your years are flying,
While you live in the world!
After all, there is not much happiness in the world,
And there is no more valuable reward,
How kindness can leave a mark
In the hearts of those living nearby!

131. A year added to ten is not a problem.

A year added to ten is not a problem.
The days are rushing by without looking back
And they merge into years.
It's important to always be happy
And it doesn’t matter how old you are.
Happy birthday,
We wish you happiness and joy
We're here for many, many years.

132. Happy wonderful, bright, good holiday!

With the beautiful, bright, good holiday!
With all my heart - happy days!
Let life be warmed with joy,
Caring for loved ones and friends!

Countless wishes today
Good luck, happiness, kindness,
All wishes come true
Warmth, love and beauty!

133. Happy birthday, a unique day!

Happy Birthday, a unique day!
Happiness, beauty, love, goodness!
From the smiles of loved ones
Let there be more warmth in your soul!

134. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday!
On this day we wish you -
So that my husband loves me very much,
And he always gave flowers,
Children don't forget
They helped mom with everything!


135. May life be full of happiness

Let life be full of happiness,
And you have nothing to be afraid of in years,
And you must always remember:
"My years are my wealth."

136. Let your youth not fade away

Let your youth not fade away,
And with it - love and kindness.
Let them be an eternal guest in your house
Peace and happiness, peace and warmth!

137. We wish you sunshine

We wish sunlight,
Friends at the festive table.
May your life be warmed -
Love, joy, warmth.
And, as always, we remind you again
The main thing for you is to be healthy!

138. Not a few and not many years

Not a few and not many years
It has passed since you were born,
And brightened the clear day
Your sonorous, infantile laughter.
Health, happiness and goodness,
Fun, jokes and warmth
On your wonderful holiday, they wish you
All bosom friends!

139. Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you,
And believe me, don’t be discouraged!
I wish you optimism
To walk through life with a smile.
May luck not pass you by
And sadness will pass by.
I wish you a sea of ​​happiness
May you be lucky in every matter!

140. I give you tenderness and bright joy

I give you tenderness and bright joy
My love will relieve any fatigue.
I kiss you on this holiday!
More and more! I'll kiss you, believe me!

141. Inexorable years

Unforgiving years
It is not in our power to stop.
So let it be forever -
How more years, the more happiness!

142. Girlfriend, on a glorious birthday

Friend, on a glorious birthday,
Our congratulations to you:
We wish you light and warmth,
We wish you peace and goodness,
Good health forever,
Everything that makes a person happy!

143. How can I congratulate you?

How can I congratulate you?
How can I surprise you?
What do you say, my love?
Should I give it on my birthday?
Maybe your smile
Or the sparkle of loving eyes?
Don't be modest, my dear,
Give me a hint at least once!
Do you want a touch of hands?
Leather delicate aroma.
If only you, even for a moment,
I was very happy with the gift!

144. Happy birthday, my love!

Happy Birthday sweetheart!
I'm in a hurry to tell you.
The most tender, the sweetest,
I only breathe with you.
The closest, the most important,
My dear man.
Be happy, my beloved,
Today, tomorrow and forever!

145. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday!
We wish you health, success and happiness,
Let the world smile like a clear sun,
May every day of your life be wonderful!

146. I wish you to enjoy life

I wish you to enjoy life
You are given only one life to live.
Know in the midst of life's ruins:
Laugh, believe and love.

147. Happy birthday, happy birthday!

Happy Birthday Happy Birthday!
And even though we sometimes hear -
This holiday ages us,
We'll throw away this sadness
Let there be a birth, let it happen!
And this holiday brings us
In the cold of winter - the sun of summer!
On a sad day - mood!
On a bad day - have fun!
On the day of melancholy - welcome friends,
Long-awaited congratulations
And victories in business and disputes,
New meetings and new songs!
Happiness for a hundred years ahead,
Have a bright life without worries!

148. May all your accomplishments and hopes

May all your achievements and hopes
Reached unprecedented heights
May there be peace in the family, prosperity in the home,
And let unrealizable dreams come true!

149. We wish you a lot of happiness

We wish you a lot of happiness,
To overcome adversity is bad weather.
Live for many years, like in a fairy tale,
In full health and affection!


150. Today is your birthday

It's your birthday today
And this holiday is only yours.
Meet him without regret
That the years are rushing by.
After all, every year, like a revelation -
You can experience a lot in it.
Replenishing everyday baggage,
I wish you to accumulate happiness in it!

151. And now the holiday has come - your birthday!

And now the holiday has come - your birthday!
We would like to wish you luck in life,
We wish you health, good luck, success,
And if there are wrinkles, it’s only from laughter,
And so that you don’t encounter misfortunes in life,
And if there are tears, then only from happiness!

152. Let life be bright forever

Let life be bright forever,
A dream with hope will not be deceived,
And may a good man
It will be the only one in the world.
May there never be sorrow
Hiding in an empty mirror...
Bring love and happiness to people,
And the house will be full!

153. If only you knew how nice it is

If you only knew how nice it is
I want to congratulate you today.
On this day you were once born,
And that's why I'm happy.
For me there is no dearer, dearer
In this world, believe me, there is no one.
Every day I love more and more,
My dear, only you!

154. Stop, years, for a moment

Stop, years, for a moment,
Take your time! Time, don't rush!
Love and happiness, eternal bloom
I sincerely wish, from the bottom of my heart!

155. May this day be beautiful and clear

May this day be beautiful, clear,
May happiness never pass you by.
Let the mood be wonderful
Let your wishes always come true!

156. Congratulations, my love, to you

Congratulations, my love, to you
Happy this bright and joyful day.
It is very significant for me too,
So let's meet him together!
Candles will flicker on the table,
Reflected in happy eyes,
And I can help you in the dark
To say everything in two cherished words.
Happy birthday to you, dear!
I am forever grateful to fate
What connected me to you,
You are my precious person.

157. On this day, on your birthday

On this day, on your birthday
Everyone is so happy and nice.
Show us treats
On wide tables.
Every guest is your friend
I would like to wish now:
Happiness at home and at work,
Long life and good deeds.

158. Chestnuts and lilacs are blooming

Chestnuts and lilacs bloom
And the shadow gets shorter and shorter at noon,
And you are a year older today
One year wiser and more mature.
So much is needed ahead
Explore, discover, find.
And may the path not be easy.
Friends will help you stay on track.
And may the gray clouds
The heavens closed from us.
This is me in a hurry to congratulate you
Furious May thunderstorm.

159. I join in the congratulations

I join in the congratulations
And I wish you happiness ocean!
Let them not become the main entertainment -
Beer, TV and sofa!
Let dreams and adventures lead you,
Brilliant, variety of ideas
And every birthday passes
Fun, always with friends!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your 55th birthday.
I wish you good health, success, happiness, and prosperity.

Governor of the Moscow Region, Hero Soviet Union

I cordially congratulate you on your 55th birthday. You are a competent professional energetic leader who enjoys well-deserved authority and respect of the population, capable of quickly responding to realities today, timely and efficiently resolve city problems, increasing the well-being of the city and the well-being of citizens.
I wish you further creative work for the benefit of the Moscow region, energy, perseverance in achieving your goals, good health, happiness and prosperity!

Chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma
V.E. Aksakov

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
Your professionalism, experience and well-deserved authority largely ensure high level Your work aimed at strengthening and developing the potential of our country.
I wish you the implementation of your plans, successful and fruitful work and further
Good luck in solving political and socio-economic problems!

Chief Federal Inspector
in the Moscow region

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
On behalf of the Political Council
Moscow regional regional branch of the Party " United Russia»
Congratulations on your anniversary!
I wish you good health, fulfillment of all plans, happiness and prosperity!
I am confident that your inexhaustible energy and organizational skills, government approach to business and ability to implement your plans will help you continue to solve complex tasks
For the benefit of our native Moscow region!

Secretary of the Political Council

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
On your birthday, please accept my most sincere congratulations and wishes.
good health, strength, vigor, happiness and good luck in all your endeavors.

Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region
V.A. Egerev

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary!
I wish you health and happiness, prosperity and good luck! May all your dreams and hopes come true, may all your undertakings and plans come true, and may peace of mind, love and good mood always reign in your home.

Minister V.S. Demeshkan

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
The Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region sincerely congratulates you on your birthday.
We wish you happiness, good health for many years to come, and fruitful activities for the benefit of your native Moscow region.

Minister of Education of the Government of the Moscow Region
L.N. Antonova

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
On behalf of the board of the Ministry of Construction Complex of the Moscow Region
and from me personally, please accept sincere congratulations on your birthday!
We wish you good health, happiness, prosperity, optimism and further success
for the benefit of our native Moscow region!

Minister of Construction
P.S. Perepelitsa

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!

Happy birthday to you!
I wish you good health, longevity, success in your creative and labor activity, good luck in all your endeavors,
good luck to you and your loved ones!

Deputy Minister
Government Construction
Moscow region
CM. Zhdanov

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept sincere congratulations on your birthday!
On this day I would like to tell you many kind words, which you undoubtedly deserve.
I wish you great success in our common cause - selfless work for the benefit of the Moscow region!
Good health to you and your loved ones, as well as great human happiness.

Minister for Implementation
control activities
Government of the Moscow region
VC. Shilin

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
on the occasion of the 55th birthday!
Your rich experience as a leader with a deep knowledge of life, the ability to work with people, professionalism and a principled approach to business invariably contribute to the further development and prosperity of the Krasnoznamensk urban district.
I wish you good health, great personal happiness, family well-being and new successes in your responsible and multifaceted activities.

Head of Main Department
regional security of the Moscow region
I.N. Khorkov

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Allow me with all my heart
Congratulations on your wonderful anniversary!
I wish you good health, inexhaustible energy, vigor and optimism!
May good luck always accompany you in everything! Happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Sincerely, Chairman of the Election Commission of the Moscow Region

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my warmest and most sincere congratulations on your birthday!
With all my heart I wish you good health, peace of mind, strength and wisdom in solving the tasks facing you, new creative and business achievements.
May good luck accompany all your deeds and endeavors. Peace, prosperity to you and your loved ones.
State Duma Deputy
D.V. Sablin

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
With all my heart I wish you good health, inexhaustible vitality and success in all your endeavors aimed at the benefit of every resident of Krasnoznamensk!
Let your high professionalism, integrity, experience and ability to work with people serve as acceptance right decisions and their further implementation. May you always have the sincere and comprehensive support of your colleagues and friends.
Health, happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

S.A. Kravchenko

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday!
With all my heart I wish you good health, optimism, perseverance and patience in overcoming life's difficulties, complete mutual understanding and support of like-minded people, personal well-being and success in implementing your plans!

Member of the MOD
I.V. Charyshkin

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my most sincere and heartfelt congratulations
Happy holiday - birthday - anniversary!
Let me wish you good health, good luck, good mood, happiness in life and new vigorous creative endeavors for the benefit of the residents of the city district.

Deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my kindest sincere congratulations
Happy 55th anniversary!
On this significant day, I wish you good health, prosperity, good luck, success for the benefit of the residents of the city and native Moscow region!

State Duma Deputy
V.D. Drusinov

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my warmest congratulations on your birthday!
Let the accumulated life experience and wisdom help you
In solving everyday problems.
May your deepest desires and aspirations come true,
All the good things in your life will be preserved and moments of joy, love and optimism will increase.
I wish luck, success and inspiration to be your faithful companions
In all your endeavors, and health and well-being in your daily life!

Deputy of Moscow
Regional Duma
V.V. Aristarkhov

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your anniversary!
Every birthday, and even more so an anniversary, in its own way records periods of life lived and highlights many, many events and accomplishments even more clearly.
At the same time, the anniversary is a kind of starting point for a new life stage, the starting position for the solution is very important tasks both personal and socially significant.
With all my heart I wish you good health, inexhaustible energy, warmth, good mood, good luck, success in implementing your plans and in all your endeavors for the benefit of your native Moscow region!
May simple human happiness always accompany you, may prosperity and joy never leave your home!

With deep respect,
Head of the city of Yubileiny
V.V. Kirpichev

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday!
This special event is a time for congratulations, personal memories, summing up, and plans for the future.
I sincerely wish that your life will always be filled with the respect and support of colleagues, the warmth and love of family and friends, and true human happiness.
Let your inexhaustible energy, optimism, professional and life experience allow you to realize your plans and help you solve the most difficult problems.
I wish you good health, family well-being and success in your future work.

Head of Naro-Fominsk
Municipal district

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday. May you always be surrounded by loving and understanding people of duty with best wishes.

Head of the city of Ivanteevka
Sergey Gridnev

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
We cordially congratulate you on your ANNIVERSARY!
Please accept my warmest and sincere wishes for good health, happiness, good luck, prosperity, self-confidence and further success in all your endeavors, successful implementation of your plans aimed at the prosperity of the Krasnoznamensk urban district.

Head of the city of Dolgoprudny

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
I cordially congratulate you on your birthday!
On this special day, please accept my kindest words and wishes!
May your hard and dedicated work for the benefit of the Krasnoznamensk urban district bring
There are more and more significant victories, and success and good luck accompany all deeds.
May your life always be filled with respect and support from colleagues, warmth and love from family and friends, true human happiness, inexhaustible energy, optimism and the ability to implement assigned tasks in the name of achieving positive changes.

Head of Pavlo-Posadsky
Municipal district
A.Yu. Lyutoev

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!
I would like to wish you stability, political wisdom, strength, energy, reliable associates for the implementation of your plans, thanks to which the municipal entity led by you will continue to develop, overcoming all difficulties on the path to further prosperity!
I wish you good health, prosperity, love and may good luck accompany you in everything!

Head of the city of Klimovsk
E.V. Patrushev

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
The administration of the Shatursky municipal district cordially congratulates you on your birthday. Must Your life will always be filled with real human happiness, optimism, faith in the good and beautiful. Good luck, inspiration and success to you in all your endeavors for the benefit successful development Your his municipality and native Moscow region.

Head of Shatursky
Municipal district
A.D. Keller

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
On behalf of the MOSTRANSAVTO team and on my own behalf, I cordially congratulate you on your birthday!
Accept the most good wishes health, happiness, good luck, prosperity, successful implementation of all planned plans, and economic stability and prosperity for your district!

State Unitary Enterprise MO "MOSTRANSAVTO"
Grivas N.M.

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept sincere congratulations on your Anniversary!
I wish you good health, great human happiness, success in our common cause - selfless work for the benefit of the Moscow region.

Chairman of the Chamber of Control and Accounts
Moscow region
A.A. Chodov

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
With all my heart I wish you good health, good luck, happiness and prosperity!
May the achievements of your professional activity, your energy and optimism benefit you and serve for the benefit and prosperity of the Moscow region.

Chairman of the Public Chamber
Moscow region
N.Yu. Chaplin

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
I cordially congratulate you on your birthday!
May life always be filled with real human happiness, optimism, faith in the good and the beautiful! Good health, good luck, inspiration and success in all your endeavors!
Peace, harmony, love to your home!

Head of the State Institution of the Moscow Region
"UAD MO "Mosavtodor"
I.E. Chernousov

Number of impressions: 68784

Today is your holiday. Congratulations
Please accept this on your birthday!
I want to wish you to remain beautiful
And don’t bother yourself with sadness in vain.
So that you and your loved ones are healthy,
So that you meet joy again and again,
So that your smile shines more and more often,
There are a lot of good people to meet
On your way. So that everything comes true,
What have you ever only dreamed about!

I want to congratulate you today
Have a wonderful and magical day!
Let it be filled with warmth,
May there be a lot of happiness in him.

I wish you joy, health,
May luck spoil you
And sadness passes by,
Let every hour be bright!

Happy birthday to you! I wish you to always be as beautiful as you are now. May all your dreams come true. So that every day you live brings only the best, the brightest, and the black stripes slip by. I wish you happiness, inspiration in your work, peace in your home and fire in your heart!

Happy Birthday!
All wishes come true,
And health and love,
Many, many benefits of others
I wish you from the bottom of my heart.
I congratulate you on this day.
Always be beautiful
Both perky and happy.

I wish you not to grow old,
Don't be sad and don't get sick.
So that fortune comes near,
And good luck.
So that everyone's good intentions
You have been successful.
Have a joyful mood
I wish you on your birthday.

May there be a lot of health,
The anxiety will leave the soul,
Every day brings only joy
And nothing saddens you.

May you always be happy
Charming, beautiful.
Do everything in the world,
Light up the world with a smile.

Happy birthday to you today.
We want to say a lot of kind words.
So that there are more joys in life,
We want to wish you from the bottom of our hearts.

So that you always have good health,
To make your loved ones and friends happy.
We also wish you prosperity.
It’s impossible to live without him now.

Well, in conclusion we wish
It’s in your soul to be forever young,
Whatever your mood
Always wonderful, even if you sing songs!

On your birthday I would like to say
Only lines permeated with warmth.
I wish you health, happiness, joy,
Good luck, have an easy life.

May you succeed at work and at home
In the shortest possible time, any undertaking,
And they are executed in no time, on the fly,
Any whims, whims and desires.

May peace and kindness, peace and light
The key to your comfort.
AND sweet life the bouquet is diluted
Only the tart taste of festive brut.

Allow me with admiration
To say a few words to you,
Happy birthday
And wish you happiness.

Stay beautiful
For many years,
Smile cheerfully
As they always did.

We wish you good health
And to your entire family,
For happiness and success
The increase has doubled.

Happy birthday to you!
On this bright and festive day
We wish you only joy in life,
Extremely good news.

Let your eyes shine with inspiration
And the smile never leaves my face,
We wish you only good luck and happiness,
Let the fun never end.

I wish you to be happy,
Live long in love and prosperity.
Harmony, family warmth,
And may things progress successfully.

Let everything happen according to your wishes,
Luck knocks every day.
Blooming health and goodness,
May your beauty be eternal!

You are so beautiful today
So damn good!
Happy birthday please
Congratulations to you from the bottom of my heart.

Long and beautiful years to you,
Travels and ventures
And of course, loved ones,
To the hearts of dear people.

May you, as in a good fairy tale,
Everyone's dreams will come true
May they always give you generously
Compliments and flowers.