A plot for a guy to call or write to read. A conspiracy to call someone who is needed immediately for various items


Every girl eagerly awaits a call from her lover. Waiting for news after a recent acquaintance can be especially exciting. However, it often happens that a young man forgot to call you, or something prevented him from doing so. In any case, to bring this moment closer and force your sweetheart to dial your phone number, you can use magic and love spells. By reading a special text for a call from your beloved guy, you will encourage him to take the first step, take the initiative, a special sign of attention by calling you on the phone.

Many love spells that exist today can have an energetic impact on a specific person. These also include a conspiracy to call your loved one who will help you achieve what you want.

The first spell, which is perfect for beginners who have not previously encountered magic, is quite effective. He doesn’t evoke any special affection, but he makes the necessary adjustments to the fate of the man you like. To make a guy happy with your call, you need to do the following.

In the evening of any lunar day, sit on your bed. Closing your eyes, completely immerse yourself, concentrate on what you want. Having believed in the success of the event, whisper the magic words of the conspiracy:

“My dear, beloved (say his name), why didn’t you call? Either you don’t want to talk to me, you don’t want to hear my voice. I am a beautiful and stately girl, beautiful to everyone, but for you let me become your favorite. Take your phone quickly and dial my number. As soon as you hear my sweet voice, your heart will beat faster with happiness. Amen".

After saying the text of the love prayer, you can complete the ritual. Visualization of the image of your lover, the strength of your desire will force him to call. The main thing is to believe and expect a positive result, and also want it sincerely. This is the most important condition for the conspiracies to work, and for the guy to call very soon.

An effective spell to hear your loved one's voice

To get your beloved guy to call you, you can use another conspiracy. It is stronger than the previous one.

The ritual accompanying the reading of the magical text can also be performed on any day of the lunar calendar.

Like many love spells, this one must be said alone. Sit by the window with your phone in your hand. Having concentrated all your attention on what you want, you can read the text:

“The city is broken on Russian land. In that city there is a stately tower. In this mansion my beloved man (whisper his name) lives. Loneliness gnaws at him, he is bored, he doesn’t know any fun without me. Let him take his phone, let him dial my number. As soon as he asks me out on a date, he will find happiness. He can only be with me and be happy. Amen".

The result of this spell will be noticeable very soon. The person in whose direction you read the plot will not only decide to call first, but will also invite you to spend time together. This magical text is not capable of negatively affecting a person. The words you say over text will arouse affection in the guy and an irresistible desire to call you.

Strong impact from photograph

To create a stronger effect, to make a guy call as soon as possible, pay attention to this spell. This ritual with the reading of a magical text can be used by girls who have a photograph of a lover. It is advisable that only one person is depicted in the photo (your beloved).

If you decide to use this plot to get a guy to call you, prepare in advance:

  • his photograph;
  • blank sheet of paper;
  • a pen with a red ampoule;
  • candle;
  • matches.

Write your phone number on a white piece of paper with a red pen and line it up with the photo. This must be done in such a way that the digits of the number are opposite the guy’s eyes. Next, bring the objects to your lips and whisper the spell over them three times.

Its text goes like this:

“My beloved, long-awaited, clear falcon! Open your heart and soul to me. Remember how good we are together. Hurry up to dial my number and call me on a date.”

Next, place the enchanted items without removing the paper from the photo. Then go to bed, and first thing in the morning, remove the sheet. Burn it with a candle. After this, the ashes will need to be taken outside and scattered in the wind for the plot to take effect. In order for your loved one to call you, you cannot tell anyone about what happened. Confidentiality and sincere faith are the main components of the success of magical techniques.

A ritual for those who want to hear the voice “today”

Girls who are already dating a guy can also turn to magic to get their loved one to call you. For such situations, there are spells for a guy to not only call, but also think about you constantly. Also, similar conspiracies are used if a loved one is offended for some reason and does not want to call.

To carry out the ceremony you will need a sweetheart device. It is advisable that the person is away from home at this time. Having tied your phone and your boyfriend’s device with a red thread (satin ribbon of the same color), read the words of the conspiracy:

“I want to hear my beloved voice. Every hour, every day, let him call and talk about his love. Let my dear one need me like a river needs water, let him reach out to me like the stars to the Moon, like a living thing to the sun. Let the spark of love fly by and connect our phones. Forever and ever so be it. Amen".

After reading the magical text, you can remove the thread tying the device and put everything back in its place. With this conspiracy, you will be able to not only force your lover to call today, but also experience a strong impulse to do this every time you touch the phone.

Ritual with pebbles

There is another powerful spell that will help you hear your lover’s voice as quickly as possible. You will be able to tie a guy for a long time if you use this spell. For a guy to call, prepare the following items:

  • a hand-sewn bag made of natural fabric;
  • marker;
  • pebbles picked up from the road.

To perform the ritual, first sew a bag with your own hands. You will need to put enchanted stones in it. Their number should be equal to the number of digits of your phone number. Using a marker, mark each stone one by one with all the digits of your phone number, including codes. After placing all the items in a prepared fabric container, start shaking it. At the same time read the words of the conspiracy:

“As my number is written on the stones, so it will be written in the memory of my beloved. Just as these stones knock and beat, so let my dear one’s heart beat when he remembers me. Let my number in his head, his chest burn, make him call. Let the servant of God (say the guy’s name) call! Amen".

After completing all the instructions and reading the plot, hide the charmed bag with its contents in the most secret place in your home. This ritual is quite strong, so you will be able to notice the effect within the next few days (hours).

There are many magical ways to get your loved one to call. Among them there are light and more powerful conspiracies that can cause a strong effect and painful attachment. Therefore, the plot you use to make your loved one call should not cause doubts or negative feelings.

Mobile communications are a common phenomenon in our lives. It connects us with loved ones regardless of distance and gives us the opportunity to talk at any time of the day. Sometimes we come across calls that change our lives radically - they introduce us to a person who later becomes loved, or, conversely, destroy an existing relationship. If you like a man, but he is physically unattainable, or there is a quarrel with your beloved, thanks to love magic you can make him call almost immediately after reading the spell text.

When deciding on a magical action, you should understand: a conspiracy is not a simple speech. His words are chosen in such a way that your innermost desire touches the subtle world and prompts it to reciprocate. Learning to read conspiracies is not difficult, but first you need to learn a few rules:

  1. You are not supposed to perform a magical ritual unless absolutely necessary. A conspiracy is a real divination, sometimes black, and not just a set of attractive phrases.
  2. If you love a person, then love with all your heart. You cannot read a plot to call a loved one, and then drive him away.
  3. Keep what you did a secret. Don’t even tell a close friend how you managed to attract the attention of the guy you like. Providence does not like talkative people and does not help them in matters of the heart, everyday life, and financial matters.

As soon as you accept these three points for yourself, you will have the right to pronounce a strong conspiracy at a time convenient for you, so that the guy will call immediately after reading it and, if possible, ask you on a date. Set your mind to what you have planned, cast aside all doubts and open your heart, even if the breakup was painful. Don’t call a guy out of revenge through divination, do everything with a bright soul and pure thoughts.

Work on your visualization. Imagine how your lover hurries to meet you, gives you flowers, treats you with goodies, carries you in his arms and does other pleasant things. Read the plot rhythmically and drawing out the words so that it resembles a song. Try to express a surge of emotions in the middle of the text. The end of the magical chant should be calm. Say the last phrase confidently, otherwise the ritual will not help.

Who needs telephone magic:

  • For shy girls, if the young man is in no hurry to call first.
  • For someone who has quarreled with their significant other and wants to make peace.
  • A woman who has had a disagreement with her loved one and wants to make him get bored and call him.
  • For everyone who wants to hear the voice of my dear, but does not dare to dial the coveted number.

Phone spell to make a guy call

This conspiracy is considered the easiest to attract the attention of the guy you like through the phone. Place the device on your left palm with the screen facing up, cover it with your right hand and quickly say 9 times:

“I command the servant of God (man’s name) to remember me, the servant of God (his name) and call me. Just as all living things cannot exist without the sun, so you will waste away without me. Just want to hear my voice and see me in person. Ask for a meeting this very minute. My word is strong and uninterrupted.”

Despite the simplicity of the sentences, this is a very effective spell and your loved one usually calls immediately after reading it.

And this version of fortune telling is suitable after a quarrel or a first date, when you want to meet again, but the person you like is in no hurry to respond. It is necessary to draw the image of a man in your thoughts and for your loved one to call you read the following text:

“My dear, servant of God (so-and-so), why don’t you call me and talk to me - a stately girl and pleasant to everyone. I am your beloved, contact me soon. And as soon as my sweet voice responds, let your zealous heart beat faster with joy. Amen".

Spell for a call from a man for reconciliation

After a major quarrel, when love remains, but there is not enough mental strength for reconciliation, or after a final separation, if the initiative was taken by the guy, a ritual with candles and stones will help restore the relationship.

Before reading the plot, do this:

  1. Divide all the numbers from your mobile phone number in half. If the number is not divisible without a remainder, let there be more digits in one set.
  2. Go to your ex-boyfriend's house and find stones the size of a 10-ruble coin. The number of collected stones must match the number of digits on your phone. You can take as many pebbles as correspond to most of the digits of the phone number.
  3. In your yard, collect pebbles according to the number of smaller sets of numbers. Wash the stones and dry them, but do not mix what you brought from different yards, otherwise the magic of reconciliation will not work.
  4. Place pebbles from left to right, alternating finds from different yards.
  5. Write your mobile phone number on the stones (write one number on one stone) with a marker that does not wash off with water.
  6. Sew a bag with drawstrings from black cotton fabric. Determine the size by the number and size of the pebbles - they should all fit and tie together without effort.
  7. When darkness falls, light a candle, put the pebbles in a bag and tie the cord tightly with a triple knot.

Read the plot below for each node:

“Pebbles on pebbles and every number on pebbles. A number is created from numbers, and from the number comes a telephone, and a voice comes from the telephone. Just as pebbles knock, so do buttons knock in all months of the year: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August. The telephone does not stop ringing in September, October, November, December. The number appears, the voice connection breaks through. All his thoughts are only about my heart. I conjure you, my beloved, to pick up the phone and call me, the servant of God (your name). Amen".

This ritual is so strong that a young man can become completely dependent on your desires. Also, be prepared for frequent calls. Once he dials you for the first time after casting the spell, he will do this almost every 5 minutes.

Ritual with a photo

Get a recent photo of your lover and put it in a beautiful frame. Buy two candles in the church, light them and place them all on the table so that flames blaze on the sides of the photo. The moon should be waxing or full at this time. Look into the guy's face and say confidently:

“I remember all our happy days and cherish them in my heart, my beloved (male name). And you do the same - remember how you couldn’t live a day without me. I am the only one you have, let your darling fly to me, rush, cling to my soul and not go anywhere. I order you to call me and revive the faded feelings. Amen".

Expect a positive result - the witchcraft will take effect in the coming hours. And don’t tell the guy what helped bring him back.

Salt and water ritual

If you urgently need to call your loved one, but he does not answer his calls, think about him with all the melancholy and most ardent feelings. Feel a passionate desire to see each other so that your mood can be conveyed to your dear one. If there is a full moon when you cast the spell, great, telephone divination will work as quickly as possible.

What you will need:

  • Pencil.
  • Water – 1 glass.
  • A-4 size paper – 1 sheet.
  • Table salt – 3 pinches.

Draw a circle on paper and place a glass filled with water in the center. Take the salt with the fingers of your right hand and gradually add it to the water. Read a quick plot to make your beloved guy call as soon as possible:

“Hear me, my friend! Come back to me in the circle I created!”

Imagine at this moment how your lover is thinking about you and dialing your number on his mobile phone. The brighter the visualization, the faster the plan will come true. Leave the glass in the circle until your first successful call with your boyfriend. Then throw the liquid under a fruit tree that is bearing fruit.

What girl doesn't want to be loved? Each, but not all, will achieve love using magic. Those who are confident in themselves can count on their natural charm and charm, wisdom and feminine instincts, and those who have various complexes will go to magicians for help. Or they will try to read the spell on their own or make a love spell. Instead of calling and reminding her lover about herself, which is absolutely nothing wrong, she will do far from safe things that can bring a lot of trouble on herself, her beloved, because magic is an unpredictable and often dangerous thing.

There are cases when a girl has just met a guy and he promised to call her, but for some reason he didn’t, but she liked this young man so much and really wants to continue getting to know him. A few simple rituals will help a girl get a call from a boy, but for this he needs to touch something of hers, for example, a lighter or a pen. And if his phone number is also known, then there will be no problems with carrying out the ceremony.

Ritual under the moon

At night, during the waxing moon, when it is clearly visible in the sky, you need to show the night luminary the object that your loved one touched. If there is none, then it could be a piece of paper with his phone number. In this case, you need to say the words of the conspiracy:

“As my sister, the Moon, looks at me, as the dark night yearns for broad day, so you, beloved (name), yearn for me (name). I am a maiden, illuminated by the moon, I am a beauty, placed in your thoughts. As the breeze blows through the leaves, so you, my love, miss me. Come to me quickly and bring your speech. As soon as you hear my dear voice, your heart will be filled with longing for love. Let it be so!"

After the plot is pronounced, the thing or piece of paper is placed under the pillow and goes to bed. Your lover will call you soon.

Rite by phone number

If your loved one doesn’t call for a long time, you need to write his number on a piece of paper and attach it to your phone. At the same time, the following conspiracy is said:

“A swallow is flying south to find out where my friend is! He returns home and says that he is with me (name). You fly, beauty, let (name) not cope with melancholy. You instill in him boredom and deep sadness, and let him not fall asleep without my voice. Let the telephone ringing disturb him in his sleep, and let him dream of talking to me.”

They put the phone under the pillow and go to bed. If you have a pleasant dream, then the young man will call you soon, but if you have an alarming and unpleasant dream, then it is better not to repeat the ritual, nothing good will come of it, and if you don’t dream anything, then you need to repeat the ritual the next evening.

Relationship plot

If a new acquaintance promised to call a girl and does not call, then this conspiracy will push him to action. Here you need to have good visualization and powerful energy. You need to imagine as vividly as possible how a young man picks up the phone and dials this girl’s number, while saying the spell:

“My beloved (name), who met me (name) once, why have you been silent for so long, don’t write, don’t call, and don’t talk to me? Take your phone quickly and quickly dial my number! May your soul be filled with joy when you hear my voice!”

You can understand whether the ritual worked or not by a quick call from your lover.

Strong rituals for your loved one to call right away

In order to be sure to get the desired result, you can use rituals that are stronger than those described above.

Telephone conversations are very important at the initial stage of building a relationship between lovers. But there is a stereotype in society that it is not proper for a girl to call the guy she likes. And now all the options are scrolling through my mind on how to get the guy to call himself.

First, analyze the situation - what prevents a man from recruiting you.

Reasons for his silence:
  1. Very shy. Most men are afraid that they have already been forgotten or will be rejected.
  2. Not ready to talk. He needs to think things through first. He doubts that you are suitable for each other.
  3. I didn’t intend to call - the goal was just to get a number. And most likely, your number is not the only one in his collection. It is better to immediately remove such a man from your life.
  4. He didn't like you. You can try to call yourself and provoke another meeting. A second meeting can change everything radically. If the result is the same, you need to forget it.
  5. He has bad manners. He promised and does not fulfill. You cannot rely on such a person.
  6. "Busy". Don't believe it. An interested person will find a few minutes to talk with the girl he likes.

What should you do to get him to call you?

The plot is strong so that the guy will call immediately after reading it

Any girl wants to know the conspiracy so that the guy will call. If he doesn't do this, and you don't want to act first, you can resort to magic. With its help, you can force your chosen one to call you, even if you broke up several years ago.

A conspiracy to get a guy to call shows a very high effectiveness on a new acquaintance you like, or on a guy after a first date, when there is only sympathy, and a love relationship has not yet begun.

Conspiracy to make a guy call for any thing

If you did everything correctly and with great faith, then the ritual will definitely work.

If you have such a thing that your loved one has touched at least once (his energy will be needed here), then you can do the following ritual - take that thing and, putting it to your heart, say:

“My dear, dear - be you with me, like the Sun with the Moon, like Heaven with Earth, like a dove with a dove, (boyfriend’s name) call on the third day!”

Cast this spell three times. If you did everything correctly and with great faith, then the ritual will definitely work - your loved one will call you in three days.

On the scarf that your man touched (you can do this in advance, just in case), make two knots diagonally, saying the following:

“I tied knots on a handkerchief, your name, my dear, I wished for it - your heart is only drawn to me, let my appearance appear in your dreams, take the tube in the morning - dial my number!”

Then hide the handkerchief so that strangers will not find it. May you always have it with you. Immediately, as soon as your loved one calls you, remove all the knots from the scarf.

A strong spell for a phone call

Take the phone and dial your loved one's number, except the last digit. Say the words of the spell so quickly that you can catch the beeps:

“If you want to hear me, call me! If you want to see me, call me! If you want to love me, call me! You can’t live without me - call me!”

Repeat these words three times. In 9 days your loved one will call you.

Another ritual. The ritual is very powerful and will definitely help you.

The whole universe will contribute to this, just believe it yourself! For the ceremony, you will need a candle, such that it does not burn for very long, a glass, one third filled with dry red wine, always from natural grapes, any smooth, without stones, ring, maybe gold, it is important that no one except you put it on, red ribbon.

The essence of the ritual: pass a red ribbon through the ring so that you get a pendulum, which must be held over the glass, while the elbow of your hand should lie on the table.

Say your name (full) out loud and wait for the pendulum to hit the glass as many times as there are letters in your name, then stop it with your second hand and place it over the glass again.

Now do the same with the name of the person who should call you. You cannot swing the pendulum - it must swing itself. After such manipulations, lower the ring into a glass of wine, in which it should remain until the candle burns out.

At the same time, imagine the person on whom the ceremony is being performed, how he calls you or enters your house, saying:

“My dear, my dear, call me, my beloved, come to me, love me, be with me! Amen!"

As soon as the candle burns out, take the ring out of the glass and drink the wine, still visualizing the situation that your loved one is calling you or coming. The ritual should work in a week.

Conspiracy to make your beloved guy call

If you don’t have a photo of your loved one, but you dream about his call, follow these simple steps and very soon you will hear a painfully familiar voice. At any time of the day or night, say these words:

“There is a city in Russian land, and in that city there is a stately house. My beloved lives in the house (name of the young man), he calls himself.
One (name of the young man) is bored, does not know happiness and fun at all.
He will take his phone in his hand and dial my number by heart.
He will invite me on a date and find happiness with me alone.”

This conspiracy does not form a strong painful attachment in the “victim”; its goal is simple - to force the young man to call and invite him on a date. Therefore, this strong conspiracy does not have negative consequences, nor does it impose responsibility on the participants in the ritual.

A very strong conspiracy to make your loved one call

You need to reproduce the face, down to the smallest details, of the one whose call you are craving

This will require all your strength, energy and ability to visualize. You will need to reproduce the face, down to the smallest details, of the one whose call you are craving. It is advisable to carry out this ritual in the evening, in complete silence and darkness, so that there is no one near you. Take the telephone on which you are waiting for a call, and, imagining the image of a guy, say the following words:

“My beloved and desired (name), why don’t you talk to me?

If you don’t write to me, if you don’t call me, you’re tormenting the girl’s soul!

I am a stately girl, handsome in beauty, good for others, and beloved for you!

Remember, dear, about me - dial my number and talk to me!

The more attempts you make, the faster the result will come.

Gypsy spell to call

If you perform this powerful ritual, the person you are interested in will contact you. Usually this is a phone call, but nowadays the Internet is often the way to get in touch. Sometimes this spell works to create a meeting for you with the person you need. The Universe itself will decide how best to confront you with someone you haven’t seen for a long time.

Light any candle, but choose one that does not burn for too long. Take any glass and fill it two-thirds with red wine. It’s good if the wine is homemade, that is, really made from grapes.

You can often find a so-called wine product on sale, and it is not very suitable for use in magic. Moreover, buying homemade wine is not a problem in most regions. You will need a ring without a stone or rhinestone.

The material of the ring can be anything; both gold jewelry and ordinary jewelry will give a good result. The main thing is that you wear this ring for at least a week and do not let anyone try it on. Place the ring on a red ribbon or thread.

This will give you a pendulum. It should be held over a glass of wine so that your elbow is on the table. Say your full name out loud and wait for the pendulum to hit the sides of the glass as many times as there are letters in your name. After this, stop the pendulum with your other hand and place it over the glass again.

Now repeat the manipulation with the name of the person to whom the gypsy call is made. You cannot swing the ring on the tape yourself; the pendulum usually swings itself, provided that your elbow is on the table.

Place the ring in the glass, holding it by the thread on which it is suspended.

Wait until the candle burns completely. At this time, imagine as vividly as possible how the phone rings, you pick up the receiver, and the person you need is on the other end of the line.

You can imagine his letter on your email and other similar situations. When the candle burns out, drink the wine, holding in your imagination the same situation of your meeting or telephone conversation.

A person usually appears in life no later than a week later. After the ritual, the ring can be worn as it was done before.

A conspiracy to make your darling call immediately after reading

For this plot, you will need a photo of a guy and a blank sheet of paper on which your phone number should be written. Place the sheet on the photo so that the inscription is opposite the guy’s head, saying the following spell three times:

“My clear falcon, my long-awaited, my beautiful!
Remember how good it was for us, open your heart and soul.
Quickly remember my number, make a date soon!”

Spell for water and salt so that a man calls

The ritual is quite strong. To avoid unwanted consequences, you should follow all instructions exactly. This ritual should be taken very seriously. To carry it out, you will need:

  • pure white candle;
  • handkerchief;
  • Red ribbon;
  • glass of water;
  • a little salt in a salt shaker.

Sit down at the table, place a lit candle in front of you, place a straightened handkerchief between the candle and you, take a red ribbon and make a circle out of it on the handkerchief. If the length of the tape is too long, then make several circles - the more, the better. Place a glass of water in the middle of the circle, and, holding salt in your hands, visualize your loved one dialing your number and calling you. Then, put the salt on the table, and squeeze the glass of water with your palms, imagining how your man is calling you. Place the glass back where you took it from. Take a pinch of salt from the salt shaker, hold it in your hand a little, and pour it back. And also do the second time, and on the third time, pour the salt into the water and, watching how it dissolves, read the spell:

“Like this salt in water, the thought of me dissolves in you. As the banks are high - and there is only water around, so you need me alone, the circle closes, and my dear one smiles - the phone is in his hand, he will call me now! Amen!"

To avoid unwanted consequences, you should follow all instructions exactly.

After completing the ritual, pour half of all the water into a pot with a flower that has a male name, and the other half into a flower with a female name. Darling will call immediately after reading it.

A conspiracy to make a man call on a thing

If you still have some item that belonged to your beloved man, you can use it to make a call to call. A strong conspiracy belongs to white magic and is completely safe for both you and your loved one. He will not let you destroy his new family, if he has one.

If you don’t have such a thing, yours, which he used or borrowed, will do. For example, a lighter. This plot is suitable both for those who have lost their relationship with a loved one a long time ago, and for those who have just met an interesting young man and want him to take the first step. And if among your friends there is someone you like, you can lend him (or from him, which is better, but not always possible) an item so that the person you are interested in will call you.

So, take the thing in your hands. Concentrate and imagine your acquaintance, manifestations of his interest (if there were none, imagine how you would like to see them).

Say the spell nine times:

(Man’s name), I’m interested in you, I like you, but why don’t you call, why don’t you talk to me? I am stately, pleasant, unusual, pretty, kind to you, interesting to you. Take the phone and dial my (girl's name) number. My voice on the phone will respond, and your heart will fill with joy.

If you were able to invest enough energy into the magical action, and you were confident that you were not doing something wrong, and most importantly, you believed in the effect of witchcraft, then the result will not be long in coming.

Spell to call a recent acquaintance

This call spell is suitable for a girl who, in the company of friends or somewhere else, met a guy and exchanged phone numbers. Not every girl wants to call first, and many people want the guy to call first. Therefore, a spell to call a person you are interested in can be a good solution.

Just don’t wait too long for it to take effect. Long after the exchange of numbers, this conspiracy may not work. The right time for you is midnight. On a surface covered with a red cloth, place a candle of the same color and light it. The candle should be on a saucer or in a candlestick. Place your phone next to it with the keyboard or screen facing up. Say the spell by heart, looking at the phone and imagining the person you are interested in calling.

Using a candle, drip a little paraffin or wax (it doesn’t matter) into any container or onto your palm and make a small ball out of it. Say the above-mentioned bell spell to him one more time.

You will need to carry the ball in the same place where you keep your mobile phone. This could be a case, the same pocket or compartment of the handbag in which you carry it. If the phone is home, the ball may lie near it.

It should be stored there until the guy you need calls you. And if you want to be guaranteed to please him and start a love relationship, then during the first meeting with a man, throw him this ball.

It will work like a love spell - and he will like you and call you often. The best place for wax spoken with love words is under the insole of the shoe on the left foot.

Performing a powerful ritual

This is one of the least dangerous methods of love magic, since it does not impose strong feelings on the victim and does not make adjustments to fate. However, in some situations, when a woman wants a man to call her, a conspiracy is the only correct and safest solution.

Carrying out the ritual on your own begins with visualizing the image of your loved one and fully concentrating on him and your desire.

During the visualization process, you should say the following words:

“My beloved, (name), why don’t you call me and talk to me? I’m a stately, pretty girl, good for everyone and everything, and for you - beloved. Take your phone and call me quickly. My voice will respond, your heart will beat faster with happiness. Amen".

Ritual for your loved one to call

For the ceremony, you need to have a photo of the guy and a white piece of paper on which you write your phone number. Place the piece of paper on the photograph so that the written digits of the number are opposite the head of your loved one, and, visualizing the image of your boyfriend and how he dials your phone number, say the spell three times:

“My falcon is clear, long-awaited and beautiful! How good it was for us - remember, open your heart and soul to me. Hurry up and remember my number and quickly set up a date!”

Leave the photo and piece of paper there overnight, and in the morning, remove the sheet from the photo and burn it. Shake the ashes out the window.

Good luck to you in Love!

Ritual to call after a breakup

In case of a serious quarrel or final separation from your lover, you can do this ritual.

To do this you need:

  • the guy's newest photo;
  • 2 church candles.

You need to recall as clearly as possible the happiest moments spent with your loved one, as if these events were happening right now. You must light the candles, between which there is a photo of your beloved. Looking carefully at the photo, you need to read:

“I remember all our days together, my beloved. Let you remember our happiness, and let you no longer be able to live without me. I am your only one, and let your soul fly to me quickly. Call me and talk, resurrect old feelings. Amen".

Call to the water

Those who have used this call note that the object gets in touch quite quickly - calls or even comes to visit. You need to place a glass of water near the threshold, but so that it is not on the street, but in the house.

You need to do this at night, and when you put the glass down, say:

Servant of God (name), your water is here.

Water will attract a person to itself the moment he wants to drink. The ritual works especially well in cases where the beloved often goes to see friends for a drink. Calling a phone You will need a photo of someone who you think should call you.

Place your phone on the photo with these words:

I put my phone on top

It weighs heavily.

To get freedom,

You should call me.

It's better to do it at night. It’s good if no one calls you while reading the plot. Knowing the secret words, you can always remain confident that your loved one is nearby, no matter where he actually is. The main thing is to keep love in your heart and try, nevertheless, not to resort to magic for trifles.

Ritual for a guy to call himself after a quarrel

This ritual carries powerful energy, and is only suitable when all other methods are ineffective. Not always after a serious quarrel a girl can find a way to reconcile. Magical influence may be the only alternative for the guy to call himself.

Actions during this ritual:

  1. Divide the number of digits that make up your phone number by 2. If the number is odd, one group of digits may exceed another by 1.
  2. Near your loved one's house, collect small stones - as many as half the number of digits on your phone, or 1 more.
  3. The other part of the stones should be collected near your home.
  4. Do not mix the collected stones under any circumstances. The pebbles should be washed under cold running water.
  5. Place the stones in a certain order: a stone collected from your home, then a stone from your dear home, alternating all the stones.
  6. Write the numbers of your number on each pebble in a row.
  7. Place all the pebbles in black natural fabric and take a lace.
  8. After sunset, you need to light 2 candles, wrap the stones in the fabric, cast the spell 3 times, tying knots - once for each knot.
  9. The resulting ritual object, saturated with your energy, should be carried with you until reconciliation, and then buried in a remote place.

Conspiracy text:

“Stone upon stone. The number is on the stone. Number to number - to number. From the phone number. Your voice comes to me from the phone. Stones knock-knock. Heart here and there. My number appeared to you. Your voice appeared. Thoughts and thoughts are all yours About my bright face, about my subtle body. Honey, pick up the phone! Amen"

Girls can wait endlessly for him to write, call, leave a message. Therefore, folk wisdom has collected pearls of recipes for them that allow them to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time. The most important thing when performing rituals is sincere belief in them. Every girl at heart is a sorceress who is capable of miracles and magic. Awaken the magic within yourself and learn to use it to achieve the desired result. The minimum is for him to write or call you. Maximum - to fall head over heels in love and not be able to let go for a second

Your favorite guy will definitely call you!