Happy 30th birthday to a young woman. I wish to live for many years


You shine like a fairy
I'll tell you a secret:
A woman is even "tastier"
As she "knocks" thirty years.
Sweeter than wine, sweets
Than marshmallows and marzipan
More beautiful, brighter than the colors of summer!
Believe me: I'm a gourmet!
Enjoy life baby
Don't look at calendars.
Sadness will be a little
In the sea of ​​happiness and love!

You are the most beautiful woman
Of all the people I've ever met.
Are you jealous of me? Well, why are you? -
Trust me, I didn't cheat on you.
I congratulate you on your birthday
I will give you love and dreams.
I'll buy you dear
Your favorite hat.
You chose her for a long time
I went and measured everything.
You missed her so much;
Wear, remember me.

What to wish you - I do not know.
Everything you wanted is already there.
You know, and I often remember
How you and I loved to eat honey.
May your life be as sweet
May trouble never touch.
I kiss you softly on the lips
And I wish you a happy birthday.
I also want to wish you
Good luck, inspiration in everything.
Do good, do not forget good
And never think about the bad.

We congratulate you, loving -
The holiday does not exist brighter!
Honey, with "thirty" you!
Know that you are smarter and more beautiful than everyone!
We cannot count all your virtues,
The road leads you forward again.
After all, in you (the truth is not flattery!)
There is a lot of light tenderness and sun!
Take care of your family and your hearth,
Let wealth not leave you
Let it be light on the shoulders
Your burden - and love saves!

Beloved, dear, tender,
Your lips are sweet, your eyes are drunk.
I wish you my woman
Don't feel guilty.
Because you treated me like this
Because you didn't come to the meeting.
I understand that more than once you got burned,
But you believe that I will not deceive you.
You are 30 years old today
Darling, I congratulate you.
And whatever happens, just believe:
I won't leave, I'll be by your side.

Well, you exchanged "thirty",
I send you only sincere greetings -
Let there be enough strength for weeding the beds,
And on children, and on a drunken dawn.
May there be many more winters and springs,
Let there be sun, puddles, first snow,
And may you always bring flowers
Your dear dear man.
Don't be shy about changing years.
And don't run away from your problems
You always remain yourself
And protect your soul from strangers!


For a woman, the thirtieth birthday is one of the most important dates, marking the transition from youth to maturity. any woman with such a significant event in her life is simply necessary.

As a gift, it is better to present a luxurious lush bouquet of burgundy or red roses, because it cannot be argued that by this age a woman deserved it. The hero of the day will be even more delighted if you guess her favorite flowers, even ordinary forget-me-nots. When giving a bouquet, do not forget about sincere congratulations to the 30-year-old birthday girl with wishes of immense love, family happiness and good luck.

Sometimes women get upset when they reach the mark in, so you just need to mention in your wishes that this round date is not a reason to be sad about the passing youth. Tell the birthday girl that she is only at the beginning of her life journey, and she still has a lot of time to fulfill all her desires.

30 is a great age
The most vibrant bloom!
We wish you simply
Fantastic victories!

To be favored by fate
And easy, beautiful life.
Let go of sadness with longing
Only give joy to the heart!

The best age is thirty
It's time for maturity.
You are beautiful like a girl
And, like a woman, wise.

majestic movements
Get to thirty.
Happy Birthday!
From thirty should be lucky!

Let the dream burn without smoldering
You don't miss her!
In honor of this anniversary
Accept congratulations!

Anniversary thirty years -
Clever, beauty!
Wishes fireworks
Just starting:

And good luck and love
And good health
And everything you want
Good and bright!

Like a goddess you descended
And she sat down at the table with us.
Since you are here,
Come on, let's drink a hundred grams!

30 years you are in this world,
Aphrodite of our days
Let it not perish in your eyes
Light of divine fires!

We are completely ready
Fall down before you!
But for now, congratulations modestly,
Not crossing borders.

You bloomed like a rose
For my thirtieth birthday
And this beauty of yours
Men are always crazy.

I wish you always
Was in a good mood
Confidently went to success
And rejoiced at the achievement!

And that life would be without tears,
Everywhere there was only loud laughter,
You lived in a world of sweet dreams
And there was always success!

You are thirty years old today
But this age is only formal.
You, beauty, are better not,
Your image is just perfect.

I wish you on your anniversary
Beloved, good luck and happiness.
Dreams come true soon
So that misfortunes swept past.

My beloved beauty
Congratulations on your 30th birthday!
Heartfelt warmth
And now I wish you happiness!

And let millions of beautiful roses
From now on, your whole life is surrounded,
And the most important question of life
Let success and luck always decide!

Sincerely, with all my heart today
I hasten to say warm words
Happiness and, of course, health,
And wish you every success.

And I would also like to add
After all, it is impossible without this in any way:
Celebrate the anniversary with envy
Thirty years is an event, isn't it?

Congratulations on the round date,
I love you, dear.
And already a little drunk,
I gently hug.

Be always blooming, tender,
With a bright light look!
I am both during the day and in pitch darkness,
I will always be there!

30 years is not so much
You have everything ahead!
Let there be an easy road
Live, laugh and love.

And let it be for surprises
Always a generous fate!
At once fulfill all desires,
Add happiness and kindness!

Thirty years ago you were born
And the world seemed to be lit up with light,
You are wonderful, kind, simple
The world would be empty without you!

You are kind, smart, beautiful by nature,
Let there be achievements in your career
May the days and years be not powerful,
Let there be happiness! Happy Birthday!

What a date - thirty years!
The flowers are all yours today.
We wish you love
More dreams, less trouble.

Good, dedicated people
Health, happiness, beauty.
Let dreams come true
And the sun shines every day!

The sun shines bright, bright
Nice day, clear...
Accept gifts from everyone
The most beautiful!

Anniversaries are so beautiful
30, after all!
Be desired and happy!
Wisdom, all the best!

And we wish you
Lots of victories!
Happy Birthday dear,
Long, long years!

You have a holiday today -
Exactly thirty! Anniversary!
Expect congratulations today
And gifts from guests!

Wait for the flowers of large bouquets,
Wait for phone calls
A lot of people want
To be with you this day!

I wish you happiness
Life is hard without him
And, of course, success
And all to you, all!

30 is a great age
The most vibrant bloom!
We wish you simply
Fantastic victories!

To be favored by fate
And easy, beautiful life.
Let go of sadness with longing
Only give joy to the heart!

Congratulations to a woman on her 30th birthday sincere beautiful in verse

There are guests in the house, toasts, congratulations,
They give all gifts and flowers,
My beloved has a birthday
Thirty years ago you came.

The world seemed to be lit up with light,
You are my angel that came down from heaven.
Without you, I would be so empty.
I wish you many years!

The best age is thirty
For a beautiful girl.
The experience of life is also the strength,
The husband is faithful and handsome,

The kids just love
Mommy has no soul.
With what I congratulate you
On this anniversary I wish

Long enjoy happiness
May your star never go out.
follow your dreams
And be happy with fate!

Thirty years for a woman is the start of life,
A reason to be a little capricious again,
To hide embarrassment and delight.
After all, she sees everything: a reflection
He won't lie in the mirror today.
Among all, she is a charm,
It is unlikely that anyone will find better in the world!
Let it be like this forever:
Sweet, strict, joyful, carefree!

Anniversary thirty years -
Clever, beauty!
Wishes fireworks
Just starting:

And good luck and love
And good health
And everything you want
Good and bright!

Thirty years is a wonderful holiday,
Many different wishes
I have for you
And I wish, loving -

So that you are beautiful
To go to your goals,
For you to succeed
To smile more often!

The most beautiful lady in the world
I wish you happiness on your thirtieth birthday
Sunny days and colorful dreams
Holidays bright and a sea of ​​colors.

Your anniversary is just the first of many
New fortunately roads are waiting for you.
Circling in a festive whirlwind today
And smile at my congratulations.

Original congratulations to a woman on her 30th birthday sincere beautiful

You bloomed like a May rose
In drops of fresh morning dew.
30 years is the age of maturity,
Women's wisdom and beauty.

30 years - this sweet fairy tale,
What drives men so crazy.
At 30, you are especially beautiful,
At 30, you are still young!

Let the glasses sparkle with champagne
Let the ballads sound until the morning
Stay as beautiful as you are.
Happiness, light, smiles, kindness ...

What is 30 years?
These are the women of the heyday.
The mind is clear and the distance is bright,
And the soul is full of warmth.
Though sometimes in the eyes of anxiety,
That so many days have passed
You, dear, do not be sad,
Believe there is more to come.
good luck ahead
And so many clear years.
Let them give without difficulty
to you in the future
A gentle look, a cheerful laugh,
And luck and success.

At thirty - a woman knows what she wants,
It blooms like a rose.
This age only prophesies happiness
And in the midst of love and spring.

We wish you dear
May dreams come true, dreams come true
Well, whatever you want today
Be beautiful and happy!

At thirty, on this anniversary,
You look younger than everyone
Just don't grow old in spirit
We know you can do it too!

A smile is on the lips
Brighter than all the beautiful laughter
And a model walk
Both recognition and success!

Yes, for us you are a feast for the eyes,
Wonder how good you are!
Inspiration from excitement
The soul is filled!

30 years is not a date yet
This is the pinnacle of destiny
Be rich in joy
And do not know the chains of trouble

Be beautiful and happy
What is appointed - will come.
30 years old - a living miracle,
New path and new rise.

You are 30 years old today!
What an amazing date!
May all dreams come true from now on
Everything you ever dreamed of will come true!

Happy birthday wishes for 30 years old sister

My sister has a birthday
She is 30 today
I bring congratulations as a gift
And a beautiful pink bouquet

Today you are beautiful as usual
And around your friends
And to congratulate you personally
My whole family has arrived!

Congratulations to a woman for 30 years

We congratulate everyone, loving -
There is no brighter anniversary in life -
Happy 30th birthday to you!
You are smarter and nicer than everyone!
All your virtues cannot be counted,
The road leads up and up.
In you (that's the truth, not flattery!)
Lots of good, warmth and light!
Take care of family comfort
Wealth will come to you soon
And let your children sing
In love for you a huge choir !!!

A wonderful holiday - birthday,
You are 30 years old today!
Accept congratulations from the heart
And this little bouquet.

I wish you great health,
Successful business, happy days,
The path will be full of love,
And everything will be fine in it.

Congratulations on 30 years old daughter from parents - mom and dad

Congratulations on your 30th birthday
Our dear daughter.
And from the whole family we wish
Life's sweet bowl.

On this glorious anniversary
Daughter, ours, do not be sick.
Well, in the evening soon
Gather your friends.

Let the holiday, without a doubt,
Will bring gifts to the mountain
Wishes, no embarrassment
Take it easy without a fight. (WITH)

Funny congratulations to a woman happy birthday 30 years old

What a date - thirty years!
The flowers are all yours today.
We wish you love
More dreams, less trouble.

Good, dedicated people
Health, happiness, beauty.
Let dreams come true
And the sun shines every day!

Congratulations to the girl on her 30th birthday

Among the diapers, cutlets
Life has just begun! -
It's been thirty years now
Thirty years on the way!

You are beautiful, slim
Happiness in children and with her husband.
At thirty, do not wrinkle your forehead,
Be a happy young

And cook pilaf and borscht -
We will come to you with vodka!
This is not age - thirty years:
Spring color is burning in you!

Funny congratulations to a girl on her 30th birthday

Though the years go by fast
And nothing can stop them
Congratulations on your 30th birthday
And we wish to live up to 100 years.
And on this day, let us wish:
From life - strength and vigor,
From relatives - affection and tenderness,
From people - peace and fidelity,
From friends - selfless generosity.

Congratulations to the girl for 30 years

You're still gaining strength
Captivating many with beauty.
Your image is affectionate and sweet
Filled with bright dreams.
I want to be loved more
Bloom even more.
Not knowing sorrow and falsehood,
Go the right way!
Let the years run by
And they speed up the run.
I know you will always be young
Responsive, kind soul.

Congratulations to your beloved wife for 30 years

Beloved wife, accept congratulations
On your wonderful 30th anniversary,
An armful of love and earthly happiness
And a beautiful loving bouquet of roses!

Well, I also bring you a gift -
In words, my gentle passionate rhyme,
So that you are the most beautiful in the world
And every moment I could admire.

Congratulations to the girl for 30 years

We are very happy to congratulate you
With your anniversary date.
Thirty winters, 30 springs rushed by
But you are the same for friends.
Still the same bright smile
And a cheerful attitude.
We wish the next 30
To be just as young.
Things don't let you get bored
The days go by in worries.
Let the hearts of the good lights
We are illuminating the way!

30 years birthday girl - congratulations in verse

You are young, you are only 30.
Eyes radiate and pierce.
But never to return
Not a year ago, not a day ago
To kindergarten and school, at this time
(You were a miracle! - they say ...)
When everyone was loved
And adored in a row!
Thirty years is not much more:
A bright road awaits you in life!

You are the most beautiful today
Today is your anniversary!
Be always loved and happy
Do not regret anything in life!

Thirty years is the beginning of youth
Life is just beginning!
Laugh, sing, love and do stupid things -
Happiness never ends!

Birthday 30 years old woman - congratulations in verse

The sun shines bright, bright
Nice day, clear...
Accept gifts from everyone
The most beautiful!

Anniversaries are so beautiful
30, after all!
Be desired and happy!
Wisdom, all the best!

And we wish you
Lots of victories!
Happy Birthday dear,
Long, long years!

Anniversary 30 years to a girlfriend - birthday greetings

My sweet friend
Congratulations many times!
I wish happiness - the sea,
And diamonds - just right!

Happy Anniversary - Congratulations!
I always want to be a flower
Gentle, light and pleasant!
Everything will become favorable!

I want to wish you
Do not go to the doctor for a long time!
To be healthy - not to get sick,
And always sing with a smile!

Butterfly always flutter,
At 30 it's a sin not to fly!
In general, happiness and love,
Passion ocean - in the blood!

Anniversary of 30 years to a woman - congratulations in verse

I want to congratulate you on your anniversary
It's no joke - as much as 30 years!
Childhood is over (we're all growing up)
I want you to enjoy growing up.

Let the world reveal its secrets to you
The sea will give happiness, you - take it!
You're only 30, enjoy!
I want, I can, I love - speak more often!

When three meets zero.
You do not look back, but strive only forward.
At thirty, life turns into juice itself!
Proudly spread your wings and fly to success.
Cleave the clouds-burdens boldly.
And pour the rays of success, illumine.
Your life is a beautiful sky!

30 is a great age

blossoming of beauty, health and self-realization. This is a wonderful time of strength, aspirations and fulfillment of desires. So we sincerely wish you in your work - perseverance and inspiration in order to strive for career heights, health and strength - in order to overcome all life's difficulties, in the circle of loved ones - warmth to you and kindness, respect and love to you from friends. May the road of life be clean and easy, fellow travelers be sincere, good luck always accompanied you on the road, and every year you live adds life experience. We wish prosperity, peace in the house, harmony in the soul. And so that all dreams come true!

Love, good luck, inspiration!

What you want on your birthday!
Sincere and sweet smiles,
May life be so beautiful!
Today, on this lovely holiday
Forget mistakes and hardships
And let unusual gifts
Nature will give you!
Let it burn in the sky
Your luck is a bright beam,
Always know how to deal with adversity
And get the key to the fairy tale!

Congratulations on your anniversary!

Thirty years have passed already!
We do not regret warm words for you,
So that joy reigns in the soul!

your birthday,

Colleague, my dear,
You take a little break
Have fun with us.

Dance on the table
Drink a glass in one gulp
And a strict boss
Invite me to tango!

Well, what can I tell you colleague,

You are 30 years old today
What to wish you for the holiday
Another anniversary of yours.

Dawns of your strength today,
It's time to open up and start
So let hopes come true
Let dreams come true.

You are 30 years old today!

What an amazing date!
May all dreams come true from now on
Everything you ever dreamed of will come true!

I want to live for many years

It is true to love and be loved.
In life, anxiety and grief do not know
That's what I want to wish you.

You are thirty years old today

I congratulate you on your birthday
This is the time of life victories
It has come. I sincerely wish
Good health to you
Worthy goals to achieve,
Always luck in fate
And never give up!

Today we congratulate you on an important date -

The 30th anniversary is not a trifle at all, -
And we want what everyone wants -
So that the beacon burns in the fate of success,

So that health never fails
To avoid evil miscalculations in a career,
So that everything in the family is always “perfect”
And so that friends do not forget to visit!