Do-it-yourself Kuvadka doll - master class. Additional information about the manufacturing process

For teenagers

Kuvadka, doll - a talisman with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction with photo

Koklova Irina Nikolaevna.

The master class is designed for children of senior preschool and junior school age, parents, teachers
introduce history folk doll Kuvadki (Kuvatki), develop interest in traditional folk culture.
1. To develop knowledge about the folk doll
2. Master the practical skills of making a Slavic doll.
3. Develop fine motor skills.
4. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the properties of fabric.
5. Cultivate interest in creativity and accuracy.

Spring marks the beginning of a new life, rebirth. The Kuvadka doll is a talisman for a newborn child who welcomed a newborn baby. She served to deceive the forces and distract them from the woman in labor and the baby. The father of the child was supposed to “play” with these dolls and distract the attention of evil spirits. And after the baby was born, the sledgehammers (newly made) became his first toys. They were hung over the baby's cradle. It was believed that the number of such rag dolls must be odd, otherwise the dolls could become not only useless, but even dangerous for the child. When the child grew up, the sledgehammer turned from a talisman into a toy.
Of course, we must not forget that when making any crafts, you need to be good mood, positive person. A piece of our soul freezes in crafts and radiates the energy that we put into it during the manufacturing process. I believe that this doll should be made by a mother or grandmother for a newborn baby. Use as a souvenir only for loved ones and with good intentions. Children can make this doll under the guidance of adults for themselves as a toy.
This Ragdoll- a kuvadka can become not only a toy, but also a wonderful hand-made souvenir gift. I used Kuvadok as a group decoration, turning them into stoneflies.
A child as young as 6 years old will be able to cope with this type of work on their own, and even younger children with your active help. In different parts of Russia, such dolls were made slightly differently. I propose to perform the Central Russian squash.

We will need:
two scraps of fabric, white 15 by 15 cm and colored - 30 by 15 cm;
red threads;

We take a large flap (30x15 cm) and fold it from the edges to the center in increments of about 1.5 cm.

We bend the resulting bunch in half.

From a small rectangle we make handles for the sledgehammer (15x15 cm). We bend the edges a little and roll them from both sides to the center.

Stepping back approximately 1 cm from the edge, tie it with a thread - you will get fists.

We insert the doll's arms between the two halves of the body, placing them as close to the neck as possible.

We tie it with a thread and form Kuvadka’s head.

After tying the head, we throw the threads across the chest crosswise.

We wrap it around the waist and tie it.
The Kuvadka doll is ready.

We collect pupae at satin ribbon, passing it through Kuvadka’s head and we get a pendant.

Be sure to count the number of dolls if you decide to give a pendant: there should be an odd number of them. We decorated the group with pendants, turning them into stoneflies.

Evgenia Lazarenko

Designing Kuvadka dolls from fabric for older children

Subject: Making a Kuvadka doll from fabric.

Target: Introduce children to folk art

Tasks: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the properties of fabric, develop fine motor skills, cultivate interest in creativity, neatness, and collectivism.

Equipment: 2 pieces of fabric measuring 15*25 and 13*10 for each child, thread. scissors

Progress of the lesson:

1. Introduction to the history of the Kuvadka doll.

Today we will get acquainted with folk art. namely with a doll. What kind of doll is this? The folk Slavic rag doll - kuvadka - is the first doll that, long ago, met a newly born baby on the threshold of this world. She protected the child from evil forces. This was the first doll that a child could play with; it was the first toy for him. After all, making such a doll is very simple - from old scraps and threads. Look how different they all are. Let us make such dolls today so that they protect us from all evil.

2. The process of making a Kuvadka doll.

And we will make them from material and threads. Take a piece of fabric in your hands and tell me about it, what is it like? (Children name the properties of fabric: soft, wrinkled, can be cut.)

Now let's start: Take a large flap (ours is 15x25 cm) and twist it in the center. This bastard's head is twisted.

We tie the head with thread. Leave the ends of the thread long.

From a small rectangle we make handles for the sledgehammer (ours is 13x10 cm). We bend the edges a little and roll them from both sides to the center.

We tie the edges with thread - you get fists.

We place the handles between two pieces of doll body material.

We straighten the doll's skirt. We throw the thread across the chest crosswise, tie it around the waist and tie it.

The kuvadka is ready.

3. Look what we got beautiful dolls Kuvadki. They will protect our group from evil forces, so that you don’t get sick, are friendly and cheerful.

Publications on the topic:

You will need: fabric white for the base and multi-colored for finishing (cotton). Sintepon or cotton wool, thin needle, felt or wool.

“In the garden, work is going well, we have no time to be sad...” - this is the motto that the days pass under senior group"Why?" The exhibition has already been replenished.

Doll - Kuvadka - folk rag doll. The Slavic doll was the first to greet a newly born baby and served as a talisman for him. This.

The grain is a talisman of wealth and prosperity in the family. This year I did it for the first time. Our ancestors made such a doll for themselves.

Surely everyone has unnecessary things at home. They can find new uses, for example, sewing a doll. Here's how I did it. First they cut it out.

Goal: to create a doll that is safe for health, brings joy and peace of mind, and fosters love for the small Motherland. Tasks:.

Didactic toy “Flower”. Goal: To help consolidate the ability to distinguish between the concepts big - small, one - many, name.

“There are new residents on Ritual Street in Kuklastadte,” Veselina said, but somehow cautiously, not particularly happy.

It’s good when the population of our city increases. You see, we will have to conduct a census soon so as not to forget anyone. What confused you so much about the new tenants? - I ask, surprised at her wariness.

Yes, they are kind of strange. They seem to be the same, but at the same time a little different, they always walk in a group and speak in unison all the time.

Like this? - I clarify.

Well, I approached one to ask her name, and the whole crowd turned to me and said in unison: “My name is Kuvadka.” Well, I didn’t ask anything else, otherwise you never know... So I came to you, maybe you can tell me something about these collective settlers?

Well, why not tell us, the Kuvadka doll is one of the very first ritual dolls, a character known to us, with a very ancient and complicated history.

Looking ahead a little, I will say that among Russian rag dolls there are only a few very first ones, in the image and likeness of which all the others are made. You are already familiar with one - this is the Motanka doll, the manufacturing principle of which is used in the process of creating several dozen rag dolls. You can read more about this in the article. Today's heroine - Kuvadka - has a similar meaning.

The history of the Kuvadka doll and its meaning

The appearance of this rag doll is inextricably linked with the performance of the Kuvada ritual, therefore Kuvadka is in pure form. This means that the process of its manufacture must comply with certain rules.

Yes, yes, we’ve already gone through it a hundred times - don’t stab, don’t cut, don’t talk idle, read incantations or prayers, do it in one sitting. - Veselina inserted her weighty word.

Reminding this once again won’t hurt anyone, in case someone doesn’t know or has forgotten.

So, the Kuvada ritual is performed during childbirth, its task is to deceive evil forces and keep them away from the newborn. The ritual consisted in the fact that the father of the unborn child imitated the screams and moans of a woman giving birth, attracting the attention of all evil spirits. For our ancestors, this ritual took place in the dressing room, where they placed a basket with chicken eggs. The man sat on this basket like a hen and began to cluck quietly like a chicken.

The birth process itself took place in a bathhouse, since previously it was considered wrong to give birth in the house. The husband heard what was happening to his wife, and as soon as contractions began, he began to moan and scream loudly, drowning out the woman in labor. Chicken eggs(like many small embryos) and the head of the family, screaming at the top of his lungs, took on all the flows negative energy, who gathered in this dressing room.

When the deception was revealed, the enraged evildoers began to rush about in search of a more suitable victim - since childhood, an adult man protected by conspiracies was too tough for them. This is where Kuvadka’s dolls come into the picture, several of which are first hung on the walls of the room. Evil forces, exhausted with impatience, inhabit small humanoid rag figures and remain there forever. Therefore, after the end of the ritual, Kuvadok must be burned, destroying all the hatred, envy, evil eye, and diseases that tried to take over the soul and body of the baby.

The Kuvada ritual is one of the most ancient ritual events that has survived to this day. Until recently, it was widespread in one form or another throughout the world. And this is not an exaggeration - the peoples of North and South America, the East, and Europe performed this ritual and considered it obligatory in every case of the birth of a baby. A lot can be said about this and even a whole article should be written, and maybe a lot of research should be done, because it’s too voluminous topics will have to be touched upon. But I don’t know whether such an article would be appropriate within the framework of our project? Probably not.

Well, for those especially interested it won’t be difficult to find full information, and we seem to be talking about dolls here. But for those who are curious, tell us a little more about it.

  • in England at the beginning of the 19th century, the husbands of women giving birth suddenly began to have teeth and stomach pain, and everything went away after the birth of the child (documented information) - the reason was the ritual of transferring the feelings of the woman in labor to men, which was carried out for centuries in English villages;
  • modern psychopathology will tell you in detail that Couvade syndrome is far from an isolated disease, manifested in the occurrence of various painful manifestations in men at a time when their wives gave birth or experienced toxicosis;
  • the most likely period for the emergence of the ritual is the era of matriarchy, and given that this matter happened much earlier than “long ago”, the appropriate conclusions can be drawn.

But let's finish about the ritual, let's return to the dolls, or more precisely, what Kuvadka is. It was not for nothing that Veselina said that Kuvadki are both the same and different at the same time. Let's talk about this in more detail.

What kind of amulet doll is Kuvadka?

Despite the fact that the meaning and purpose of Kuvadka will not change, in different regions In our country, this doll was made (and is made, I hope) a little differently. The three most common options are:

  • Tula Kuvadka;
  • Central Russian Kuvadka;
  • Vyatka Kuvadka.

Any of the options is clear enough for execution from photographs, but note that they all have several common features. First of all, it is an opportunity to quickly and easily connect several dolls into a garland. To do this, just thread the thread through the dolls' heads. Remember that there must be an odd number in one bunch - 3, 5, 7 and so on. In addition, there must be protective cross on the doll's chest. IN in this case it is a lock that prevents the evil spirits that have entered the doll from leaving it.

Any Kuvadka, regardless of its type, is very simple to perform. The process of making it takes literally a couple of minutes, so in the old days they were made right before childbirth, so that the energy of the newly created creation could be felt. In this case, they used scraps from worn clothes, and best of all, from the clothes of a woman in labor.

In recent centuries, Kuvadka has sometimes become a play doll. In such cases, it was made from bright rags and hung over the cradle. In some areas, Pelenashka and Kuvadka were the first baby dolls. You can read more about Pelenashka in the article. But don’t forget that Kuvadka is ritual doll first of all, and also then, toys were never used in rituals and vice versa.

Everything is clear, now, when someone decides to give birth in our city, I will come to you and we will do the ritual Kuvadoks. - Veselina said, getting ready to leave. - Those who settled with us were too smart.

Don't forget about the basket with eggs then. How are our felted chickens, have they grown up yet? - I ask her smiling.

  • article about felted chickens -;
  • about dry felting - ;
  • about felting in general - ;

How can they grow, no, we need to make a chicken, these little ones won’t lay eggs. - Veselina answers reasonably, unobtrusively giving me a task. - Okay, I'll go, see you tomorrow.

Well, I’ll say goodbye to this... If you were interested, leave comments and put links to the article in your accounts in in social networks. Thank you for your attention, good luck everyone, bye.

(Preparatory age)

  • introduce students to the history of the doll;
  • teach students how to make a doll-amulet “Kuvadka”.
  • development creativity and creative thinking;
  • mastering practical skills of making a doll.

Equipment: Work table, scissors, red thread, 2 scraps of fabric.

Main part:

Kuvadka is both a toy and a talisman in one for a child. Previously, when women gave birth at home in a bathhouse, there was interesting custom. To prevent evil from entering the child, the man in the dressing room imitated childbirth, sitting on a basket with eggs, and screamed as much as he could. And so that the deceived evil spirits did not return back to the woman in labor, they put a sledgehammer on him. Thus, all the evil that was waiting and watching over the child moved into the doll. When a child was born, such a doll was burned.

Now such a ritual is no longer carried out, but the doll is traditionally made before childbirth, only it is no longer burned, but left in the crib. Usually several of these dolls are made, they are tied together and hung in the baby’s crib. Bright and elegant, they attract the child, and as he grows up, he begins to play with them. In addition, they are an additional talisman for the child’s place.

For work we will need 2 squares of fabric: one larger, cm. 18-20, the other, cm. 7-8, red thread. The fabric does not have to be cut straight. Previously, scissors were not used at all, and the fabric was torn by hand. Now we use scissors to make the work easier.

1 . So, let's take a large square and fold it in half, fold the resulting rectangle again, and again.

3. We tie it 1/3 from the fold with a red thread - this will be the head of our doll.

5. We insert the twisted arms into the body of the doll.

Under the head and bandage the doll's waist. We tie the thread so that we get a cross on the chest.

Then we tie the edges of the hands with thread. We cut off the excess threads.

This is how our Kuvadka turned out! The color of the doll can be completely different, as well as the length and thickness. You can dress up the doll, but do not draw the face. By folk beliefs, a doll without a face was considered inaccessible to the instillation of evil forces into it, and therefore harmless to the child. Such a doll was both a toy and a talisman.

Be happy!

The master class is designed for children of senior preschool and primary school age, parents, teachers

introduce the history of the folk doll Kuvadka (Kuvatka), develop interest in traditional folk culture.

1. To develop knowledge about the folk doll

2. Master the practical skills of making a Slavic doll.

3. Develop fine motor skills.

4. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the properties of fabric.

5. Cultivate interest in creativity and accuracy.

Of course, we must not forget that when making any crafts you need to be in a good mood, a positive person. A piece of our soul freezes in crafts and radiates the energy that we put into it during the manufacturing process. I believe that this doll should be made by a mother or grandmother for a newborn baby. Use as a souvenir only for loved ones and with good intentions. Children can make this doll under the guidance of adults for themselves as a toy.

This rag doll can become not only a toy, but also a wonderful hand-made souvenir gift. I used Kuvadok as a group decoration, turning them into stoneflies.

A child as young as 6 years old will be able to cope with this type of work on their own, and even younger children with your active help. In different parts of Russia, such dolls were made slightly differently. I propose to perform the Central Russian squash.

two scraps of fabric, white 15 by 15 cm and colored - 30 by 15 cm;

We bend the resulting bunch in half.

From a small rectangle we make handles for the sledgehammer (15x15 cm). We bend the edges a little and roll them from both sides to the center.

Stepping back approximately 1 cm from the edge, tie it with a thread - you will get fists.

We insert the doll's arms between the two halves of the body, placing them as close to the neck as possible.

We tie it with a thread and form Kuvadka’s head.

After tying the head, we throw the threads across the chest crosswise.

We wrap it around the waist and tie it.

The Kuvadka doll is ready.

We collect the pupae on a satin ribbon, passing it through Kuvadka’s head and get a pendant.

Be sure to count the number of dolls if you decide to give a pendant: there should be an odd number of them. We decorated the group with pendants, turning them into stoneflies.