Peace of mind for children. Useful tips for parents

For men

And I will tell you what I do when I feel tired and irritated.

I now have two children - a daughter is 2.9 years old, a son is 8 months old. The daughter is gradually approaching the crisis of three years, and the son’s mood changes sharply. And for the last week the baby has been grinding out his upper teeth, sleeping poorly, yelling and not getting off his mother :)

This happens to absolutely all mothers. I don’t believe that somewhere there are ideal children who are never bothered by anything... Colic, teeth, some crises, developmental leaps... My daughter had colic, but her teeth came out unnoticed. For my son it’s the opposite. And someone is so “lucky” that the first, second, and third come at once. How to be?!

What to do when you can't bear it anymore?

  • As I have often said, it is important to notice your fatigue at an early stage. Don't get to the point where you want to kill everyone. The sooner you start recovering, the better! Don't expect everything to resolve itself!
  • Accept your fatigue and irritation. Tell yourself: “Yes, I yell at children. Yes, everything pisses me off! Yes, I'm tired, I don't have time to do anything. Yes, I can’t always be “on top” and constantly smile, like an ideal happy mother.” This stage is very important! It is vitally important to stop masking your feelings, stop pretending to be “eternally positive”, and not consider fatigue as something shameful and abnormal.
  • Enable power saving mode. It is important to do this as early as possible. It doesn’t matter if your family’s menu is more limited for a few days. At the first signs of fatigue, I start cooking porridge (you can add raisins, nuts and cinnamon to the same oatmeal), pasta, buckwheat with vegetables... I also stop washing the floors every day (unless there is a real need for it). And I leave only the most minimal cleaning.
  • If possible, do not hesitate to ask for help. It's not humiliating, it's normal. Let dads/grandmothers/girlfriends/nannies take a walk with the children. Or they will help in some other way. I usually ask my husband to take my eldest daughter for a walk. He goes with her to the park for 3-4 hours, and during this time I, with one of the younger ones, recover well. And if my daughter was taken somewhere for the whole day... By the evening I become completely kind.
  • Enable energy filling mode. Make a list of things that relax you. This can be done even with children. I can watch movies for a while. Chat with friends. Do some exercise. Practice braiding. And of course, make the most of your free time! If the children have fallen asleep, do only what fills you as much as possible (!). And decide in advance what it will be.

What's the hardest thing here?

It would seem that everything is elementary. If you feel tired - rest! Then you will quickly become balanced, content and happy. Nothing can make you angry... After this, the child will become calm... But there are some obstacles:

  1. Sometimes a woman cannot admit and accept her feelings. The excellent student syndrome comes out, you want to get a “second wind”, you want to fight to the end. And here it is very important to change your environment. If there are only successful, resilient mothers around us, we are ashamed to lag behind them and admit our weakness. For example, my mother is a strong woman. And when my first child was born, she involuntarily did not allow me to be tired. I thought that a baby was pure happiness, and it was impossible to get tired with just one baby. Of course, now I also understand that one baby is a resort. But if you just recently became a mother, learning to live a relaxed life with children is very difficult. As a rule, this skill comes with the birth of the second child. So, not accepting your feelings, rejecting your fatigue is very dangerous! And if you don’t have a sympathetic, wise friend, it makes sense to consult a psychologist.
  2. Sometimes women don't know how to ask for help. They feel like everyone is rejecting them. Asking for help is an art, because it is important to do it gently, without making claims. But at the same time - decisively. Some mothers expect their husbands to offer help. But if you are already tired, you can no longer procrastinate. Be confident and gently ask your spouse to take your baby for a walk. Don't forget about gratitude!
  3. A woman does not know how to rest. The most popular obstacle. They gave the child to the grandmother, but you yourself can’t help but feel nervous, scurrying from corner to corner, not finding a place for yourself... Sound familiar? And it seems like there is free time - two whole hours! But you either rush desperately to wash something, or force yourself into the bath... And you don’t get any pleasure. All thoughts are only about the child, about upcoming affairs or something similar... And now, the grandmother and baby are already on the doorstep, and you still haven’t noticed how pointlessly you wasted your precious time. I will write a separate article about how to learn to relax. This skill is very important. Thanks to him, in 15-20 minutes of children's sleep you will become calm as a boa constrictor. Great, isn't it? But all this comes only with practice... And through careful attention to yourself.

Raising children largely depends on how you feel. To be sensitive and restrained, sometimes it’s enough just to have a good rest. Today I tried to tell you how to become positive and calm by accepting your negative emotions and starting recovery. If the article was useful, click on the social media buttons and subscribe to blog updates. See you in touch!

I have been divorced for 4 years, my daughter is 6 years old. After the divorce I had to return to my parents, they helped with my daughter, I worked a lot. Then my dad died. And so the three of us were left - me, my daughter and my mother. Sometimes I could go somewhere, shopping, to see a friend, etc., and my mother didn’t mind sitting with her daughter at this time, she herself suggested that I rest.

Six months ago I started communicating with a man. More precisely, they knew each other before, and a romantic relationship began. And then something began to happen to my mother when she found out. Constant conversations on the topic - why do you need this, take care of the child and not hang around with men (this despite the fact that there were no men after the divorce, and we only meet a couple of times a week, the rest of the time I’m either at work or with my daughter ). And she flatly refuses to stay with the child if I’m not at work. Those. if he understands that I can go on a date right away, I won’t stay with the child, although I’m not busy with anything. And long tedious lectures on the topic of how I’m not ashamed to hang around.

I don’t understand what’s wrong with my mother; she won’t talk. I don't understand her negative reaction. And I don’t understand how to build a personal life then, what to do.
Who can tell me what?



I'm tired.
My husband has been seriously ill for a long time, more than a year. Since September he has no longer worked, at home, on disability. For the last two months he has been walking only within the apartment. During the last foray into the street back to the 5th floor, I dragged him on myself. It’s clear that it’s being treated, we’re not just waiting for weather by the sea, but it’s only getting worse.

The character of the patient under such circumstances rarely improves, to put it mildly. It is clear that everything is on me. In addition to work, household chores, worries about him, many things in which he is no longer an assistant, I am running around fighting with authorities who lose documents, do not transfer data for months, etc., etc. (yes, I defeated them, but how much effort, time and nerves it takes!) You can’t describe everything, only the essential is remembered, and life is in everyday life.

Now he is in his second week in the hospital. Yesterday after work, after an hour in traffic jams, I ran to the hospital - he starts a conversation, according to his habit, then he doesn’t hear, then he pretends, then he grimaces, then he interrupts, then he doesn’t listen to the end. But I don’t have the energy and time for this. She spat, left him the clean things, took the dirty ones and ran home.

I have a teenage daughter at home. I instructed her to do two very small things for my arrival - once again she “forgot.” I couldn’t stand it, I yelled and didn’t lift the restriction on my phone. So she babbled at me and was indignant all evening (the bawl was all like dad).

At eight - you can check the clock - mom always calls. Around the thousandth circle there are the same conversations - like her husband, what can be done with him, where she saw what discounts and what she bought on sale. But yesterday, knowing that I would no longer be capable of this, I called her while leaving the hospital and said: “I’m tired today and out of sorts, don’t call me today, we’ll talk tomorrow.” But, of course, a huge thank you to my parents - when they go grocery shopping on the weekend, they buy a lot for two families and deliver it to me, I just pay.

I went to bed at 10, but couldn’t fall asleep until half past one. Even though I drank valerian. I’ll be relaxing at work (and I’ve also had a new job since September, somehow I don’t want to relax).

And on top of that, I'm starting to catch a cold. I forgot my throat suckers at home. Complete apchhi, damn it.
Ugh. The steam was released. I go to work. And something was completely disgusting to me.


Just Marina 69

chatty too.........
How much do we owe our child?
There’s no talk about love and livelihoods, that’s a must!!
But what about attention, time, health, personal life?
I just want to know your opinion...
Recently my 13-year-old daughter told me (3-4 times): “You traded your daughter for a concert!”
It was me who returned after work not at 21.00, but at 23.00, and went to the BG concert...
one-time promotion...
I go to the cinema with her, I come to school in the evening to pick her up, hug her, kiss her, carry on conversations, feed her the animals and take her for walks...
and these are the words, in all seriousness (((



Or rather not so
I've become unbearably bored with life
I’m not happy with ANYTHING at all and this condition is almost a year old, and I’m very tired of it
If it weren't for my son, I would have already gone out the window
I kept waiting for this condition to go away, but antidepressants no longer help
My character changed and I became withdrawn.
I have a constant feeling that life is jelly without taste.
I'm just sick
Tomorrow I’m going to another psychiatrist, they don’t help me anymore, but I just don’t know what else to do
I remember how delicious life can be, how even ordinary little things can bring joy - watching a movie, a date, a craft from a child
I want to go back there, to that life, to that me. But I can't find my way back.
I’m writing, I don’t know why, just to talk it out
Sorry for the negativity



I read a topic about a husband who seems to be good, but the author can’t live with him, and so I decided to talk about the situation that a friend told me a week ago. Sometimes we correspond via messenger, I wrote to her how you are doing. Well, we communicate - I notice that she somehow responds depressively. I ask: is everything okay with you? Well, then she tells me (apparently, she needed to throw out this rudeness).

She and her husband had a fight - she asked to pick up the child from acrobatics - she didn’t have time to get home from work, and in the evening he just up and left to “hang out with friends”, presenting her with a fait accompli. Came in at night drunk. This happens regularly. In the morning she told him everything she thought. They are silent for a couple of days. Then she saw that she had drunk a bottle of wine and went to bed in the evening. She asked: Did you drink wine? - (my husband, as I understand it, began to drink often). And in response...even I was stunned) Hey, you [deleted by moderator], you stupid animal, you..... swearing in general.

She says she couldn’t open her mouth, she was in shock. For about 20 minutes he threw mud at her and there were expressions, I’ll tell you... Mat and trash. The meaning is this: I drank, so what? what difference does it make to you? (besides, the wine is kind of expensive, this was the third one in a week, but he doesn’t have money for groceries) Who are you to reprimand me, be content with who I am, shut your mouth. She moved away from the shock a little and said, let’s go pack your things (they live with her), he kicked her off the bed and the second wave: yes, you’re a vile animal, you’re still going to point me out... I’m not going anywhere.

In general, here's the story. As I understand, she is going to file for divorce, but then there’s the New Year, and how to put it out, and how to communicate with him in general... but I didn’t communicate with her for several days. I don’t know how it ended. Her sister told her like, okay, it happens, this is not the first time he insults you. Outwardly, they are a normal couple, quite. So I was wondering what you would do in her place? I couldn't answer her.


If you think that adults are more susceptible to stress, then this is far from true, scientists say. Even moving to a new school or a neighboring class is a big stressor for a child. And when you can’t find a common language with your peers... Our experts talk about the dangers of childhood stress and how to deal with them.

Experiences big and small

Children are more susceptible to stress because the world around them is often unknown and fraught with danger, says Professor Mikhail Rybalko. - When we have a significant amount of experience, we know the possible outcomes of the situation, then we are less afraid and worried. In addition, the child often perceives the world through the eyes of his mother: if she is worried, he worries even more. Stress in children is especially acute when their parents separate. Often after a divorce, a child becomes ill with neurosis or begins to suffer from developmental delays. Sometimes children even fall silent for six months or a year. Although outwardly this experience is not as noticeable as in adults.

However, it is not only age that determines exposure to stress. According to Svetlana Mikhailova, Associate Professor of the Department of Clinical Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology of Altai State University, to a large extent this depends not even on age, but on the person’s temperament and his upbringing.

Changing schools or classes becomes a big stress for a child. You can reduce the level of anxiety here with the help of explanations: this does not mean leaving forever - the child can meet with former classmates, says Professor Rybalko.

Adaptation to the first and fifth grades is a rather serious process, says Ekaterina Guseva, educational psychologist at the city health-improving and educational center “Potential”. - Much here depends on teachers and parents. Since this is significant stress for a child, you can start with improving health - vitamins, proper nutrition, sports. Emotional support is no less important - even a child’s small success should be celebrated. How easily a child will join a new team also depends on his ability to make friends. At the same time, parents should not discuss the bad behavior of his classmates in front of their child, labeling them.

But the teacher still plays the main role in the adaptation process. What’s bad: now children are taught to be competitive from the first grade. Everyone becomes on their own, and ultimately this leads to fragmentation of the team. This leads to another cause of childhood stress - conflicts at school. The parent here is required to teach the child to resolve quarrels with words. However, if conflicts go too far and the safety and health of the child is at stake, parents must intervene. Of course, with the consent of the child. It is best to solve problems in private, without bringing them up for public discussion: talk to the offender’s parents, teacher. In calm tones, without insults. An extreme measure is to transfer the child to another school, although with such radical measures it is necessary to carry out parallel work with the child, otherwise the problems will move to a new place. You can connect a psychologist.

About the benefits of whispering

If parents intervene in children’s conflicts with peers, then do it very carefully, Svetlana Mikhailova is sure:

A smart parent will start a common game or celebration in the class, and the whole conflict will pass. Or he will teach him to react with a joke - such a child will not be offended either. And if you scold the offender, nothing will happen. The child will become even more angry. Teenage children cannot hear when they are yelled at; you need to talk to them in a whisper in their ear. Words do not play any role in raising children; you can only teach through your actions and love. Everything is done well, good families and good people grow up.

The increase in violence at school is provoked by children’s violent games, including computer games, says Ekaterina Guseva. - That’s why it’s so important to pay attention to the moral education of a child.

If it happens that your child is the aggressor in the conflict, try to transfer his energy into a constructive direction, psychologists advise. Most often, this behavior is provoked by attention deficit.

Life itself

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of the Faculty of Pedagogy of Altai State University Marina Frolovskaya is sure that school cannot be perceived as preparation for life - this is already life itself. You can reduce stress when entering school by instilling in your child psychological skills that will help him be a student: speech development, attention, memory, and the ability to communicate. All this happens through the game.

When it comes to conflicts at school, before giving advice, it is important to ask the question: why did it happen. Here, as with Okudzhava, the main thing - holy science - is to hear each other. The activities of a good teacher are similar to the activities of a psychotherapist. If there is trust between him and the student, the teacher will talk to the child so that he himself formulates his difficulty, and together he will try to solve it. Unfortunately, today most schools have laid off their full-time psychologists. And they are needed, and of the highest class,” says Marina Frolovskaya.

Symptoms of stress in children

In infants and children under two years of age:

  1. excessive irritability;
  2. demonstrative refusal to feed or loss of appetite;
  3. deterioration of sleep.

In preschoolers

  1. increased demands and frequent expressions of indignation;
  2. “return to childhood” (a child of three to five years old again puts a pacifier in his mouth, urinates in his pants, etc.);
  3. excessively intensified childhood fears - cannot sleep due to fear of death, etc.;
  4. frequent outbursts of aggression, constant nervousness or low mood for no apparent reason;
  5. the appearance of speech defects;
  6. hyperactivity or, conversely, decreased activity;
  7. tearful reaction to new people or new circumstances.

For younger schoolchildren

  1. frequent complaints of headaches, pain in the heart, nausea;
  2. nightmares;
  3. fast fatiguability;
  4. constant desire to get into some kind of trouble, to cause harm to oneself;
  5. constant whims and defiant behavior for a whole week or longer;
  6. lie;
  7. return to the previous age level: a fairly mature child begins to behave like a little one (“falls into childhood”);
  8. frustration for no apparent reason;
  9. preoccupation beyond measure with one's health;
  10. reluctance to attend school and hang out with friends - isolation, detachment from the world;
  11. aggressive attitude towards others;
  12. pedantry and maximalism in housework and schoolwork: the child tries too hard to be constantly praised;
  13. low self-esteem;
  14. causeless anxieties, worries and fears;
  15. decline in academic performance due to deterioration of memory and attention;
  16. speech impediments or nervous tics: blinking, swallowing, winding curls around fingers, etc.;
  17. worsening sleep and appetite or, conversely, constant drowsiness and increased appetite.

Preventing stress

General partner of the issue “Generation of Healthy Lifestyle. Mental health" - "Altaispirtprom".

  1. Parents should constantly demonstrate love for their child and maintain a trusting relationship with him.
  2. Do not watch scary news or exciting programs on TV with your child and do not let him do it himself.
  3. It is necessary to mentally prepare the child for possible stressful situations - you cannot completely protect him from all negativity and responsibility. At the same time, you should not introduce him to the dark side of life. Choose a middle ground: let him know about possible negative events, but not in horrific detail.
  4. Parents should help their child learn any new activities; they should not be left alone with difficulties.
  5. Teach your child to give vent to negative emotions: share with parents, keep a diary, draw, etc.

General partner of the issue “Generation of Healthy Lifestyle. Mental health" - "Altaispirtprom".

Who are calm children? What kind of child can be called calm? When a child is born, he is assessed using the Apgar scale, which takes into account how quickly and strongly he cried, how he moves and other indicators.

A newborn who is too calm is more likely to alert doctors than to please them. If the baby sleeps all the time, sucks poorly and gains little weight, such calmness will not bring joy to the parents. A child who is too calm should definitely be examined by a neurologist.

Don’t be surprised if the doctor advises you to stir up the baby; such babies are often prescribed infant swimming training, dynamic swimming, and any measures that can move the baby. Such babies suck at the breast sluggishly, mothers lose milk, and the child is switched to formula. Try to maintain breastfeeding even in such a difficult situation, offer your breast to the baby as often as possible, pump and supplement with your milk from a bottle or spoon, because a weakened baby really needs his mother’s valuable nutrition. When a child begins to gain normal weight, he will immediately catch up with his peers in development.

Quiet infants often do not hold their heads up precisely because they sleep almost all the time, move little, and therefore do not develop their muscles and gain weight poorly. Don't worry, special exercises, frequent feedings and your love will definitely help in this situation. Find a good neurologist who will observe the baby and tell you how to act correctly in this situation. If your baby is gaining weight well, developing according to schedule, crying a little and smiling a lot, rejoice, it means you are normal, healthy, in a good way calm child .

The baby grows, develops, and by the age of one year, as a rule, most children begin to walk and actively explore the world around them. It is not the physical, but the emotional and mental development of the child that comes to the fore. Children begin to show character. Psychologists distinguish four types of temperament in people, including children.: choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic and sanguine.
Choleric children are never calm, these are excitable, active, playful, mischievous, cocky, and often pugnacious children. Parents of such children can only dream of a quiet life. Psychologists advise raising such children in the calmest possible environment, eliminating emotional overload, and developing perseverance in children. Cholerics are good speakers, the leaders of children's groups, they adapt well to a new environment, are easy-going and are not afraid of change.

Phlegmatic children, on the contrary, are very calm kids. They are slow, unfussy, do not like change, and have difficulty adapting to a team. Psychologists advise such children to be disturbed more often, taught to play active games, taught to quickly switch attention, and develop curiosity in them. But these children have an excellent memory, they persistently and judiciously move towards their goal.

Melancholic children are very sensitive, easily hurt, any increase in tone, unfair punishment can cause such a child severe stress. These children are usually calm and very obedient; they have difficulty adapting to a team because of their emotional weakness and touchiness. They need to be encouraged to take initiative, develop courage and activity in them, but remember that the souls of such children are delicate and delicate, so they require special care and protection from loved ones. Typically, melancholic people are creative individuals; they grow into talented writers, artists, and poets.

Sanguines are the most cheerful, friendly and sociable children. Despite their active life position, constant fun and activity, these children have a very even and calm character, they are obedient, non-conflict, and calmly react to punishment. Such a child needs to be taught perseverance and accuracy, develop stable interests in them, and teach them to finish what they start.

It’s impossible to say for sure whether it’s good or bad when a child is calm.. You need to look at the situation in which he shows this quality. All children are different. raising a calm, strong and self-confident child is not an easy task. If you yourself are calm and reasonable parents, sensitive to your child, then your baby will be cheerful, purposeful and friendly.

We picture a French mother something like this: the child sleeps peacefully in a stroller or “siege-oto” while she drinks coffee on the veranda of her favorite restaurant. However, a fairy-tale carousel, cute plush dudu, graceful maman, who, when necessary, knows how to pronounce a categorical “non” (and they will listen to her!) - everything is so. Lovely children, wonderful upbringing... But French parents have thousands of problems with children who are so similar to ours. The secrets of French education are revealed in her book by the famous psychologist Anne Bakus.

Below we bring to your attention a chapter from the book “All the Secrets of French Education,” which is published by the Eksmo publishing house.

How to stay calm when your child is throwing a tantrum?

“When our daughter throws a tantrum at us, and over a complete trifle, then it’s something with something... It seems as if she is the most unfortunate child in the world, who was mortally offended. And yet, it’s enough to take a small step forward, give her what she asks for, so that a joyful smile will shine on her face again!”

Two-year-old Jean no longer goes to the supermarket with his dad. His screams and frantic hysterics following each refusal to purchase overflowed his parent's patience. How can you not feel helpless and annoyed at the same time when this little devil screams, kicks, climbs into the cart and makes the other shoppers look at you as if you were monsters and not parents? Claude is only about a year and a half old, but his fits of anger are simply unbearable. If he demands an item he likes, he does not accept refusal. Moreover, it could be anything, from a cake in a store to a bunch of mother’s keys. When his parents refuse him, he reacts so horribly to this that they involuntarily wonder whether they are being too strict with him, whether they need to make concessions to him more often.

Children aged one and a half to four years lose their temper very easily. If something goes against what they want right here and now, then this becomes enough reason for hysteria. They want to make their own decisions about what concerns their lives, but at the same time feel small and helpless. Listen to adults? Not even discussed. Well, perhaps in order to please them.

How to behave during a child's tantrum?

  • A child during an attack of anger loses all control over his emotions. He hears nothing, no arguments can bring him to his senses. Any attempts to calm him down will only make the situation worse.
  • The first step is to wait until his nervous tension subsides. The best thing give the child the opportunity to throw out this energy, either ignoring his screams or, if possible, isolating him from others (“Go scream to your room. You’ll come back when you calm down”).
  • Don't make concessions to him. If his tantrums “pay off”, they will happen more and more often.
  • There is no need to try to shout him down, and under no circumstances should you succumb to anger yourself. This way you can only intimidate him. Do not forget that by your behavior you are setting an example for him.

After the child calms down

  • When you feel that the child has thrown out most of his anger, then, if he does not protest, you can try to help him calm down. Hug him and hold him tightly and tenderly. Rock it a little. This will help the baby pull himself together.
  • If you send your child to your room, remind him that he can come back to you again as soon as his temper tantrum subsides.
  • Never aggravate a conflict situation. It is you who must take the first step towards reconciliation. The child simply needs to feel that the scene he creates will in no way affect your love for him.
  • If, in a fit of anger, with sudden and uncontrolled movements, a child hurt someone or broke something, then help him fix the situation. He can ask his brother for forgiveness or collect the puzzle pieces scattered on the floor.
  • Explain to him that he, like any person, has a complete the right to be angry and express your anger, however at the same time You can’t break anything or cause pain to others.

On a cool head

  • If your child often loses his temper, if he reacts angrily to any refusal or disagreement on your part, then it’s time to think about it. Have you set boundaries for what is permitted? Does the child understand that he is not the boss in the house?
  • Are you an example for your child of people who know how to control their own emotions, extinguish their anger and remain calm? How a child copes with his own emotions largely depends on the example his parents set for him. As soon as you feel your anger rising, tell him: “I feel myself getting angry about what just happened; I need to be alone - I’ll go stand on the balcony to calm down.”

How to avoid a child's temper tantrum next time?

  • Try to divert his attention to something interesting as quickly as possible. Anything from “Oh look, there’s a pigeon on the terrace!” will do. to “Hasn’t your cartoon started?”
  • Before refusing your child, let him know that you perfectly understand his desire: “Yes, you’re right, these candies really look delicious, next time we’ll buy them.”

Teach him to find a compromise

Sometimes one “yes,” but with restrictions, resulting from negotiations with the child, can bring the conflict to naught. With this approach, there are no losers: “Okay, you can take the candy, but only one” or “Okay, you can play, but only for five minutes, no more.”

As for the child, he learns to argue his point of view, and also feels that he can agree with you and be heard by his parents. Even if he didn't get everything he wanted, he achieved something. As for you, you received obedience from the child and nullified the conflict situation. Once agreement has been reached, it is important to adhere to the agreed conditions: five minutes means five minutes, but not fifteen. If you let everything take its course, it turns out that the restrictions you set can be neglected, and your word loses weight.

Be careful: You can’t bargain with your child endlessly. If agreement has not been reached, then the last word should always remain with you.

Every hysteria has a hidden meaning

Anger becomes the result of a sharp surge of negative emotions that completely absorb the baby. An attack of rage occurs suddenly, and it is absolutely independent of whether the parents understand its true cause or not. Young children are very sensitive, and this sensitivity is not always healthy. Anger, in turn, leads to unnecessary nervousness, tension, and shame, ultimately. Or it completely provokes another anger, this time - parental.

An attack of childish anger, no matter how sudden and excessive it may seem, carries a certain meaning:

  • He expresses discontent: “I want to do something, but I can’t do it”;
  • He expresses fear of abandonment and related experiences;
  • He expresses desire to be independent, adults, decide for themselves;
  • He expresses need for respect And indignation at what may seem unfair to the child.