How to care for a baby in the first year of life. Good start

Choice of colors


Baby washing

Washing your baby is the first step in caring for a newborn. It requires patience from young parents. Moreover, this process is strikingly different from that of an adult.
Washing the child is done with a cotton swab or disc. Water should be boiled, and its temperature should be at room temperature. In addition, you can try to wash the child with your own wet and clean palm. Everything will depend on how the child reacts to the process that is happening to him.

Newborn Eye Care

Newborn eye care is an essential part of daily care for the baby. This procedure necessary, since the mucous membranes of the baby are very susceptible to microbes and can easily fester. Rinse the child's eyes with a cotton pad soaked in water. At the same time, the cotton swab is moved from the outer to the inner corner of the eye. Each eye is washed separately. Next, take a dry cotton swab and make similar movements in order to dry the eyes.

Newborn nose care

Newborn nasal care also plays a significant role in baby care, as the baby develops crusts in the nose that interfere with free breathing. At the same time, the child breathes through the mouth, refuses the breast, and becomes restless.
In order to clean the child's nose, it is necessary to drop a drop into each nostril saline solution(aquamaris, salini, etc.), and then with cotton wool rolled into a flagellum, remove the lagging crusts. In this case, you can not wind the cotton wool on any hard objects, so as not to damage the delicate mucous membrane of the child's nasal passages.

Newborn ear care

In order to clean the child's ears, you must be extremely careful and make sure that water does not get into the auricles. The process begins with washing the ears. Then a flagellum is rolled out of the cotton wool, which should be used to clean the child's ear canal, making sure not to stick the cotton wool deep.

Newborn Genital Care

Caring for the genitals of a newborn is also a process that cannot be dispensed with. The baby is washed away, making a daily morning toilet and after he performs physiological functions.

Washing the newborn is carried out as follows. warm water pours on clean hands, which move from front to back, that is, from the genitals to the anus. This condition is important because E. coli found in the rectum can cause pathological processes upon contact with the genitals. After that, the child is gently blotted with a towel and powdered with talcum powder in the natural folds of the skin.
Compliance with these rules is especially important in order to care for a newborn girl who has imperfectly developed external genitalia, through which infection easily penetrates.
Important! Use baby soap only after the child pooped. Do not use antibacterial soap, which destroys the beneficial microflora.

Newborn Skin Care

Newborn skin care is carried out from the first days of his life. For this, apply daily bathing, and then lubrication of delicate baby skin with cream or oil.
You can bathe the child already on the first day, after being discharged from the family home (3-4 days of the child's life). Before the umbilical wound heals, preferably in boiled water, then in ordinary water.

For bathing, you will need a bathtub purchased specifically for the child. It is prohibited to use it for other purposes. Bathing water should be 37-38 0С. Towel and diapers for the baby of the first year of life must be warmed with a heating pad. A baby up to six months of age is washed by hand without the use of washcloths or other means.

newborn nail care

Once every 7 days, the child needs to cut his nails so that he does not scratch himself while sleeping or waking. For this you will need special scissors with rounded edges. Before proceeding with the procedure, you should wash the scissors in hot soapy water and then wipe.
Newborn Belly Button Care

In order to properly care for the navel of a newborn, you must follow the rules.
To do this, the navel is wiped with hydrogen peroxide after bathing. Do not cover the navel with the edge of the diaper, it should dry out in the air.

Grow healthy!

In the first days, a newborn discovers a new universe for himself, where everything is new to him, and much is hostile. The first days are prohibitively difficult for him, because he has to completely rebuild his life, sensations, behavior.

For the nine months that passed inside the mother, the baby got used to the liquid environment, constant temperature, placental and umbilical nutrition. Being born into the world, the child takes the first breath, the first cry. It goes from a liquid medium to a gaseous one, where there is different lighting, different sounds, where many microbes fly.

Now he breathes on his own and will eat differently. The respiratory, digestive, urinary organs will begin to work for him. And all this happens so quickly, at the same time, that the baby does not have time to adapt to new conditions.

in the maternity hospital

It is good if the baby is immediately given to the mother after birth. Then he will hear the knock again loving heart, feel a familiar smell, hear a native voice. Mom will hug the baby to her, it will immediately become warm and calm. And if they take it away from mom for a long time, then in the first days the newborn will have a hard time. How to cope alone with all the changes?

Fortunately, many maternity hospitals have switched to the "mother and child" system. According to this system, the first days of a newborn's life are spent next to the mother. Immediately after birth, he is placed on her stomach, and then the baby and mother are in the same room. As a result, the child does not receive stressful situation, as before, when all newborns were in the children's ward and they were brought in for feeding by the hour.

By new system the mother puts the baby to the breast not when they bring it, but as soon as he gets hungry. This is correct for medical reasons and psychologically more comfortable for mother and child. The newborn does not have stress, because he is not transferred to another room. And mom can hold her happiness in her arms. As a result, lactation appears faster, more abundantly, and milk is more useful.

More and more mothers prefer to choose the “mother and child” system in maternity hospitals, when the newborn lies with the mother in the same room. Today it is believed that this is the best thing that can be offered to a baby who has experienced stress during childbirth.

First days at home

So, you were discharged from the hospital, congratulations, flowers, photographs were left behind. You brought your baby home, but suddenly realized that you do not know what to do next. If you are lucky, and your baby was in the ward with you, then you already have the experience of swaddling and washing the baby. And if you were apart from him in the old fashioned way, then you will have to learn everything on your own.

Loving mothers begin their acquaintance with the baby by undressing, and then carefully examining their bunny. It is normal if the skin of the baby is soft, elastic, the mucous membranes are pink and wet, the cry is loud and strong.

In the hospital, you have already fed the baby and, most likely, swaddled. At home, you yourself will take care of him from the first day. Wash after defecation, protect delicate skin from rashes. handle umbilical wound you will learn in a week.

To understand the language of a newborn, you have to observe his behavior. Remember when he sleeps, asks for food, wants to be with his mother. Soon, by his grunting or crying, you will understand what the baby wants at this moment.

At home, mothers who have their first children will have to learn everything in practice. Many experience panic while washing and bathing a newborn, some fail to properly adjust feeding. However, almost all mothers cope with these tricks, and after a few weeks they behave quite confidently with babies.


For those few days or a week that you spent in the hospital, the baby first sucked out colostrum, then milk appeared, and at home you are already fully feeding the baby with delicious breast milk. Maternal colostrum and milk are infinitely useful for the newborn. In the first days, weeks and months breast milk protects the baby from diseases and pathogenic bacteria.

Normally, babies ask for breasts from 8 to 12 times a day. There may be variations here. If the baby is actively sucking and gaining weight well, then less than eight feedings per day are enough for him. There are children who, having suckled, immediately fall asleep without having time to eat. Such a baby may need to be breastfed more than twelve times. Each baby is individual, and each feeding regimen is different. One sucks out the norm in five minutes, the other needs half an hour or more. Mom remains to look closely and remember the requirements of the baby.

Normally, babies in the first days of life eat up to 12 times a day. But everyone is different, and a slight deviation from the norm should not cause concern.

About two or three weeks after birth, babies begin their "growth spurt". At this time, all body processes are activated, and the baby needs more milk, he begins to ask for breasts more often. After another 2-3 weeks, the next jump occurs. This happens throughout the entire period of growth and development of the newborn.

If the baby is healthy, then at night he wakes up to eat once or twice, no more.

At this time, it is possible to change clothes for the baby, change diapers, and you do not have to wake him up on purpose.

It is possible to determine that the child does not have enough milk by indirect signs:

  • the baby is not gaining weight;
  • when breastfeeding, the baby's sips are not heard;
  • sleeps for a long time;
  • crouching to the chest, falls asleep;
  • stool less than 3 times a day;
  • urinates less than 6 times a day;
  • mom has cracks in her nipples;
  • baby has jaundice.

Weight and height

The first week of a newborn's life is marked by a slight weight loss, which is replenished in the second week. caring parents closely monitor changes in the weight of the baby, consult a doctor in time in case of a shortage. When the child is two weeks old, the doctor recommends a control weighing, then it is enough to weigh the crumbs every month. There is no reason to weigh the baby every day. According to the WHO, gaining 170 to 245 grams per week until three months of age is normal.

Affectionate mothers lovingly examine and measure the children. Firstly, because they like to mess with the baby, secondly, to get sizes for shopping for clothes, and thirdly, in order to know if the newborn is developing correctly.

Normally, average babies up to six months grow by 2.5 cm per month, the head circumference becomes 1.27 cm larger. These indicators are also individual, depending on the natural growth, as well as the volumes of the parents.

The newborn should be weighed and measured monthly. This is important, as the results of these measurements will help tell if everything is in order with the health of your little one.


In the maternity hospital, doctors and nurses monitored the defecation and urination of the newborn, and at home, the parents themselves monitor the state of diapers and diapers. The more soiled diapers, the better. This means that the baby has enough food and water.

When the first week comes to an end, the color of the baby's feces turns yellow-green-brown. Defecation occurs 3-5 times a day every day! If there is no bowel movement, call your doctor immediately. Urination occurs at least 6-8 times.

Features of the structure of the body of the baby

While the baby is getting used to the new conditions of existence, his body, which is not yet fully developed, does not work the way it does in adults. The first days and the first week of a baby's life are restructurings and adaptations in his body, which is why his organs are so tender and sensitive to the effects of all kinds of environmental factors.

  • The first week of development may bring jaundice, which will soon pass.
  • The second week is the healing time of the umbilical wound.
  • In the third week, the baby listens and fixes his gaze.

To understand and properly care for a newborn, you need to know the structural features of a small organism.

Newly made mothers are constantly worried about their crumbs, they are scared by almost everything that happens to them. In order to avoid this fear, you should better know the structure and characteristics of the body of newborns.


His skin is too thin and vulnerable, there are many capillaries under the skin, he breathes intensively through his pores. Thin skin does not yet know how to protect it from temperature extremes. Therefore, the baby quickly blushes or turns pale, the slightest touch can hurt, lead to diaper rash.


Muscles and ligaments are weak, they do not know how to interact, so the baby still moves a little and carefully. If not swaddled, the baby tries to assume the fetal position. It is understandable and familiar to him. Tense legs and arms are pressed to the tummy, the head does not hold and leans towards the chest.

Skeletal system

A child is born with a fully formed skeleton and soft pliable bones, otherwise he would not have passed through the birth canal. The bones of the skull are not yet connected to each other, advancing on each other so that at birth the head comes out.

Therefore, sometimes in newborns the head has several elongated shape, but the natural one is soon restored. The so-called children's fontanelles, large and small, remain unprotected for a long time.

Parents need to protect the fontanels, carefully monitor them, do not injure, do not press. Normally, they are closed by bones by a year or a little later.

Respiratory system

The respiratory organs are not fully formed, so the newborn breathes rapidly, superficially, unevenly. For the development and growth of the body, the baby needs a lot of oxygen, so inhalation-exhalation occurs almost every second. The narrow larynx and short nasal passages are covered with a loose mucous membrane that quickly reacts to heat and cold.


To pump a large number of oxygen and deliver it to every organ, the circulatory system has to work with overloads. A tiny heart (relative to the body, the heart of an adult is much larger) contracts and pushes blood at a speed of up to 140 beats per minute. When the baby strains, cries loudly, the pulse can reach 200 beats per minute.

Digestive organs

Man is born adapted to breastfeed. The sucking rollers on the lips easily capture the breast and suck mother's milk. Teeth begin to cut after six months. The mucous membrane covering the mouth is vulnerable and susceptible to infections.

The gastrointestinal tract is not yet completely formed, the esophagus is very short, the muscles of the intestines and stomach are weak, the ventricle is the size of a fist. Looking at the fist of the crumbs, the mother can understand how much milk for one feeding is needed to saturate.

Frequent infant regurgitation after feeding occurs because the valve that closes the entrance from the esophagus to the stomach is not sufficiently developed. Two to three times a day, the intestines are emptied with soft, light yellow-brown stools. If emptying does not occur, parents should sound the alarm, consult a doctor.

genitourinary system

The urinary organs of the newborn are formed, urination is reflex, up to 25 times a day. Urine is odorless, transparent, there is not much of it, because bladder still small. Too much frequent urination can talk about inflammation and serve as a reason to see a doctor.

The external genitalia are formed by birth, but due to loose mucous membranes, they require cleanliness and care.

Nervous system

The nervous system, although underdeveloped, performs basic functions. Unconditioned reflexes- in human nature, therefore, he knows how to suck, blink, grab from birth. There is sight and hearing, but to distinguish individual items and the baby still does not know how to separate sounds. But the taste, smell, tactile receptors working from day one.

If future parents carefully prepare (including informationally) for the birth of their child, then they will not have any problems. And if they arise, they will be able to quickly navigate and solve them. Remember, the “newborn” period passes very quickly, but these first days, when the baby is still so dependent on mommy, will never be forgotten.

A happy return from the maternity hospital with a cherished sniffing bundle in your hands: photographs, general tenderness and delight ... The first excitement passes, and the time comes when you are practically "one on one" with the baby. And this is where a lot of questions come in.

For a young mother, everything is for the first time and much is incomprehensible: why is he crying, why is he squeezing his hands, how to bathe him properly? We have tried to briefly answer the most common questions regarding the first months of a baby's life. After all, for him, even one month is a whole era. You yourself will be convinced of this by noticing how day by day it changes, develops and grows.

Baby's first month


The navel requires special care from birth to the first month. It is important to carefully monitor that it remains dry and clean, to do this, blot it 2 times a day with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide and then in chlorophyllipt or brilliant green. If suddenly pus appears in the navel and bad smell, it is necessary to bring this to the attention of a doctor or patronage nurse(who visits the baby every other day). Before healing, the child should be bathed in boiled water and a weak solution of potassium permanganate.


Baby's second month


"Blossoming" of babies, which can begin around the second week of life and continue until the end of the second month - a rash different kind(from small red dots to quite "adult" acne), caused by a riot of hormones and adaptation of the skin to new external conditions, does not require special treatment (do not comb the blisters, wash with a decoction of antiseptic herbs such as string, chamomile, etc.) and passes on its own.

transient lactose intolerance

Currently, this diagnosis occurs in every second child and may be the main cause of ongoing colic. An analysis of feces for carbohydrates will help to identify it. When making a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a special enzyme that helps to absorb lactose (milk sugar).


Walks increase to 3-4 hours a day. Usually babies sleep well on the street, but if the baby woke up in good mood and did not have time to get hungry yet, do not rush home. Pick up the child from the stroller, tell him what he sees, move his fingers along different surfaces(tree bark, twigs, leaves). All this greatly develops the baby and increases interest in the world around him.


The nails most often break on their own, but if the child injures himself with the handles, then you can carefully cut the nails to the level of the finger with nail scissors or special children's tweezers.

third month baby

Causeless tantrums

They usually happen during this period. When the body temperature is checked a hundred times, medicines for colic are given, the baby is fed and "pumped" and seems to have just woken up, and the tears and screaming do not stop. Scientists have not fully figured out the cause of these tantrums, but one theory is that a baby at this age already perceives a sufficiently large number of stimuli and the brain does not have time to process information.

First massage

Usually appointed in the third month of life. Preventive (or therapeutic) relieves or improves tone (depending on the purpose), physically develops the baby, fights such ailments as joint immaturity, paresis, and much more. The specialist will show a set of exercises, due to the child according to the age.


Bypassing specialists such as a neurologist, orthopedic surgeon and pediatrician. Vaccination according to plan: Hepatitis revaccination and vaccination.

By the end of the third month, the baby makes attempts to roll over or crawl, from this age the probability of falling is especially high, therefore, starting from birth, never leave the baby alone on an open surface. Turning to take the right thing, keep your hand on the child.

Elena Kondakova child psychologist


I used to massage my kids. Even when I was pregnant, I downloaded baby massage courses and trained on a bear;) Of course, if massage is necessary for health reasons, then it is better to contact specialists, but for healthy child, it seems to me, it’s hard to come up with something better than mom’s touches.

I also never brewed grass, I was lazy. Ready-made extracts for bathing babies are very well thought out. I tried different ones, but in the end I also settled on baby-boo. They have a natural composition and they are more like concentrated extracts that need to be diluted with water, and not like extracts that have already been diluted in a bottle. I also did massage, and now we do it. But the massage therapist said that it should be done no more than once a quarter, and pediatricians also recommend it. Often very impossible to do.

Thanks for the article, everything is simple and clear! For my daughter, the most unpleasant procedure was cleaning the nose, and for me the most difficult thing was bathing, especially in the early days! We didn’t boil water and didn’t use potassium permanganate, I added ready-made extracts for bathing baby boo, the pediatrician advised me and we liked them. And we did the first massage at 1.5 months, and at 3 months we already did it the second time, after which the daughter began to raise her head and rise on her elbows)

Comment on the article Good start. Newborn care in the first months

Decree under guardianship. Legal and legal aspects. Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placing children in families, raising foster children Please tell me how it is calculated maternity leave when caring for a child aged 1 month.


I understood that maternity leave is not provided for guardianship. Thank you!

Sick leave, which until the child is 70 days old and paid in the amount of 100 percent, is definitely not entitled to you during guardianship, it is only for adoptive parents. On the basis of a guardianship order, from the date of the decision, you can take parental leave for up to three years. Until the age of one and a half, the child will receive an allowance in the amount of 40 percent of the earnings for the previous 2 years. But there are also minimum and maximum restrictions on this allowance.

01/14/2015 06:06:36 PM, Accountant_

Shunted hydrocephalus. Medicine / children. Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placement of children in families, raising foster children, interaction with guardianship, teaching foster parents at school.


My girlfriend has a nephew with a shunt to his head... He goes to kindergarten, they live in a regular group in the suburbs, but he and another boy have their own teacher.
Fly on airplanes, etc. it is impossible, i.e. lead the safest possible life. He is still small, but can I find out how many times the shunt has already been changed and how many are planned, if necessary?

My friends, I am from Tajikistan, my son had craniostenosis (hydracephelia) in three months, he had an operation, after that rehabilitation is underway, now we are 11 months old, my son has seizures, increased hypertonicity, trauma, pressure, and development is lagging behind, he does not crawl, I don’t know what it will be in the future my first child who had this would like to know how they cope with their babies thanks in advance who has a viber please write me my viber: +992927532332 and Facebook Dilya Berdieva

12/10/2017 12:54:19 pm, Dilya

How to care for a newborn baby. Bathing a newborn. How to wash a girl and a boy. How to care for the skin of a newborn to avoid redness and diaper rash. Hygiene of newborns.

A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, father's illness How to care for baby, if the mother was away for a short time Unfortunately, the child, in But just in case, watch his tailbone. The baby needs to be swaddled, but you don't...

For baby in the neonatal period, one piece of sleep per day, 4-5 hours long, is considered the norm. How to immediately properly care for him, how to feed, how to treat? Questions are pouring in every hour! Approximately 20 to 40% of children by 6 weeks of age scream at night ...


Natasha, I also had it, I didn’t wake up, in 2 weeks everything changed with us, the baby began to eat after 2-3 hours, even at night. The child himself will establish a nutritional regimen. But my friend followed the doctor’s recommendations and woke up and pumped after each feeding, and didn’t eat nuts (and generally sat on some kind of stupid diet on the doctor’s advice), as a result, she fed up to 4 weeks and that’s it, now her baby eats mixtures.

We have night sleep from the very beginning it was 5-6 hours, only it shifted, i.e. from 21 to 2-3 nights. And then it seemed to me that it was not enough. I never woke up, the child was gaining weight normally. And at night he really ate much less than during the day. But we never had more than 30 minutes of feeding, i.e. he ate and fell asleep.


Based on the fact that you are a citizen of Russia:
- You can adopt a child born in Ukraine (assuming that his mother is Ukrainian and the child is naturally Ukrainian by birth) only according to their laws. there, a special ministry is in charge of coordinating these issues, I don’t remember the name, details can be found in the embassy (representation) of Ukraine in Russia.
- as for directly from the birth house in Russia - theoretically it is possible, for this you need to have all the documents ready and talk with representatives of the competent authorities that work on guardianship and maintain a data bank.
- 70 days - (from the date of birth of the child) vacation, similar to the part of the vacation for pregnant women. and childbirth. Only everyone is given 140 days, and in case of adoption - 70. You can simply issue an adoptive parent's leave, you can write (for secrecy) that this is maternity leave. Although IMHO this situation is a gross violation of the rights of adoptive parents in terms of the secrecy of adoption - by the way, even the prosecutor's office was engaged in this, but apparently in the department of Mr. Pochinok they were very interested ...
- after the adoption of a child, you, like any mother (dad, grandmother, etc.), have a leave to take care of a child until he reaches 1.5 and 3 years. Read the TK, everything is detailed there.

Section: Child care. Newborn care book. Moms, a belated Happy New Year to all of you. issue of newborn care. Baby care. A child from birth to one year. tryndelnoe about the attitude to life and things ...

Baby care. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. Tell the expectant mother how to care for a child after a cesarean? I mean, after a caesarean, you can’t strain for a while (the baby is on ...


The first 2 weeks after discharge, help is needed! You will still be too weak, you will need to rest a lot, recuperate, so that the milk does not go away. And yes, you can't lift a baby. There were cases when the seam diverged. A month after the operation, you can manage on your own, just do not pull more than 6 kg. By this time, the seam almost does not hurt. We went out for walks in parts. First I took out the stroller, then I took out my daughter. We went in reverse order. And do not listen to advice like "everything can be lifted, bricks loaded, nothing will happen, etc." Watch out for the first month of stress and do not carry weights for another half a year and everything will be in order.

While I was in the hospital (9 days), the attendants did a lot. Then I did everything myself, it wasn’t hard for me, no one helped, I sent my husband to work a week later, because. he just got in the way underfoot. Child (4100) and household Corresponded perfectly (((0 And after a couple of weeks I was already loading boxes of mineral water (((0

A little baby appeared in your house - a real new person, but still very small. Caring for a child up to a year includes meeting all of his needs - food, housing, tranquility, affection, communication and games. Attentive and loving mother quickly learn to understand why baby crying or smiling, and what he needs at the moment.

Feeding a baby up to a year

For the first few months, love is food for a baby. BUT best food for the baby - breast milk. You will be taught how to breastfeed properly at the hospital. But if with breastfeeding does not work out, you will have to switch to mixed or artificial. It is important, after consulting with a pediatrician, to choose a mixture that is ideal for your baby. Baby care up to a year also depends on the age of the child. Remember that mixtures are selected by age, that is, different formulas have been developed for 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-12 months. For feeding, you need as many bottles as there are feedings per day. It is useful to purchase a special thermos for storing bottles, and a sterilizer for sterilization. You can boil it, as our mothers and grandmothers did, but the sterilizer is much more convenient.

Children with three months at artificial feeding and from six with breastfeeding, it is necessary to introduce complementary foods. Usually this vegetable puree. For children who have lost weight, pediatricians recommend cereals as the first complementary foods.

Sweet Dreams

Eating, sleeping and growing are the main tasks of young children. Proper care for a child up to a year is not only feeding, but also the creation of all conditions for a comfortable rest for the crumbs. A crib for a baby should be chosen comfortable, made of natural materials, better from wood. The bottom of the bed is slatted so that the mattress can be ventilated. The distance between the slats of the sides is 5–6 cm, so that the child does not stick a handle or a leg in there and does not get stuck.

Choose a hard mattress, best of all - coconut. Children under one year old do not need a pillow. Bed linen - only natural, cotton. The blanket is either light cotton or warm synthetic winterizer. Wool blanket can cause allergies.

Cleanliness and hygiene

Caring for a child up to a year is impossible to imagine without observing the rules of hygiene. In order for the child to be comfortable and cry less often, it is important to ensure that nothing causes irritation.

Don't forget to change your diaper on time. On time is after any action taken there or every three hours. Don't forget to get zinc oxide diaper cream or baby powder. Treat the skin after every wash and at every diaper change.

If the baby has diaper rash, the doctor will recommend remedies for them. Most often, it is recommended to use products with D-Panthenol, zinc, and hormonal ointment may also be needed.

Caring for a baby up to a year old also includes washing children's clothes. They need to be washed with baby soap or special baby powder marked "0+ months". It is important to pay attention to the composition of the powder: phosphates in baby powder undesirable.

Also, proper care for up to a year includes bathing. It is necessary to bathe the child every day, twice a week - with baby soap or bathing agent from 0 months. You also need to wash your hair once or twice a week with baby soap or shampoo marked “0+”. Bathing will require a baby bath, although many children can bathe in a clean, washed hot water with soap in an adult bath.

Good care for a baby up to a year old is impossible without a first-aid kit specially designed for the child in the house. Put hydrogen peroxide in there cotton buds, cotton pads, ibuprofen or paracetamol-based fever reducers, diaper rash powder or cream, brilliant green. The rest - the doctor will recommend.


Caring for a baby up to a year is also a choice of clothes for him. Everything that is adjacent to the child's body should be made of natural "breathable" materials. The seams in clothes for babies should ideally be external, the things themselves should be comfortable, the number of bows, buttons, ties and other decorations that can press during the child’s sleep should be minimized. For the convenience of parents, it is worth choosing clothes in which it is easy to change a diaper.


The game is the main occupation of every baby up to a year old. It is in the game that every child learns the world. Therefore, leaving up to a year provides for the choice of toys and their proper maintenance. Toys should please the baby and not carry any danger. Stuffed Toys and development mats should be easy to wash. Wood, plastic and rubber toys– be smooth, easy to clean and free of small parts. Pediatricians recommend using bright, but not colorful toys.


Proper care for up to a year is impossible without daily walks. Naturally, if the weather outside the window allows you to go outside. If not, you can "walk" without leaving your home. To do this, you just need to put the stroller or cradle with the child on the balcony.

To keep the little one warm and comfortable, he should be put on one more layer of clothing than an adult. Outerwear– light, warm, and, preferably, waterproof.

Quality baby care in the early stages of life is very important. But not every young mother knows how to properly care for a newborn and what to look for in the first months of a child's life. The baby is very vulnerable and requires maximum protection, as his skin is very delicate and susceptible to external stimuli, improper care can lead to inflammation and skin diseases. To avoid different kind irritations and infections, you need to provide the child with proper care.

Washing your baby is one of the first morning rituals. This procedure should be carried out with a cotton pad or swab. The baby's face up to two months should be washed with exclusively warm boiled water. room temperature. It is important to pay attention to all skin folds on the face and neck of the newborn. if this is not done, it may occur, which will bring discomfort to your child.
Therefore, after washing, all the folds should be lubricated with baby cream or oil. But do not forget that before washing a newborn, mom or dad must disinfect their hands by washing them with soap before starting the procedure.

Washing and caring for the genitals

It is necessary to take care of the child's genitals very carefully from the first days of life. From proper care depends on reproductive function in the future. There are basic rules for the washing ritual that are suitable for both:

  • The child should be washed under running water at room temperature, preferably after each bowel movement.
  • In the first months, to avoid dry skin, you should minimize the use of soap.
  • It is not recommended to use adult cosmetics for children.
  • To avoid discomfort and chafing, do not use at the same time baby oil and powder. Since the powder will roll.
  • If it was not possible to wash off the remnants of the stool, you should carefully remove them with a cotton sponge dipped in baby oil.

Before the washing ritual, everything should be folded in advance necessary items hygiene for the newborn: oil or powder, heated towel and cotton products (sponges or cotton swabs). But the washing process has its own characteristics depending on the gender of the child.
  • Features of washing girls.

An important point to which you should pay attention. In the first weeks of life in girls, a light coating may form on the labia. But parents should not worry if there is not much of it, it will eventually be absorbed into the skin without additional manipulations, but if the amount exceeds the norm, then it should be carefully removed.

Natural lactic acids in plaque can cause irritation and inflammation in a child. To prevent this from happening, you need to delicately remove plaque with boiled water at room temperature and a cotton swab. If you repeat this procedure regularly, the plaque will disappear within 3 days. The girl, like the boy, should be washed away after each shift. Before the procedure, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water. Rinsing the genitals should be flowing warm water from the labia to the anus, so that the remnants of feces do not cause inflammation. Wet wipes are not recommended to be used on a regular basis, it is better to leave them for those cases when it is not possible to wash the child.

Important! Cleanliness should be moderate, as overdoing it can cause partial fusion of the labia minora!At frequent use soap and other cosmetics, the mucosa is injured and causes inflammatory process, due to which splicing occurs.

After washing, moisten the genitals and the folds around them with baby cream or baby oil, as skin children of this age are dry.

  • Features of washing boys.

Experts recommend exclusively external washing of the genitals with soap and nothing else. External washing is washing the genitals from the outside, without invading under the foreskin of the baby. It is important to remember that the procedure of "penetrating" under the boy's foreskin can lead to injury, and also we must not forget that regular washing of the genitals inside with soap can wash out all the antibacterial lubricant that serves protective barrier The child has. Over time, the foreskin gradually exfoliates, and dead cells gradually accumulate under the foreskin. There is nothing to worry about, since the genital organ is cleaned on its own at the time of urination. That's why additional processes cleaning is not required.

These features will help to properly approach the issue of bathing and not harm the child.

Treatment of the umbilical wound

Particular attention in the first days of a baby's life should be given to the umbilical wound. It must be remembered that the wound is the possibility of penetration of infections, therefore, its treatment should be approached competently:

  • The umbilical wound should be treated 2 times a day - in the morning and after evening bathing.
  • To remove discharge from the wound, as well as for a complete treatment, 3% hydrogen peroxide should be used and cotton pad or cotton swab.
  • It is important to ensure that no peroxide and secretions remain in the wound.
  • After cleansing the umbilical wound, it is smeared with brilliant green.

On average, the umbilical wound heals on the 19th day of a child's life. But until the wound has healed, you should try to minimize the number of ways for infections to enter the umbilical wound.


Before the beginning daily procedures bathing, be sure to check all the points with the pediatrician. Full bathing of the child is allowed only with a completely healed umbilical wound.

Water for should be at room temperature - 36-37 degrees. If from the first days of life you plan to temper the child, you should gradually reduce the temperature of the water.

Did you know? The baby will not drown if placed completely in the water with his head. The swimming reflex is activated in the child's body. The floundering motion allows you to swim underwater. At the same time, the baby's body includes a protective function, preserving oxygen for the functioning of the lungs and heart.

You can bathe your baby in a special baby bath, but you can also use a regular bath, the main thing is to process it in advance. clean up soda solution or a special tool.

Four basic rules for bathing:

  • The bathing procedure should be daily.
  • The air temperature in the bathroom should be comfortable, without drafts.
  • Use cosmetics 1, maximum 2 times a week.
  • Dry your baby's skin thoroughly after bathing. And dry the skin folds with special care. To moisturize the skin after bathing, use baby milk, cream or oil.

Particular attention should be paid to the position of the baby when bathing. It is better to hold the child with both hands, after immersion in the bath, you should also hold the neck. You can purchase special bathing accessories - bath nets or foam rubber, on which the baby lies while bathing.

In life, it must be correct and with the exact implementation of all the procedures important for the child. That's why Special attention should be given to the care of the eyes of the baby. You need to rinse the eyes from the outer edge to the inner, while for each eye you need to use a new swab or cotton pad.

If the baby has purulent clots in the corners of the eye, you should use chamomile infusion or weakly brewed tea for washing.
In the presence of inflammation, it is imperative to consult a doctor and do not use medicines on your own.

Nose and ear cleaning

After birth, the baby develops crusts in the nose that make it difficult for him to breathe. To clean the nose, use baby oil - drip a few drops into each nostril. Using a cotton swab, carefully remove the crusts.

Important! It is important to remember that the newborn has a very delicate mucosa, which can be damaged by inaccurate movement. Therefore, it is not recommended to use cotton buds or cotton wool wrapped around a hard object, so as not to hurt the child.

At the time of washing, you need to ensure that water does not flow into the baby's ears. To clean the auricles, you need to twist the cotton wool in thin tourniquet or tampon small sizes and gently clean the ear canal.

Trimming nails

Nails in newborns grow very quickly, and so that the child does not scratch himself at the time of wakefulness or sleep, nails should be cut once a week. To do this, you need to buy a special kit for children's manicure. Scissors in it are safe, with rounded edges, therefore, cutting the nails, there will be no danger of injuring the baby. You can also trim your fingernails and toenails when your baby is sleeping so he doesn't roll around, which simplifies the process.

On the initial stage baby diapers need to be changed regularly. On average 4-6 times. The whims of the baby serve as a signal to change the diaper, and this procedure is also expected immediately after feeding.

After washing, dry the perineum and folds dry so that the baby does not have diaper rash after wearing a diaper. When changing a diaper, do not forget about what hygiene products a newborn needs, for example, powder or baby cream perfect for the delicate skin of a baby's buttocks. With an open umbilical wound, the diaper should be worn in such a way that it does not touch the umbilical wound and does not irritate the skin.

Did you know? The prototype of the first diapers in the USSR appeared during the research, the subject of which was the preparation of the first flights into space with the participation of people. And the first disposable diaper was based sawdust. And he appeared in the USA.

Disposable diapers are considered the most practical for newborns. When choosing diapers, you should carefully study the label on the pack. As a rule, the size for which the diapers are intended is also indicated there. Usage wet wipes it is worth minimizing as much as possible, since most of them contain trace elements that can cause irritation. Therefore, experts recommend using wipes only when absolutely necessary.

The process of changing a diaper is also important. You need to carefully lift the baby's buttocks and pass a clean diaper from below. Fasten the diaper tightly, but not tight, so that two of your fingers fit between the diaper and the baby's body.

For a newborn, wash and ironed diapers should be used. You need to iron the diaper from all sides. And the presence of a steamer will make it soft and pleasant to touch the body.

Before swaddling, you should wash your baby and put on a clean diaper. It is also necessary to take into account the temperature in the room, if it is cold, then you need to use two, if the room is hot, then you can use the free swaddling principle when the newborn's hands are above the edge of the diaper.

A child wrapped in a diaper should feel comfortable, nothing should press or interfere with him.

Choice of clothes

Caring for a child from the first days of life is not only maintaining comfortable environment habitat and cleanliness of the baby, but also the right clothes. It is worth buying essential clothes for a newborn a couple of months before his birth.

There are 6 basic selection rules for babies:

  • Should choose natural clothes. Cotton is best. Baby's skin is very sensitive, so artificial fibers may cause irritation or allergy. Cotton is pleasant to the body, soft and will not cause discomfort to the child.
  • First of all, the baby should be comfortable in clothes. Nothing should be pressing. Therefore, clothes with tight elastic bands, snaps or buttons should be avoided. Clothes with elastic bands can put pressure on the arms and neck, and the buttons on the back will still put pressure on the baby, which will cause discomfort.
  • It is very important that all the seams on the clothes are external, then this will help to avoid chafing the skin of the little one.
  • Rompers, T-shirts - everything should be the size of the baby. Small clothes will fetter the child, and outfits bigger size won't let you warm up.

Consider a set of clothes for the seasons.
  • Clothes for the first summer. Summer clothes the child should easily pass air and moisture. Light bodysuits or blouses for hot weather just right.
On average, a child needs 5-6 sets for the first time, consisting of blouses and pants and a couple of suits. The rest can be purchased if necessary.

Did you know? Back in the distant 19th century, children of different sexes were dressed the same way - in short dresses with a low waist. At that time, the baby was considered an unformed personality, and they were treated like little angels.

It is worth considering carefully the selection of a cap. When going for a walk, one should not forget about such an important element. The cap will protect the baby from the possibility of catching a cold in windy weather and protect against sunstroke.
  • First winter clothes. The main clothing for a newborn in winter is a jumpsuit. Therefore, choosing this important element clothing should pay attention to the following points:
  1. Type and thickness of insulation.
  2. The outer material of the suit.
  3. Cut.
The seams of the jumpsuit should not get wet, and the double stitching of the seams will ensure warmth and comfort. The membrane coating is also of no small importance - it is designed to protect the child from getting wet and blown, therefore, based on the weather conditions, you should choose the best option.
When choosing seasonal clothes for the crumbs, it is always important to remember its comfort and convenience.


This is one of the main points in the care of newborn children. Feeding a child in the first months of life is a very responsible process that must be approached wisely. For the first six months, it is better to breastfeed the child, and from the age of six months, gradually transfer to complementary foods.

Feeding a child in the first days has no restrictions on the number, all experts recommend feeding the child at will. It is necessary to give the breast to the baby when he is hungry and asks for food. Thanks to such manipulations, the right amount of milk will begin to be produced, which the child consumes at a time.
Very young children can ask to breast up to 15 times a day. It will be right to listen to the child, he himself will set the time and frame of feeding. The average feeding time varies from 10 to 40 minutes, it all depends on the feeling of hunger of the child.


Starting from the second week, you can safely go for a walk. Initial walks can be 15 minutes, over time, this time should be increased by adding 5-10 minutes. Further, the average walking time will be 2-3 hours. In the cold season, walks should be prepared carefully. Since the thermoregulation of the newborn is formed gradually, therefore at this stage it is important not to overcool the baby.
Experts recommend walking with children several times a day for 30-40 minutes. But the time can be adjusted depending on the well-being of the child and weather conditions.

Important! When preparing for a walk, it is important to remember that the mother dresses first, and then the child dresses. On the contrary, you should not do it, as the child may sweat and catch a cold. You can’t overheat the child, so you should dress him for a walk according to the weather, without additional warming.

12 basic rules that should be followed not only in the first months of life, but throughout infancy, will allow young and inexperienced mothers to figure out how to care for a newborn baby. This will provide the baby with a comfortable period of adaptation to the environment and help protect the baby from possible infections and.