Which moon should be cut. pregnancy and hair

March 8

Not everyone and not always think about when it is better to cut their hair. Most often we go to the hairdresser when it is convenient for us or there is free time. Our ancestors paid much attention to this process. more attention because they attached great importance to their hair. It was believed that they should be cut as little as possible and it should be done correctly.

Ancient Slavic practices, folk signs, the lunar calendar contain recommendations on this issue. Let's find out when you can cut your hair, and at what time it is advisable to postpone a visit to the hairdresser.

The natural satellite of our planet affects many processes occurring in nature, as well as the well-being, mood, and health of people. Our curls are no exception.

Consider when you can cut your hair according to the lunar calendar.

Waning and waxing moon

  1. The growing phase is considered the most suitable and favorable time for a visit to the hairdresser, by doing a haircut at this time, you will ensure fast growth new healthy curls.
  2. Cut strands on the new moon - shorten your life.
  3. If you cut a newborn baby with a growing moon, his health will be strong and baldness will not threaten him in the future.
  4. When the moon is waning, it is strictly forbidden to shorten the strands, since in the future they will grow very slowly.
  5. If you cut your hair during the waning moon, according to popular beliefs, your eyesight will begin to deteriorate.
  6. At full moon it is allowed to trim the ends of the curls, it is forbidden to radically change the length of the hair.
  7. You should not perform manipulations with strands during the new moon.
  8. It is necessary to forget about experiments with hair on the 9th, 23rd, 29th days of the lunar cycle. During these periods ("Satan's time") protective energy forces human body become weaker, because of which you risk harming not only curls, but also bioenergy, this can lead to illness, loss of strength.
  9. Lunar days and solar eclipse are forbidden for haircuts, otherwise you can incur many troubles and ailments.

Zodiac constellations and moon

The quality of the haircut is determined by the position of the night star in the constellation. Before going to the hairdresser, it is worth looking at which zodiac sign the moon is in now:

  • Aries, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Scorpio - the wrong period for shortening curls;
  • Cancer, Pisces - after a haircut, the curls will grow for a very long time, they will begin to tangle, the quality will deteriorate;
  • Capricorn, Leo, Virgo, Taurus - the perfect time has come to go to a beauty salon to update your hair, after cutting your hair will become stronger, more beautiful, healthier;
  • Libra, Gemini - neutral periods that do not affect the quality, health, condition of the hair.

Choose the day of the week to update the hairstyle

Before signing up for a beauty salon to change your image, let's try to find out which days are best to cut your hair during the week:

  • Monday is the most suitable day, cutting off the curls at this time, even by the minimum amount, you can get rid of negative energy, problems, failures;
  • Tuesday - if you want to change the course of life, bring activity to it, new events need to go to the hairdresser on such a day;
  • Wednesday - visiting the salon on this day, you can not only change your haircut, but also attract new acquaintances, business contacts, pleasant events into your destiny;
  • Thursday is a great day for a visit to a beauty salon, a new hairstyle can attract financial luck, career success, luck, prosperity;
  • Friday - on such a day, not only the hairstyle is updated, the whole appearance is transformed, if you are not satisfied with your own reflection, then feel free to go to the hairdresser if cardinal changes to anything, postpone the visit to the salon for another day;
  • Saturday - hair manipulations will get rid of some of the sins, karmic debts, improve the health of curls;
  • Sunday is the wrong day for haircuts, coloring, other procedures, shortening curls can ruin your fate, drive away success, it is better to give rest to your whole body at such a time.

By checking with the lunar and regular calendar before visiting a beauty salon, you can get new haircut, change the course of your life, attract new events.

ancient superstitions

Esotericists argue that changing the length of hair can affect the fate, the "book of life" of a person. Curls are a source of strength, energy "antennas" that connect us to the cosmos. Any impact on them changes not only the appearance, but also the course of life. Such knowledge comes from ancient times, modern women little attention is paid to such recommendations, considering them to be ordinary superstitions, legends, fairy tales. It is important to know and be able to determine the periods when it is better to get a haircut, compliance simple rules will avoid the occurrence of many troubles.

Shave in the evening?

Folk wisdom forbids shortening the hair in dark time day (night / evening), such a procedure takes away biological energy, shortens life, brings trouble.

There is another version: evening time- the period of the reign of "dark" forces, the cutting of curls entails the loss of the relationship of a person with his heavenly patrons, intercessors, guardian angels.

Family ties

Often, mothers cut their babies' hair, a wife cuts her own husband's hair, children update their parents' hair. Folk omens It is strictly forbidden to shorten curls to their relatives:

  1. mother, cutting her daughter's curls, takes away her female happiness, well-being, the same applies to her son and father;
  2. children, cutting the locks of their parents, at the same time shorten their life expectancy;
  3. spouses are considered one whole when one cuts the hair of the other, harms the biofield, deforms the energy, as a result, the husband or wife begins to get sick a lot, lose strength, good luck;
  4. another sign - the husband, trimmed by his wife, will fall out of love with her after some time, change, leave for another.


A lot of superstitions relate to the problem of updating hairstyles during the period a woman is carrying a baby. Popular beliefs categorically forbid girls to shorten curls at such a time. Women's braid is a symbol of the energy flows that connect a woman with the universe.

By adhering to some safety precautions based on ancient teachings, you will not harm yourself when updating your hairstyle. You can’t trust your curls to anyone, you need to carefully choose a master, this will affect not only the quality of the haircut, but also your future fate. Consider simple recommendations concerning questions about when you can get a haircut and who should carry out the procedure.

  1. The hairdresser should not only be a highly qualified specialist, pay attention to his goodwill, smile, mood, as this person will interfere with your biofield during the haircut, will have an impact on it.
  2. If you do not want the master to interfere in your life, choose a person of about the same age, preferably younger. If you experience chronic bad luck, suffer from failures - contact a well-known experienced specialist, he will help restore Fortune's favor.
  3. For a haircut, it is better to choose a master of the same gender, the process of changing the length of the strands unites the biofields of two people, if the hairdresser suddenly likes you, you may suddenly have troubles in your personal life.
  4. Don't do hair changes yourself, a haircut will take you away vitality, break the energy field, deprive of luck, financial well-being. Single woman risk being alone forever.
  5. Religion strictly forbids making changes in appearance in holidays- Christmas, Trinity, Easter, this time is considered unsuitable for any work, it is better to devote it to rest, visiting the Temple.
  6. Ancient healers recommended cutting curls during a period of serious illness, they believed that this way the disease would sooner leave the body. The same goes for love failure, a new hairstyle will get rid of longing for a former lover.
  7. Student beliefs say that during the session you should not visit a hairdresser, cutting curls, you can shorten your mind, memory. In order not to have to study the material again, it is advisable to reschedule the visit to the salon before the end of the examination period.
  8. Cut strands should not be left at the hairdresser or with another person, they should be carefully collected, and then thrown into water or burned.

Whether to adhere to folk signs, beliefs, ancient traditions, decide for yourself. When choosing a day when it is better to cut your hair, be sure to consider your own mood and well-being. positive attitude will surely help the master to create spectacular haircut leaving the salon, you will not be disappointed.

Haircut lunar calendar was compiled in antiquity, through long-term observations of the influence of the moon on health and hair growth.

First of all, the phases of the moon have a direct impact on the growth of your hair. If you make a haircut during the waxing moon, then the hair will grow much faster than after a haircut during the waning moon. If you like to change your hairstyle often, you just need your hair to grow back quickly. In this case, for a haircut, it is better to choose a date when the growing moon is in the I or II quarter. If, on the contrary, you do not like to visit the hairdresser's often, pick up the day when the moon is aging. This will help you Haircut lunar calendar 2019. A haircut on the waning moon will strengthen your hair roots and prevent them from falling out, but they will grow back for a rather long time. On the new moon, you should refrain from cutting your hair, because on these days a haircut shortens a person's life.

Along with the phases of the moon, hair cutting also plays a huge role. lunar days. The lunar cycle lasts up to 30 days, and each lunar day has its own characteristics.

The haircut horoscope below is based on the lunar calendar and the influence of the moon on hair health and growth. Lunar days are divided into favorable, unfavorable and neutral for cutting hair. More detailed explanations to the lunar calendar of haircuts can be found on the page "". Monthly haircut lunar calendar for 2019 will help you choose right time visit to the hairdresser.

Haircut lunar calendar for February 2019

indicating the lunar days, the phases of the moon, the position of the moon in the signs of the zodiac, as well as favorable and unfavorable daysfor haircuts and hair coloring

the date

moon day

Moon in the sign of the zodiac

Moon phase

Favorable and bad days for haircuts and hair coloring

26, 27 lunar day

Moon in Capricorn

Waning moon

27, 28 lunar day

Moon in Capricorn

Waning moon

Favorable day for cutting and coloring hair

28, 29 lunar day

Moon in Aquarius

Waning moon

29, 30 lunar day

Moon in Aquarius

Waning moon

Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair

30, 1, 2 lunar day

Moon in Aquarius

New moon

Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair

2, 3 lunar day

Moon in Pisces

Waxing Crescent

Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair

3, 4 lunar day

Moon in Pisces

Waxing Crescent

Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair

4, 5 lunar day

Moon in Aries

Waxing Crescent

Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair

5, 6 lunar day

Moon in Aries

Waxing Crescent

Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair

6, 7 lunar day

Moon in Aries

Waxing Crescent

Extremely unfavorable day for haircuts and hair coloring

7, 8 lunar day

Moon in Taurus

Waxing Crescent

A very auspicious day for haircuts and hair coloring

8, 9 lunar day

Moon in Taurus

Waxing Crescent

Favorable day for cutting and coloring hair

9, 10 lunar day

Moon in Gemini

First quarter

Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair

10, 11 lunar day

Moon in Gemini

Waxing Crescent

Favorable day for cutting and coloring hair

11, 12 lunar day

Moon in Cancer

Waxing Crescent

Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair

12, 13 lunar day

Moon in Cancer

Waxing Crescent

Favorable day for cutting and coloring hair

13, 14 lunar day

Moon in Leo

Waxing Crescent

Favorable day for cutting and coloring hair

14, 15 lunar day

Moon in Leo

Waxing Crescent

Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair

15, 16 lunar day

Moon in Virgo

Full moon

Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair

16, 17 lunar day

Moon in Virgo

Waning moon

Favorable day for cutting and coloring hair

17, 18 lunar day

Moon in Libra

Waning moon

Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair

18, 19 lunar day

Moon in Libra

Waning moon

Favorable day for cutting and coloring hair

19, 20 lunar day

Moon in Scorpio

Waning moon

20 lunar day

Moon in Scorpio

Waning moon

Neutral day for cutting and coloring hair

20, 21 lunar days

Moon in Scorpio

Waning moon

Favorable day for cutting and coloring hair

21, 22 lunar day

Moon in Sagittarius

Hairstyle is an extremely important addition to any image. In order for the new kuafura to be successful, you need to know when it is better to cut your hair according to the lunar calendar, days of the week and the Zodiac.

Moon calendar

From time immemorial it has been believed that the moon has strong influence to the female half of humanity. Menstrual cycle calculated according to the lunar calendar, the phases of the satellite affect female activity, libido and even appearance. The astrological calendar will help calculate not only the days of increased activity, but also periods of breakdown and drastic changes moods.

Photo - Phases of the moon

The best women's day is the full moon (but only if you cut your hair in the evening). This period will help to cope with dry and lifeless tips, accelerate growth and increase strength. If you want to grow a braid faster, then, of course, you need to get a haircut on the new moon. In the case when, on the contrary, there is no desire for the strands to grow quickly, then it is necessary to choose the waning moon.

Before you go to the hairdresser, you need to know not only the phase of the moon, but also the influence of a certain day of the week on you. Folk signs say that each person has certain "dangerous" and "positive" days. For example, on Sunday it is not recommended to cut curls to anyone except people born on this day. At the same time, “Sunday” people cannot go to the master on Monday.

What day of the week is best to cut hair:

  1. On Monday the girls go to the hairdresser to start new life and get rid of negativity. This is a very positive and strong period;
  2. The weekly haircut calendar says a change in image on Tuesday will help solve part of the problem. financial problems. Tuesday and Friday were especially honored by our ancestors. These days, even special "money" rites were held;
  3. A haircut on Wednesday will not bring money or a radical change in life, but it will generously endow you with new acquaintances and knowledge. Great time in order to draw into your destiny interesting people. Many mothers try to cut their children's hair on this particular day of the week;
  4. Thursday is glory day. By changing the kuafura, you will become famous, popular, and perhaps gain new fans;
  5. Friday is beauty day. Any procedures carried out during this period will help to become more attractive, more interesting. The paint will last longer, the curls will become stronger. This day of the week can also attract money and good luck;
  6. On Saturday, karma is cleared. This is extremely important for those who have been working all week, experiencing stress and struggling with turmoil;
  7. Sunday helps normalize your inner world, calm him down.

Photo - Days of the week

I must say that every day has its own antagonist (when you can’t cut your hair). If you get a haircut during this period, then a black streak may come in all areas of life.

Birthday Antagonist
Monday Sunday
Tuesday Friday
Wednesday Thursday
Thursday Wednesday
Friday Tuesday
Saturday Sunday
Sunday Monday


The Zodiac is known for its powerful influence. It is necessary to take into account not only the positions of the stars at your own birth, but also the signs of the zodiac, when it is better to cut your hair, their lunar day and even the positions of the planets during this period:

Zodiac sign Influence and tips for choosing hairstyles
Aries (April) It is better to make a short, sporty haircut. It will give dynamism, determination, firmness.
Taurus (May) This sign requires a very serious approach to creating a coufure. The most preferred models medium length- square, cascade, asymmetry is acceptable. The sign is strong, will give confidence and prudence.
Gemini (June) The astrological forecast claims that it was this sign that “invented” lush airy hairstyles - curls, chemical and biowave. Having made such a coufure on this day, you will cause minimal harm to curls.
Cancer (July) Serious sign, treats well straight square and laid cascade, during this period you can paint curls. Gives vitality and health.
Leo (August) Unleashes the potential Creative skills, inner confidence. You can do any lush hairstyles or elongated haircuts (below shoulder level).
Virgo (September) Conservative and serious sign. Prefers either neat elongated haircuts or false hair. It will help you earn and save money.
Libra (October) Feminine and elegant, but slightly arrogant. It is best to do evening styling- the rest of the kuafures will not please the owner due to the fact that they will quickly grow back.
Scorpio (November) Long, straight and smooth hair- this is the main love of this sign. It will help to reveal your energy, become more desirable and sensual.
Sagittarius (December) It is better to just cut the ends, because Sagittarius does not tolerate short and medium hairstyles. Attract success and good luck.
Capricorn (born in January) This is a well-known careerist who, after a haircut, will help climb the career ladder. Preferably, tied hair or short haircuts.
Aquarius (February) The best period when you can cut your hair and give it any shape and color. Aquarians are innovators and extreme people. Any interference is allowed. Changing the image on this day will help attract creative thinking.
Pisces (March) A good time to accelerate growth. In addition, Pisces pacifies and gives calmness, mute self-confidence.

Of course, the horoscope depends on the phases of the moon and the day of the week, but in general it will help you choose the most suitable period. It should be noted that in addition to this knowledge, it is not unimportant which scissors are best for cutting hair (they are different for each type of strand), who does it and what kind of energy the hairdresser has.

As you know, the moon influences many natural phenomena: high tides, low tides, etc. However, the well-being of a person and even the success of a haircut can also depend on the phase of the moon. Our ancestors have long noticed that a haircut, its styling and the result of medical cosmetic masks directly depend on the phase in which the celestial body is located. If you want to increase hair growth and improve their energy, then of course it is better to resort to hairdressing services during the waxing moon, and if your goal is to strengthen the roots as much as possible and

give hair more healthy look, then the procedures are best performed when the waning moon is observed.

Features of a haircut for the moon, which is in a growing phase
The right time for those who dream of growing their hair as quickly as possible is the waxing moon. In this phase, the luminary looks like the letter "P" without a stick. The process of accelerating hair growth is recommended to start with trimming the ends. And to fulfill this procedure should each moon month. You will be especially amazed by the result if the haircut is carried out on the third and fourth lunar days, when it is possible not only to improve the condition of the hair, but also to preserve the appearance of the hairstyle or styling for a long time. Try it for yourself and you will be pleasantly surprised.

Concerning cosmetic procedures, then their result will stun if they are carried out during the period when the moon is growing. Having your hair trimmed on time will give you many benefits. You can:

  • Improve well-being;
  • Get rid of negative energy;
  • cheer up;
  • Get rid of diseases.

The meaning of the lunar calendar

It has long been believed that the vitality of a person lies directly in the hair. Because of this, many took haircuts with particular seriousness and tried to do it only on certain days in accordance with certain rules, the source of which was the lunar calendar of haircuts.

This calendar is mainly used in order to determine as correctly as possible on which days hair should be cut, curled or dyed. Of course, the health of the hair depends on proper care, as well as nutrition, but using the lunar calendar will help achieve positive result from these procedures. If earlier such a lunar schedule was skeptical, today the beauty industry includes this information in their plans for the implementation of cosmetic procedures.

Usually such a calendar is compiled for each year, and it includes 3 components on which it is based:

How to determine the right time for a haircut?

As already mentioned, for a haircut as much as possible good period is the phase of the moon, called the growing. cut hair in given time, will be able to grow more actively, will be filled life energy which will make them silkier. However, no less important point is the definition of an auspicious day in accordance with the lunar schedule. So, these days are considered the third, as well as the fourth, when the moon's hair growth has the maximum strong impact. Some believe that even the procedure for trimming the tips in given period carries only positive effect relating to the work of blood vessels located in the brain.

A haircut on the third day will allow you to cleanse your own aura, and on the fourth day you will protect yourself from people who feed on crazy energy.

Starting from the 15th and ending with the 30th lunar day, there is a decrease in activity, causing slow growth hair.

If we talk about the days of the week, it should be noted that the most successful of them are:

  • Friday. The day is characterized by new changes. And a haircut done on Friday helps to attract positive energy, become more attractive, create a unique image.
  • Thursday. This day symbolizes renewal, a kind of cleansing. If you cut your hair on Thursday, you can open up many promising opportunities, get rid of negative moments. And your hair will please with a renewed look.
  • Saturday is also one of the auspicious days.

As for the day on which you should not cut your hair, then it is Sunday, when there is a risk of losing your own happiness.

In addition, it is important to take into account the sign of the zodiac in which the growing moon is located. If she is in Virgo, Libra or Leo, you are in luck. This period helps the hair grow faster. It is especially good to do curls at this time.

For the growing phase, when the luminary is in Leo or Virgo, you can also perform the first haircut of your baby, following many years of tradition.

Not the most successful zodiac signs for haircuts are Pisces, Aries and Cancer. During this period, the hair structure is not restored so well. The appearance of excessive shaggyness is not excluded.

As you can see, you should resort to the help of hairdressing services during the period of the growing moon, when it becomes possible to cleanse yourself of negative energy, give hair healthy shine and active growth. But it is also recommended to determine the ideal day for a haircut based on the information of the lunar calendar. It will allow you to choose the right zodiac sign, in which the heavenly body is located, the day of the week and the number in order to achieve the haircut of your dreams. Please note that an equally important point is the choice of a master, on whom the final result will depend.

Video about the benefits of haircuts on the growing moon.

Legends, superstitions, signs are an integral part of human life. Oddly enough, the areas hairdressing this also affected.

There is a lot of talk about when it is necessary to cut the length of the hair, when - and keep the master away for a kilometer.

One of the signs is the phase of the moon. Today, there are many options for cutting hair: haircuts are carried out in hairdressing salons and at home.

What is the lunar cycle

The process lasts twenty-nine to thirty days.

The movement of the moon around the earth, from new moon to full moon, is called the lunar cycle, which has 4 phases of the satellite.

The moon, being in a newborn or full condition, affects people, especially suffer from hypertension, people with chronic diseases.

To reduce the impact, you must remember:

Lunar periods:

  1. The first phase is called the first quarter, it becomes invisible to the review.
  2. The second is called unoriginally - the second quarter. The satellite is half visible.
  3. The onset of the full moon corresponds to the third phase (third quarter). The moon goes from half of its visibility to the full moon, ending with the fourth phase.
  4. The last phase is the fourth quarter. We observe half of the lunar ball, at the end of the cycle - a new moon.

The relationship of the lunar cycle with human activity

Activity and health of people in different days cycles are different.

The activity of people in the first quarter is zero, it is better to stay at home, not to decide important issues postpone exercise.

The first quarter is characterized by:

  • drowsiness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • dizziness.

The activity of people during this period is zero, it is better to stay at home, not to solve important issues, to postpone playing sports.

The second phase of the cycle increases the activity of people. Sports are encouraged. This will remove excess energy, help put your thoughts in order, calm down.

The second phase is characterized by:

  • a lot of quarrels;
  • a huge influx of energy;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract may occur;
  • emotionality rises.

This period of the cycle increases the activity of people. Sports are encouraged. This will remove excess energy, help put your thoughts in order, calm down.

The third period is characterized by an increase in pressure.

The third period is characterized by:

  • increase in pressure;
  • people with mental problems may have disorders and breakdowns.

As for energy, its huge influx will help to cope with affairs, but will not interfere with acceptance important decisions. It is better to visit mass festivities, discos.

As for the last seven days of the satellite's movement, then at these moments it will be good to get rid of old things, unnecessary friends. This phase favorably affects financial transactions.

The third period can push a person to rash acts, up to cardinal change appearance, change of work.

During this period, self-criticism intensifies in most people, the assessment is greatly underestimated.

This can push a person to rash acts, up to a radical change in appearance, a change in work.

If you decide to set aside a day for a haircut today, but it falls on this phase of the moon, then it is better to postpone this procedure, because, without realizing it, you can ruin the condition of your hair and hairstyle in general.

Haircut rules for lunar days

Depending on the motive for changing the haircut, in addition to updating the image, a date is chosen.

For the growth of long, strong hair, the second phase is suitable, just choose a day.

For the growth of long, strong hair, the second phase is suitable, just select a day. During this period, we observe the growth of the moon, which will favorably contribute to hair growth. After a haircut today, fix the effect with a strengthening hair mask.

Strong roots, slow growing hair will provide a haircut of the third phase.

Don't go to the hairdresser on a new moon, on the ninth, fifteenth, twenty-third, twenty-ninth day of the lunar day, because the mind, health, luck will leave with the hair.

It is ideal to cut hair on full moon days. During the previous stages, the body was saturated with energy, not only positive, so you can lose some of the negativity by cutting the ends of your hair.

Note! Best Option the full moon will be in the phase of Virgo or Leo. Zodiac signs are characterized by chic thick and long hair.

The opinion of astrologers about the influence of the moon on a haircut

Astrologers agree that a haircut, new hairstyle absolutely definitely affects human energy and aura, the main thing is to choose the right image, according to the zodiac sign.

Astrologers agree that a new hairstyle absolutely definitely affects human energy and aura, the main thing is to choose the right image, according to the zodiac sign.

And - do not make a mistake in the days of the lunar calendar, this can cause Negative consequences, trouble.

Astrologers advise to refuse to visit beauty salons at the time of the birth of the month. The phase of the moon today is not favorable for cutting hair, with the shortening of the length of the hairstyle, the life of a person is shortened deteriorating health and energy.

They consider the example of male baldness and the rare hairline of the head of women as proof of their theories, since the first infant haircut coincided with the waning moon.

Astrologers advise to refuse to visit beauty salons at the time of the birth of the month. The phase of the moon today is not favorable for cutting hair.

Lunar Haircut Calendar

Going to a beauty salon or a hairdresser, a woman analyzes for a long time, invents, looks out for a new haircut in magazines, tries to understand whether bangs, a different hair color or a completely new styling will suit her.

When going to the procedure, do not forget to look at the haircut calendar for the lunar phases. The calendar is compiled monthly. It describes the days of the phases, what sign of the zodiac, at what month and for what a particular date is suitable.

Going to a beauty salon or a hairdresser, a woman analyzes for a long time, invents, looks out for a new haircut in magazines, forgetting about lunar cycle.

Haircut by days of the week and lunar calendar includes the following:

  1. Monday. The phase of the moon today does not matter for cutting hair, the main thing is that the satellite is not in the third quarter. Change the length and color of your hair.
  2. Tuesday. The moment of changing the image is favorable for those who cannot find answers to questions. You can ignore the phase of the moon. Today, any day is suitable for cutting hair, since the task is not in the properties, but affects the solution of problems.
  3. Wednesday. It's a good day to change your hair. There is an opportunity to meet old friends, learn the news.
  4. Thursday. After the salon, you will leave a new person, whose popularity will grow exponentially, fortune will become your life partner.
  5. Friday. It is considered the day of Venus, the goddess of beauty. If you are satisfied appearance- don't change anything. If the reflection in the mirror is unpleasant, you want to change it - head to the beauty salon. Venus will favorably affect the selection of a new image.
  6. Saturday. It is best to dedicate a day to hair care. Special masks, shampoos and balms will bring the scalp in good condition. At the same time, heal not only your hair, but also your aura, removing sins and debts from it.
  7. Sunday. Postpone everything, you can not cut your hair. Sunday is a church day, go to the temple, light candles for health.

Interaction of the moon and zodiac signs

According to astrologers, The signs most affected by the month are: Pisces, Cancer, Taurus. Such citizens are impressionable, with a changeable mood, rich in imagination.

According to the research of astrologers, the signs most affected by the month are: Pisces, Cancer, Taurus. They are impressionable, with a changeable mood, rich in imagination.

It is easy to calculate this group of people, mostly they are unsociable people who are used to being at home.

Cannot be influenced by the satellite Capricorn, Virgo, Scorpio but it's very easy to become led by other people. They are easy to manipulate and manage.

The remaining signs maintain a neutral balance, where weak and strengths.

Capricorns, Virgo, Scorpios do not succumb to the influence of the satellite, but very easily become led relative to other people.

Depending on which sign Selena is in, there is an effect on cutting and the state of the body as a whole:

  1. The moon is in Aries - a new hairstyle will not affect the quality of the hair, but the state of health will worsen.
  2. When finding a satellite in Virgo, Taurus, visit a hairdresser and improve your hair.
  3. To improve hair growth, choose a day when the Moon is in Libra, Gemini.
  4. Strong, weakly growing hair will give Cancer and Pisces.
  5. At life problems change your haircut while your companion is in Leo.
  6. Scorpio brings many surprises, good and bad. It is better not to visit the salon on this day.
  7. For an ordinary, unremarkable haircut, Sagittarius is suitable, which will not affect the condition of the hair and the person.
  8. For the strong and healthy hair cut your hair when the phase is in Capricorn.
  9. Don't change shape when Aquarius comes.

Auspicious and unfavorable days

The days of the lunar calendar are characterized by favorable and unfavorable in terms of energy and effects on the body. There are unreceptive people for whom every day is no different.

The most unlucky days of the cycle are 9, 15, 29. The beginning of new lunar periods falls on them. At this time, you need to be careful about things.

The most unlucky days of the cycle are 9, 15, 29. The beginning of new lunar periods falls on them. At this time, you need to be careful about things.
4, 18, 23, 26 days are considered difficult.

When this day of the period comes, focus on business, but do not start a new one. Try to stay passive.

The rise of vigor and strength will provide 3, 7, 12, 16, 24 and 28 days. Favorable day for an active lifestyle.

Engage in tuning, cleaning the body on the 8th, 11th, 14th, 19th, 20th and 25th days. The days are unfavorable for business, but the effect on the body is positive.

The rise of vigor and strength will provide 3, 7, 12, 16, 24 and 28 days. Favorable day for an active lifestyle.

For an excellent hairstyle, styling, further good condition of the hair, the day of the second, third, fourth quarters is suitable.

Contact the stylist on the 8th, 14th, 19th, 21st, 26th, 27th and 28th days of the lunar cycle. Haircut during the new moon will accelerate hair growth.

Do not change your appearance during eclipses, and on inauspicious days (9, 15, 23, 29).

Before going to a beauty salon, hairdresser, decide on the style, styling, hair color. If you do not plan to radically change the style, The minimum cutting length should be three centimeters.

This will remove the split ends, clear the energy. Visit trusted masters, otherwise, despite the day and signs, the mood and hairstyle can be ruined.

Before going to a beauty salon, hairdresser, decide on the style, styling, hair color.

Based on the above facts and data, going to the hairdresser can turn into a whole procedure of research, analysis of choosing the right time.

Important to remember! The main condition for healthy strong hair remains proper nutrition, rest and good balanced care. Choose care products based on the condition of the hairline and scalp.

In this video you will be introduced to auspicious days for cutting hair.

This video will tell you when to cut and dye your hair depending on the lunar calendar.

From this video you will learn how the phases of the moon affect a person.