What is the best way to celebrate graduation? The best places to celebrate graduation

Church holidays

Graduation in the 11th grade is usually celebrated all together: graduates, parents and teachers. There are clearly not enough new ideas for organizing and holding this significant event, and everything goes according to the traditional program that has been tested over the years: a solemn part, a banquet and dances. What are the formats of the celebration, what you need to pay attention to while preparing for the prom, what not to forget, and also where to find inspiration for new ideas, let's try to find out in our article.

school format

If the school administration, according to the order of the district leadership, insists on holding a graduation party entirely within the walls of an educational institution, then the solemn part and a banquet with a disco are organized either in the classroom or in the assembly hall.

For the solemn part, namely presentation of certificates about leaving school, all graduates are usually invited (this can be several classes), their parents, subject teachers who taught students, and the school administration and representatives of the district education department are always present on the stage. During the ceremony, each student is invited to the stage, where, to the applause of the audience, he receives a certificate of secondary education from the hands of the director, words of congratulations and gratitude, parting words from class teachers and parents are heard.

Holding the official part of the event better rehearse and double-check everything, because a hitch can arise at any moment: the class teacher cannot find a medal or a diploma due to excitement, the teacher who was supposed to say important words has not yet arrived, the graduates do not know who is giving flowers to whom, they turned on the musical in the wrong place screensaver. Get ready for the fact that if more than one class is issued, then the process of awarding certificates can be delayed and quite tedious.

Important nuance : do not forget that for the official part of the graduation it is necessary take care of the bouquets flowers that graduates present to teachers, as well as decorate the hall where the event will take place. A new trend of fashion shows, presentations and various parties - to be photographed against the backdrop press wall , this is a design made of chrome-plated pipes, on which a large banner is attached. On the banner you can write the school number, city, year of graduation, they are photographed for memory with teachers, parents, the whole class and in splendid isolation. The advantages of such a design are its mobility and presentability, the disadvantages are manufacturing costs. Budget option: use the walls of the assembly hall as a press wall, on which you can hang self-made inscriptions and photographs.

After the official part usually begins concert , the development of the scenario of which falls on the shoulders of the deputy director for educational work or the organizing teacher, music teachers, class teachers of the graduating classes and talented graduates who will perform on stage in front of classmates and parents are also involved in the work.

In the teaching staff or among the students there is a talented leading ? This is already half the success, because he will be able to conduct the program in a fun and relaxed way. The second, and no less important part of a good evening is a cool individual scenario , a successful creative "skit": bright numbers from schoolchildren, parents and teachers. Funny jokes, dances and songs, creative performances - on this day, graduates will be able to show all their talents, which, perhaps, no one had ever guessed before.

At the end of the concert, children and teachers are invited to banquet which is traditionally organized by the parents of graduates. The format of treats, their number, as well as the amount to be spent on this, are discussed in advance at parent meetings . Of course, it is unrealistic to imagine that teenagers spend a holiday sitting at a table and eating cutlets with potatoes, so a light buffet and snack format in this case will be the most successful solution.

Parents can buy food, cut and cover everything themselves, and if the budget allows, you can consider offers from off-site restaurants , in this case, there will be much less problems for parents: they will offer you a menu, coordinate dishes and accessories. Depending on the amount that parents are willing to spend, the number of services provided by catering companies also varies: in addition to preparing and serving dishes, they can, for example, bring furniture for the holiday, build a pyramid of champagne glasses, and establish the smooth operation of a chocolate fountain.

Important nuance : sweet at the festive table at the prom is a must. Pay attention not only to the appearance of the cakes, although this is also important, but also to their freshness, because in the summer, products with creamy layers can quickly deteriorate. Small cupcakes with sweet layers are a great way for such an event, schoolchildren will not have to suffer with pieces of cakes on plates, and sweet fillings and icing on cupcakes do not spoil indoors.

The most important graduation moment for boys and girls, of course disco . And here, too, there are options for holding: a disco will be run by a school DJ or you can use the services of a guest. As a rule, the more experienced the "musical genius" is, the less problems with equipment, sound and playlist will arise at the holiday. Be sure to tell the invited DJ the area of ​​​​the room in which the disco is held and the number of invited people, as well as specify its technical capabilities not only in terms of equipment, microphones and speakers, but also in terms of lighting solutions. To take into account the musical wishes of graduates, you can conduct a survey in advance in each class and transfer this information to the DJ.

Usually the holiday lasts until the morning, after which the rather tired, but happy (we hope so) graduates gather meet the dawn . Parents also need to prepare this part of the graduation: agree on exactly where this event will take place, how to deliver the children to the place, which of the adults will be there with them, and also how to deliver the graduates home after a sunny morning.

Important nuance : clothes for a festive evening and dawn morning should be different. If possible, prepare things that the child can change into, offer the child comfortable shoes and a warm jacket that can be thrown over the shoulders on a chilly morning.

Away format

Does the school administration mind if graduates spend a holiday in a restaurant or cafe? In this case the official part will be held at the school with the presentation of certificates and a concert, and already for a banquet and a disco, graduates, parents and teachers will go to the chosen institution.

The choice of a cafe or restaurant also falls on the shoulders of the parents, and decide on the institution necessary in advance to reserve the day. This is important, because proms are held throughout the city on the same day, so a good trusted cafe can be occupied by the graduating class of a neighboring school.

Due to the fact that in cafes and restaurants payment is made depending on the number of people, then update guest list , will be necessary. If all the students of the class go to the institution, which is also not always the case, you need to clarify which parent will be present in the restaurant, which teachers you invite, and do not forget to include a representative of the school administration, a DJ and a photographer in the list.

Speaking of photographer - this is an important person at the prom, because the quality of your memories depends on his skill. In addition to the usual school albums, which are necessarily offered in the vast majority of educational institutions, if you wish, you can invite a photographer and videographer that will film your children's prom.

A camera in the hands of worried parents is also a good and budget option, but if finances allow and you want to get high-quality pictures, choose a professional. Choose trusted people, look at portfolios, collect reviews, use the advice of last year's graduates. Remember that shooting in the dark at a disco is rarely interesting, so it’s better to show outfits and hairstyles in the first half of the holiday , which means, calculate in advance the number of working hours of the photographer.

Specify the technical equipment of the invited specialist, because working with various spotlights and reflectors significantly improves the quality of photographs, especially if there is insufficient lighting in the room. The videographer often works in tandem with the photographer and captures the best moments of the holiday, from which you can then make a short film.

In the chosen institution you have to spend almost the whole night, so be sure to check your work schedule , and entertainment program which will be able to support and improve the mood of the guests. It is important that the employees of a cafe or restaurant can organize an entertainment program according to the age of the guests, because if on graduation day you hear a restaurant singer whose repertoire is "Blue Fog" or "Blue Hoarfrost" as entertainment, this is unlikely to please 16-17-year-olds .

To please young music lovers is quite simple - it is necessary organize a good disco with various special effects. Just a disco ball and a laser may not be enough, now you can rent smoke machines, soap bubble generators, confetti guns, cold table and floor “fountains” look great - pillars of silver sparks.

You also need to rest from dancing, and you don’t always want to spend this time at the table. Try to connect with the future, for example, make a video during which each graduate tells how he sees himself in 10 or 20 years. Give the record on a common disk to the class teacher or one of the students in the class, and at the reunion of graduates, when everyone forgets what they said on the air that day, this disk will become an unforgettable highlight of the program. Another entertainment option is a comic lottery with original and funny predictions for the future of each graduate. The pulled out lot can be signed to remember who got what and also leave it as a “highlight” for future alumni meetings.

Not like everyone else : it is absolutely not necessary to hold a graduation party in a traditional format. Celebrate on a ship with a night disco, hold a beach party in an institution near the water, organize a quest, a themed party in the style of gangsters or vampires - if children and parents agree with such an unusual format, and you also have a trusted person who will organize the holiday, your graduation is sure to be a bright and unforgettable event.

Several ways to celebrate graduation in grade 11. Games and competitions for graduation are considered.

Graduation ball is an unforgettable event for children and parents. After all, you will have to say goodbye to people with whom you have been communicating for 10-11 years. Girls begin to discuss outfits and shoes, almost from the beginning of the school year.

How to organize graduation in 11th grade? Organization and holding of the graduation party

It is worthwhile at the beginning of the school year to discuss and find out how the graduation party will be held. Not so long ago, any celebrations with feasts and alcoholic drinks were forbidden to be held in an educational institution. Therefore, within the walls of the native school there will be a small solemn program with congratulations and the presentation of certificates. Further, the students and their parents should take care of the festive evening.

In addition, do not forget about important details. You need to agree with:

  • Photographer
  • hairdresser
  • makeup artist
  • Buy holiday outfits
  • Order a cafe or and organize a trip
  • Write a list of all those present at the party

Where to hold graduation in 11th grade? Location of the prom

Now many do not want to celebrate graduation in a cafe or restaurant. Everyone is tired of boring drinking and partying. Many people want to spend time with benefit and get a lot of pleasure. Now many agencies for organizing holidays offer various scenarios for the celebration. They differ significantly from the standard parties in a cafe and meeting the dawn.

Graduation party options:

  • In the cafe. This is a standard place, which you need to order a few months before a significant date. Usually in April and May, all decent clubs and restaurants are already booked. It is better to book places 3-5 months in advance. Ponder with the entire menu class. It can be a buffet or a standard menu with hot dishes and snacks. Be sure to use the services of a DJ or toastmaster. All night long it will be very boring just to drink. We need a host for the evening, who will come up with interesting contests and games, and will not let everyone present get drunk until the morning
  • On the way out. It can be a camp site or a guest house by the sea. One of the best options, although in this case you will have to pay rent for the houses and come up with a menu yourself. In addition, the most active will have to go to the market or supermarket and purchase alcohol and all the necessary products on their own. One of the parents will have to marinate the meat. The option is not simple, as it is important to take care of the little things and clearly distribute responsibilities. So that each of the classmates is responsible for something
  • Excursion in another city or country. An easy way to celebrate in terms of organization, as travel agencies usually take on all the responsibilities for organizing transfers, accommodation in a hotel and feeding tourists
  • Water park, bowling. Recently, this version of the celebration is gaining momentum. Entertainment centers usually do not organize chic feasts. Most often it is a buffet and outdoor activities.
  • Holiday on the boat. This option is available in large cities with rivers. To celebrate, you need a large ship with a platform for dancing and feasts. In some cases, the owners of the ship offer their own food preparation services.
  • Outdoors. This is a wild vacation, when children with their parents go to nature with tents. In this case, you will have to write a list of products for each classmate so as not to forget anything

How to choose a cafe for a graduation party?

It's a difficult question. So that you are not disappointed by the kitchen, and you are satisfied with the service, find out the following subtleties:

  • How many people will come to graduation
  • What kind of cuisine do the participants of the holiday prefer?
  • Event budget

After that, you can start choosing a place for the celebration. It is not necessary to immediately go to restaurants, it is advisable to just call and clarify:

  • Minimum order amount and what is included in this amount
  • Can I bring my own alcohol and other products
  • Rent paid or free
  • Is there a place for fireworks
  • Is there an extra refrigerator for a huge cake and alcohol
  • Does the restaurant have its own musicians and hosts and how much do their services cost?
  • Can I bring my own host or DJ?
  • Is there parking nearby and is it easy to get to by public transport
  • Whether the account is fixed or not. This is necessary so that on the day of the celebration you do not pay one and a half times more due to price increases.

If you figured it out and after discussing with classmates decided that the place is right for you, go to a cafe like ordinary visitors. Check out the interior, as almost all photos will be taken in this room. Pay attention to the cleanliness of the toilets and the sociability of the attendants. You may not like a waitress with a sour face, and the dishes will be dirty.

Menu for prom 11th grade

The menu directly depends on the cuisine of the restaurant. If you are celebrating a graduation at a grill bar, then of course, almost all hot dishes and meat will be cooked on coals.

Sample grilled menu for graduation:

  • Pork shish kebab with tomato sauce, onion and lavash
  • Baked potato
  • Meat salad with mayonnaise
  • Vegetable salad
  • Pickles
  • Salted herring
  • Baked vegetables (second hot)
  • Binge
  • Juices and bread

Of course, this is the approximate simplest menu for an inexpensive cafe. If you decide to celebrate graduation in a chic restaurant, then the menu will look like this:

  • Julienne with mushrooms and chicken meat
  • Potatoes in cream
  • Sandwiches with red fish and caviar
  • Salad with Chinese cabbage and scallops
  • Baked trout with vegetables
  • cold cuts
  • Vegetable mix
  • Drinks, juices and bread

The cafe does not participate in the preparation of cakes, so you will have to order dessert in advance at the bakery or at home.

Competitions for graduation in grade 11

In the process of celebrating, you need to move a lot and have fun. Cheerful competitions can cheer you up.

Graduation Contests:

  • Guessing. This competition is being prepared in advance. To do this, parents select several photos of themselves and their child from a family photo album. It is necessary that the people in the photo be approximately the same age. Children are divided into two teams. They are each given a stack of photographs and must lay out two cards each, the child and the parent. Whoever has the most matches wins.
  • Rewarding. A fun competition that is being prepared in advance. You need to make custom prizes or medals. These are prizes in the nominations Punctuality, Class Heartbreaker, Coquette of the Year, etc. Choose the appropriate music and give prizes to your classmates
  • Fashion show. For this competition, 5 participants are selected. In 5 minutes, they will have to collect as many items in the hall as possible with the letter “m”, this is a mobile phone, easel, mannequin, etc. you can guess any letter. Then each participant will demonstrate their findings.
  • Ship. Participants are divided into two teams, and each team is given a newspaper. In 5 minutes, participants must make a ship out of a newspaper and fill it with treasures. It's car keys, money and jewelry

Games for graduation in grade 11

No holiday is possible without games and competitions. Games need to be moving and fun. They will help to maintain warm friendships after graduation.

Prom Games:

  • Dictionary. It is necessary to divide all participants into two teams: Children and parents with teachers. That is, an adult group and girls with boys will turn out. Each team is given a set of cards with letters. The facilitator reads the definition of the word from the explanatory dictionary, and the participants must lay out the answer from the received letters. For example, who was eaten by the natives? (Cook), or a large process on a tree trunk, located on the side (bough). Questions may not be from a dictionary, but some kind of comic and funny
  • Roll call. This is a fun game in which absolutely everyone invited participates. In this case, each category of the hall will have to pronounce its own phrase. In this game, the following participants are: Flowers (mothers), June (fathers), Summer (grandparents), Teachers, Girls and Boys. Everyone has their own phrase, so June says “we didn’t wait”, Summer “I’m already here”, girls “I’m so dumb”, boys “yes we are”, teachers “remember us”, flowers “we are now very expensive”. Further, the presenter reads a fairy tale: “June. The long awaited summer has finally arrived.
  • The first flowers appeared. Every summer in June there is a series of graduation parties. So we have gathered in this hall together with our beloved teachers to see our graduates: boys and girls into a new life. Look at our boys. They are taut and, to begin with, serious. And girls. How beautiful our girls are in summer, like blossoming flowers. What can not be said about the teachers. But now June is over, vacations begin, and by the middle of summer our young men will not recognize their teachers, or rather they will confuse them with their girls. And, of course, to give touching bouquets of flowers to their dear, who have become relatives over the years, Teachers. At the same time, all Participants must pronounce their phrase in unison.

Songs for prom 11th grade

Usually, the well-known songs “Teach at School” are used as musical accompaniment, but now many modern songs are being remade, writing their own words. It turns out very harmoniously and fits perfectly into the holiday.

VIDEO: Graduation Songs

11th grade prom script

There are a lot of scenarios, the most important thing is that they correspond to the main theme of the party. Often a holiday is created in the style of the 60s or in a marine style. In this case, interesting contests are associated with the main topic.

An example scenario for graduation at school:

  • Presenter: “Hello graduates and all guests. Today is a solemn day, our children are going on a big voyage called "life", let's applaud them." Everybody clap
  • Presenter: "Let's ask the administration and the entire teaching staff to take the stage, which brought a piece of their soul into the upbringing of children." Teachers come out and congratulate the children
  • Presenter: “The last bell rang, all exams were passed, but now our students are on the threshold of new achievements and discoveries, they have to take responsible steps to decide on their future profession. Let's help them do it." First-graders in the costumes of a locksmith, a fireman, a doctor, an office worker take the stage. The kids dance to the music
  • Presenter: "Let's invite our graduates to the stage." Children go on stage and they are awarded certificates. Everybody clap
  • Presenter: “Now is the time to have some fun, let's all those present in the hall play one interesting game. Fun and good mood are guaranteed.” The presenter explains the conditions of the game “Roll Call” (see above in the “Graduation Games” section)
  • Presenter: “Now that everyone has warmed up, it’s time for the guests and graduates to relax a bit, we invite the kids to the stage.” First-graders come out and sing a song about school
  • Presenter: “Everyone received certificates, but this is not the end of the awards. With your help, we have identified several nominations, and everyone will receive their own prize.” An awards competition is held, during which each child is given their own award.
  • Presenter: “Well, our evening has come to an end. The guys hope that you will bring your children to our school and we will be happy to teach them kindness and humanity.” The holiday ends with classical music. Graduates leave to celebrate graduation in a cafe or outdoors

How to spend a graduation party at school?

Now the administration of many schools prohibits holding any graduation celebrations with alcohol and a buffet table. Usually, a holiday within the walls of the school is limited to the solemn part and the presentation of certificates. To celebrate graduation, children and parents go to a cafe or restaurant.

VIDEO: Graduation at the school in the style of "Oscar"

How to organize an unforgettable graduation in grade 11: tips and feedback

Initially, you need to talk with the school administration, whether it is possible to arrange gatherings with teachers at the table. If you are refused, look for a cafe or restaurant.

A few tips on how to organize a graduation:

  • Write a list of everyone who will be celebrating. Include absolutely everyone and parents and sisters if they want to go with you. Check with the cafe how many people they can take. Some rooms are designed for a maximum of 50 people
  • Book a host or DJ
  • Take care of soap bubbles and fireworks if you plan to end the holiday with them.
  • Study the menu and write a list of products that you can buy. Usually it's alcohol and cold cuts.
  • Order a cake in advance, approximately 150 g of dessert per person. Think about transportation in advance. It is better to order a rectangular cake
  • Don't forget to include teachers you'd like to celebrate with
  • It is worth remembering about gifts for the school administration and teaching staff
  • Some parents organize a separate buffet for teachers, as they do not consider it necessary to invite teachers to a restaurant or cafe along with everyone
  • Don't forget your photographer and video camera. Never trust a parent to shoot.
  • Start collecting money for the celebration from the beginning of the year, so you will have to calculate the estimated cost of the cafe, fireworks, DJ and other expenses

Organizing a holiday on your own is quite difficult, but if all the children and their parents participate, then everything will work out.

VIDEO: Graduation at school

Many events for each of us are not divided into major and minor. All moments in our life are important. Especially when it comes to prom. Namely, this event is considered the brightest and most special moment in a certain period of life, both for schoolchildren and students. Graduation party is a certain milestone of a person's growing up, his farewell to childhood. And, at the same time, it is a magical holiday, which should leave behind only warm memories and good emotions. That is why the organization of the graduation, how and where to celebrate the graduation must be approached with special responsibility.

2019 Graduation Celebration Ideas

In order for the graduation of 2019 to become unforgettable for everyone, it is necessary to think through everything to the smallest detail and take into account the wishes of graduates and their parents. Therefore, the preparation of this holiday should be started a few months before the start of the event itself. And, first of all, it is worth deciding where graduation can be celebrated. It is to the search for a suitable place that you need to start in advance - otherwise all the best can be taken away from you from under your nose. There are many options for graduation. It all depends on your desires and financial capabilities. We invite you to pay attention to some places where the atmosphere of the evening will be warm and bring only positive emotions. So, you can celebrate graduation party:

For those who are going to celebrate graduation in St. Petersburg, we offer a great opportunity to organize a beautiful and unforgettable holiday for all graduates in the restaurant "KumKuma".

The cozy restaurant "KumKuma" will give you memories for a lifetime

The restaurant in St. Petersburg "KumKuma" is famous for its uniqueness, spacious halls, beautiful summer terraces, panoramic views and excellent cuisine. In addition, it combines several directions. Only here you will not only be able to celebrate a graduation party in a cozy and luxurious atmosphere, but you will also find something to suit every taste.

The restaurant "KumKuma" has a lot of seating areas, so you can easily decide where to celebrate the children's graduation. A special playroom awaits little graduates, where they can not only have fun, but also learn something. For young visitors, there is a special children's menu, which includes delicious dishes with ingredients that are useful for the children's body. Parents have the opportunity to invite toastmasters and magicians to the graduation. Their fun competitions and unique performances will turn this event into a real holiday for children.

As for high school students and students, it is in the restaurant "KumKuma" that they can find rest for every taste.

The restaurant "KumKuma" has separate rooms, which are decorated in different styles. This will allow you to independently choose a banquet hall with a luxurious interior in the restaurant, depending on your wishes and the theme of the prom. Due to the large spacious halls with a capacity of up to 250 people, you can really spend this wonderful event on a grand scale. Also, the restaurant "KumKuma" will pleasantly surprise you with its quality service, exquisite tastes of modern and classic cuisines, entertainment program and at the same time a cozy and comfortable atmosphere.

Here, on the territory of the institution, the doors are open until dawn, a billiard hall, a night disco bar and even a sports bar.

So they will be able to celebrate their 9th grade graduation to the rhythms of modern dance music and an incendiary presenter who will definitely not let graduates get bored.

Celebrate your 11th grade graduation, especially lovers of outdoor activities, can in a separate billiard area with professional tables for "Russian Billiards". Here, graduates have the opportunity to hold a real competition between their classmates, cheer for the participants and raise their team spirit.

Or, high school students can spend for communication in a circle of close people in the hookah "KumKum". In this recreation area, graduates will be able not only to experience new sensations and enjoy smoking hookah with a wide variety of additives, but also to remember the funniest moments of their school years.

So, if you celebrate graduation, so be remembered. And at the same time you want to get a lot of positive emotions, then we invite you to the restaurant "KumKuma". Only we have waiting for you:

  • Banquet hall with a luxurious interior for every taste for the whole day without rent.
  • Banquet menu of gourmet dishes to choose from, costing 990 and 1500 rubles per person.
  • Buy and bring your own alcoholic drinks, juices, fruits in any quantity.
  • Photo and video shooting.
  • Festive decoration of the hall.
  • An entertainment program from the host - toastmasters, magicians, musicians and artists, costing from 15,000 rubles.
  • Qualified and attentive staff.

Your graduation party can go on until dawn! So, if you decide to hold a graduation party in the best restaurant in St. Petersburg, then call us or come to us, we will be glad to see you.

Graduation is a significant day in the life of every student. Childhood is left behind, and ahead is adulthood and an unknown future. The end of school life must be celebrated so that later there is something to remember. Where to celebrate graduation? What places should you choose to get a lot of impressions and unforgettable emotions? The following places are very popular:

Recreation center

After receiving a school certificate, taking hundreds of memorable photos and drinking the first glass of champagne for a happy future, you want to change into comfortable clothes and relax a bit. The recreation center is the best place for this. It is necessary to order a minibus in advance, which will take everyone to their destination. Here graduates with their parents will be waiting for barbecues with barbecue, a disco and a festive table with treats. The hall is usually decorated by guests. To do this, you can choose some interesting style. For example, Hawaiian, pirate, cowboy, fabulous, etc.

costume party

Do you want to see the class teacher in a fox costume, and the headmaster in a Superman costume? Then organize a costume party. You can organize it in your own school. However, the venue of the prom in this case does not matter at all, the main thing is to choose interesting costumes. It is advisable to stick to one topic, but this is not at all necessary. Costumes can be purchased at the store, ordered at the studio or made by hand.


Campfire gatherings with your favorite classmates Campfire gatherings with funny songs, jokes, games and heartfelt conversations - what could be better? The whole class can meet the dawn, which will become a symbol of adulthood. Go to nature immediately after the presentation of certificates. Be sure to bring comfortable clothes and warm blankets with you, because in the evening it is quite cold in the forest. Of course, you will need to think over the festive menu, set the table. No prom is complete without it. This is a fairly economical option, you do not need to spend money on renting a hall, toastmaster, etc. All you need is tents and a cheerful company.

On a boat

Graduation on the ship will be an unforgettable event in your life. Meeting the first dawn of adulthood will be very exotic. On board it is necessary to organize a disco, games, competitions, a buffet table, festive fireworks, a light show. If finances allow, you can also order a balloon, on which everyone can take turns taking to the sky.


The castle is not cheap, but a memorable option

The days of gilded armor, silk crinolines, romanticism and chivalry are long gone, but if you want to plunge into them again, try organizing a graduation ball in an old castle. Finding a suitable location is not very difficult, but costumes can be difficult. Renting themed costumes is expensive. If the issue of finance is acute, but you can limit yourself to some attributes that will decorate the hall.

in a limousine

"Graduation" limousine

This is an original and unusual place for celebrating a graduation banquet. However, such a holiday will be remembered for a long time. The cost of the party will depend on the rental of a limousine, the duration of the event, photo shoot, festive menu.

Ice rink

The graduates will have an ice arena, skates, a cozy cafe and pleasant music at their disposal. Instead of festive outfits - figure skating suits, and instead of uncomfortable shoes - skates. If you beat the idea correctly, then the prom will turn into a real fairy tale. The class teacher can be dressed up in the costume of the Snow Queen, and the director and head teacher can be dressed in costumes of snowflakes or ice floes. Before graduation, it is better to take a few lessons from professionals to avoid injury.

In the tram

Renting a tram for a few hours is not as difficult as it used to be. This is a great place to celebrate graduation. The biggest plus is the availability of a large number of places. In the middle, you can put several narrow tables, and decorate the salon with balloons and themed posters. You can bring musical equipment with you, because what is a holiday without music? Riding around the city at night with a cheerful company - what could be better?

More ideas for celebrating graduation

  • Rent a villa with a pool outside the city and organize a beach party. Not the cheapest option, but the kids will love it.
  • Live quest. Not exactly the usual way to celebrate prom, but the kids just love it!
  • Night club. Young people are very fond of discos and noisy parties, so they will certainly like this option.

If the graduation party is organized correctly, taking into account all the wishes of the graduates, then it will be remembered for a long time. The heroes of the occasion will tell about it not only to their children, but also to their grandchildren!

Video: Prom in the style of "Chicago"

A gym, a table with a drink and fruit, dancing to old school tunes and performances by amateur groups ... Fortunately, rather than unfortunately, such a prom scenario has long since sunk into the past.

Today's graduates are celebrating their last school day on yachts, with fireworks, limousines and TV stars. How can Minsk residents who leave the walls of their educational institutions after 11 years of age entertain themselves?

Every time graduates face the same problem: “How to have a fun graduation party?”. They really came up with a lot of them over a long practice: here you can place former schoolchildren / students according to the elements of the zodiac signs, and perform touching songs paired with a teacher, and, of course, a waltz in the native walls of a school, college or university ... But it’s somehow boring , do not find? In addition, now, when there are many ways to have fun unbanal. A fresh solution is to simply call the relax.by banquet service and order your favorite cafe or restaurant (and even get a discount!). But what to do next if the graduation organization fell on your shoulders?

The first step is to consider the interior. A decor agency or a hall decoration studio will help to cope with this. Knowledgeable people will hang balloons according to Feng Shui, arrange tables beautifully, decorate everything with flowers - in a word, they will create an atmosphere. Next problem: what are we going to eat? For This is where catering exists - the organization of takeaway food. Restaurant delicacies are available, as it turns out, in the bosom of nature, and in the school cafeteria, and in any other place. Among the latest newfangled features in this area is the chocolate fountain - exclusivity and pleasant sensations in the abdomen are guaranteed. So, the hall is decorated, the table is set: what to do next? You can use one of the many scenarios, for example, play games (for example, Mafia and Crocodile, which are especially popular today, or remember your childhood and play hopscotch, “jump in rubber bands”), arrange (for the funniest story from your school or student life, to the most incendiary dance and the best karaoke performance of a song, etc.), look at old photos with toothless smiles and pigtails, play funny scenes. Or arrange a prom in the style of the 18th century, with luxurious dresses, a mazurka and a polonaise, or maybe a retro prom with rock and roll or boogie-woogie? But it’s better to come up with your own, unique scenario that is right for your class. Remember all the mistakes of your classmates / classmates and teachers and place them in a special newspaper that will be handed to everyone at graduation. Try to break away from the tradition of dressing in dresses and suits - turn prom into a themed party. For example, prom in Hawaii, with wreaths and traditional competitions (for example, build a structure with a bar that moves up and down, under which you will need to pass in the dance). Or a masquerade ball, to which each graduate will have to come in the costume of some famous hero and show a mini scene from the selected film or literary work. Or maybe a Hollywood-style prom, with "Oscar dresses" and a red carpet, with bits of famous films and your own parodies? Give free rein to your imagination, do not limit yourself to standards.

The simplest, but at the same time quite reliable option is to contact professional holiday organizers (holiday agency) and order a show program. A talented presenter, sandography, a trip to the Middle Ages, a bartending show (for those who agreed on "alcohol" issues with parents and teachers) ... There are a lot of options!
And by the end, when it seems that there is nothing to wait for except for meeting the dawn, blow up the sky with fireworks and rightfully say: “Yes, this is in my honor!”

In the bustle of preparations, the most important details are: musical accompaniment (for example, from your favorite DJ) and photo and / or video filming of the event. And of course, prom dresses and prom hairstyles .

So, are you ready to rock now?