Mask for wrinkles around the eyes: purchased products and recipes for homemade masks. The best face masks for the skin around the eyes at home


The look of a woman can tell everything. Dry skin around the eyes, dark circles, puffiness, wrinkles do not add attractiveness to the look, but make it tired and add years. To keep the skin around the eyes young and elastic, it is important to carefully and carefully care for this area from youth, regularly nourish and moisturize it. To cope with such a task is within the power of homemade masks.

Rules for the use of masks for the skin around the eyes.
Masks for the area around the eyes are most conveniently applied with cotton pads. The prepared composition is distributed on them, applied to the area around the eyes and pressed. To withstand such masks should be twenty minutes. It is advisable at this moment to lie down, take comfortable posture and relax. After the specified time, remove cotton pads, wash off the remnants of the mask with boiled water room temperature or use milk or herbal infusion. After the procedure, the skin around the eyes must be moisturized, for which it is ideal to use natural oils(jojoba, olive, sweet almond, sea buckthorn, grape seed), gently driving in with your fingertips. After ten minutes, wet the skin paper napkin. Oils can also be used other than as additional procedures, but in the form independent masks. Masks can have different effects (rejuvenate, nourish, moisturize, eliminate swelling, etc.). They can be alternated. Enough 2-3 procedures per week.

Mask for the skin around the eyes for nutrition, moisturizing, skin rejuvenation, combating swelling and dark circles under the eyes, recipes.

Oatmeal honey mask.
Perfectly nourishes the skin, supplying it with the necessary substances.

Honey - 2 tsp.
Oatmeal - 2 tbsp. l.
Strongly brewed tea - 1 tsp.
Warm water - 1 tsp.

Combine the ingredients, put on water bath and warm up a bit. In a warm form, apply to the area around the eyes and leave for twenty minutes. After the specified time, wash off the mask with boiled water at room temperature and lubricate the skin under the eyes with a moisturizer.

Mask of sour cream and parsley.
Nourishes, refreshes, has a decongestant effect, reduces the so-called "bags under the eyes", softens, relieves inflammation.

Chopped parsley - 1 tsp.
Sour cream 30% fat (or cream) - 2 tsp.

Grind sour cream and parsley into a paste, put it on the eye area and let stand for twenty minutes. Rinse with boiled water at room temperature and apply a moisturizer.

Berry mask.
Nourishes, vitamins, tones.

Honey - 1 tsp
Strawberries - 2 large berries.

Crush the strawberries into a pulp and combine with warm honey. Distribute the mixture in two gauze swabs and apply to the entire eyelid area for twenty minutes. After the specified time, remove the swabs, and wipe the area around the eyes with a cotton pad previously moistened with warm milk. At the end of the procedure, moisten the skin under the eyes with a cream.

Nut mask.
It has an intensive nourishing effect, refreshes.

Crushed into coffee grinders walnuts- 1 tsp
Butter - 1 tsp.
Lemon juice (or pomegranate juice) - four drops.

Combine the ingredients and apply to the skin around the eyes. After twenty minutes, wash off the mask with cool water or any herbal infusion and apply a cream with a moisturizing effect.

Aloe mask.
It has a moisturizing effect, softens the skin, makes it soft.

Aloe leaf - 1 pc.

Cut off the aloe leaf, hold in the refrigerator for ten days. Then squeeze the juice and moisten the skin with it.

Honey mask with aloe juice.
It has an intensive nourishing, moisturizing, refreshing, anti-edematous effect, smoothes wrinkles.

Aloe juice - 1 tsp
Honey - 1 tsp

Aloe leaves cut off, hold in the refrigerator for ten days and only then squeeze the juice. For one procedure, one medium leaflet is enough. Combine the juice of the plant with honey, spread on gauze swabs and apply to the skin around the eyes. After half an hour, remove the tampons and wash warm water. At the end of the procedure, moisturize the skin with cream.

Herbal mask.
Moisturizes, soothes, relieves inflammation and fatigue from the eyes.

Sage herb - 1 tsp
Herb chamomile - 1 tsp.
Boiling water - 125 ml.
Olive oil - 1 tsp
Cottage cheese 9% fat - 1 tbsp. l.

Chop the herbs and pour boiling water, wrap and let it brew for twenty minutes. Drain the water, add cottage cheese and butter to the herbal mass. Grind everything into a paste and refrigerate. Before applying the cold composition, the skin around the eyes should be well lubricated. nourishing cream. Keep the mask for twenty minutes, rinse with cool water. At the end of the procedure, lubricate the skin with a cream with a moisturizing effect.

Cucumber mask.
Moisturizes and tones the skin.

Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.

Grate cucumber on a fine grater. Distribute the cucumber mass on two gauze swabs and apply to the eyelids for fifteen minutes. After the specified time, remove the tampons, wash with cool water and apply a moisturizer.

Mask with carrot juice.
Vitaminizes, smoothes small wrinkles, rejuvenates. Apply daily for a month.

Carrots of medium size - 1 pc.
Almond oil - 1 tsp

Grind the carrots and squeeze out the juice. Add oil to it. Place the finished mixture in a jar with a lid, shake and leave to cool in the refrigerator. After two hours, apply the mask on the area around the eyes and leave for forty minutes. Rinse off with cool water. After the procedure, moisturize the skin with cream.

Spinach mask.
Rejuvenates, refreshes, relieves swelling and reduces circles under the eyes.

Spinach juice - 1 tsp
Sea buckthorn oil (or grape seed) - 1 tsp.
A solution of vitamin A in oil - 5 drops.

We squeeze out fresh leaves spinach juice and mix it with the rest of the ingredients. Spread the mixture on the area around the eyes and hold for half an hour. Remove the mask with a cotton swab dipped in warm milk.

Cabbage mask.
Smoothes wrinkles, refreshes, tones.

Leaves white cabbage- 2 pcs.
Brewer's yeast - ¼ tsp
Honey - 1 tsp
Almond oil - 2 tsp

Squeeze the juice from the cabbage and combine with the rest of the ingredients. Apply the mask on the eyelid area and the skin under the eyes for twenty minutes. Rinse with cool water and apply a nourishing cream.

Apple mask.
Removes or reduces swelling, refreshes, tones.

Fresh apple - 1 pc.

Grind apples, spread the mass on gauze swabs and apply to the skin around the eyes. After fifteen minutes, remove the swabs and wash with cool water. Be sure to lubricate the skin under the eyes after the procedure with a nourishing cream.

Potato mask.
Relieves swelling, vitamins, refreshes, tightens the skin, removes dark circles.

Raw potato small - 1 pc.

Rinse the potatoes thoroughly and dry them, without removing the peel, chop in a blender. Distribute the finished gruel (1 tsp each) into two gauze swabs and apply to the skin around the eyes, pressing down slightly. After fifteen minutes, remove the swabs, and wipe the area under the eyes with a cotton pad dipped in tea leaves, and smear with cream.

Potato-milk mask.
Removes puffiness and dark circles under the eyes, fortifies.

Chopped fresh potato mass - 2 tsp.
Flour - 2 tsp
Warm milk - 2 tsp

Combine all the ingredients in one mass and distribute it in two gauze swabs and apply to the eyelid area. After ten minutes, remove the tampons and wash with cool water. Moisturize the skin after the procedure.

Parsley Root Mask.
It has a decongestant effect, eliminates dark circles under the eyes.

Parsley root - 1 pc.

Chop the parsley root and apply the resulting slurry to the skin around the eyes. After twenty minutes, wash off the composition with warm water, and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

Cucumber mask with sour cream and coriander.
Stimulates blood circulation in the skin around the eyes, fights bruising and swelling, tones, refreshes, moisturizes.

Finely chopped fresh cucumber - 1 tsp.
Finely chopped coriander - 1 tsp.
Fatty sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.

Combine the ingredients into a homogeneous mass, which is applied to the area around the eyes. After fifteen minutes, wash off the composition with cool water and lubricate the skin with cream.

Cucumber mask with sour cream and cinnamon.
Nourishes, tones, moisturizes loose skin, eliminates circles under the eyes.

Chopped cucumber - 1 tbsp. l.
Fatty sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.
Cinnamon powder - 1 tsp

Mix the components, distribute the area around the eyes and leave for fifteen minutes. Wash off the mask with boiled water at room temperature. At the end of the procedure, moisturize the skin with cream.

Bread mask with milk.
Nourishes, smoothes wrinkles, tones, tightens.

Crumb white bread- 1 piece.
Warm milk - a small amount.

Soak the crumb in milk until a homogeneous slurry. Distribute the resulting mass on two gauze swabs and apply to the eyelid area, gently pressing down, for fifteen minutes. Then remove the tampons, wash with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.

Potato mask with sea buckthorn oil.
Nourishes, moisturizes, tones, improves skin elasticity, smoothes fine wrinkles.

Boiled potato - ¼ part.
Warm milk - 1 tbsp. l.
Sea buckthorn oil ½ tsp

Mash hot potatoes with milk and butter. Distribute the warm mass on gauze swabs (single) and apply on closed eyes. After ten minutes, remove the tampons, wash with warm water, lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

Mask with chamomile and arnica.
Tones, refreshes, soothes, relieves puffiness and irritation.

Chamomile grass - 1 pinch.
Arnica herb - 1 pinch
Boiling water - 100 ml.

Herbs combine and pour boiling water. Insist under a lid and a towel for twenty minutes. Soak cotton pads in warm infusion and apply on the eye area for fifteen minutes. After removing the mask, you do not need to wash your face, just additionally moisturize the skin with cream.

Mask with chamomile and linden.
Eliminates puffiness, relieves inflammation, improves firmness and elasticity, prevents the formation of wrinkles.

Chamomile herb - 1 tsp
Linden blossom - 1 tsp
Boiling water - 200 ml.

Mix herbs and pour boiling water, insist under a warm cap for twenty minutes. Soak cotton pads in warm infusion and apply on closed eyes. After twenty minutes, remove the discs, additionally moisturize the skin with cream.

And finally. Before using any mask, be sure to test for allergic reactions. Masks for the skin around the eyes are an additional supporting procedure for maintaining youthful skin. It is very important to lead healthy lifestyle life, eat right and give up bad habits, including squinting and frowning. In sunny weather, do not forget about special glasses, never go to bed with unremoved makeup. For the rest, live brightly and smile! Good luck!

The following masks for the skin around the eyes will help prolong the youthful look after 25 years. With these recipes, you can extra costs maintain beauty at home, given by nature, long years.

Skin problems around the eyes

Around the eyes, the skin is the thinnest and driest, because there are only 2 sebaceous glands. Over time, it becomes even drier, thinner, as the overall level of production of substances necessary to maintain the elasticity of the fibers falls.

The thinness of the cover under the eyes makes blood vessels located close to the surface, so when blood stagnates there, dark circles are observed. Free radicals from the air, ultraviolet radiation, insufficient water intake quickly deplete the moisture reserves of the most vulnerable area, due to which mimic fine wrinkles begin to become noticeable from the age of 20.

At the age of 30-40, the production of collagen and elastin decreases several times, the fibers are destroyed faster, and cell restoration takes large quantity days. The eyelids begin to sag, swelling appears.

After 40-45 years, cell renewal processes, metabolism slows down even more, wrinkles become deep. Apart from age-related changes, on the state problem area affect: water consumption, work internal organs(e.g. kidney), contamination level environment, pollution of the body (smoking, alcohol, unbalanced diet), the number of hours of sleep, cosmetics used to remove makeup. The quantity and variety of vitamins and microelements received by the body, the level of hormones, regular climatic phenomena (wind, frost, heat, dryness) also affect.

Are homemade masks effective?

It all depends on the desired effect of the mask. Yes, home masks are effective, but not omnipotent. They can refresh the look, moisturize, smooth fine wrinkles. Even masks can slightly tighten, brighten, help recover from stress that has ended (moving, traveling, night party, and others). However, homemade (and even purchased) masks will not smooth out deep wrinkles, will not return clarity to sagging contours, with such serious problems only cosmetic, surgical procedures will help, sometimes an appointment is required hormonal drugs assigned by a specialist.

It is also necessary to realize that masks will be powerless if you continue to lead a wrong lifestyle. That is, if you use stimulants nervous system, sleep less than 7-8 hours a day, sit at the computer every day for more than an hour continuously. At the same time, eating improperly, neglecting fresh air, taking vitamin and mineral complexes. At any time of the year, dehydration of the body, abuse of sunburn without protective equipment should not be allowed.

Also, the mask will not work in the presence of certain diseases of the internal organs, eye, skin, fungal diseases (it is always necessary to make sure the cleanliness of the makeup tools used, the cosmetics itself), allergies (to cosmetics, food, pollen, etc.). It is logical to seek to eliminate the root cause of unsatisfactory appearance before using external means.

Recipes for masks for dry skin under the eyes

Important! Cosmetologists advise not to apply creams and masks for the skin around the eyes at home on the upper eyelid, otherwise swelling and swelling may occur.

The skin under the eyes is a rather sensitive area, so the very first one reacts sharply to cold, wind, scorching sun, lack of certain substances in food, low water intake during the day, therefore it begins to peel off, a network of small wrinkles appears. Recipes for masks for dry skin around the eyes:

  1. Banana mask perfectly moisturizes, nourishes and restores. It will take 1 banana, 1 tsp. olive (or other base oil), as well as 1 tsp. fresh herbs (for example, you can take chamomile, dill, cilantro, parsley, rosemary or spinach). Combine the elements in a blender, then apply for 20-30 minutes, rinse with warm water. Applied skin care cosmetics, even homemade, of course, with clean hands on a prepared - cleansed face.
  2. Honey. Suitable for those who do not have allergies to components. Not bad helps such a mask for the skin around the eyes from wrinkles, but not from deep ones. Requires 1 tsp. liquid honey, 1 yolk, beat the mixture with a fork, apply under the eyes for 10 minutes.

Mask recipes for dark circles under the eyes

Home masks for the skin around the eyes from dark circles under the eyes will work with a draining, brightening effect, improve blood microcirculation, and refresh.

  1. Potato. It is prepared from a portion of a small raw potato, 5 g of oatmeal (linen, amaranth or sesame flour) and 15 ml of kefir. Peel potatoes, chop, for example, on a fine grater. Mix 5-10 g of grated potatoes with the rest of the ingredients, apply for 20 minutes. under the eyes.
  2. Cucumber. A remedy beloved by our grandmothers, included in legends and anecdotes, which does not lose popularity due to its properties. Take 1 small cucumber, 5 g parsley (coriander or cilantro), 15 ml sour cream. Grind the cucumber in a blender or on a grater, take 1 tbsp of this gruel, add chopped herbs and sour cream. Keep 15 min. under eyes and rinse.
  3. Hand-made gel mask for the skin around the eyes, a real find home cosmetology. The recipe consists of cucumber juice 50 ml, a leaf of a Kalanchoe or aloe plant (1.5 tsp), leaf gelatin (1.9 g is 1 leaf, you need 1.26 g), or agar-agar powder, a quarter of a teaspoon for 60 ml of liquid. Turn the cucumber and the leaf of the plant into gruel, strain, squeeze, take the juice. Mix with agar-agar, heat, without bringing to a boil, stirring. Then remove from heat and, while cooling, stir again.
    If gelatin is used, place part of the leaf in juice, heat in a water bath, stir for 3-5 minutes. until complete dissolution. A chilled gel mask is applied under the eyes for 15-20 minutes.

An alternative use of the gel is purchased reusable gel masks for the skin around the eyes. They are a bag of synthetic material with gel inside. Before use, such a mask should be cooled - to reduce swelling, dark circles, or heated - to relax the muscles and smooth wrinkles, soothe the eyes before going to bed. Such a mask can be purchased at a price of 70 r.

Patch mask for the eye area

Relatively inexpensive store mask patches sometimes just help out. This is an express treatment. For example, you can find a remedy such as a patch mask for the skin around the eyes, containing hyaluronic acid, vitamin-mineral complex, collagen (it costs about 130 r). Such a mask will smooth, moisturize, make dark circles invisible.

There are even patch masks that promise an effect like after Botox - they relax small muscles, due to which wrinkles are smoothed out.

The patch mask is glued with a thin part closer to the temples, a thick part - to the bridge of the nose. At least 5 mm should be retreated from the edge of the lower eyelid. Mask-patches, as a rule, are designed for 20-30 minutes.

Eye masks after 30

The care features offered by masks for the skin around the eyes after 30 are based on the need to protect against free radicals, ultraviolet radiation, in order to prolong natural youth.

  1. Sea buckthorn: sea buckthorn oil (pharmacy) 50g + aevit (oily vitamin A + E).
    You can apply several times during the day, removing excess with a napkin before going to bed. Sea buckthorn and vitamin E are powerful antioxidants.
  2. Flaxseed: 5 g flaxseeds + 0.5 stack. water + parsley.
    Grind flax seeds in a coffee grinder, boil in water until thick. Add finely chopped parsley to the cooled gruel. Do not rinse for 20 min.
    Parsley helps protect against unwanted sunburn, is a natural UV filter, linen has a lot of different useful properties for the skin.

Eye masks after 40

For mature women masks for the skin around the eyes after 40 are suitable, which will deeply nourish, strengthen, protect the skin from an aggressive external environment.

  1. Oil mask : 15 ml of any base oil (for example, olive, apricot, grape, etc.) + 1-2 drops of natural 100% essential oil(lavender, jasmine, sandalwood, rose, etc.). You must first test for allergic reaction skin for each oil (apply to the inside of the elbow, wait and see if there is any redness).
    Make a mixture of any oils you like: base and essential oils, here you can experiment with the components, because people's tastes for various aromas and skin reactions are too individual.
  2. Green mask: 2 spinach leaves + vitamin A oil, 10 g + any cream suitable for the eyes.
    It is necessary to mix the components, hold for 15 minutes. The excess is wiped off the skin gently with a cotton swab, or a disk soaked in cool milk.
  3. Golden mask. Such golden mask for the skin around the eyes will be useful at any age, as it fights against all the skin problems listed above. It will take 1 tbsp. l. turmeric, 5 g baking soda, 2-3 drops of lemon juice, 15 ml of any base oil.
    Dissolve turmeric in oil, mix with lemon juice and soda, sit with the mixture applied to the problem area for about 15 minutes.

These recipes can and should be combined, supplemented, modified for themselves. In addition to the components used in them, products such as Rye bread, cream, Jerusalem artichoke, oatmeal, packaged black and green tea. Also, masks can be prepared using milk powder, plum, herbal ice and other available products. The most important thing that should not be forgotten if there is a goal is to be young and beautiful for many years: get enough sleep, quit bad habits, fall in love with a delicate massage of the skin of the face, walk more often and do not neglect sunglasses and sunscreens.

Women strive to maintain youthful skin for a long time. And the first signs of aging appear, as a rule, around the eyes. In this area of ​​the face, the epidermis is the thinnest and there is practically no sebaceous glands. Therefore, the skin needs special care, including special creams and masks. Homemade eye mask for wrinkles can give excellent result, but you need to learn how to properly carry out the procedures.

Here are some beauty tips to help keep your skin smooth and supple:

  • try not to squint sunny days wear sunglasses;
  • drink enough water;
  • get enough sleep, daily be in the fresh air;
  • use daily tonic and moisturizer cosmetical tools, selected individually;
  • do homemade masks twice a week.

Characteristics of the main components

Homemade eye mask for wrinkles can be prepared using a variety of products. The main requirement is that the products must be fresh and natural.

Most often used:

  • Honey- it perfectly tightens, nourishes and strengthens. It is not recommended to apply honey on the skin of the eyelids in pure form, it is mixed with other components.
  • Egg. The protein perfectly tightens, and the yolk nourishes. You can use both chicken and quail eggs.
  • Dairy and dairy products. For delicate skin of the eyelids, it is recommended to use fresh milk, cream or sour cream. Dairy products soften and moisturize the skin.
  • Oils. Vegetable oils are often included in cosmetic formulations and provide additional nutrition and moisture retention.
  • Yeast. It is an excellent source of B vitamins, which are essential for maintaining the beauty of the skin.
  • Potato. This product can be used both raw and boiled, it nourishes, smoothes the skin, eliminates swelling.
  • Fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs. It is a source of vitamins and minerals.
  • Aloe juice. It's amazing natural product for skin regeneration and rejuvenation.
  • Decoctions medicinal herbs . This product saturates the skin with enzymes, tones, moisturizes.

Basic Rules

When planning anti-aging procedures at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for their implementation in advance:

  • You should use recipes for masks created specifically for this area; you should not apply cosmetic compositions for the face to the skin of the eyelids.
  • Before applying the composition, be sure to remove makeup and cleanse the skin. If this is not done, then inflammation can be provoked.

  • When applying the compositions, you need to be as careful as possible to prevent the composition from getting on the mucous membrane and eyelashes.
  • If cosmetic composition liquid, then cotton pads are moistened in it and applied to closed eyelids.

Advice! Compositions that have the consistency of a liquid slurry are recommended to be laid out on gauze napkins, and then applied to the eyelids. In here thick masks can be applied directly to the skin. In this case, you need to do without excessive pressure and stretching of the skin.

  • During the procedure, it is advisable to lie down and relax the muscles of the face, the duration of the procedure is about a quarter of an hour.
  • After removing the composition, it is recommended to wipe the skin with a tonic and apply a suitable cream.

Popular Recipes

Exist various options cosmetic homemade masks, each woman will need to choose the recipes that are suitable for herself.


This is very simple procedure which can be done daily in the morning or in the evening. To make ice, you need to take fresh milk (choose natural product with a short shelf life) and dilute it in half mineral water(non-carbonated). Freeze the resulting mixture in molds. Use to wipe the skin of the eyelids. You need to act carefully, without exercising pressure and without stretching the skin. After the procedure, the skin should be blotted with a napkin and a special cream should be applied.

In addition to milk, decoctions of herbs can be used to make ice cubes. Chamomile, lemon balm, sage are especially useful.


This nourishing mask prepared using white bread without crusts, almond butter and milk. You need to take a little crumb, pour it with a spoonful of butter and warm milk to make a semi-liquid gruel.

Spread the bread gruel on gauze napkins and apply to the eyelids.


Simple potato mask It will help not only to smooth out wrinkles, but also to remove bags under the eyes.

Peel a fresh potato tuber and grate it on a fine grater. Put the mass on gauze napkins and put them on your eyes.

More difficult option composition of potatoes is prepared with the addition of cream and black tea. Such a composition perfectly tones, nourishes and tightens.

  • boil one potato, mash it to a state of puree;
  • pour a teaspoon of tea leaves and a little cream into the puree to make a rather thick mass that can be applied to the skin in a thick layer;
  • apply the finished composition under the eyes, cover with wet gauze wipes from above;
  • after a quarter of an hour, remove, wipe the skin with tonic or infusion of chamomile.


This eye mask for puffiness and wrinkles is made from fresh parsley and thick sour cream. You need to chop the greens very finely, or even better, chop it in a blender. Then mix with thick sour cream in a ratio of one to one. The mixture is applied to gauze napkins. This composition smoothes fine wrinkles, nourishes and improves blood circulation.


It's very simple and effective home mask. You just need to cut a couple of grapes and wipe the skin of the eyelids with the juice. Wash off after a quarter of an hour.

Advice! It is undesirable to use red grapes for this procedure, as it can stain the skin.

Honey oatmeal

Very effective mask of oatmeal mixed with honey. For cooking, you will need oatmeal or oatmeal, crushed to a fine powder.

There are two mask options. The first is prepared on the basis of milk. Pour a spoonful of oatmeal with a small amount of hot milk. After the mass has cooled, half a teaspoon of liquid honey is added to it and stirred.

The second option is prepared on the basis of the yolk. The yolk is ground with half a teaspoon of honey until a homogeneous mass is obtained, and then a little oatmeal is added until a thick mass is obtained, which can be applied in a thick layer on the eyelids.


This vitamin tonic composition is prepared on the basis of white cabbage juice. It will take about a quarter cup of this product. Dissolve a spoonful of brewer's dry yeast in the juice and add a spoonful vegetable oil. We impregnate cotton pads or gauze napkins folded several times with this composition and apply on closed eyelids.


In a ripe apricot, you need to remove the stone and remove the skin, mash the pulp and mix with a spoonful of thick sour cream or the same amount of almond oil. Similarly, you can prepare a cosmetic composition from a peach, half of the fruit is enough for it.


The composition of the banana perfectly nourishes and smoothes the skin of the eyelids. It is prepared very simply: you need to mash a banana (it will take about a quarter of a medium-sized fruit). The finished banana puree is mixed with a spoonful of oil and three drops of an oil solution of vitamin E. You can choose any oil, almond, flaxseed works well.


For cooking you need fresh rose petals. Rosehip petals can also be used. You need about a tablespoon of crushed mass.

Petals can be very finely chopped with a knife or chopped in a blender. Then mix the fragrant mass with a teaspoon of softened butter. The finished cream is applied in a thick layer on the lower eyelids.


There are several types of masks based on fresh cucumber. The simplest option will not require any effort, you just need to cut off a couple of circles from a cucumber and put them on your eyelids. This procedure perfectly refreshes and saturates the skin with moisture.

You can grate the cucumber and, putting it on gauze napkins, apply it to the skin of the eyelids. After removing the wipes, you do not need to wash your face, just wipe the skin with a tonic.

A more complex composition is prepared with the addition of oil and an oil solution of vitamin E. Add a teaspoon of almond oil and three drops of a vitamin solution to a tablespoon of grated mass. Ready composition apply using paper towels.

Curd with honey

This excellent tool for moisturizing and nourishing the skin of the eyelids. Prepared on the basis of fresh cottage cheese, ideally homemade. But you can buy cottage cheese in a store or on the market, as long as it is a product with a fat content of 9% or more. Fat-free cottage cheese is undesirable.

For 50 grams of cottage cheese, 15 grams of vegetable oil and honey are required. Everything must be ground until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Made from beans and flaxseed oil

This composition perfectly tightens and smoothes the skin. Boil white beans until soft. To prepare the composition, about 50 grams of the finished product will be required. Beans need to be mashed to a puree state, gradually pouring in linseed oil. Oil will need 25 ml. A thick mass is applied to the skin and covered from above with wet gauze napkins.


This composition perfectly moisturizes and nourishes. It will take 2-3 fresh strawberries and a spoonful of thick sour cream. The berries are crushed and mixed with fermented milk product. Apply using gauze pads.

With lime blossom and chamomile

It is necessary to prepare an infusion by mixing dry lime blossom and chamomile flowers in equal amounts. Two tablespoons of the mixture pour 100 ml of boiling water and let it brew.

Grind 50 grams of high-quality butter, gradually adding two tablespoons of the prepared infusion and 10 drops castor oil. Whip everything to make a homogeneous cream. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days. Procedures are carried out every other day. Apply ready cream a thin layer on the eyelids, and after half an hour, take out the remnants with paper napkins.


This is a composition of sea buckthorn and cocoa oils, as well as an oil solution of vitamin E. These three components are mixed in a ratio of 2: 3: 1. That is, if you take 10 grams in one part, you will need:

  • 10 grams of vitamin oil solution;
  • 20 grams of sea buckthorn oil;
  • 30 grams of cocoa butter.

The mixture is applied first to the lower eyelids (copiously), and then to the upper (thin layer).

It is advisable to pre-cut pieces of parchment of such a size that you can cover the lower eyelids, including the outer corners (the place where crow's feet). Prepared pieces of parchment are applied over the applied composition. After twenty minutes, remove the parchment, gently blot the skin with napkins.

With flaxseed

This composition perfectly tightens the skin, relieves wrinkles and bags under the eyes. It is necessary to boil two tablespoons of seeds by pouring 400 ml of water. Cook over low heat until the seeds are tender. Cool down. Drain the broth, and put the thick mass on napkins and apply to the skin of the eyelids.


For the preparation of a cosmetic composition from yeast, you can use a dry instant product, in powder form. This option is more convenient. But you can take fresh pressed yeast.

You will need a tablespoon of yeast and twice as much warm milk. Mix both products and add a pinch of sugar or a little honey. Let the mass stand for the yeast to “come alive”. Then apply the prepared mass on the eyelids.

Another version of the mask has a more complex composition. It is necessary to dissolve half a teaspoon of honey in a quarter cup of milk and pour a tablespoon of yeast with this mixture. When the mass rises with a “cap”, a teaspoon of vegetable oil is poured into it and flour is poured until a soft dough is obtained. Two “cakes” are rolled out of the dough, which are applied to the eyelids. To prepare this composition, it is desirable to use oatmeal or barley flour, but you can also take wheat.

with aloe

Very effective cosmetic formulations of aloe. For their preparation, it is recommended to use freshly prepared juice. For this product to contain maximum amount biologically active substances must be adhered to the following rules cooking:

  • use the lowest thick leaves of plants, and the plant itself must be an adult (at least 3 years old);
  • after cutting the leaves, they must be kept in a cold, dark place (in the refrigerator on the door or in the vegetable compartment) for a week. Before laying in the refrigerator, the leaves must be wrapped in parchment;
  • then the leaves are cleaned of thorns and skin;
  • for the preparation of the compositions, either crushed pulp or juice squeezed through cheesecloth is used.

Next the composition is called Cleopatra's cream. To prepare it, you need to heat a teaspoon of honey, mix it with a tablespoon of mineral or just clean water. Then add 50 ml to the warm mass rose water and 4 teaspoons of aloe juice. Whisk everything well.

Now we need to prepare the base. In the classic recipe, this is interior fat, but butter can also be used. The fat needs to be melted, and the butter just needs to be slightly warmed up so that it becomes soft. Mix the base with the previously prepared mass. Keep ready mix in the refrigerator in an opaque container with a lid. Apply daily, combining application with a light massage. This The cream is effective for removing crow's feet.

Precautionary measures

Before you start doing homework cosmetic procedures, you must make sure that the selected cosmetic composition is safe. Skin reactions are individual, so a recipe that is perfect for one woman may cause negative reactions in another.

Therefore, before the first use of a new composition for you, be sure to do skin sensitivity test to the cosmetic composition.

Ecology of life. Beauty: The skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate. It is from this area that usually begin to form mimic wrinkles and it best gives the real age. It is better to start caring for her as early as possible - from the age of 20. There are many recipes for masks for the skin around the eyes and eyelids with different ingredients and for different purposes and ages.

The skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate. It is from this area that mimic wrinkles usually begin to form and it best gives out real age. It is better to start caring for her as early as possible - from the age of 20.

There are many recipes for masks for the skin around the eyes and eyelids with different ingredients and for different purposes and ages.

The skin of the eyelids often needs to be softened, relieved of fatigue, swelling, additional food and hydration. With age, it should be monitored even more carefully to avoid wrinkles.

This article contains masks for the eyelids and skin around the eyes, the easiest to make and use at home.

Masks for the skin around the eyes with parsley

Mask of parsley and sour cream. Mix 2 teaspoons of sour cream with 1 teaspoon of finely chopped parsley. Apply the mask to the skin around the eyes, cover with wet cotton swabs. Wash off after 15 minutes with lukewarm water.

Mask of parsley with oil. Mix 10 grams of finely chopped parsley with 20 grams of butter.

Parsley mask. Simply apply freshly ground parsley to your eyelids, cover with damp cotton swabs, and leave on for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Parsley Root Eye Mask. This mask will help with swollen skin of the eyelids. Rub the parsley root on a fine grater, apply the resulting gruel on the eyelids for 15-20 minutes.

Masks for the skin around the eyes with potatoes

These masks relieve bruises under the eyes and nourish the skin

The easiest thing is to boil potato in uniform, wait until it cools down. When the potato is just warm, cut it into two parts with a knife and put it on your eyes for 30-40 minutes.

mask from raw potatoes, milk and flour. Grate washed, unpeeled potatoes on a fine grater. Mix 2 teaspoons of the resulting mass with 1 tablespoon of milk and two teaspoons of flour. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin around the eyes for 15-20 minutes.

Honey eye masks

For dry skin, this mask for the skin around the eyes is suitable: Mix one teaspoon of honey with egg yolk. Apply to the skin of the eyelids and leave for 10 minutes.

Honey eye mask for wrinkles: Mix two teaspoons of honey with two spoons oatmeal and a spoonful of strong tea. Add water to make the mask thicker. Steam the resulting mixture to steam the flakes. Apply to the skin around the eyes for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask first with warm, then cool water. Moisturize your skin with cream after application.

Honey-curd eye mask. Mix 1 teaspoon honey, 2 tablespoons cottage cheese and a tablespoon of cream or a few drops olive oil. Apply to the skin around the eyes for 15 minutes.
Other eye mask recipes

peach mask. Mash a ripe peach and add a spoonful of cream, sour cream, milk or starch to the resulting gruel.

banana mask. Mash a ripe banana into a pulp, mix with a teaspoon of milk and apply on the skin of the eyelids for 10-15 minutes.

Oatmeal mask. This mask will soothe irritated skin and smooth out tender, dry skin. Mix 2 tablespoons of oatmeal with 4 tablespoons of milk or cream. When the flakes swell, wrap them in 2 parts and wrap each in gauze. Put the prepared compresses on your eyes for 20 minutes.

This will be of interest to you:

Mask for the skin of the eyelids from strawberries. This homemade mask nourishes and smoothes the skin around the eyes. Mash 2-3 strawberries with a fork until thick and mix with a teaspoon of honey. Wrap the resulting mask in gauze and put on your eyes for 20 minutes. After removing the mask, wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in milk.

Sauerkraut mask. Wrap the cabbage in gauze and put on your eyelids. Lie with her for 15-20 minutes in a dark room.

Mask of fresh cabbage. Finely chop the cabbage, wrap in gauze and put on your eyes for 15-20 minutes. published

What kind of problems does not arise with the skin around the eyes! Wrinkles on it appear first of all, ptosis is detected very early ( upper eyelids descend), more and more often in the morning you can observe a sad picture: either puffiness, then dark circles, then bags, then redness ...

All of this is very damaging. appearance and is not hidden under any even the most skillful make-up. To stop the appearance of more and more age-related changes, it is recommended after 30 years to make masks more often, which even at home can stop time and slow down the aging process.


All home masks for the skin around the eyes, depending on the ingredients they contain, either have a specific focus or have a complex effect. But in any case, their effectiveness becomes noticeable after the first competent application. Their functions include:

  • rejuvenation: smoothing wrinkles under the eyes and "crow's feet" in their corners;
  • lifting: elimination of ptosis of the upper eyelids;
  • hydration: the skin around the eyes is devoid of fat, which helps to retain moisture in the cells, so a regularly applied moisturizing mask makes up for the lack of moisture;
  • anti-edema: normalizing the metabolism that occurs at the cellular level in the skin, similar funds capable of short term remove swelling;
  • whitening: elimination dark circles and bruises;
  • quick elimination of the red-eye effect: after such masks, their mucous membrane becomes bluish, without a hint of a red mesh of blood vessels;
  • the bags that love to appear in the morning are removed.

Such masks are especially useful after 30 years, when you increasingly have to wake up and find these troubles in the mirror. If the time has come for all this, it's time to start selecting products for the preparation of life-saving masks.


Cucumber and aloe have a good anti-aging effect

Anti-aging masks should include products of a soft, smoothing action, since in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face the thinnest and most sensitive skin. It instantly reacts to various changes occurring in the atmosphere and inside the body. So you need to handle it as delicately as possible. It is recommended to use following products with rejuvenating and lifting effect:

  • fresh herbs: parsley, dill;
  • vegetables: cucumber, potatoes;
  • fruits: peach, apricot;
  • cereals: oatmeal, white bread;
  • tea: green, black;
  • dairy products: sour cream, cottage cheese, cream;
  • herbs: sage, cornflower, chamomile, mallow, calendula, aloe, bird cherry, wild rosemary, birch, plantain.

These products can be used as base components. They can be used in pure form and mixed with each other. Some products can only be used in a small amount as auxiliary, connecting components:

  • olive, castor, burdock oils;
  • protein.

The third group of products is strictly forbidden to be used in masks for the skin around the eyes, as they can injure it:

  • any citrus;
  • essential oils;
  • bones, grains, nuts.

As an exception, occasionally it is allowed to add 1-2 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice to rejuvenating eye masks prepared at home in the absence of an allergy to citrus fruits.


Home masks for aging skin around the eyes require extreme caution so as not to cause injury. A few secrets will help make these tools absolutely safe and as useful as possible.

  1. Do not apply face masks to the skin around the eyes.
  2. Check all products for the presence of allergens.
  3. Remove makeup completely before applying.
  4. Masks are usually done an hour before bedtime. But if you urgently need to remove puffiness from the eyes, remove bags or eliminate redness, you can apply them in the morning, provided that you do not go outside for an hour after that.
  5. Try not to let the product run into your eyes.
  6. IN liquid products It is best to moisten cotton pads and apply to the eyes. Thick - either drive with fingertips into the skin, or wrap in multilayer gauze and leave in front of your eyes.
  7. Action time - 10–20 minutes (no more).
  8. During the procedure, you should be in a relaxed state, preferably lying down.
  9. To remove masks, use cotton pads pre-soaked in water, milk, herbal decoction (they should be warm).
  10. After the procedure, a cream / gel is used for the skin around the eyes.
  11. Frequency of application - 2-3 times a week.

Properly used masks will return the natural radiance, youth and beauty to the look. By using them regularly, you can forget about panic fear, which you experienced before, looking in the morning in the mirror. Now it is enough to select a couple of the most effective recipes- and enjoy the result.


Having decided on the problem that you would like to solve, it will be easy for you to choose the right recipe.

  • For moisturizing

Wash parsley and dill, chop, mix 1 tsp each. Add the same amount of fat sour cream (cream or cottage cheese), 3-4 drops of olive (preferably unrefined) oil.

  • From edema

2 tbsp. l. crushed chamomile or calendula flowers pour boiling water (1-2 cups). Cover, leave for half an hour, strain. Moisten in the resulting liquid, which has not yet completely cooled down, cotton pads, apply to the eyelids.

  • From "crow's feet"

Make a puree of unsalted boiled new potatoes, cool to a warm state, wrap the mass in multilayer gauze and apply to the eyes.

  • For lifting

In a puree of unsalted boiled young potatoes (2 tablespoons), add fat sour cream (1 tablespoon) and olive unrefined oil(1 tsp).

  • Anti-aging

1 st. l. fat cottage cheese mix in equal proportions with fat sour cream.

  • Anti-wrinkle

Mash the juicy peach in puree, add 1 tsp. honey, 3 drops of unrefined olive oil.

  • Against eye redness

Mix steeply brewed tea (2 tablespoons) with fatty cottage cheese in equal proportions. Tea bags also come in handy in this situation.

  • From bags

Coriander seeds (1 tbsp.) Brew a glass of boiling water. Cover, leave for an hour, strain. Soak cotton pads in the solution and apply to your eyes.

Home masks for the skin around the eyes are a kind of resuscitation and first aid. When it seems that a newly appeared defect cannot be eliminated, it is these funds that come to the rescue. With their help, the look can again become radiant, open, not obscured by any bags and dark circles.