Which clay is best for combination skin. The color of clay and its properties - a competent choice for a homemade mask


If you have a combination skin type, then you should definitely know which clay is best for combination skin. Why clay? Because it is a natural, natural remedy that can quickly get rid of many problems.

Clay has been used for centuries as a medicinal and cosmetic product. More recently, its use has regained popularity due to its availability and amazing ability to draw out toxins and give the skin youth.

By applying the type of clay most suitable for your skin, you will receive:

  • Cleansing clogged pores.
  • Removal of toxins and slags.
  • Skin tightening.
  • Removing grease.
  • Action that narrows the pores.
  • Cleansing of dead cells.
  • Fresh and natural complexion.
  • Good blood flow to the upper layer of the epidermis.

Clay due to the content of minerals can be of different colors, blue, green, white, gray, red. But it differs not only in color, but also in structure, from coarser to lighter.

It is always very difficult for owners of mixed, combination skin to take care of their face, they have to apply several care products at once, for oily, sometimes inflamed skin on the nose and chin, for dry skin on the cheeks, and do not forget about the skin under the eyes. And clay can act excellently in all these cases, it will simultaneously remove excess fat and will not disturb the water balance, will not dry out the skin.

How to use cosmetic clay for facial skin?

If used incorrectly, you can do more harm than good, so take a notepad and pen and write it down. After all, the use of clay is probably the simplest home remedy for cosmetology.

  • Dilute the clay in ceramic or glassware. in contact with metal, an irreversible chemical reaction of mineral substances occurs.
  • If you are going to make a mask. then the clay should be half as much as the liquid.
  • When adding various components to the mask, check for allergy reactions.
  • Choose clay supplements only suitable for combination skin.
  • Before applying the mask, lightly steam your face over a steam bath or with hot wipes. Then the pores will open and the action of the clay will be better.
  • Never leave a clay mask on until completely dry.
  • Wash off the mask only with warm water or herbal infusion suitable for combination skin.
  • After removing the mask, you need to apply a moisturizer for your problem skin.

How not to make a clay mask

Removing acne or oily sheen with a clay mask is a pleasure. You can apply the necessary layer, pick up a glass of wine and sit, enjoying the process of cleansing and rejuvenation. Then scrape off the layer of clay that has dried up and begun to peel off and that's it, we are young and beautiful. That's what the majority does. And what kind of injuries each cell of the skin receives!

There are three phases of the clay mask: the first is moist, where the skin absorbs all the minerals found in the clay. The second is the beginning of the dry phase, where the clay makes the capillaries work and increases blood flow. The third is dry, where the clay begins to draw moisture out of your skin, causing dehydration and irritation. not only does the skin feel tight and dry, the structure of some cells breaks down along with the clay layer. And when you put a layer of cream on such skin, you just suffocate it.

So next time, don't wait until the clay mask is completely dry. Determine by touch, the layer should stick a little, which means it's time to wash off the mask.

Cosmetic clay for combination skin

No wonder combination skin is called problematic. At the same time, there may be several complex situations on it that require a completely different approach to eliminate. dryness and flaking on the one hand, oily sheen and inflamed acne on the other. Let's find out what types of clay will help problem skin.

White clay for combination skin

White clay contains a very valuable microelement kaolin, which draws out all the accumulated toxins, poisons, fats, impurities from the skin. It completely cleanses the cells. Because of this, white clay was previously used only for expensive cleansing procedures or for medical purposes. Now this bluish or yellowish powder can be bought at absolutely any pharmacy and used independently for your own benefit.

White clay is the lightest and has the most softening effect on the skin. It dries and degreases oily areas on the skin and gently exfoliates dry ones.

White clay masks for combination skin

  1. One and a half tablespoons of white clay are slightly diluted with water to get a not very thick sour cream. Add a few drops of grape seed oil, organ oils, mix well and apply to the skin.
  2. Mix a teaspoon of white clay and water in a container, apply to a steamed face with a brush and let dry a little.

Green clay for combination skin

It's just iron oxide. The deepest cleansing, drying and whitening. Oily shine is removed, dry skin is cleansed and moisturized with this clay. after such masks, the skin will be disinfected, all the sebaceous glands will work normally. If you constantly use masks from this clay, you can soon get rid of pigmentation and freckles.

Green clay masks for combination skin

  1. Dilute a couple of teaspoons of clay with fresh milk to a mushy state and add a couple of drops of wheat germ oil. keep for about 20 minutes.
  2. Rub a tablespoon of cottage cheese through a sieve, add a teaspoon of kefir and clay so much that a thick sour cream is obtained. The mask moisturizes and brightens the skin well.

Blue clay for combination skin

Because the main component of blue clay is radioactive radium, it is often used in medicine, such as in gynecology to relieve inflammation. This clay is the strongest of all the rest. It treats inflammatory processes on the skin, and removes acne, and smoothes wrinkles. It also cleanses the pores very deeply.

Blue clay masks for combination skin

  1. Pour a little blue clay into the palm of your hand and add sour cream to get a not very thick paste. Mix it in your hands and apply on your face.
  2. Dilute two dessert spoons of clay with water and add a teaspoon of fresh honey. Stir and apply on face for fifteen minutes.

Clay has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient Egypt, and even Vanga used it in her healing practice. The uniqueness of the product lies in the strong antibacterial properties, rich in minerals composition. In this regard, the breed is widely used in cosmetology, especially for facial skin care. But what kind of clay is suitable for the face? Which one to choose for skin radiance, and which one for wrinkles? Reviews of cosmetologists and a lot of other useful information you will learn from our article.

Varieties of clay, how to choose

Clay, also called "kaolin", is a natural material that is microscopic particles of rocks. It has pronounced antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, nutritional properties, it is easy to change its state from dusty to pasty under the influence of moisture.

Depending on the impurities in the composition, cosmetic properties, the following types of clay rock are distinguished:

  • white (eliminates excess fat secretions, tightens pores, tightens, brightens the dermis, gives radiance);
  • gray (removes toxins, pollution, refreshes, moisturizes the skin);
  • blue (heals wounds, clears rashes, restores the elasticity of the epidermis, smoothes mimic wrinkles);
  • green (normalizes blood circulation, the work of the sebaceous glands, fills the dermis with moisture, tightens pores);
  • yellow (eliminates acne, evens complexion, rejuvenates the epithelium);
  • red (oxygenates, rejuvenates, relieves irritation, peeling of the skin);
  • pink (tightens the facial oval, eliminates wrinkles, nourishes, cleanses the epidermis; is a mixture of white and red clay);
  • black (relieves rashes, black spots, tightens pores, removes toxins, pollution).

Black and pink breeds are considered universal because they are suitable for each type of epidermis. Other types must be selected individually, depending on the problems, needs of the skin.

Which clay to choose according to skin type

Depending on the intensity of the sebaceous glands, as well as the level of moisture, cosmetologists and dermatologists distinguish 4 main types of skin:

  • normal;
  • fatty;
  • dry;
  • mixed (combined).

Each of these types requires an individual approach regarding the choice of clay masks.


A rather rare type, which is distinguished by small, inconspicuous pores, an even matte shade, a normal level of sebum production, and resistance to weather and hormonal changes.

Using kaolin for masks, you should stick to moderation so as not to overdry the epidermis. In order to prevent rashes, maintain an even color, elasticity, smoothness, blue, green, pink or black breeds are chosen.


This type is characterized by enlarged pores, more frequent manifestations of acne, oily sheen, dense texture, and rather late appearance of wrinkles. The skin layer does not tolerate high temperatures, humidity, reacts to hormonal surges, unsuitable cosmetics by clogging pores, rashes.

Face masks should have a pronounced drying, antibacterial, cleansing effect. Therefore, for a fatty type, white, blue, yellow, green, black or pink powder is chosen.


This type is distinguished by a thin, delicate surface of the epithelium with imperceptible pores and a matte tint, a reduced level of fat production, which often manifests itself in dryness, irritation, and peeling. Before other types, it faces mimic or age wrinkles.

For dry dermis, it is necessary to select products that are highly moisturizing, soothing, refreshing. Gray, black, pink, red cosmetic clay is suitable for this.


Such a skin surface is most common, it combines oily, dry and normal types that appear on different parts of the face. It is distinguished by manifestations of increased fat content, enlarged pores on the line of the forehead, nasolabial fold, and chin. Cheeks, cheekbones, temples are represented by dry or normal skin.

The choice of masks must be approached more responsibly and individually, analyzing the reaction of the skin. Most of all, mixed dermis is suitable for white, yellow, black, pink, green breeds.

Oily, dry, combination skin may show signs of sensitivity or problematic appearance under the influence of external and internal factors.

Clay mask recipes

Cosmetic kaolin is a universal care product that can be used both in its pure form and enhancing its effect with the help of additional ingredients.

To dry and even out the complexion, mix two large spoons of clay suitable for oily skin, 3 tablespoons of cool water, juice of a small lemon slice, a small spoon of honey, egg white. Keep on the face for 15 minutes.

To get rid of acne and inflammation, mix two tablespoons of clay for oily skin, one and a half tablespoons of water, the same amount of aloe juice. Leave on the face for 15 minutes.

Kaolin masks with the addition of decoctions of medicinal herbs, such as chamomile, calendula or celandine, are very effectively fighting acne.

Masks for dry and sensitive skin

To soften and nourish, mix two tablespoons of clay for dry skin, two tablespoons of cream or yogurt, a spoonful of tomato juice, a few drops of olive oil or honey. Keep on the face for 10-15 minutes.

To moisturize, mix two parts of kaolin for dry skin, the same amount of cucumber pulp, a couple of drops of cosmetic or essential oil (olive, almond, peach, sandalwood or ylang-ylang). I leave it on the skin for 15 minutes.

The most effective types of clay against small mimic or age wrinkles are white, blue, black, green. A good effect is the use of a mixture of rock powder and water in a ratio of 1: 1.

To enhance the smoothing effect, it is allowed to add sea buckthorn oil, cucumber pulp, olive oil, honey, dairy products, tea tree, lavender, frankincense or geranium essential oils.

Kaolin masks must be applied exclusively to a well-cleansed surface, do not leave them on the face until completely dry, be sure to use a moisturizing or nourishing cream after rinsing.

Clay masks are carefully selected for dry, sensitive, flaky, irritated skin. If after applying the product you feel that the dermis is dry, tightened or itchy, immediately cancel this mask.

Carefully study the composition of the powder when buying. Flavorings, chemical components can cause allergies or irritation of the skin, mucous membranes.

Frequent use of kaolin can dry out even very oily epithelium. It is better to use them 1-2 times a week.

It is forbidden to apply clay masks on the thin epidermis around the eyes, lips, apply them after prolonged exposure to the sun. To avoid allergies, it is recommended to pre-apply the mixture to the inner bend of the elbow.

Clay can be your trusted friend in facial care, but it needs to be applied with care and attention.

Clay can be used as a basis for health-improving cosmetic masks and as an independent remedy. The base mask is prepared by mixing it with clean water at room temperature - a 1: 1 ratio. If it is supposed to use additional components in the composition, then less water will need to be introduced into the base.

Universal clay - green. Properties: cleanses pores, disinfects the surface of the dermis; moisturizes the skin; smoothes small mimic wrinkles; relieves foci of inflammation; relieves redness in places of rashes; eliminates oily sheen and excessive dryness. In the skin of the face, blood circulation improves, its tissues are actively saturated with oxygen. Can be used for any skin type. The procedure time is 15 minutes.

For dry. An excellent choice would be white or red cosmetic clay. They help to solve the problems of overly sensitive, flaky, irritated skin. These types of funds can be used even with signs of dehydration of the dermis.

Rules for use and recipes: can be combined with ordinary water, applied to previously cleansed facial skin for a maximum of 5 minutes; if you add fatty dairy products, oils, then the procedure time is a maximum of 15 minutes; it is impossible to combine the main product with fruit purees; frequency of the procedure - 2 times a week, if there are no fatty components, then 1. At the end, be sure to apply a moisturizer.

With age-related changes, you need to combine white and red clay in equal proportions, you can add other components.

For normal. The best choice is blue clay, it cleanses and moisturizes, disinfects and tightens, nourishes and smoothes wrinkles.

Recipes for use:

  • With fruits. Combine blue clay with water to a state of thick sour cream. Introduce puree from apricots, peaches, strawberries or any other berries. You can add almond oil or essential tea tree, rosemary, orange to the finished mixture to moisturize - no more than 5 drops per 1 tablespoon.
  • With aloe juice. Mix with clean water, add plant juice at the rate of 20 ml per 1 tablespoon.

A variety of cosmetic clay

Procedures with cosmetic clay will be supportive, they can be applied once every 10-14 days. Be sure to apply a moisturizer afterwards.

For oily. Black cosmetic clay is optimal. The only contraindication is pink / reddened acne with severe inflammation.

Application rules: can not be kept until completely dry; frequency of procedures - 1 time per week; be sure to clean the skin with water and soap, as well as lotion before applying; you need to remove the mask with a decoction of calendula or chamomile; after washing off the mass, you need to treat the dermis with a nourishing cream or with a moisturizing effect.

Read more about the use of clay for the face, recipes and rules in our article.

Read in this article

Features of cosmetic clay for the face

According to doctors, the substance, which is the result of many years of destruction of rocks under the influence of wind and moisture, can be used both as a basis for health-improving cosmetic masks and as an independent remedy. The composition of the clay contains silicon and aluminum oxides, various organic substances and coloring elements act as additional components. Qualitative characteristics include:

  • absorbs and retains water, including toxic compounds dissolved in it;
  • cleanses the pores of the dermis;
  • relieves excess secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • moisturizes the surface of the skin;
  • relieves irritation and inflammation;
  • has the effect of peeling (deep cleansing).

Cosmetic clay to be applied by every person

Cosmetic clay is often used as a preparation of facial skin for complex healing procedures. This is due to the fact that it significantly enhances the ability of the dermis to absorb minerals and vitamins from care products.

The main feature of cosmetic clay is that it does not cause allergies, so it can be used by every person. We are talking about a “clean” product mixed with water - any essential oils, fermented milk products, honey and other additional ingredients of the masks make the product hyperallergenic, which should be considered when choosing a specific recipe.

Which one to choose for the face depending on the problem

In cosmetology, several types of clay are used, each of which has its own characteristics. Green cosmetic is considered universal because it:

  • cleanses pores, disinfects the surface of the dermis;
  • moisturizes the skin;
  • smoothes small mimic wrinkles;
  • relieves foci of inflammation;
  • relieves redness in places of rashes;
  • simultaneously eliminates oily sheen and excessive dryness.

Regardless of what type of skin this type of clay is used for, blood circulation improves in the dermis of the face and its tissues are actively saturated with oxygen. The result will be a tightened contour, firmness of the skin, its elasticity and a pleasant natural color with a blush.

If green cosmetic clay can be used for any type of skin, then in all other cases, experts recommend choosing carefully.

For dry

An excellent choice would be white or red cosmetic clay, because they help to solve the problems of overly sensitive, flaky, irritated skin.

These types of products can be used even with signs of dehydration of the dermis, but in order for the moisturizing effect to be 100% manifest, several rules for caring procedures should be observed:

  • clay can be combined with ordinary water and applied to previously cleansed facial skin for a maximum of 5 minutes;
  • if fatty dairy products, cosmetic oils are added to the main ingredient, then the residence time of the finished product on the face is extended to 15 minutes;
  • dry skin should not be subjected to aggressive cleansing, therefore, it is impossible to combine the main product with fruit purees - the acid of the additional component will literally burn healthy epidermal cells;
  • the frequency of the procedure is a maximum of 2 times a week, if there are no fatty components in the mask, then 1 time per week;
  • to obtain a powerful moisturizing effect, the mask should not be allowed to dry on the face - the clay should remain slightly damp.

The dry type of facial skin requires an attentive attitude, because even a slight violation of the rules for caring for it provokes severe irritation, peeling and acne. Therefore, after a mask with cosmetic clay of red or white color, the face must be treated with a moisturizer.

If the skin already has age-related changes, then to eliminate them or less pronounced, you need to combine white and red clay in equal proportions - the output will be pink. It can be combined with other components, and after 2-3 months of regular use, it will be possible to note the smoothing of wrinkles, an increase in skin elasticity, its elasticity.

It should be borne in mind that white cosmetic clay has a slight whitening property, and in the case of mature skin care, this property will be useful - age spots and freckles will become less noticeable.

For dry skin, gray cosmetic clay is also suitable - it is mined from the seabed and has powerful nutritional properties. But this tool is used quite rarely, because it is not suitable for existing foci of peeling on the face (the usual state of excessively dry dermis) and is much higher than other types of clay.

For normal

The best choice for this type of skin would be blue cosmetic clay. It has a combined effect - it cleanses and moisturizes, disinfects and tightens, nourishes and smoothes wrinkles. Owners of normal facial skin can carry out caring procedures according to the following recipes:

  • With fruits. It is necessary to combine blue clay with cool water to a state of thick sour cream - the mass should not drain from a spoon / spatula. Next, puree from apricots, peaches, strawberries or any other berries is introduced into it. When preparing a mask, you need to take into account the tendency to allergies and choose fruits / berries in accordance with this factor.
  • To improve the moisturizing properties of the product, you can add almond oil or essential tea tree, rosemary, orange to the already prepared mixture - no more than 5 drops per 1 tablespoon.
  • With dairy products. You can combine blue clay with warm milk and bring the mass to a homogeneous pasty state - you get a remedy for early wrinkles, irritation. If there are too open pores on normal skin, then sour cream, low-fat kefir will help to narrow them.
  • With aloe juice. The principle of preparation of the product remains unchanged - first, the main product is mixed with pure water, and then the plant juice is added to the mixture at the rate of 20 ml per 1 tablespoon. The mask will help get rid of inflammation and peeling - they can periodically occur even on absolutely healthy facial skin.

Normal skin type does not require constant care, procedures with cosmetic clay will be supportive and therefore they can be applied once every 10-14 days. After washing off the mass, the dermis is necessarily treated with a moisturizer.

Watch the video on how to whiten your face with blue clay:

For oily

It needs to be dried as much as possible, while narrowing the pores and reducing the amount of secretion produced by the sebaceous glands.

Black cosmetic clay does an excellent job with these tasks, so masks with it are recommended for people with oily and problem skin. It not only corrects the functionality of the sebaceous glands, but also disinfects the surface of the dermis, and therefore provides quick relief from acne. The only contraindication to such procedures is pink / reddened acne with severe inflammation.

This type is considered the most therapeutic, it has a complex effect on the skin and not only solves the problem of oily skin, but also makes it more elastic, smoothes wrinkles, and corrects the contour of the face. To get the most out of your black clay mask, You need to remember a few rules for cosmetic procedures for oily skin:

  • you can not keep the product on the dermis until completely dry - this can lead to excessive dryness, foci of peeling may appear;
  • frequency of procedures - 1 time per week;
  • be sure to clean the skin with water and soap, as well as lotion before applying a black clay mask;
  • you need to remove the mask with a decoction of calendula or chamomile officinalis - a gauze or cloth napkin is moistened in it, applied to the face and the semi-liquid composition is removed;
  • after washing off the mass, you need to treat the dermis with a nourishing cream, it is possible with a moisturizing effect.

Experts believe that it is not worth adding any components to the considered type of cosmetic clay, but it is allowed to introduce liquid honey or aloe juice into the composition of the finished product - the disinfecting property of the mask will be greatly enhanced.

What to choose and how to apply cosmetic clay

The choice of a specific type of clay must be carried out not only by its properties and effects, but also by the level of quality. This indicator can be checked at home - a pinch of dry "raw materials" is placed in a glass of water and mixed thoroughly. If it has turned into shapeless flakes that slowly settle to the bottom, then you can start cosmetic procedures.

The poor quality of the clay is evidenced by the rapid settling of a suspension of sand particles to the bottom of the glass and a clear separation of the contents into water and a muddy mass.

The basic cosmetic clay mask is prepared by mixing it with clean water at room temperature - a 1: 1 ratio. This is done in glass, ceramic or earthenware, everything is mixed with a wooden or glass spatula - you need to achieve a uniform mass, which will be slightly oily to the touch.

You can mix white clay with green and red, this is done in equal proportions. If it is supposed to use additional components in the composition, then less water will need to be introduced into the base.

Watch the video on how to choose and apply cosmetic clay:

The time spent on the skin of the face is 15 minutes, so that it does not dry out (this should absolutely not be allowed) it is worth covering the top with a plastic “napkin” with cutouts for the eyes, nose and mouth. It is impossible to apply a cosmetic clay mask on the skin around the eyes - it is too delicate and initially dry, so its condition may worsen.

Cosmetic clay is able to replace salon skin care procedures. The correct choice of the type of this remedy will allow you to solve any dermatological problems (not pathology!) In a safe way. Given the absence of an allergenic factor, cosmetic clay masks are a universal skin care product.

The skin of the face can be brought into perfect condition only with proper care. At home, various cosmetics are used, but nothing can compare with clay in terms of effectiveness. This article helps to understand which clay is best for the face, as it considers this cosmetic product depending on the characteristics of the skin.

Application of cosmetic clay

Effective masks for oily skin

Simple and affordable white clay cleansing masks are ideal for oily skin. It is noticed that the white grade of clay works well on combination skin. It should be noted a pronounced drying effect, a moderate tightening effect, the removal of fat particles, and a rapid narrowing of the pores. In addition, pay attention to the safe whitening potential of white clay and the ability to even out skin tone. The anti-inflammatory effect is achieved due to the fact that the clay works as an antiseptic.

Problem skin care

Women are often worried about mimic wrinkles, pigmentation, acne and other defects. Blue clay helps to cope with these troubles. Masks with the addition of blue clay heal damage, eliminate inflammation, smooth wrinkles, eliminate impurities and make the complexion healthy. There is a brightening effect aimed at whitening freckles and visible facial rejuvenation. This is achieved by increasing the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Blue clay can be successfully used for oily skin, the product is often combined in masks with white clay.

Aging skin care

After trying green clay, you will realize that it is similar to kaolin. Sometimes its action is compared with the blue variety. If the skin is in a state of aging and nutritional deficiency, homemade masks or natural scrubs containing green clay are indicated. Nourishing care allows you to tighten pores, remove oily sheen, moderately dry the skin. It is known that green clay prolongs the youthfulness of the face by normalizing the water balance.

Sensitive skin care

Best product for mixed skin

The rich composition of yellow clay includes the iron required by the skin and the useful element potassium, so it is compatible with the combined type of skin. Masks are recommended for fading faded skin. It has been noticed that yellow clay is able to remove toxins from inflamed lesions, so it is used for the problem of acne. Yellow clay masks are designed to tone the skin and enrich it with oxygen.

Clay for all skin types

In black clay there are elements that can qualitatively cleanse the skin of any type. With proper care, it becomes smooth. Masks are designed to eliminate impurities, they perfectly narrow the pores.

Cosmetic clay of a pleasant pink hue is a mix of a white variety with red. It is known that pink masks are appropriate for any skin care. The good news is that they are suitable for all ages. The constant use of masks allows you to safely smooth out early wrinkles, rejuvenate the face somewhat, and quickly soften the skin. Use pink clay to cleanse and nourish your skin and you won't be disappointed.

Cosmetic clay for the face: which variety to choose - should be decided depending on the type of skin

Cosmetic Clay Instructions

To understand which clay is best for the face, you need to know about the characteristics and problems of your skin, have an idea about the main properties and the correct use of different varieties of this product.

Preparing face masks

Be creative when mixing clay. With a tendency to dryness, fatty dairy products can be used as a diluent liquid. If you are concerned about increased fat content, then raw egg white, natural apple cider vinegar or fresh yogurt are better suited. Harvesting clay for problem skin can be carried out with the addition of herbal decoctions based on a succession plant, chamomile flowers or mint leaves. You can add your favorite essential oils to clay masks. Through experimentation, find the optimal compositions for your skin type.

Clay and skin type

It is necessary to determine your skin type by acquiring and applying any cosmetics guided by individual requirements. Incorrect selection of external agents leads to negative consequences, such as a significant deterioration of the skin and the appearance of various defects.

Preparing the skin for masks

It is better not to apply masks on uncleaned skin. Before clay masks, it is necessary to steam the skin of the face and immediately, while the skin is hot, apply gruel. That is why the most noticeable positive result is given by masks arranged after bath procedures. If you do not want to take a bath or shower, make a steam bath exclusively for the face.

Applying clay masks

When applying clay masks, do a gentle facial massage, this is required for the deepest penetration of the ingredients. You should not make efforts, on the contrary, you need to make gentle movements for a short time.

Capturing the skin of the neck and hands

To prolong youth, you will have to take great care of the skin of the face, but also do not forget that the skin of the hands and the neck area is also vulnerable and needs support. When making face masks, pay enough attention to the hands and neck, this will definitely be useful.

The smart way to use masks

We urge you not to overdo it, that is, to adhere to the recommended framework. If the description of any mask indicates an exposure time of 15 minutes, then you should not hold it longer. In order not to injure the skin, you do not need to increase the time.

Clay holding time on the face

Use the time allotted for keeping the mask to relax the muscles of the neck and face. Be silent and do not use facial expressions for about a quarter of an hour. Provided that complete rest is maintained, the mask will be as useful as possible, as it will be absorbed in the best way, smooth out fine wrinkles and supply more useful trace elements.

Washing off clay masks

Proper removal of clay masks is well reflected in the condition of the skin. Use water at a comfortable temperature, gradually moving from warm to cool. In this way, mask particles can be completely removed and the pores can be safely narrowed.

It is impossible to clearly distinguish which clay is better. For the face, you can use a single type of this cosmetic product or combine several varieties together. Try making clay masks a must-have beauty item and you will definitely conclude that each clay is good in its own way.

Clay is a natural gift for face and body care. The low cost and amazing effect make it a favorite skin care product. A clay face mask can be prepared at home with or without the addition of various ingredients.

Benefits for the face

Any clay face masks have no contraindications and will only bring benefits. Why are they useful?

  1. They will deeply cleanse the skin and remove dead cells;
  2. make the skin smooth and fresh;
  3. lifted the oval of the face.

Plus, it's easy to apply and rinse off.

How to make a monomask

How to make a mask from clay alone? There are some cooking rules. Check them out:

  • Do not use metal utensils for cooking to avoid chemical reaction of clay with metal. Such clay for the face is no longer suitable for cosmetic purposes.
  • Dilute clay powder with cool boiled water, stirring constantly. The mask is ready when its consistency resembles thick sour cream. Too liquid mass will simply drain from the face, and thick one will tighten the skin.

How to apply the mixture correctly

You need to apply a clay mask correctly, only then you will get the expected result. Therefore, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • First you need to thoroughly cleanse your face of makeup and dirt. It will not be superfluous to steam out the pores.
  • You can apply the composition with your fingers or a brush; layer should not be very thin.
  • The composition is not applied to the lips and the area around the eyes.
  • Lie down after application. The clay mask is heavy and can stretch the skin if not in a horizontal position.
  • The answer to the question of how long to keep a clay mask depends on the type of skin. On dry it is better to keep it no more than 5 minutes, on normal - 10, and owners of oily skin type can apply a mask for 15 minutes.
  • How often can masks be done? For dry dermis, it will be enough to use clay once a week, and for oily - twice.
  • To prevent excessive tightness of the skin, the mask must be moistened with a spray bottle filled with clean water.
  • Rinse off with cool water. But in no case should you rip off layers, so you will only damage the skin.
  • It is better to make clay masks in the evening, as they can cause slight reddening of the face.

Types of clay

You already know how to apply clay masks correctly. It's time to talk about the types of clay that exist in nature. Why is clay different colors? The answer is simple: the minerals and chemical elements that make it up give it its color.

  • White and gray color gives the mineral kaolinite;
  • blue - silver ions;
  • black clay owes its color to quartz, potassium and iron;
  • yellow becomes so due to the combination of iron and potassium;
  • red color is given by oxides of copper and iron, as well as manganese;
  • green clay due to iron oxide;
  • pink is obtained by mixing white and red.

Facial clay is a valuable natural component. But it is important to know which clay mask is right for your skin type.

White (kaolin)

Dermis type: oily, sensitive. Problem: enlarged pores, acne. Effect:

  • absorbs excess fat;
  • evens out complexion;
  • tightens and smoothes the oval of the face;
  • narrows pores;
  • fights inflammation.


Skin type: dry. Problem: acne, fine lines. Effect:

  • gives elasticity;
  • tightens pores, relieves inflammation;
  • smoothes small wrinkles;
  • moisturizes;
  • provides detoxification of the dermis.


Derma type: normal or combination, fading. Problem: Pigmentation. Effect:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • fights wrinkles;
  • eliminates pigmentation and freckles;
  • improves blood circulation.

Dermis type: oily. Problem: increased fat content, acne. Effect:

  • tightens the contour of the face;
  • cleans effectively;
  • absorbs excess fat
  • prevents and treats acne.

Derma type: fading. Problem: acne. Effect:

  • removes toxins;
  • saturates the epithelium with oxygen;
  • allows you to preserve the youth of the dermis, reduces the number of wrinkles and their depth;
  • contributes to the prevention and treatment of acne;
  • activates metabolic processes.


Dermis type: dry, sensitive. Problem: lack of iron, peeling. Effect:

  • improves blood supply;
  • relieves redness and irritation;
  • saturates with oxygen;
  • tones the epithelium;
  • normalizes water balance;
  • restores a clear contour of the face;
  • enriches the skin with iron.


Dermis type: dry, fading. Problem: inflammation, flabbiness of the skin. Effect:

  • disinfects pores;
  • returns elasticity;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • smoothes superficial wrinkles;
  • improves complexion.


Dermis type: sensitive. Problem: irritation, peeling. Effect:

  • nourishes and softens the skin;
  • makes the skin supple and elastic;
  • smoothes and gives velvety;
  • produces a delicate cleansing of the dermis.

Preparing healing masks

It's time to learn how to make a clay face mask. You are already aware that the consistency of the mask should resemble thick sour cream. The amount of clay powder for preparing the mask is two tablespoons. And water - about 80 ml.

However, clay masks for the face and other ingredients are no less useful. It should be noted that all the rules on how to apply a clay mask also apply to these formulations.

  • If you add lemon juice (1 tablespoon) to the mixture prepared from white clay, you will get a wonderful clay mask for oily facial skin with a whitening effect.
  • And when you use chamomile decoction instead of water to dilute kaolin powder, you can enhance the cleansing effect of white clay on your face.
  • Another remedy, which contains white clay for oily skin, differs from the previous ones in that a couple of drops of tea tree essential oil are added to the finished mask. This mixture cleanses and refreshes the dermis, gives it a well-groomed appearance.
  • With excessive oiliness of the dermis, a cleansing mask will help. Yellow clay should be mixed with teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, honey and lemon juice. If the composition is too thick, you can dilute it with water.
  • For matting the skin, a mask of green clay powder, peach oil and grape seed oil is useful. All ingredients must be taken in equal amounts, the mixture can be diluted with water.
  • Dry facial skin that needs to be preserved and replenished with moisture can be moisturized by adding egg yolk or essential oils such as rose, frankincense, orange or ylang-ylang to the clay mask.
  • With dry skin, this face mask will help: red clay (1 tbsp. L.) Is mixed with fatty sour cream (in the same amount), add a couple of drops of any vegetable oil to the resulting mixture and apply on the face.
  • Such a mask for dry skin is also suitable: pink clay is mixed with milk, sour cream, yogurt or kefir (optional). Such a do-it-yourself composition will moisturize the dermis very effectively.
  • You can make a red clay mask with milk and other ingredients. For example, with yolk and a small amount of aloe juice and a teaspoon of glycerin.
  • If you add chicken egg protein to a black clay mask, you will get an effective remedy for combating acne and inflammation on the face. /li>
  • Another find for problem skin is blue clay. The mask is prepared as follows: add half a tablespoon of sour cream and clay powder to the pulp of watermelon and grapes (one teaspoon of these components should be taken).
  • To eliminate pigmentation, use a product made from black clay and bodyagi. Mix a teaspoon of dry grass with two teaspoons of black clay powder, dilute with water until the desired consistency is obtained.
  • You can also dilute the natural remedy with cucumber juice, strawberry juice or parsley juice. Such a clay mask for facial skin will allow you to successfully get rid of age spots or freckles.
  • Fading skin will help green clay for the face and cabbage. Put the cabbage leaf on the bottom of the bowl and pour half a glass of hot milk on top. Grind the softened leaf into gruel, add protein and half a teaspoon of green clay. Mix.

Making face masks at home is not difficult at all. You just need to set aside a little time for yourself, forgetting about everyday problems and affairs, and apply a useful remedy to the skin.

Clay healing mask will help to cope with many imperfections of the skin of the face. The composition should be applied for a very short time, so you will not be distracted from family affairs for a long time. But then a beautiful and happy woman will delight her household with a good mood and beautiful appearance.