The most beneficial oils for facial skin. Face oil for wrinkles: how to choose and use natural anti-aging cosmetics


In cosmetology, natural vegetable and essential oils are used to nourish and rejuvenate aging skin, since their unique properties make it possible to cope with almost any problem: irritation, peeling, premature fading. Any face oil for wrinkles ( olive, linseed, sesame, almond, castor, etc.) has its own specific characteristics, but in general, each of them has an excellent nourishing, softening and moisturizing effect that counteracts aging. Most of them contain a valuable set of substances necessary for the skin: vitamins, fatty acids, coenzymes, phospholipids, microelements.

Essential oils are highly concentrated, so they are not used in their pure form, but are added in a small amount to the base base of vegetable oils, enriching them and multiplying the therapeutic effect. Essential extracts from medicinal plants, fruits and berries effectively slow down the processes of skin aging due to their antioxidant action, stimulate blood circulation, and smooth fine wrinkles. They can be added in a small amount (a few drops) to creams, masks and other cosmetic products for skin care, this will enhance the tonic and rejuvenating effect of the latter. Anti-wrinkle oil can be purchased at specialized stores or pharmacies.

  • Olive oil for wrinkles
    in excellent standing with cosmetologists, it is rich in beauty vitamins (A, E, B, C), phytoestrogens, fatty acids and minerals (calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus). It is added to many anti-aging and anti-aging products. Olive oil saturates the skin with nutrients and vitamins, makes it supple and hydrated. A natural product can be applied to the skin in its pure form, slightly heated, or included in masks, homemade creams and balms.
  • Castor oil for wrinkles obtained from the seeds of the castor bean plant. It contains a whole complex of useful monounsaturated acids (oleic, linoleic, ricinoleic). The unique properties of this product are valued in cosmetology, when applied to the skin, castor oil does not dry out, does not form a film, which allows the skin to breathe and absorb nutrients. It is used to rejuvenate and nourish the skin, with its help eliminate wrinkles and even out complexion. This product is often used as an oil for wrinkles around the eyes, as it works especially gently and effectively eliminates age-related changes in this area. Another indisputable advantage of castor oil is its hypoallergenicity and the absence of adverse reactions during use.
  • has a softening and soothing effect, can relieve irritation and reduce inflammation. This is a universal product, it is used both for the face and for body skin and hair care. Almond oil is rich in fatty acids (oleic, linoleic), contains vitamins (E, group B), bioflavonoids, carotenes, minerals and proteins. This product well revitalizes flabby and dry skin, has a tonic and rejuvenating effect. It can be used both in its pure form and as a base for dissolving essential oils. Almond oil is especially effective in combination with essential oils of lavender, patchouli, tea tree. It is better to apply it on wet skin and be aware that this product can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, before use, it is recommended to do a skin test, this will eliminate hypersensitivity reactions.
  • due to its light, liquid consistency, it easily penetrates the skin, does not create a dry film, and has a pleasant smell. This is one of the safest and hypoallergenic oils, it perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, makes it smooth and tender, and copes well with shallow wrinkles. Regular use of peach oil will give the skin a healthy, well-groomed appearance, will have a tonic, brightening, regenerating effect, eliminate irritation and dryness. This effect is achieved due to the unique composition of the product, rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, carathionides, phospholipids, minerals, vitamins A, C, P, B. Cosmetologists especially recommend this oil for sensitive, inflamed and dehydrated facial skin.

  • Linseed oil for wrinkles
    is of particular value because it contains a high concentration of useful fatty acids (linoleic, oleic, linolenic), tocopherols (vitamin E), phytohormones and folic acid. In the presence of oxygen, this oil dries quickly and creates a fairly strong transparent film on the surface of the skin. Due to this property, linseed oil is able to have a bactericidal, wound healing and regenerating effect, promotes rapid renewal of skin cells, healing of minor injuries, nourishes and moisturizes. Flax oil in the care of aging skin is used in its pure form, as part of masks or as a base for essential oils. When choosing linseed oil, it should be borne in mind that all the beneficial properties are preserved only in the product that is obtained by cold pressing.
  • An indispensable product for the care of aging skin. It is used as a base in the production of many cosmetics, used as part of homemade masks and balms. Jojoba oil is the best anti-wrinkle oil, it quickly restores tired, dehydrated skin, prevents moisture loss by creating an invisible protective film, perfectly copes with fine wrinkles around the eyes, provides a healthy complexion and protects it from the adverse effects of ultraviolet rays. It is often used as a vehicle for essential oils. According to its chemical properties, jojoba oil is much closer to vegetable waxes, it is resistant to oxidation and rancidity and consists of higher fatty acids (palmitic, stearic, behenic, gadoleic). In addition, it contains lipids, amino acids, minerals and provitamin A. The product has a delicate and non-greasy structure, is quickly absorbed, provides ideal hydration, normalizes the hydro-lipid and fat balance of the skin, and prevents premature aging. Jojoba oil exhibits bactericidal and antiseptic properties, helps to cope with inflammation and is hypoallergenic, which makes it ideal for the care of irritated and sensitive skin.
  • Argan oil a valuable product, it is extracted from the fruits of the argan tree, which grows in northern Africa. Due to its unique composition, which is based on tocopherols, carotenes, amino acids and vitamins, the oil has a beneficial effect on dry, aging skin, improves its tone, promotes accelerated renewal and recovery. This oil is quite rare and expensive, its uniqueness is determined by special substances - sterols, which in the composition of this product have a desensitizing, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.

Essential oils for wrinkles

They are highly effective due to deeper penetration into the layers of the dermis, restore and rejuvenate the skin from the inside, but they cannot be used in their pure form due to the high concentration of active substances. Therefore, essential oils are added to the plant base, masks with therapeutic clay, honey or fermented milk products.

The Best Oil-Based Recipes

  • Mask with almond oil
    . The mask is prepared from 2 tbsp. l. almond oil, in which 3 drops of peppermint essential oil are dissolved. Add 1 tsp to this basic composition. sour cream and liquid buckwheat honey and with light movements are driven into the skin of the face. The composition should be on the skin for at least half an hour, after which it can be washed off.
  • Rose oil mask. The procedure will quickly smooth out wrinkles and refresh the face. It is not difficult to prepare a mask, enough for 2 tbsp. yogurt or yogurt add 1 drop of rose essential oil, mix and apply to the skin. You do not need to keep the mask for a long time, after 5 minutes the composition can be washed off.
  • Lifting mask. For a tightening mask, mix a cocktail of vegetable and essential oils. First, an equal amount of olive oil and cumin oil are combined (1 tbsp each), then essential oils are added to this composition: 4 drops of rosemary, 2 drops of basil and 3 drops of juniper and bergamot. A mixture of oils is slightly heated in a water bath and applied to the face. The composition is very well absorbed, so after the end of the procedure you can not wash it off, but simply pat your face with a soft cloth.
  • Olive oil mask. To soften and tone the skin, you can prepare the following composition: take 50 ml of olive oil and combine it with one capsule of vitamin E. Vitamin capsules can be bought at a pharmacy, before use, their shell must be opened and the liquid contents poured into the oil. Mix the mixture, saturate a cotton pad with it and treat the face. This mask acts very gently, so it can be applied to the skin around the eyes. At the end of the procedure, the remnants of the composition are removed from the face with a wet swab. If, instead of the vitamin component, a few drops of lemon juice are added to the oil base, the mask will have a tonic effect.
  • Mask with sesame oil. A procedure using sesame oil is recommended to eliminate wrinkles in the eye area. To prepare a therapeutic composition, 50 ml of oil is mixed with 30 g of sour cream, applied to the skin in a delicate area and left until completely absorbed.
  • Mask based on essential oils and jojoba. It has an amazing anti-aging effect, instantly tones and tightens the skin, provides a radiant complexion. When mixing the constituent components, do not exceed the indicated dosage of essential oils. Jojoba oil in a volume of 7 ml is placed in a glass container and 3 drops of lavender oil and 1 drop of neroli and nutmeg oils are added to it. The composition is applied to the face and left to absorb, the remnants of the mask are blotted with a paper towel.
  • Rosehip mask. Suitable for the elimination of "crow's feet". Rosehip oil is taken as the vegetable base in this recipe. Essential oils of fennel (15 drops), frankincense (5 drops), primrose (3 drops) are added to it. The composition is stirred and applied in the usual way. The mask is quickly absorbed, so it can not be washed off, it is enough to blot the excess oil composition with a napkin.
  • Yogurt mask. In this recipe, 50 g of full-fat natural yogurt is taken as the basis. 5 drops of rose and juniper oil and 2 drops of rosemary are added to it. Apply as usual, remove residue with a soft cloth.
  • cocoa butter mask. This mask will help get rid of deep age wrinkles. For its preparation 1 tbsp. l. cocoa butter is melted in a water bath, mixed with 2 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil and add 5 drops of liquid vitamin E. The composition is driven into the skin of the face and wrinkles in the corners of the eyes with light movements. The procedure is best done in the evening, after a warm shower, apply the mask on cleansed skin.
  • Oil mixture for deep mimic wrinkles. The mixture is prepared on the basis of three components: wheat germ oil, avocado oil and jojoba oil. All ingredients are taken in the same amount (1 tablespoon each). Add 4 drops of rose essential oil and 3 drops of frankincense oil to the oil mixture. The finished composition is applied to wrinkled areas before going to bed and left overnight. Additionally, it is recommended to apply this mask during the day.

Oils can be used in the form of applications, so their effect on the skin will be more effective. For applications, oils with a delicate and light structure, such as peach, are best suited. The procedure is carried out as follows, a sterile gauze napkin is impregnated with oil and applied to the face for 30 minutes. If you add 1-2 drops of essential oil of lemon, chamomile, grapefruit to natural oil, then its effect will increase and anti-inflammatory, brightening and soothing properties will be clearly manifested.

All vegetable and most essential oils can be used to care for aging skin. It is important to find your recipe, which will turn out to be optimal and, taking into account individual characteristics (type and structure of the skin), will help slow down fading.

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Hello, in this article we will talk about cosmetic oils for the face, as a unique natural remedy for facial skin care. Made entirely on a natural basis, they have a set of useful qualities that have a beneficial effect on the condition of our skin.

Facial skin care

Reaching a certain age, every woman begins to think about the need for additional facial skin care in order to prevent her aging. Effectiveness in this regard is distinguished by natural-based products, such as cosmetic oils. They actively saturate and protect the skin due to the valuable nutrients in the composition. This is a universal remedy: for young girls it is suitable for moisturizing and fighting acne, for older women - to prevent aging, maintain skin elasticity and firmness. Beauticians recommend using anti-wrinkle oils on a regular basis.

Pros and Cons of Using Facial Oils

Natural oils are produced from a variety of raw materials of plant origin - kernels, seeds, fruits. In this case, the technology of "cold pressing" is used, during which the useful and valuable properties of the oil are preserved.

Cosmetic oils should be distinguished from equally popular essential oils. They have similarities in composition, achieved effect and impact. The main difference is the method of application:

  • Cosmetic oils for the face are fully prepared, both for independent use and as an auxiliary component. They are made by pressing or pressing with the addition of extracts, esters or in pure form.
  • Essential oils differ in the concentration of odorous and volatile substances. They are produced only in an industrial way. For cosmetic purposes, essential oil is used as an auxiliary component, due to its high concentration, it is enough to add just a few drops to a cream, lotion, shampoo, massage agent or face mask.

The advantages of oils as a cosmetic product compared to ready-made face care products are recognized by cosmetologists and have long been an indisputable fact. What is the secret of their miraculous effectiveness?

  • Natural composition. No artificial additives are used in the production of oils. Only natural raw materials, and the gentle way of processing it preserves the value and natural benefits of oils.
  • Safety. The absence of foreign components in the composition makes the oils available for use with any type of skin. The exception is individual intolerance, which can lead to the development of allergic reactions. But a wide variety of oils presented easily solves this problem, since you can choose an analogue that suits your skin. In composition, the oil is close in composition to sebum, which is produced by the sebaceous glands, due to which, our skin perceives it perfectly.
  • Wide spectrum of action. The impact of cosmetic oils is very versatile. Their regular use provides active restoration of the skin, its rejuvenation, nourishes and moisturizes, has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect, fights the first signs of aging, increases skin elasticity and firmness, eliminates fine wrinkles and prevents their appearance.

Despite these advantages, the use of oils has certain disadvantages:

  • Contraindications for use. Oils affect the skin in different ways, in this case, owners of oily skin should use them with extreme caution, choosing a product in accordance with individual characteristics and taking into account the fact that not all oils are suitable for independent use. Individual intolerance is also possible.
  • Certain difficulties in use. If it is allowed to use the oil as an independent remedy, then all that is required of you is to prepare the skin before applying it. Otherwise, a special remedy (mask, homemade cream) is prepared for the application of the oil. Such a product is not recommended for storage, therefore, before each use, you will have to prepare a new portion of it.

In principle, the disadvantages of this product are insignificant, given that the benefits of using it are much more tangible and are confirmed by many positive reviews, both by cosmetologists and ordinary consumers of this product. Which oil is best to use depends on individual skin characteristics and preferences, skin care goals. A wide selection of cosmetic oils will allow you to choose the most optimal option for you.

Cosmetic oils for a youthful face

Name Description Purpose of application Contraindications
Camphor oil In the production of oils, the bark, leaves and branches of camphor laurel are used. For cosmetic purposes, only white essential oil of camphor is used.Anti-inflammatory effect and wound healing effect, relieves acne and prevents their appearance, tightens pores, smoothes wrinkles, fights age spots.It is not used as an independent or basic remedy, due to the high concentration of active ingredients it can cause irritation up to skin burns, it is impossible for pregnant women, during lactation, in the presence of dermatitis, eczema, asthma and epilepsy.
Castor oil It is made from the seeds of a poisonous plant - castor beans. It has a pronounced softening effect, which provides a high content of ricinoleic acid.It is used in combination with care products for sensitive and dry skin, softens and moisturizes it. Stimulates rejuvenation, reduces the amount, age spots become lighter. Suitable for skin care around the eyes.Individual intolerance, does not apply independently, only as part of other means.
Linseed oil To get it, you need flax seeds. The oil is widely used for cosmetic purposes, as well as a biologically active food supplement due to the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and omega3.One of the best options for dryness, peeling and inflammation. Flax seed oil deeply moisturizes, reduces acne, age-related changes in the form of fine wrinkles, nourishes the skin and improves overall condition.
Olive oil Olive oil is the leader in the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, natural antiseptics and antioxidants, vitamin E.The best option for nourishing and moisturizing skin prone to dryness, in the fight against the first signs of aging, as well as pronounced signs of age-related changes, it is recommended to increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin.Not recommended for oily skin, but limited use in homemade skin care products is acceptable.
Sesame oil Derived from African sesame seeds, the oil contains magnesium, phosphorus and calcium, as well as acids such as: stearic, oleic, linoleic, arachidic, etc.The oil is suitable for almost all skin types. It is especially effective for skin care around the eyes: it removes puffiness, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, and smoothes fine, superficial wrinkles. Useful for dry skin, reduces flaking and irritation. Promotes regenerating processes and forms a natural protective barrier against the negative effects of the environment, stimulates the production of collagen.Individual intolerance. It is used as a basic basis for cosmetics.
Rosehip oil Derived from wild rose seeds, this product contains a high concentration of ascorbic acid and vitamin C.The tool is indispensable for a course of rejuvenation, can be used as an independent skin care product in the eye area, reduces swelling and pigmentation.Skin prone to oily, acne, individual intolerance.
Wheat germ oil The oil is obtained from wheat germ, contains a high concentration of "beauty vitamin" - vitamin E, which is indispensable for anti-aging procedures.Recommended for dry facial skin prone to flaking and inflammation, effective for combating the first signs of aging: fine wrinkles, reduced skin turgor.It is not recommended as an independent remedy for oily skin, individual intolerance.
Sea buckthorn oil Sea buckthorn fruit and seed oil contains vitamins A and E, ascorbic acid, and vitamin C.The regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties of the oil have found wide application, both in cosmetology and medicinal wholes. It promotes the speedy healing of cuts, shallow wounds, softens dry skin and reduces cracks. With its help, acne, eczema, dermatitis and lichen are treated. As a rejuvenating agent, it is used alone or as part of other agents. The oil reduces pronounced wrinkles and helps to slow down their increase.Individual intolerance.
apricot oil Apricot kernel oil contains a large amount of B vitamins, as well as A, E and F. Polyunsaturated fatty acids in the composition.Softens and nourishes even rough skin. Restores the natural natural protective layer. Effective as an anti-wrinkle prophylactic for the eye area.Individual intolerance.
Jojoba oil To obtain jojoba oil, the fruits of an evergreen shrub (Simmondsie chinensis) are used. In its structure, it is strikingly different from the oils presented: a thick and viscous consistency resembles liquid wax. It contains a rich complex of amino acids, a high percentage of protein, as well as vitamin E.Jojoba oil actively nourishes and moisturizes the skin, it can be used for sensitive skin prone to inflammation and rashes due to its healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Evens complexion, fights age-related changes, especially this oil is useful for the skin around the eyes.Individual intolerance, is used only as part of care products.
Almond oil Almond oil is obtained from the kernels of bitter almonds. It has found wide application in cosmetology due to the high content of useful substances: carotenes, phenolic compounds, B vitamins, as well as A and E, phytosterols and tocosterols, linoleic acid glyceride, polyunsaturated fatty acids.The light texture of this oil makes it ideal for all skin types. It promotes the processes of tissue regeneration and renewal, slows down the aging process, saturates and nourishes the skin, moisturizes and fights peeling, protects against ultraviolet radiation, creating a natural barrier on the skin that prevents the negative effects of the environment.Individual intolerance.
Peach oil The seeds of the fruit peach tree give a useful and effective oil for cosmetic purposes. It is enriched with vitamins A, E, group B, contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, as well as oleic, linoleic, stearic and palmitic.The oil has a light texture and is therefore suitable even for sensitive skin and the skin around the eyes, it can be used as an independent tool, applying pointwise to problem areas. With age-related changes, it increases elasticity, reduces wrinkles, improves complexion.Individual intolerance.
Grape seed oil Antioxidant-rich grape seed oil also contains vitamins B, A, C, E.The oil is recommended for all skin types, including oily and problematic. It regulates the sebaceous glands, reduces inflammation, tightens pores and gives the skin a matte finish. Grape seed oil moisturizes the skin, preventing its dehydration, stimulates the natural processes of rejuvenation and collagen production.Individual intolerance.
avocado oil From the avocado fruits rich in useful substances, an oil that is no less useful for the skin of the face is obtained. It contains antioxidants, micro and macro elements, essential oils.The presence of squalene promotes rejuvenation and slows down the natural aging process, it also provides better absorption of carotene, increases the production of collagen by the body.Individual intolerance.

At the age of 30 years, preference should be given to oils with a light texture (peach, almond), they are suitable for caring for young skin, regulate the sebaceous glands and moisturize. In the future, pay attention to the oils recommended for the care of the area around the eyes - this area is primarily prone to the appearance of wrinkles.

Cosmetic oils after 50 years are avocado, jojoba. They will saturate aging skin with a complex of nutrients, helping to smooth fine wrinkles and improve skin tone.

How to use facial oil

Cosmetic oils are suitable for various. The absence of synthetic components makes them safe to use. Of course, one should not exclude individual intolerance to a certain oil. To identify this, it is recommended to conduct a test before use: apply a couple of drops of oil on the elbow and leave for several hours. If no reaction followed, you can safely use the oil for cosmetic purposes.

Features of the application depend on which oil is used. Not all oils are suitable for independent use. This means that the oil can be added to a cream, mask or make your own skin care product. Given the natural composition of cosmetic oils, products with their addition will be prone to rapid spoilage. Therefore, the best option is to mix the product immediately before use.

If self-use of oil is allowed, then before using it, it is necessary to prepare the skin of the face:

  • Make light peeling and other cleansing procedures.
  • The oil is applied pointwise, on problem areas with light massage movements. The best time to use oils is in the evening.
  • After application, blot the remaining oil with a paper towel.

This method allows you to use cosmetic oil instead of cream.

Recipes for skin care products based on cosmetic oils

Products made using cosmetic oils have a wide spectrum of action. For daily care, it is recommended to add a few drops of the selected oil directly to the cream. Such a tool must be used for a long time on a regular basis. A faster and more noticeable result can be achieved with the help of cosmetic masks based on oils. Enough 2-3 sessions per week for 3 weeks. Masks are applied to clean, dry skin and aged for about half an hour, then the remnants are removed with a paper towel or washed off.

Camphor mask

  • camphor oil - 1 tsp;
  • egg yolk;
  • starch - 1 tbsp;
  • vitamin E - 3-4 drops;
  • rosehip decoction.

Mix the oil with the yolk with the addition of starch and vitamin E, the resulting mixture is diluted with rosehip broth to get a puree-like structure.


  • linseed oil - 1 tsp;
  • jasmine and rose petals - 1 tbsp;
  • currant leaves - 1 tbsp;
  • butter - 2 tablespoons;
  • beeswax - 1 tbsp;
  • vitamin A - 8 drops.

Grind the leaves, heat the margarine, melt the beeswax and butter for a couple, mix, adding vitamin A. The resulting cream is stored in the refrigerator.

Castor mask for nourishing and moisturizing the skin

  • castor oil - 1 tsp;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • butter - 1 tsp;
  • oatmeal - 1 tbsp

Mix honey and oils, heat milk and pour oatmeal, let it brew, combine with the rest of the ingredients.

Sesame oil for regenerating masks

  • sesame oil - 1 tsp;
  • egg yolk;
  • honey 1 tsp

Melt honey in a water bath, add butter, beat the yolk and pour into the mixture.

Revitalizing Nourishing Sea Buckthorn Mask

  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - 1 tsp;
  • blue clay - 2 tablespoons;
  • egg yolk.

Grind the yolk, it should be at room temperature. Warm sea buckthorn oil slightly. Mix everything together.

Wheat germ oil rejuvenating mask

  • oil - 1 tsp;
  • a small potato;
  • egg yolk.

Grind potatoes in a blender or food processor, mix with oil.

Mask based on rosehip oil against wrinkles

  • rosehip oil - 1 tsp;
  • olive oil - 2 tsp;
  • aloe juice - 1 tsp;
  • baby cream - 5 g.

Mix the ingredients and apply on the face.

Apricot mask for skin rejuvenation and nutrition

  • apricot oil - 1 tsp;
  • oatmeal - 2 tablespoons;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • some milk.

Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder or blender, add a little warm milk to make a gruel, let it brew for 10-15 minutes, add the rest of the ingredients.

Mask based on jojoba oil against wrinkles

  • jojoba oil - 8-10 drops;
  • retinol - 1 ampoule;
  • egg yolk;
  • low-fat cottage cheese (1-2%) - 1-2 tbsp.

Grind the yolk, add the rest of the ingredients, the cottage cheese should be at room temperature.

Mask based on almond and argan oil

  • almond oil - 1 tsp;
  • argan oil - 1 tsp;
  • egg yolk;
  • honey - 1 tsp

Mix the ingredients.

Peach mask against wrinkles and age spots

  • peach oil - 1 tsp;
  • blue clay - 3 tablespoons;
  • cornstarch - 1 tbsp;
  • water at room temperature.

Mix clay with starch and dilute with water to make a slurry, add oil, apply to clean skin.

Regular skin care with the help of cosmetic oils contributes to maintaining healthy and youthful skin. This affordable tool in its effectiveness can replace expensive cosmetics and even salon procedures. The composition of masks and creams can be combined, adding or excluding certain components, taking into account the characteristics of your skin.

The main component of many skin care products are ordinary natural oils. "Oil formulas" are especially typical for serums, moisturizing, caring creams and masks. Contrary to popular belief, vegetable fats are useful for more than just dryness and related cosmetic blemishes. The vitamins and microelements included in their composition are also indispensable for other skin problems - acne, acne, pimples and viral rashes, cuts, allergic reactions, hypovitaminosis.

Skin oils are divided into two types - cosmetic and essential. The first are obtained by pressing and "cold pressing" of plant materials. The latter are extracted by steam distillation, chemical extraction, and sorbents. Essential oils are rarely used in their pure form. Usually they are added to the base (in natural oil or cream) in a few drops. But sometimes for medicinal purposes they can be used independently.

Benefits of oils for skin


Cosmetologists consider oil the most natural and safe "transport" for vitamins, phospholipids and minerals. Oils have excellent "penetrating" abilities, are quickly absorbed and actively affect the upper layers of the epidermis and subcutaneous fat. Depending on the composition, oils can have a slight or pronounced effect on the skin. anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, tightening, moisturizing, toning, anti-cellulite action.

Cosmetologists are unanimous - oils are useful. But - completely replacing creams with oils - day or night - means harming the skin!

Oils are a natural product, so they can cause allergies. They perfectly retain moisture in the skin - but they themselves are poorly absorbed, so they can clog pores, cause irritation and provoke "black spots" on the face.

In its pure form, oils are used for scalp care and massage of the face and body. It is good to add them to creams and masks. But at night instead of a cream, oil is still not worth leaving. It is important to measure- otherwise useful and fragrant product can damage the skin.

You can choose the oil suitable for specific skin problems, guided by the table:

Essential oils and skin type

Skin problems


anise oil
for aging skin

Loose skin, wrinkles, loss of tone

Increases elasticity, turgor, skin elasticity, normalizes water-fat balance

best oil for dry, oily, aging skin

Peeling, calluses, dryness, enlarged pores, pigmentation

Softens rough, dry skin; eliminates peeling; whitens freckles and age spots; narrows enlarged pores; dries up pimples

Bergamot oil
for oily skin

Hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands, sweating, pigmentation, acne, inflammation

Removes irritation, tightens pores, refreshes, tones

grapefruit oil
best oil for blackheads

Eliminates oily skin problems -
blackheads, enlarged pores, cellulite

It has a stimulating effect on metabolic processes, tones, regulates the production of collagen

suitable for normal, dry, oily, problematic skin

Loss of tone, dull color, rosacea, blackheads, viral and bacterial infections

It has an antiseptic, tonic, immunomodulatory effect, stimulates the production of collagen and renewal of skin cells.

best essential oil for all skin types

Enlarged pores, acne, wrinkles, dryness, allergic reactions

Moisturizes, tones, tightens pores, regulates sebum production; there is a slight anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect; reduces the harm from UV radiation in the solarium (after sunburn)

juniper oil
for oily, aging skin

Reduced tone, acne, inflammation, enlarged pores

Accelerates metabolism, removes toxins, acts as an antiseptic

rosemary oil
for oily, problematic skin

Pimples, acne, blackheads, scars, aging skin

Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action, acceleration of metabolism

the best oil for aging, damaged, sensitive skin

Decreased tone, peeling, age spots

Accelerates metabolism, increases elasticity, whitens, reduces rosacea

best essential oil for damaged, problematic, oily skin

Pimples, herpes and bacterial infections, wounds, cuts

Antiseptic, antiviral, drying action

natural oils

Skin type and problems


apricot oil
for aging, dry skin

Hypovitaminosis, dehydration, wrinkles, peeling, loss of tone

Stimulates cell metabolism, moisturizes, nourishes, saturates with vitamins

best oil for dry, damaged skin

Dehydration of the skin, loss of elasticity, wilting

Improves blood circulation, saturates with vitamins and fatty acids, stimulates collagen production

for aging, problematic, normal, dry, oily skin

Hypovitaminosis, decreased tone, inflammation, dryness, peeling

Narrows enlarged pores, evens out color, improves elasticity, refreshes, tones

Almond oil
for normal, sensitive, dry, problematic skin

Dryness, peeling, irritation, hypovitaminosis

Nourishes, moisturizes, relieves irritation

for dry, aging, normal skin, sensitive skin

The appearance of wrinkles, allergic reactions to other oils

Used as a base cosmetic oil, moisturizes, cleanses, suitable for all skin types

the best natural oil for problematic, aging, sensitive skin

Inflammation, viral and bacterial infections, dryness, hypovitaminosis

Moisturizes, rejuvenates, nourishes the skin, saturates with vitamins, has an antioxidant effect

Peach oil
for dry, sensitive, aging skin

Dehydration, loss of tone, dull complexion, wrinkles, age spots

Moisturizes, cleanses, whitens, relieves puffiness and dark circles, rejuvenates, softens, tightens, reduces wrinkles, relieves inflammation

Milk thistle oil
for problematic and oily skin

Inflammation, difficult to heal wounds

Promotes epithelialization, normalizes the sebaceous glands

best oil for dry and aging skin

Peeling, premature aging, dehydration

Moisturizes, softens, positively affects the production of collagen

Soybean oil
for dry, normal skin

Dryness, loss of tone, fatigue

Refreshes, moisturizes, saturates with vitamins

Choose from the table the oil that best solves the problems of your particular skin type.

For example, soybean oil as a base oil is in no way inferior to olive oil. However, it is not recommended for use on oily facial skin, as soy can clog pores and provoke the appearance of comedones (“black dots”).

Let's talk about the best oils for different skin types in more detail:

The best natural beauty oils for skin

1st place is occupied by grape seed oil - for versatility

Price:from 90 rublesBotanika (for 50 ml) up to 500 rublesBasso for 1 liter.

Active ingredients: vitamins (A, C, E, B), polyunsaturated fatty acids.


Grape seed oil is a frequent component of branded cosmetics and a truly versatile remedy. Due to the unique composition, it is suitable for different skin, smells good, and almost does not cause negative reactions. The vitamins contained in it increase the elasticity of the skin, prevent the formation of wrinkles and equally eliminate both dryness and oily sheen.

How to use?

As a base for masks, cream additives, make-up removers and cleansers. Grapeseed oil, unlike olive or soybean oil, can be left on the skin.

Nuances: for the skin, it is better to use cold-pressed oil, because. hot foods have fewer antioxidants.

2nd place is occupied by olive oil - for availability


Price:from 140 rubles for 100 grams to 2000 rubles for 5 liters

Active ingredients: vitamins (A, E, K, B, D), Omega-6 and Omega-3 acids, oleic acid.

Action: nourishes, cleanses, moisturizes, eliminates peeling.

Olive oil is good because it can be used for both culinary and cosmetic purposes. It is better to pour the care part into a separate container and store in the refrigerator. Olive oil should not be left on oily skin for a long time. After it, it is better to wash your face or wipe it with a tonic, but it can be applied to hardened feet or elbows at night.

What is the best way to use olive oil for skin?

As a make-up remover, base for masks, body wraps. Olive oil with salt, pepper or honey copes well with cellulite, heated in a water bath - softens the skin of the hands and feet.

Nuances: masks based on olive oil are applied even on dry skin of the face for only 10-15 minutes, after which they are washed off. Olive oil is considered hypoallergenic, so it can be used on sensitive skin.

3rd place is occupied by sea buckthorn oil - for the benefit!


Price:from 70 rubles for 50 milliliters

Active ingredients: vitamins (A, C, E, B1, B6, B2, P, F), zinc, strontium, magnesium, iron, calcium.

Action: nourishes, heals wounds, accelerates the processes of tissue regeneration, increases elasticity.

Often, cosmetic defects are just a manifestation of bacterial and viral infections, damage, hypovitaminosis, and slow metabolism. Sea buckthorn oil helps to cope with these problems thanks to a record amount of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. It can be used for both skin and hair, applied as a base cosmetic or added to other creams, oils and masks.

How to use?

In its pure form - lubricate damaged areas of the skin (cuts, scratches, herpes, burns), acne and pimples with a cotton swab with sea buckthorn oil. Up to 30% can be added to masks and creams for dry and normal skin. Sea buckthorn oil can be rubbed into the cuticle after a manicure or pedicure, as well as into the scalp before washing the hair (for dryness and flaking).

Nuances: With wrinkles, it is enough to add just a few drops of sea buckthorn oil to the cream. Cosmetologists highly do not recommend the use of sea buckthorn oil in its pure form on healthy skin, since with systemic use it can depress natural immunity.

4th place is occupied by avocado oil - for natural skin support


Price:from 100 rubles for 30 millilitersplanetaOrganica up to 1250 rubles for 120 milliliters from Diar Argan.

Active ingredients: vitamins (A, D, C, PP, E), potassium, zinc, oleic, linoleic, stearic, linolenic fatty acids.

Action: moisturizes, rejuvenates, protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation and the harmful effects of the environment.

Avocado oil is close in composition and PH balance to human fat, it is quickly absorbed and redistributed in the subcutaneous tissue, delivering valuable vitamins and minerals to the cells. It can be used as a base for any type of skin, but best of all solves problems on flaky, dry and problematic acne areas. In summer, avocado oil will protect against UV radiation (natural SPF up to 6).

How to use?

Add to care products (creams, masks) 1 drop per 1 gram. Apply with a cotton pad to oily or normal skin to remove makeup, apply for 30 minutes as a mask on dry skin.

Nuances: Avocado oil can be kept on the face for a long time and lubricated with it on the skin around the eyes, but it is better to blot the excess with a napkin.

5th place is occupied by Shea butter - for a pleasant aroma and melting texture


Price:from 200 rubles for 30 milliliters from Elfarm to 600 rubles for 250 milliliters from Therme.

Active ingredients: fatty acids (oleic, stearic, linoleic), phenols, steroids, vitamins (tocopherols).

Action: moisturizes, nourishes, softens, rejuvenates the skin.

Shea butter or shea butter is the only hard butter. It is obtained from the fruits of tropical trees in Africa, where it is mainly eaten. In the world, this product is especially loved by chocolate manufacturers and cosmetologists. Shea butter is often used in spa treatments. It quickly melts on contact with the skin, perfectly moisturizing and nourishing it.

How to use?

Lubricate dry, damaged and rough skin, scratches, eczema, wrinkles; knead warmed shea butter in homemade creams and masks; lubricate problem areas of the skin with a small piece before going to bed or before going outside in the cold season.

Nuances: Shea butter is well absorbed on dry, rough and dull skin, but leaves a sheen on normal and oily skin. Excess shea butter is blotted with a dry cloth.

The best essential cosmetic oils for skin

1st place is occupied by tea tree oil - for a wide spectrum of action


Price:from 120 rublesBotanika (but only for 50 ml) up to 500 rublesBasso for 1 liter

Active ingredients: monoterpenes, L-terpineol, B-terpineol.

Action: cleanses, nourishes, moisturizes, removes toxins, increases skin turgor.

Tea tree oil whitens teeth, heals wounds, dries pimples, stimulates hair growth. It relieves inflammation, stimulates blood circulation, inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi, whitens age spots, evens out the color and texture of the skin. But in working with this natural antiseptic, cosmetologists recommend carefully observing the dosage.

How to use?

In its pure form, tea tree oil is used to disinfect cracks and other minor superficial wounds, and for cosmetic purposes - add essential oil to the base (in a ratio of 1 to 10 with olive or other vegetable cosmetic oil; 1 drop - per 1 gram of cream or massage oil ).

Nuances: tea tree oil in its pure form is used to destroy dandruff from the scalp, and treat nails affected by fungus. To do this, it is rubbed into the affected areas for several minutes.

2nd place - lemon oil, suitable for all skin types


Price:from 80 rubles for "Crimean Rose" to 160 rubles for "Aromatica" for 10 ml.

Active ingredients: linalool, pinene.

Action: tonic, antiseptic, immunomodulatory; promotes the production of collagen.

Lemon oil rejuvenates the skin. Just a few drops of it, added to the basic base, have a powerful tonic effect and stimulate cell renewal processes. On oily skin, lemon oil helps to get rid of rosacea and acne, on dry skin it eliminates peeling. In addition, it helps to increase elasticity, smooth the relief, tighten the oval of the face, lighten freckles and age spots.

How to use?

Add 1 drop of lemon oil per 3-4 grams of cream or base natural oil for cosmetic procedures; 1 drop - per 2 grams of massage agent.

Nuances: Lemon oil is good for all skin types, but it is recommended to mix it with different bases. For oily skin, it is good to mix it with grape seed oil, for dry skin - with peach oil or avocado oil, for skin whitening - with sea buckthorn oil.

3rd place is occupied by ylang-ylang oil - for high efficiency


Price:from 100 rubles

Active ingredients: pinene, geraniol, phytol, formic, valeric, acetic acids.

Action: anti-inflammatory, emollient, tonic.

Ylang-ylang oil tightens pores, helps to quickly get rid of eczema, dermatosis, acne. It is equally effective for oily, dry and normal skin. As part of other cosmetic oils, it stimulates the production of collagen. It goes well with olive oil, peach oil, avocado oil. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it reduces itching and damage from UV radiation.

How to use?

Add 3 drops to 1 tablespoon of base cream or oil.

4th place is occupied by orange oil - for a delicious aroma


Price:from 100 rublesBotanika up to 200 rubles from Elfarm.

Active ingredients: limonene, citral, terpene alcohols, geraniol.

Action: anti-cellulite, softening, toning.

Orange oil perfectly narrows enlarged pores, helps get rid of cellulite, and dries out acne. On dry skin, it can be used to cope with peeling, and on oily skin, it can normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Like other essential oils on our list, orange oil for skin is not recommended to be used in its pure form.

How to use?

Add 3 drops to 1 tablespoon of skin base cream or oil, or 5-10 drops to a tablespoon of water treatment base.

Nuances: using orange oil in anti-cellulite procedures, both oil and salt (special for baths or ordinary sea salt) can be taken as a base, it is not recommended to add oil in its pure form to water.

5th place is taken by rose oil - for the tone for the soul


Price:from 160 rubles for "Crimean Rose" to 3600 rubles forLivingNature.

Active ingredients: geraniol, stearopten.

Action: tonic, whitening.

Rose oil is obtained from rosehip flowers. It is best suited for aging skin, which returns youth, if not after the first application, then with regular use for at least a month. The esters contained in it speed up the metabolism and stimulate the production of collagen, increasing elasticity and improving regenerative abilities. This oil is often recommended for damage, fatigue, the consequences of poor ecology. An additional bonus from its use is the benefit for the soul. Due to its influence on dopamine receptors, rose oil helps to increase efficiency, creativity and erotic desire.

How to use?

Add 2-3 drops per dose of cream or mask, 5 drops per 15 grams of massage or bath base, up to 10 drops per 250 ml. face lotion or toner.

Nuances: in its pure form, rose oil is not recommended, but it can be done for the treatment of herpes (course 2-3 times a day for a week).

Which oil for body and face is better to choose?

Obviously, it's best to choose an oil that's right for your skin type (and then look for a way to use it that's right for your specific concerns). If you turn to, it is clear that juniper, bergamot, tea tree, ylang-ylang, rosemary essential oils are well suited for oily skin, and grape seed or milk thistle oil as a base. All natural oils are strong reagents, in which nutrients are in a fairly high concentration, so cosmetologists recommend mixing them with caution with factory-made cosmetic and pharmaceutical products.

Attention! There are contraindications, you need to consult a specialist

In fact, in fact, in order to take care of your body, you do not need anything more than natural cold-pressed vegetable oils. One or two bottles of various oils are enough to tidy up all of yourself - from the ends of your hair to your little fingers. Not a single most expensive cream, not a single most popular face mask can be compared with the effective action of oils.

Today we'll talk about what oil is best for face. Moreover, each type has its own “ideal” oil.

Girls, if you choose the right oil, it can work wonders. And do not rush to close this page, those who have oily skin. I have repeatedly repeated that it is she who needs oil care. And we on it Klerasil, and we on not caustic chemistry ….
In this article, I will help you choose the right oil for your skin type.

Well, firstly, and most importantly, the better the oil, the more effective it is. What is quality oil? This is a cold-pressed vegetable oil with a certificate of organic product on the bottle (please, with a recognized certificate, otherwise we can all write a lot on the packaging!) Or with your 100% certainty that it is really pure (the olives were grown by ourselves, with our own hands crushed, poured into bottles themselves.This, of course, is exaggerated, but the essence is clear, I think).

Best Facial Oil - Types of Oils

Secondly, it is necessary to distinguish between dry, semi-dry and non-dry oils.

Non-dry oils much richer and more nutritious than dry oils. They contain more saturated fatty acids. Typical non-dry oils are, for example, avocado or macadamia oil, which, by the way, contain a fatty acid that is even found in the lubrication of the skin of newborns.

Non-dry oils, although they are perfectly absorbed by the skin, leave an oil film on it. Therefore, if you choose a massage oil, it should be a non-dry oil or a mixture of dry and non-dry.

Dry oils contain a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids and are perfectly absorbed by the skin. Typical dry oils are safflower oil, grape seed oil, argan oil. These oils are ideal for oily skin.

Semi-dry oils contain up to 50% unsaturated fatty acids. They are also great for massage as they don't absorb very quickly leaving your skin feeling velvety. Such oils include, for example, apricot kernel oil and sesame oil.

Jojoba oil is in a separate category, because it is ... not oil at all, but liquid wax. Girls, did you know about this? Unlike oils, jojoba is not sticky, but a very soft oil. It is quickly and well absorbed by the skin and is especially suitable for acne prone skin. Girls, WARNING! Jojoba oil can work wonders. If you have such a problem, then reduce care to a minimum: wash only with clay plus jojoba oil on wet skin. In a month you won't recognize your face in the mirror!!!

So which oils are best for which skin type?

What oil is best for the face?

Dry and sensitive skin: For such skin, oil with a high content of unsaturated fatty acids is primarily suitable with the addition of more nourishing ingredients, such as argan oil, evening primrose oil, pomegranate seed oil, macadamia oil, coconut oil, olive oil.

Sensitive skin: evening primrose oil, borage seed oil, chamomile seed oil

Combination skin, oily skin, acne prone: Oily skin is caused by overactive sebaceous glands. Therefore, light dry oils are suitable for oily skin, which, as it were, say to the skin: “hey, you are already so oily! It’s good to continue to produce fat, ”but at the same time they don’t clog pores. The classic oil for oily skin and acne skin is aloe oil. Also, safflower oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil works well with such skin, it narrows pores well and heals pimples, rosehip oil not only mattifies the skin, but also helps cells renew themselves.

For mature skin macadamia oil is great, as it instantly smoothes fine wrinkles and nourishes the skin. And rosehip oil helps to lighten age spots.

And all the oils are great as a make-up remover. To do this, any favorite is applied a little to a damp cotton pad and gently wipe the face, eyes, lips.

A well-known manufacturer has a huge amount of high-quality vegetable certified (!!!) oils Aromashka.

  • Girls! Oil should ALWAYS be applied to wet skin! Only in this way can it be completely absorbed.
  • Clay face masks work much better if you put a couple of drops of oil on a damp face before using them and let them completely absorb.
  • Hands off ready-made so-called Oils for the body or face! They contain 99% paraffin or other petroleum products. If you don't believe me, read the ingredients on the bottle.

Looking for a ready-made oil, such as hydrophilic oil for skin cleansing? I tested 30 known hydrophilic oils for critical ingredients. Do Tony Moly and Holika Holika oils contain these? What budget hydrophilic oils can I buy?

Cosmetic oils are very popular among the fair sex. And for good reason - they moisturize and nourish well, help restore freshness to fading facial skin. They are also completely natural, which makes them even more in demand.


Oils are:

  • Base oils are those oils that are obtained by hot and cold pressing - coconut, avocado, shea, mango and many others.

  • Essential - oils with a characteristic odor and taste that do not leave marks on clothes and surfaces, because they evaporate immediately. They are also called "volatile". These are esters of orange, cloves, cinnamon, lavender, mint, patchouli, eucalyptus, and so on.

Beneficial features

The positive effect of oils on the skin of the face can not be overestimated. So they are:

  • Helps to produce collagen, which leads to the prolongation of youth and the later appearance of wrinkles;
  • Includes vitamins and minerals that nourish;
  • Suitable for skin hydration and color improvement;
  • Keep the skin toned and improve blood circulation;
  • Get rid of inflammation and redness;
  • Certain species have an antiseptic effect;
  • Almost all have a hypoallergenic effect;
  • Protect from the harmful effects of environmental factors, including ultraviolet radiation.

How to choose according to skin type

Many women and girls are guided when choosing a well-known brand or good reviews and are upset that the purchased product did not have the desired effect. The thing is that it is best to focus on what type of skin you have.

Dry skin

It should first be moistened with tonic or pink water - this will improve the effect. The best thing you can do for this type of skin is to moisturize it as much as possible. Oils that do this:

  • Avocado. Champion in moisturizers. It nourishes well, makes the skin elastic, and also provides protection from ultraviolet radiation;
  • Macadamia nut. Often used in anti-aging creams. Excellent moisturizing, making it suitable even for very dry skin that has experienced acne;
  • Jojoba. It is perfectly absorbed, protects the face from any harmful external influences;
  • Wheat germ. Rich in antioxidants.

Oily skin

Here you need to give preference to those means that protect the face from the production of subcutaneous fat and oily sheen. Therefore, fatty products are not suitable in any way, here you need something light, such as:

  • Grape seed oil. Often used in cleansers for oily skin. Regulate the water-lipid balance, tighten and relieve oily sheen;
  • Hazelnut. Reduces inflammation, suitable for sensitive skin;
  • Jojoba. Suitable for oily skin too. Eliminates blackheads, nourishes. With this oil, the scars from old pimples disappear, and new ones do not appear;
  • Hemp. Recent studies tell us that it has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. Helps to cope with irritations;
  • Japanese camellia. Gently moisturizes, does not give a greasy shine, cares for the skin.

Normal or combination skin

  • Jojoba. Valuable and effective oil for all skin types, moisturizes, but does not give a greasy sheen, takes good care and nourishes;
  • Almond oil is good not only for care, but also for UV protection. Therefore, it is best to use it in the warm season;
  • Grape seed and its ether moisturizes well and is often included in creams and scrubs;
  • Coconut almost entirely consists of saturated fats, and also has a bactericidal effect;
  • Sea buckthorn products were made many years ago. It is known for healing wounds, coping with inflammation and is good for dermatological problems.

Anti-aging care

Over the years, our face needs more and more care. It should be better nourished and saturated with vitamins and antioxidants. Oils that do this well:

  • Argan. Indispensable in skin care. Normalizes the water-lipid balance and contains acids that nourish mature skin;
  • Apricot oil is famous for regenerating cells and giving the skin youth, and also saturates it with vitamins and acids;
  • From rice bran. Rich in antioxidants, acids and nourishes the skin with vitamin E;
  • Mosque roses. Contains a lot of vitamin A and is the best suited for care around the eyes;
  • Borago gives the skin youth and elasticity. Not surprisingly, this oil is often used in anti-aging cosmetics;
  • Evening primrose eliminates wrinkles, but is only suitable as an addition to basic care.

Oils for skin diseases

For diseases such as psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema, special skin care is needed. In this case, you can help:

  • Kiwi, blackcurrant and hemp;
  • Apricot, soybean, grape and baobab;
  • Borago.

It is worth starting with applying a few drops to the fingertips and gently spreading with light circular movements over the face and around the eyes. A facial massage will also help. You should start it in the cheeks and forehead, and then gradually go down.

An important nuance: you should use the remedy only if you are not allergic to it. It's pretty easy to find out. Before use, apply a few drops to the sensitive epidermis of the wrist or bend of the elbow, and if there is no irritation or redness within five minutes, then everything is fine.

Recipes for masks at home

First of all, you should know a few rules for the proper preparation of masks from oils. After all, if you do not follow them, the effect may not be.

  • Be sure to warm the mixture before use. Otherwise, it will not properly absorb into the skin. Heating should be done strictly in a water or steam bath, without using a microwave;
  • Mix all the ingredients before heating them and in equal proportions. An exception applies only to mixtures of base oils with essential oils;
  • Vegetable oil with essential should be mixed in proportion to one spoon two or three drops;
  • The product should be applied after washing, preferably on a steamed and clean face;
  • It is worth making masks in the evening, when you definitely will no longer paint and apply other products to the skin;
  • Oils do not require rinsing, but if you feel uncomfortable, you can clean your face with tonic or micellar water.

Making masks at home is easy and rewarding because you choose the ingredients and know exactly what each product contains.

  • Dry skin care. First of all, you need to take some vegetable oil and heat it up. Take gauze, after cutting holes for the nose, eyes and mouth, soak it in warm oil and put it on your face. After fifteen minutes, remove the napkin and rub your face with water. Take dried chamomile flowers and string - a tablespoon each - and pour three tablespoons of olive oil. Put the resulting mixture in a water bath for ten minutes, cool, then take a teaspoon of the mixture and rub it with the yolk. The mask is ready, now you just need to apply it in a thin layer on the face and leave for fifteen minutes. And then wipe your face with tea leaves.