Magic flowers thread applique. Drawing pictures by gluing finely cut threads

Choice of colors

There are many educational activities for children. Constantly doing one activity can get boring for a child, so they need to be changed and something new added. To diversify your child’s leisure time, you can offer to make an applique from threads. This activity will captivate and will interesting for a child, and will also bring a lot of benefits.

Crafts develop fine motor skills, stimulate the imagination and introduce children to the world around them. The themes of the images can be anything: nature, animals, birds, flowers, seasons and much more. The works turn out to be quite unusual and original. And thanks to the threads, the pictures become fluffy and soft, which really attracts the attention of children.

Applications made from threads on cardboard are distinguished not only by the subject of the images, but also by the method of execution. Such appliques can be made from twisted, cut threads or embroidered with a needle. To better understand the technique of making such counterfeits, let's look at a few examples below.

Application made of threads on cardboard on the theme of autumn

Consider a thread master class in kindergarten. This lesson helps improve children’s memory and imagination when making appliques.

So, to work you will need: white cardboard, pencil, scissors, glue, woolen thread different colors, glue brush.

Rowan branch

First you need to prepare the threads. Fold the thread several times and carefully cut it.

We arrange the resulting pieces into different vases depending on the color. Then we take cardboard and draw a template, in in this case This is a rowan branch. Now let's start designing the application. First, we glue the rowan branches with whole threads.

After this, you need to thickly coat the pattern with glue.

And we begin to fill out the drawing, laying out the leaves with threads.

Then you need to leave the craft to dry. After a few hours, you need to shake the applique, thereby removing any unadhered threads. The work is ready.

You can create appliqués from threads not only in kindergarten. Even in home environment The child will be happy to make an applique from woolen threads with his own hands. Initially, of course, he will need the help of an adult, but after a while he will be able to create on his own.

Children love such fakes due to their unusualness and softness, not to mention the beauty of the resulting works. And the creation process brings a lot of positive emotions.

Application made of threads on cardboard "Cat"

To work you need: cardboard or paper for the base of the applique, pencil, glue, scissors, brush, thread.

The first thing to do is prepare the threads. They need to be chopped finely and carefully. First we glue the outline of the cat with a dark thread to make it brighter. Now you need to coat the cat template with a thick layer of glue. And carefully we begin to glue the cut threads, without going beyond the outline of the drawing. Let the application dry for several hours, then shake off any threads that are not stuck. This is how it’s quite easy to make the Cat applique.

In conclusion, I would like to note that it is not so difficult to create beautiful, bright and fluffy pictures. Applique from cut threads for children is a great opportunity not only to occupy the child’s time, but also to develop various skills. It is so surprising that ordinary threads can be used not only for knitting and sewing, but also for making such unusual fakes. Moreover, both the youngest children and older children can make such applications. Made products can be placed in a frame and decorate the interior of the room. Examples of other thread applications.

Author: Chernikova Natalya Valentinovna, teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 24 of the combined type “Polyanka”, Kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod region
The master class is designed for children 3-5 years old
This master class will be of interest to teachers and parents.

- arouse interest in appliqué using cut threads;
- develop fine motor skills of the hands, artistically - Creative skills in children
There was a white house
Wonderful house.
And something knocked inside him.
And he crashed, and from there
A living miracle ran out -
So warm, so -
Fluffy and golden!
To work you need:

Applique from threads Horse. Master class with step-by-step photos
Thread applique for kindergarten

Author: Pritula Marina Anatolyevna – teacher of MDOBU “ Kindergarten general developmental type No. 9 “Yolochka”, Arsenyevsky urban district, Primorsky Territory, Arsenyev
The master class is intended for older children preschool age and teachers.

Thread appliques are rare works. Although it’s a shame, thread works are very interesting for both adults and children. After all, such works are not only beautiful and exciting, they are also incredibly simple.
For such work it is very simple and available material. Crafts like this look very original. To work you will need multi-colored threads depending on the picture.

Thread applique. New Year's horse
Master class on making a painting from wool threads.

Author: Fetyukhina Larisa Viktorovna, teacher at MBOU Dubovskaya secondary school x. Dubovsky Uryupinsky district Volgograd region
Purpose: interior decoration, gift.
Technique: embroider without a needle.
The master class will be of interest to educators and teachers primary classes, parents who, together with their children, will make a picture from woolen threads and will be able to please their loved ones with an interesting craft.
Thinking about what new Year gifts“put under the Christmas tree”, it is necessary to take into account not only the wishes of relatives and friends, their hobbies, interests, but also the fact that the New Year 2014 is the year of the blue wooden Horse. Eastern legends say that if a gift contains an image of the symbol of the year, then it will undoubtedly bring good luck and fortune to its recipient in the New Year. Therefore, the most common gifts in 2014 will be souvenir figurines in the form of a horse, paintings, figurines, panels, clothes, toys, keychains with the image of this animal. For your home or office, you can give a painting with a picture of a horse. Which is what I suggest you do with your own hands.

Master class “Hedgehog” using thread applique technique

Master class for students in 2-3 years of study (grades 2-4).

Amazing material - threads! Whatever they do with them: they sew, knit, weave: carpets, tapestries, panels; they embroider amazingly beautiful pictures. We have found another use for the remnants of threads from weaving and knitting - these are amazing applications in which threads are used as paints. Products using the thread applique technique look original, the techniques for working with it are simple and provide endless opportunities for creative self-expression.

The need for this technique arose after working on products using the macrame technique - there were a lot of thread scraps left different color. It was decided to master waste-free production and use the remaining threads in work. The technique of thread appliqué is very interesting, fascinating, and accessible to people. of different ages. Having mastered the basic techniques of working in this technique, based on the knowledge gained, you can create own works. By demonstrating creativity in these works, the creative abilities of the individual, characterized by a readiness to generate fundamentally new unusual ideas deviating from traditional or accepted patterns of thinking.

Application of works:

1. As an independent product, framed.

2. As a decoration for the interior of a room.

3. As an addition to a large composition (3 D effect).

In this master class it is proposed to perform the “Hedgehog” work using the thread applique technique. At the first stage, before starting the work, it is necessary to carefully work out every detail of the sketch. The second stage of work is the design of the outline of the pattern with black threads. At the third stage, it is necessary to cut the threads of the desired color as finely as possible, as if turning them into fluff, then the work will look more advantageous. It is necessary to lay out the prepared threads on the drawing, previously generously lubricated with PVA glue. Moreover, the entire drawing is not smeared with glue at once, but only those places on which work is carried out in this moment. The work is done from top to bottom.

Having filled the space of the entire drawing, the work needs to dry. When the work has dried, cut it out carefully along the contour of the black threads.

Target: Introduction to making a product using the thread applique technique.


Educational: create an idea of ​​the “thread applique” technique, introduce the stages of work on making a product.

Developmental: development of children's creative abilities.

Educational: call positive emotions the child has visual arts and its results.

Teaching methods:

Verbal - explanation, conversation;

Visual - an exhibition of works using the “thread applique” technique;

Practical - making a product.

Equipment: materials for working on the sketch - pencil, cardboard; materials for decorating the outline of the picture - a piece of black thread; PVA glue; scissors; thread trimmings red, yellow, green, gray, Brown; toothpick.

Music series: musical improvisations on the theme of forest animals.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Introductory part:

organizational part.

2. Main part:

presentation of new material; induction training; independent practical work and ongoing training.

3. Final part:

summing up; reflection.

Planned results: production of the “Hedgehog” product using the thread applique technique, participation of all children in the work.

Stages of production of work.

1. Select a sketch of the drawing. Transfer the drawing onto cardboard.

2. Draw the outline of the design with black threads.

This is what the work looks like, completely decorated with black threads.

3. Prepare the threads of the desired color - cut the threads as finely as possible, as if turning them into fluff, then the work will look more advantageous.

At the end of the work, the prepared threads may remain; they will be useful to you for next works, you put them in ziplock bags.

4. Next, start laying the prepared threads on the drawing; do not smear the entire drawing with glue at once, but only those places that you are working on at the moment. While working, use a toothpick or a used nail file, this is necessary so that the threads lie close to each other. The work is done from top to bottom.

5. Continue filling the space of the entire drawing. Next, let the work dry for 10-12 hours.

6. When the work has dried, cut out the finished design along the line of black threads.

The work is ready.

7. I take sketches for the works from children’s coloring books; for children of the first year of school I selected small works such as a hedgehog, a dog, a cockerel, a cat, a bunny, a tulip. I present to your attention samples of work and templates of a cockerel and a cat.

Subject: Application from cut threads"Dandelion"


Develop the ability to plan your work, intelligence, logical thinking, attention,creative imagination.

Foster accuracy and work culture, independence in performance.

- Teach children to make applique from cut threads.


Rely on interdisciplinary connections with mathematics and on personal experience students.

Improve the ability to work according to the instruction map.

Develop observation and attention.

Develop design and technological abilities and interests.

Planned educational resources:


Practice the ability to recognize same shape figures that differ in other characteristics (color, size, location);


Learn to plan activities;

Development of mental operations: analysis and synthesis;

Formation of forecasting skills.


Formation of the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical and moral standards (idea about the practical use of manufactured crafts, interest in various types design and technological activities)

Equipment: cardboard, pencil, ruler, scissors, glue.

During the classes

  1. Lesson organization.
  1. Greetings.
  2. Checking readiness for the lesson

On the tables you should have: a textbook, cardboard, pencil, ruler, scissors, glue, threads.

  1. Introduction to the topic.

What did you do in your last technology class?

Did you enjoy this activity?

Today in the lesson we will continue working with threads.

Listen to a short poem.

Guys, guess the riddle:

Look what a flower!

How to weave it into a wreath?

Standing in a white hat,

And if you blow, it will fly away.


What do you think we will do in class today?

  1. Topic message

Today in the lesson we will make a dandelion from cut threads.

Updating knowledge

Do you know what dandelion is popularly called? Just blow, guns, powder puff, milkman, bald man, milk pan.

Where did this flower get such names?

Just blow it - because if you simply blow on a ripe dandelion flower, its inflorescences will scatter in different directions.

Guns and puff - because when a dandelion ripens, it yellow flower turns into fluffy like fluff balloon. And if you pick a dandelion, you can see sticky milk coming out of the stem. That's why he is called the milkman. On the leaves and stem of a dandelion you can always find small insects, aphids, and snails that feed on its milk. This is where the flower gets its name - the milk pan.)

  1. Work planning
  1. Sample Analysis

Which product is presented to you?

What material is the applique made of?

What is shown on the application? -

What color paper is used?

Open your textbook to page 35. Look at the example.

What materials are used to make dandelion? The material used for manufacturing is thread.)

What technique was used? this work? (An applique of cut threads was chosen to make a dandelion.) What details of the flower are made using this technique? (The flower itself and leaves.)

How is a dandelion stem made? What shape is it? (dandelion stem

round. It is made as if from twisted threads.)

Before we start making the applique, we need to practice some operations that will help make the work nice and neat. But first, we need to remember the rules for handling scissors and glue.

2. Instruction on t/b(remember the rules for working with scissors)

Children repeat the basic rules of working with scissors and glue.

Safety rules for working with scissors:

  1. Don't hold them upside down, don't carry them in your pocket.
  2. Do not use scissors with loose hinges.
  3. Do not cut with scissors on the go, do not approach your friends while cutting, do not leave the scissors open.
  4. Pass the scissors only closed, with the rings facing your friend.
  5. When working with scissors, watch the fingers of your left hand.
  6. Place the scissors on the desk so that they do not hang over the edge of the desk.
  7. When cutting out circle-shaped parts, rotate the paper.
  8. Leave the marking line on the parts to be cut out.

Rules for safe work with glue:

1. When working with glue, use a brush if necessary.

2. Take the amount of glue that is required to complete the work on at this stage.

3. Remove excess glue with a soft cloth or napkin, gently pressing it.

4. Wash your brush and hands well with soap after work.

3. Work progress

  1. Blank round shape
  1. Cut a strip of cardboard 3 cm wide and 5 cm long.
  2. Place a small piece of thread on a strip of cardboard.
  3. Wind 20-30 turns and cut from the ball.
  4. Tie the ends in pairs and cut the turns.
  5. Try to fluff the ends of the threads so that they resemble parachutes.
  1. Rectangular blank
  1. Cut out a piece of cardboard 2 cm wide and 15 cm long.
  2. Cut a piece of braid 19 cm long.
  3. Secure the braid in the center of the workpiece with paper clips.
  4. Make a slit on the edge cardboard blank. Lubricate the tape with glue.
  5. Wind the thread in even rows.
  6. Cut the thread from the ball.
  7. Turn the workpiece over to the wrong side.
  8. Cut the threads in the middle.
  9. Remove the tape from the cardboard.
  1. By trimming the edges of the threads, you can make leaves of different shapes.
  2. Use the round blank for its intended purpose.
  1. Practical work.

Students do the work, the teacher provides ongoing instruction.

  1. Lesson summary.

1) Marking

2) -What did you learn to do in today's lesson?

What was difficult?

What did you like?

3) -Our lesson is coming to an end. Please carry finished works to the exhibition.

Tell me how we can use your work?

You did a very good job today. Everyone came up with wonderful compositions.

4) Cleaning workplaces

Doing something with your own hands is always pleasant and interesting. When you want to do something unusual and quite bright with your own hands, and also spend quality time with your child, then great idea will become knitting own painting from woolen threads.

We can’t argue with the fact that creating such an applique is quite exciting and fun. A little patience, imagination and tools are all that is required for this craft.

The first thing to say is that the skill of drawing with threads is usually called threadography. This technique was invented quite a long time ago by the Indian Huichol people, who lived in the western and central parts of Mexico. Their main craft was weaving and embroidery, so it was they who stood at the origins of thread printing.

If you take a serious approach to creating a picture from threads, then you can have a great time and learn something new, but make great gift for friends or family. People who might call themselves impatient will be happy to try appliqués from knitting threads because it is Nitography is an excellent endurance training.

Main types of crafts made from threads

Exists several main types of applications:

  • standard thread applique;
  • iso-thread using small nails and, of course, threads;

In this article we will analyze each of the above-described species using the example of dandelion and kitten.

As mentioned earlier, creating thread appliques is great for both children and adults. The situation is such that what more people engages in this craft, the more his endurance and imagination are trained. And this, as we know, is perfect for any person. Moreover, by doing this you can not only improve yourself, but also make an excellent interior element or gift.

Standard method of appliqué with threads of different lengths

If you follow the statements experienced needlewomen who know their business, you can be convinced that drawing with threads is so easy and interesting that it can give odds to standard drawing with pencils. Creating crafts using patterns with cats or dandelions is perfect for children.

The first step is to prepare all the tools, which may be useful in this method, namely:

  • the base on which the design will be applied (a sheet of fiberboard is best suited);
  • the frame in which the finished painting will be placed;
  • PVA glue or any other durable glue of your choice;
  • brush, as well as cotton swabs;
  • pencil for sketching (simple);
  • scissors;

And, of course, how can more threads. Which threads to choose is not so important. Depends on the desire of the creator. Most often, when working with children they use wool threads.

Once all the tools are prepared, you can begin. First of all, you need to draw a sketch of the future drawing with a pencil. For the first time, dandelion or kitten are perfect.

The next step is to select the thread colors that are most suitable for the selected pattern. It is also important to know the following: if you are a beginner, it is best not to use shaggy or curly threads. Of course, they make more interesting drawings, but they are difficult to work with. Therefore, leave them for more experienced times.

When all preparatory work finished, grab the glue and scissors and start creating. Apply glue to a brush or cotton swab and draw a line of glue on the base strictly along the contour. After this, press the threads to the canvas with your finger. First lay the material along the contour, then inside and outside.

At this stage it is very important to place the threads correctly on the base, pressing them tightly enough together and avoiding any voids. If this technique will be ignored, the final drawing will be, to put it mildly, weak.

Once done, leave the image to dry for several hours. Once you are sure that the glue is completely dry and the materials lie tightly enough on the canvas, you can steam the whole thing using an iron. This will help the threads become smoother and more beautiful.

By the way, in the future you can vacuum the painting without any problems without fear for your work.

Method involving the use of nails

As you might have guessed from the name, this method involves a radically different technique for creating a drawing. So we will need following tools:

  • again, the base (wooden sheet or wall);
  • threads and scissors;
  • small nails and a hammer;

In general, this method is much easier than the standard one. The main thing is to understand the essence of this technique and understand its implementation, after which you can create your own crafts without any problems. Let us remind you that it is best to train on light drawings: dandelions and cats.

As in the standard case, first of all we select a pattern for the drawing and apply it to our base. After this, we hammer nails along the entire contour and pull the threads on them.

It is best to first secure the thread to the first nail with a strong knot, and then pull it to the next nails one by one. It is best to come up with a diagram of the order of placement of threads on nails yourself. At this stage, you will realize that this technique is so exciting that it will not let you stop.


In principle, there are still enough ways to create appliques from threads. In this article, the most basic ones that are best suited for learning have been mentioned. As soon as you master these methods perfectly, you will immediately be able to create any paintings of this type without difficulty. Don't be afraid to experiment.