Light highlighting on the square. Highlights on dark medium hair


The mega-popular bob haircut is perfectly combined with highlighting - this is a fact. But few people know that the concept of "highlighting" combines many unique technologies for coloring strands. Below are photos and descriptions of the most common types of highlighting on a square among beautiful ladies, divided by dyeing technologies, haircut options and the original hair color.

Pros and cons of highlighting

Advantages of highlighting on a square:

  1. Only strands are lightened, which together make up no more than 50% of the total mass of hair, which is less detrimental to their health than full coloring.
  2. Highlighting is an opportunity for a lady to try herself in the image of a blonde and at the same time not resort to radical changes.
  3. Growing highlighted caret also looks great for a long time, which allows you to adjust the hairstyle no more than once every 2-3 months.
  4. There are about 20 technologies for highlighting on a square, which means that every woman will be able to choose her ideal technique.
  5. Highlighting is applicable to any kind of bob, regardless of its shape and length, as well as the color and structure of the hair.
  6. Highlighted bob refreshes the lady, visually makes her younger and prettier, visually increases the volume of the hair and makes the image more interesting.
  7. Kare and highlighting have been at the peak of popularity for many years - this guarantees their owner that she will always look in accordance with the latest fashion trends.
  8. The cost of highlighting is much lower than that of various hair coloring methods.

Cons of highlighting on a square:

  1. The whole process from start to finish lasts several hours - this is quite painful, given that the lady has to sit in one position all the time.
  2. Highlighting, although cheaper than fashion techniques staining ("", "" and so on), but still a rather expensive pleasure.
  3. The procedure, albeit less, but still harms the hair.
  4. If the hair has recently been dyed, then it will take 2-3 months to wait for the approval of the master to perform highlighting, otherwise the result will not be the same at all, and the hair will suffer even more.
  5. Subsequently, constant hair restoration procedures are required - the use of masks, special shampoos and balms.
  6. It is not recommended to apply thermal effects (curling iron, hair dryer, iron) to highlighted hair, as bleached strands become very dry and brittle.

Highlighting techniques

As already noted at the very beginning of the article, there are about 20 highlighting techniques on a square, each of which is interesting and special in its own way.


Classical or traditional highlighting is the lightening of several tones of small strands all over the head. It happens frequent, average and rare. With the correct selection of the shade of paint, the processed hair looks very natural, as if the hair had simply burned out in the sun.


Initially, highlighting meant lightening the strands, but from birth, fair-haired beauties also wanted to somehow transform their hairstyle. Then the geniuses hairdressing reverse highlighting was invented, the essence of which is the use of a dye of a darker shade than the hair instead of a brightener.

low contrast

But not everyone likes a sharp contrast, and the soul requires changes in appearance. These women will definitely benefit from the low-contrast highlighting technique, which uses dye only one or two shades lighter than the original hair color.


The magnificence of the "Feathers" technique is explained by the clarity of the staining lines and their good contrast with the bulk. It is this type of highlighting that is most often created by women of fashion at home through the use of a special cap or foil. There is only one recommendation - such coloring should be abandoned for those who are too tall, thin and have long face girls, as clear and straight light strands, running strictly parallel, stretch the face very much.


Partial highlighting involves dyeing a small amount of hair strands in certain areas haircuts, for example, on bangs, hair ends or lengthening. This a great opportunity Refresh your hair without making any major changes.


The highlight of multi-tone highlighting on a square is the use of at least two dyes of the same shade as the hair, but a little lighter or darker. This technique fills the hair with depth and tints of the native color, looks natural and natural. It is mainly applied to brown or light brown hair.

Crazy colors ("Bright strands")

Crazy colors is the coloring of strands with very bright dyes, which is so loved by young outrageous persons. In most cases, such highlighting is done with gentle dyes or quickly washed off tonics, so you can change again and again.

Peek-a-Boo ("Peekaboo")

Peek-a-Boo highlighting technique is widely demanded by owners short haircuts, especially the caret. It involves dyeing the lower mass of hair, for which dark or bright dyes are used. In order for Peek-a-Boo to look spectacular on dark hair, the strands intended for dyeing must first be lightened.

Two-tone ("Two tones")

To create Two-tone highlights, two different, but close to each other shades are used, for example, red and orange. At the same time, they should clearly stand out against the background of the original hair color.


"Mazhimesh" is a gentle highlighting technique that involves the use of the cream of the same name, which includes a clarifier and beeswax. It is often performed on fair hair (or with pre-lightening) by selecting very thin strands.

"Majicontrast" (Diagonal)

Highlighting using the Magiccontrast technique is the design of the entire head with large contrasting strands (white or colored). Moreover, the dye is applied with diagonal strokes, which determines the appropriate texture.


“Veil” is highlighting performed on the upper mass of hair, which, during the dyeing process, is separated from the lower half and broken into separate strands. This technique looks perfect on a square in the style of the classic "".


Highlighting "Balayage" is carried out not from the roots, but on the lower half of the bulk of the hair. The clarifier is applied in a V-shape method so that the maximum color intensity is achieved at the tips. A very fashionable technique, but applicable only to and variants of the square.


The main highlight of American highlighting is the chaotic choice of strands, which, moreover, can be different in thickness. Initially, only red and red shades were supposed to be used for dyeing, but today the technique allows the choice of other dyes.


French highlighting is performed only on fair-haired or light fair-haired options square and belongs to the category of low contrast. Selected thin strands are lightened only by one or two tones. Such an image, like everything French, looks very feminine, gentle and romantic.


When creating California highlights on a square, dyes of honey, cognac and wheat shades are used, which are in perfect harmony with each other and look best on light brown hair.


Venetian highlighting is carried out only on a dark basis. It is applied in wide strokes mainly on the lower part of the hair with small patches of thin strips on top and is not wrapped, that is, the dye is kept open on the hair.

Before going to the hairdresser to perform highlighting on a dark and black square, a woman should think carefully. Most of the techniques provided for dark hair involve maximum contrast and visibility. And this is not always appropriate (age and type of appearance).

If you really want changes, then it’s better to start with the Balayazh or Venetian Highlighting techniques, which involve coloring the strands not all over the head, but only on the lower part of the hair. As a first attempt at highlighting on a dark square of most varieties, a "Veil" of light strands is perfect.

Light brown hair is the most suitable basis for highlighting on all types of bob. Most techniques involve the maximum naturalness of transitions between tones, but for a radical change in the image, a lady can also choose contrasting shades. In any case, the hair will look more voluminous, interesting and well-groomed.

Highlighting initially assumes the presence of a sufficiently dark base. However, there are also techniques for light hair, for example, the sparing "Mazhinesh" (a natural transition to even lighter tones of individual thin strands) or contrast reverse highlighting (dark dyes are used).

Highlighting on a square by its types

Each type of caret, complemented by highlighting, looks individually and especially.

On a classic square

Classic caret is an ideal base for traditional (frequent or rare) and feather highlighting.

On an elongated square

An elongated square for highlighting is like an unplowed field, opening up wide scope for imagination. The Balayazh, Peek-a-Boo, Two-tone, Magikontrast techniques and the selection of individual zones (partial) look great on it.

On a square with bangs

Highlighting a bob with bangs, you can color the strands all over your head or highlight only the bangs, which is very important for its oblique variety.

On the "Bob Car"

Absolutely any technique is suitable for the "Bob-car", but the "Veil" looks the best.

On a square on a leg

On a graduated square

Most highlighting techniques look harmonious on a graduated square, but only if they do not imply the presence of clear straight lines in the coloring of the strands, for example, like “Feathers”.

On an asymmetrical square

Highlighting can make it even more original and interesting, but the wrong technique can also spoil the haircut and make it ridiculous. Therefore, highlighting such a caret at home is not recommended, but only in the salon with an experienced master.

On the Cascade

On a cascade-type square, the French highlighting technique looks perfect.

When choosing highlighting, it is important not to overload the haircut. Light sparing techniques with the effect of natural hair burnout are best suited.

To perform highlighting on a square middle length there are no restrictions in the choice of technique, it is only important to take into account hair color, type of appearance and age.

Traditional and feather techniques look great on long straight variants of a square. on wavy and curly hair Balayazh looks great.

Hair care with highlights

Care for a highlighted caret involves frequent procedures aimed at restoring the structure of the hair and moisturizing it. You can refer to salon procedures, such as "Lamination", "Screening", "Botox", but it is quite expensive. You can restore your hair yourself at home, using the appropriate shampoos and balms, aimed at moisturizing and nourishing damaged strands. Good use of oils and fruit masks. It is also important to minimize mechanical and thermal harmful effects on curls, that is, comb carefully, dry naturally, and style with low temperatures jets of air.

Performing highlighting at home

There are two most common and simple ways performing highlighting at home.

Method number 1 "Hat"

most convenient and fast method separating the strands and applying the dye involves the use of a special cap with holes. It can be purchased in salons ready-made or made from improvised materials. The process consists of the following steps - pulling the strands into the holes with a hook, comb tail or toothpick, applying dye, waiting for the result and washing your hair.

Method number 2 "Foil"

Method number 2 is somewhat more complicated, but allows you to vary the thickness and location of the strands, choose zones and highlighting techniques:

  1. If highlighting is supposed to be all over the head, then the upper part of the hair is collected in a bun and fixed on top.
  2. The lower part is divided into strands in the right order, half of which is covered with dye and wrapped in foil.
  3. From the top, the hair gradually descends in small parts and goes through the same procedure.
  4. It is most convenient to apply the dye first on the middle part of the head, and then on the sides.
  5. The dye is kept on the head for at least 20 minutes, the foil is removed, and the hair is washed.

Highlighting on a square: before and after

Below are pictures showing ladies before and after highlighting.

California highlights on a dark blond graduated square.

Traditional highlighting on a square on a leg.

Californian highlighting on the Kare Cascade.

Radical highlighting (correction).

Frequent highlighting on an elongated square.

Creation of a bob haircut and Californian highlights.

Frequent highlighting on dark blond hair.

Video instructions

The hair, as if burned out under the rays of the hot sun, is the result of the application of a fashionable technique known as Hollywood or California highlights. This coloring attracts girls who want to look the same stylish hairstyle as Jennifer Aniston, Keira Knightley, Sarah Jessica Parker and other foreign celebrities of modern cinema. The method is considered gentle, but not the easiest to perform, especially at home. However, nothing is impossible if you still decide to do highlighting in California. Stock up on knowledge the right tools and materials - and forward to the realization of their "American dream".

What's happened

Attention! California highlighting is called gentle for several reasons: the dye for it does not contain ammonia, and during the application process, the composition does not come into contact with the scalp. With this staining, the roots are often left intact.

How is it different from conventional highlighting

These two staining methods differ not only in the result, but also in the technology of carrying out:

  • for the usual it used to be used, now it has been replaced by foil (thermal paper). California highlighting is performed without these materials;
  • the classic technique usually involves applying paint from the roots, Hollywood - along the length;
  • in the first case, the strands stand out evenly in color, often they are clearly visible against the background of the main mass of hair. With California coloring, a smooth stretch of color is done in such a way that the tips are the lightest part of the hairstyle;
  • ordinary highlighting can be colored, Hollywood - only natural.

Quite similar to each other California staining and shatush. Their final goal- Creation natural effect burnt curls. However, no additional toning is applied to the shatush, so the colors are less vibrant and the transitions are more washed out. The strands are taken quite wide, while Hollywood highlighting requires small curls.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of Hollywood technology:

  • beautiful natural effect;
  • gentle effect on the hair;
  • versatility - can be applied to curls of almost any type and length, you only need to correctly select the appropriate palette;
  • additional volume due to the successful play of colors;
  • gray hair masking;
  • image update;
  • no need to do frequent correction, since the roots are not affected by coloring.


  • even with a gentle effect of the dye, the hair is still stressed;
  • the inept Californian highlighting technique can ruin the structure of the curls or the appearance of the hairstyle;
  • the dyeing process lasts quite a long time, especially if the strands are thick and long;
  • desire to look like Hollywood celebrity is expensive;
  • bleach can make your hair dry and brittle. They will require special care;
  • at home, coping with technology on your own is not very easy. You will need the help of another person.

Attention! Set aside the California dyeing technique for a couple of months if you have recently done a perm, changed your hair color with a permanent composition or henna. Otherwise, you can get an unpredictable color. Yes, and the hair needs a little rest and recovery between experiments with a hairstyle.

Price in the salon and for home use

Some hairdressers and beauty salons distinguish California coloring in a separate line of their price lists, and some value its cost on a par with classic highlighting. Specify your wishes in a direct conversation with a hair stylist, especially if you want to apply not 2, but 3-5 tones.

The price varies depending on the number of shades used, as well as the length and density of the curls. On average in Russia, the cost of the Hollywood effect of burnt hair will cost 3,000–4,000 rubles.

The cost of the service in large beauty establishments located in megacities often reaches 8-11 thousand rubles, and in medium and small towns it starts from 600-1000 rubles.

If you want to do California highlighting at home, calculate how much dye you need for your hair and what shades. High-quality ammonia-free formulations cost about 400–500 rubles, although it is better to take gentle products for toning curls. Range tint balms and shampoos is very wide, and therefore has many both budget and expensive options: from 60 to 1000 rubles. For preliminary clarification, add to the costs the cost of the bleaching preparation (approximately 80–300 rubles, depending on the company).

Attention! Important for California highlighting individual approach, because on different hair it looks different. Before painting, the master must look at the photo with you options, discuss the palette and the number of tones, other nuances.

Who suits

Sometimes it seems that the California technique has no restrictions on the type, because a variety of women choose this method of hair coloring. Many blondes like it, because on their curls it is possible to create interesting combination colors. The hair visually becomes thicker and more voluminous, which is important for owners of rare strands. Light Brown hair it is necessary not to lighten, but to darken, and in the root zone. True, in this case, more frequent correction is required.

Pick up the best color solutions For brown-haired women it is difficult, but possible. The palette depends on belonging to the color type: cold or warm. Such highlighting looks quite contrasting. A significant number of tones (up to 5-6) will make it possible to make a transition from dark roots to light tips as smooth as possible. But stylists advise brunettes to be more careful with such experiments, because it is most difficult for them to achieve a natural gradient.

California highlighting is usually done on blond hair, and Venetian is chosen for dark ones.

For light, blond hair

Natural blondes are either warm spring or cool summer types. With this in mind, you need to select the color scheme. In the first case, golden blond, honey, wheat are optimal. In the second - ashen, pearl, mother-of-pearl. Platinum, ash, light blond look good on light brown curls. Blondes can choose just 2-3 tones to look great.

Light-skinned girls with hair of an inexpressive "mouse" color are suitable neutral shades: light blond, wheat , beige , dark or light blond , walnut . If the skin is prone to tanning, you need to look at the warm palette, if not - to the cold one.

For dark hair

Girls who belong to the autumn (warm) or winter (cold) color types are also suitable for different colors. They should be close to the natural color of the hair. Most the best shades- golden, honey, cognac, amber.

Brunettes can use copper, bronze, chocolate (warm or cold), chestnut. These colors are also optimal for painting over gray hair. Looks extravagant in combination with black curls white tone on bangs.

Features of coloring depending on the length of the hair

The most best length curls for applying the California highlighting technique on dark or blond hair - from the shoulder blades and below. In this case, it will be possible to make a soft, smooth transition between shades, to show a beautiful play of colors. The middle strands are often partially dyed, choosing only a bang, one or more strands. For hair of considerable length will require a large number of shades and especially a lot of time, but the result will be worth it. Correction in this case will be needed very soon.

With a successful selection of tones, California highlighting for short hair can also be very effective. The gradient will be invisible, but the hairstyle will become pompous, it will look fresh and non-standard. A significant disadvantage is that you will often have to update the colors so that the hair does not look careless. As a rule, the lightest shades are recommended for short haircuts.

Girls with squares of any length should remember a few rules for using Hollywood technology:

  • if the face is round, then the curls framing it are painted with a light color. The parietal zone with this variant of California highlighting is left dark;
  • with an elongated shape, wide strands are dyed;
  • brown-haired women need to choose colors that are 2-3 tones darker than their hair;
  • a similar recommendation applies to blondes, only the shades should be lighter than the "source".

California highlights on the square will visually make the hair more lively, thick and lush.

Technology features depending on other haircuts:

  1. Bean. In this case, the front elongated curls are usually lightened along with the bangs.
  2. Pixie. The best option- highlight with color any one zone, bangs or whiskey.
  3. Cascade. A competent selection of colors will emphasize the structure of the haircut and place the necessary accents.

Highlighting technique at home

To make California highlighting to yourself, you need to prepare in advance:

  • brightening agent (if necessary);
  • tint dyes in the required amount;
  • non-metal utensils. For each composition - its own;
  • several brushes or sponges;
  • 2 combs: with rare and frequent teeth;
  • hairpins;
  • gloves and a cape on clothes (you can take an old dressing gown);
  • mask or hair balm.

Advice. Professional stylists often add a thickener to the paint so that it does not spread. This is important because foil is not used for staining. You can use wax for this purpose or immediately buy a clarifier based on a natural bee product.

Step-by-step description of how to do California highlighting at home:

  1. Test selected formulations on the skin of the wrist or in the crook of the elbow. After half an hour, you should not have a rash, itching, redness.
  2. Wash your hair without balm and conditioner, and then dry it naturally.
  3. Divide your hair into strands, the thickness of which does not exceed 1.5 centimeters. It is more convenient to pre-divide the curls into zones: occipital, crown, temporal.
  4. Put on gloves and a cape.
  5. Apply bleach to your hair. With California highlighting, this is not done along the entire length of the strands, but with an indent of 3-5 centimeters from the roots. Spread the paint quickly.
  6. Wait for the time specified in the instructions (no longer than 20-30 minutes).
  7. Wash off the compound.
  8. Tone the curls with the selected shade or several colors. You can add wax to the tonic so that the product fits better on the strands.
  9. Later due time wash your hair.
  10. Apply a balm or mask.

To get a clearer understanding of the features of staining, watch different instructional videos, object lessons and master classes, where the process is also described step by step.

According to reviews, California highlighting looks much prettier than regular staining, and curls harm less. Although after the procedure, the hair still needs close attention And careful attitude. Use moisturizing, restorative products, rinses, make masks and cut split ends.

When choosing a color at home, do not strive to get an impressive masterpiece the first time. Try 1-2 tones or lighten only part of the hair. So you can evaluate how laborious work you have to do, whether it is worth taking on it yourself or is it better to trust a professional.

Useful videos

California highlighting.

How to do California highlights.

Highlighting on a square can be attributed to the most popular types of staining. It cannot be called a hairdressing novelty, but, apparently, this technique will never lose its relevance.


Caret with highlighting has a number of very important advantages:

  • Makes the hairstyle stylish, and the whole image - young and quite modern;
  • Softens coarse features;
  • Gives strands volume, increases splendor;
  • Emphasizes the texture and shape of the haircut;
  • Shades hair color;
  • Suitable for both light and dark hair;
  • Has no age restrictions;
  • Differs in acceptable cost;
  • Disguises gray hair;
  • Available for independent execution;
  • It does not harm the strands as much as monochrome staining.


Highlighting for a bob haircut can be performed by the most different ways, after all short haircut only slightly inferior to medium or long braids. Let us consider in more detail the most common staining techniques.


The classic method of highlighting involves a uniform distribution of light strands throughout the hair. Blonde notes against the background of dark hair look bright and bold. They also create the effect of burnt strands, which is especially noticeable on a not too dark base. At the request of the client, the color of the curls can be changed using tinting - this will soften the contrast between the native and the received color.


Most often, beautiful multi-tonal highlighting is done on a light brown or chestnut base. With this technique, you can achieve a play of sun glare lost in the hair. It looks very natural and incredibly stylish. And most importantly, few people would think that your hairstyle is the result of the hard work of a stylist.


The peek-a-boo technique is ideal for bob haircuts. Its essence lies in coloring the lower part of the hairstyle in a bright or dark color. This effect creates visual volume and splendor, emphasizes the features and beautiful oval of the face. If you have a bob with bangs, feel free to color it too. As for shades, cheeky girls an extravagant gamma is suitable, sharply contrasting with the base hair color. But fans of the classics would be better off looking at more calm colors.

Crazy colors or bright strands

Bright highlights are ideal for young girls. They can color the entire hair or make a strip to frame the face. Choose any color - red, blue, purple, pink, yellow, etc. And in order for them to look as bright as in the photo, the strands need to be discolored using a special gel.

Important! The main advantage of crazy colors highlighting is its fragility, because if you wish, you can use not only permanent, but also sparing paints or tonics. The latter are completely washed off after about 10 washes with regular shampoo.


Magimesh is a fashionable and incredibly beautiful technique that is ideal for light brown strands. At the first stage of the procedure, the hair is dyed in a light color. Then very thin strands are selected from them, which are highlighted with a special tool, which includes beeswax and a soft lightening cream. It is this paint that can reduce the negative effects of chemistry on the hair. As for the haircut, the ideal option is a bob or a bob with a leg.


Highlighting with feathers can be safely called the most popular type of staining. It is this that is most often performed at home, using a cap with small holes and a special hook.


French highlighting is performed only on light brown hair without prior clarification. This is the best way to give the image brightness and personality, and facial features - expressiveness. When dyeing this type, the strands are painted as close as possible to the base color, without highlighting in contrast. This is one of the gentle methods, so you don't have to worry about the health of your hair.

two tone

Coloring in two-tone style as if specially created for short square. For it, two shades belonging to one are used at once. color scheme and contrasting on the main base.


Very interesting technique, in which the hair is not dyed along the entire length, but only at the ends. During its execution, the strands are strongly combed, stacked with a hedgehog and smeared with paint applied on the palm of your hand. Glazing looks like your hair was kissed by the sun itself. It fits perfectly on dark hair, cut under the caret.


This is a gentle technique that involves dyeing only the top layer of the hair. It is from these strands that a veil is formed, which remarkably emphasizes the elongated or long caret with highlighting. To make a veil at home, separate the top layer, select a few thin strands, dye them from the roots and wrap with foil.


If light shades are used in classic highlighting, then in the opposite, everything happens exactly the opposite - it involves darkening individual strands and, as a rule, is performed on light blond or blond hair. What is important, with this coloring, naturalness is preserved, because smooth transitions look very natural.

Important! Reverse highlighting is a real salvation for hair that has suffered as a result of too frequent dyeing. For its implementation, a sparing paint with nutrients is used that cares for the hair and gives it a healthy shine.

Diagonal or major contrast

Majicontrast is called coloring, in which contrasting strands are distributed throughout the mass of hair. They can be either colored or simply highly clarified (if highlighting is carried out on a square on dark hair). This technique looks insanely beautiful on short haircuts and is suitable for those who are not afraid to be in the spotlight.

Important! Permanent paints and strong brighteners are used for major contrast, so this coloring can cause significant damage to the hair.


Most often, California highlighting is done on light and dark blond hair. This universal coloring method is distinguished by its gentle effect and extreme naturalness. California technique involves the use of several shades from the natural palette at once - honey, cognac, wheat. These colors are well combined with each other and give the hairstyle well-groomed appearance. Caramel hair color with highlights looks very stylish and beautiful.

On a note! The difference between native and dyed hair is so negligible that it seems that the hair itself has burned out under the hot rays of the sun.


American highlights for brunettes brown eyes gives hair freshness, revitalizes female image and makes it more fashionable and attractive. Initially, the strands for dyeing were chosen in a chaotic manner and tinted in red, red, burgundy or orange. But recently, natural shades are more relevant, giving the hair the effect of sun glare. In general, there are no limits for fantasy in this technique, so feel free to choose any color you like.


The balayazh technique involves zonal hair coloring in bright or natural shades using the “pulling” method. This type of painting on an elongated square with highlighting has no age restrictions and looks great on any type of appearance.


With partial highlighting, you can paint only bangs or strands near the face. With their help, you can achieve a good anti-aging effect. At the same time, the bulk of the hair remains intact, which will surely appeal to admirers of gentle techniques.

low contrast

Low-contrast highlighting is designed for haircuts with clear graphic lines - for example, such as a bob on a leg. Coloring with thin strands, the color of which practically merges with the main shade of the strands, will give the hairstyle freshness and rejuvenate the face.

Advice! To achieve an original and natural effect, wash off the bleach from some strands a little earlier. This will help blend several different tones.


Performing highlighting on light brown or dark caret Be sure to keep a few important points in mind:

  • To get light strands on dark hair, you will need very strong clarifiers. In some cases, staining is carried out in several stages, so choose only high-quality products;
  • Contrasting technique is best combined with tousled strands and torn bangs;
  • For highlighting dark hair, you should not use ash, silver and snow-white colors - they will resemble gray hair;
  • To obtain a golden hue, the strands are processed with tint agents;

If you want to get the effect of burnt strands, it is enough to lighten your hair by only a few tones. After that Brown hair become honey, and dark brown - chestnut.


Highlighting on a square, no matter how it is performed, requires proper and regular care. Only in this case it is possible to restore damaged structure and strengthen the roots of the strands.

Rule 1. Before the staining procedure, cut off the split ends.

Rule 2. B without fail conduct a course of restorative masks and oil wraps.

Rule 3. Use a shampoo designed for washing colored hair.

Rule 4. After each wash, moisturize your hair with conditioner or balm.

Rule 5. Apply nourishing masks and serums once a week.

Rule 6. Avoid the rays of the sun - wear hats, panamas or other headwear.

Rule 7. Try to use an iron, hair dryer, curling iron and curlers as little as possible.

Rule 8. Beware of chlorinated water - it washes out the color.

Rule 9. If the strands turn yellow, tint them with a special silver or purple tonic.

Rule 10 wet hair- this leads to their stretching and section.

What coloring did you like?Share in the comments!

Highlighting hair looks great on dark hair, as can be seen in numerous photos. This option is able to diversify the hairstyle without making drastic changes in hair color and give a touch of freshness to a boring shade.

Before starting the highlighting procedure, you need to choose its type, which will harmoniously fall on the hair and will not look artificial.

Classic variant

This coloring option assumes a uniform distribution of the coloring composition along the entire length of the hair:

  • curls can be of different widths and thicknesses;
  • thin strands make it possible to make the difference between dyed and natural hair minimal, which makes the hair look very natural;
  • most often, the upper strands are clarified.

Venetian highlighting

The Venetian type of highlighting is done on dark hair, like natural color, as well as painted. This technique allows you to highlight the beauty of curls, while not violating their structure.


  • deviation from the roots no further than 3 cm;
  • color can vary from resinous to chocolate;
  • as you move to the ends of the hair, the original tone is lightened;
  • the tips are painted in a snow-white color.

California highlights

This look is distinguished by the gradual application of several clarifying compositions, each of which has a different (but close) tonality.

This technology allows you to get very effective natural transitions between the strands, due to which the hair looks more voluminous, as if burnt out in the hot sun.

french highlights

French variant highlighting has a number of features:

  • it uses wax-based paint that does not contain ammonia;
  • dark hair slightly changes its shade, there is no radical change in color;
  • technique is especially good for chestnut shades, she gives them the color of a walnut with a pearly sheen;
  • one or more close shades are used.

American highlights

This is one of the subspecies of California highlighting. The difference is the use of foil to wrap individual curls, due to which the effect of highlighting rare strands is achieved, which create accents for the entire hairstyle.

American highlights are well suited for curly, curly hair.

Brown highlights on dark hair look especially interesting, due to which they acquire additional shine and visual volume.

Diagonal highlighting

Considering hair highlighting, a photo on dark hair allows you to evaluate the advantages of its diagonal variety. It allows you to create accents on the natural shade of the hair or get a completely new, bold image.

Characteristic features this type of highlighting:

  • the presence of a clear contrast of colors;
  • all partings and lines are done at an angle, unlike the traditional vertical position;
  • perfect for adding pastel shades to your hair or creating a bright look.

Reverse highlighting

This type of dyeing fits perfectly on any length of hair, but it is best suited for growing a natural shade. Due to such highlighting, you can gradually achieve the return of your own color without resorting to a haircut.

Technique principles:

  • hue is chosen based on the color natural hair(it can be compared with the occipital strands);
  • dyeing technology - traditional, in small strands in the vertical direction;
  • the roots in this technique are also painted in a shade close to the selected tone;
  • hair care is a must.

Partial highlighting

This technology is used for those who do not want to radically change their image, but do not mind refreshing it a little.


  • those strands that frame the face are clarified;
  • tones can be both as close to natural as possible, and quite contrasting;
  • highlighting is performed both in the asymmetry technique and in some areas of the hairstyle (for example, on bangs).

Highlighting "Hoarfrost"

This is a fairly fresh highlighting technique, the hair, after its application, begins to shine, as if glare of light passes through them. Look especially good Wavy hair, decorated in the "Hoarfrost" technique, they become more lively and dynamic.

Technology characteristic:

  • hair moisturizes and lifts at the roots;
  • paint is applied to part of the strands, starting from the roots;
  • with the help of foil, the composition is lubricated towards the tips.

Hair dyed using this technology is distinguished by natural appearance and heavenly radiance.


This technique looks especially good if it is performed on dark blond or light brown hair. Bronding allows you to get the effect of a mass of bleached hair, without really affecting the whole hair. This approach allows you to protect the hair from damage.


  • the use of several colors: basics and several matching shades;
  • the zone at the roots stands out, vertical strands or the effect of burnout in the sun is created;
  • strands are made heterogeneous in color and thickness;
  • classical technology involves the chaotic application of compositions, which ensures a natural result.


A photo on dark hair allows you to appreciate the benefits of highlighting hair using the ombre technique. This type of coloring allows you to decorate both straight and wavy hair. The master applies not one, but several tones to the hair, and from the roots it necessarily recedes by 10-12 cm.

Transitions between tones are not clear, but smooth.

The technique involves staining, both vertically and horizontally, or asymmetrically. The most attractive technique is horizontal paint application, while asymmetry allows you to achieve original look and bright image.


A very interesting coloring technology that involves smooth lines and imperceptible transitions from dark natural roots to brightened tips, enlivened by strands that seem to have sun-bleached.

This technique does not use traditional cap or foil, the paint acts directly in the air. Such transitions look especially beautiful on long hair of dark shades. Shatush can be made using caramel, red shades, as well as bright ones - red and pink.


This technique, in contrast to the balayazh, which is similar in performance, involves contrasting strands over the entire surface of the head. Majicontrast looks great on both long hair and short haircuts.

The combination of black and white flowers, the main thing is that the master uses high-quality dyes, and the client's hair is healthy, because dyeing will cause them considerable harm.


Vertical highlighting of dark hair is called balayage. This technique creates the effect of hair that has burned out under the influence of the sun. As a rule, hair is highlighted that frames the face, as well as the back of the head and the crown area. The tone for coloring is chosen as close to natural as possible so that the highlighting looks organic and natural.

Balayage options:

  • at the tips, with asymmetry or evenly;
  • full, in which part of the curls is completely highlighted, part - selectively;
  • the middle one suggests chaotic coloring of the strands on different levels heads.

Multicolor highlighting

This technology is extremely popular among young people. Nothing changes the image and does not make it as memorable as coloring strands in different colors and tone. The technique can be performed both vertically and diagonally - it all depends on the intent of the master and desired result.

Dark hair looks absolutely organic with multi-color highlights, regardless of the selected shades.

Choosing a highlighting technique

Every craftsman working in professional salon, familiar with many hair highlighting techniques. Each coloring method uses its own technology to achieve the most accurate result.

Highlighting with a comb

A comb is the main tool in creating highlights of several types, for example, Californian.

The process looks like this:

  1. A comb is selected, the teeth of which should be rare and wide.
  2. A comb is dipped into a pre-prepared solution for dyeing, then the master passes it through the hair, combed in the middle.
  3. Additionally, you can use your fingers to accurately apply highlights to the hair.

At home, this method is used more often than others, as the simplest and most affordable.

Through the cap

Highlighting hair through a cap greatly facilitates the whole process, as can be seen from the photo on dark hair. The cap has slots into which you need to bring strands for highlighting. It is especially convenient to use it for owners of short hair.

The procedure goes like this:

  • put a hat on your head, get strands through the slots (for this, a special hook is used);
  • strands are painted with a brush (the greater the distance between the strands, the more gentle the transition from your own color to the highlighted one will be);
  • after the allotted time, without removing the cap, the paint is washed off;
  • in conclusion, the entire hair should be washed with shampoo and treated with a balm.

With foil

This method of highlighting is quite popular in salons, for its implementation it is required to prepare strips of foil. The length of the latter depends on the length of the hair (it should be 20 cm longer than the strands), and the width is not more than 7 cm.

Highlighting with foil is done in this way:

  • apply the coloring composition to the foil, after bending it slightly on both sides. In other cases, the foil is placed under the strand, after which a brightening composition is applied to it;
  • after you need to wrap the strand in foil;
  • after the set time, the composition is washed off separately from each strand, preventing it from getting on the bulk of the hair.

Technique "by hand"

This staining technique is used to create the most natural images, for example, in California highlighting. The master, in this case, applies the coloring composition to the hair with the help of gloved hands. The tool is distributed over the strands in a chaotic manner, which allows you to achieve maximum naturalness.

We select highlighting depending on the length of the hair and haircut

Not every highlighting technique will look equally harmonious on the hair. different lengths. Therefore, it is important to choose the technology that will favorably emphasize the beauty of the hair and its length.

Highlighting for short hair

Short hair you can highlight in the following ways:

  1. Mazhimesh: the master retreats a little from the roots and highlights individual strands, using ammonia-free compounds for this purpose.
  2. peek-a-boo: the colorist colors the lower part of the hair in bright colors, due to which the whole hairstyle acquires volume.
  3. two tone: perfect option for young people, when hair, in addition to natural, acquires highlights in two different tones of the selected color.
  4. Diagonal: the coloring composition in one or more tones is applied to the hair strictly diagonally, due to which a very original image is obtained.
  5. california: the master leaves dark roots, and dyes individual strands in coral and bronze shades. Such highlighting can begin both 5-10 cm from the roots, and from the middle of the hair.

Highlights and bangs

Highlighting hair with bangs is always a risk, you can evaluate the results by studying the photo on dark hair. A true professional will always tell the client whether it is worth touching the bangs with light strands or is it better to leave it natural.

If the staining is done correctly, it:

  • allows you to increase the volume of hair;
  • masks gray hair;
  • attracts attention;
  • refreshes the look;
  • emphasizes the texture of the haircut as a whole.

It is important to choose the right bangs highlighting technique, avoiding the creation of wide lightened strands, which will make the bangs look like an alien element on the head.

Highlighting on a square: features

To revive an ordinary bob, it makes sense to freshen up your hair with a few strands of a contrasting shade.

One of the following types of highlighting will perfectly cope with this task:

  1. American: produced using bright colors applied in accordance with strict geometry.
  2. california: well complement elongated caret slightly lighter strands framing the face and bright mischievous tips.
  3. Contrasting: with the creation of several bright strands along the entire length of the hair.

How to choose the right color?

So that the color of the highlighted strands does not introduce dissonance into the appearance, you need to pay attention to the woman's color type:

  • brown-haired women can afford beige or gold strands;
  • blondes - ashy and shades of pink;
  • owners of blond hair - the color of honey and caramel.

Highlighting dark hair

The naturalness of the image of a brown-haired woman can be given by strands of tones that are not too different from natural color woman's hair. Highlighting should be done 2-3 tones lighter than the natural shade.

Highlights on dark hair - great way refresh the image without changing it drastically.

Curls with such shades will look harmonious:

  • honey and nuts;
  • chocolate and cognac;
  • currant and bronze;
  • ocher and wheat;
  • caramel and gold.

Highlighting strands on blond hair

Fair-haired girls mistakenly believe that highlighting is useless to them. This is wrong. A well-chosen color and a properly executed technique can revive a dull haircut and give your hair a sunny glow.

Light brown hair can be highlighted using the Californian technique: the master creates natural transitions between strands, lightening them by 1-2 tones, smoothly moving from roots to tips.

Suitable shades:

  • white;
  • honey and coffee (light);
  • cognac or light beige.

Highlights for blondes

Even the rarest blonde hair can become an enchanting hairstyle if the master correctly carries out the highlighting procedure.

Popular techniques for blondes:

  • highlighting with different shades, both dark and red;
  • staining 2-3 tones lighter or darker than natural;
  • Californian;
  • American;
  • balayazh, with painting over single strands;
  • vanilla with mother-of-pearl curls;
  • dark: coffee, chocolate, nut colors.

After such a change in hair color, they acquire visual thickness and volume.

Red hair coloring

Highlighting hair of red shades is carried out, at least on dark hair, as seen in the photo. It is done to give volume to the hair, emphasize facial features and make them more expressive.

Types of staining:

  • fine highlighting(girls from fair skin they can afford white strands, with a swarthy one - beige and chocolate);
  • light: golden and wheat strands will help to revive the red-haired image;
  • red: curls interspersed with the color of burgundy, cognac or red purple, will add extravagance to the image;
  • dark: looks especially harmonious on the owners dark skin. Shades of coffee or chocolate are perfect;
  • Californian: the tips are lightened, and the roots remain unchanged. A smooth transition is created between them, due to which the effect of curls that have burned out in the sun appears.

Hair care after highlighting

Properly carried out highlighting, with shades suitable for the image, must be maintained so that the long-awaited effect lasts as long as possible.


  1. Apply special means for hair care after the highlighting procedure (shampoos, balms, oils, masks and lotions).
  2. Protect hair from UV exposure with special products and hats, as well as from chlorine-containing products (for example, in the pool).
  3. IN winter period wear a hat to keep your hair out of the cold.
  4. As little as possible, use a hair dryer, curling iron, iron for styling.
  5. Use fluids to fix the pigment in the hair structure.
  6. Wash your hair only with warm (not hot) water and rinse under cold.
  7. Regularly carry out self-massage of the head with the help of fingers.
  8. Do not comb your hair when wet, so as not to damage its structure.

In what cases is highlighting not worth doing?

You can find a lot of photos of highlighting on dark hair, when dyeing harms the hair or does not suit the style of its owner.

It is better not to highlight if:

  • hair was dyed using henna, which can react to dye in the most incredible way;
  • not a month after perm;
  • hair split, split and broken.

Well-groomed and strong hair, after a well-performed highlighting technique with the right dye tone, is able to shine with new colors and revive the image as a whole.

Hair highlighting, photo on dark hair: video

How highlighting is carried out on dark hair, see the video clip:

How to make Venetian highlighting, find out in the video clip:

Every second fair-haired girl is unhappy with her appearance because the natural shade is not as expressive as we would like. Therefore, for many masters and hairdressers, there are endless possibilities for changing the image of the owners of fair-haired curls. For those who do not want to completely change the image of the hair, they resort to such methods of repainting as highlighting - partial or complete coloring.

With the help of blonding agents, highlighting individual strands changes the shape of the hairstyle, adds volume and visually makes the hair more magnificent and beautiful. At the same time, it does not spoil the natural naturalness, which modern fashionable beauties are so striving for. Latest trends fashion dictates very contrasting moods in hairstyles - from acid bangs with shaved sides to natural chestnut. Light blond strands dyed using the highlighting technique are a real find for those who want to look perfect at any time of the year.

Types of highlighting on light brown hair and photos before and after

It all started with classical technique– when the paint is applied along the entire length and evenly distributed, when as separate thin curls painted in lighter colors, without losing commonality with the main color. At zonal dyeing usually dyes only individual strands, so there are many types, among which you can choose the most suitable for yourself. Look at the photos with creative highlights, asymmetric, basal, diagonal, avant-garde and analyze, taking the density and length of the hair as a basis.

Types of highlighting - photo examples:

Californian - Venetian

Highlighting on light brown hair photo before and after:

Fashionable highlights on light brown hair

Ladies who have previously tried the technique of painting individual curls on themselves are aware of the existence of several methods. The first and most common is bouffant during dyeing using foil. It works unconditionally and the result is excellent, but it has negative consequences for the hair structure. Therefore, today fashionable hairdressers offer shatush - work exclusively with a brush without the use of thermal paper.


Highlighting on light brown hair is Californian - this type of gentle effect on the hair is also called Venetian. This universal method is good not only because it minimally damages curls, but also suits absolutely anyone. fair-haired color ranging from dark to light. The palette of applied shades is very large and that is why in this case using several tones at the same time. At the same time, the emphasis on naturalness remains unchanged.

Highlighting with dark strands on light brown hair

Light hair is a real find for hairdressers, because on such a head you can think of anything. After all, repainting curls in different colors is much more convenient and easier if they are from nature. light shades. Girls should pay attention to French and reverse highlighting, as well as armoring. At the same time, naturalness is again preserved. Combined with white skin and bright eyes a gentle and romantic image will become everyday, because the effect of such staining remains for a long time. You can repeat the procedure after 3 months.

Frequent highlighting

Frequent highlighting on light brown hair is a contrasting and bright technique that is usually chosen by women whose hair color is dark in order to gradually lighten or just to make the image bright and catchy. But such coloring can decorate not every lady.

Fair-haired is easy, because their natural color is the base for further painting, and in order to achieve the desired effect, it is enough just to slightly lighten the strands. But if you still want to stand out from the crowd, then use a coloring agent to give contrast to individual curls. A feature of the frequent technique is that re-staining should be done once a month, because the roots with their native color will be very noticeable against the general background. Therefore, clearly decide for yourself what you are ready to face after image changes.

For short hair

For carriers short curls do not be upset that they cannot afford to diversify their hairstyle. The clarified tips began to fade into the background, so recently highlighting has become more and more popular for short blond hair.

Hairdressers are increasingly using fashion technology balayage, french and California engineering. Each of them gives the head extra volume. The only thing to pay attention to before painting - base color, the length of the strands and facial features.

Kare with bangs and highlights on light brown hair

A long or medium bob with bangs can also be found in the photo using the partial staining technique. An absolute novelty in this area is 3D coloring, which goes beyond the usual. Exactly sparse hair It is suitable. But this procedure is expensive and not everyone can afford it. On fashion square with elongation apply partial painting small curls starting from the middle of the haircut. And ombre and light highlights on the head complete the trendy look.

Video how to make highlights on light brown hair at home?

Highlighting at home can be done by yourself, the main thing is to remember a few tips from experts. Try to look stepping on the video and repeat at least one simple technique to see if you can do it or not. The foil option is suitable for those who have long hair, but with a cap for short haircuts. The simplest and easy way this is with a hat, for the implementation of which you first need the hat itself, which should be put on your head and, depending on how often you are planning to dye, pull the strands through the holes with the tip of a small crochet hook. Paint the elongated strands with paint and hold for 15 minutes if you want to achieve a light lightening and 45 minutes for an intense one. Rinse with warm water after the time has elapsed.