Infant diet. An important element of proper growth and development is feeding newborns in the first days: suitable postures, diet and useful tips for young mothers


The growth and development of the child of the first year of life are intensive. Proper feeding of the child by months is the key to good health and successful development of the baby. Consider the principles of nutrition of children in the first year of life.

For the best development and good health of children, WHO recommends feeding the child exclusively with breast milk for the first six months. Consider the benefits of breastfeeding:

  1. Protecting the infant from infectious diseases. Mother's milk contains special substances - immunoglobulins, which protect the baby from infections of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory infections.
  2. Baby health. Natural feeding protects the baby from rickets, anemia, diathesis. Studies have found that long-term breastfeeding reduces the risk of diabetes, cancer, tooth decay, and allergic diseases in a child when he grows up.
  3. Harmonious personality of the child. Natural feeding contributes to the establishment of close emotional contact between mother and child. This ensures the formation of positive traits of his personality.
  4. Intellectual development. Studies have found that babies who breastfeed for more than 6 months have a higher IQ.
  5. Mother's health. Long-term breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer, osteoporosis, and helps a woman return to her previous weight faster.

Lactation is a natural milk production process that is regulated by hormones. Only 3% of women face a real lack of milk. The remaining 97% can breastfeed, but this requires some effort. Basic rules for organizing successful breastfeeding:

  1. It is necessary to attach the newborn to the breast as early as possible, preferably in the first half hour of his life. The first milk - colostrum - contains valuable substances for the baby's immunity.
  2. Joint stay in the maternity hospital of mother and child.
  3. Feeding at the request of the child. It is important to allow the infant to determine the frequency and duration of feedings.
  4. Correct at the chest.
  5. Prolonged sucking on one breast allows the baby to get milk rich in fats. Therefore, do not rush to shift the baby to the second breast.
  6. It is not necessary to give the child additional water and other liquids. An exception may be cases when the baby is sick or it has been a hot summer.

Feeding a bottle-fed baby

Sometimes situations arise when breastfeeding is not possible: there is no milk or the mother cannot breastfeed for medical reasons. In this case, the child is transferred to artificial feeding. Milk formulas are the main food for such children. Their composition is similar in properties to breast milk. Usually they consist of whey proteins, lactose, casein, vitamins and minerals are additionally added. The doctor observing the baby will help you decide on the choice of the mixture.

The daily volume of the mixture for a child aged:

  • from 0 to 2 months is 1/5 of body weight;
  • from 2 to 4 months - 1/6;
  • from 4 to 6 months - 1/7;
  • from 6 months to a year - 1/9-1/8 body weight.

The required amount of food should be divided by the number of feedings. Feeding on demand is possible only when breastfeeding. With artificial feeding, the frequency of feeding before the introduction of complementary foods is 6-7 times a day (approximately every 3.5 hours).

Rules for the introduction of complementary foods

- this is the introduction to the diet of products of a dense consistency. Feeding children under one year of age should not replace breast milk or formula. Introducing food to a child is an important milestone in life. The main goals of the introduction of complementary foods:

  1. Enrichment of a child's nutrition up to a year with additional vitamins, microelements and other substances.
  2. Formation of skills of chewing and swallowing solid food. This contributes to the further transition to a common family table.
  3. Development of the digestive system and motor function of the intestine.
  4. Formation of correct eating behavior.

When to introduce complementary foods

As mentioned above, WHO recommends that complementary foods be introduced to breastfed babies no earlier than 6 months of age. If we are talking about formula-fed babies, they can start feeding at 5 months. The exception is cases when it is necessary to introduce the so-called corrective complementary foods. It is needed if the child is not gaining weight well, then the pediatrician may recommend the introduction of foods containing a large amount of carbohydrates into the diet. Early complementary foods can be prescribed in case of a lack of any vitamins or trace elements. For example, if anemia is detected, the child needs an additional intake of iron, which is contained in buckwheat porridge or apple juice.

There are a number of signs by which you can determine whether the baby is ready for the introduction of complementary foods:

  1. The baby weighs twice as much as at birth.
  2. He has learned to sit. Can lean towards the spoon or turn away from it.
  3. The baby firmly holds a small thing in his fist and can bring it to his mouth.
  4. He shows interest in food.
  5. The child's first teeth erupted.
  6. Disappeared reflex pushing solid food.
  7. Complementary foods can only be introduced to a healthy child. Contraindications to the introduction of complementary foods are any disease, as well as the period before and after vaccination.

Complementary feeding regimens

There are two types of introduction of complementary foods: pediatric and pedagogical. Consider these fundamentally different concepts, their pros and cons.

With pediatric complementary foods, children up to a year old are fed according to a special scheme, in which all the necessary norms and dosages are prescribed. Each product is administered separately, which makes it easy to identify the allergen in case of an allergy. You can buy ready-made baby food or make your own puree with a blender. For the first time, the product is given in the amount of 1/2 tsp, then the portion is gradually increased. The disadvantage of the pediatric approach is that often children refuse to sit in a chair and demand pieces from an adult table. If you force feed, you can bring up a negative attitude towards food and poor appetite.

The pedagogical scheme of complementary foods implies that the child is immediately acquainted with healthy adult food. They don’t prepare separate food for the baby, but take it to a common table and let them try pieces of food from their mother’s or father’s plate. This forms a positive food interest, and the child will not need to be forced to eat in the future. Of the main advantages, one can also single out the rapid development of chewing and swallowing skills.

According to what scheme to feed the baby - only parents choose. In practice, there is often a combination of pediatric and pedagogical complementary foods.

Where to start feeding

A nutrition table can help in compiling a menu for a child up to a year old. There is no single scheme for the introduction of complementary foods; there are still discussions on this issue. The table contains general recommendations that meet the requirements of WHO.

Most doctors advise starting complementary foods with vegetable purees. Usually the first vegetable a child tries is zucchini or cauliflower. Complementary foods are given to try before the main breastfeeding or formula. On the first day, 1/4 tsp is given for the sample. Then the portion is gradually increased. Later, other vegetables are introduced: potatoes, carrots, pumpkin.

The second food is usually porridge, they are introduced about a month after vegetables. However, the schedule for the introduction of complementary foods may vary depending on the situation. For example, a pediatrician can prescribe porridge for small children as the first complementary foods. You should start with gluten-free cereals. These include buckwheat, rice, corn. The principles of complementary foods are the same as with the introduction of vegetable purees.

Approximate feeding steps

The mode of feeding a child up to a year is closely related to the daily routine. In the first 3 months, the baby sleeps almost all the time. Gradually, a routine is established for him - by 6 months, three daytime sleeps, and by the year there are two. As a rule, meals are organized around dreams. Consider the main stages of feeding a child up to a year by months.

First stage: . At this age, the main goal of complementary foods is the formation of food interest. As mentioned above, complementary foods begin with vegetables or gluten-free cereal. Food should be pureed. It is advisable to choose seasonal products that are specific to your area. As a rule, complementary foods are given once a day at lunchtime. At this stage, it is also important to teach the baby to remove food with his lips from a spoon. If a child shows interest in this cutlery, in no case should it be suppressed.

Second stage: 8-9 months. During this period, it is important to teach the child to eat food in pieces. The transition must be gradual. Instead of puree, you can mash the vegetables with a fork. When the child learns to chew small pieces of food, you can start giving fruits, cookies. An 8-month-old baby should receive complementary foods 2 times a day. It is necessary to alternate vegetables, fruits and cereals. After these products, meat can be introduced. Chicken, rabbit, lean beef are used as complementary foods. At this age, eggs and dairy products are introduced. Preference should be given to special children's dairy products.

Third stage: 10-12 months. The main goal of this stage is to improve chewing skills. By this time, the child is already familiar with almost all types of products. Some pediatricians recommend introducing fish closer to the year due to the high risk of allergies. You should start complementary foods with low-allergenic varieties of fish: hake, pollock, haddock, cod. Fish dishes are usually given 1-2 times a week instead of meat dishes. The menu of a child at this age includes 3 main meals and two snacks. As a rule, by the year the child can eat everything from the family table.

Breast milk is the healthiest food for a baby during the first months of life. The components included in its composition allow the crumbs to fully develop and grow. So that the process of feeding does not become a painful procedure, young mothers should not make common mistakes. They need to know how to feed the baby, when is the best time to do so, and what mistakes to avoid.

And now let's dwell on this in more detail.

Features of the first attachment of a newborn

The first attachment of the baby to the mother's breast is the final process of delivery. This manipulation is carried out necessarily, because this is the only way to establish and strengthen lactation. Let us dwell on why it is so important in the first minutes of birth to put the baby to the mother's breast?

The first application of the crumbs should occur immediately after its appearance in this world. It is important that the meeting of the mother with the baby takes place no later than 30 minutes. As soon as the baby was born, the doctor cut off his umbilical cord, he was immediately sent to his mother's chest.

The pediatrician present at the birth should help the baby find the nipple with sponges and grab it. This is exactly how the first application happens.

Why so few? This time will be enough for him to feel his mother and get the necessary portion of colostrum, the beneficial properties of which will be discussed later. In addition, the baby is laid naked on the mother’s chest, and he cannot stay undressed for a long time, as he will simply freeze.

The purpose of the first application is to feed the baby with valuable drops of colostrum. In this case, it is possible to form a reliable immunity to protect the body. The reason is that colostrum has valuable components. Thanks to them, the baby's body is protected from various infections, which tend to hit the still weakened body of the baby.

The first application is a kind of vaccination of a newborn baby from various ailments.

Valuable properties of colostrum

Colostrum is the secret of the mammary glands, the production of which occurs before childbirth and in the last days of pregnancy. A secret arises against the background of the production by the body of the future mother of a hormone called. It is he who influences the formation of milk in the breast of a woman.

Colostrum is a thick liquid. Its color is yellow or gray-yellow. The composition contains a large number of:

  • proteins,
  • mineral microelements,
  • vitamin A,
  • vitamins B, E.

All these components are contained in large quantities, but sugar and fats are present in low concentrations.

The chemical composition of colostrum is quite complex and differs in many respects from the composition of milk. This secret contains over 30 components. Each woman has a different composition of colostrum, which is associated with individual characteristics of the body.

Duration of feeding in the first days and weeks of life

Most inexperienced mothers are concerned about the duration of breastfeeding in the first days and weeks. Doctors recommend feeding the baby until the moment when he himself releases the nipple. How is the preparation of the nipples for feeding,. There is absolutely no need to set a specific feeding schedule, adhering to a specific time.

The baby should be at the chest for as long as he wants. As a rule, it lasts 25 minutes. During this time, the baby manages to get enough of watery milk, and then more fat.

Mom should not remove the nipple from the baby's mouth if she starts to fall asleep. Feeding should be extended. Only in this case it is necessary to ensure that the newborn does not choke. Sucking during sleep, the baby eats milk, which contains the most valuable fats and proteins.

It is necessary to show concern when a one-month-old baby suckles the breast for only 10 minutes, and then refuses it.

The duration of feeding is determined by the age of the baby. The older he is, the faster and less often he eats. Already at 3 months, the baby's body becomes strong, strong, and the child himself is able to absorb a large amount of milk. It is also the age when the baby in an acute form experiences psycho-emotional discomfort and the need for reassurance.

How often to feed a baby in the first month

If breastfeeding is carried out by healthy and full-term babies, then the number of feedings per day will be 6-7 times. The break between feedings is 3 hours. At the same time, it is important that the baby consumes a sufficient amount of the product.

To feed a monthly crumb, 600 ml of milk per day is needed. For one feeding, he eats 100 ml.

Common Mom Mistakes

Very often, due to her inexperience, a nursing mother makes a number of common mistakes:

  1. When a woman experiences discomfort or pain while breastfeeding, then it should not be tolerated. Sometimes the cause of discomfort is that the baby has not completely captured the breast. To eliminate the problem that has arisen, you just need to correct the chest and attach it correctly.
    teaches you the correct position and attachment to the chest.
  2. Breastfeeding should take place on demand. You don't have to take the breast. The baby will release it when it is full.
  3. Moms wake up their baby who fell asleep after 5 minutes of suckling. This is wrong, although for such a short period the baby does not yet have time to fully get enough. In this case, you need to wait until the baby releases the nipple on its own.
  4. Don't give your baby two breasts at once. He is not yet able to suck completely one breast. When during feeding from one breast milk flows out of the other, it is worth putting a pad in the bra. Recommended for lactating women. In special underwear, they feel more comfortable.
  5. Don't pump after feeding. The mammary gland is arranged in such a way that the more milk is taken from it, the more it will give.
    After feeding the crumbs and expressing milk, you stimulate the mammary glands to produce a large amount of milk, which can lead to stagnation. What is this painful condition we described in a previous article.

Breastfeeding takes an average of 25 minutes.

Useful information for nursing mothers and women preparing for motherhood about colostrum and breastfeeding in this video:

Feeding a child in the first month of life is a very responsible process that requires compliance with certain rules. If the nursing mother remembers them and adheres to them, then neither she nor the baby will have any problems during the feeding period.

Most of all, a person grows and develops in the first three years of his life. Never again will he learn so many things: drink, eat, talk, listen, crawl, walk, think, analyze and much more. For proper and harmonious development, any small person needs nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Adults themselves somehow figured out their breakfasts, lunches, dinners and more or less understand what a balanced healthy diet is (although this is often doubted and argued about). What can we say about such responsibility as feeding your children, on which not only proper saturation depends, but also the growth and development of a small person. As well as taste preferences, predispositions, a good metabolism in the future.

For moms and dads, as well as grandparents, we have collected all the necessary information about the nutrition of children from birth to three years. What are baby nutrients? What should a newborn eat? How to introduce a child to a healthy adult table?

Proteins fats carbohydrates

Any adult knows that all balanced nutrition consists of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and even understands what foods to get them from and, conversely, what foods to avoid. But an adult and the very first children's table are completely different things. That is why we explain why and in what quantity children need these nutrients.

Protein is one of the main components responsible for the harmonious growth, development and health of the child. It plays the role of the main building material for the cells and tissues of the body. A lack of protein can affect the entire body of the baby: slow down growth, disrupt the formation of the skeleton, muscles, teeth.

Fats (milk and vegetable) - sources of energy, vitamins - also take part in the construction of the cell frame.

Carbohydrates (sugar, starch and dietary fiber) serve as energy suppliers for the work of muscles and other organs.

Stage 1. 0-6 months

Stage 2. 6-12 months

If up to six months everything is clear: mother's milk or formula, then from six months the first steps towards adult nutrition begin. According to WHO recommendations, it is from the age of six months that the baby should be introduced.

According to leading experts, complementary foods should be started according to the scheme: vegetables - meat - cereals - dairy products - fruits. All products are introduced gradually, monthly. In one month, only one type of food is tried, while first the products that do not cause an allergic reaction are offered. Vegetables include zucchini and cauliflower; cereals - dairy-free (or with the addition of breast milk or a mixture familiar to the child): rice and corn; meat - turkey, rabbit and lamb; fermented milk products - only kefir and cottage cheese; and fruits are apple, pear and prunes.

At the same time, complementary foods are introduced only as a gradual accustoming of the body to new solid food, and not as a replacement for breast milk or formula. It is mother's milk or formula that will serve as the main source of nutrients for a child up to 1 year old.

If you want to instill healthy eating habits in your child, don't force your child to eat. If you don't like a certain product - cancel it for a while, re-enter it later. Taste buds in children develop slowly and gradually.

The child should eat exactly as much as he wants. Eating habits are formed precisely before 1 year, so the child should not get used to overeating. He will still receive the main vitamins from breast milk or an adapted mixture, which he will regularly consume at least up to 12 months.

Stage 3. 12-24 months

The World Health Organization, whose recommendations are followed by doctors around the world, advises to keep breastfeeding up to 2 years. Milk or formula will continue to supply the child with the necessary trace elements and other nutrients, strengthening and supporting the digestive system and other important functions of the body.

Breastfeeding or formula is already an addition to the main meals. Experts recommend a balanced 5-a-day, and in between or before bedtime, give a breast or a mixture.

Proteins are still extremely important for the whole organism. They are found in vegetables, meat, dairy products, as well as in breast milk or an adapted formula in which the amount of protein is as close as possible to age-related needs. Cow's milk is not recommended to be introduced into the diet of children before the age of 3, because it is a difficult product for the child's body to digest, and can also cause allergic reactions.

Fats and carbohydrates will enter the child's body along with the main food. Fats - these can be healthy vegetable oils: corn or olive. But as carbohydrates, the child should not be given sweet or starchy foods. A baby's addiction to this type of carbohydrate can cause excess weight, as well as digestive problems, not only now, but also in the future.

Adhering to modern standards, a child aged 1-2 years should receive about 36 g of protein daily, 40 g of fat and 174 g of carbohydrates.

Let the child's diet contain vegetables, fruits, dietary meat, fish, dairy products, cereals and eggs in small quantities. It's very good if the same foods make up the diet of his parents - what could be healthier and more useful?

Parents need to remember that it is in childhood that the habit of healthy eating is formed, so all products should be as balanced as possible. It is this kind of nutrition that will teach children to a healthy lifestyle, form immunity and will contribute to harmonious timely development.

Stage 4. 24-36 months

By the age of two, a child has usually tasted a lot and learned the taste of all the basic foods. On average, about 20 milk teeth erupted in a baby, and food no longer needs to be crushed. But this does not mean that it can be completely transferred to an adult table. All meals should also be as dietary as possible.

A baby at this age should adhere to regular 4 meals a day. All the same vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, pasta, cereals and dairy products should be the main diet of children under three years old. Experts recommend that a child receive daily 42 g of protein, most of which is of animal origin, 47 g of fat, including vegetable origin, and about 200 g of carbohydrates.

The main recommendation at this age, which is broadcast to us by pediatricians and psychologists, is to have breakfast, lunch and dinner, if possible, with the child, then he will see what the parents eat and repeat everything after them. Eat delicious, healthy food with him, and the child will form a habit of a healthy lifestyle for life.

Famous chefs advise: develop the child's taste from childhood. Cook interesting dishes from familiar foods. Taste buds must know different tastes, only then real gourmets grow up. Or maybe the next generation of masters of the culinary arts?

Comment on the article "Nutrition for a child from birth to three years by months"

Approximate diet for a child aged 11-12 months. And only after that (a month after the introduction of the first complementary foods), nutrition, the introduction of complementary foods are introduced into the child's diet. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development.

Monthly nutrition for a child from birth to three years. The diet of a child from 1 year to 3 years. First complementary foods - how to introduce? In accordance with the recommendations presented in the National program for optimizing the feeding of children in the first year of life in the Russian ...

Nutrition, the introduction of complementary foods. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. Why is it impossible to give more than 70 grams of fruit puree up to a year? I have a son (almost 8 months old), he can easily eat a jar of 130 grams of puree.

Feeding - how to organize?. Nutrition, the introduction of complementary foods. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition It never even occurred to me to cram complementary foods into a hungry child. The cancellation of all daytime feedings occurred gradually ...

Nutrition, the introduction of complementary foods. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child before My child is small, does not suffer from overweight. Or do you still need a mixture? How are you? As a result, I stopped breastfeeding for a year and a month, and then of my own free will, milk ...

A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. In our (Moscow region) in the dairy kitchen, they begin to give food the next month after the provision of documents (photocopies of the passport of one of the parents, policy and ...

Or vegetables? Nutrition, the introduction of complementary foods. A child from birth to one year. Nutrition, the introduction of complementary foods. A child from birth to one year. First breastfeeding. After all, you need to introduce one new product into the baby’s diet, and when we give milk porridge, then ...

Nutrition, the introduction of complementary foods. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. I was given an approximate schedule in the room of a healthy child in a clinic, according to which such a distribution turned out.

Nutrition, the introduction of complementary foods. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. What products should not be on the menu of a baby under three years old? Lure. Somewhere up to 5 years old. And now one kind of broccoli makes him sick (and this is not a game, on ...

Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household I have a one-year-old child. Two months ago, I had an argument with my mother-in-law about the best way to feed my baby from a dairy kitchen...

Nutrition, the introduction of complementary foods. A child from birth to one year. The explanation is simple - a child who started complementary foods with fruit purees and juices then eats vegetables very poorly (after all, they are less tasty). The amount in grams is also embarrassing.

Nutrition, the introduction of complementary foods. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. Section: Nutrition, introduction of complementary foods (I'm wondering. At what age should complementary foods be introduced?)

complementary foods - the introduction of a new porridge. Nutrition, the introduction of complementary foods. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition Adult food: how and when to start complementary foods for a child. Tips from nutritionists and pediatricians for starting complementary foods: age, foods, portion sizes.

Nutrition, the introduction of complementary foods. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. Well, what if, after the introduction of complementary foods, the child refuses to eat the mixture? I have three jars out there, and now I don’t know what to do with them.

A child from birth to one year. I have a question. how much should a 10 month old baby eat per day, the norm of food in 2 months? How old is a two year old? Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition and illness ...

Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills. I am looking for links describing the daily routine and nutrition (menu for a week or a month) for children from 2 to 3 years old. A child from birth to one year.

How to feed a child without a high chair? Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness HOW to feed?. Artificial feeding. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition ...

Menu and feeding regimen. Nutrition, the introduction of complementary foods. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. Approximate menu of the child of the first year of life. Approximate diet for a child aged 11-12 months.

A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. What can be given to an almost 2-month-old baby as a sedative at night???? Most likely, many people kick me with their feet, but I can’t do this anymore.

A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. Maybe we are an exception, but from 1 year and 2 or three months (I don’t remember exactly - we are now 1 and 10) we just eat everything - I even allow a few fried mushrooms when everything ...

The first year of a child's life is perhaps the most important and eventful. During this time, the baby not only grows (on average, the child’s weight triples by the year, and the body length increases one and a half times), he masters the basic skills necessary for later life: learns to move (sit, crawl, walk), communicate (smile, laugh, walk, talk), play, becomes more independent and independent. Proper balanced nutrition of a child up to a year is of the same exceptional importance as parental love and care.

At the same time, most often there are questions related to the observance of the diet of a child up to a year old, because at this age it changes significantly several times! Consider the main options for the diet of children under one year old, to avoid possible problems and preserve breastfeeding as much as possible.

Nutrition for a child up to a year: from birth to 4 months

This is the time when the baby receives all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and trace elements from breast milk or an adapted milk formula. The benefits of exclusive breastfeeding during this period are clear and proven by many scientific studies. But, if for some reason full feeding with mother's milk is impossible, the use of modern adapted milk formulas will also allow the child to develop and grow properly.

The ideal diet for a child in the first month of life during breastfeeding is feeding on demand, that is, according to the needs of the child, at least 8 times a day without a night break (up to a maximum of 12–16 times). Indicators of a sufficient amount of milk are the presence of at least 6-7 urination per day in a baby, regular stools, and weight gain. With artificial or mixed feeding, it is important to observe a three-hour break between feedings to avoid overfeeding.

From the second to the fourth month of life, children who are exclusively breastfed gradually set the child's diet on their own with intervals between feedings of 3–3.5 hours. The reflex to feeding in children of this age is just beginning to form, so breastfeeding strictly by the hour is not advisable. If the baby is sleeping when, according to the mother's calculations, the time for the next feeding has already come, it is not worth waking him up (except in rare cases of significant underweight when the mother does not have enough milk). And, conversely, with premature anxiety of the baby, it can be assumed that he did not eat the required amount of milk the previous time and crying expresses precisely the feeling of hunger. So, you need to attach the baby to the chest, without waiting for the conditional time. Fluctuations between the time of free-fed meals within 1–1.5 hours are quite acceptable.

A night break in feeding is highly undesirable until the child is 6 months old, since it is at night that the most prolactin (the hormone responsible for milk production) is produced, and, accordingly, ideal conditions are created for successful and long-term breastfeeding. If, however, the child himself "wakes up" night feeding, this break should not exceed 5-6 hours.

With artificial feeding, due to the greater protein load on the child's body, it is necessary to observe feeding intervals of 3.5–4 hours, with a night break of 6 hours.

In a child of 4–5 months, a breastfeeding regimen is usually established after 4 hours, sometimes a night break of up to 5–6 hours is possible. On artificial feeding, the baby is fed 5 times a day after 4 hours with a night break of 6-7 hours.

Nutrition for a child up to a year: from 4 months to a year

From the 4th month of life, some children are recommended by doctors to introduce the first complementary foods. However, according to the recommendations of WHO and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the optimal time for the introduction of new products for breastfed babies is 6 months. At this time, the reflex of pushing out solid food with the tongue fades away, digestive enzymes, local factors of the intestinal immune defense are activated. We do not recommend the introduction of complementary foods before 5-6 months, as this can lead to allergization of the baby's body, disruption of his gastrointestinal tract, the appearance and consolidation of a negative reaction to feeding.

The general rules are as follows: each new product is given gradually, starting with 1-2 teaspoons once a day. It is advisable to introduce the child to a new type of complementary foods in the morning. In this case, the mother has the opportunity to observe the reaction of the child to him during the day. This is especially true for children prone to allergies. After getting used to a new product, it can be given either in one of the daytime feedings, when the baby is active, or in the evening, when the amount of milk produced by the mother naturally decreases.

It is important to remember that complementary foods are just additional nutrition for a child up to a year old, it should not replace and displace breast milk! Complementary foods are designed to meet the growing needs of the baby for energy, vitamins and trace elements, and not to reduce the number of attachments to the breast, as some pediatricians still mistakenly believe.

Approximate diet for a 6 month old baby:

  • 14:00 - Vegetable puree 100-150 g, breast milk (mixture) 50-100 ml.
  • 18:00 - Breast milk or formula 180-200 ml.

When breastfeeding, the night break is set based on the needs of the baby and is still not very helpful for lactation.

Starting from the 7th month of a child's life, meat can be added to his diet. Meat complementary foods are introduced into the daily feeding along with vegetables, gradually, up to 50 g per day. After meat, cottage cheese is introduced into the baby's menu. It is recommended to gradually increase the volume of cottage cheese up to 50 g per day for a week, in the evening feeding.

Approximate diet for a 7 month old baby:

  • 6:00 - Breast milk or formula 180-200 ml.
  • 10:00 - Porridge with breast milk or a mixture of 150-180 ml.
  • 18:00 - Cottage cheese 50 g + breast milk or a mixture of 150 ml.
  • 22:00 - Breast milk or formula 180-200 ml.

Breast milk for a 7 month old baby should still make up the majority of the diet. Breastfeeding should be the end of any feeding with solid food. If the baby does not take the breast so willingly during the day, you can try to give him complementary foods only after breastfeeding or feed him more often at night.

The volume of motor and mental activity of an 8-month-old child is already quite large, and he needs all the new nutritional components for full development. At this time, the yolk of a chicken or quail egg is introduced, it is added to the porridge 3 times a week. There is an acquaintance with fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt). Babies who continue to breastfeed on demand often refuse supplemental fluids. It's not scary, mom just needs to give the child a choice.

Approximate diet for an 8 month old baby:

  • 6:00 - Breast milk or formula 180-200 ml.
  • 10:00 - Porridge with breast milk or a mixture of 150-180 ml, 1/2 yolk.
  • 14:00 - Vegetable puree 150 g + meat puree 50 g.
  • 18:00 - Kefir 150 ml + cottage cheese 50 g.
  • 22:00 - Breast milk or formula 180-200 ml.

After the 9th month of a baby's life, the introduction of new products occurs at a faster pace. The child can already chew small pieces of food, actively learning to eat on his own. Its menu is becoming more and more diverse. It is recommended to feed the baby 5 times a day after 4-4.5 hours. It is important that during this period, breast milk remains the main liquid that the child receives. To maintain breastfeeding, it is necessary to take into account the wishes of the child and continue to apply it to the breast during the day and, on demand, at night.

Thus, if the parents follow these recommendations, by the year the child gets used to a certain feeding regimen, which has a beneficial effect on the condition and functioning of his gastrointestinal tract, the state of immune defense, and health in general. The kid sincerely considers feeding an interesting and useful activity, showing the first signs of independence and self-organization. At the same time, he receives almost all types of products necessary for full growth and development, significantly expands the range of his taste sensations.

Currently, most experts recommend continuing breastfeeding a baby for at least a year and a half, which is a good prevention of infectious and allergic diseases, creates a feeling of security and close contact with the mother in the child, and increases stress resistance.

What's first?

Traditionally, it is recommended to first give the baby complementary foods, and then supplement it with breast or formula. However, if the mother’s milk production is insufficient and to stimulate further active lactation, it is better to start with the main food (breast or formula) and only at the end of it offer the child complementary foods.

In this case, an additional advantage is that the baby's digestive enzymes are already sufficiently activated and the digestion process is more complete, which also reduces the likelihood of an allergic reaction.

This topic is extremely important, because the nutrition of the baby is the fundamental basis for his future health - both physical and intellectual. In order for the baby to successfully develop in all directions, he needs a complete set of useful substances, minerals and vitamins.

The main task of parents is to organize the feeding of the child and do it competently, in order to strengthen the immunity and health of the baby, to prevent certain diseases, including those that often manifest themselves in adulthood. We will rely on the recommendations of pediatricians and child nutrition specialists.

A little about breastfeeding

Mother's milk is the first and for some time the main food of the newborn. It is difficult to overestimate the usefulness of breast milk: this food contains not only the whole range of necessary substances for the proper nutrition of the baby, but also plays the role of an immune defender (contains antibodies to viruses and bacteria that the mother has) and a growth regulator. Milk has a specific chemical composition, which allows it to be absorbed most fully.

Milk composition:

  • amino acids and proteins (in the optimal ratio, taking into account the age needs of the baby);
  • fats (in an emulsified state, so the baby's gastrointestinal tract is better absorbed);
  • carbohydrates (needed to cover energy needs);
  • immune elements (protect the baby's body from infections until its own immunity works).

Alexander Valeryevich Dechko (Director of the Dobry Doktor pediatric center, pediatrician, doctor of the first category) notes that in addition to all the advantages of breastfeeding, all muscle groups work in a child during feeding, and according to the laws of biophysics, the maxillofacial apparatus develops correctly.

The best food for a newborn is mother's milk

Mixed and artificial feeding

But besides breastfeeding, there are also mixed and artificial ones. They are also worth mentioning, because not all mothers produce enough of the most valuable food in the world for a baby - milk. Do not be upset if you have little or no milk. To get started, consult with a specialist, perhaps you are doing something wrong, he will help to establish lactation. If lactation does not improve, then modern technologies in the form of adapted mixtures will come to your aid.

  • Mixed feeding - when the mixture takes 50% of the total nutrition.
  • Artificial - feeding only with a mixture or mainly with a mixture (2/3 of the total nutrition).

The most common reasons for mixed feeding

From the side of the newborn:

  • low weight;
  • depressed sucking reflex;
  • diseases, neurological disorders.

From the mother's side:

  • illness;
  • taking medications;
  • cracks in the nipples;
  • mother's social activity.

When combining breastfeeding and bottle feeding, the process should be as close to natural as possible, that is, the child should work in the same way as at the mother's breast. In such a situation, your baby will never refuse breast milk. An orthodontic nipple, which resembles the shape of a mother's nipple, will help imitate the mother's breast, so the newborn practically does not notice the difference.

Mixed feeding, according to most pediatricians, is better than artificial, since the baby still receives breast milk with all its advantages.

Artificial feeding has a number of disadvantages. Olga Leonidovna Lukoyanova, candidate of medical sciences, pediatrician of the highest category, pediatrician-nutritionist, in one of her articles on mixed and artificial nutrition, highlighted the following:

  • there are no protective antibodies in infant formulas that will protect against infection, therefore it is advised to keep artificial children in the so-called quarantine (do not take them to crowded places, do not arrange bridegrooms at home with a bunch of relatives and friends, ventilate the newborn's room, if one of the parents is infected wear a mask, etc.);
  • useful substances (vitamins and trace elements) contained in breast milk are absorbed better than the same substances in mixtures;
  • Artificers often have iron deficiency anemia and a variety of allergic conditions.

Lukoyanova does not recommend giving up breastfeeding if the mother simply does not want to feed the baby. She also focuses attention in her works on the fact that often the lack of milk is only apparent, the mother can go through the so-called "lactation period", when the milk seems to decrease. For lactation periods, this is the norm. A lactation specialist will definitely advise what to do. In most cases, milk increases. Especially this contributes to night feeding.

But if all measures to improve lactation have not been successful, and you inevitably need to introduce a breast milk substitute to your baby, then you need to correctly choose the mixture based on the individual needs and characteristics of the baby's body. Your pediatrician will help you make this choice.

Feeding for months up to a year

1-4 months


The first feeding of a newborn takes place in the hospital - the baby sucks out colostrum. Colostrum is a secret secreted from the mammary glands before childbirth and during 3-5 days after them. Colostrum is more high-calorie and nutritious than milk, it has little liquid, which does not allow overloading the crumbs that have not yet formed kidneys, it has a laxative effect to get rid of the original feces - meconium. And this is not a complete list of the positive properties of colostrum. After five days, colostrum is replaced by breast milk familiar to us - first transitional, then mature.

Most pediatricians teach mothers around the world that the production of breast milk and its quantity depends on the frequency of attachment of the newborn to the breast, and sucking technique is also important. If the baby does not grasp the nipple correctly from the first day, does not properly stimulate its production at the hormonal level, the milk will fade away by 3 months. Perhaps this is the most important thing in the first days of lactation.

Technically, feeding should look like this: the baby’s lower lip is turned out, with his lips he captures the lower areola of the nipple. There are different positions for feeding, but if he lies on his mother’s hand, then his nose is located at the level of the nipple. The child is tightly pressed by the tummy to the mother's stomach, his body and head are on the same plane. The baby's head must not be turned.

It is better if the mother feeds lying down - so the body and head are automatically located on the same plane, and the mother's arms and back rest

Remember: it is necessary to achieve the correct sucking technique in the first 3-4 days. At the age of one month, it is impossible to rebuild the baby so that he begins to take the breast, as expected.

A few words should be said about breastfeeding. There are three types of diet, and which one is the best is difficult to say, as each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  1. On demand - when the mother feeds the baby at his first desire.
  2. Mode (by hours)- when mother feeds in accordance with certain intervals (every 2-3.5 hours).
  3. Free - combines the features of the first and second modes. Mom can reduce or increase the intervals between feedings, focusing on the mood of the crumbs, his well-being, and depending on the circumstances. For example, if the baby is sleeping, and it's time to feed him, then according to the free mode, you should not wake up the baby, but you have to wait until he wakes up and asks for food.

In general, the baby can eat milk up to 12 times a day. This is the norm.

WHO recommendations state that infants under six months of age should be exclusively breastfed. This means they don't need any other food or liquid (not even water). Breast milk perfectly fills the need for fluid.

On a mixed diet

Basic feeding rules

  • The introduction of each new product begins with a small portion (1-2 tsp) and increases the amount gradually over 5-7 days. Such a small amount of the product is necessary in order to determine if the baby has intolerance or allergy to it.
  • We give a new product at 1 noon to see the reaction of the child. If complementary foods are given at night, then there is a risk of not noticing some kind of reaction.
  • Any complementary foods should be monocomponent (mashed potatoes or porridge from one component).
  • Complementary foods are given necessarily from a spoon before feeding with milk or a mixture.
  • You should not give a new product to a baby if he is sick, indisposed, or has recently been vaccinated.
  • If the child has not accepted the new product, it is advised to try it again after 5 days.

Where to begin?

We have 2 products to choose from: porridge and vegetable puree (monocomponent). Either one or the other.

At the same time, pediatricians pay attention that if the baby is large (for example, at 5 months his weight is 8 kg), then it is better not to start with porridge. In this case, vegetable puree is preferable. And, conversely, if the baby is not very plump or has hypertrophy, then complementary foods should start with porridge.

There is another criterion by which pediatricians judge which complementary foods to start with - this is stool. If the stool is rare ─ once every 3-5 days, then it’s good to start with vegetable puree. Porridges have the property of "locking". It is better to start eating them with frequent, liquid feces.

Porridge should be gluten-free and dairy-free: rice, corn, buckwheat. If complementary foods were introduced at 4 months, then at 6 months you can try gluten milk porridge: oatmeal, wheat.

The first vegetable purees should be monocomponent - only from zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin.

It is not advised to start complementary foods with fruit or meat. Fruits have a sweet taste, after which the child may not want to eat unleavened cereals and vegetables. Meat is in itself a heavy product for the delicate stomach of an infant.

Cauliflower puree in a pressure cooker

  • We spread the cauliflower inflorescences in a pressure cooker (who does not have it - just cook it). We set the mode "Steam / cooking" for 10 minutes.
  • After 10 minutes, put the cabbage in a glass for whipping mashed potatoes. Puree with a blender.
  • The puree should be smooth and smooth.

If the baby is gaining weight well, it is better to choose vegetable puree for the first feeding.

Zucchini puree in a steamer

  • The vegetable is peeled, the bottom is cut off, the seeds are separated. Zucchini is soaked for 3-4 hours.
  • We take a glass container, pour 50 g of zucchini with 100 ml of water, put it in a double boiler and leave for 5 minutes. If there is no double boiler, then cook until soft.
  • Put the zucchini in a glass for chopping and puree.
  • If it turned out too thick, a little water is added to the puree, in which the vegetable was boiled. And again everything is fluffed up.

As you can see, organizing the feeding of a baby is not an easy task, it is almost a science that cannot be learned while lying on the couch. All babies are very individual, each needs a special approach and patience. As it is impossible to calculate in advance which postures will be comfortable for mommy when feeding, what kind of feeding regimen will eventually line up, it is likely that with complementary foods, their own characteristics may arise. All information provided in this article is approximate. Your pediatrician will tell you more precisely about feeding your baby. He will also write the graph and proportions.