How to use rose petals at home. Rose petal tonic (rose water) and rose recipes


Have you ever been interested in this question? especially after the holidays, when they give you flowers, they will delight you for a week, and then they begin to wither and it’s such a pity to throw away flowers with such a delicious aroma))) So, let’s read))

Rose petals. Application.
Dry roses can be poured with boiling water and left for half an hour. As a result, you will get a wonderful rose petal lotion that will refresh your face and tighten your pores. It must be stored in the refrigerator. It’s true that this lotion doesn’t last long. It should be used within 2-3 days.
You can freeze this infusion and you can make it cosmetic ice for face. It perfectly tones the face and lasts much longer.
You can grind rose petals in a coffee grinder and add this cosmetic powder to a facial scrub or bath salt.
You can also make oil from rose petals. This rose oil can be used in your home cosmetics in a variety of options.

How to make rose oil

We need base oil (olive, almond, grape seed or avocado, for example) and dry rose petals. The petals must be well dried, otherwise the oil may turn sour.
Pour into glass jar rose petals and add oil. Place the mixture on water bath for 2 hours on the lowest heat and cover with a lid (to essential oils did not evaporate). Remove the jar from the heat, cover the neck with a cloth and leave to infuse for 3-4 weeks in a shaded place.
Strain off the oil, squeezing the raw materials (rose petals) well. Let the oil sit for 2-3 hours and see if the water has separated from the oil during this time. If there is water, it must be carefully separated from the oil, otherwise the oil will quickly turn sour.
At the end, add a preservative to the oil (vitamin E oil solution)

Or this option:

The well-known rose oil. We look for it in specialized stores or pharmacies, but it turns out that the recipe for preparing it at home is not so complicated. Rose petals are mixed in a 1:1 ratio with good olive oil, after which the container (ordinary jar) is tightly closed and left for a week. sunlight. After 7 days, put it in the refrigerator. Rose oil retains its medicinal properties throughout the year. Rose oil is used in cosmetology to soften the skin of the hands and face. It is enough to lubricate areas of the skin with it like a cream from time to time. And she will be fully hydrated. But there is one more little trick. Rose oil has the amazing ability to mix completely harmlessly with your favorite cream. Just drop a drop of oil into it, and then, in addition to its essential effect, your cream will also acquire the “benefits” of rose oil.

Luxurious bathroom with rose petals

If you have some free time, treat yourself to a luxurious bath with rose petals. Light the candles and aroma lamp, turn on your favorite music, pour a handful of petals into warm water… I assure you, you will feel like you are in a good spa. Or maybe remember your recent vacation trip. Such a bathroom works real miracles and is very relaxing.

Flavored potpourri or sachet

Use rose petals as fragrant sachet. You can use them as a mono option, or mix with dry petals of neroli, cornflower, add verbena, aromatic herbs and spices. Place them in a beautiful ceramic plate and sprinkle with a few drops of natural rose oil to enhance or refresh the aroma. You can make gift sachets from linen fabric,. putting rose petals in them.

Hello my dears!

Do you love roses? I REALLY LOVE! My favorite flower is the Rose. I treat her very reverently and tenderly; for me she is a symbol of Femininity, Youth, Love, Beauty and Happiness.

Yes, it’s all at once and there’s a lot of everything ☺

I also appreciate her for the fact that she pink petals give us amazing opportunities to prolong our Youth and Beauty!

That's about unique properties The petals of this wonderful flower and their use for rejuvenation are what I want to talk to you about today.

I share my experience of how I use them in caring for my appearance ☺

From this article you will learn:

Rose petals in cosmetology - interesting recipes

Flower petals, preparations and products based on them, as well as rose oil are used as powerful cosmetic anti-aging agents, professionally and home care for skin and hair.

You will notice the effect of application immediately and it will inspire you so much that you will love “Pink Rejuvenation” forever, I assure you!

Effects of using rose petals:

  • Your skin will become fresher, your complexion will even out, and your color will become healthier. The skin will become soft, smooth, velvet-velor ☺
  • Perfectly tightens the oval of the face, the contours become clearer.
  • Dryness, inflammation, peeling, flabbiness disappear.
  • The skin becomes moisturized, as if nourished from the inside.
  • The beauty of all products based on rose petals and oil is that they are suitable for absolutely all skin types!
  • But aging, dehydrated and fading skin will be ESPECIALLY grateful to them.

How to add rose petals to cosmetic masks?

  • I grind fresh rose petals in a blender (or in a meat grinder) and add them to my face mask or simply apply it to a cleansed face as the only component.
  • Dry ones - I grind them in a coffee grinder, pour them with warm water so that the water only slightly covers them, cover them with a lid and heat them in a water bath for 20-30 minutes. Then I cool it and use it in the same way as fresh.
  • You don’t have to pre-steam the petals, but prepare “pink powder” from them in advance by grinding them in a coffee grinder. And then add it to your masks.

Important tip!

It is most effective to use masks immediately after visiting a sauna or steam bath. You can simply pre-steam your face at home using a steam bath.

Be sure to apply masks to the neck and décolleté area!

Strengthen the effect of your care by enriching your masks, creams, oils cosmetic additions rose essential oil! You will increase the effectiveness of your rejuvenation many times over!

Flower water with pink petals

How to make flower water from rose petals:

  • (decoction) I do this - add water, heat it in a water bath over very low heat for at least an hour, then let it brew.
  • I strain, squeeze well, and use the resulting liquid as a toner for the face and area around the eyes.
  • But, when there is no time, I simply pour boiling water over the raw materials, infuse it and use it. I often make face masks based on this infusion.

I add rose essential oil to any face masks or skin oils. The effect is simply amazing! I'm a big fan of essential oils, but this is the oil I adore the most! ☺ My skin reacts to it like nothing else!

I buy this essential oil of real Damask rose highest quality Here

Rejuvenating bath with rose petal infusion

I prepare a decoction in pretty large quantities and just pour it into the bath, adding rose oil as well.
I lie down for about 20 minutes, rejuvenate myself...☺

Rose oil and rose petal essence

Rose oil and rose essence are two of my other favorite rose petal home remedies.

I have already shared cooking recipes in this one.

Hair rinse with rose petals


  • I am preparing an infusion of the petals. If desired, you can add other herbs and flowers to make the effect more effective.
  • I always make concentrated infusions for my hair. That is, I take more raw materials than the classic recommendation - 1 tablespoon per glass.
  • Add lemon juice to the prepared infusion. Not much, juice of one lemon per 1.5 liters, because I have dark hair. And blondes can use more.
  • After rinsing, the hair becomes alive, shiny, so, you know... real, the way it should be ☺


I want to warn you right away that PURCHASED roses are NOT suitable for use! They are treated with strong chemicals - pesticides and other things! First, they are “fed” during their cultivation, then processed for better preservation.

As you read on the Internet - “don’t throw away dried roses, use petals”...

Yes, don’t throw away dried roses, but only those that you grew YOURSELF in your own garden!!! And of which you are 100% SURE of their environmental friendliness!!!

Harvesting rose petals

How to prepare rose petals:

  • I collect rose petals myself and often buy them from a familiar grandmother who is a summer resident. While the roses are blooming, I try to actively and conscientiously dry them for future use, so that they will last until the next season.
  • But it doesn’t always work out, really... This year it wasn’t enough again... Ahhh...
  • I don’t wash the petals before drying. I read that this way something very useful is washed off from them. Why do we need this, right? We need EFFECTIVE rejuvenation! ☺But, of course, in this case, you must be sure of the quality of the raw material, its purity!!!
  • I simply lay the petals on a clean cloth and dry them so that they are not exposed to direct sunlight.
  • They dry very quickly and are also stored without problems - in a dark, dry place in fabric bags.
  • Shelf life – 2-2.5 years.

But, my God, I never make it to a year, everything ends “cleaned up” in a few months! ☺

Tea is also made from them. He has a very beneficial properties! So that beauty is not only outside, but also inside, as they say... ☺ And amazingly delicious jam is brewed!

Now, while I was writing this the last sentence, thought: “What if you cook it not with sugar, but with honey? Or maybe don’t even cook, but just twist the petals with honey in a blender, like we do raspberries and currants for the winter, huh?”

I wonder if it will at least be edible? ☺

If any of you already have experience in this matter, write in the comments, teach me, I will be very grateful to you!

Well, that's all I do from rose petals to take care of my appearance. ABOUT medicinal properties I’ve already written a separate post for pink petals, they deserve it!

If you liked this information, write about it in the comments, it is very important to me Feedback from you!

Let's all look younger and prettier together with the help of such a pleasant and fragrant “pink rejuvenation”! ☺

How do you use rose petals? Please tell me ☺

Alena Yasneva was with you, goodbye everyone!

Do you feel offended by watching the gifted bouquet wither? But you don’t know what you can do with rose petals. There are dozens of options for using them. Let's look at the most successful of them.

Using fresh roses

From fresh roses you can prepare:

  • Jam. Prepare syrup from 1 liter of water and 2 kg of sugar. Add 250 g of washed rose petals to the boiling syrup and boil the resulting mixture until your jam turns a pleasant color. pink color. Then add 10 g citric acid and cook for another minute. Pour the prepared jam into small sterilized jars.
  • Pink water. Pour water over the flowers and heat over low heat. When the petals become transparent, having fully given off their color, the rose water is ready.
  • Masks for coarse, dry hair. Grind the petals of 2-3 roses, put them in a small saucepan, pour a glass of cold milk and boil. Cool to an acceptable temperature, strain through a sieve and apply the resulting substance to your hair. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Face masks. Rose petals are included in many anti-aging masks. The simplest of them is prepared like this. Grind the petals of 1 rose and pour in olive oil (2 teaspoons will be enough) or liquid honey. Apply the resulting mixture to your face. After 20 minutes, rinse everything off with warm water.
  • Cream. Grind the petals of 3 roses. Melt on steam bath a little beeswax and pour it over the flower paste. Pour in 1 tablespoon of butter (melted) and 0.5 teaspoon of vitamin A. Mix all the ingredients and place them in a small glass jar. Store the cream in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days.

Using dry petals

Dried rose petals are most often used to create personal care products. From them you can make:

  • Lotion. Pour dried flowers a small amount boiling water, cover and leave for half an hour. Strain. This lotion will noticeably tighten pores and refresh your face. Unfortunately, it is very short-lived. It can only be used for 2-3 days after production.
  • Cosmetic ice. Pour boiling water over the dried rose flowers and let them steep under the lid for about half an hour. Cool the resulting infusion and pour into ice cube trays. Every morning, wipe your face with a cube of this ice. It will help improve your complexion and refresh your skin.
  • Rose oil. Dry the petals well and pour them into a glass jar. Fill them up base oil(oil from grape seeds, sesame or olive). Place the resulting mixture in a water bath over low heat. Don't forget to cover the container with a lid to prevent the essential oils from evaporating. After 2 hours, remove the oil from the heat, cover the neck of the jar with a cloth and put it in a dark place for the next 3 weeks. Strain the oil, squeezing the petals well. Leave the strained oil for a couple of hours to check if it separates. If water has separated from it, carefully drain it. After this, add a few drops of vitamin E to the container. Your rose oil is ready for use.

Now every woman can, without any problems, choose cosmetics for her face and whole body, hair and nails. But despite a wide range of of such goods, more and more large quantity Women prefer to prepare creams, lotions and tonics on their own - using improvised means and independently purchased ingredients. The resulting products have a lot of advantages: they meet the needs of a specific user and are prepared exclusively from proven ingredients. Today we will talk about what can be made from rose petals for the face, albeit from dry petals, but nevertheless...

Yes, yes, don’t rush to throw away dry rose petals. Usually in recipes we're talking about about fresh petals, but a lot of things can be done from dry petals. They can be an excellent raw material for the preparation of a wide variety of cosmetics. Since they can be used on the face and the skin of the whole body.

So, what can you do with rose petals for your face?

Rose oil

Have you seen rose oil on sale? But you can make it from rose petals with your own hands! To make rose oil at home, prepare a glass of dry rose petals. Pour them into an enamel container and pour a glass of olive oil. That's almost all! Place this mixture in a water bath and soak for two hours. Strain the finished oil.

The resulting product wonderfully cleanses the skin, adds tone and has a wonderful nourishing effect. Rose oil should be used when caring for dry and normal skin faces.

Petal face mask

To prepare a wonderful nourishing mask for normal and oily skin, prepare dry petals of four to five roses. Grind them in a coffee grinder to obtain pink powder. Mix a teaspoon of this powder with a teaspoon of heavy cream and a teaspoon egg white. Mix well and leave for five to ten minutes to infuse.

Next, it is advisable to do it for the face steam bath, or use another method of cleaning it. The resulting mixture should be applied to previously cleansed skin of the face and neck. Leave the mask on for twenty to thirty minutes and then wash with cool water.

Mask for sensitive skin

This mask perfectly softens and nourishes sensitive skin, also helping to get rid of small wrinkles. Brew a couple of tablespoons of dry rose petals with a glass of just boiled water. Cover the container with a lid and leave for half an hour to infuse. Strain the resulting infusion and dissolve the starch in it so as to obtain the consistency of thick jelly. Apply the mask to your face and leave for a quarter of an hour to twenty minutes. Wash your face afterwards warm water.

Mask to improve complexion

To make such a mask from dry petals, collect them from two rose buds. Pour half a glass of pure alcohol over them and leave to infuse in a dark and cool place. After a couple of days, strain ready-made remedy and mix fifty milliliters of tincture with a tablespoon of liquid honey and beaten yolk chicken egg. Apply the prepared mask to the surface of your face in an even layer. Leave it for a quarter of an hour to twenty minutes, then wash with ordinary warm water.

Multi-component mask with herbs

Why not make something more complicated out of roses. This aromatic mask will help restore elasticity to the skin of the face and décolleté, and will also help smooth out wrinkles. To prepare it, you should combine equal shares of rose petals, mint herbs, chamomile flowers, dill, as well as linden flowers and sage herbs. Grind and mix all ingredients. Brew a tablespoon of this mixture with a glass of boiling water. Wrap it up well and leave it for half an hour to infuse. Then soak in the prepared broth cloth napkin and apply it to cleansed face and décolleté. After half an hour, remove the lotion and let the skin dry naturally, then apply it to it nutritious cream.

Nourishing mask

For cooking nourishing mask for dry skin type, grind dry rose petals in a coffee grinder. Mix them with cream until you get the consistency of thick cream. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin like a mask and leave for a quarter of an hour. Afterwards, wash your face with cool water.

You can use roses to make not only a mask, jam, a bath, but also a lotion.

Facial lotion

To prepare this cosmetic product It is worth preparing dry petals from several roses. Place them fairly tightly in a bowl or jar, but do not compact them. Brew such raw materials with boiling water so that the water just covers it. Leave the petals for twenty minutes, then drain the infusion and squeeze out the petals themselves. Add a pinch of citric acid to the resulting infusion, and the lotion is ready.

Pore ​​tightening lotion

To prepare this simple remedy, take four cups of dried petals from red roses. Fill this raw material with half a liter table vinegar, cork well and leave in a dark place for three weeks. Strain the finished infusion and squeeze the petals thoroughly. Dilute the finished infusion with boiled water, maintaining an equal ratio. This product is great for cleansing oily skin, it tones it and helps get rid of blackheads and enlarged pores.

Simple Rose Infusion

To prepare such a cosmetic product, brew a tablespoon of crushed rose petals with one glass of just boiled water. Cover the mixture with a lid and leave for half an hour to infuse. Use it to prepare lotions on irritated areas of the skin, as well as under the eyes to eliminate puffiness.

Dry rose petals are an excellent herbal skin care product. Based on them, you can easily prepare many cosmetic products.

Rose is the queen of flowers. Admiring her regal appearance and while enjoying the bright aroma, we don’t think about how beneficial it can be for humans. What are rose petals used for? Their use began in ancient times, for the needs of traditional medicine, cooking and cosmetology, they have become a real first-class find. Nowadays, the benefits from them have not only not decreased, but have also increased significantly.

Collection of raw materials

How to use rose petals? They can be used both fresh and dry. The color and variety of the plant do not play a special role, however, certain recommendations for collecting buds still exist. Thus, it is customary to stock up supplies in the morning or immediately after rain. The collected raw materials can be used immediately without undergoing any pre-treatment. If there is no need for this, the petals are dried in a room with an excellent ventilation system.

About the benefits of roses

What chemical composition do rose petals have? Their use for medicinal purposes is due to the presence of such useful components, like carotene, vitamins B and K, ascorbic acid, resin, mucus and sugar. In addition, they contain essential oils. Thanks to such an amazing and harmonious composition, flowers are able to minimize inflammatory processes, kill bacteria, have a calming effect on the body, reduce pain and spasms.

Red flowers

Much attention should be paid to the color of the plant. First, let's talk about why red rose petals are needed. Their use is recommended for a number of sufficient serious illnesses. Among them:

White flowers

What are white rose petals used for? They can be used both internally and externally. So, with their help, regeneration is accelerated skin, wounds, bruises and burns heal faster. In addition, by eating the petals, you can get rid of worms and normalize digestive processes ( excellent remedy in the fight against stool retention).

Rose jam

How are rose petals used in cooking? The use of these amazing flowers at home is expressed in tasty and healthy jam. To prepare it, you need to prepare the following components:

  • Flower petals with a total weight of about 1 kilogram.
  • Drinking water - 400 milliliters.
  • Granulated sugar - 1 kilogram.
  • Citric acid - teaspoon.

The first step is to get the juice. To do this, the petals are washed, slightly dried, sprinkled with a glass granulated sugar and add vinegar to the resulting mixture. In a couple of hours the necessary reaction will begin.

The second stage is obtaining syrup. To do this, add the remaining sugar to the water boiling over low heat, simultaneously remembering to stir the liquid until the sand is completely dissolved. Then the petals along with the juice are added to the finished syrup. All together should also be boiled for several minutes (until a thick, homogeneous consistency is obtained).

Eating this jam will recharge you with the necessary energy. vital energy, slow down the aging process, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, boost immunity and prevent internal bleeding.

Rose cocktail

Where else can rose petals be used? Using these at home royal flowers perhaps even in the production of strong drinks. The following alcoholic cocktail recipe will be especially good in warm time of the year. Prepare:

  • natural rose wine - 1 bottle;
  • carbonated drink "Sprite" - 1.5 liters;
  • vodka - 50 ml;
  • raspberries (or other sweet berries) - a handful;
  • pink petals ( different colors) - a large handful.

The buds are disassembled, washed and added to a container of wine, which will need to be put in the refrigerator. There the drink is infused for about 50-60 minutes, then vodka and berries are added to it. Before serving, pour Sprite into the cocktail and, if desired, garnish it with mint or ice. It is very refreshing and has a very pleasant taste.

Rose tea and balm for bronchitis

What else are good about tea rose petals? Their use in eastern countries is associated with invigorating and healthy rose tea. To do this, just brew a handful of dry or fresh petals with boiling water and let them brew. Regular consumption of this tea is a great help against colds, normalizes work nervous system, helps prevent sclerosis and improves memory.

By analogy with rose tea, in folk medicine Healing decoctions are also prepared based on this royal flower. So, for bronchitis as additional means For treatment and boosting immunity, it is recommended to prepare a balm from the following components:

  • pumpkin - 500 grams;
  • dry plantain leaves - several pieces;
  • rose petals - 100 grams;
  • natural honey - 100 grams;
  • Cahors - 1 liter.

All components are thoroughly mixed and brought to a boil over low heat. The resulting tincture languishes in the refrigerator for a day, and then, after filtering, is consumed according to the scheme 5 times a day, one tablespoon (the balm should be warmed to room temperature).

Folk cosmetology

What other areas are rose petals used for? The use of bright buds at home is possible for the needs home cosmetology. So, based on them you can do:

  • Aromatic bath. Just scatter the petals in large quantities into the water, light scented candles to set the mood, play pleasant, slow music - just twenty minutes, and you will perfectly restore your nervous system.
  • Body mask. Excellent for improving skin tone and fighting stretch marks, they can become ideal solution for the care of the mammary glands. To prepare, you need to mix the crushed petals and heavy cream. The resulting composition is applied to problem area and fixed with polyethylene for 15-20 minutes.
  • Cream for dry skin. The following recipe may be the optimal solution for skin prone to extreme dryness. Pass through a meat grinder or grind 5 rose buds using a blender, add melted margarine (50 g) to them and beeswax(10 g). If necessary, add to the formed mass liquid vitamins, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  • Universal mask. Includes just two ingredients, crushed petals and olive oil. The mixture is infused for an hour and applied to the face for 20-30 minutes.

Petals for decoration

How can you use wild rose petals? The use of dried buds is quite appropriate in the decoration of residential premises. The petals retain their scent and color perfectly; they can be placed inside glass glasses, creating original compositions from other dried flowers, berries and dry branches. In addition, the petals can be sewn into decorative pillows and use it to aromatize the air.