What is the normal temperature for a one-month-old baby? What should a baby's body temperature be? What does it depend on and can it change with age? How to do it

February 23

In full-term healthy babies, the temperature is usually measured in armpit or on the inside of the thigh. U premature babies s, skin indicators are determined using special equipment. This is done in a hospital, since such children must be under the supervision of a neonatologist.

The normal temperature of a baby fluctuates throughout the day and depends on sleep, wakefulness and nutrition. After eating certain foods, the temperature may rise slightly - this is due to energy metabolism.

Scientists have found that the average normal temperature body temperature is 36.6ºС. Fluctuations, depending on the time of day, can be from 36.2ºС to 37.0ºС. Temperature decreases and increases outside these limits are caused by various factors.

Important to remember! Although measuring temperature rectally gives the most accurate results, This procedure is not recommended for young children. Since the thermometer must be inserted 2 cm deep into the rectum of premature babies, and 5 cm deep into the rectum of full-term babies, the intestines can be accidentally injured. With the rectal measurement method, normal indicators higher by 3ºС.

Hyperthermia in children

Body temperature can be:

  • elevated (37.1ºС – 38.0ºС);
  • high (38.0ºС – 38.5ºС);
  • fever (above 38.5ºС).

Increased performance

An increase in body temperature in children under 1 year of age can be caused by:

  • overheating;
  • taking some medicines;
  • inflammatory processes.

A slight increase in temperature can be observed in absolutely healthy child in the morning, after eating. It arises due to the characteristics energy metabolism in young children.

If your baby has a fever, you first need to make sure that he is dressed for the weather. The cause of hyperthermia may be too warm clothing or a stuffy room. In this case, the child must be undressed (the optimal air temperature for the baby is no more than 25ºС)

If the baby is dressed for the weather and the temperature persists for some time, it is better to consult a doctor. Perhaps it's a matter of various kinds diseases such as: heat imbalance, infectious diseases, inflammation.

Elevated body temperature does not need to be brought down; the fact is that its slight increase is a mechanism of protection against infection.

It is important to know! In some cases, an increase in temperature up to 37.5ºC may occur due to congenital diseases or heat exchange disorders.


Temperature in infants above 38ºС occurs when various diseases, but most common cause its appearance is – . Only a pediatrician can determine the exact cause.

High temperature negatively affects the child’s body, so it must be reduced by using paracetamol-based drugs.

For infants it is better to use:

  • candles;
  • syrup;
  • suspension.

To lower the temperature, the baby must be undressed. Let's drinking plenty of fluids, since at high temperatures dehydration occurs and it is necessary to replenish fluid reserves. In addition, if you constantly give your child something to drink, this will help lower the temperature. If the fever does not subside, the baby needs to be given medicine (syrups and suspensions are used orally, suppositories - rectally). The exact dosage is prescribed by the doctor.


If a child has a body temperature above 38.5ºC, it should be brought down as soon as possible and called ambulance. In the heat, pathological changes in organs and systems are possible. Temperatures above 39.9ºC can be fatal.

If there are no medications at hand, the fever can be reduced by rubbing with cool water.

Rubbing the baby with water and vinegar or vodka is strictly prohibited. The thing is that the toxins of these substances enter the baby’s body through the pores on the skin and lead to poisoning.

  • "Nurofen";
  • "Ibuprofen";
  • "Cefikon D" candles;
  • "Efferalgan" candles.

If you have hyperthermia, you must take your temperature after taking medications. It is advisable to take measurements every half hour so as not to miss a significant increase (over 40ºС).

It is important to know! Hyperthermia is not only a symptom of the disease, but also harms the child’s health. As the temperature rises, the heartbeat and breathing increase, which can lead to irreversible changes in the functioning of organs. In extreme heat (over 40ºC), the child may die, and the cause will not be illness, but hyperthermia.

Hypothermia in infants

A decrease in temperature to 36.2ºC can occur during the day (most often this is observed during sleep). Such changes are normal and are associated with the characteristics of heat exchange in young children.

Significant decreases are observed in some diseases and hypothermia. Reduced temperature leads to narrowing blood vessels, there is a lack of oxygen, and the first to suffer are nerve cells. It was revealed that low temperature body, especially in the first months after birth, negatively affects brain development.

Reasons may be:

  1. exogenous;
  2. endogenous.

Exogenous – associated with the environment. The air temperature is too low, the child is dressed very lightly. In this case, it is enough to wrap the baby more tightly. After a while, you need to measure your temperature again to make sure it becomes normal.

Endogenous – various diseases:

  • dystrophy;
  • heart or vascular failure;
  • severe liver disease;
  • renal failure;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • decreased adrenal gland function;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • collapse of allergic origin.

In healthy children, if they are not frozen, the temperature does not drop below 36.2 - 36.1ºС.

Important to remember! Since in young children the mechanisms of heat exchange and thermoregulation are still developing, it is necessary to ensure that the child does not become hypothermic or overheated - for this it is necessary to monitor body temperature DAILY. Remember, low and high temperatures are not only symptoms of the disease, but also occur in unfavorable thermal conditions, which in themselves negatively affect the development of the child.

Parents need to know that infants Body temperature may have non-standard values ​​even when the child is feeling normal. For example, instead of the usual 36.6 ° C, it can change to 37.5. Sometimes the indicator can reach 37.7 ° C, and this will be normal body temperature. Data may change constantly. This occurs due to the fact that final and stable temperature values ​​are formed only at the end of the first year of life. And before this period it can significantly exceed the indicators we are used to.

To once again Do not panic if the values ​​suddenly increase and know what the normal temperature is; it is recommended to determine the exact indicator individually for your child. It should be measured only when the baby is calm and feels well. Measure your temperature for a few days and then display average. This will be the individual value of normal temperature for your child.

Increased body temperature in infants. Should I worry?

A sharp increase in body temperature is a very common phenomenon. This can happen by various reasons, for example, during teething, overheating in hot weather, allergic reaction for vaccinations, pills and other medications, fatigue and dehydration. Such jumps in degrees usually frighten parents very much and cause them real panic.

If you discover this, do not rush to resort to antipyretic drugs, pay attention to the baby’s condition. If he feels normal, you can wait a little until these symptoms disappear on their own, because the normal temperature is very variable. Ventilate the room if it is too stuffy, perhaps this is what caused the changes. Give the child something to drink, change him into less warm clothes.

Remember that availability elevated temperature better than its absence, because it means that the body is fighting a possible infection. Therefore, there is no need to sharply reduce it, as this can cause serious harm to the child’s immunity.

Pay attention to the baby's stool. If it is too liquid, then this will be the main signal to go to the pediatrician and a more thorough examination.

Every pediatrician knows that thermoregulation in a newborn and, accordingly, his body temperature is significantly different from the heat exchange of an adult. For many babies, the first few days after birth the temperature can remain at 37.3-37.4 degrees. Over time, the indicators decrease to the usual 36.6 degrees, usually this period takes about a year.

But, be that as it may, an increase in temperature can also be a symptom of a serious illness. Therefore, young mothers need to carefully monitor temperature fluctuations and know certain childhood characteristics that can affect the thermometer readings.

Normal temperature in a newborn baby

A baby's temperature of 37 degrees is considered normal, especially if the baby is alert and active. Moreover, it can increase even more if the child has just eaten, cried, or is not dressed for the weather. Also, you should not measure your baby’s temperature immediately after he wakes up or returns from a walk. And in this case, the figures may be somewhat overestimated.

The temperature is especially unstable in babies under three months. Depending on conditions environment At this age, children quickly overheat or become hypothermic.

To find out what body temperature is considered normal for each specific child under the age of one year, it is necessary to regularly measure it several times a day, at the same time during certain period. The data obtained can be recorded in a special diary. This will allow you to immediately suspect something is wrong if the temperature rises above normal.

In pediatric practice, the following indicators are considered normal for children from 1 month to 5-7 years:

  1. In the armpit up to 37.3 degrees.
  2. Rectal temperature can reach 37.5 degrees.
  3. Oral– 37.2 degrees.

In addition, it is very important to learn how to correctly measure the temperature of a child under one year old.

How to measure a baby's temperature?

It is best to measure a newborn's temperature while sleeping. To do this, you need to place the baby on its side and place the thermometer in the armpit.

Currently, parents can use not only a mercury thermometer (which, even in comparison with the latest innovations, remains the most reliable), but also an electronic thermometer, pacifier and other modern devices. Of course, they greatly facilitate the process itself, but the results may not be entirely correct.

It is worth using an electronic or infrared thermometer if the child has a fever and the temperature needs to be measured as quickly as possible.

How to reduce the temperature of a child under one year old?

If there is a significant increase in temperature caused by infectious agents or viruses, it is necessary to act according to the circumstances. Doctors do not recommend taking it if the thermometer shows 38.5 or lower. This temperature is considered protective and indicates that the body is actively fighting germs. However, this does not apply to those cases when the baby has convulsions against the background of an increase in body temperature, he constantly cries and is capricious, or in the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. In such a situation, it is much safer to immediately give the child medicine in order to avoid unwanted consequences.

It is also better to ignore the recommendations and take an antipyretic drug in advance if the temperature begins to rise rapidly at night. Because mom is also a person and can simply fall asleep and not notice when the temperature starts to go off scale.

As for ways to reduce temperature, there are several options:

If you gave the medicine just when the temperature was rapidly rising, then after taking the antipyretic drug, it may rise for some time (up to an hour), or remain at a high level.

With absence positive result, you must immediately call an ambulance.

Every mother strives to ensure that her child is strong and healthy. The first sign that the baby is unwell appears in the form of an increase in body temperature. In children under one year old, body temperature readings vary from 36.2 to 37.4 degrees, which is normal occurrence. Only by the age of one year are body temperature readings set to normal level, which is 36.6-36.8 degrees. Almost every mother is faced with a situation where the thermometer readings one year old baby above 37 degrees. Whether this is normal or not, we will find out in more detail.

What causes an increase in body temperature in a child?

Everyone knows that normal body temperature is 36.6 degrees. This ideal indicator, which is rare, especially in children under one year old. Slightly elevated thermometer readings do not mean that the child is developing a disease. Often the main factor influencing an increase in body temperature in a child is illness. The immune system begins to react with foreign bacteria, against which the disease develops. As a result of this reaction, energy is released, which manifests itself in the form of an increase in readings on the thermometer.

It is important to know! You cannot lower the temperature, the readings of which do not exceed 38 degrees in children, because in this way the bacteria overcoming the body have the opportunity to further spread.

Many mothers simply do not understand the principle of increasing temperature, so already at 37.5 they rush to put antipyretic suppositories or give syrups. The disease is the main factor on the basis of which it is observed high value thermometer. In addition to this, there are other factors that influence the process of temperature rise. These factors include:

  1. Overheating of the body.
  2. Psychological condition.
  3. Great physical overload, but for children there is enough activity during play for the thermometer to show a value above 37 degrees.
  4. Physiological characteristics of the body. Premature babies often experience low temperature in the range from 36 to 36.4 degrees.

In addition, it is worth taking into account such a factor as the time when the measurement is made. After all, in evening time the thermometer will show a higher value than in the morning. If the measurement is taken after sleep, the readings will be more reliable than when the baby is awake or breastfeeding. When measuring, it is necessary to take into account another factor such as the device itself. The most objective ones today are mercury thermometers, even in comparison with modern electronic devices.

Everyone is accustomed to measuring temperature under the arm, although in addition there are other places to measure it, such as:

  • large intestine, for which the thermometer should be inserted through the anus;
  • oral cavity;
  • ear canal.

If an adult can measure the temperature under the armpit to find out whether he is sick or not, then for babies it will be necessary to take several measurements in different ways.

When to take measurements

Before finding out what body temperature is considered normal for a one-year-old baby, you need to figure out when you should pick up a thermometer. If the child shows no signs that he is sick, then there is no need to take a temperature measurement at all.

If the baby becomes lethargic, inactive, pale and exhausted, then parents should think about the fact that the baby is not feeling well. The first step, of course, is to take your temperature. If the measured body temperature is 38 degrees or higher, this indicates the presence of the disease. You need to call a doctor and give the child an antipyretic.

To measure the temperature, it is not necessary to pick up a thermometer; many mothers assess the baby’s condition by placing their lips on his forehead. If your forehead is hot, you should definitely use a thermometer, which will allow you to clarify the temperature readings.

It is important to know! It is especially necessary to take temperature measurements at night, since most infectious diseases appear at night when the child is sleeping. If measures to reduce it are not taken in a timely manner high temperature, then the baby may die.

Normal for a one-year-old baby

Every pediatrician knows what the body temperature of a one-year-old toddler should be. At the age of 12 months, the baby experiences an adaptation of heat exchange, as a result of which the body temperature will be 36.6-37 degrees. The normal temperature for a one-year-old toddler is exactly 36.6-37.1 degrees. But it should be noted that such values ​​will not always be detected on the thermometer, but only during sleep, if the child is not sick.

While awake, the thermometer can show up to 37 degrees, which also does not always indicate the presence of the disease. At one year old, children usually begin to learn to walk, so excess activity affects the heat exchange process. If the mother doubts whether the child is sick or not, she should wait until the baby falls asleep and then take measurements.

A temperature of 37 degrees is considered normal if the child is active and does not show signs of fatigue or malaise. From pediatric practice it should be noted that for one year old child The following thermometer values ​​are considered normal:

  • in the armpit, the thermometer readings are 36.8-37.1 degrees;
  • Normal body temperature is considered to be 37.2 degrees using the rectal method of measurement;
  • with the oral method – 37-37.2 degrees.

These values ​​are average, so do not immediately panic if a baby at the age of 1 year has different indicators.

  1. The baby should have his own individual thermometer. After each use, the device should be wiped down or washed. warm water. The device should be stored in a special tube, out of the reach of children.
  2. To take measurements in the oral cavity, you should resort to using special pacifier thermometers. It is allowed to take measurements under the arms or in the groin fold using standard mercury or electronic thermometers.
  3. The most accurate readings are mercury thermometers. Temperature is considered most accurate if it is measured with an ordinary mercury thermometer. Electronic thermometers are considered not so accurate, because they have a small error of 0.1 to 0.3 degrees.
  4. In order for the measurement results to be as accurate as possible, it is necessary to apply the device to pre-dried skin armpit.
  5. When taking measurements in the armpit, you need to hold the device for at least 5 minutes. The time is not affected by the model of the device and its principle of operation.
  6. For the rectal and oral measurement method, it takes from 10 seconds to 2 minutes, depending on the device itself. Most in a fast way measurements are by ear method. A few seconds are enough to find out the baby’s body temperature.
  7. Indicators above 37.5 degrees do not mean that the baby is sick. Initially, you need to make sure that it is not overheating. After a while, you need to repeat the measurement process.
  8. Realize regular monitoring temperature if the baby is sick. If readings are above 38 degrees, you should resort to the use of antipyretics.
  9. Measurements should not be taken if the baby is crying or fussy, as the readings will not be accurate.

Determining the average value

To obtain the average body temperature in a child aged 1 year, it is necessary to measure it over a period of 3-5 days. Apply the thermometer three times a day, preferably at the same time. After the values ​​have been taken over the specified period, you can add them up by dividing by the number of measurements. The resulting value will be the normal temperature for a one-year-old child.

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You can see completely different numbers on the thermometer, it depends on where in the body the temperature is measured. If you measure it in the armpit, the normal body temperature of the baby will be from 36°C to 37.3°C, in the oral cavity - from 36.6°C to 37.2°C, in the rectum - from 36.9 °C to 38°C.

Thermoregulation in newborns is not yet perfect; heat transfer is higher than heat generation. In this regard, babies can easily overheat or become hypothermic.

If a baby is often swaddled, then he will get sick more often

If parents constantly swaddle their baby, this does not help trigger thermoregulation mechanisms. Adaptation to environmental conditions does not occur, and such a baby will subsequently get sick often.

Proper care of a small child helps maintain normal body temperature.

The optimal body temperature is individual for everyone. It ranges from 36°C to 38°C depending on the location of measurement and depends on the physiology and developmental aspects of a particular baby.

You can find out the optimal temperature for your child by measuring it for several days in a row, three times a day. This will be an indicator of the average stable temperature.

Optimal temperature and its maintenance

While the child is small, you need to create a comfortable environment for him and maintain proper temperature regime in his room. Necessary if possible observe the following recommendations:

The air temperature in the room should not be lower than 20ºС and higher than 24ºС;

In the hot season, the baby should be dressed like an adult, but in a layer less, and in the cold season, on the contrary, in a layer more;

At night it is necessary to cover the child so that he does not freeze. It's better if the blanket is made from natural materials, so it will retain heat more;

The baby's head should be warm when walking

Dress your baby for a walk according to the season and weather outside. You need to make sure that the head is always warm and not allow it to become overcooled, because up to 30% of the heat can be lost through it;

To better understand the temperature parameters of the air in the room, it is recommended to purchase a thermometer;

You can determine if a baby is warm by touching the back of his head.. If it is cool, then the child needs to be dressed warmer or covered.

Video: Komarovsky about temperature

How to avoid overheating

It is very important to avoid overheating infant, because it is much worse tolerated than hypothermia. Overheating can be determined by the behavior and condition of the child. This is especially true during the warm season.

If your baby has no appetite and activity has decreased, his cheeks are red, and his temperature has risen, then your child may have overheated.

Overheating in severe cases can even lead to death, so you need to prevent it in time. For this it is necessary to follow a number of requirements:

Dress your child strictly according to the weather;

Give plenty of fluids;

Don't leave your child alone in the car!

In hot weather, do not leave in the open sun, it is better to walk in the shade;

The baby should have a Panama hat or cap on his head;

If a child sleeps outside in a stroller in the summer, you need to make sure that the sun does not heat the stroller and overheat the baby;

Do not leave your child alone in the car.

The body temperature of infants depends on individual characteristics every organism. There is no need to worry about this if the child feels fine, is active and healthy, and has a normal appetite.