Early signs of a second pregnancy before a delay. Video: Early symptoms in pregnant women

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The first signs of pregnancy

Pro long-awaited pregnancy I want to know as soon as possible. Women have long tried to determine their interesting position even before the delay of menstruation. There are many ways, but almost all of them are based on physiological state woman's body. Diagnosing pregnancy means being able to help your body bear a healthy, full-fledged and developed baby earlier. Today we will talk about what are the signs of pregnancy in the early stages before the delay in menstruation. By following the tips below and listening to your body, you can easily early diagnosis her new state of "future mom".

There is a huge variety of ways to diagnose the condition of a woman's pregnancy. Conventionally, these methods can be divided into the following types:

  • medical;
  • Pharmacy;
  • Using folk methods and funds;
  • Physiological signs of pregnancy.

The most reliable method of the above is the medical diagnosis of pregnancy. Only experienced doctor will be able to tell for sure whether you are pregnant or not by examining the uterus. The fact is that during this period the uterus becomes softer and looser, so when you feel it, the specialist will accurately be able to give you an accurate diagnosis.

TO medical methods testing also applies, this of course is a 100% way to diagnose pregnancy. Donating blood and urine will show an increased percentage of hormones in a woman's body, which indicates the development of an intrauterine fetus. However, it should be remembered that it is difficult to diagnose pregnancy earlier than 3-4 weeks, sometimes the results are erroneous, since hormonal changes also occur in a woman's body before menstruation. Therefore, all the same, diagnostics should be carried out already with a delay in the menstrual cycle.

Pharmacy methods These are various pregnancy tests. Such tests are disposable - a cheaper option, and reusable - a more expensive option. However, they do not give a 100% guarantee of pregnancy or not pregnancy. There are tests for diagnosing pregnancy in the early stages even before the delay, but they need to be used no earlier than 6-7 days after ovulation. The fact is that after ovulation, it only begins to form fertilized egg, so the result can be known when it is formed - and this is the sixth - seventh day after ovulation, that is, approximately 18 - 19 days of the menstrual cycle.

The test results can be affected by taking a variety of medications, incorrectly collected urine(usually the test is carried out in the morning, as in the case of tests), or long-collected stagnant urine, hormonal failure - all this can lead to misanalysis and the test will show a distorted result. Therefore, it is up to you to trust this method or not, but for reliability, you need to purchase several of these tests and conduct diagnostics on both, in this case, if the results match, you can say with confidence that you are pregnant.

With the use of tools, you can also diagnose your interesting situation, however, these methods are not 100% accurate, but are probabilistic. These methods, first of all, include diagnostics with the help of iodine, wheat germ or onions, flowering of flowers, and so on. Most often, these methods give a probabilistic answer, so the guarantee of pregnancy is not confirmed.

Physiological signs of pregnancy require special attention women to their health. Such observation should be permanent, not spontaneous. The main principle: a woman should carefully listen to her body and, in the event of a pregnancy, determine deviations in its normal state. There are many such signs, we will consider them all below.

However, it should be noted that taking antibiotics, hormonal failure, taking hormonal drugs, various diseases body, stress, and other deviations can provoke the following symptoms, but without pregnancy, so going to the doctor is still very important point and it cannot be replaced in any other way. Despite the fact that the signs of pregnancy in the early stages before the delay of menstruation are probabilistic, however, they should not be neglected.

The very first signs of pregnancy before a missed period

There are a lot of signs, but they are all based on the principle of careful monitoring of the health of every woman.

1) Basal body temperature is very important and most likely sign pregnancy. It is during pregnancy that it rises, therefore, by constantly checking it, a woman can easily confirm her suspicions. The procedure is as follows: during ovulation, the temperature increases and lasts for a long time, but immediately before menstruation falls. So, if within 6-7 days after ovulation the temperature does not fall, then this is a sign of pregnancy.
2) Changes in the condition of the breast. These changes include:

  • breast augmentation;
  • Enlargement of the nipples;
  • Changing the areola of the nipple and even the formation of small bumps on the areola;
  • Pain and swelling of the breast.

All these signs most often appear before menstruation, but are also signs of pregnancy. Usually, before menstruation, this condition occurs 1-2 days before, and during pregnancy for a long time.

3) Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back in the region of the sacrum they talk about possible pregnancy. This is due to the direct formation of the fetal egg and the increase in the uterus.

4) Allocations. During pregnancy, even before the delay in menstruation or instead of them, discharge of a dark yellow, sometimes brown color can be observed. This indicates a hormonal change in the body. Some women even have spotting during the first few months, as during menstruation, so women are not aware of their pregnancy. This is normal, just a hormonal change in the body. However, at the same time, menstruation is not abundant, they only smear, and short, only 2-3 days. At copious secretions pregnancy is not possible.

Important! If you have spotting after 3-4 weeks of pregnancy, this may be a sign possible miscarriage. Therefore, it is urgent to consult a doctor.

5) Aversion to smells. Hormonal changes affect the entire body of a woman. During this period, the sense of smell is aggravated and previously unperceived odors cause disgust. Very often, even favorite foods or perfumes cause hostility.

6) Change in taste. During pregnancy, a woman's taste preferences often change. Most often, love for exotic flavor combinations arises on more later dates pregnancy, however, even before the delay in menstruation, it may well manifest itself. So, if your favorite foods are disgusting, then it may well be that you are pregnant.

7) Fatigue, drowsiness. In many pregnant women daytime these states arise, this is due to an accelerated metabolism, as a result of which a maximum of energy is expended, therefore a weakened body begins to feel tired and constant desire sleep.

8) Changing attitudes towards sex. During the period of hormonal adjustment, a woman's body may experience both decreases sexual attraction, as well as its increase. Don't worry, this is normal and will change soon. If the desire has increased, then do not deny yourself the pleasure, the main thing is that there are no medical contraindications, for example, the threat of miscarriage.

9) Migraines. Headaches are often a sign of pregnancy, but they can also occur with other indications. Therefore, this feature is highly probable.

10) Reduced immunity. During the period of hormonal changes in the body of a woman, metabolic processes begin to accelerate, thereby the body loses a maximum of vitality and energy.

Nature has created a decrease in the protective field for a woman during pregnancy, because otherwise the woman would not be able to become pregnant. The reason for this is the fact that the fetus is perceived by the woman's body as a foreign body, therefore, when increased immunity the body will try to get rid of this body, thereby causing an abortion. Therefore, in given period the immunity of a woman is reduced for the possible bearing of a child.

In this regard, in the early stages of pregnancy, very often women suffer from colds, the main symptoms of which are a runny nose, sore throat, and cough. Therefore, in this period, a woman needs to carefully select medicines so as not to harm the baby.

11) Bad mood, nervousness, irritability. This is all also a consequence of hormonal changes and an increase in such hormones in the body. A man needs to be prepared for such consequences and treats them with understanding, since very often a pregnant woman starts up from nothing, she may behave inappropriately in absolutely ordinary situations, she is tearful and emotional. It is very difficult for a woman to rebuild during this period, so it is very important to have an attentive, understanding and caring spouse who will support and help you in a difficult but joyful period for you.

12) Feeling of fullness, inspiration. There are cases when, during pregnancy, a woman feels overflowing with vitality and energy, which manifests itself in vigorous activity. But such cases are rare.

13) Internal feeling of fullness in the abdomen due to the fact that the uterus increases, a fetal egg is formed, therefore, fullness is felt in the lower abdomen, which is a sign of pregnancy. However, there are deviations in which such signs are also possible: fibroids, intrauterine tumors and diseases, inflammations. Therefore, a doctor's consultation is required.

14) Insomnia, difficult restless sleep . It has more to do with emotional state women during this period. However, it is not hallmark only pregnancy, can serve as a symptom of other ailments and nervous conditions.

15) Nausea. Very often during the entire period of pregnancy, or only in certain period pregnancy there is a feeling of nausea. This is the so-called toxicosis. If at the beginning of pregnancy this is due primarily to hormonal changes and a decrease in immunity, then at a later date the main reason is the rejection of a foreign body by the body. In a normal state, toxicosis occurs in women in the early stages, mainly in morning time, however, some have this condition after each meal and generally throughout the day. Usually, with severe toxicosis, there is a threat of miscarriage, so very often such pregnant women are placed in gynecology to preserve the fetus.

16) The most important sign pregnancy is delay in menstruation. However, this symptom is not a 100% guarantee of pregnancy. A delay is also possible in other cases, for example, after illnesses, moving, stress, as well as against the background of taking antibiotics, hormonal drugs, and so on.

17) Changing the inner worldview. During the period of hormonal changes in the body of a woman, a feeling of fear, anxiety and fear is very often felt. These feelings are not associated with anything, arise spontaneously and do not go away. The woman becomes very fearful, twitchy, irritable.

18) Change in appetite. Often appetite increases during pregnancy. I constantly want to eat, the thirst for water increases.

19) Disorder gastrointestinal tract . Diarrhea, diarrhea, constipation - very frequent signs first manifestation of pregnancy. The work of the stomach and intestines of a woman is disrupted, which causes some discomfort. It is very important for such symptoms to take medicines not spontaneously, but consciously, so as not to harm the unborn baby.

20) Frequent urge to urinate. This symptom occurs most often in later pregnancy, when the fetus presses on the bladder. However, there are cases when such signs appear at the first symptoms of pregnancy.

21) Swelling of the extremities. Most often occurs in the later stages of pregnancy, mainly in the evening after a hard day. However, there are times when this symptom manifests itself in the early stages of pregnancy.

22) Increased saliva. It sometimes seems to pregnant women that the mouth is constantly filled with saliva, this is due to an increase in the work of the salivary glands. Profuse salivation is quite normal for a pregnant woman. Therefore, do not be alarmed, soon this symptom will disappear.

23) Candidiasis, yeast discharge from the vagina. During pregnancy, the protective functions of the body are weakened, so very often the microflora of the vagina is susceptible to various fungal diseases, such as thrush, candidiasis, yeast discharge. Such a sign in without fail should be removed by contacting a doctor. If this condition is not treated, it can cause abnormalities in the development of the fetus, or provoke a miscarriage, and during childbirth cause infection of the child.

It should be noted that the body of each woman is unique, therefore, how he will behave in a given situation is unpredictable. A pregnant woman may, as present indicated signs, and absent, everything is purely individual. Therefore, the signs are probabilistic in nature, and only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after an examination or testing.

To be the first to know about something very important means to be ready for all the consequences. Therefore, the expectant mother needs to find out about her condition as early as possible so as not to harm the unborn baby with an unhealthy and unhealthy lifestyle.

I hope that the tips and signs of pregnancy in the early stages before the delay in menstruation will help you diagnose your interesting situation even before going to the doctor. The main thing is to be attentive to your health and listen to your body, then be sure to grow healthy baby. I wish you happiness and prosperity in such a difficult but joyful business!

There is a period in a woman's life when she is waiting, worrying about the future. This is pregnancy. But in order for the upcoming 40 weeks to bring joy, it is important not to miss the very first signs of pregnancy. For doctors, the primary evidence of pregnancy is a delay in menstruation. But is it? Experienced Women note that some manifestations can be noticed much earlier.

First of all, a few words about conception. The female cycle is usually 28 days. It is divided into three phases: menstruation, follicular, luteal. The duration of the 1st-2nd stage is 12-14 days. During this period dominated female hormone estrogen, the birth of a new life during its action is impossible. But in parallel with it, progesterone functions. Its peculiarity is that the quantity changes cyclically.

The apogee of the process, the beginning of the luteal phase - shortly before the 14th day of the cycle. In the ovaries, out of four prepared, mature follicles, three stop growing. The rest - continues its development. When achieved the right dimensions, the follicular membrane bursts, the egg comes out. This is how ovulation occurs: the woman's body is ready for conception. The cell goes to fallopian tube for intercourse with sperm.

Symptoms of pregnancy in the early days

They fall just at the time of egg implantation. The bursting follicle is transformed into a "corpus luteum", sprouting blood vessels, releasing progesterone. Its function during this period is twofold:

  • stop menstrual bleeding for the next 40 weeks;
  • prepare the lining of the uterus for the attachment of a fertilized cell.

If fertilization does not occur, the "yellow body" stops its work. The muscles of the uterus reject the endometrium with contractions, after a few days new bleeding occurs. As a result of the calculations, it was determined that conception occurs approximately on the 14-16th day of the cycle. The period of bearing a child, childbirth is traditionally calculated from the first day of the last menstruation. Therefore, the very first signs of pregnancy may appear 3 weeks after the start of the cycle or 7-10 days after conception.

It is desirable for a future mother to look closely, listen to her body. During this period, he is actively rebuilt for the birth of a child. This does not always bring convenience, sometimes leads to discomfort. But it's worth it!

On the other hand, nature gives a young woman a signal: reconsider your life principles, rules. Everything must be subordinated to him, the emergence of a new person: a reason to quit smoking, addiction to beer, stronger drinks. This applies to the woman herself, family members. After all future child from the first days of conception feels the harmony of the world or its hostility. Outdoor walking, moderate physical activity, swimming contribute to the smooth flow of the process.

Pregnancy symptoms 1 week after conception

Whether the great sacrament of conception has come to pass, mother does not yet know. The future baby, still in the form of one cell, has already begun its growth, a grandiose "journey". The cell is divided into two, then there are already 4 of them, then 8, 16, exponentially. But the pregnancy has not yet come.

7-10 days after conception, it turns out little ball with liquid inside, covered on top with a shell, villi. With their help, he moves from the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity, where, under favorable circumstances, it attaches to it. Only now can we say that the woman is pregnant. The cervix becomes thicker, softer. Its lumen is closed with a mucous plug, protecting the fetus from infection.

The process of implantation may accompany the symptoms of pregnancy at 1 week after conception. Let's name the most common ones that are diagnosed independently:

Slight short-term yellowish-brown discharge, which appeared suddenly. A young woman is at a loss - after all, it's not time for menstruation yet. The reason is simple: the fetus is actively implanted in the lining of the uterus, which is riddled with blood vessels. Its introduction provokes insignificant allocations. Therefore, there is no reason to panic yet.

The onset of pregnancy can manifest itself as a malaise, a feeling of nasal congestion, a slight sore throat, and a cough. An increase in body temperature to 37°C adds to the discomfort. Chills, slight fever may be felt. With such signs, it is better for a future mother to take a day off for a few days, without aggravating the state of pain, to take care of the future baby. Vitamin tea, fresh fruits, home comfort will help you recover. With more high temperature it is worth seeking help from a doctor. Tablets are taken "with an eye" for a possible special condition.

Some women during this period acutely feel the stuffiness of the room, the lack of fresh air, and a decrease in blood pressure. As a result, fatigue appears, efficiency decreases, dizziness and fainting annoy. This can be explained by the restructuring of the body to a new rhythm, due to the production of progesterone.

Pregnancy symptoms 1 week after conception - sudden change taste preferences. “I want something sour or salty,” is not uncommon. Some people have increased appetite, cravings for sweets, for certain foods. At first, such desires, even gluttony, can be completely yielded to.

How to find out about pregnancy before a delay: research methods

Sometimes the state of uncertainty for a woman planning a long-awaited pregnancy is unbearable. The tests don't show a "second line" yet, but anxiety contributes to the release of adrenaline, which prevents normal implantation. Therefore, methods are important on how to find out about pregnancy before the delay of menstruation. In such a situation, medicine suggests:

Conception can manifest itself with a basal temperature at the level of 37-37.4 degrees. The increase is caused by the release of progesterone in the second phase of the cycle. To be valid, a number of conditions must be met. A woman takes measurements in the rectum with a mercury thermometer. Every day, at the same time, in the same position, without getting out of bed. Prior sleep is at least 6 hours. If relatively flat readings of 37 degrees and above are reflected on the BT chart for several days, it can be assumed that there is a conception.

Systematic measurements make it possible to determine the implantation of the embryo into the uterine cavity. During this period, estrogen is released: the temperature values ​​​​for 1 day will drop sharply to 36.4-36.6 ° C., Then they will recover to the previous level. Implantation sinking on the basal temperature graph shows what has happened: pregnancy has come.

Laboratory research will also help. With their help, an increase in the level hCG hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin. It is constantly present in the female body in small doses. Diagnosis is carried out by analysis of urine, blood. The task of the hormone during pregnancy is to "control" the harmonious combination of progesterone, estrogen in the female body, while maintaining favorable conditions for the development of the child. Active growth of indications is noted after the implantation of the embryo, since the substance is produced by the chorion membrane of the fetus. Lack of hCG causes rejection of a fertilized egg.

An increase in the level of the hormone indicates the normal course of pregnancy. There are special tables depending on the weekly period, concentrations. For the first week after conception (3rd from the beginning of the menstrual cycle), the level of the substance is 25-50 mIU / ml. The maximum values ​​are reached by 8-11 weeks. Then they go down a little, remain so until the very birth. Doctors pay attention: it is not the numbers that are important, but the general trend of change. An insufficient increase in concentration may indicate anomalies: the threat of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, the value of laboratory research is high.

Exploring new body sensations

We have outlined research methods confirmation of the birth of new life. The BT method has certain disadvantages. On temperature readings many factors can affect: insomnia, alcohol intake even in a small dose, active evening pastime. The chance of error is significant.

Laboratory analysis gives a high degree of confidence in the result. But the analysis of the dynamics of hCG is recommended to be carried out in the same center. Because there may be different approaches in terms of hormone concentration. It is carried out, most often, in private clinics, laboratories, for a fee. For many women, the laboratory method is not available due to the price, living in the outback.

Somatic methods remain the most accessible for the analysis of the very first signs of pregnancy before the delay. We note a number of indirect factors. The onset of pregnancy can manifest itself with sudden nausea, vomiting, loss of interest in food. At first, it doesn't do much harm. But frequent vomiting- a reason to see a doctor. On the one hand, the body in this state does not receive useful substances, loses fluid. On the other hand, during the process, the walls of the abdomen are strained, leading to the rejection of the embryo.

The first signs of an interesting state are associated with another new sensation: a reaction to smells. This is an easy version of toxicosis: there is no vomiting, but some aromas are disgusting. It can be cooking meat, food; sometimes cosmetics, perfume.

Fertilization, growth, implantation of the fetus are possible at a certain concentration in the female body of progesterone. This hormone is able to depress the female psyche. The result is distraction, drowsiness. It is more difficult for a woman to concentrate on work. It's not worth getting upset. Usually, by the 10th week, everything is gone. By this time, the formed placenta begins to produce estrogen. Expectant mother regains good mood important for a growing baby.

We figured out the new "feelings". But what happens to the female body during the very first signs of pregnancy before the delay? After implantation of the fetal egg, a slight increase, “swelling” of the breast is possible. For some, it becomes sensitive, painful. The skin around the nipples darkens, swelling-bumps appear. A clear liquid comes out of the nipples. The woman's body is preparing to feed the unborn baby.

The implanted embryo stimulates a number of other processes. First of all, new life requires space, the uterus begins to grow. The expectant mother may feel a certain increase in the abdomen, although it is still imperceptible. The pressure of the uterus on neighboring organs can lead to minor discomfort while sitting. The solution is simple: move a little, find a position of the body on a chair that does not deliver discomfort.

A growing embryo requires a constant supply of nutrients. Therefore, the blood supply to the reproductive organs, the pelvic organs is more intense. As a result, the load on the kidneys increases. Therefore, the onset of pregnancy may be "marked" by frequent urination. But you should not be upset, after a while everything returns to normal. Keep in mind: the uterus is located close to the bladder; as the fetus grows, the pressure on the surrounding organs will increase.

Pregnancy symptoms 2 weeks after conception

In the meantime, your baby is growing! Still called the embryo, it is a collection of living cells covered with a membrane. But he already gave my mother a lot of new sensations, signaling: I'm here, with you, take care of me.

The symptoms of pregnancy at 2 weeks after conception are similar to those described earlier. The fact is that you can talk about the onset of pregnancy only after the implantation of the egg in the endometrium. For some women, this process occurs on the 5th-7th day, i.e. 1st week, for others in the interval of 7-10 days, this is the second week after conception. Take a look at yourself, analyze your feelings.

A sharp change in mood, insomnia, causeless tears, anxiety, fear may indicate the upcoming appearance of a child. "Guilty" progesterone, actively produced " corpus luteum". Despite such a negative impact on the female psyche, without it, bearing a healthy baby is impossible. Spouse, family members should be sympathetic to the mood of the expectant mother, not upset her over trifles. It won't be long before everything falls into place.

Many note that a woman in anticipation loses interest in making love. The reason for this is the changed hormonal background. If there are no medical contraindications, due to miscarriage, both should not give up small joys. But you should beware:

  • discomfort during the act;
  • uncharacteristic vaginal discharge.

Symptoms at week 2 are most often associated with new eating habits, rejection of food, individual products. If the mother has no diseases, special contraindications, the desires of the first weeks can be fully satisfied. Pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, fish are traditional food preferences of pregnant women. But everything needs to be measured. Eating salty foods requires drinking plenty of water, increasing the load on the excretory system. Salt retains moisture in the cells of the body, as a result - the appearance of swelling of the hands and feet.

The expectant mother, the family environment should be alarmed by systematic urge to vomit. Some people have them after every meal. We have already talked about the loss of fluid, nutrients. In such a situation, it is urgent to apply for medical care. Since the body is exhausted, is constantly in a state of tension, the threat of egg rejection is high. Eat various methods overcoming early toxicosis recommended by doctors.

Once again, it is worth dwelling on low alcohol, alcoholic beverages. In the second week after conception, the fetus still lacks a placental barrier that can weed out everything that is harmful. A woman who decides to have a baby should give up any unhealthy habits. Since, nicotine, alcohol, getting through the bloodstream into the baby's body, poison him.

A laboratory analysis of urine, blood of a woman in the second week after conception shows a 7-8-fold increase in the content of hCG, indicating normal processes.

Can I feel sick before menstruation: we distinguish PMS from pregnancy

Many people experience premenstrual syndrome. The reasons lie in a change in the hormonal background, a combination of hormones. In the female body, estrogen always dominates. The amount of progesterone is cyclical. At the time of ovulation, fertilization, its concentration is maximum, it is kept at such a level for implantation of the embryo in the uterine cavity, it lasts up to 11 weeks of pregnancy. If fertilization does not occur, the egg dies, the level of the hormone drops.

As a result, there is a rejection of the epithelial layer, accompanied by menstrual bleeding. External manifestation hormonal changes in the body of a woman - there is PMS. Its symptoms are varied and similar to the first signs of pregnancy. Nausea is one of them. Can you feel sick before your period? many women ask. The answer will be yes if the female body is systematically subject to such manifestations of the last phase of the cycle as weakness, dizziness, vomiting, skin rash, emotional imbalance.

But it happens that the beginning of the menstrual cycle does not cause much inconvenience. And then suddenly, shortly before menstruation, nausea appears. In such a situation, the manifestation of the disease, the body's reaction to low-quality food is excluded. There are two ways to confirm early pregnancy:

  • having passed a laboratory analysis for hCG;
  • with a specific test.

Since the first method is not available to everyone, we will focus on the second. IN pharmacy network presents a range of tests that identify pregnancy. From the whole variety, a woman who reacts to the minimum content of hCG in the urine of a woman is chosen. Such a test is called highly sensitive; it can be applied even for a period of 10 days from the intended conception. With a high degree of probability, he will “answer” the question of whether he can feel sick before menstruation.

Do pregnancy tests lie? - Interesting video

Tingling in the uterus: fiction or fact?

Pregnant women are almost always accompanied by uncharacteristic sensations. The reason for this is the same progesterone, which somewhat depresses the psyche, forming women's fears, suspiciousness. But the tingling in the uterus is more truth than whim. Conception requires good blood supply to the pelvic organs, preparation of the uterus for implantation. It is literally riddled with blood vessels. Increased blood flow causes a barely perceptible tingling sensation.

After the introduction of the embryo, the uterus increases in volume, "winning back" from neighboring organs abdominal cavity a more comfortable place, associated with some pain. Tingling in the uterus accompanies another symptom. At the time when menstruation occurs, there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen. That is why doctors advise pregnant women to protect themselves in every possible way on such days: do not be nervous, reduce physical activity, refrain from being close to your loved one.

Simultaneously with pain in the lower abdomen, pain in the lower back, backache may appear. You can fight them by changing the position of the body. If the pain appeared when walking, you need to lie down, placing a pillow under your back for comfort. If the backache caught up while sitting, you need to get up, walk around. Good for mom, baby.

Discharge before pregnancy delay

Pregnancy is a physiological process associated with some inconvenience for a woman. One of them is vaginal discharge. The question is natural, can there be discharge before a delay in pregnancy?

We have already talked about some. This may be due to the implantation of a fertilized egg in the mucous membrane of the reproductive organ. Allocations have a specific color, appear for a short time.

Absence of menstruation is a well-known sign of pregnancy. But surely you have heard the statements of some women that they knew about conception even before the delay. Let's try to figure out if this is possible and what are the signs of pregnancy before menstruation.

Formally, the first days after fertilization of the egg are not yet considered pregnancy, since future baby at this moment did not have time to gain a foothold in the uterus. But nevertheless, certain changes in the mother's body are already beginning to occur.

During the first week after meeting with the sperm, the fertilized egg moves through the fallopian tube and, having reached the uterus, is fixed in it. At the site of implantation, the placenta begins to form, which will supply the baby with nutrients.

From this moment, the production of progesterone, the hormone responsible for maintaining pregnancy, begins. Then, the umbilical cord is formed and the cardiovascular system of the fetus is laid. A bladder filled with amniotic fluid forms around the embryo.

During all these processes, there is an increased blood flow to the uterus and hormonal changes. This affects the mother's body and can cause a number of symptoms.

The first symptoms indicating conception

The first signs of pregnancy after menstruation before the expected start of a new cycle, when a delay should occur, are weakly expressed and depend on the individual reaction of the body to a new condition. Symptoms that indicate a recent conception include:

  1. Slight pulling or tingling pain in the lower abdomen. Such sensations are the norm and indicate the preparation of the uterus for bearing a child.
  2. Enlargement and soreness of the mammary glands. Not all women have this symptom before the delay, however, such breast changes may indicate a recent conception.
  3. Change in the amount of vaginal discharge. Due to the rush of blood to the genitals that occurs during pregnancy, women may notice that the daily discharge has become more abundant.
  4. Frequent urination. The enlarging uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder, which causes frequent calls to emptying.
  5. Implantation bleeding. On the 6-12th day after conception, sometimes there is not abundant yellowish-brown discharge, which women take for the onset of menstruation. If they soon stop, and menstruation does not begin, with a high degree of probability, their cause was the implantation of an egg in the uterine wall.
  6. A distinct manifestation of the vascular pattern on the limbs, abdomen and chest. This happens under the influence of hormones and becomes less noticeable over time.
  7. Rise in basal body temperature. BBT is measured rectally, using a thermometer. Only those women who observed regularly can notice the change. After conception, the so-called implantation sinking occurs, when BBT drops sharply, the next day it rises above 37 ° and remains at that level.
  8. Digestive disorder. Due to hormonal changes, metabolic processes in the body can be temporarily disrupted, which causes constipation or loose stools.
  9. Increased salivation. This symptom is associated with the appearance of early toxicosis and is often accompanied by nausea or vomiting.

Focusing on the listed first signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation, it is impossible to accurately determine whether there was a conception or not. The presence of even several symptoms at the same time may indicate certain diseases or hormonal disorders.

You can clarify the situation by doing a pregnancy test, or by taking a blood test for hCG. It is not necessary to wait for a delay for this, already 7-10 days after the expected moment of fertilization laboratory research will be reliable. Tests with high sensitivity can also detect pregnancy during this period, although a false negative result is possible.

What sensations can indicate pregnancy before a missed period?

First of all, it responds to the onset of pregnancy emotional sphere. Many women notice that they have become more nervous and vulnerable, any irritants during this period can cause tears.

Sometimes there is a change in food addictions, an aggravation of smell, familiar dishes and smells begin to cause disgust. The expectant mother can quickly get tired, experience drowsiness and weakness.

Others are possible indirect signs pregnancy before missed period:

  • a woman becomes either hot or cold for no apparent reason;
  • dry mouth appears;
  • drawing pains in the lumbar region of the back;
  • slightly swollen limbs;
  • worries about insomnia.

Another symptom of a recent conception, noted by many mothers, is sensations reminiscent of the onset of a cold. Nasal congestion appears, but its causes are not necessarily associated with acute respiratory infections.

The fact is that progesterone produced in the early stages of pregnancy provokes fluid retention in the body, manifested by swelling of the mucosa. During this period, it is difficult for women to breathe through their nose, snoring may appear at night.

Often the body temperature rises to 37-37.2 °. This normal phenomenon caused by increased production of progesterone.

Of course, one cannot exclude the possibility that the listed changes in the state may be associated with colds. The risk of contracting a respiratory infection in early pregnancy is increased due to natural decline immunity necessary for the normal attachment of the baby.

If other symptoms have joined the nasal congestion - cough, sore throat, fever over 37.5 °, you should seek medical help.

At the appointment, you need to tell the doctor that you may be pregnant, so that he can prescribe medications that are acceptable in this condition. Self-medication for expectant mothers is highly discouraged.

Lifestyle of a woman in early pregnancy

If a woman feels the onset of pregnancy, even if this has not yet been confirmed by tests, you need to change your lifestyle, taking into account a possible new condition. cardinal changes are not needed, but it is worth starting to take care of yourself more.

Leisure activities or household chores that involve significant physical activity better stop. It is important to observe the regime of the day and rest, get enough sleep. Nutrition should be complete, walks in the fresh air are useful.

Alcohol during this period should be excluded and try not to be in the same room with smokers or people with a cold. In the early stages, any negative factor may cause fetal malformations or jeopardize the continuation of the pregnancy.

Without serious indications, you should not take any medications, because the effect of many of them on the development of the child is unpredictable. Sometimes even a short intake of painkillers or antibiotics leads to failures in the formation of the fetus and subsequent congenital pathologies, not all of which can be detected prenatally.

Of particular risk in the first weeks and months of pregnancy are viral diseases such as, chicken pox, parotitis. Therefore, expectant mothers who have not been ill with them in childhood places of possible contamination should be avoided. You should refrain from visiting friends whose children are ill or have recently suffered from these diseases, and also not attend various public events.

If future mom at an early stage, she falls ill with one of the listed ailments, doctors recommend that she have an abortion. This is due to the fact that the likelihood of a later appearance of a disabled child with anomalies in the development of hearing, vision, limbs or the brain is very high.

In the normal state, a person suffers the disease almost imperceptibly, but for pregnant women it is dangerous - it can provoke an abortion or pathology in a child.

Therefore, if a woman is not sure whether she had previously had toxoplasmosis (you can check this by passing an analysis for TORCH infection), you need to carefully monitor the quality of the products used.

Although the initial signs of pregnancy after menstruation before a woman has a delay is not the most reliable way to determine an “interesting” position, you should listen to your body. If you suspect that conception has occurred, it is better to take care of yourself in order to eventually get desired result- a healthy baby.

Useful video: how to determine pregnancy before a delay?


Experience shows that there are no universal signs of pregnancy: each organism is unique and reacts in its own way to the birth of a new life. But, nevertheless, how to determine the first signs of pregnancy, and at what earliest possible date can this be done?

First of all, the expectant mother must correctly determine the gestational age: the first signs appear no earlier than 7 days after the fertilization of the egg, which can occur two days after intercourse. Given all this, you can start listening to your body only 9-10 days after unprotected intercourse.

Sensitization of the breast

The first signs of pregnancy are associated with changes in the hormonal background of a woman, which, first of all, are manifested by an increase or soreness of the mammary glands. The breast becomes hypersensitive, any touch to the nipples causes excessive irritation and even pain. Very often women experience severe discomfort even when wearing underwear, and therefore bras with elements of lace and other decors have to be replaced with cotton products without unnecessary seams.

It should be noted that increased breast sensitivity in many women accompanies premenstrual syndrome, and therefore independently, without the simultaneous manifestation of other symptoms probable pregnancy this sign cannot be considered as reliable.

Bloody issues

The same should be said about spotting: often women who are already pregnant, but not yet aware of it, perceive slight bleeding as premature start monthly. Nevertheless, there is such a thing in gynecology as implantation bleeding: it occurs approximately 6-12 days after conception has taken place in the woman's body. Around this time, the fertilized egg reaches the surface of the uterus and begins its landing: it begins to equip itself with a “nest”, scraping epithelial cells from the uterine endometrium. This process may be accompanied by microscopic discharge of blood, which, however, is not noticed by all women. Bloody discharge may disappear and reappear when the blastocyst resumes its "building" activity.

Nevertheless, it is still too early to set yourself up for pregnancy: spotting can really turn out to be menstruation that has come earlier than usual and even a sign of some kind of malfunction reproductive system women.

Pain in the lower abdomen

Some pregnant women claim that the period of implantation bleeding is accompanied by physiological sensations, in particular, they feel a slight pulling pain lower abdomen. In medicine, there is no scientific confirmation that the attachment of the fetal egg can be felt at the physiological level, but there is also no refutation of this theory yet.

But it is absolutely certain that later, in the first weeks and months of pregnancy, many pregnant women experience pain in the lower abdomen: the uterus begins to grow rapidly, and this process is accompanied by tension in the muscles and ligaments that hold it.


In addition, doctors and pregnant women themselves say that nausea may appear from the first days after conception. According to some reports, early toxicosis can begin as early as a week after conception. Usually, his symptoms subside closer to the second trimester.

Scientists still cannot accurately determine the causes of toxicosis in pregnant women, although there are many versions. But it is reliably known that moderate toxicosis does not pose a threat to either the mother or the unborn baby. The alarm should be sounded if, due to nausea and vomiting, a woman cannot eat and begins to lose weight.

Mild manifestations of early toxicosis sometimes occur even before the delay in the form of "sickness" in transport. As a result, a woman begins to feel nauseous from the very first days of pregnancy.

However, it should be borne in mind that all these symptoms are also characteristic of the period of menstruation in violation of the cycle. For example, nausea, among other things, can signal problems with the stomach and, without the presence of other signs, it cannot indicate a pregnancy.

Feeling unwell

Even before the delay in menstruation, a sign of pregnancy may be drowsiness and a general decrease in vitality when from morning to evening you want to sleep, and at night there are problems with sleep. Fatigue is associated with hormonal changes in the female body, as well as the fact that in the early stages of pregnancy a lot of strength - physical and emotional - is spent on protecting and protecting yourself and your baby from negative influences.

In the first days and weeks, the woman's immunity is forced to decrease: this is temporarily necessary so that the egg can be implanted in the uterine cavity. The fact is that she carries the male gene material, which is perceived by the female body as a foreign agent, and therefore he (that is, the female body) will try in every possible way to get rid of this “enemy”. In order for the fetal egg to be able to gain a foothold, the protective functions of the woman's body are reduced for a certain period.

Against the background of a weakened immune defense, a pregnant woman may feel unwell: weakness, fatigue, weakness. Sometimes there is a runny nose, sore throat, body aches and other signs of a cold.

In addition, feeling unwell during pregnancy may be due to a slight increase in body temperature, which is observed in the early stages.

An increase in basal temperature A slight (up to 37-37.2 degrees) without pronounced symptoms of any disease is more reliable sign early pregnancy. But usually women are guided by basal temperature. A persistent increase in BBT will tell you about the conception that has taken place, on the eve of which there is a slight decrease in it - the so-called drop in basal temperature.

Keeping BT at elevated levels for 12-14 days or more may indicate pregnancy. But here it should be noted that not all women have BT reaches such high marks- 37 degrees and above. It happens that normal basal temperature during pregnancy may be low. The main thing at the same time is that it should rise at least half a degree compared to the first phase of the menstrual cycle.

Other signs of pregnancy

implicit but possible sign irritability can also become, as with PMS, but, again, it is easy to confuse it with a harbinger of menstruation. The following signs, which can occur even before the menstrual delay, are very individual, although to one degree or another they can occur in all women:

  • Urinary frequency: Due to the pressure exerted on the bladder by the growing uterus, it is emptied more frequently.
  • Intestinal disorders: both stool disorder and constipation can occur in early pregnancy.
  • Change in the taste of food. Any, even the most familiar food can change the taste, moreover, as in better side, and vice versa. So it’s not surprising if you suddenly stop eating your previously favorite foods.
  • Headache. Many women complain of severe persistent headaches in the very early stages of pregnancy, which, as a rule, recede by 5-7 weeks.
  • Feeling uncomfortable while sitting. Indeed, quite often one of the first signs of pregnancy is “fidgeting in a chair”, when it is impossible to choose a comfortable position.
  • Aversion to alcohol or simply rejection of it by the body.
  • Increased appetite. The opinion that a woman in position should eat "for two" is only partly true. The amount of food consumed should not increase, you need to monitor the replenishment of the supply of vitamins and nutrients necessary for normal development and bearing a child.

More accurate predictions can be made by taking a pregnancy test, which is recommended on the first day of a missed period, but it can give reliable result and earlier. If the urine contains a hormone - chorionic gonadotropin, which is produced by absolutely all pregnant women, then the test reaction will be positive. In this case, the test will indicate pregnancy with a red stripe. Again, it makes sense to do the test only 7-10 days after conception. You should not take the result as negative if the strip is not bright, but barely noticeable. It is recommended to take the test in the morning, and a few hours before that, do not drink alcohol and hot spices. If the probability of pregnancy needs to be checked even before the delay of menstruation, then it is worth choosing sensitive tests. A more accurate prognosis can be obtained with a blood test for hCG. The probability of error in such an analysis is almost zero.

That's what science says. The women themselves claim that often the feeling of pregnancy appears almost immediately after intercourse on a subconscious level. Psychologists can neither confirm nor deny this, but they recommend that even if such a premonition has appeared, you don’t need to zealously convince yourself that it “finally happened”, but just relax and try not to think about it at all. After all, if you “wind up” yourself properly, then you can find all the signs of pregnancy even in its absence. At the same time, in case of failure, disappointment can develop into neurosis and cause depression. Often, such “contrived pregnancies” lead to cycle disorder and hormonal imbalance. Even if it was not possible to get pregnant this time, the best thing is to calm down and be sure that very soon you will become a mother anyway. However, this does not mean that you need to completely rely on the will of fate and ignore the advice of a doctor and treatment, if necessary.

Especially for- Sandra Berezhnaya

A rather rare phenomenon due to the introduction of a fertilized egg into the uterus is spotting. May appear in the first week of pregnancy. They are yellowish-brown in color and small in volume, which is why they are confused with early menstruation.

If such discharge appears after a delay, it is necessary to see a doctor, as this may be a signal for a miscarriage.

Abundant vaginal discharge begins in the first days of pregnancy, and is present throughout the entire gestation period. This is due to an increase in blood flow to the pelvic organs, as well as to provide a protective function. The increased content of hydrogen ions in secret helps the body resist infection. There is a downside - humidity and temperature contribute to the development of Candida fungi, due to which, over time, appears. The disease must be treated. Thrush will not only bring a lot of discomfort to the mother, but will also be passed on to the child. During childbirth, the fungal mass will enter the eyes and mouth of the newborn, causing inflammation. In addition, thrush increases the chance of ruptures during childbirth.

slight malaise

The first signs of a cold, such as fever, weakness, fatigue, are explained by the expenditure of all resources to fight the virus. Oddly enough, in the first week of pregnancy, the female body fights with a fertilized egg, considering it an "enemy", therefore, the early symptoms of pregnancy and a cold coincide, misleading.

Toxicosis is the most common and well-known sign of pregnancy. May appear both in the first week and after a delay. It is most pronounced in the first trimester. An increased hormonal background affects the senses of a woman, significantly increasing their limit of perception. Smells of food and cosmetics, loud or repetitive noises, bright lights - anything that was previously ignored can serve as a "nuclear explosion". If sunlight unbearably burns eyes, or adored perfumes cause severe vomiting - you are pregnant. In rare cases, toxicosis passes gently, almost without causing inconvenience.

Increase in basal body temperature

A week later, after fertilization, the basal temperature rises, due to the intensive production of the hormone - progesterone. clear sign pregnancy - a steady increase in basal temperature over 37 degrees, within two weeks, after ovulation. When the placenta normalizes its work, the temperature will also return to its previous limits.

Breast tenderness

With an increase in the level of hormones in the body in the early stages, the breast becomes sensitive and begins to swell. Sensations are similar to premenstrual, but have a more pronounced character. The mammary glands increase significantly in size, the nipples darken, there are sensations of tingling and pain when squeezed by a bra or tight clothing. Also, with light squeezing, colostrum begins to stand out from the nipples, and this, sure sign milk production for the baby.

Chills and fever at the same time

The differences are due to an increase in body temperature and, simultaneously with it, a decrease in pressure, in the first and second weeks of pregnancy. It manifests itself in the inability to warm up, and the feeling of heat when it is very cool around.

Head and back pain

Headaches are the most frequent and regular occurrences, especially at the 1st and 2nd week of pregnancy.

They are caused by a number of factors:

  • changes in pressure;
  • jumps in hormones;
  • pungent odors with toxicosis;
  • increased levels of fatigue.

Over time, the body normalizes all processes, and headaches will pass, which cannot be said about the lower back. The pelvic muscles are in constant tone, expanding the uterus and preparing it for the development of the fetus. With an increase in the mass of amniotic fluid and the child himself, the load on the spine will also increase. These feelings will have to be tolerated throughout the pregnancy.

Frequent trips to the toilet

In the early stages, frequent urination is provoked by an abundant rush of blood to the pelvic organs, due to hormone fluctuations. Overflow blood vessels some changes in the kidneys are inevitable, bladder and ureter. Over time, the early symptoms will disappear and the body will resume its previous work. At a later date, frequent urination causes pressure from the uterus on the bladder.

Pain in the lower abdomen

The promotion of the egg to the uterus and its “arrangement” there are performed by the same muscles that move it during menstruation, but in the opposite direction. Pain very similar, so it is not surprising that these signs are often confused with each other. To relieve pain, doctors recommend taking mild painkillers. You can stand under a warm shower to relax your muscles. Also, to relieve spasm, the pose, lying on your side, will help. In it, the pelvic muscles stop working actively and relieve pressure from the uterus.

Cessation of menstruation

Monthly, and in scientific terminology, menstruation - rejection of the mucous membrane of the uterus with an unfertilized egg and their subsequent removal from the body. After the end of the discharge, the process of maturation of a new egg begins. Menstruation occurs once a month, is accompanied by bleeding and has a regular cycle.

Each woman has her own special cycle, which is different from the others. It starts at the age of 12 - 15 years, depending on the hormonal development of the girl, and ends from 40 to 52 years.

The fact of the absence of menstruation in due date, given that regular cycle, indicates pregnancy, or a disease of the reproductive system. The cessation of menstruation means that the egg has safely reached its final destination and attached itself to the wall of the uterus. With a delay of several days, a visit to the doctor is mandatory, regardless of the result of a pregnancy test.

Folk ways to determine pregnancy

In addition to scientific facts, there are those that help determine pregnancy in the early stages.

It is worth considering the most plausible of them:

  • Hippocrates claimed that the iris darkens when a woman is pregnant.
  • Drop iodine into a container with urine. If the drop does not change shape, remaining on the surface, the woman is pregnant, and if it dissolves, she is not.
  • Boiled urine of a pregnant woman will have a sediment in the form of flakes
  • Pregnancy test at home - moisten the paper with urine and put iodine on it. Purple confirms conception, and blue refutes.

Some folk omens comical and not explained in any way. Prophetic dreams, probing the abdomen with the measurement of pulsation, watching plants and birds outside the window are illogical and do not give the slightest guarantee. You should not believe everything, because any assumption must have a logical justification.