Medicinal herbs in cosmetology: plantain for the face. Plantain in cosmetology And also plantain masks


At first glance, plantain may seem like an unsightly and simple plant. But at the same time, its beneficial properties are undeniable.

The plant has been successfully used by cosmetologists for a long time.

It is especially good at fighting acne; the main thing is to properly prepare the cosmetic product with plantain.

Plantain has healing and soothing effects. The plant contains silicic acid and carotenoids, due to which it is possible to fight problematic facial skin!

Acne lotion made from fresh plantain juice

Almost every girl has a bottle of facial lotion at home.

At the same time, preparing the lotion yourself is very simple, you just need to have fresh plantain juice at home.

You can squeeze it from the crushed leaves of the plant. Then mix the resulting juice with a small amount quality vodka(half a glass will be enough). Shake well.

Use lotion daily - morning and evening.

Just keep in mind that before going outside, you should wait until the product on your skin is completely dry. Otherwise the skin may become chapped. In addition, you may feel that the skin is a little “tight” - this is a normal phenomenon caused by alcohol.

Recipe for effective lotion with milk

Getting ready based on cow's milk.

Pour ten parts of milk over fresh plantain leaves and leave for twenty minutes.

Now a decoction is required strain, remove the remaining plantain - they have already done their job.

The difference between this lotion and alcohol-based products is the expiration date. You can store lotion with alcohol for quite a long time - several months in a closed container, but milk lotion The lotion will keep for a couple of days.- until the milk turns sour.

So it is advisable to make small portions of the product.

When the lotion deteriorates, it is strictly not recommended to use it on the skin!

Plantain masks

Plantain is often used to make masks.

Of course the easiest way is rub plantain juice into problem skin.

Do this simple procedure every day. You will notice an improvement in skin condition after a couple of days of use.

But you can cook it from plantain and full mask. You will spend a minimum of time on this, as well as ingredients.

Finely chop fresh plantain leaves, grind to a paste, and apply on your face.

Wash off the mask after fifteen minutes. Course of application - two to three weeks. The mask is worth doing, if not every day, then at least in one day.

After just a few masks, you will notice that the skin has become clearer, and acne has become isolated.

Chiryeva grass, early grass, cut grass, travel companion, seven-grass - this plant has a huge number of names among the people. As a rule, many of them are associated with its wound-healing properties. Which of us, as a child, did not sculpt these cool, wide leaves on our broken knees and elbows?

But its benefits don't end there. Recently, cosmetology has increasingly used plantain for the face as part of anti-aging, whitening, and anti-inflammatory agents. And folk recipes suggest making all kinds of homemade masks and scrubs from it.

Beneficial features

With regular and correct use of cosmetics that contain plantain extract, it works real miracles on the skin.

Laboratory studies have proven that this plant is effective:

  • heals wounds, microcracks;
  • heals;
  • relieves acne on the face and other rashes;
  • lightens hyperpigmentation;
  • perfectly moisturizes, softening areas of peeling;
  • cleanses clogged pores on the face;
  • prevents early aging;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • resolves scars and cicatrices;
  • relieves redness, inflammation, itching;
  • narrows;
  • removes oily shine.

So any cosmetic problem on the face can be easily dealt with with the help of this amazing plant.

Brand cosmetics

If you don’t have time to make homemade recipes, in cosmetology these healing leaves are used in the mass production of all kinds of masks and creams. You can judge the richness of the assortment by the following rating.

  1. Herbal facial scrub with bird cherry and walnut oil. Grosheff (Russia). $36.2.
  2. Phito Stem Cell is a regenerating fluid with plantain stem cells, HA complex and matrixan. Active (Russia-Switzerland). $32.5.
  3. With heather - cream-gel for face and eyes. Erbelinica (Russia). $12.3.
  4. Gel scrub with herbal extracts. Velinia (Russia). $8.
  5. With coltsfoot - two-phase moisturizing face cream. GreenMama (Russia). $4.9.
  6. With horsetail - cleansing mask. GreenMama (Russia). $4.
  7. Day gel for irritations. Miracle basket (Russia). $2.4.
  8. With sage - salicylic gel for oily facial skin. Stopproblem (Russia). $1.6.
  9. Wound healing gel. Sustamed (Russia). $1.1.
  10. Intense hydration - face mask with oriental herbs (includes Asian plantain). Skinlite (Korea). $1.

Cosmetics - for every taste: scrubs, fluids, creams, gels, masks... So there should be no problems with the choice: be sure to choose something not only according to your wallet, but also according to your skin type.

Features of use

Homemade cosmetics require more careful attention. You can either prepare the raw materials for its creation yourself, or buy a herbal mixture at the pharmacy.

Procurement of raw materials

  1. You need to collect leaves in warm weather, when it is dry, there is no rain or dew.
  2. You cannot stock up near busy highways, livestock farms, factories, cattle burial grounds, cemeteries, chemical storage facilities, or landfills.
  3. Collection time - long flowering period: late May-August.
  4. Cut the leaves with scissors along with a small part of the petiole.
  5. Make sure that the collected material does not contain spoiled leaves affected by fungus, powdery mildew, or pests.
  6. Place the leaves in a thin layer on paper in the shade. Better - in the open air, somewhere under a canopy. Possible in a ventilated attic.
  7. Turn the gradually drying leaves to prevent caking and molding.
  8. Constantly pick out yellowed, rotten leaves, pieces of stems and other debris.
  9. Completely dried leaves emit a faint herbal odor and have a slightly bitter taste.
  10. Store in wooden boxes, canvas bags, paper bags, cardboard boxes for no more than 2 years.


  1. For the treatment of large wounds, plantain can only be used with the permission of doctors.
  2. Check the prepared product on your wrist - will it provoke an allergic reaction?
  3. Local applications to age spots and pimples, as well as rubbing, can be done 2-4 times a day. Course - 2 weeks.
  4. Masks for sensitive skin are made once every 10 days, for dry skin - once a week, for oily skin - 2 times a week, for problematic skin it is better to use daily local applications. The course is up to 8-12 procedures.
  5. Before applying masks, your face must be thoroughly cleansed: wash with foam or milk, steam over a herbal bath, and exfoliate with a soft scrub.
  6. The only contraindication is individual intolerance.

Plantain as a cosmetic product is good in the sense that it rarely causes allergic reactions and side effects. Even if you leave the mask on for too long, it is unlikely that your skin will turn red and develop a rash (provided that the composition does not contain other aggressive components). Therefore, for those with sensitive and allergic skin, this plant is a real salvation.

Methods of application

To prepare any homemade cosmetics, you need to know the recipes for basic products, which can then be used in almost any formulation.

  • Decoction

If you use the decoction for daily washing, it gets rid of fine wrinkles, acne, inflammation,... Dilute 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed leaves 500 ml of boiling water. Keep on fire for 10 minutes. Strain, cool. Can be used as applications for healing microdamages on the face, for diluting homemade masks and making cosmetic ice.

  • Infusion

The infusion is used in exactly the same way as the decoction, having identical cosmetic properties. Pour 50 grams of dry or fresh plantain with 2 glasses of hot water. Leave to insulate for about 2 hours.

  • Tincture

Alcohol tincture is used to treat and. Pour 2 cups of dry crushed plantain into a three-liter jar. Add vodka to the top, close the lid. Shake several times during the day. After 2-3 days, strain. Wipe problem areas with tincture.

The most healing power of all liquids is concentrated plantain juice, which has pronounced healing properties. To prepare it, fresh leaves must be passed through a meat grinder or blender, wrapped in gauze and squeezed tightly. The juice is diluted with boiled water and used as applications to heal microdamages. Can be used to prepare other homemade cosmetics.


Select homemade cosmetics recipes according to your skin type and the problem you need to solve.

  • Cleansing lotion

Daily rubbing with lotion will clear the pores of impurities, get rid of them, narrow the pores, and make the skin matte. Fresh crushed plantain leaves (50 g) pour 100 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Strain, add 100 ml of alcohol.

  • Moisturizing compress mask

Moisturizes dry and tightens wrinkled skin, relieves any irritation. Recommended for ladies of Balzac age to slow down the aging process. Brew 50 grams of dry crushed plantain in 200 ml of boiling water. Blot a thick cloth in the strained solution and apply to the face. After cooling, the compress mask needs to be changed 4 times.

  • Acne mask

Perhaps the most popular plantain mask due to its effectiveness. Saves from acne and any other rashes (including purulent acne) in both adolescents and mature women. Dilute a tablespoon of concentrated juice squeezed from plantain with 100 ml of vodka. This liquid can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 year. To prepare the mask, you need to add 2 aspirin tablets (crushed) and a teaspoon of honey to this solution. To make the mixture thicker, you can mix in a little wheat flour.

  • Cosmetic ice for oily and problem skin

If you wipe yourself with ice cubes made from a decoction of this plant every morning, you can get rid of inflammation, acne, greasy hair, and slightly smooth out fine and shallow wrinkles within a week. To do this, you need to pour the pre-prepared and already cold broth into molds. Keep them in the freezer for at least 8 hours.

  • Mask for treating sunburn

This product will restore sunburned skin and relieve pain. Grind the leaves to a paste. Apply it 2 times a day to the damaged area for 20 minutes. Rinse off with water at room temperature.

  • Mask against peeling

Eliminates flaking and relieves the feeling of tightness. Mix 2 tbsp. spoons chopped fresh plantain and honey. Add 10 ml olive oil. Apply to the problem area of ​​the skin for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cold water.

  • Whitening mask

A unique mask that whitens even the strongest skin. Relieves dryness and irritation, smoothes wrinkles, simultaneously having a rejuvenating effect. Dilute 20 grams of potato starch with plantain decoction to a creamy consistency. Apply the swollen mixture to the skin. Rinse off with warm water after 20 minutes.

Plantain can be called a green ambulance for facial skin. It solves such cosmetic and dermatological problems that even pharmacy ointments and creams sometimes cannot cope with. You need to appreciate this and be able to use it at home 100%.

Even in ancient times, every woman sought to prolong her beauty as long as possible. One of the ways was to collect herbs, from which various rubs and potions were prepared, and also used for food.

Time passed and it became more and more known which herbs are suitable for use in food, and which ones can prolong their beauty and treat various ailments.

Today, no one knows exactly when people began to use a plant such as plantain for the face.

However, judging by the writings, manuscripts and papyri with various recipes based on medicinal plants that our ancestors left us as a legacy, we can say that there was enough time to study this wonderful herb.

It is known that plantain was popular back in Ancient Egypt. This plant was also used by Persian, Arab and Chinese doctors. It has also been known in Russian folk medicine since ancient times.

The plant got its name because it follows a person everywhere and always. Plantain grows on roadsides, along forest edges, river banks, pastures and fields. The plant is very demanding of soil fertility and moisture.

The leaves of this plant contain about eleven percent mucus, vitamins K and C, flavonoids, aucubin, tannins and bitters, as well as a lot of useful substances. Its composition is truly healing.

Its tonic properties can heal wounds, and its high content of vitamins makes it possible to use plantain for cosmetic purposes.

And today the Beauty Pantry will reveal all the secrets of the plantain.

Plantain for the face, beauty recipes

Plantain leaves are used for skin care, on the basis of which various infusions and decoctions are prepared. Infusions and decoctions are prepared in an enamel container, which is tightly covered during the preparation process. Store in the refrigerator for three to five days.

Washing oily and porous skin with infusion

Pour two tablespoons of dry plantain leaves into two glasses of water. Boil over low heat for five to ten minutes. Then we strain everything. This decoction is recommended to wash oily and oily skin.

Plantain mask for different skin types

We wash fresh plantain leaves with boiled water and pass through a meat grinder. Squeeze the resulting pulp through a double layer of gauze. Apply the resulting juice to your face twice a day (morning and evening).

This procedure is suitable for oily skin, thanks to which you can relieve inflammation and tighten pores.

For dry facial skin, it is recommended to dilute the juice of this plant with water in a ratio of one part juice and three parts water.

For normal facial skin, the juice is diluted with water in half.

Lotion for cleansing oily skin

Dilute one tablespoon of fresh plantain juice with half a glass of vodka. We wipe our face every morning and evening.

Plantain ice for oily skin

Pour two tablespoons of crushed plantain leaves into one glass of boiling water. Let the infusion steep, cool, and then strain and pour into ice cube trays. We wipe oily facial skin with deep and sharp wrinkles with such pieces of ice.

Facial cleansing lotion

Pour one tablespoon of plantain leaves. Leave to steep for 20 minutes, strain through two layers of gauze. The infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for two to three days. Before using the lotion, it is recommended to warm it to room temperature.

Anti-aging cream

Add plantain juice for the face to the fortified cream and rub. Drain off the remaining juice. The cream is used for dry skin on which wrinkles begin to appear.

Plantain for acne

We thoroughly wash the fresh leaves, chop them and apply them to the face as a mask for ten to fifteen minutes. After expiration, rinse the face with cool water. This mask is suitable for oily skin with acne.

Plantain mask for dry skin

Grind fresh and thoroughly washed leaves of the plant in a mortar. Then add a little water and honey in equal proportions. Mix everything and apply to the face for about twenty minutes. Wash off with warm water. This mask is perfect.

Finally, it is worth noting that plantain for facial skin is not recommended for those people who have a tendency to form blood clots.

A wild plant from the weed family is used both in folk medicine and in professional cosmetology. Plantain is often used for pimples, acne and other skin problems. Leaves, plantain juice, roots and seeds are used. The plant helps relieve inflammation and cleanse the skin.

Beneficial features

The leaves contain a large amount of organic acids, as well as potassium, zinc and calcium. The seeds are rich in fatty oils, tannins, proteins and carbohydrates. The roots contain cholesterol, sitosterol and linoleic acid. Plantain, when applied to wounds, stops bleeding well, relieves inflammation, removes boils, neutralizes insect bites, and is an antiallergic and antipyretic agent. The plant is also used in other areas of medicine. The herb effectively helps in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • cancerous tumors;
  • bronchitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • abnormalities in the genitourinary system.

The infusion relieves fatigue, lowers blood pressure, tones the body, relieves pain in the intestines, and helps with hemorrhoids and constipation. For infections, preparations prepared from plantain are often used.

Use for cosmetic purposes

Plantain masks

A universal mask is made from plant leaves and honey.

One of the most popular recipes is a remedy made from a plant and honey, which cleanses, nourishes, eliminates flaking and tightness of the epidermis, and eliminates acne. The preparation is simple:

  1. Grind 5 fresh leaves of the plant.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. honey
  3. For very dry facial skin, add 6-8 drops of olive oil to the mixture.
  4. Apply to cleansed skin.
  5. Wait 15-20 minutes.
  6. Rinse with water at room temperature.

An excellent disinfectant and antimicrobial agent can be prepared from plantain and horsetail. To do this, you will need to follow the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Pour boiling water over the grass in equal proportions.
  2. Leave to infuse for several hours.
  3. Grind 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal.
  4. Dilute with infusion to the consistency of sour cream.
  5. Apply the mixture to cleansed skin for 15 minutes.
  6. At the end of the time, rinse the mask with running water.

If the sebaceous glands are overworked, a mask with egg yolk is recommended.

The following mask will help get rid of acne for oily skin:

  1. Pour 50 g of plantain leaves with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Leave for half an hour.
  3. Mix the egg yolk with 1 tbsp. l. sour cream.
  4. Combine the mixture with the infusion.
  5. Apply a thin layer of the mask to the face and décolleté.
  6. Leave for 30 minutes.
  7. Remove by washing with warm water.

Plantain ice

The product is used for aging and problem skin. Has a rejuvenating and antibacterial effect. The recipe is as follows:

  1. Take 10 g of dry plantain herb.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours.
  3. Strain the mixture and add 1 tsp. wheat oils.
  4. Fill ice molds with product.
  5. Place in the freezer.
  6. Wipe your face and eyelids with prepared ice cubes. The procedure is carried out for 10 days, after which they take a break for a week.

Plantain facial lotions

Alcohol tincture will help with acne and other manifestations of problem skin.

There is a useful recipe that allows you to tighten pores, remove purulent rashes and soothe the skin. Constant use of the product makes it possible to get rid of pimples and blackheads on the face and prevent their new formation. To prepare you need:

  1. Grind the leaves of the plant in a meat grinder.
  2. Squeeze out the juice using gauze.
  3. Mix a tablespoon of juice with 0.5 cups of vodka.
  4. Use to wipe the epidermis and apply compresses to problem areas of the face.
  5. Carry out the procedure every day after washing.

You can prepare the lotion using another recipe:

  1. Grind 20 g of dry plantain.
  2. Pour 50 ml of cognac into the powder.
  3. Add 90 ml warm water and 10 ml peach oil.
  4. Mix everything well.
  5. Leave for a week in a dark and cool place.
  6. The product can be wiped over the face or applied to the skin for a few minutes.

An effective remedy is lotion with milk. To prepare it, fresh plantain leaves need to be poured with fresh dairy product and allowed to brew for 20 minutes. Then the composition should be filtered and applied. This product can be stored for no more than 2 days. After the milk has soured, you cannot use the cosmetic product.

Plantain is a natural healer. His medicinal properties known from time immemorial. This plant is called a remedy for 100 diseases.

There is probably no ailment that is beyond your control roadside healer: bronchitis, asthma, gastrointestinal diseases, heart diseases, insomnia, cuts, ulcers, hay fever, abnormalities in the genitourinary system.

And this is only a small part of the problems of the human body, with which it has been successfully struggling for hundreds of years. Plantain is used not only in medicine, but is also widely used in cosmetology. With its help, many women restored freshness, youth and beauty to your face.

Composition and properties

Why is this nondescript grass so popular?

What's so special about its composition?

IN leaves, stems, seeds and rhizomes plantain contains:

  • choline (vitamin B 4). Ensures the normal functioning of body cells;
  • aucubin. Has pronounced antibacterial properties;
  • (vitamin C). Rejuvenates, improves immunity;
  • vitamin K. Participates in cleansing blood vessels;
  • factor T. Provides rapid blood clotting;
  • flavonoids. Slow down the aging process in the body;
  • organic and fatty acids. Promote the restoration of the skin, moisturize, nourish;
  • carotenoids. Natural antioxidants. Protect cells from malignant degeneration;
  • polysaccharides. Building material for body cells;
  • trace elements: calcium, manganese, iron, zinc, copper;
  • tannins;
  • saponins. Cleanses the skin well and carefully.

In most of Russia, the most common plant is the great plantain - a herbaceous perennial with large, wide leaves. This type is used in medicine and the cosmetic industry.

For the production of various cosmetics (tonics, creams, masks, shampoos) the above-ground part of the plant is used, or in simple terms – sheets.

Benefits and contraindications

Thanks to its unique composition, the roadside healer copes well with various types of skin inflammations(acne, purulent wounds, cracks), softens the epidermis, stimulates regeneration cells (rejuvenates), cleanses, smoothes all types.

At home, you can prepare decoctions, masks, and lotions from plantain.

Great refresh the dermis and increase its tone with plant juice. You can prepare them in the summer and store them in the freezer all winter. This herbal cosmetologist will help absolutely any lady, regardless of her skin type.

However, there is one “but”! Plantain is contraindicated for allergy sufferers; the reaction to it can be unpredictable, including severe edema.

Before using miraculous travel remedies, make sure they are will not harm you. To do this, apply a small amount of the drug (mask mixture, lotion, infusion) to the bend of your elbow and wait a few minutes.

If during this time the skin does not turn red or start to itch, you can be congratulated: the path to perfection, youth and freshness is open!

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Recipes for different types of dermis

Universal mask (one-component) for all skin types. It will help quickly cure minor inflammations on the face and smooth out fine wrinkles.

Grind 5-7 leaves of fresh plantain (the grass should be collected only in the forest or in a clearing, away from the highway) in a blender or through a meat grinder. Apply the resulting mass to the dermis, hold for 15 minutes, rinse.

Mask for dry skin. Promotes cell renewal, rejuvenates, gives skin firmness and elasticity.

Grind a few fresh plantain leaves in a blender and squeeze out the juice.

Add one tsp to it. starch (potato) and one tsp. unrefined olive oil.

Apply the mask to the face, leave for 20 minutes, rinse, and then apply a moisturizing cream.

Mask based on plantain decoction. Perfectly cleanses the skin, promotes cell regeneration, and has a lifting effect.

Pour a tablespoon of dry grass (or 6-7 leaves of fresh plantain) into two glasses of boiling water. Boil in a water bath for 5-7 minutes. The broth should cool down. Soak a clean napkin with slits for the eyes and nose in the prepared infusion and place it on your face for 20 minutes. No need to rinse off.

Compress from the decoction. You can use this decoction hot.

A napkin soaked in the broth is applied to the face until it cools completely. You need to change the hot compress at least three times. I can assure you that the result will pleasantly surprise you!

Cleansing mask. Removes dead cells and gently cleanses the dermis.

Brew tea from chamomile. Mix dry plantain grass and oatmeal, one tablespoon at a time. Steam the mixture with hot tea for 7-10 minutes. Pour a few drops of oily vitamin E and A into the resulting slurry. Rub into the face with gentle circular movements for seven minutes. Rinse off the remains with cool water.

Mask for oily skin. A mask is a big word, because for oily skin, especially complicated ones, concentrated plantain juice, not diluted with water, is perfect.

The leaves of fresh grass are crushed, the juice is squeezed out of them and applied in a thin layer to the face, washed off after 20 minutes.

Frozen herbal juice cubes also have a beneficial effect on oily dermis. Cold tones, tightens pores, plantain relieves inflammation, removes redness.

Mask for aging skin with elements of obvious aging. Smoothes facial wrinkles, nourishes, restores the color of the dermis.

It is necessary to mix crushed fresh plantain leaves and natural honey in equal parts. The mass is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes, washed off with cool water.

Acne mask. Narrows pores, fights the appearance of acne, relieves inflammation, heals ulcers.

Mix dry plantain herb with, dilute with mint essential oil, apply a thin layer to the face for 15 minutes. Rinse off.

To treat acne, not only masks are used, but also homemade lotions. To do this, fresh grass leaves need to be poured with vodka or cognac, left in a dark place for 14 days, and strained.

Store the prepared tincture in the refrigerator. Wipe your face every day in the morning before applying makeup and at night.

Efficiency of application

I think that the miracle herb plantain does not need advertising.

The effect of its use is, as they say, “obvious”.

Anyone who has used the services of this natural cosmetologist at least once is unlikely to look for a replacement.

And it doesn’t matter what exactly you use: masks, lotions, or maybe you just wash your face with travel water in the morning, everyone will confirm that this inconspicuous-looking herb has been clearing your face for years, making your skin look youthful, fresh, radiant and healthy.

Summer will fly by quickly. Don't miss the opportunity to stock up on plantain. Get healthy and be beautiful!

Recipes for plantain-based facial products in this video: