What do frequent fetal movements indicate? Signs of the first fetal movement

For children

Pregnancy is an extraordinary condition for every woman. And if the first trimester is most often remembered by him with not much pleasant side due to toxicosis and poor health, the second and third trimester are always wonderful memories associated with the baby’s movements. In this article we will tell you from what week of pregnancy you will feel movements if you are carrying a baby for the first time or for the second time. In addition, you will learn what physical activity is normal and what fetal movements during pregnancy are considered dangerous. .

Before moving on detailed description motor activity child in the womb, let us dwell in detail on embryogenesis, because it will depend on it when movements begin during pregnancy.

The fact is that the baby begins to move in the first trimester of pregnancy (at the end of the 8th week), it’s just that he is still so tiny that the woman does not feel any body movements of her child at all. On this early stage During its development, the baby moves unconsciously, but from the 16th week his movements provoke external factors, for example, the mother's voice. And from this moment on, a woman who is not a first-time mother can already feel the first tremors of her baby. But most often, a woman will feel movements during her second pregnancy by the 5th month. Therefore, if you are pregnant for the second time, you will feel the first movements by 18 weeks.

A girl who becomes pregnant for the first time will feel somewhat differently. For her, waiting for the baby's kicks is a very exciting moment. Most often, the first movements during the first pregnancy future mom feels at 20 weeks, but this indicator may vary depending on the physique of the pregnant lady. Skinny girls may feel movements during the first pregnancy even earlier than the specified period, and fat women, on the contrary, later.

What do these movements look like? Scientific explanation It’s very difficult to give them. Their character can only be described by the sensations that a pregnant woman experiences when her baby moves. Some compare the baby's kicks to a fish splashing in a river, others claim that the baby's body movements are similar to the fluttering of a butterfly in the stomach. In any case, only at the moment when the child knocks on your door for the first time will you fully realize the happiness of motherhood.

Until the 26th week of pregnancy, the baby's movements are disordered. It is impossible to determine their meaning, because the baby has not yet formed the rhythm of his life. He sleeps and stays awake constantly different time, so even within 30 minutes a pregnant woman can feel up to 60 kicks from her baby.

Starting from the 27th week of pregnancy, fetal movements already become conscious. The baby, with his body movements, is trying to tell his mother something or show that her emotional state or position is causing him discomfort. From now on, the expectant mother must listen to the baby all the time. If he is very violent or vice versa, he calms down and for a long time(within 12 hours) does not show signs of life, then you need to urgently take action - contact your gynecologist who is managing your pregnancy. He will refer you for an ultrasound or Doppler test, which will determine whether your baby is suffering from oxygen starvation. If everything is in order, then no disturbances in the blood flow of the umbilical cord and other vessels will be detected in the child, and his pulse will be 120-160 beats per minute.

The nature of the baby's movements before birth is completely different from what a pregnant woman feels in the second trimester. The baby’s stomach is already becoming cramped, he cannot actively move, so movements from the 38th week of pregnancy will be felt to a greater extent in the place where the fetal limbs are located - either near the ribs or in the lower abdomen (depending on the presentation of the baby).

What does the child’s motor activity indicate?

As soon as you feel the first movement in your baby’s belly, you can determine what his character will be like. Many people have probably already heard different beliefs about this. For example, there is a widespread version that the frequent and violent movements of the baby during pregnancy indicate that the child after birth, on the contrary, will be quiet and calm. If he is calm in the womb, then he will be violent after he is born.

However, this is all nothing more than prejudice. The baby's movements tell a completely different story:

  1. About the mode of his life in the womb (he can be active, for example, at night and in the evening, when the mother goes to rest, and sleep when she is awake).
  2. About emotional state fetus (if the mother is calm, the baby kicks, and if she is stressed, the baby may hide).
  3. About the mother’s nutrition (if the mother is hungry, the child begins to behave actively, which supposedly signals that it is time for her to eat).
  4. About discomfort (if the baby feels bad, uncomfortable, he will be overly active).

Sometimes active movement during pregnancy does not mean anything. It’s just that the baby has the ability to hiccup in the womb, and this causes rhythmic tremors that can last 20 minutes and be repeated several times a day. This is an absolutely normal process, indicating that the baby’s central nervous system is normally formed.

Some “lucky” mothers even manage to see their baby’s arm or leg through their belly when he pushes. This is only possible if the placenta is attached to back wall uterus.

There are cases when the baby does not kick for a long time because he is sleeping. To stir him up, you can use the following tricks:

  • Eat something sweet.
  • Walk up and down the stairs for a few minutes.
  • Hold your breath.
  • Run a stream of cold water over your tummy.

Video “Normal fetal movements”

In this video, an obstetrician-gynecologist talks about the sensations of movements in pregnant women in the first week. In addition, the specialist dwells in detail on the nature of the baby’s body movements in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Already in the first trimester of pregnancy, a full-fledged embryo with the rudiments of future arms and legs develops from a fertilized egg. At 7-8 weeks, you can see how it moves on the ultrasound machine monitor. This happens thanks to active development nervous system, which transmits impulses to the muscles of the unborn baby. Such movements are chaotic and too weak for a woman to feel them.

By 14-15 weeks, the fetus becomes quite large, its limbs acquire the usual human appearance and shape. The movements of the unborn child become more intense. Thanks to the amniotic fluid, the baby moves freely, turns over, pushing off the walls of the uterus. Some women claim that they already feel the first movements at this time, but doctors consider this unlikely. Most likely, expectant mothers are wishful thinking, confusing the baby’s movements with intestinal peristalsis.

It is believed that primiparous women feel the first movements between the 18th and 22nd weeks, with repeat pregnancy these deadlines may be a couple of weeks less

Every day the weak tremors become more distinct and stronger.

Correct determination of due date based on the first fetal movement

  • More details

The first movements can be felt in different parts of the abdomen, since the baby is still small enough and can freely turn over in the uterus. As the fetus grows, the movements become stronger and resemble pushing, and then kicking and turning over. The longer the period, the more noticeable the movements of the fetus outside.

If you lie on your back, you can see how the pregnant woman’s belly twitches or rises in some places from the shocks

Often there is a sensation of shuddering in the area of ​​the uterus. This is a sign that the baby is hiccupping. Such movements are associated with swallowing by the fetus amniotic fluid and contraction of the child's diaphragm.

How to determine by movements whether everything is fine with the child

By the frequency and nature of fetal movements, one can determine its condition in the womb. If in the early stages the baby’s movements may not be felt every day, then by 26–28 weeks of pregnancy he should move at least ten times within two to three hours.

If the baby is quiet for a long time, you can walk up the stairs, and then go into a state of rest, lie on your back, and eat something sweet. If there is no fetal movement for more than 12 hours in a row, you should immediately consult a doctor.

One of the most anticipated moments for expectant mothers is the beginning of fetal movement. Pregnant women feel the first activity of the baby in the second trimester. It is important to record the first impulse so that the gynecologist can determine the maximum the exact date the birth of a child.

How long does it take to feel your baby move?

Fetal movement begins earlier than the expectant mother can recognize it. At what stage of pregnancy does the baby begin to move? IN mother's womb The baby shows its first activity on average at 8 weeks - at this time the formation of the baby’s muscle tissues, which are responsible for motor functions. Since at 2 months the baby is still too small, and his movements are chaotic and convulsive, the woman has no sensations associated with this. This is also explained by the fact that amniotic fluid serves as a buffer for shocks.

Over time, the baby grows, reaching a size at which the tremors begin to be felt by the woman. First tremors future mommy will be able to recognize at 18-22 weeks. However, this indicator is individual for each and depends on many aspects:

  • how many births she experienced (primiparas do not feel longer that the baby has begun to kick);
  • is there a significant layer of fat on the peritoneum (thin girls begin to feel the baby pushing early);
  • How is pregnancy progressing?
  • what position is the baby in?
  • features of the location of the placenta (lower or upper abdomen);
  • what is the psycho-emotional state of the expectant mother, etc.

When does the fetus begin to move during the first pregnancy?

This is individual for each woman, but there are certain limits for how long the baby can be felt moving. As a rule, during the first pregnancy this becomes noticeable closer to the 20th week. At this time, the baby makes about two hundred movements per day, and until the 32nd week this number increases to 600. Experts associate this with the growth of the baby. The expectant mother does not even feel most of the pushing.

If a child pushes, this is considered normal, however, too active behavior that causes pain, or, conversely, excessive passivity may indicate fetal hypoxia (acute or chronic). In addition, changes in the way the baby moves sometimes indicate a violation of the volume of amniotic fluid:

  • with oligohydramnios, pain worsens when the baby moves;
  • With polyhydramnios, the expectant mother stops feeling the baby pushing.

When do movements begin in subsequent pregnancies?

The question of at what stage of pregnancy the fetus begins to move does not imply a clear answer: girls feel it at different times. As a rule, the first sensations during the second and subsequent pregnancies occur at 18-20 weeks. At 24 weeks, the baby can kick so hard and actively that even close people feel the tremors when they put their hand on the expectant mother’s belly. Other babies behave very quietly in the womb, so they may not bother the woman at all.

It is believed that multiparous girls begin to feel internal movements earlier than those who become pregnant for the first time. This is explained by the fact that during the second or third pregnancy, the woman already has some experience and can recognize even slight tremors. Unlike multiparous women, those who become pregnant for the first time often do not attach much importance to weak movements in the abdomen, treating them as ordinary intestinal peristalsis.

From the first days of pregnancy, the expectant mother begins to be interested in questions related to the motor activity of the fetus: “At what stage does the baby begin to move?”, “When will I feel the first movements?” In addition to them, a pregnant woman may be bothered by intense or, conversely, weak movements of the baby. These and others important questions discussed in the article.

First movements

The baby's first movements begin at the embryonic stage of development (pregnancy 8-10 weeks). It is impossible to feel it, but you can clearly see them on the first ultrasound examination. The embryo has a size of 4-7 cm and its movements are uncontrolled (unconscious) nervous twitches associated with the growth and development of the baby and his central nervous system.

During this period, the embryo is deep in the pelvis, and it is still very small, so if the pregnant woman feels like something is “twitching” in her stomach, then these are probably signs of flatulence or simple nerve impulses radiating to the lower abdomen.

How long should I wait?

An indicator such as “the first fetal movement” carries important information for the leading gynecologist, indicating proper development child and his general state health. A woman can feel such sensations starting from the second trimester of pregnancy. Specific dates depend solely on individual characteristics pregnant.

The following factors are also worth considering:

  • Figure of a woman. If a pregnant woman has thin build, then she can feel the baby’s movement from the 20th week. The more weight a woman has, the less sensitive the first movements will be.
  • Number of births. If a woman has already given birth, then the second and subsequent pregnancy can be felt at a slightly earlier stage (from 18 weeks). This is due to the fact that the woman giving birth already knows exactly how the baby is pushing, plus under such circumstances the woman becomes more sensitive.
  • Active lifestyle. When a woman during pregnancy leads active life: does household chores, goes to work, gets carried away interesting hobbies, which are associated with high mobility - during such periods she simply does not have time to pay attention to the first tremors of her baby.

Typically, average pregnant women begin to feel fetal movement at 18-22 weeks.

There are cases when the expectant mother does not feel the first kicks of the baby even at 23-24 weeks. But this does not mean that the pregnancy is pathological. However, you should notify your obstetrician-gynecologist about this (to eliminate risks). Most often, a woman simply has low sensitivity or the baby prefers daytime rest, and at night, while mommy is sleeping, she tumbles.

Feelings and duration by week of pregnancy

This section will examine fetal movements starting from the 18th week and ending at the final 40th week. The data presented may differ slightly from real sensations pregnant, since each expectant mother has a unique body and the reaction with sensitivity may vary partially.

From 18 to 19 weeks - slight slight twitching, sensations of increased flatulence. You can feel 5 or more of these “kicks” per day. The duration is approximately 2-10 seconds in one short period of movement. If you look closely at the lower abdomen, you can see how the skin twitches in places during movement - it is in this place that the baby sends its first signs of tangible activity to the mother.

From 20 to 25 weeks- at this time, the movements become more noticeable, and they can no longer be confused with gases, but their intensity is still not great.

From 26 to 30 weeks– during this period the baby becomes much larger and all his movements are felt very clearly. With active vigor of the fetus, the stomach can “shake.” In some cases, with sudden movements of the baby, the mother may feel even slight discomfort, especially if the child “kicks” her in the bladder. The number of movements is approximately 10 times a day. With breaks for the child to sleep (1-3 hours).

From 31 to 36 weeks- on this period The fetus begins to move and “shove” the most. He has already grown well, and most of his organs are already mature. This is almost complete healthy child and his movements are already conscious: sometimes he turns over in his sleep, sometimes he is awake - playing with his arms and legs. May stretch (the abdomen sharply stretches to one side for 3-10 seconds), hiccup (rhythmic twitching for 1-10 minutes).

From 36 to 40 weeks - During this period, the fetus may slightly reduce its activity. The baby becomes very large and has practically no room left for somersaults. At this stage, the child can remain in one position for half a day and at the same time put pressure on some organ. The pregnant woman probably began to notice that her rib was aching, her stomach was aching, or she was “shooting” in the liver area. In such situations, you need to somehow force the baby to move; the pregnant woman can eat chocolate, stroke her belly and talk to him, or go for a walk. But despite the child’s calmer behavior, movements should be felt at least 10 times a day.

Norms of physical activity

Every pregnant woman different dates thinks about whether the child moves too little/too much? Suddenly he felt sick in his stomach? To help the expectant mother understand his condition by the baby’s movements, the norms of fetal motor activity are presented below:

Trimester of pregnancy Normal movements Less than normal More than normal
First 0 0 0
Second 10-20 movements per day.

The increase in the number of movements depends on the stage of pregnancy.

Less than 10 movements per day.

Lack of movement for 5 or more hours.

More than 25 movements per day and no fetal sleep period during the day.
Third At least 10 movements per day.

Fetal movement activity decreases slightly, depending on increasing period

At the beginning of the 3rd trimester fetal movement less than normal less than 10 movements per day are considered.

By the end of the 3rd trimester, the alarm should be sounded if the child moved no more than 5-6 times. It is also necessary to urgently call an ambulance if the child has not moved for 7-10 hours.

More than 20 movements, as well as lack of sleep, constant sharp and painful kicks of the fetus and uncontrolled turning over

If for some reason a pregnant woman notices deviations from the norm, then on the same day she needs to visit a gynecologist, or call ambulance to determine the reasons for increased or decreased fetal activity.

Under no circumstances should you remain idle. Since in case of deviations, the life of the fetus may be at risk and it risks dying within a few hours.

Methods for counting movements

To determine in more detail the norm of fetal motor activity, we came up with several options for counting movements. These methods should be used only when the expectant mother suspects the possibility of any deviations in the activity of her baby. Also, such calculations are used “as planned” in some clinics by leading gynecologists for a more detailed study of the condition of the fetus. They require that a pregnant woman keep a diary of the child’s activity every day, starting from the 28th week until the birth.

D. Pearson

This method involves counting every tenth movement. This is how it is done.

A woman counts her child’s movements every day from 9 am to 9 pm. As soon as the pregnant woman has counted 10 movements, it is necessary to mark with a cross approximately at what hour she felt the baby’s 10th kick.

Let's take an example of part of this table:

_28 _ week of pregnancy _29 _ week of pregnancy
Time/date 02.11 03.11 04.11 05.11 06.11 07.11 08.11 09.11 10.11 11.11 12.11 13.11 14.11 15.11
13:30 X
14:00 X
14:30 X X
15:00 X X X
15:30 X X
16:00 X X X
16:30 X
Number of movements (if less than 10) 8

If the child moves 10 times throughout the day, then everything is fine with the fetus and nothing bothers the child.

If a pregnant woman recorded less than 10 movements (for example, on November 15, the fetus made 8 movements per day, i.e. less than expected), then we enter this in the “Number of movements” line, indicating exactly how many times the baby moved during the day (accordingly, a cross on that day we don’t put it). It is important to show these indicators to the gynecologist within 1-2 days. Perhaps the child is suffering from hypoxia.

During the counting process, absolutely all the baby’s movements are recorded, even barely perceptible twitches.

Around Cardiff

The Cardiff method of counting movements assumes the same scheme as the Pearson method (fixing the range of fetal movements for 12 hours), but you can start counting movements at any time. The calculation results are similar.

The norm is when the baby makes about 3 movements per hour.

According to Sadowski

This method involves counting and recording movements after eating. The main rule is that you should start counting movements after eating for 2 hours. If in the end the pregnant woman counts less than 4 movements within two hours, then she urgently needs to report this to the gynecologist.

Pain during fetal activity: normal or pathological?

Throughout pregnancy, a woman may feel painful sensations in a stomach. In some cases, these pains may be within normal limits, but to a greater extent they indicate pathology. Pain when the child moves may also indicate normal development baby, or for deviations in the development of pregnancy.

  • If a pregnant woman feels pain when the fetus moves before the 30th week and the pain is recorded exclusively in one place, then this is a reason to report this information leading obstetrician-gynecologist. He will order an ultrasound internal organs pregnant woman, clinical and biochemical blood test, general analysis urine, etc.
  • If a pregnant woman sometimes feels pain during the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy when the child actively moves or when there are sharp kicks to any area of ​​the abdomen, then this is not a deviation. These feelings are quite normal, because the uterus, as it grows, compresses all the organs in the abdominal cavity, and sharp kicks from the fetus can cause the expectant mother discomfort and moderate pain.
  • If pain begins to occur on later(from 30 until childbirth), then there are 2 options: either the child is large and with active movement touches and infringes on neighboring organs, or there is a possible pathology, which a gynecologist must find out.

In any case, if you begin to feel pain in your stomach, be sure to tell your doctor, even if you think that the child just kicked you hard.

Features in multiparous women

As mentioned above, multiparous women begin to feel the first movements earlier than primiparous women. But this does not mean at all that if there are no movements at 17-20 weeks, then a multiparous woman needs to sound the alarm. Each pregnancy, be it the first or the fifth, has its own characteristics and the sensation of movement in some pregnancy may be early, or it may be late.

So that the expectant mother does not have doubts and fears, it is better once again go for an ultrasound and check how the baby is doing in the womb. Moreover, this study is safe for the baby.

Causes for concern

If a pregnant woman observes the following abnormalities, she should urgently visit a doctor or call an ambulance:

  1. When the fetus moved, sharp pains lower abdomen.
  2. During a very active movements there is blood or brown discharge.
  3. The child has stopped moving: does not respond to stroking, to eating sweet pregnant foods, or to sounds - for 6 hours.
  4. If a pregnant woman feels unusual movements for the child: twitching and shaking, similar to a nervous tic (not to be confused with fetal hiccups), constant turning from side to side for several hours in a row.
  5. The child has no rest time (sleep) throughout the day.

The doctor will be required to send you for tests (fetal ultrasound, Doppler, fetal CTG), and also prescribe additional tests (blood for coagulogram, for TORCH infections, smear for STIs, blood for antibodies, etc.). Perhaps the woman’s blood circulation in the placenta has worsened due to blood thickening, inflammatory process or there is a Rhesus conflict.

Fetal movement during pregnancy is a very detailed indicator of the condition of the child in the womb. If you carefully monitor them, you can significantly reduce the risks of complications, and you can also simply enjoy communication with your unborn child.

What does a woman feel when her baby moves for the first time and how can she recognize this moment? Undoubtedly, all expectant mothers ask these questions. Therefore, let's look at the main signs that indicate the baby is moving.

In most cases, when the fetus moves, the woman feels small tremors. However, in the early stages of pregnancy they are not very pronounced. In this case, the expectant mother feels only some movements of the fetus. As a rule, women begin to feel the movement of their baby between 19 and 21 weeks of pregnancy.

It is quite difficult to unambiguously describe the feeling a woman experiences when her baby moves for the first time. Some expectant mothers note that this feeling has many similarities with increased intestinal motility. Other women say that the baby's movement is similar to a butterfly fluttering, objects rolling, or a swimming fish. In any case, such sensations are completely painless for the mother herself and do not cause her discomfort throughout longer period pregnancy.

Only as the child grows more rapidly can a woman feel the baby’s movements, more pronounced than in the first months of pregnancy. The activity of fetal movement is associated with the time of day, the movements of the mother and her physiological rhythms. Having learned to recognize the baby's movements, the mother can even control their activity, regulating their eating patterns, as well as sleep and wakefulness.

For a woman, especially a first-time mother, the first movement of her baby is an extremely touching moment in her life. At this moment, for the first time she can feel a living person inside her, which for many expectant mothers is an incentive to take a more responsible attitude towards their pregnancy.

Due to the individuality of each woman’s body, expectant mothers feel the first movement of their child in completely different ways. The timing during which the first fetal movement occurred may also differ. This depends on the woman's body type and whether the woman is primiparous or multiparous.

It is noteworthy that women carrying their first pregnancy begin to feel fetal movement much later compared to women who have already given birth before. This is explained by the fact that in primiparous women, the walls of the uterus are much less sensitive.

The first movement of the fetus is an exciting event for every mother.

The nature of the child's movements

How can the pattern of a child’s movements help the expectant mother diagnose her child’s condition, and what signs should cause particular concern? Every woman needs to know this in order to take the necessary measures in time, and also to better understand her child.

It is noteworthy that the embryo first begins to move in the seventh week of pregnancy. However, these movements are so small that the expectant mother cannot recognize or feel them. Most often, the fetus begins to move from the 14th to the 26th week of pregnancy. If at twenty weeks of pregnancy a woman does not feel any movement of the fetus, the doctor may advise her to undergo an ultrasound examination to make sure that the baby is developing normally.

Women describe the first movement of the fetus as pushing, kicking, shaking, hitting or fluttering. However, in some cases, first-time mothers may mistake the baby's movement for movement in gastrointestinal tract. The intensity of the expectant mother’s perception of the child’s movements largely depends on her weight and constitutional characteristics.

Experts have noticed that women with excess body weight can feel their child very weakly, and, conversely, skinny women note pronounced signs fetal movements. Also, it depends on the activity of the pregnant woman. During the period of movement, the expectant mother may not recognize the subtle signals given by her baby. In turn, in a state of complete rest, a woman has an ideal opportunity to listen to the movements of the child.

Around the 28th week of pregnancy, the frequency of fetal movements increases. At this time, expectant mothers may notice almost constant movement of the child. A woman needs to learn to control the activity of the fetus in order to The biological clock the woman and child were the same.

If a pregnant woman accidentally takes an incorrect position from an anatomical point of view, the child may suddenly and sharply begin to move. This usually occurs when a woman lies on her back or crosses one leg over the other in a sitting position. As a rule, when the position changes, the expectant mother stops feeling the violent movement of the child. However, if the frequency of movements does not decrease within several hours, the woman should urgently consult a doctor to diagnose and prevent a fetal condition such as oxygen starvation.

The condition of the fetus can be determined by the nature of the movements.

Frequency of baby movements

Many modern pregnant women are wondering what frequency of fetal movement is considered normal. Such experiences are quite reasonable, since moving too rarely or too often may indicate a problem.

Once the pregnancy reaches 24 weeks, the baby can move up to 15 times per hour. However, sometimes the movements stop for several hours, which should not bother the expectant mother, since at this time the child is simply sleeping. The reason for immediate appeal Only the complete absence of any fetal movements for twelve hours can lead to a doctor's attention.

If a woman notes that the nature and frequency of the child’s movements have somehow changed over the past few days, this is also a serious reason to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. Any change in fetal activity that has not been observed before should alert the expectant mother.

In order to reliably assess the frequency of a child’s movements, there is a special Pearson test. After the gestational age exceeds 32 weeks, the expectant mother should regularly record the time of every tenth fetal movement. It is recommended to choose the time interval from 9 am to 9 pm for such observation.

If the number of marks is less than ten, this may indicate the development of oxygen deficiency in the child, which, of course, should not be ignored, since such a condition can lead to the death of the fetus. A pregnant woman should consult a doctor as soon as possible with this problem.

Many expectant mothers also note that the number of movements of their baby increases noticeably in the evening, which is quite normal occurrence. Also, a woman should be aware that the child is most active between the 24th and 32nd weeks of pregnancy. However, as the third trimester approaches the end, the baby's movements may decrease. This is especially true immediately before childbirth. However, it should be remembered that the intensity of the child’s movements must be the same as before in order to be able to say that everything is fine with the child.

Thus, a simple procedure for counting the number of fetal movements can tell the expectant mother a lot of important things about the condition of her baby.

It is necessary to control the frequency of fetal movements

Baby moving in the third trimester of pregnancy

What should a woman pay attention to? Special attention in the third trimester of pregnancy? Let's consider the most important points for a woman during this period of time.

The third trimester begins around the seventh month of pregnancy. At this time, the child is almost fully formed. On at this stage its organs and systems complete their development, and a rapid increase in the height and weight of the fetus occurs, compared to the first months of pregnancy. Due to the fact that the child at this stage becomes stronger and stronger, the expectant mother may notice an increase in the intensity of kicks and movements.

It is noteworthy that at the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, the fetus can still rotate quite freely in the uterine cavity, taking on a variety of positions. However, upon reaching 30 or 32 weeks, the fetus is already quite large and by this time it has assumed its permanent position.

In most pregnancies, the baby is positioned head down in the uterine cavity. This position, called cephalic presentation of the fetus, is the most anatomical and allows the baby to easily pass through the birth canal. However, in some cases, conditions such as breech presentation of the fetus occur. In this case, the baby is positioned feet down, which makes natural delivery difficult or impossible.

In order to give the fetus the position necessary for the natural course of childbirth, special techniques are used in obstetrics, with the help of which the doctor carefully changes the position of the fetus by applying pressure in certain places of the abdomen.

Already at the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother can determine by her feelings exactly what position the baby is in. As a rule, in the case of cephalic presentation, a woman feels active movements of the baby in the upper part of the uterus. If the fetus is located in the uterus with its legs down, the woman feels active movements in the lower abdomen during pregnancy.

When the third trimester of pregnancy begins, the expectant mother can already recognize the sleeping and waking patterns of her baby. Moreover, she already knows what positions she needs to take during sleep so that the child does not experience oxygen starvation. It is known that when a woman is lying down blood vessels the uterus contracts slightly, to which the child, as a rule, responds with intense movements.

In the third trimester, the mother already knows the baby's routine

Diagnosis of a woman’s condition by the nature of the child’s movements

How can a woman diagnose her condition and the condition of the child based on the nature of the child’s movements, and also notice in time the presence of any abnormalities during pregnancy? This question is asked by many women who know the harmful consequences of inattention to the signs that the human body gives.

If there are any deviations in the child’s behavior, the woman should contact an obstetrician-gynecologist for additional examination. If the expectant mother cannot quickly get to the doctor, it is necessary to call ambulance specialists who will listen to the fetal heartbeat. Normally, it should be from 120 to 160 beats per minute. After this, the doctors will send the woman to medical institution for further diagnostic procedures.

Even if no abnormalities are noted in the fetal heart rate, the doctor prescribes the woman to undergo a cardiotocography study (CTG), which will determine whether the child is experiencing oxygen starvation. During the examination, the doctor attaches a special sensor at the level of the anterior abdominal wall of the woman's abdomen. The expectant mother holds a button in her hand, which she presses every time she feels the baby move. This information is displayed graphically and the doctor can determine the condition heart rate baby. It should be noted that the CTG method is most effective during pregnancy from 30 to 32 weeks.

The constant movement of the baby and the increase in size of the woman’s belly indicate the normal course of pregnancy. The expectant mother should remember that the only way to tell the child about her condition is to move. Therefore, a woman should approach the assessment and diagnosis of the child’s movements with maximum responsibility.

First of all, based on the nature of the fetal movement, a woman may independently suspect that the fetus is malpresented, which often entails the need for surgical delivery. This will allow her to apply for qualified assistance as soon as possible. medical care. With timely treatment, the position of the fetus can be changed using special obstetric appointments, after which the woman will be able to give birth to a child naturally.

Why expectant mothers need to listen to their baby's movements

What benefits do they provide? modern woman basic medical knowledge? How can an expectant mother prevent mass with their help? undesirable consequences for yourself and your child? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to consider the main problems that may arise with the health of the woman and baby during pregnancy.

One of the most dangerous conditions for the child is hypoxia, which occurs due to disruption of normal blood flow to the placenta, as a result of which the fetus begins to experience oxygen starvation. First of all, this threatens the appearance of various disorders in the child’s nervous and cardiovascular system. If a child does not receive enough oxygen for a long time, this can in a certain way affect both the mental and physical level of development of the fetus. At the same time, women should remember that such a condition is equally likely to occur both in early and later stages of pregnancy.

To protect her child from prolonged oxygen starvation, a woman should regularly monitor the frequency and nature of the baby’s movements. To prevent the occurrence of such a complication, from the very beginning of pregnancy a woman should move enough, eat rationally, and also devote enough time to sleep and rest. Also, the expectant mother should constantly monitor her weight. Excess body weight provokes shortness of breath in a woman, which is extremely harmful for both the baby and the mother herself. To avoid overeating, caloric intake daily ration a pregnant woman should not exceed 1600 kcal/day.

Another complication of pregnancy that a woman can independently identify is malpresentation of the fetus. Listening carefully to changes in the child's movement pattern, the woman malpresentation will immediately notice changes in your body. Most common cephalic presentation the fetus in which labor proceeds most naturally. At breech the fetus, the baby is located in the uterine cavity with its legs down, as a result of which the expectant mother constantly feels strong activity in the lower abdomen. This should alert the woman and force her to see a doctor for a medical examination.

The most dangerous in obstetric practice is oblique presentation of the fetus, when the baby’s body is located at a right angle to the body of the uterus. With such a presentation, as the child grows, his movements cause discomfort and even pain to the woman. In this case, self-delivery is not possible.

In order to prevent the occurrence of pelvic or oblique presentation of the fetus, during pregnancy a woman needs to perform a set of special exercises that will allow the fetus to take place in the uterus correct position. It is important to note that these exercises should only be prescribed by an obstetrician-gynecologist. Unauthorized and especially unnecessarily intense exercises are extremely contraindicated for a pregnant woman.

By the nature of the movements, the mother can determine the position of the fetus

In order to stay healthy and successfully carry a pregnancy to term, a woman must follow all the doctor’s recommendations, be under the supervision of a local obstetrician-gynecologist, and also eat a healthy and varied diet, just go for a walk. fresh air and maintain a sleep-wake schedule. She should also monitor the nature of her child’s movements, which can tell a lot about his well-being.