Reasons for leaving and changing jobs in your resume. What to say at an interview about the reasons for independently leaving work and dismissal: what to name the reason and what to say when answering the question

For children

Everyone has long since gotten the hang of writing a resume, but still some columns raise doubts even among experienced applicants, for example, whether to write the reason for dismissal, and if so, what exactly to indicate. Some believe that it is always worth reporting truthful information about yourself, while others act more cunningly.

How to write a resume, what reason should you include in it?

The reason for dismissal is usually not indicated in the text of the resume, but in any case, you need to be prepared that at the interview the recruiting manager will most likely ask about the reasons for leaving your previous job.

Some employers offer to fill out an atypical resume form, and the “reason for dismissal” column is mandatory in it. What should I write in this case? You should not invent anything that would contradict the entry in the work book. In addition, if the recruiter is confused by something, he can easily call his previous workplace applicant and find out everything.

Advice! If you still need to fill out the reason for leaving in the questionnaire, it is better to do it as briefly as possible.

Some reasons for leaving a job for a resume do not require writing long opuses, for example:

  • due to the closure of an enterprise;
  • in connection with the end of a fixed-term employment contract;
  • by agreement of the parties;
  • By at will.

If the recruiter’s profile is of interest, he will be able to find out all the details during a personal meeting.

But how to correctly indicate the reason for leaving, if it is such that it puts this personal meeting into question? For example, if the reason is the following factors:

  1. Unsatisfactory result of the pre-employment test.
  2. Inadequacy for the position due to insufficient qualifications.

In such a situation, you can indicate that the specialist occupied a higher position that did not correspond to his skills, but subsequently completed advanced training courses, thereby eliminating existing gaps. It is better to attach a photocopy of a certificate or diploma of completion of courses to your resume.

What harmless reasons can there be for dismissal?

Labor Code Russian Federation establishes an extensive list of grounds for termination of an employment contract. Well-known grounds for dismissal:

  • at the initiative of the boss;
  • expiration of the employment contract.

In addition, there are reasons when an employee may refuse to continue working (and the law gives him such a right):

  • due to a change of ownership;
  • changes in the terms of the contract;
  • transfer to another job due to health reasons;
  • the company moves to another area.

The law provides that leaving can also be for reasons independent of the will of the parties:

  • not being elected to office;
  • condemnation to punishment;
  • recognition of the employee as not being able to work;
  • other reasons.

The contract can be terminated if the rules for its conclusion have been violated.

All these reasons for leaving previous work can be painlessly described when submitting a resume for a new position.

What should not be specified, complex cases

There are reasons for leaving that under no circumstances can be indicated in the application form:

  • embezzlement;
  • absenteeism;
  • appearing at the enterprise while drunk;
  • disclosure of state and commercial secrets;
  • gross violation of labor duties and other reasons that do not suit the applicant.

It is better to leave the required column blank, and during an interview or over the phone try to explain the current situation, for example, as a misunderstanding with the previous management. It is important to convince the recruiter that this will not happen again in the future.

How to present leaving a job due to layoff?

Sometimes, even such a seemingly harmless reason for dismissal, such as staff reduction, indicated in the application form, can play a cruel joke on the applicant.

The hiring manager may decide that valuable personnel do not lay off and refuse employment. In this case, again, it is better not to write anything in the application form, but to explain in an interview that they were forced to leave a single mother in the service, whom they simply did not have the right to lay off, but a good specialist (a candidate for a new job) was still fired.

How to beat care at will?

If a person quit of his own free will, the recruiter may have a reasonable question as to why such a desire arose. In this case, you should not write about a conflict with colleagues or try to blame the tyrant boss. Since this will indicate the inability to get along with people, lack of loyalty and incontinence of the applicant.

In addition, it is better not to write about such reasons as a gray or low salary, because in fact no employer wants to overpay his subordinates, while demanding high labor productivity. Well, if this particular fact became the reason for resignation, then it is better to indicate that the salary was below average and did not correspond to the skills, job duties and responsibility assigned to the resigning person.

Irregular working hours or a large amount of work can also be a reason for leaving, but there is no need to write such a reason in the application form; the recruiting manager may decide that the applicant is simply lazy and does not want to work.

Advice! When leaving at will, it is better to emphasize that the old job did not provide an opportunity to realize one’s talents, but the new one, which the person is currently applying for, does.

If a new vacancy requires business trips, then you should not write that they were the reason for leaving your previous job.

In the form you must indicate your strengths, therefore it is better to indicate the appropriate reasons for leaving:

  1. By writing that there was no opportunity for career and professional growth at the company, the candidate will show his dedication and willingness to work for results.
  2. By indicating that the previous place of service did not allow him to fully realize his qualifications and skills, the applicant will emphasize his high competence. The main thing is to confirm your importance later in the process of work.

You can indicate neutral motives that, while not characterizing the applicant as an active person, will not do any harm. For example, to inform that the management of the enterprise has changed, and accordingly a team of specialists has come, while the old ones were asked to leave on good terms.

For reference! Another one good reason for a resume - your place of residence or office location has changed, getting there has become far, inconvenient, long or impossible (any suitable option).

Literacy and information content

Sample resume.

The resume must be written without errors or corrections. An untidy questionnaire, full of spelling errors, is unlikely to interest a recruiting manager who wants to select a high-quality specialist.

The questionnaire should be as informative as possible, but not overloaded with unnecessary information. You need to indicate only the information that is important specifically for a given profession, position or employer. There is no need to start the story with school success. The same applies to the reasons for resignation; as a rule, the recruiter is interested in the last place of service.

Clarity of wording, no lies

If the motive for leaving is not favorable, you should not fuss and hide it behind general vague phrases, for example, “we did not agree with the previous leadership.” Such phrases will most likely prompt the recruiter to call the applicant’s previous place of work and find out the truth. And if a person quits with a scandal, then you can imagine what they will say about him. Maximum honesty and openness may help gain the sympathy and trust of potential superiors.

And you should not allow yourself any offensive attacks against former management and colleagues.

Important! The main thing to remember is that in the age of information technology, any information can be verified in just a couple of minutes. Therefore, you can and should embellish information about yourself, but under no circumstances should you lie.

Potential employers most often form an opinion about an applicant for a vacant position only after an interview with him. But whether this interview will take place or not largely depends on the resume. It is " business card» job applicant, and the final result often depends on the literacy of its preparation.

Why you quit your previous job - enough frequently asked question from employers. The list of examples of real reasons for dismissal from a previous job includes: at the initiative of the employer, at one’s own request, due to conscription into the army, part-time work. Leaving the place of duty is carried out in accordance with the requirements specified in Labor Code RF.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation also provides for further employment for citizens. The applicant who wrote the details of his dismissal in his resume will have a greater chance of getting a new job.

Examples of reasons for leaving a job for a resume

The reasons for leaving a previous job for a resume do not suppress the initiative to look for new vacancies. Most often, companies offer to fill out a questionnaire or resume, where the applicant answers questions of different nature. If the questionnaire is concise, the future employee only needs to write his personal information. In the detailed questionnaire, in addition to information about yourself, you need to indicate the reason for leaving the service.

A recruiter is less likely to invite for an interview a person who uses examples without specifics: low level wages, for family reasons, for own initiative, reduction, unsuitable team. You need to answer the questions in your resume in a detailed form. Examples of specific reasons for leaving a previous job for a resume:

  • There is no opportunity to develop in a specialty. No career growth;
  • Knowledge, ideas and proposals were not approved by management. A misunderstanding arose that became difficult to work with;
  • The previous place of service took up all the time and effort that was not enough for advanced training;
  • Mass layoffs, staff reductions, department closures. The company provided dubious chances for further development of production.

In the list of examples of leaving a position for a resume, the applicant can indicate a desire to develop in another field. Reasons such as: the opportunity to try yourself in a different direction or the desire to use skills, abilities and experience to become a generalist professional will be appropriate.

If leaving a position was a scandal, there is no need to indicate this on your resume. It's better to wait until the interview and talk to the recruiter directly. It is also unacceptable to provide examples of reasons, such as: heavy work schedule, inability to work with unpleasant people, regular attendance at courses, the crisis situation in the country, and the like.

Such resume examples leave only a negative impression on the candidate and, to a lesser extent, give him a chance to get the coveted position.

Reasons for dismissal from work at the initiative of the employer

According to Articles 71 and 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer has the right to dismiss the employee and terminate employment with him employment contract. Examples of reasons for dismissal from a position under Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation include:

  • The employee is guilty of committing unacceptable acts: immoral acts, theft, fraud, failure to fulfill job duties, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Due to unsuitable personal qualities of the employee. Only if there are grounds and the rules for dismissal are followed;
  • Article 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states: an employee may be expelled due to failure to pass the test;
  • An employer has the right to dismiss a specialist if he good reason didn't show up for work. As a result of absenteeism - paragraph 6 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • The employee is absent from the workplace for a long period of time.

Before writing an application for employee contributions, you need to make sure the real reason truancy.

Dismissal from a part-time job

Part-time worker - an employee who, in addition to the main volume of work, performs additional tasks. The signing of the document on his deduction is done on general principles taking into account the reasons specified in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Part-time layoffs are notified one month in advance. During this period, the employer must offer other vacancies to the employee.

If the proposed options are not suitable, the employee is dismissed on the basis of staff reduction. The part-time worker is paid severance pay in the amount of wages. The payment is made within two months until the employee finds a vacant position.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, pregnant women, the only breadwinners in the family, people who are on vacation, on sick leave and mothers who care for children cannot be laid off from part-time jobs.

Dismissal from work at one's own request Labor Code

In accordance with Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to notify the employer of leaving at your own request no earlier than two weeks in advance. The employee may not say which initiative worked for his decision to leave. To be expelled, you just need to write an application and submit it to the personnel department. Two weeks in advance, the employee has the right to take the document back if the desire to leave the position has ceased. In turn, the boss, according to the Legislation of the Russian Federation, should not oppose the intention of his ward.

After notifying you of your departure, you must work for another two weeks. During this time, the boss will be able to find a replacement for the person leaving, and the employee will finally be convinced of the correctness of the decision.

The final departure of an employee on his own initiative is accompanied by a dismissal order, filling out a work book and settlement actions. A person who quit, in accordance with Article 140 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, has the right to receive wages, compensation for vacation pay, bonuses and other types of payments that are provided for by the Labor Code.

Dismissal from work due to conscription into the army

If leaving a job is due to conscription into the army, the employer must:

  • Terminate the employment contract in form T-8;
  • Make a note in the order book about the employee’s resignation;
  • Inform about the order former employee. The familiarization ends with the signature of the resigning party;
  • In accordance with Articles 140 and 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, wages and compensation for unused vacation pay are calculated;
  • The work book is filled out, which the employee receives on the day of departure;
  • Within two weeks, the boss must notify the military commissariat about the departure of a colleague.

The reason for dismissal from work due to conscription into the army does not guarantee that the position will be secured for the employee. Only after filling out a questionnaire, drawing up a new resume, or passing an interview can you return to previous place work. There are no reliable facts that a former employee will be taken into the army upon completion of his service.

Reasons for dismissal without work

In cases of urgent resignation from work, you can receive a document notification of dismissal without a two-week period of work. The list of reasons includes:

  • Retirement. Independent: retirement in due date or the decision to resign from the position of a person who is already retired;
  • Initiated care;
  • Care in connection with the relocation of a spouse to another city or country;
  • Failure to comply with the conditions specified in the Labor Code by the employer;
  • Enrollment for studies.

If the terms of employment comply with the clauses of the Labor Code, there is no reason to leave work, move to another department, or come up with reasons for dismissal in your resume: on your own initiative, in connection with conscription into the army, part-time employment, or the employer’s desire. Finding a job is not easy, so it’s good when the conditions of the employee and the employer coincide.

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Your resume is part of your biography, and an opinion about you is formed both on the basis of your experience, functionality, achievements, and on the basis of the reasons for leaving your previous jobs. Because companies value loyalty, HR managers tend to put themselves in your employer's shoes and during interviews emphasize the reasons for leaving your previous job.

It is not a fact that a person who left the company for a higher-paying position will want to quit for the sake of a salary increase of 5-10 thousand rubles. But the employer has reason to think so. They are especially suspicious of those who have worked in different companies for a short time. How to answer the question of why you quit?

If you haven't changed jobs for a long time


“I have already achieved considerable results in the company (they are worth listing), discussed growth prospects with my superiors and realized that in the near future there are no opportunities to grow vertically or gain experience in related projects. Therefore, he began to look for a new job, hinting to the employer about this, and moved to new company to a larger area of ​​responsibility, correctly transferring matters to a colleague.”

This story is as transparent and understandable as possible, especially if you can present your manager's contacts as a recommender. This is exactly the kind of parting with the company you can strive for.

“I served the company faithfully, but gradually I realized that I was doing about the same thing; there was no chance of a salary increase. I tried to do better - it worked, but I didn’t see any development, and no one promised an increase. Then I started looking for other jobs and found a better paying position.”

This version is especially understandable if you are the only worker in the family, you need to pay for education or a mortgage, that is, there was a good reason for your need to earn more.

“I was scammed” or “I was offered more interesting work, although I didn’t look for it and my resume was not in open sources.”

Here it is important to explain what it was about the new offer that was so tempting that you agreed to change jobs. For example, he called you to his place former manager, or the company launched a project in an area that is immensely interesting to you in life.

Less attractive answers for an employer would look something like this:

"I was laid off." Why you? Perhaps you were not effective and useful enough to the company? Here it is worth immediately explaining by what criteria the company carried out the reduction, who was left to work, so that it becomes clear that the issue was not your incompetence.

“We did not agree with the management on the vision for the further development of the company.” Here it is important to explain that you not only consider yourself smarter than management and are not ready to seek compromises, but that you were as open as possible and fought to the end, but when you realized that with the new goals of the company, your position would be unnecessary or you would have to do uninteresting things (here it’s worth giving a reasoned list of them), then only then did you leave, parting warmly with the management.

If you quit often


“The company failed to meet its financial obligations.” For example, you initially agreed on a fixed income of 150 thousand and the same quarterly bonus, and you, like all employees, were paid 100 thousand without a bonus or explanation.

“They changed the functionality from the first day: they hired me for the position of marketing manager, but in the end I had to perform the duties of an assistant manager.”

“I left for personal reasons (my mother, father, husband got sick), but I handed over the affairs as much as possible and at first advised the employer on any issues.”

Less correct answers would be:

“After six months at the company, I asked for an increase in salary or position, but was refused, so I left.”

Few employers believe that six months is enough time to make a career, and you don’t want to be under pressure from such an employee.

“I left because another company gave me 5 thousand more.”

This reason is rarely liked by employers, as they are afraid of overly greedy employees whose loyalty disappears at the sight of a few bills after four months work. And if this is the reason for several job changes, then the chances of getting a new position become close to zero, especially for middle and top positions.

“I left because my relationship with the manager did not work out.”

It is important for most companies to find flexible, contactable employees who know how to build relationships with any people. If you cannot explain why your manager was unbearable, then this reason will not add points to you. It is worth noting that it is not very correct to scold former bosses at an interview, so it is better not to use this reason.

What everyone should remember

Most employers try to answer this question by thinking:
“Can he leave me for the same reason in six months?”, “Would I like to hire a person who can say the same thing about me in a year?” Therefore, try to speak with maximum respect and warmth about the experience, skills, and responsibility that the previous company gave you.

And when deciding to leave, remember that for another ten years at the next 20 interviews you will be asked about the reasons for leaving and check the contacts of recommenders. Take this step as seriously as possible, take your time and try to remain on good professional terms with your former manager by agreeing on references.

The applicant’s resume is the first stage of the competitive selection to fill a vacant position in the company, therefore it is necessary to pay attention to the preparation of the resume Special attention. The applicant must know what is being searched new job and the employer, the resume will be his business card, so he needs to provide all the information about himself as truthfully and succinctly as possible, so that the HR manager of the company chooses him from the whole variety of resumes and specialists and invites him for an interview.

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What to write in your resume

To successfully pass the first stage of selection, namely the resume competition, you need to publish a personal resume on job portals, in which you must show and prove your professionalism and required level competencies.

Key aspects that must be disclosed in your resume:

  • personal information about yourself (age, Family status, place of residence);
  • level of education indicating all educational institutions, retraining and advanced training courses that you have ever taken;
  • professional skills and unique profile competencies;
  • entire work experience labor activity;
  • successes and achievements in previous places of work;
  • reasons for dismissal and recommendations of former managers.

Compliance with all rules and aspects when drawing up a resume will allow the company's recruiter to receive full information about you as an individual and a specialist in order to draw initial conclusions that will subsequently directly affect the course of the interview and your final assessment.

The reasons for leaving a job are perhaps one of the most personal and sensitive issues for applicants, and as practice shows: not every candidate is ready to provide truly truthful information about the reasons for dismissal and relationships in previous companies. Usually, when writing a resume, they either completely ignore this point, leaving the information field empty, or provide false information, which can subsequently be refuted by the previous employer.

Mistakes while writing a resume

Many applicants make mistakes when writing a resume, which, during a personal interview with a personnel manager or future manager, will give a negative description of the candidate and directly affect the outcome of the interview.

Main mistakes:

  • empty and meaningless questionnaires that do not serve an informational function;
  • lies, exaggeration of facts and implausible information about previous experience work;
  • inappropriate business style photos;
  • made grammatical and punctuation errors.

How critical is the reliability of information?

To distinguish themselves from other specialists in their professional field, people tend to exaggerate their achievements and positive personal qualities, as well as keep silent about negative examples and stories in your work history, so as not to compromise yourself already at the first meetings with the employer.

To avoid such tricks, you, as a potential candidate for a vacant position, should remember that the final stage of selection is Feedback previous employers and managers, this is why they are asked to indicate references and their contact information in their resume.

When discussing your candidacy, security service specialists, an HR manager or a future boss checking your profiles can easily find out all the reliable information about you, namely:

  • position and period of work;
  • level of self-organization and discipline;
  • quality and timeliness of performance of labor duties;
  • personal achievements and performance;
  • team relationships;
  • reasons for dismissal.

What you should not write about in the “Reasons for dismissal” on your resume

The reasons for leaving a job can be very different for your resume, but there are a number of reasons that you should not indicate, as they will not characterize you with the best side, first of all, as an immature and infantile person, and secondly, as a failed and unmatured worker.

Examples of reasons for leaving a job for a resume

Conflict in the team

The work team is a particularly extensive social group, in which we regularly interact and perform our work functions. According to scientists and researchers, modern man spends almost a third of his life at the workplace, since most office professionals work a minimum of eight hours a day. That's why healthy psychological climate and partnerships between team members are the key to the success and effectiveness of a team that moves towards a common goal and works for the benefit of the entire company.

In this case, the task of a particular individual is to join and socialize in an already established team, to find mutual language with all group members and take your place. If an employee has constant conflicts with colleagues and superiors, he cannot adapt and solve these problems, and this is precisely the reason for his dismissal, which means that such an employee is not motivated enough or is not communicative enough. Such conclusions can be drawn by a future employer if he sees conflicts in the team in the reasons for dismissal.

The fact is that the personnel service is aimed at finding and employing mature and effective specialist on an ongoing long-term basis, which will bring profit to the company. And if a person was unable to get along in the previous team and take his place in the team, there is no guarantee that he will be able to do this at a new place of work and not quit in the first months of work, which, as we know, are the most difficult and stressful for a newcomer.

Refusal to increase salary or position

Refusal to increase a position or pay level is also a popular reason for leaving a job at will, which does not characterize the employee from the best side. Many employees overestimate their irreplaceability, importance and role in the company, especially young professionals who have huge list ambitions and desires. Such specialists tend to demand from the employer an unreasonable increase in salary, promotion to management, or the receipt of certain privileges.

Therefore, when choosing a young and ambitious employee who has already left one of his places of work due to management’s refusal to improve his status or material goods, the employer takes a conscious risk. It is possible that after working for a very short period of time in a new company and new position, the employee will again, completely unreasonably, begin to demand a raise and, if refused, simply quit. And as a result, the company will suffer significant material and time losses that were spent on searching, attracting and adapting this employee.

Working overtime

Working overtime, as well as working on holidays and weekends, can also lead to dismissal from work. But the applicant should not indicate it in his resume, since the employer must be confident in the motivation and productivity of his staff.

Force majeure situations occur in every company, important orders are received that must be completed as quickly as possible. short time, and workers in this case must act as one team aimed at solving the problem. Overtime work is often a forced and variable work schedule, and you, as a motivated and dedicated professional, should not project this set of circumstances as a potential problem, and especially not indicate it in the reasons for leaving.

Other unfavorable reasons for leaving a previous job, for example:

  • the employee did not live up to the expectations and job functions assigned to him;
  • the employer was not satisfied with the level of professional training, skills and competencies;
  • the employee could not decide in a timely manner difficult situations and emerging problems;
  • the employee is not sufficiently communicative and stress-resistant.

Even if your dismissal was a result of the situations described, do not rush to include them in your resume. There are more objective and acceptable reasons for dismissal that will not cause fears to the future employer and unnecessary questions on your candidacy, and will increase your chances of success.

As practice shows, an educated and highly qualified specialist in modern world During his long career, he changes several companies and positions, which is what ensures his broad outlook and numerous professional skills acquired in the process of work. Also, do not forget that every person is motivated and aimed at improving his material and social status, which will help him improve his standard of living, this is the main reason for changing jobs and looking for a more attractive and profitable field.

There are socially desirable answers to questions about the reasons for changing jobs that will characterize the candidate from the right, positive point of view.

There were no visible prospects for career growth in the previous company

Sometimes in organizations circumstances develop in such a way that even with ideal and successful work young and educated specialists, there are no vacant positions and prospects for advancement up the career ladder. This may be due to reductions in staffing levels and wages, as well as an established and mature management team that will not change in the near future. For example, these could be relatives and close friends of the business owner or general director, as well as careerists who are ready to devote all their time to work and regularly provide high performance efficiency.

Expanding the scope of knowledge or changing activities

Achievement high level qualifications and a wide area of ​​knowledge can be an important reason for changing jobs for a young specialist who wants to gain additional knowledge and acquire new skills in his professional field. Not every manager is willing to delegate authority, provide additional work or training to their employees, so this can be a significant factor in a future job change.

Reduction in personnel numbers as a consequence of the crisis

Massive reductions in the number of employees of an enterprise can become one of the reasons for dismissal from work on the initiative of the employer, which does not directly depend on the employee and does not give him a negative assessment.

Such a combination of circumstances in the organization and in general economic reality does not depend in any way on a specific employee or even on the employer, so you can safely indicate such a reason in your resume, but only if it is true and can be confirmed by the former manager mentioned in the recommendations .

Some tips for candidates and their future employers

The applicant worked for 1 month

Short term labor Relations and regular job changes are the first call indicating the unreliability and uncertainty of the future employee. If during his career there were several such short periods of work, and the employee cannot objectively explain the reasons frequent changes work, this directly indicates that he has not yet fully decided on his future field of activity and position. Either he has excessive demands on a potential employer, or he is simply not motivated enough and is focused on a long-term employment relationship. By hiring such a specialist, the HR manager risks getting a very problematic and unstable employee for a short-term period.

You can track your work experience and its frequency in two accessible ways:

  • check work book candidate;
  • collect reviews and recommendations from previous employers.

There can be many reasons for dismissal, they can be caused by external factors, the working atmosphere and the economy of the industry as a whole, or may be determined by the internal personal factors of the individual. Be that as it may, there are objective reasons for dismissal, which can characterize the employee in different ways, namely, with positive and with negative side, which will subsequently have a decisive influence on the final assessment by the HR specialist or the head of the department in which the future employee is planned to work.

In this case, you, as an applicant, need not only to meaningfully and succinctly indicate all your positive personal and professional quality in your resume, but also take care of the answers you will give to questions about the reasons for leaving or frequently changing jobs. It must be remembered that the information provided in the resume must be accurate and truthful, since a future employer can easily check it. And if obvious exaggeration and deception in personal or professional information is detected on your part, you will automatically drop out of the competition for the announced vacant position, even if you initially had required experience and knowledge, and therefore the chances of success.

Therefore, before compiling and editing a resume for job portals and mailing lists, you need to identify your personal and professional strengths that will set you apart from potential competitors and increase your chances of getting hired.

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Whatever job you are looking for - a psychologist in a kindergarten or a sales director, during the interview you will almost certainly be asked why you parted ways with your previous employer.

Obviously, when answering this sensitive question, it is important to demonstrate your strengths and produce positive impression to the recruiter. But how to do that? Read the tips.

Professionalism, motivation, character...
Many job seekers tend to view the interview as a minefield: a tense environment, tricky questions. We advise you not to perceive the HR manager as an enemy, because the HR specialist acts in your common interests However, it is better to think through the answer to the question about the reasons for leaving your previous job in advance. This moment is one of the key ones during the interview. Based on your answer, the recruiter will judge your character traits, your motivation, and professionalism.

How can you show your best side without deceiving your employer? When answering such a question, experts advise not to focus on the disadvantages of your previous job, but to focus on what you plan to do in the future. “I would like to develop in the field of direct sales, but my previous place of work did not give me such an opportunity, since I had to spend most of my time working with documents,” - this answer is much better than, for example, the phrase: “I I sat all day long over papers, but my bosses didn’t appreciate it.”

Let's leave criticism
When thinking about your answer to the question about the reasons for leaving your previous job, remember three simple rules. First: you cannot criticize your former boss or complain about your colleagues. Otherwise, it is very likely that the recruiter will think that you are one of those breed of people who are always dissatisfied with everyone except themselves. Naturally, no one will want to hire such a candidate - what if in the new place he sees his boss as an enemy, and his colleagues as envious people?

Be generous: don't criticize former boss“behind the scenes”, especially since it will not bring any benefit to your career. It is better to remain silent about the shortcomings of your colleagues and boss, focusing on the content of the work and what you would really like to do. Instead of talking about “unprofessional colleagues” who “don’t know how to work themselves and don’t let others do it,” say diplomatically: “I am grateful to my former bosses and team, because I learned a lot from them. But now I would like to move on and grow professionally. This turned out to be impossible in our small company, so I’m looking for a job in a large company.” Such an answer will demonstrate to the recruiter that you are a non-conflict person with high internal motivation for work.

An exception to this rule may be a situation where the candidate worked, for example, in budgetary organization, that is, where he could not influence his level of income through negotiations with his superiors. “I got a job as a nurse in kindergarten, where my son goes to spend more time with the child. But I soon realized that with such a salary I would have to deny myself a lot,” this explanation from the lips of an applicant applying for the position of a nurse in a commercial clinic sounds quite reasonable.

Ghost of crisis
Rule three: be careful with phrases like: “I was fired due to the crisis,” “The company was downsizing, and I lost my job.” Personnel officers understand perfectly well that good specialists companies are in no hurry to part ways even in difficult times, and even more so now, when we are talking about the crisis itself. And staff optimization is unlikely to directly affect a valuable employee.

If this actually happened to you, try to explain to the potential employer why the reduction affected your position specifically. “Economic conditions were such that our small company I had to save on everything. Among other things, they decided to sacrifice the event manager, since the budget for seminars and conferences was reduced to a minimum. The circumstances turned out to be stronger, but I am grateful to my former colleagues for the experience,” this kind of explanation will suit the most picky recruiter. If the company's owner has changed, after which new director I decided to change the entire team; it will be even easier to explain the situation to the hiring manager.

When preparing for an interview, keep in mind that an experienced recruiter is likely to, while a calm and sincere answer, on the contrary, can endear you to your interlocutor. Be honest, but stick to the rules we've outlined, and remember: diplomacy can work wonders.