How to clean an iron at home. How to clean the iron at home? Learn how to do it quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively

March 8

The shine and cleanliness of a new iron does not last long. Even the most expensive non-stick surface loses original view and covered with dark soot. You can clean the iron at home using proven methods.

To avoid damaging the iron, use the correct cleaning methods for the soleplate. Titanium is a tough alloy that can withstand abrasive materials and hard sponges.

To clean ceramic and glass-ceramic materials, use special pencils based on ammonia. It handles tough dirt. It is used when heated: it is removed with a napkin along with soot after cooling.

Less costly option soda solution. Teflon is washed with window cleaner and vinegar. Use dishwashing detergent.

Sapphire - durable material, but it is not recommended to use chemicals and abrasives for cleaning, a soapy solution is enough.

Treat enamel with care. To clean the enameled sole of the iron, treat with a soda-soap solution. Avoid abrasive compounds.

Cleaning methods

The type of cleaning of the soleplate of the iron is selected depending on its material. There are a number general rules and recommendations. All actions take place with a heated iron. For hard coatings such as steel or titanium, abrasives, medium-hard brushes and knives can be used. Teflon and ceramic cleaning methods are more gentle.


For cleaning, it is used in different ways:

  • it is poured onto a sheet of paper in a homogeneous layer, along which a heated iron is found until it is completely cleansed;
  • poured on a cotton towel or foil sheet, the iron is heated to the maximum and the method is repeated with the previous one;
  • placed in folded gauze, the iron is heated to a minimum.

Paraffin candle

To combat soot, wrap it with a cotton cloth and rub the sole heated to the maximum. Do it over the layer unnecessary papers, melting paraffin will drain on them.

The embossed sole or surface with steam holes is cleaned carefully. The candle can get into the recesses and ruin things when ironing.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide will deal with fresh burns. Cotton fabric is wetted in a 3% solution. It cleans the surface of the iron. Burnt material is soaked, unnecessary plaque falls under the destructive effect of peroxide.

If the degree of soot is severe, use the tablet form diluted in a minimum amount of water.

Laundry soap

Effective on Teflon surfaces. Preheat the iron and rub the surface with a bar of soap. It will start to heat up like paraffin candle and soften the soot. Wipe off any remaining dirt from the sole with a rag. Clean the soap out of the steam holes with cotton swabs or toothpicks.


Gel toothpaste is able to scrub dirt from the surface. To enhance the effect, it is better to warm up the iron a little.

table vinegar

Moisten a cotton swab with table vinegar and wipe the cold soleplate. This quickly eliminates light soot. If the pollution is strong and long-standing, mix vinegar with ammonia in equal amounts.

If such a mixture fails, place cotton wool soaked in the solution on the contaminated area for several hours. The plaque will soften and be removed with a rag or sponge.

Nail polish remover

Adhering synthetic fabric is easily removed with nail polish remover. Just wipe the cold surface with a moistened cotton pad.


The side of the box with a solid strip of sulfur copes with the dirt on the iron. Warm up the appliance and rub the surface.

Lemon acid

If only this tool was at hand, it will fit for cleaning the surface. A packet of citric acid - 10 grams, dilute with a minimum amount of water and treat the work area.

If the contamination is persistent, leave cotton soaked in the solution on it for several hours. The remaining citric acid is useful for steaming scale. Pour the solution into the water tank and activate the steam boost mode by setting the iron to full power.

Special chemical pencil

Sold in any store. Designed to clean the iron at home, regardless of the type of surface. The pencil gently affects the structure of the material.

The compositions of such funds are developed taking into account the soles of all types.

It can be ammonium nitrate, highly concentrated citric acid, another natural bleach, or a combination. Flavored fragrances are added, but they do not save you from the smell of chemicals that occurs when using a pencil:

  • open all windows first;
  • heat the iron to 100-150 degrees;
  • apply the product with vertical movements;
  • leave the device to cool down.

The chemical composition of the pencil will clean the iron. Remove any residue immediately with a cotton cloth or paper towel.

Prevention of burn formation

It is easier to prevent soot from forming than to spend time and effort cleaning it up. For prevention:

  • observe temperature regime for each type of fabric;
  • iron delicate materials through damp gauze;
  • so that plaque does not form in the steam holes due to scale, use filtered water;
  • wipe the soleplate with a damp cloth after each use.

In the case of a fresh burn through of the fabric and the formation of plaque, try applying a wet cotton rag to the soiled hot surface. A sharp temperature drop will save the metal sole from burnt synthetic fabric. Avoid using iron brushes, sponges, and other hard materials to clean appliances. Massive surfaces will endure this, and Teflon and ceramic will become unusable.

Stubborn soot can be carefully scraped off with a sharpened wooden spatula. Use the knife only as a last resort and carefully. Carry out any actions with the device disconnected from the network.

If the sole must be warmed up, the technique is brought to the required temperature and turned off.

Most families use the iron very actively. Which is not surprising - it is needed to care for the most different things, starting with diapers and vests, ending with bed linen And business suits. Alas, over time, the heater can get dirty and ruin expensive clothes as a result. Therefore, almost every person has a question of how to clean the iron from soot without damaging its cover. The question is really serious. After all, it is necessary not only to consider the effectiveness different ways, but also to choose the appropriate one for a particular model. Consider the most simple methods clean the iron from carbon deposits.

Millions of people regularly think about how and with what to clean the sole of the iron from carbon deposits. And if some prefer to use the most modern, expensive and effective means, then others prefer simple, proven and often practically free - folk. Let's talk a little about different options so that each user can decide which method is right for him.

Folk remedies

An important advantage of this option is its availability. Yes, when cleaning, you can use improvised means that cost mere pennies. It's nice that you don't have to run around the shops in search of a rare drug. However, the effectiveness of these methods is not always as high as we would like.


Ordinary kitchen salt has proven itself perfectly. It is better to use a coarse grind. Lay several layers of cotton fabric on a flat surface, then pour salt in a fairly thick layer, at least 5 millimeters. Now cover it with gauze folded two or three times. Walk on it with the included but not hot iron several times. You will see how quickly the soot comes off.


To clean the Teflon sole of the iron, the simplest soda, which is also found in any kitchen, is best suited. It's even easier to use. Enough to dilute the soda a small amount water to get a concentrated solution. Using a cotton swab, wipe the sole and leave for a few minutes. Active soda softens soot, and it will be quite easy to remove it - just walk along the sole with a soft cloth.


Laundry soap worked well. But it should be used immediately after the appearance of stains - old ones are not removed very effectively. As soon as the iron has cooled down, immediately rub its sole with soap (you can use a remnant of soap, which is not a pity), and then wipe it with a soft cloth.


Finally, you can always clean your iron with vinegar, the method of using it is a little more complicated than those described above, but the effectiveness is usually higher. Take vinegar (not vinegar essence) and soak it in soft tissue. Place the iron on it so that the soleplate comes into contact with the vinegar. Now wait 8-12 hours. Usually this time is enough for the plaque to soften and it can be removed by ordinary wiping. It is advisable to use protective equipment respiratory tract And be sure to open a window for better ventilation. The evaporated vinegar has a very bad smell and may be harmful to health if inhaled for a long time.

Specialized Substances

This paragraph should be carefully read for those who want to know how to clean the iron from carbon deposits at home, if folk remedies didn't help. Let's start with a sole cleaning pencil. It is inexpensive, so you can buy several pieces in order to have a small supply in the future. Cleaning is not too difficult and yet effective, especially if you follow the instructions. Let's break it down point by point:

  1. Preheat the device to 140 degrees - the temperature of ironing wool.
  2. Prepare a piece of cotton fabric that you will not be sorry to throw away after cleaning.
  3. Rub the stains on the sole with a pencil.
  4. Quickly remove carbon deposits from the hot sole with a cloth.
  5. Wipe the cooled iron with a clean, damp cloth and allow to dry thoroughly.

You need to act not only quickly, until the soot has frozen, but also carefully. Try to clean in a well-ventilated area - the contact of the pencil and a hot surface produces acrid, toxic fumes that should not be inhaled.

The same pencil will come in handy if you need to clean the steam holes. It is enough to bring it to the holes during steam generation. The soot will quickly become liquid and can be easily removed.

But what if you need to clean the iron from scale inside? Here you will need a decalcifier. It is sold under several trade names, but the principle of operation is the same for all. Dilute the powder, for example, Antinakipin, in water in the indicated proportion and pour it into the iron tank. Heat it up well, then turn it off and let it cool completely. After 30-60 minutes, repeat the heating procedure and press the “Steam” button three or four times. It remains only to flush the tank clean water, preferably distilled. This completes the cleaning.

As you can see, you can clean the iron from carbon deposits and by special means, And folk ways. So, you can choose exactly the option that seems optimal to you.

The methods described above are great if you use irons with a ceramic sole, steel or aluminum. However, when working with a Teflon coating, other rules and properties must be observed. They need to be known and not forgotten.

Teflon is a complex polymer that is not very resistant to chemicals. As a result, the use of some cleaning sticks can damage the soles. This means that an expensive iron will have to be thrown away - it will be almost impossible to repair it. Therefore, it is best to use the folk methods described above.

Fortunately, among them there is an analogue that can replace a pencil. This is the most common paraffin candle, costing only a few tens of rubles. The main thing is not to take those that have flavors and dyes in their composition - this can only worsen the situation. Better buy the cheapest gray color and odorless. They are great for cleaning. The way to use it is very simple:

  1. Wrap the candle in cotton fabric.
  2. Heat the iron to a temperature of 140-150 degrees Celsius.
  3. Place it on a pallet with a slight inclination forward.
  4. Rub the surface with paraffin. At the same time, make sure that the melted mass does not flow into the steam holes - you can remove it easily, but you will have to spend extra time.
  5. Stroke the soft one several times, natural fabric, clearing the sole of paraffin.

That's all. Now your Teflon-coated iron, like any other, will last for many years without giving you unnecessary problems. After all, you know how to easily and quickly get rid of soot in a variety of ways.

Rules for proper operation

Any person understands that it is much easier to prevent pollution than to clean the iron from black carbon deposits at home. Ordinary inattention will lead to what is beautiful bed sheets or the luxurious suit will be ruined. These are not just words. After all, the dirty sole of the iron not only reduces its aesthetic appeal. When ironing, the dirt will melt and stain things. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow certain rules. Let's talk about some of them:

  • To begin with, the temperature regime of the iron should be set in accordance with the fabric that you plan to iron. If it is wool or delicate fabric, be sure to use gauze. You can also take cotton fabric.
  • After working with the device, be sure to clean the soleplate of any iron - Teflon or steel. It is best to use a soft, slightly damp towel for this. You need to wipe it at the moment when the sole is no longer hot, but not completely cool.
  • If there is a self-cleaning function, run it at least once every three months.
  • Finally, try not to use tap water. It is better to fill the device with distilled or at least just purified, bottled water. It does not contain a large number salt, which can harm the iron.


As you can see, various special tools, as well as improvised materials, can be used to clean the iron. Therefore, the appearance of soot on the sole of the iron will no longer cause any serious problems- it will take you only a few minutes to remove it.

No matter how high-tech and advanced modern irons they still require careful handling and timely cleaning.

The main enemies of any iron are burns and scale. The first is formed on the sole if you accidentally overexpose the iron on synthetics, and also if sticky material gets on the surface, which, when heated, sticks to the sole more and more. Over time, this leads to the fact that the iron begins to glide worse over the fabric, wears out, but the biggest nuisance can be a stain on your things and fabrics: burns from a hot sole will instantly go to the material. As for scale, this problem affects everyone who uses unfiltered water for steam.

Method 1. Salt

It is very easy to clean the iron with salt, so this method can be safely called one of the most economical and simple.

Sprinkle salt on a piece of paper or a napkin (preferably sea salt). Turn on the maximum temperature and turn off the steam, start ironing until the surface of the sole is clean.

Method 2. Citric acid

If the burnt fabric has got into the steam holes, it will be easiest to use citric acid. To do this, dilute the acid with filtered water (150 ml per 1 tsp), then pour into the liquid compartment. Heat the iron to maximum, give it a good shake and press the steam button for about 10 seconds. Repeat several times, then rinse the tank with clean water and wipe the sole with a damp cloth.

By the way, citric acid can be replaced with carbonated mineral water.

Method 3. Vinegar

Ordinary table vinegar will also help clean the iron at home. Dilute it with filtered water in a ratio of 1 to 2, moisten a soft cotton cloth, heat the iron and unplug it, place it on a damp cloth. After 15-20 minutes, wipe the sole with a sponge.

If the contamination is severe, you may well leave the unplugged iron on a cloth soaked in vinegar for several hours.

Method 4. Toothpaste

Simply apply a layer of regular toothpaste to the sole, let it sit, and then thoroughly clean the surface with a damp cloth. Turn on the iron and iron the unnecessary fabric.

Method 5. Nail polish remover

Suitable liquid both with acetone in the composition, and without it. But when using this option to clean the iron, be careful: the liquid can damage the plastic parts. Therefore, it is best to apply the liquid pointwise, cotton swab or cotton pad. Just rub the dirt until it dissolves.

Method 6. Soda

Mix 2 tsp. baking soda with a little water or 9% vinegar. Apply the resulting paste to a slightly heated sole and rub with a cloth.

1. Never try to clean the surface of the iron mechanically (with pumice stone, sandpaper, etc.). So you will only damage it.

2. After ironing, while the appliance is still warm, drain off any remaining water.

3. To reduce scale formation, use only filtered, bottled or distilled water.

going on important meeting you put on ironing board white blouse and habitually begin to steam the folds. And here is a horrific picture: ugly red stains appear on the ceremonial clothes. You grab your head and suddenly realize that the electric assistant has not been cleaned since the time of King Pea. To prevent such incidents, have on hand instructions on how to clean the soleplate of an iron at home and do not forget to do it regularly.

If you find burnt spots on the working surface of an electric assistant, do not rush to put an end to it: experienced housewives have long found the answer to the question of how to quickly and effectively clean the soleplate of an iron. Can do without expensive chemicals or going to a service center. All procedures are performed at home using a set of penny improvised tools.

Teflon, aluminum, ceramics: individual approach

For effective cleaning it is important to know what material the soleplate is made of. The rules for caring for different coatings are different. There are three main types.

  • Soft Teflon. How can I clean the non-stick soleplate of an iron? Do not use products that contain abrasive particles. The cleaning solution should be liquid, gel or slurry. Necessarily homogeneous, without hard crumbs. You should not even try to remove carbon deposits from the soleplate of a Teflon-coated iron with salt, soda or using a hard washcloth.
  • Unpretentious aluminum. This type of coating will "endure" any cleaning procedures. Liquid chemistry, pencil, paraffin, salt, ammonia. You can even remove carbon deposits from such a surface with a knife if the stain is fresh. And here is the cleaning citric acid aluminum is contraindicated. "Lemon" reacts with metal, can form rusty "bald spots" and the iron will become unusable.
  • noble ceramics. The ceramic coating is stronger than Teflon, but is very sensitive to impacts and scratches. The basic cleaning rule is the same as for Teflon - the absence of abrasive components that can damage the sole. If the carbon stain is fresh and small, you can clean the ceramic soleplate of the iron with a wooden kitchen spatula. In other cases, liquid and pasty products and soft washcloths will help.

2 types of plaque and what to do in each case

It's time to remove the plaque from the iron. Here it is important to understand what kind of pollution we are dealing with. There are two reasons for the appearance of ugly burn marks on the sole.

  1. Burnt tissue. Stains are formed when ironing on unacceptably high temperature. Also common cause- the iron not disconnected from the network, left by the soleplate on the fabric.
  2. Scale. Scale flakes come out of the steam holes and, after burning, are imprinted on the sole.

Fabric burnt: 3 cleaning scenarios

We will get rid of the burnt tissue in two stages. The first step is to remove a piece of adhering material from the cooled device. Use a wooden kitchen spatula or, if the coating is aluminum, a knife. Then you can apply one of three methods.

  1. Wax procedures. A paraffin candle will help get rid of the remnants of burned tissue fibers. Heat up the appliance. Wrap the candle with a thin cotton scarf and treat the soot area. Wax, flowing down the sole of the iron, will carry dirt with it. If the iron has steam holes, press the steam button several times to remove the wax. If this is not done, then the next time you iron, you will find oily wax stains on your favorite blouse or trousers. Let the appliance cool down and wipe it with a soft cloth.
  2. Salt slip. To wipe the sole of the iron from adhering fabric, ordinary table salt is suitable. Recipe: pour half a glass of salt, preferably fine, on Blank sheet paper. After heating the iron, run it over the salty layer several times. The grains will absorb the remnants of soot.
  3. Pencil . Universal remedy for irons with any kind of coating. The price is within 20-30 rubles (data for July 2017). Instructions: Heat the iron to average temperature. Swipe several times over the soiled area with a cleaning pencil. The rod will melt and “pick up” carbon deposits. After the ritual, unplug the device from the mains and wipe the sole with a soft cloth.

A problem is always easier to prevent. When working with delicate things, observe the temperature regime. Synthetics "tolerate" temperatures up to 115 ° C. For guipure, it is enough to heat the iron to 50-80°C, viscose can withstand 80-120°C, and silk - 110-130°C.

7 solutions against limescale

"Hot" equipment due to daily contact with water is prone to scale formation. These are calcium and magnesium salts that are released from water when heated. You can try to remove scale from the soleplate of the iron using the above methods using paraffin, salt and a pencil. And you can resort to others folk recipes. There are seven ways.

  1. Vinegar bath. Place the turned off iron in a heat-resistant form, on two wooden slats so that the soleplate of the appliance does not touch the bottom. Connect glass table vinegar(9%) and a liter of water, pour the solution into the mold so that it covers only the sole. Put the mold with the iron and mortar on the stove, turning on the minimum fire. After boiling, note ten minutes. Turn off the stove, let the water cool, and then repeat the procedure. Rinse the soleplate of the iron and place the appliance upright to dry naturally.
  2. Lemon acid. If the soot spots on the sole are small, you can simply wipe them with a slice of lemon or a sponge dipped in a strong lemon solution.
  3. Ammonia. Without turning on the iron, wipe problem areas with a cloth dipped in ammonia. Didn't work? Try to connect vinegar according to the same principle. If this idea fails, heat the iron to the maximum and iron the cloth moistened with ammonia.
  4. Salt bag. Put salt (a couple of tablespoons is enough) in a handkerchief, making an impromptu bag. Move it along the heated sole of the device until carbon deposits are removed.
  5. "Cook" porridge from soda. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda with dishwashing gel until a paste forms. Apply to the sole and leave for half an hour. Remove with a cloth and wipe with a damp sponge.
  6. Peroxide. Soot on the working surface of a cold iron is well wiped off with 3% hydrogen peroxide, which corrodes burning spots before our eyes. Pour on cotton pad or a cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide and treat the desired areas.
  7. Matchbox. Heat up the household appliance. Gently pressing, go through the side sulfur surface of the box along the soot spot. Judging by the reviews on the forums, the method is very effective.

Any manipulations with the iron should be carried out with caution. Don't let it appear deep scratches on the cover. It is impossible to use equipment with a damaged sole, otherwise all clothes will be in puffs.

3 quick methods to clean the soleplate of an iron

How to clean the soleplate of an iron from carbon deposits at home if there was neither hydrogen peroxide nor salt at hand (and this happens)? You will probably find three more products in your bathroom.

  1. Laundry soap. The method will help you deal with fresh traces scale and soot on the surface. Rub a hot iron with a bar of soap, then remove the residue by ironing a clean cloth. The method is gentle, suitable for Teflon. You can clean the iron with a metal base using a soft metal washcloth. Moisten it with water and lather laundry soap.
  2. Toothpaste . Use white, without abrasive particles. Apply generously to the contaminated area of ​​the preheated appliance, wait ten minutes and remove the layer of toothpaste with a damp sponge. The method is not suitable for delicate Teflon.
  3. Nail polish remover. If you accidentally ironed polyethylene material, plastic clothing items, then adhering particles can be removed with nail polish remover or acetone. Dampen a cloth or sponge and wipe the soleplate. Contamination should evaporate along with acetone vapor.

So that the iron "does not upset" the appearance dark spots follow the ironing rules. Do not violate the temperature regime. Delicate fabrics iron only through a damp gauze cloth. Handle things with rivets, stickers, chains and other "hazards" on the wrong side.

Polishing method

If the contamination is severe, and there are a couple of small scratches on the surface, try using the two-in-one cleaning method, which will help quickly and effectively polish the surface of the iron from carbon deposits. Take action in three steps.

  1. Take a tablespoon of fine salt, mix with a handful of grated paraffin (a candle passed through a kitchen grater).
  2. Spread the mixture on a piece of paper and cover with a cloth.
  3. After heating the iron, iron the paraffin-salt mixture several times until the soot disappears.

Even if you have not yet encountered a problem and have not wondered how to clean the iron from burn on the sole, you should periodically use one of the above methods for prevention. Occasionally home appliances it is necessary to arrange a "washing day" - this way you will significantly extend the service life and prevent the formation of ugly brown spots.


Every housewife once faced with the problem of burnt fabric on the sole of the iron. This phenomenon occurs when the temperature regime is not observed during ironing. The result is the same - a damaged thing and a black coating on the iron. This raises the question of how to clean the surface. Consider the most effective ways to remove carbon deposits on the sole of the thermal device.

Method number 1. special pencil

  1. Plug the iron into a socket, set the power to average level. Wait for the sole to heat up. Then take the cleaning stick out of the package and rub the surface of the fuser.
  2. The process will not take long, the composition of the cleaning agent will begin to drain with the remnants of burning. Remove any remaining dirt with paper towel.
  3. Stick to safety measures. Be careful, the molten composition should not get on the skin, otherwise burns cannot be avoided.
  4. Also, when applying a pencil to a hot plane, it will stand out Strong smell. The cleaning product is suitable for removing carbon deposits from all types of soles.

Method number 2. Salt

  1. The method is considered one of the most budgetary and effective. Removing darkening on the sole of the iron can be done in two ways. Be careful, the method cannot be used on Teflon-coated irons.
  2. In the first case, distribute 120 gr. fine salt on parchment paper. Heat the iron to maximum temperature, move the appliance forward as you would iron clothes.
  3. In the second case, pour 150 gr. table salt in thin cotton fabric. Heat the thermal device to the maximum, use a bag with a crumbly composition to remove dirt.

Method number 3. Paraffin candle

  1. A paraffin candle will help to cope with plaque and small soot. Wrap the product in cotton cloth, heat the iron to maximum temperature.
  2. Pass the candle along the hot sole of the thermal device. liquid paraffin remove most of the contaminants.
  3. After that, steam clean the holes on the sole, if any. This move will help avoid greasy spots at the next ironing.
  4. When cleaning the iron, place a paper towel in advance so that hot carbon deposits drip onto it. Upon completion of the procedure, wipe the sole of the thermal device with a napkin.

Method number 4. table vinegar

  1. Vinegar is able to rid the iron of fresh soot. To remove light soiling, soak a cotton handkerchief in a 9% solution, wipe the slightly warm soleplate.
  2. It is also possible more long way purification. Soak a cotton towel liberally in vinegar, place an unplugged appliance on it. Wait a day, after the expiration of the period, remove the remnants of soot with a paper towel.

Method number 5. Lemon acid

  1. To carry out such a manipulation, a solution based on citric acid is suitable as a cleaning agent.
  2. Dilute in 300 ml warm water 80 gr. loose composition. Repeat the procedure in the same way as with vinegar.

Method number 6. Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

  1. Dilute in a small container of 30 ml. hydrogen peroxide and 10 ml. ammonia. Saturate a cotton towel with the composition.
  2. Remove carbon deposits from the warm soleplate of the iron with a soaked cloth. Get ready for pungent odor ammonia.

Method number 7. Hydroperite and soda

  1. When using soda to remove various contaminants, remember that the product is an abrasive and can scratch an unprotected surface.
  2. Prepare a mixture of soda and water, resembling gruel. Apply the composition to the contaminated plane of the iron, rub the surface with a cotton towel. Remove the rest with a napkin.
  3. Manipulation with the help of hydroperite should be carried out in a ventilated room, such a tool has pungent odor. Heat the soleplate of the iron, apply the product in the form of tablets to the places of contamination, in the case of a cleaning stick. Wipe off the rest with a paper towel.

How to clean teflon coating

To remove the remnants of soot from the Teflon surface, you should resort to special sponges or pencils. Before using one of the tools, read the instructions in detail.

  1. Vinegar and essence. It is also possible to clean with an acetic solution. Take precautions, protect your skin with silicone gloves, this move will help to avoid unwanted burns. If we talk about vinegar essence, soak a cloth in it, iron the material with a hot iron. The manipulation carried out should be sufficient. Always observe the temperature regime when ironing things.
  2. Solvent. To remove fabric deposits on the soleplate of the iron, you can resort to the usual paint thinner. Moisten a cotton pad chemical composition, clean the place of contamination with it.
  3. Foil. The foil method is no less effective than all the others. Take a thick sheet of foil, spread it on a flat board. Set the iron to maximum power, wait for the thermal device to fully heat up. Now smooth the aluminum sheet as if you were ironing simple thing. Remove any remaining dirt with a tissue.
  4. Powder for cleaning teeth. The tool is quite common in everyday life, but few people brush their teeth with it. Moisten a cotton swab with water, apply powder on it. Then wipe the warm soleplate of the iron in places of contamination. This method cannot be applied to ceramic surfaces.
  5. Toothpaste and soda. Using household products will help get rid of old dirt on the metal coating. Mix baking soda or bleach with a little water toothpaste. Apply the composition to the contamination and rub it well with a sponge. Keep in mind that both products are abrasive and will not work on all types of iron soles.
  6. Laundry soap. To clean the soleplate from adhering synthetics, heat the surface of the iron to the maximum mark. Rub with soap, then remove dirt with a paper towel. After that, rub the sole again with laundry soap and wipe with a damp cloth. The applied method is suitable for fresh contamination.

How to clean ceramic coating

  1. If you are faced with the problem of a burnt piece of cloth, a kitchen wooden spatula will help to fix the situation. Heat the iron at maximum power, then with household appliance gently remove dirt.
  2. Then mix in a small container 10 ml. 9% table vinegar and 30 ml. warm water. Moisten a cotton towel, wipe the soleplate of the iron.
  3. You can also set it for a few seconds hot iron on the impregnated fabric. Or resort to using a nylon washcloth, wiping the hot surface of the thermal device with it, you can achieve the desired result.

Simple and budgetary means of cleaning the iron

  1. Wet a small piece of cloth with hydrogen peroxide, then wipe the areas with plaque. Perform the procedure on a warm surface.
  2. Also good and effective means is acetone, repeat the manipulations described when using hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Dampen a flannel rag lemon juice and a few drops of ammonia. Then go over the stained area with a wet cloth.
  1. When buying an iron, carefully read the instruction manual. Perhaps it will indicate ways to clean the soles.
  2. Before ironing clothes, always pay attention to the fact whether the item can be ironed and at what temperature.
  3. After using the thermal appliance, always wipe the soleplate of the iron with a damp cloth, clean it from scale inside.
  4. When it comes to thoroughly cleaning the soleplate of the iron, pay attention to the coating. Carefully carry out all manipulations without scratching the surface.

Cleaning the soleplate of an iron at home is easy if you follow practical advice And effective ways. Most importantly, choose suitable method depending on the type of coverage. In the future, observe the temperature regime when ironing things.

Video: how to clean a burnt iron