How to color regrown hair roots. How to dye regrown hair roots at home: dyeing rules

Gift Ideas

Of course, the ideal option for dyeing hair will always be a visit to an experienced master in the salon, with confidence in a wonderful result that will please not only the owner of the updated hair, but will also cause a positive reaction from others.

During the first month after the procedure, the hair will attract attention with its even color, elasticity, obedience and smoothness, and then there will be a problem - regrown roots, and their appearance will no longer cause delight.

Not everyone can afford regular salon services, so you will have to do the painting of the roots yourself, since everything you need for the procedure is widely represented in the distribution network and is affordable, and you can always find time for it even in the busiest schedule.

Putting yourself in order at home is very simple, the main thing is to delve into the intricacies of the process and follow the technology. Then the result will be no worse than the salon, and regrown hair roots, giving the appearance of untidiness and sloppiness, will become a quickly correctable misunderstanding that cannot affect your mood.

Workplace organization

To refresh hair roots at home without the help of a professional, you need to stock up on everything you need:

  • for fixing strands with clips or hairpins;
  • comb-comb to divide the hair into zones;
  • plastic bowl for the preparation of the coloring composition;
  • brush to apply the product to the strands;
  • hair dye with a suitable shade;
  • oxidizing agent for paint;
  • gloves and cape to protect skin and clothes.

If all this is there, then you can get down to business.

Coloring process at home

It should be started well in advance with an allergy test, by applying a small amount of product to the skin, even if using a dye that has already been successfully applied before. In the presence of discomfort, itching with burning, it is recommended not to use the product.

Hairdressers advise, in order to achieve a uniform color, to choose a paint for the roots similar to the one in which the main strands are painted, and ideally, the same manufacturer and color. The product is always accompanied by instructions, which must be followed, especially in terms of keeping the composition.

Next, you need to prepare a mixture of paint and oxidizer in a ceramic or plastic container. Metal utensils are not used, since when metal and paint react, the tone can become unrecognizable and disappoint. Then comb your hair, cover your shoulders with a prepared cape to protect against the composition, put on disposable gloves.

The procedure itself consists of the following steps:

  1. At the first stage, all hair is divided into four parts using three partings. One (middle) divides the strands into two zones, the other two (crown-ears) divide the existing ones in half. The hair on the resulting zones is twisted into bundles and fixed with clips.
  2. On the second, the roots on all available partings are carefully stained with the composition, including the parotid zones and above the neck. If the dye gets on the skin, it is immediately removed with a cotton swab.
  3. On the third, they begin to stain each tourniquet. They are dissolved in turn, divided into small strands, carefully painting over the roots. The process is the same for all zones.

The composition is kept for the time allotted in the instructions and washed off with shampoo with warm water, and at the end of the procedure, the hair must be treated with a special balm included in the kit.

Important details of the process

We are all different - blondes, brown-haired women, brunettes, redheads, therefore we have roots of different colors. The technique of painting dark roots has its own characteristics, and in order to avoid getting a poor-quality result, follow the advice of professionals:

  • give preference to professional, high-quality paint and a nine percent oxidizing agent, because a twelve percent substance or a cheap aggressive one can, after some time of regular use, cause significant damage to the hairline, up to baldness;
  • use instead of the usual, or periodically tinting mask, balm;
  • with dark, poorly clarified roots, it is better to resort to complex staining such as ombre, sombra, bronding, highlighting.

There are nuances in coloring light roots at home. This is, first of all, getting a green tint. You can avoid trouble by observing the following rules:

  • to successfully paint light roots, take a shade darker than the main color;
  • you can mix the paint with a three percent oxide, apply it to the roots, and after half an hour add a six percent or nine percent substance to the paint to color the remaining hair length, and hold for ten minutes;
  • There is a pre-wash technique that lightens the darker ends to maintain an even hair color.

How to achieve the ideal and avoid an unpleasant surprise when dyeing hair roots at home:

  1. Strictly observe the painting time indicated on the product, as it may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, but ranges from ten to twenty minutes maximum. Overexposure of the coloring composition can damage the hairline and even get a skin burn. With a dark initial hair tone, it is applied for a longer period, and with a light one, for a minimum.
  2. Be sure to use non-metallic utensils and a comb, avoiding the reaction of metal with paint, which can lead to difficult-to-predict hair color. For the same reason, never add other ingredients such as shampoo or balm to the composition specified by the manufacturer.
  3. Do not store the finished composition, but use immediately after preparation.
  4. Hair should be dry so that the paint is better absorbed and the effectiveness of the color does not decrease. Many experts recommend applying the product to dirty strands. A high-quality brush will better distribute the composition for a uniform color, so you should not save on it.
  5. It is recommended to rinse off with warm water, not hot, to preserve the pigment. And do not use anti-dandruff shampoos for washing your hair, which have deep cleansing properties and help wash it out.
  6. When using a permanent dye, do not wash your hair two to three days before the procedure, and when using a tint shampoo, clean strands are required. Do not apply styling products in the form of gels, foams or varnishes before the procedure, which will reduce the absorption of the hair dye.
  7. Only resistant paint, unlike tinted shampoos and semi-permanents, can give the desired result, so give preference to it.
  8. Postpone for a while the use of deep after staining, so as not to wash off the coloring agent. Let it penetrate well into the hair structure for two weeks. These restrictions do not apply to special products for colored hair.
  9. If you constantly dye your hair, then purchase specialized cosmetics - shampoos, masks and balms for colored hair, designed to restore and maintain color.
  10. If the result is unsatisfactory, wait two weeks so as not to injure the hair further, and then proceed to correct the mistakes.
  11. With a slight difference in the roots from the main hair color, it is advised to use ammonia-free products that are less traumatic to the hair structure.

Contraindications to the procedure

It is better to stop painting the roots for a while if you have:

  • , elevated temperature;
  • there are abrasions, scratches, wounds or skin diseases, as the paint can cause additional irritation with unpleasant sensations;
  • hair has recently undergone or lamination, therefore it is weakened and requires restoration;
  • the state of pregnancy or the period of breastfeeding the baby.

It happens that the circumstances do not allow a woman to change her hair color, and the roots look unsightly and require urgent action in order to have an attractive appearance.

But a real woman will always find a way out! He will pick up a successful haircut, make complex coloring such as sombre or ombre, or masking styling in advance, use tinting agents or original headdresses, and create additional volume. Being beautiful is so easy - you just have to want it!

Girls resort to dyeing their hair for various reasons: the desire to change their appearance and stand out, to refresh the image, due to fashion trends, due to the need to paint over gray hair or unevenly burnt strands.

However, after a few weeks, the shade begins to fade, wash out, and the hair itself, along with the roots, requires a new coloring. Only this procedure is not at all harmless and quite costly by today's standards.

Therefore, we will share five secrets that will allow you to dye your hair less often and help keep your hair beautiful for a longer time.

1. Painting the roots a tone darker

As a rule, if you make a full coloring of the hair in a tone that is darker than the desired shade, then the growing roots will be noticeable immediately. It looks untidy and sloppy, and therefore you have to paint the roots often, almost once a week or two.

However, there is a way by which the regrown roots will not be very conspicuous as they grow, and thanks to it the painting itself can be postponed for a long time. All that needs to be done is during the next procedure to paint the roots in a color a tone lighter than the main shade. In this case, after a couple of weeks, the regrown roots no longer create the impression of unkemptness and form a small smooth transition between the undertones.

2. Painting-toning

Hair tinting is a safe procedure that does not have a detrimental effect on the hair structure. It is a special staining with gentle dyes that are easily and evenly washed out. As a result of such painting, the pigment does not enter the hair structure, but is retained on their surface. Ordinary paints, unlike tinting ones, penetrate the very molecular basis of the hair, which is already a chemical process.

The tinting procedure is as follows: the tinting pigment simply covers the surface of the hair, and after 15-20 minutes the paint is washed off. The result of this painting almost in no way affects the natural color, since only the shade or subtone changes.

The result is a very beautiful and natural color that washes off naturally. The difference between the shade of the hair roots and their length, which was tinted, is completely imperceptible. The transitions look very natural and lively. Thanks to this technique, you can dye your hair less often.

3. Painting in natural color

Dyeing your hair your natural or near-natural color is one way to avoid refreshing your color weekly. When growing back, the roots will not stand out so much against the general light or dark background of the main part of the hair. The more natural the color, the smoother and more harmonious the transition. In addition, visually it looks very beautiful and gentle.

4. Painting in the sombre and balayage techniques

The combination of these two coloring techniques helps to create a sophisticated look for the hair.

Sombre is a type of dyeing in which subtle sun glare is obtained on the hair, made with light paint. Balayazh - a smooth transition from dark roots to light tips. When using these two methods, you get exactly the result that is needed in order not to spoil your hair with chemical dyes every week for as long as possible.

The output of these techniques is a natural play of shades, reminiscent of sun-bleached strands. The gradient looks as natural as possible, since the difference in shades between the ends and the long part of the hair is from two to four tones (depending on the original pigment).

When performing this type of coloring, the transition is smooth, and when the roots grow back, the result of burnt hair is obtained. There is no radical change, but the result is pleasantly striking, because the hair looks well-groomed. In addition, they acquire visual volume and density. Therefore, this technique can be used on thin unruly hair, devoid of basal volume.

5. Glossing procedure

Glossing is the latest procedure that has replaced lamination. The glossing process uses natural ingredients, as opposed to chemicals for lamination. When glossing, the hair scales are soldered, due to which they become stronger, more elastic and shiny. The structure of the hair is leveled, the color becomes more saturated, uniform and natural. In addition, during glossing, you can tint your hair with the addition of warm or cold pigment.

After the procedure, the hair acquires a beautiful mirror shine, smoothness and natural moisture. Thus, the color softens after staining, and after the roots grow, a neat transition is visible, which does not need to be painted over immediately. In addition, hair color after the glossing procedure lasts much longer. Painting can be delayed for a very long period.

  1. In order not to have to expose your hair to chemical dyes very often, you should follow the rules below. These tips will help keep the beautiful color for a long time.
  2. Do not accustom your hair to regular washing. The scalp, being constantly exposed to water, only enhances the process of the sebaceous glands. Sebum, in turn, makes the color at the roots dull and faded.
  3. After each shampooing, rinse your hair with herbal decoctions. They strengthen the hair, regulate the sebaceous glands and keep the pigment in the hair structure. Decoctions of oak bark, black tea and chamomile are best suited.
  4. Buy shampoos and conditioners exclusively for color-treated hair. These products contain softer sparing components. Thanks to them, the paint does not wash off for a long time and the color remains bright and saturated for a long time.
  5. Use in hair care with ready-made and homemade masks. They maintain a healthy hair structure, give them shine after the dyeing procedure and regulate the production of sebum.
  6. Avoid unfavorable moments for hair. This applies to direct sunlight, chlorinated and hard water with impurities. All this makes the hair stiff, dull, and the color becomes uneven and patchy.

Often, after the first hair dyeing, girls cannot stop. To preserve a beautiful color, you have to spend a lot of time and money, because you need to refresh an attractive shade a couple of times a month, and sometimes more often. Our recommendations will help not only save money, but also keep your hair in a luxurious state for a long time.

Tips for dyeing hair roots at home.

Due to the periodically changing fashion trends in hair coloring, this procedure sometimes has to be applied very often. Not always fashion trends coincide with the natural color of the hair. The regrowth of the roots, in this case, as well as with the appearance of gray hair, causes an ugly hairstyle. To eliminate this drawback, it is necessary to carry out periodic staining of the roots. How to do this at home, we will consider in the proposed article.

How to dye regrown hair roots at home: dyeing rules, instructions

Do everything very carefully

This is easy to do, following the basic rules:

  • Study carefully everything that is indicated in the instructions
  • Place the components in a plastic or glass container in accordance with the indicated proportion.
  • Change into clothes that you don't mind throwing away if the paint gets on them.
  • Put on gloves, wrap a protective cloth or polyethylene around the neck and shoulders
  • Lubricate the edges of the hairline located on the face with a nourishing oily cream to protect against pollution.
  • Divide your hair into 4 parts with a comb:
  1. occipital
  2. 2 temporal
  3. frontal
  • Roll up each zone with a tourniquet
  • Secure individually with a hairpin
  • We begin to distribute the dye on the overgrown part of the roots in the back of the head. It requires more dyeing time, due to the lower temperature
  • Unfasten the hairpin in this area
  • Separate the hair into several small strands with the back of a brush or comb
  • Gently apply paint over the regrown root zone
  • Having finished painting this area, go to the frontal part
  • The duration of the procedure is no more than a quarter of an hour. Otherwise, uneven color may result.
  • Put on a plastic cap
  • Wait half an hour, if the attached instructions do not indicate a different time period
  • At the end of the set time, carefully comb the paint
  • Hold for 10 minutes
  • Rinse your hair several times
  • Apply any hair strengthening product
  • Procedure completed
  • Drying with a hairdryer, if there is no special need, should not be, it is better to wait for natural drying. This will prevent the hair from drying out and subsequent brittleness.

What color to dye the hair roots: how to choose a color?

  • A slight difference in the root color scheme from the entire hairline can be leveled with a simple paint without ammonia content.
  • To eliminate the yellowish tint, with dark roots, introduce a proven paint and 9% peroxide.
  • To dye light roots to a darker shade, choose a shade of paint one position darker.
  • Toning shampoo will also help to correct the shade.

How to dye the hair roots so that they do not differ from the hair?

Since the regrown root section of the hair has not yet been damaged, the dye must be kept on it for a longer time than on the rest of the hairline.

  1. Paint the roots first
  2. 10 minutes before the time indicated in the annotation, we distribute the paint on the rest of the hair
  3. Comb well with a comb
  4. Then wash off

Subject to this rule, the hair will be colored evenly.

What is the best way to dye the roots of gray, blond, dark hair, blondes?

The best ways

Overgrown gray roots:

  • With a natural light color - paint with golden blonds two tones lighter than the existing one. It will look quite natural. Ash shades accentuate gray hair, so it is better not to use them.
  1. The paint must contain ammonia. The best option is professional brands. For oxidation, use a 6% agent. A smaller concentration will not paint over gray hair, and a large one is used for bleaching.
  2. Experienced craftsmen usually use natural color without additional shades. This condition is 100% gray coverage.
  3. An additional shade can be achieved by combining the selected and natural tones in a 1: 1 ratio. It does not always turn out to be ideal for such coloring with your own hands.
  4. A necessary condition for the complete painting of gray roots is an abundant amount of dye applied to the hair, so that they do not shine through at all.
  • A large number of women prefer light brown. This is quite justified, since this color suits many women. In addition, in the presence of gray hair, there is no strong contrast between the regrown roots and the bulk of the hair.
    Staining in this case is carried out similarly to the above option, that is:
  1. We take a dye of a natural color or combined with any light brown shade in the same ratio with a natural light brown tone.
  • Much easier with black. You can color overgrown roots for ladies with this color using professional black paint.

Video: How to get rid of gray hair? How to paint over gray hair? Simple coloring of gray hair. Root coloring

When you start painting your home, use the following tips:

  1. Do an allergy test by applying a small amount of dye to a small area of ​​the skin. Discard test paint if discomfort occurs.
  2. It is better to use the same paint for the roots as for the bulk of the hair. So you can achieve the most beautiful result.
  3. Do not leave the product on your hair for more than the recommended time. Failure to comply with the requirements is fraught with head burns
  4. Mix the ingredients in any container other than metal. Oxidative reaction gives unpredictable consequences
  5. Do not pour shampoo, balm into the dye, so as not to change the tone of the paint
  6. Perform staining immediately after diluting the solution
  7. Do not pre-wet your hair. This reduces the effectiveness of the desired result.
  8. Use warm water to rinse. Hot can achieve a decrease in even effect
  9. Strengthen your hairline with vitamins and hair care products
  10. In case of unsatisfactory results, try again in a couple of weeks at the earliest.

Video: How to dye hair roots at home?

After dyeing, the hair looks smooth and perfect, but after 2-3 weeks, roots grow that spoil the aesthetic appearance. The procedure for coloring the root zone can hardly be called a salon; for its implementation, you do not need to have hairdressing skills. However, as in any other business, staining the roots has its own nuances that are important to consider. Let's consider everything in order.

Necessary tools and materials

  • polyethylene or rubber gloves (often come with paint);
  • flat comb with fine teeth;
  • sponge or brush for coloring;
  • dishes for mixing components (glass, ceramics);
  • cosmetic tampons;
  • fat cream (can be for children);
  • coloring pigment.


  1. For the procedure, it is very important to choose the right paint. If possible, purchase the composition with which the entire surface of the hair is colored. Otherwise, the imposition of one chemical composition on another may give an undesirable shade in the connection zone.
  2. After purchasing the dye, carefully read the instructions. When diluting the paint, it is strongly not recommended to violate the proportions of mixing the activator and the main pigment. If you are using a professional series, the amount of colored mixton should not exceed 10% of the total mass of the composition.
  3. Take a ceramic, plastic or glass bowl, mix all the ingredients in it in the right proportions. When combining the dye with the oxidizing agent, make sure that none of them remains on the walls of the container in its pure form. Blend until smooth, then apply immediately. Do not use iron utensils, upon contact with the activator, it can react, which will significantly change the final shade.
  4. Change into old clothes or put on a hairdressing apron, put on gloves. Apply oil to the hairline along the neck and forehead. Treat the area behind the ears and the ears themselves so that the paint does not soak into the skin. When applying the cream, do not touch the roots, especially the hair near the forehead in the parting area.

Root staining technology

  1. Comb your hair, divide it into 2 equal parts, so that a straight parting is formed on the crown and back of the head. Carefully treat the root zone, try not to touch previously dyed hair. Set the brush aside and begin to gently massage the scalp at the staining site, this will allow the product to be distributed evenly.
  2. After processing a straight parting, draw a comb from one temple to another (closer to the ears). Repeat the previous steps: first paint over the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roots, then gently massage the scalp in the area where the composition was applied. Ultimately, you should get a kind of cross on top, consisting of 4 squares. Paint over the hair roots in the ears, try not to get on the skin.
  3. Comb your hair from the back of your head to your forehead, work through the parting that has formed. Using a comb, separate the strands from the back and side of the head, dye the roots one by one. Since your hair is now combed forward, you need to return it to the opposite position. Slowly grab the strands from the crown, returning them back, immediately paint over the resulting parting. Gradually move towards the forehead and temples. It is necessary to apply paint along the top of the head in rows: combed back, painted over, combed again. Do not forget to massage the scalp after each application of the pigment.
  4. When you color the roots on the entire surface of the head, the hair will stick out in different directions, do not smooth it. Now you need to detect the time and wait a certain period. Find in the instructions for the paint a section marked "Dyeing the roots", the manufacturer indicates the exact exposure time. Wait for it, then take a flat comb and comb the strands, distributing the composition along the entire length of the hair. After that, wait another 10 minutes for the paint to soak in. Such a move will hide the border of the imposition of a new pigment on the old one.
  1. If you are a dyed blonde, try to apply the composition without getting on the previous hair color. Otherwise, the transition zone will be lighter than the roots and base color.
  2. Any use of persistent and semi-permanent dyes involves a chemical effect on the hair. To minimize the damage, do not wash your hair for two days before the procedure.
  3. In cases where previously untested paint is used to stain the roots, a test for a possible allergy should be carried out. 40 hours before direct staining, dilute a little of the composition and apply it to the occipital region (closer to the neck). Wait, rinse, evaluate the result.
  4. If you are painting over gray hair, give preference to persistent (ammonia) paints. Henna, basma and semi-permanent dyes will cope with the task only by 60-70%.
  5. Pregnant and lactating women are strictly forbidden to dye their hair roots with ammonia pigments.
  6. To avoid differences between the base color and the root zone, do not forget to time yourself. Always add 10 minutes after the composition has been distributed over the entire length.
  7. The optimal frequency of dyeing the hair roots varies from 1 to 2 times a month. At the same time, you can not dye the roots for a week after the perm procedure.
  8. Diluted paint is not allowed to be left for the next time, and also stored open for more than 3 hours. Try to use the composition immediately after its preparation.

Coloring the hair roots is not particularly difficult, the main thing is to do everything quickly, clearly and accurately. Divide the hair into partings, color them, then proceed to corrective processing, choosing individual strands. After the procedure, use a rinse to maintain color.

Video: lightening hair roots at home with toning

The paint is applied only to the overgrown part of the hair.
When the color has evened out, the paint should be emulsified along the entire length of the hair for 5 minutes, thereby refreshing the color of previously dyed hair.
Since the ends of the hair are more porous, this exposure will be enough for them.
If the ends of the hair have faded significantly and require re-coloring, it is necessary to take into account the difference in the structure and moisturize the ends of the hair well. Water will fill the most porous areas and will not allow the coloring bodies to concentrate in these places. The structure of the hair will become more uniform, and the color of the hair will be uniform.

Repeated hair coloring is used to maintain the same color, or when it changes slightly.

But what if we want to get a lighter color when re-dyeing the hair?

Initially, we apply hair dye to regrown roots (1.5 - 2 cm) and hold for a certain time (usually 20 minutes).

Only then we apply paint to the entire length and ends. We stand from 5 to 15 minutes. depending on the condition of the hair, and on how much the previous color washed out.

When re-coloring hair, it is important to consider their condition.

Maybe they have been repeatedly highlighted, clarified or permed, in short, the poor - fire, water and copper pipes have passed.

In this case, it is better to proceed in the following way.

We apply a persistent dye, or ammonia, to the roots. Do not be afraid of this word, since ammonia is not the worst thing in the paint, in any case, ammonia is involved in lightening hair.

We maintain the right time, and along the length we apply a tinting dye (ammonia-free) of the same shade. We stand from 15 to 20 minutes.

But what if we want to get a darker hair color when re-dyeing?

If the desired color is darker, and the roots are lighter, at least one tone, then:

Initially, we apply the desired color to the roots using 3% oxide.

We endure.

And only then we apply the same color to the length of the hair and the ends using 6% or 9% oxide, if the length and ends are clogged with dark pigment. It all depends on the original hair color.

Well, what if we only have a permanent dye or household (not professional) on our hands.

In this case, we apply it only to the roots, and before rinsing, we emulsify with water, lightly combing with our fingers along the length. We do not wash our hair, it is very vulnerable when wet.


If the paint is aggressive (for example, household "Flight", "Rocolor", "Headlight", etc.) from 3 to 5 minutes. and rinse with plenty of water.

If the paint is of high quality, with moisturizing components from 15 to 20 minutes.

Re-coloring hair with a change in shade

Apply dye to the roots

and not enduring

Immediately apply along the length and ends. Here you can also paint the roots with a persistent dye, and walk along the length with a tinting one.

We endure as usual.