What to do for an even tan. How to tan correctly to get a beautiful skin tone? Tan at the right time


Most fair-skinned women dream of a vacation that will allow them to transform themselves. Namely, to replace the painful pallor of the skin with the bronze tint of an even tan. But often, instead of the desired bronze tint, girls get bright red skin and the appearance of fried chicken. In addition to this, the surface of the skin becomes painful, burns prevent you from sleeping normally and continuing to rest, and in the end everything is covered with the terrible spectacle of thin skin slipping. The spectacle is not for the faint of heart, as they say.

To avoid this, you need to follow some rules that will help you not burn in the sun, but get an even, beautiful tan.

How to prepare your skin for tanning

Before going to the sea or to a body of water for the first time this swimming season, you need to exfoliate your skin. Removing the dead flakes will allow the tan to lie more evenly on your skin. To do this, you can use professional products or use what you have in your home. Mix kefir with sugar, lemon juice and coffee. Apply the prepared mixture to the body and thoroughly wipe the skin with your hands. Lemon juice eats away dead skin particles. Sugar and coffee, like a brush, remove the dead layer. And kefir helps moisturize and nourish the epidermis. Instead of all this, you can use a hard washcloth.

You should not do any major cosmetic procedures before sunbathing. Deep peeling, facial cleansing, pigmentation removal and other operations require complete protection from ultraviolet radiation for some time.

How to get an even and beautiful tan

  1. As soon as you set foot on the beach, don't rush into the open sun. Especially if this is your first tan after the winter season. The skin is still quite delicate and can acquire a bright red tint within half an hour. You need to get used to it gradually - 5 minutes in the morning on the first day, 10 minutes in the evening, 15 minutes in the morning on the second day, 20 minutes in the evening and so on. Subsequently, when the skin becomes a little tanned, you should not be in direct sunlight for more than an hour.
  2. As you know, you can only be in the sun in the morning and evening, when the sun's rays hit the ground at an oblique angle. Sunbathing from 11 to 16 hours is strictly prohibited - powerful ultraviolet rays can provoke early aging of the epidermis and even skin cancer.
  3. Even though you want to get a tan, you should definitely use sunscreen. It will allow you to avoid burns and help your tan go on more evenly. Remember to apply sunscreen every two hours. If you swim in a pond, after water procedures you need to renew the layer of washed off cream, or use a waterproof cosmetic. When choosing sunscreen, pay attention to its SPF rating. It indicates the degree of UV protection. Typically, creams are produced with SPF from 10 to 50. Children, as well as people with fair skin and blue eyes, need the maximum degree of protection - 50.
  4. To get a good tan, the skin must be enriched with vitamins E and C. To do this, you need to eat more fruits and vegetables, drink green tea. It is very useful to drink a glass of carrot juice before a day spent at the beach.
  5. To prevent the nose and skin area under the eyes from burning and appearing particularly red, it is important to wear a hat, or better yet, a wide-brimmed hat.
  6. In the sun, and even more so in windy sea weather, it is very easy to chapped your lips. Use special hygienic lipsticks that will protect the delicate skin of your lips from the sun's rays.
  7. To get an even tan, you need to purchase an open swimsuit that does not leave a colorful pattern on the body. After all, such a tan is of little use - can you really wear an open dress with it? Maybe you have the opportunity to go to wild beaches and sunbathe naked?
  8. Under no circumstances should you fall asleep while sunbathing. In this case, you can forget about an even tan. In addition, such carelessness can lead to burns and sunstroke.
  9. Very often, many girls complain that their shoulders and back sunburn the most. But the stomach, chest and thighs remain without a bronze coating. But remember yourself on the beach - we run, swim, build sand castles so that our backs are more exposed to ultraviolet rays. To tan from all sides, move more and lie on a lounger on your back - facing the sun.
  10. If you have very white skin that instantly turns red, you need to tan in the shade. The shade scatters ultraviolet rays and only small portions of it reach the skin. This is the only option for such people to get a beautiful and even tan.
  11. If you want to get a more intense tan, you need to use a cream with a tingle effect. When applied to the skin, it promotes the production of more melanin, which makes your tan darker and more beautiful.

After sunbathing, do not forget about proper skin care. When you return from the beach, take a shower, but do not rub your skin with a washcloth - you can injure it. After this, apply a light moisturizer to your skin, preferably based on aloe extract. The juice of this plant will not only give the skin lost moisture, but also saturate it with micronutrients.

Speaking of tanning, I would like to consider all the alternative ways to get it.

To get a proper, beautiful and even tan in a solarium, you need to determine your skin type. This can be done by a tanning salon worker. Depending on the skin type, the time spent in the capsule is determined, as well as the frequency of visits to the solarium. Typically, beginners are recommended to have a session that lasts no more than 5 minutes. Over time, the duration of exposure to ultraviolet rays may increase to 15 minutes.

What is the schedule for visiting the solarium? You should not be exposed to UV rays more than once a day; this is even prescribed by law in some foreign countries. Therefore, not a single salon will accept you twice a day. It is best to take ultraviolet light every other day at first until the tan develops sufficiently. When your skin acquires a pleasant shade, you can visit the solarium once every two weeks to maintain your tan. And remember that any tingling or unnaturally hot sensation is a signal to complete the procedure. Be attentive to your body.

When visiting the solarium, do not forget to remove all jewelry and contact lenses. Make sure you have a swimsuit before entering the capsule. Make sure that the beauty salon staff offers you special glasses that protect your eyes from UV radiation. And, of course, before visiting the solarium, do not apply decorative cosmetics to your face; you can only use tanning products. To ensure that the tan in the capsule lies evenly, move your arms and legs slightly, change position. Do not press your chin to the grille, otherwise you will get a white spot in this place. Tilt your head back as far as possible.

A beautiful tan hides many skin imperfections - freckles, cellulite, stretch marks. In addition, clothes on a beautiful tanned body look much more beautiful and sexier. Tan, strive for perfection and look like summer!

Video: how to get an even tan

About two weeks before your trip, start using a scrub or exfoliating peel on your body and face. Apply them using washcloths and stiff brushes (but after returning from vacation, put them in a distant drawer!). These products will remove the stratum corneum, which is the first to be washed off and can cause an uneven tan.

“The first sunscreen came out in 1928, and it had an SPF of 15.”

2. Avoid going out in the sun at midday and use sunscreen

Everyone knows these axioms, but for some reason they often neglect them. In the first days of your vacation, you should not lie on the beach or by the pool from morning to evening. In addition, you need to respect the time limits of your meetings with the sun (prohibited tanning time is from 12.00 to 17.00). Also, you should not sunbathe next to water: from physics lessons we know that the sun's rays are reflected from water, like from a mirror, and their effect is enhanced, which means that the risk of getting burned increases several times.

Of course, you can sit under an umbrella or in the shade at any time, but do not forget to apply sunscreen with SPF 50 or SPF 30 before leaving the hotel.

“Antioxidants fight reactive oxygen species and free radicals, preparing the skin for the harsh effects of sun exposure and helping it recover from sun exposure.”*

3. Prepare your skin for tanning from the inside out

Mademoiselle Chanel introduced the fashion for tanning. In 1922, in one of her interviews, she stated that aspirin-colored skin looks unhealthy, and tanned skin is considered beautiful. From that moment on, the girls began to regularly sunbathe and look for ways to speed up the tanning process.

Some fashionistas drink fresh carrot juice when they go for tanning in a solarium or at a resort. Carrots are one of the sources of beta-carotene. Most often, this same carrot juice is recommended to be mixed with cream. But you shouldn’t get carried away with such a cocktail, otherwise you risk not fitting into your new swimsuit. An alternative could be a complex of carotenoids and antioxidants Imedin® Tan Optimizer .

Imedin® Tan Optimizer is based on a special mixture of carotenoids (lutein, lycopene and beta-carotene):

  • lycopene (tomato extract) has high antioxidant activity, protects cells from damage by reactive oxygen species and free radicals;
  • beta-carotene (the source of beta-carotene are yellow and orange fruits such as mango and papaya, orange vegetables, carrots and sweet potatoes) has pronounced antioxidant properties plus has an immunomodulatory effect and promotes regenerative processes, supporting collagen synthesis;
  • natural lutein (the source of lutein are green leafy vegetables, marigold flowers, and broccoli) very selectively absorbs the aggressive part of the spectrum of light rays and neutralizes their harmful effects, and also promotes hydration, elasticity of the skin and protects it from photoaging.

In addition, the composition includes vitamins C and E - antioxidants that help protect cell membranes and proteins, neutralizing free radical molecules.

Accept Imedin® Tan Optimizer should begin two weeks before going out into the active sun and continue throughout the entire vacation. The complex will help you prepare your skin for tanning and protect it from the aggressive effects of sunlight.

If you follow these three simple rules, you and your skin are ready for tanning!

*Park. Role of Micronutrients in Skin health and function. Biomol Ther23 (3), 207−217 (2015)

The content of the article:

The long-awaited summer of vacations, adventures and a bronze tan has long arrived. Relaxing in nature, in a country house, on the banks of a river or sea, every representative of the fairer sex will not deny herself the pleasure of sunbathing to decorate her body with a chocolate tan. At the same time, many people know that the sun's rays are fraught with many dangers that can harm their health. Therefore, it is important not only to get a bronze skin tone, but also to protect yourself from harm to the body.

Harm from tanning

  • Being under the sun's rays is harmful for people with whitish skin, blond hair, age spots and an abundance of moles on the skin (especially large ones, more than 1.5 cm). This category of people is susceptible to sunburn and ultraviolet radiation can provoke a number of serious diseases. Therefore, the best solution is self-tanning cream.
  • Excessive sunbathing can cause skin cancer. According to statistics, more than 65,000 cases of melanoma are recorded annually in all countries of the world, i.e. malignant tumor that is associated with UV radiation.
  • Cases have been recorded where the sun caused blindness. Prolonged stay under it causes the development of cataracts. Therefore, it is advisable to wear sunglasses on the beach. They will also prevent the appearance of small wrinkles.
  • Excessive exposure to UV rays can trigger the development of thyroid disease.

The benefits of tanning

Sunlight promotes the production of vitamin D, which is vital. Since the body synthesizes it independently without exposure to solar energy, only 10% of the required norm. A lack of vitamin leads to chronic diseases such as cancer, polycystic ovary syndrome, problems with the menstrual cycle, infertility, diabetes, high blood pressure, caries, infections, diseases of the nervous system, incl. schizophrenia and multiple sclerosis. Therefore, you still need to take sunbathing, but in moderation without abuse. Below are tips on how to get a chocolate tan without harming your health:
  • A couple of weeks before your planned vacation, prepare your skin for an intense tan. Visit 2 times a week for five-minute solarium sessions. They will give your skin a bronze tint and protection from aggressive ultraviolet rays.
  • During the first days of exposure to the sun, use sunscreen. Especially every half hour, lubricate the chest, shoulders, nose with cream - the most vulnerable places for burns.
  • When vacationing in hot countries (Africa, Asia, Spain, Italy), sunbathe for no more than 5 minutes during the first days in the open sun. Increase the time spent in sunbathing gradually. At the same time, do not forget that it is recommended to sunbathe for about an hour a day.
  • The sun is hottest from 12 to 15 hours, so it is better to spend this time in the shade, even despite applying sunscreen. Because at noon the sun is most active and its direct rays hit the ground at right angles. If at this time for any reason you have to be under the sun, wear clothes that will protect your skin from burns. You also need to remember about the headdress. It not only prevents sunstroke, but also saves hair from dullness and brittleness.
  • The optimal time for safe tanning for the body is before 11.00 and after 16.00. And although the sun is not so hot at this time, it is still advisable to use sunscreen.
  • When sunbathing, change your position every 10 minutes, alternately exposing your back and stomach to the sun.
  • After bathing, do not blot your skin with a towel, but let it dry in the sun. This will enhance your tan. But do it in the shade, because... Water droplets under the sun increase the chances of getting sunburned because they have optical lenses.
  • When going swimming, lubricate your skin with protective cream, since ultraviolet rays can penetrate water up to 1.5 m deep.
  • When sunbathing topless, be sure to cover your nipples with cotton swabs or special caps.
  • The most beautiful, even, and most importantly safe tan is in partial shade. To do this, you should use wicker umbrellas, panel canopies, which partially transmit the sun's rays, thereby protecting the skin from an excess of ultraviolet radiation.
  • After sunbathing, it is recommended to rinse the skin under a cool shower. Afterwards, dry and moisturize with special nourishing products (cream, lotion) containing panthenol and a substance that restores the water-lipid balance of the skin. Such ointments improve skin regeneration and elasticity.

Diet for a beautiful tan

A beautiful golden tan also depends on the foods you eat. The most powerful tanning activator is beta-carotene (melon, watermelon, pumpkin, red pepper, apples, pears). It increases the production of melanin pigment, giving the skin a beautiful golden hue. The amino acid tyrosine also plays an important role in the production of melanin. Large amounts of it are found in animal products (red meat, fish, liver), beans, almonds and avocados.

Auxiliary substances in the formation of melanin are lycopene, selenium, vitamin C and E. Therefore, in order to get an intense chocolate shade during your vacation, you need to take a complex with these mineral supplements a couple of weeks before the trip.

While tanning, drink as much clean water as possible without gas and not very cold, so as not to become dehydrated.

Cosmetics for a beautiful tan

Tanning products that contain the Sun Protection Factor (SPF) will help protect your body from burns. They retain moisture in the skin, prevent its premature aging, and provide protection from UF rays. The SPF index in products varies from 3 to 50, so sunscreens need to be selected according to the skin phototype - the lighter and more sensitive the skin, the higher the SPF factor should be. At high solar activity (11.00–16.00), sunscreens are recommended to be used with an SPF index of 20–30, for dark skin - 10. And if there is heavy sweating, the skin should be lubricated with a protective cream more often, because sweat reduces the effectiveness of the cream.

Apply the cream with massage movements, in a thin layer, every half hour in the sun. Applying a thick layer of it will have the opposite result: the product will heat up in the sun and damage the skin.

When buying tanning products, pay attention to what is on the label, because... they may be intended for tanning beds rather than outdoor tanning. This product does not contain protective enzymes against UF rays, so you can get sunburned on the beach.

A cream with a “tingle” effect will help speed up tanning. It increases blood circulation in the skin and produces melanin faster, which makes the tan more intense. But here it should be borne in mind that after applying the Tingle cream, redness and allergies may appear on the skin. Therefore, before using a new product, it should be tested on a small area of ​​skin. However, it should not be used on white and untanned skin, or applied to the face.

That's all! Have a wonderful holiday, a bronze even tan and many unforgettable impressions!!!

Tips for proper tanning in this video:

How and when is the best time to sunbathe? In the solarium or outdoors? How to protect yourself and maintain a dark complexion for a long time? Here you will find some simple tips that will allow you to tan correctly and safely.

We always envy the natural golden skin tone that nature has blessed some people with. Dreaming of having dark skin, we go to the beach. Today there is a lot of talk about the benefits of tanning (vitamin D, phosphorus-calcium metabolism, strengthening the immune system, serotonin production) and the dangers of exposure to the open sun (burns, accelerated skin aging, malignant neoplasms). However, you can get a golden skin tone without risking your health just by following certain tips.

  • First of all, you need to determine exactly what type of skin your skin is in order to find out its sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Depending on your skin type, you need to purchase a protective cream, or better yet, several types of cream with varying degrees of protection, as well as after-sun lotions.
  • Just in case, you need to have a remedy for burns (the most optimal and fast-acting option is panthenol spray).
  • Next, you should get rid of dead skin cells - clean it with a scrub, or even better, do deep peeling by visiting a sauna or Turkish bath.
  • Stock up on vitamin C and E, and also include carrots, peaches and vegetable salads with tomatoes, flavored with olive oil, in your daily diet.
  • A proven and quite effective way to speed up tanning is to drink freshly squeezed carrot juice before the session.

How to protect yourself in the open sun?

If you're just starting to sunbathe, apply plenty of sunscreen with a maximum SPF rating to shield you from dangerous ultraviolet radiation. When using this cream, the tanning time will increase significantly, but you will not be afraid of sunburn. Many tanning creams available on the market can help you achieve a beautiful complexion while providing sun protection.

Now that you're ready to face the sun without getting burned, you need to be wary of overheating. At first, you shouldn't be in the sun for long periods. Be a little patient and allow the UV light to give your skin color in short periods of time. Start with half an hour, gradually increasing the periods of exposure to the scorching rays by 10 - 15 minutes. In any case, melanin is produced in 30-50 minutes, and further exposure to the open sun is pointless.
If you adapt correctly, you can prepare a basic tan, which will soon develop into a deep tan. As time increases, you should reduce the level of sunscreen you apply.

When is the best time to sunbathe?

The optimal time for tanning is from 10 to 12 in the morning, since at this time the sun is not at its zenith and its rays are scattered. In the evening, you can continue the procedures only after 16-17, and during the day it is better to avoid the sun.

The time of year also greatly influences the acquisition of a tan. In mid-summer the sun will obviously be harsh, so limit your exposure to the harsh rays and spend more time in the shade, under an umbrella or awning. In the shade you can also get a beautiful and even more even tan. In spring and early fall, the sun is less intense and you have a better chance of safely achieving the skin color you want.

What's the best way to sunbathe?

If you prefer to sunbathe while lying down, make sure that your legs are always positioned towards the sun. When sunbathing on your back, do not lower your head, otherwise your neck will remain white. Change positions frequently to achieve the most even tan.

But the best quality shade is obtained during active recreation, say, a walk along the coastline for half an hour in both directions is very effective for tanning - because the water actively reflects the sun's rays.

To protect the skin from aging and drying, it will moisturize the body from the inside. Use moisturizing sprays for the same purpose outside.

After swimming, be sure to pat your body dry with a towel to get rid of water droplets that give the lens effect.

Remember that the tan develops within 2 hours. When you return from the beach, be sure to take a shower and use after-sun cream or lotion to soften your skin.

What else do you need to remember?

Artificial darkening of the skin is also caused by sprays, special compositions for coloring the skin. The procedure is called “bronzing”, or “tanning without the sun”. This “tan” does not last long, on average a week or a little longer, after which it is washed off. Obviously, the body does not receive any benefit from UV radiation in this case.

What is SPF factor

When using one or another product to protect against excessive tanning, you can often see the SPF label. The abbreviation stands for Sun Protection Factor. The values ​​can vary from 2 to 50, with the strongest protective properties of a cosmetic product with an SPF value of 50.

The value determines how many times longer you can stay in the sun than if you do not use this product.

Of course, it all depends on your skin type. If she is white, a cream with a higher value is required than for those with dark skin.

  1. If you have white skin or light hair, you are allowed to stay in the sun for no longer than 5 minutes without the risk of getting sunburned. When using a cream with an SPF factor of 50, the time theoretically increases by 50 times, but you shouldn’t take the risk.
  2. If you have light brown hair, brown or blue eyes and fair skin, you can choose a product with a value of 30-40.
  3. If the skin is fair, but the hair is light brown or brown, and the eyes are dark, a product with an SPF value of 8 to 15 is sufficient.
  4. If your skin is dark, your hair and eyes are dark, you can stay in the sun for up to half an hour without appropriate protection. A cream with an SPF factor of 8 is sufficient.

It is important to understand that two layers of cream with SPF=20 do not give the same effect as applying one layer of SPF=40.

How to sunbathe

To tan properly, you need to record the time of the first application of the cream. Even if the cream is absorbed and reapplied, for example, after swimming, the total time of permissible sun exposure is still counted from the initial moment of skin protection.

The packaging of the product may contain additional information in the form of combinations of the abbreviations UVA, UVB, which indicates additional protection against ultraviolet radiation of type A or B.

  • An excess of UVA causes the formation of age spots and moles, the skin ages faster, becomes rough and less elastic.
  • Excessive UVB exposure causes burns, but in moderate amounts it is necessary to produce a tan.

It is correct to start sunbathing using sunscreen with a higher degree of protection than required. As a rule, these are products with an SPF value of 20 or higher. When the skin adapts, you can switch to products with a lower protection factor.

To protect your eyes from the formation of wrinkles and too bright light, water glare, it is recommended to use properly selected sunglasses.

To protect against heat stroke, the head must be protected with appropriate clothing. Do not tie your hair tightly with a scarf or sunbathe in a bathing cap.

How to tan properly in the sun for the first time

If you went to the sea, beach or country house for the first time this season, you should get the right tan gradually, preferably in the morning or evening. But not during the day, when the risk of getting burned is greatest. Moreover, in the morning and evening hours, the heat from the ground and air is felt less.

It is better to take sunbathing 30-40 minutes after eating. You should not go to the beach on an empty stomach.

It’s better to lie with your feet facing the sun and turn over more often. It's better to get a good night's sleep at home, because it's easy to get sunburned if you fall asleep on the beach.

After a sunbath, you should lie down in the shade, allowing your body to cool down. You can take a cool shower or go for a swim.

It is useful to sunbathe while performing various physical movements, participating in sports games and competitions.

How long to sunbathe to get a proper tan?

Being in the south of Russia, the most optimal time for sunbathing is from 7 to 10 o'clock. In the middle zone in the summer you can practice health improvement from 8 to 11 am. It is better to get out of the city so that the smog does not distort the spectrum of solar radiation.

  • When in the sun, do not soften your skin with Vaseline or glycerin. Their droplets form microlenses that enhance the effect of the rays, resulting in a burn.
  • When going into the water, it is useful to apply sunscreen to your skin first, since the sun works wonderfully through clear water.
  • On a hot beach, you need to lubricate your skin with sunscreen more often, since sweat quickly neutralizes it.

While trying to make the most of the summer warmth and life-giving effect of the sun's rays, you should not get too carried away with the sun. Since it is stressful for the skin, excessive exposure to sunlight causes it to age more rapidly.


You should not sunbathe in the sun or in a solarium if you have a significant number of birthmarks, freckles, after suffering a sunburn even a very long time ago, if close blood relatives have had a malignant melanoma.

Caution should be exercised if there are moles of a significant size on the body, from one and a half centimeters. The strong southern sun can cause their most negative mutations. It is better not to expose moles, especially large ones, to the rays, protecting them with a special cream.

For proper tanning, special attention must be paid to delicate, sensitive skin.

There are many ways to tan. You can get the most natural, even and affordable tan in the sun. However, you need to be careful and protect your skin from excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays. Solariums imitate the process of obtaining a natural tan using concentrated UV rays. This may give you a nice tan, but it has been proven to increase your risk of cancer. Self-tanning is a relatively safe product because it completely eliminates exposure to ultraviolet rays, but you won't get the natural look of tanning in the sun. These products don't last as long as UV exposure does, and you'll likely need to take precautions to prevent the tan from fading off your skin in patches.


Tanning in the sun

    Just lie in direct sunlight. This is much safer than going to a solarium and will give your skin a natural, beautiful tone.

    Find a way to pass the time. Sleeping is a great option because it makes time pass faster, and when you read books, you block some of the sun's rays when you lie on your back. Take a nap for about an hour to an hour and a half, setting an alarm so you can wake up on time. Then roll over to the other side and go back to sleep. You can repeat this process until you achieve your desired skin tone.

    • If you are in a public place, use this method only if you are absolutely sure you are safe. Ideally, there should be another person nearby who can watch you while you sleep. Try not to fall asleep with headphones on, because you need to hear everything that is happening around you or your things.
  1. Optimize your tanning time. It is necessary to sunbathe between 10 and 2 o'clock, since at this time the sun behaves most intensely. You can also sunbathe in partly cloudy weather, which can give you an even more intense tan as the sun's rays reflect off the clouds, increasing the amount of ultraviolet radiation you receive. Try sunbathing in or near water. Water is another natural tan enhancer.

    Always tan safely to avoid sunburn and skin damage. When tanning, you should use sunscreen no matter where you are. Apply your tanning lotion 30 minutes before going out into the sun to give it time to absorb into your skin. Reapply lotion every hour for 10 minutes.

    • If you sunbathe while sleeping, use a cream with an SPF of at least 20 or 30 if you sleep for about an hour, and one with an SPF of 40-50 if you sleep for more than an hour. Reapply the cream between bedtimes. Skin damage from the sun is a very real problem that occurs whether it is immediately noticeable or not.
    • Also remember to apply sunscreen every time you get out of the water. Some brands claim that their sunscreens are water-resistant, but they still wash off fairly easily. Try applying the cream after it has dried to be sure you are getting maximum protection.
    • Drink plenty of water to avoid becoming dehydrated.
  2. Consider using suntan oil. You can find it in the sunscreen section of many pharmacies and stores. Proceed with caution when using tanning oil as it can have a very intense effect. It is best to get a minimal tan first and then use similar products, rather than immediately getting a severe sunburn. Do not use thick creams, as they clog pores and create a sticky feeling.

    Get an even tan. Contrary to popular belief, lying still in the sun for long periods of time will tan much faster. Being active prevents the sun from concentrating on a specific area for an extended period of time. The easiest way to get an even tan while remaining mobile is to roll over from your stomach to your back every 5-10 minutes.

    • Try to tan evenly and make sure that no part of your body is in the shade so you don't end up with funny white spots.
    • Remember to roll over onto your stomach to tan your back, not just your front. You also need to turn on your side so that the sun's rays hit the sides of your legs, hips and waist.
    • Wear a strapless swimsuit or top to avoid strap marks. Consider sunbathing topless.

Tanning in a solarium

  1. Consider tanning in a solarium if you can't get one at the beach. Tanning in a solarium is similar to natural tanning, but may be a better option in the cold season. It's best to start with short periods of time in a tanning bed (less than 10 minutes), as this puts the source of UV rays closer and can burn your skin much faster.

    • Just like sunbathing, you should stay active while in the tanning bed. It's best to lift your legs and shoulders frequently, about every 30 seconds.
  2. Buy a tanning kit and lotion. Make sure you use tanning lotion in a tanning salon and not regular sun tanning lotion. Most salons will provide you with the opportunity to purchase high-quality options at various price ranges. This is quite expensive, so it is more profitable to buy a whole bottle of lotion than to take disposable kits every time you visit a solarium.

    Visit the salon and sign up for a solarium. Choose a set depending on how long you plan to tan. Don't forget to take advantage of student or new customer discounts and seasonal offers.

    • It is best to sunbathe without clothes, if this is comfortable for you. If this is not your option, wear underwear that will not leave extra streaks.
    • Standing tanning beds are much more hygienic, but reclining tanning beds are disinfected after each use.
  3. Be patient. Start with a short period of time of about 5-7 minutes, which will allow you to find out how your skin reacts to tanning. Increase the time gradually after the first tanning session.

    Think about your health. Tanning beds significantly increase the risk of skin cancer. Carefully weigh the risks and benefits before using a tanning salon. Reclining tanning beds are especially dangerous for young people. People under the age of 30 are much more likely to develop melanoma.

Using self-tanning

    Consider using fake tan. There are several types of artificial tanning: spray tanning, self-tanning and bronzer. Such products are an excellent option if you only need a tan for a few days or if your skin is very sensitive and burns easily. You can buy spray tanning from a salon that provides tanning services, or various types of self-tanners and bronzers from pharmacies.

    • Read product reviews before purchasing. After using some of them, you may end up with an unnatural orange tint to your skin.
    • Products with a gradual tanning effect work better because they darken your skin gradually, and you can settle on a comfortable shade. If you decide to use a spray tan, a professional will help you choose the perfect shade of the product, the result of which will fully match your skin tone.
  1. Prepare your skin. It is best to prepare your skin before using any products, because in the future it will look healthy and radiant, and not matte and dry. Be sure to exfoliate with a washcloth in a circular motion before applying your self-tanner to get rid of all the dead skin cells, otherwise the tan will only show up on the top layer. It is also necessary to moisturize your skin after the scrub so that it is silky and soft the next day.

    • Try not to use a scrub with large or rough particles, as this may cause tiny abrasions on the skin. The tan will not appear in these areas and, as a result, will not apply very well.
    • After applying the tan, you should massage your skin daily with a washcloth using gentle movements so that the applied layer disappears evenly over the course of a week. The tan will fade faster on certain areas of the body, but you don't want your skin to look patchy or have an uneven color. Exfoliating daily will also be helpful if you decide to keep your tan. You can reapply it over the course of a week, thus maintaining the tanned appearance of your skin.
  2. Choose the right shade. If you're considering using a self-tanner, shop around and find one that best suits your skin tone. Tans are typically sold in several shades: light, medium and dark. Some have more of a bronze tone, while others give a shimmering effect that reflects light and adds radiance to the skin.

    • For fair-skinned people, it's best to use a product closer to your natural skin tone to achieve a light tan, unless you want a contrasting dark effect.
    • On normal skin tones, you can use a tan for both fair skin and medium, olive skin tones.
    • If you have dark skin and want to get a dramatic tan, then for a more noticeable result it is best to use an intensive tanning product.
  3. Find a product that is easy to apply. In addition to choosing the right tone, it is important to choose a type of self-tanning that is easy to use, especially if you are doing it for the first time and without an assistant. Remember to wear gloves while applying the product, otherwise your palms will turn orange. They will not be easy to wash without affecting the uniformity of skin tone.