What to do if a guy wants to become a girl. While you inject hormones, the female body does not work, if you stop, it will return to its place


Christine was 18 when she met thirty-year-old Fred. They fell in love and got married a year later. It was happy marriage. However, as soon as Christine left somewhere for a while, Fred fell into depression. He wrote strange letters to his wife about how he was a terrible person and hated himself. Christine had no idea what her husband meant. And of course, she had no idea that her husband’s torment and feelings of guilt were associated with the desire to change his sex.

One day, Christine stayed with her mother for a whole week. When she returned, Fred told her that he had bought himself some women's clothes. Embarrassed and worried, he admitted to his wife that, having put on women's dresses, he finally felt like himself.

Christine was shocked. “I was sure my life was ruined,” she recalls. She began to reflect on her marriage, trying to understand how it happened that she truly fell in love with a fake man. Was the happiness she had really a lie and a fake?

Christine and Fred (right) before becoming Gray

Now her role as wife and mother has been turned upside down. But despite everything, thoughts of divorce did not occur to Christine. “I loved this guy, he was so wonderful. Fred is mine best friend, and only he could help me cope with this misfortune,” shares Christine.

The couple decided not to make hasty decisions. “We didn’t agree that we would stay together. There was simply no point in breaking up. Fred is the most amazing person I know, so why should I leave him? I wanted to be close to him,” says Christine.

Three years later, Fred decided to seek psychotherapy. He wanted to be 100% sure that he needed a sex change. It was only when Fred made the final decision that he wanted to become a woman that the couple told their sons, who were 3 and 5 years old at the time.

Fred became Gray-haired, and the children began to call him not dad, but mom. Physical changes It took years, but Seda immediately began wearing women's clothes. “I tried to understand my husband, but I didn’t understand,” recalls Christine, “but the moment he changed into a dress, it became clear to me that we were no longer husband and wife in the traditional sense.”

“My husband is the most amazing person I know, so why should I leave him?”

Gradually, the relationship between Christine and Seda began to resemble the relationship between two sisters. Christine took Seda to beauty salon, where her ears were pierced, they went shopping together and chose breast prostheses for Seda.

The couple did not divorce for two reasons. The first is finances and a home loan. The second is the desire to raise children together. It wasn't easy for Christine. Formally, she was married, so it was difficult to find a partner.

But she was lucky. It turned out that there are a lot of open-minded people around. She met a man who was sympathetic to her difficult situation. Now they all live together. Richard, Christine's friend, became part of their family. “I feel more like a widow than a divorced woman. The man I loved died. And my feelings for him also died,” says Christine.

Kristin and Seda are still close people. But they are no longer physically attracted to each other. Therefore, according to them, the feeling of awkwardness in their confused relationships does not arise.

Seda (left), Christine and their two sons

They all live in the same house: Seda, Christine, their two children and Richard. They have dinner together and get along well. Richard cooks and Seda does the laundry. All adults spend a lot of time with children. Christine introduces Seda to her new acquaintances as a parent-partner, and everyone is happy with this. Seda now looks very feminine and no longer attracts attention like a few years ago.

The story of Seda, who in mature age felt like a woman despite the fact that she was a man and was raised as a man, made Christine rethink her feminine. Now she is convinced that gender identity is created by the person himself.

Christine believes that people should listen to themselves more and accept the challenges of fate. “Each of us experiences changes in relationships: a partner may have an affair, and a child may be injured and become disabled. What matters is how the couple faces these difficulties and how the partners empathize with each other.”

All the men in this post were once handsome and feminine representatives of the fair sex, but after swallowing hormonal pills and having gotten rid of everything unnecessary they became brutal men. And what kind of men!

1. Balian Bushbaum

In the recent past, the pole vaulter decided to change her gender and began her hormone therapy in 2008. Over the course of several years, she managed to achieve considerable progress and Yvonne Bushbaum (Yvonne is the real name of this man) became a very, very attractive man, Balian. This is what the girl was like during her sports career:

And this is what it has become now:

2. Buck Angel

Just take a look at this blonde beauty and scroll a little to see her transformation...:

It seems like something out of science fiction, but it’s the same person. Porn director, teacher and writer (a strange combination of professions, but why be surprised):

3. Lauren Cameron

Sweet, simple-minded teacher, I would say when I saw this woman in glasses, but everything is not so simple, because she also decided to become a man (I don’t know why everyone is so drawn to change gender, but in Lately attempts to switch from gender F to gender M have become more frequent):

And this is not a teacher at all, but Lauren Rex Cameron - an American photographer, writer and activist of the transsexual movement, who personally documented her process of transformation from a woman to a man:

4. Lucas Silveira

The stern woman on the right is somewhat reminiscent of LiLo's ex Samantha Ronson...:

But having changed herself a little, the Canadian Lucas (I don’t know what her name was before the gender manipulation) became a real man. By the way, Silveira is the vocalist, guitarist and songwriter of the band The Cliks, which has many fans (girls, take heart):

5. Rocco Kayatos

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any photographs of Rocco as a woman, but take my word for it - once upon a time this American rapper was also of the fairer sex (I note that Rocco is the first rapper to admit his transsexuality). I wonder how many more of these there are?:

Thomas Beaty

First in the world pregnant man- this is not a phenomenon, but a well-disguised woman. Once upon a time, Tom (that’s me, figuratively) in her early 20s decided to change her sex and give birth to children for her beloved... hop-hop and she succeeded! Now the couple has three children and Thomas gave birth to all of them (the wife didn’t have to strain). Thomas before his gender change:

7. Ryan Sullans

A good visual example of how a person changes under the influence of hormones:

Ryan is a simple lawyer with a difficult past:

8. Chaz Bono

Until 2010, Chastity San Bono, the daughter of singer and actress Cher, was attractive girl, but wanted to change my life and become a guy. Cher didn't mind, because all her life Chastity knew that she was a man at heart. Before:

9. Christian Jamison Pittman

Eh, what a pity that I didn’t find a photo of this girl (it’s so strange to say that this is a girl...), because she really turned out to be a guy.

The world around us is changing rapidly. Often its changes do not satisfy the desires of many people or do not lead to the results that most are accustomed to observing. I am now gradually leading you to the idea that recently many people have been trying to change their gender. Should we shift responsibility for this onto the shoulders of our society, which is full of feminism, or should we look for a reasonable explanation for this? Why does a guy want to become a girl?

Yes, of course, it is the whole society that is to blame for the fact that many young guys want to become girls. But how can society influence someone who grew up in an all-male company, for example? Were you brought up on the ideals of courage and courage, courage and firmness of other men? Where do these guys get the desire to change their gender? Obviously, society has nothing to do with it.

Scientists have found the answer to this riddle. There is an assumption that if the mother has an emotional breakdown, at a certain stage development of the embryo of a future man there is a possibility of “mixing” of chromosomes and, accordingly, shifts and revolutions in the child’s consciousness.

It's not easy for a guy to become a girl

Why is it not easy? There are many clinics specializing in gender reassignment surgery! There are many clinics, but there are even more people who want to change from a guy to a girl. Therefore, huge queues are created. Most likely, you will spend not months, but years waiting for surgery. And these years will be difficult: all sorts of delays due to the healthcare system, many tests for psychical deviations... And if you are found to have a mental disorder, you will be denied sex reassignment surgery.

A way to turn from a guy into a girl

Yes, it exists. The method is somewhat unusual, but what should you expect, because we decided to correct the shortcomings of Mother Nature! Let's talk about such a phenomenon as transvestites.

It’s so simple, really: we put on women’s clothes instead of the things we are used to, apply makeup, and you’re done! The boy became a girl. Although externally, and not at the physical level, believe me, many achieve such mastery in this that it is possible to distinguish real girl from a transvestite it becomes almost impossible.

Yes it heavy load- to be a transvestite, but at least this will deprive you of the need to spend a lot of money on surgery, and if you want, you can always wash off the makeup, change clothes and become like a man again!

Having considered the main ways for a guy to become a girl, we only want to be firmly confident in our choice.

Attention, TODAY only!


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It seems that if I were a girl it would be much easier for me. They can be both masculine and feminine at the same time and no one will tell them anything. I want to wear women's clothes. Me
I was fed up with the idea that I should serve in the army and other “A real man should!” I also want to be given in, helped, protected and protected. I have been jealous of women since childhood.
I hate my gender and my role.
Please help me!

Unknown, age: 18/06/11/2016


Oh. Hello. Well, actually, both boys and girls need to be helped, protected and cared for. In general, mothers seem to protect their boys and girls. You probably don't feel warm
got it. But in general, a woman has a lot of difficult responsibilities. And all sorts of women's diseases. It seems like it's easier for others. Heels hurt your legs, bend your spine, make it difficult to give birth, and varicose veins.
Try wearing endless tights. And don't tear it.
Army... In Israel, girls serve in the army in peace. So if you were an Israeli girl, the army would still be waiting for you))))
This is probably not an argument for you.
Well then, I'll tell you this. You have to be human. Have the courage to be human. Don't bother with your field. It's disgusting when girls only think about manicures and some kind of fluff.
It's annoying when men only think about computer games and beer. You have to be a person.
And in this world it is impossible to live without suffering. When we, people, do not have any inconveniences, then we do not develop, we do not become better. We are degrading. We are not fulfilling our purpose.
It may be easy to advise, but I mean it sincerely. Think less about it. And drive envy out of your head and heart. It denigrates the soul and life so much that the light of God is not visible. Yes, and this is a strange thing.
You're jealous of the skirt. And there, I repeat, there are sores in the body. Even monthly. Breast cancer is something else.
Or you say that you want care. Wonderful. I might like it too. And I know a lot of people who want to be taken care of. Even in marriage they do not find care and attention. A
because everyone wants and no one does. These are all selfish people. No, stop sulking, stop thinking about yourself, looking at your navel, and go take your grandmother across the road. What's the difference,
are you a boy or a girl when you take her across the road? You're not taking her to the toilet. And I already took care of it. And there, someone will take care of you in a purely human way. And good. Yes you are
you deserve to be cared for. But you have no right to demand it. I deserve to be cared for too. But you, for example, don’t give it to me, because you’re tired of being a boy. At least be human
And generally speaking. You have arms and legs and eyes. And you are unhappy. Many don't even have that. Well, how are you doing this... Stop feeling sorry for yourself, it doesn’t add to your beauty. Neither male, nor female, nor

And believe me, women's clothing- this is a terrible problem. It takes a lot of time that should be spent on other useful things. And don't tell me you're willing to spend a ton on clothes
time. It will just mean that you are some kind of narrow-minded person, boring. That you have nothing to do... (You can go help your grandparents, they are in nursing homes, even grandfathers,
they also want attention) Or a fashion designer. But rather just a boring person. Then you probably didn't understand me at all :(

In any case, don't be offended. May God give you strength.

Anya, age: 25 / 06/28/2016

Hello, Unknown!
You have some difficult questions!
You know, all sorts of labels probably irritate you" a real man should...", precisely because they are told to you without delving into your problems. They do not share your sorrows, do not support you in
something. That would make me angry too. Think that your feelings are important, necessary and say something. Let it be anger, sadness and all that. We need to understand them and learn to work with them.
Elders usually have no idea about this and consider such emotions unacceptable at all.
There is a book Emotional intellect child." It’s not only about children, but about everyone in general! Everything is written there very clearly. I couldn’t find it online for free - I got it when there were discounts. Look for it!
It seems to me that you will discover for yourself that “feelings that are unacceptable to a guy” are normal and you will feel better.
Have you watched "9th Company"? There, a guy peed himself during a training exercise when a tank drove over him. His colleague began to laugh and humiliate the guy, and the officer rather rudely explained that you can piss yourself, but

Is he a man? Real? I think so. There are so many such young men in the world who died this way! Terrified, but protecting others!
You born a man. Nature has given you everything, all the makings. Just develop it! You won't achieve anything by sitting on your butt.
One priest, in response to a similar question, said that the problem must be sorted out personally, but! If you already want to implement a perversion, as if by practice, it means that early stages the person admitted that
This is fine. And now thousands of activists can tell you that you are fine, you have a special nature! Sorry if I'm going too far! But if you think like you, you can achieve anything!
Don’t let yourself think that you accidentally ended up in a man’s body! It doesn't happen like that!
And what you owe... I already wrote that it is achieved through hard work. Don't be afraid! Do not be afraid of anything! You will achieve everything gradually! You have a wonderful head - use it!
Seek God! It's hard for me. And the Lord knows better than anyone what a real man should be! It’s hard to find role models in life now. But even that is possible.
Last thing. I was masculine - in many of my traits. And that’s how I was going to make my career and steer through life. But when I met my husband, everything changed. Unusual, incomprehensible, but very
very comfortable! I think you will feel a thrill when you find the right path!
But a courageous girl, believe me, is always tense for the wrong reasons and can’t find a place for herself! Probably, a guy is not at ease when he artificially becomes feminine.
Go for it, friend!)))

P.s.: read the materials on this site on your topic. They seem very, very accurate to me!

Julia, age: 29 / 07/02/2016

Get your male hormones checked, first.
If it is in decline, then you need to increase the level. Also, abstinence will remove this depression and add male behavior. Get busy physical work. If, for you, all this is not acceptable or
is doable, then alas... Well, stop perceiving “a man should.” This is a cheap trick. The 21st century is here, it’s time to have some knowledge.

testosterone, age: 23 / 07/04/2016

Mmmmm, do you think it’s easier to be a woman? Menstruation is hell. You can’t even imagine the pressure on women from society. Very often it is the victim who is blamed for violence. I wore a skirt that was too short/
drank/walked alone in the evening. It never occurs to anyone that the only one to blame could be the freak who couldn’t keep his friend in his pants. + on top of everything, you are constantly called a whore and other bad words,
no matter what you do. We also googled about objectification and gender stereotypes. In general, the pressure is simply enormous. No matter what you do, you will always be judged. This cannot be avoided. Better just no one
don't listen and that's it.

Britomartida, age: 20/07/20/2016

Hello Anya!
"The army... In Israel, girls serve in the army at ease. So if you were an Israeli girl, the army would still be waiting for you))))
All this is probably not an argument for you." - yes, since they serve for 2 years in easier conditions than men who serve for 3 years. And it’s easier for girls to get away with it.
“And believe me, women’s clothing is a terrible problem. It takes a lot of time that should be spent on other useful things.” - I just want a choice of what to wear, what’s in this

Hi Julia!
“Did you watch “9th Company”? There, a guy peed himself during a training exercise when a tank passed over him. His colleague began to laugh and humiliate the guy, and the officer rather rudely explained that you can piss yourself, but with
this is to fulfill your duty. At the end, the same boy cried and blew himself up with a grenade, defending his company.
Is he a man? Real? I think so. There are so many such young men in the world who died this way! Horrified, but protecting others!" - I hate weapons and warriors, but what gets me is that men invented all this. Ambassador
this, I want to die.
“Seek God! It’s hard for yourself. And the Lord knows better than anyone what a real man should be! It’s difficult to look for role models in life now. But it’s also possible.” - is it possible from masculinity
get rid of? She didn't give up on me. I want to be feminine.
“P.S.: read the materials on this site on your topic. They seem very, very accurate to me!” - Well, I don’t know, they seemed bad to me. Their essence is that women can do everything, but men can do nothing. For men -
They bear all the responsibility. Women - whatever they want. Let them do what they want.

Unknown, age: 18 / 10/15/2016

In the age of progress, no one is surprised that some people conduct various experiments on themselves. Some change their appearance by enlarging their breasts or lips, others become like pop stars, and there are many people who have changed their gender. For medicine now almost nothing is impossible. On television and in magazines, topics are increasingly being discussed: “I want to become a guy, I want to be a girl, what should I do?” Society reacts differently to such statements, however, those who want to change their gender in different countries is getting bigger. What caused this desire? What is it like to live in a new body? Let's discuss this right now.

I want to become a girl - what to do?

The desire to become a representative of the fairer sex is quite common among guys. According to WHO, operations to transform men into women occur twice as often. That is, guys are more susceptible to the desire to change gender than women. What could cause it? According to psychologists, there are several factors why guys want to become girls.

1. Misconceptions about ourselves and others opposite field formed in childhood.

2. The boy’s character is a sensitive, romantic and subtle nature.

3. Psychological trauma received in childhood.

4. Complex family relationships between parents.

5. Fear of taking on the responsibility that falls on men's shoulders.

6. Attraction to people of the same sex, not the opposite.

7. Experienced disappointment in your partner.

Before making the final decision to change sex, you should first try to solve your problem in other ways. Some boys and young men who harbor the idea of ​​becoming a woman do not consider it possible to change own ideas. They rarely turn to psychologists without trying to find the roots of their problems, but become increasingly confused in their thoughts and convince themselves of the correctness of their decision. You should at least try to talk to good specialist and figure out where the desire to change gender comes from. Perhaps the problem is hidden in the subconscious, and it can be solved. Not wanting to turn to a psychologist when something can still be changed, such people deprive themselves of the chance to start a full life in their body, given by nature.

I want to be a guy - what to do?

Much less common, but also found among girls, is the desire to become men. Psychologists note that for the most part it is caused either by improper parenting, or a misconception about men in general. Young girls, who grew up among boys, where boyish games and activities predominated, feel more comfortable in such an environment. They are simply not taught to be women. Subsequently, they do not know how to dress up and have difficulty communicating with other girls in the class. In the future, such problems may cause a desire to become a man.

Some people want to change their gender because they think a man's life simpler - guys find work easier, earn more, they don’t have to take care of children or cleanliness in the house, they are free from many hassles. Having experienced disappointment in a partner, some young ladies may also not be able to cope heartache and want to become a man. According to psychologists, most girls simply need warmth, affection and care, understanding and advice to solve their problem. Their desire to change their gender is not true and the only correct one.

Gender reassignment – ​​something to think about?

The procedure to change gender to the opposite is quite serious. Before deciding to take this step, you need to carefully weigh everything many times. And it’s not just about the operation, which is always associated with a certain risk - infection, blood loss, the effect of anesthesia on the heart, etc. There is also social aspect– How will society perceive a transsexual person? How will friends and acquaintances react to the decision? What will the parents say? Will they condemn or support? What feelings subsequently await the person himself after a gender change? Will he be happy? Will he be able to respect himself? Will he be able to get used to his new body? All these questions will certainly arise if you want to become a guy or a girl.

How to prove that a person is genetically of a different sex?

Having decided to undergo gender reassignment surgery, a person still for a long time is changing. For the rest of his life, he takes hormones that help his body transform. Former women receive testosterone and ex-boyfriends- estrogen. However, even after the operation, by some signs it can be determined that a person is genetically a guy.

The most obvious of them is the presence of an Adam's apple. Women do not naturally have it. The timbre of the voice can also give away a transsexual. Poorly disguised scars after surgery are another sign of gender reassignment. But to determine ex-girlfriend quite difficult - except for the presence of scars on the body (skin flaps are taken from other parts of the body to form the penis). Subtle scars may remain in the chest area after breast removal.


The desire to change gender is not such a rare occurrence, but often it is not an insoluble problem. By using experienced psychologist there is a chance to find ingrained misconceptions about yourself and eliminate them, learn to feel comfortable in your own body.