How to improve your handwriting. How to learn to write in beautiful handwriting: calligraphy lesson

With your own hands

Our handwriting is formed from childhood. It all starts with simple circles and waves, and ends with twisted letters. Some people love their handwriting, while others simply hate the time when they have to pick up a fountain pen. Handwriting is more than just a form of communication, it is part of our identity. It can change depending on the situation and conditions in which we find ourselves. Did you know that almost everyone can improve their writing style?

Selecting writing instruments

The concept of a good pen is subjective for everyone. There are thousands of modifications on the market writing instruments. Go shopping, grab a pen and try to write a few letters. It doesn't matter whether you prefer fountain pens, gel pens or ballpoint pens, they should be comfortable for everyday writing. Pay attention to the girth width, rubberized surface, flow and ink color of the selected fountain pen.

Correct grip

Try holding the top of the pen and writing your name. Quite inconvenient, you will agree. When you hold it correctly, writing is much easier. The best way handle circumference - place it at the base thumb. Hold it with your thumb, index and middle fingers at the same time. Correct grip will help reduce unnecessary stress on the joints, and will also reduce hand fatigue during prolonged writing.

Paper with lines

Ready-made lines on the sheet can help you write the text correctly, the size and proportions of the letters. Your lowercase "a" should be half the height of your capital "A". Don't forget to fill out the space provided completely. Capital letters extend from the bottom line to the top. The lines will also help you write a line evenly without going uphill or downhill. When you don't have a sheet of paper to mark, such as when making a poster, you can use a ruler and draw the markings yourself with a pencil.

We write thoughtfully

If you find it difficult to write quickly and have a lot of marks in the text, try slowing down your writing speed a little. When you are in a hurry, it is difficult to control punctuation marks and hyphens, and you end up with a lot of mistakes and crossing outs.

Release the pressure

Some people press hard when writing. This makes it difficult to create the smooth lines needed for writing. Try to calm down, don't press too hard on the pencil, otherwise you will have to sharpen it often.

Play games

Games can improve your handwriting. Many tasks focus on writing text or drawing pictures, and such skills are necessary to improve handwriting. If you want to strengthen the muscles needed for writing, you can do so by playing board games. Use clothespins instead of fingers to pick up or move objects. After a long time board game go to creative activities. Imagine yourself as a movie star or a famous athlete and sign your autographs for fans.

Exercises to improve handwriting

  • Take an old newspaper and divide it into sheets. Crumple each sheet with one hand.
  • Prepare a piece polymer clay or plasticine. Make small pieces using right hand. Then form a triangle with your thumb, index and middle fingers, and roll each piece back into a small ball.
  • Lift the tennis ball with your fingers from the floor to your hip (along your leg) and also lower it down.

Get back to basics

Start writing in big bold letters like you did when you were a kid, using pencils or markers. Return to Forms capital letters will help change your handwriting muscles when writing text on a smaller scale. Save your old samples and analyze the errors. This great way track your progress.

Experiment with paper positions

Feel free to experiment with different paper positions. Holding your notebook at a certain angle can greatly improve your handwriting. Most right-handed people have good handwriting in a traditional upright paper position. Rotating paper is a personal matter, so experts recommend finding your angle. Right-handed people start writing vertically or turn the paper to the left until writing becomes easy and comfortable. Lefties start in an upright position and move the paper to the right.

Practical ideas for improving handwriting

As long as you have a pen and paper, there are many opportunities to improve your handwriting. Below are some guidelines for handwriting in everyday life:

  • Practice. Try to write down quotes from your favorite movies or song lyrics in a special notebook every day.
  • The next time you fill out a form (for example, a doctor's order or a driver's power of attorney), try to smoothly write the necessary letters.
  • Buy school copybooks with assignments and do these exercises in the evenings.
  • Keep a journal and write down your thoughts daily.
  • Random practice. Find a book or magazine. Open a random page in it and point to a paragraph. Write it down as practice.

Try mobile apps

Although the beauty of handwriting depends solely on pen and paper, you can use mobile devices. A special application (“Capital Practice” (Free), installed on a smartphone or iPad, is an easy way to practice writing anywhere. The lessons are aimed at writing uppercase, lowercase, individual words, sentences and numbers. You can change the width and style of your pen. The application works using a stylus.

No matter what your handwriting looks like, it is a reflection of your personality. This is why people love receiving handwritten texts. We hope this post has inspired you to ditch the keyboard and write something by hand to your loved ones.

Usually people improve their handwriting when they no longer need to visit training sessions. Students' beautiful handwriting is evident only when drawing up explanatory notes for the dean's office. If a person wants, he begins to write beautifully and clearly. The need to correct handwriting may arise among people holding high-ranking positions or teachers at school (especially Russian language and literature).

Is it possible to correct handwriting as an adult, how to do it?

Of course, if there is a need for this, do not be lazy and use the proposed guidance, then this is possible. To get beautiful handwriting you need:





Collection of poems.

You should start by preparing the workplace. To develop beautiful handwriting you will need daily practice. It is easier to practice spelling in a comfortable position.

To make a beautiful recording, you should position your body correctly. Under no circumstances should it be tense. You need to choose a chair that will keep your back straight. Place your feet on the floor, not in a hanging position.

Proper lighting is equally important. It is better to sit near a natural light source.

It may seem that all these demands are placed on children when they are taught to write, but how can you correct the handwriting of an adult who has already gone through all this once? There is no need to immediately despair and give up on this idea, because you have to plunge a little into childhood.

How to fix bad handwriting?

You should ensure that you have the necessary consumables: ballpoint and fountain pens. The notebook should be like that of first-graders, with a slanted ruler. This is necessary to develop an inclination. Then the training will move on to unlined A4 sheets. It is recommended to use poems written by classical poets. This will help you not only learn to write beautifully, but also improve your language.

When a first-grader learns to write, he learns to write letters beautifully and correctly. However, not all children have calligraphic handwriting, which cannot but worry parents. What to do in this case, how to change the situation? First of all, figure out whether you are exaggerating the problem, and also rule out the presence of a disease that causes a disorder in the writing process. And after that, work on improving your child’s handwriting. How exactly? “Easy and Useful” will tell you.

Is there a problem?

Younger students can sometimes write sloppily and illegibly. There is no need to worry about this: your handwriting should gradually change. If you can easily read the words in the notebook and there are no serious mistakes, then there is no point in tormenting the student.

Perfectionism is not always good. By constantly criticizing your child and striving for perfect writing, you can achieve the opposite effect: he will develop an aversion to writing. In addition, psychologists note that parents who force them to rewrite assignments many times teach the child to pattern behavior, and over time, the child may lose the desire to take initiative.

Another important point: handwriting is associated with psychological state child. If before this he wrote neatly and beautifully, and then his letters became illegible and crooked, problems may have arisen in the student’s life. For example, family relationships have changed, or his relationships with peers do not work out. Strong pressure when writing may indicate increased anxiety. If we add to this pressure from parents who make sure that the child writes each letter as they see fit, the child may develop an inferiority complex.

Another alarming “bell” is the outgrowth of the letter “r”. If a child is writing a text that he must show to a parent or peer, and the stem of this letter is too short, this may be a sign that he is afraid of the person to whom the message is addressed. In this case, it is important to work on family relationships, create an atmosphere of trust and mutual support.

What is dysgraphia and how to identify it

Some children have bad handwriting because they suffer from dysgraphia. In this case, the baby is not to blame, since mistakes in his words are the result of insufficient formation or decay mental functions responsible for written speech.
In this case, he needs the help of a speech therapist, neurologist, good results gives physical activity. Let's talk about characteristic symptoms dysgraphia:

  • the child constantly makes mistakes, even if he knows the rules of the Russian language well;
  • he most often confuses the letters “sh” and “sch”, “v” and “d”, “t” and “sh”, “m” and “l”, and also writes “p” instead of “b”, instead of “ d" - "t", instead of "g" - "k", instead of "w" - "zh";
  • he can skip individual letters, rearrange them, add extra letters, etc.;
  • such children write very slowly;
  • it is difficult for the reader to make out what they wrote.

It is possible to say that a child has dysgraphia only when he masters the technique of writing, that is, not earlier than 8 or 8 and a half years. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the child must be taken to a speech therapist, and also prepared for serious work. With due diligence, there is every chance of overcoming this misfortune. Today, manuals, workbooks, audio and video courses for dysgraphics are available. To cope with dysgraphia, not only specialists will have to work hard, but also the student himself and his parents. It is also important to enlist the support of the school teacher.

Reasons why handwriting deteriorates

So, you are sure that the problem is not far-fetched, and your child really writes very poorly, although he has no psychological problems or dysgraphia. In this case, you need to figure out what is the reason for this bad handwriting, and act according to the situation.

Watch how your child sits

Look at how the letters are written: they have the wrong slant, they “look” at different sides, the elements of letters are non-parallel, in words the slant is in one direction or the other? If this is your case, then the child sits in a pair in a way that is convenient for him. Teach your student to sit correctly at a desk at school or at home.

Set an example for your child: if you slouch when reading and writing, your child will not take your comments seriously. Start working on yourself, and then the children will follow you. So what is the correct fit:

  • torso, head and shoulders – smooth;
  • legs are bent, feet are on the floor or a special stand;
  • You can’t lie down on the desk - you can only lean on your hands;
  • hands protrude over the edge.

Make sure that the student always sits correctly at the table, do not forget about this, and after 3 weeks he will begin to take the correct position himself.

Position your notebook and hold your pen correctly

It happens that the letters either “run” up and are located above the line, or, conversely, down, and turn out to be different in height or width.

If this is the problem, then you need to teach your child how to position the notebook correctly:

  • It should lie on the table at a slight slope of 10-15°.
  • When a child writes at the top of the sheet, he holds the bottom with his hand, and then gradually moves the notebook upward.
  • The tilt should be to the right if a right-hander writes, and to the left for a left-hander.

Don't forget the covers. They not only help keep notebooks tidy, but also prevent the notebook from slipping. Therefore, it is better to buy inexpensive polyethylene covers, since stiffer ones, although they look better, do not cope with this function.

It is important to buy a comfortable handle and teach how to hold it

What to look for when choosing a pen:

  • It should be about 15 cm; you should not buy too short or very long ones.
  • Do not give your child souvenir pens, tetrahedral ones: they are beautiful, but uncomfortable. The student will spend a lot of effort to hold it, and he also needs to write, so buy only round pens.
  • Thick handles are also not suitable: the diameter should not exceed 7 mm.
  • Now they produce special pens for schoolchildren junior classes: with an elastic band that prevents your fingers from slipping, and with pimples that stimulate nerve endings.
  • Buy non-marking pens so they don't smear the paste. This is easy to check: in the store, make a few lines with a pen on paper, and then run your finger along them. There should be no ink left on the skin.

If you have chosen a pen, teach your child to hold it correctly. It lies on the 3rd finger, the thumb holds it on the left, and the index finger covers it. If desired forefinger can be easily lifted - the handle should not fall. The distance from the fingers to the rod is 2 cm. Do not squeeze the handle too hard, bending the index finger.
If your child holds a pen incorrectly, you can buy him a special attachment that will help him retrain.

Develop fine motor skills

If a child went to kindergarten, teachers had to work with him, including developing fine motor skills. As parents, you should also find time for developmental activities with your son or daughter.
But if you failed to pay due attention to this, then your child could come to school with poorly developed fine motor skills. Such a child has less mobility in his fingers and hands, and because of this, it is difficult for him to write elements of letters that have curves, and he finds it difficult to write curved lines. Study your child's notebook: if he can't write letters with curved elements, you need to work on his fine motor skills. How to do it:

  • draw as much as possible using various techniques;
  • connect the dots to form a figure;
  • to hatch;
  • constantly sculpt;
  • play with a mosaic or constructor, with others small details.

Exercises to improve handwriting

You have created all the conditions for your child to start writing beautifully: you have watched how he sits, holds a pen, and arranges his notebook. However, he had already developed ugly handwriting. How to fix it? Perform special exercises. But you shouldn’t overload your child. If he studies at primary school, it is enough to devote 15-20 minutes to classes, no more. You need to select texts of 4-6 lines that are interesting for the child and rewrite them, trying to do it beautifully.

Pay attention to which letters or elements your child finds clumsy, and work more on them. You can start relearning from copybooks, teach the student to write various hooks and sticks again, and then let him connect them into letters under your supervision.

There is another simple way that also helps to make your handwriting more beautiful. It doesn't take much time. Take a notebook in a square and ask your child to draw a circle without lifting his hand. And so - many times until it works (you can practice for 5 minutes a day). When he learns to draw one circle, add a second one, moving your hand slightly to the right, but make sure that your circles do not extend beyond the cage. You will get a figure that looks like “smoke”.

Only regular classes, the efforts of the student himself, and his desire to write beautifully will help make a child’s handwriting beautiful. It is important here not to go too far, not to force him to sit for hours on copybooks, otherwise you will achieve the opposite result. He must not only study, but also play and relax. It is also worth praising the little worker as often as possible. With this approach, you will not only cope with the problem, but also save friendly relations with your son or daughter.

Your young student is about to move on to the next grade, but the scribbles in his notebooks are still difficult to make out? Perhaps you also had difficulties with beautiful writing of letters in childhood, because many of us pored over writing notebooks, rewriting exercises so that it was beautiful.

Of course, now we rarely write anything “by hand”, except perhaps a list of groceries that need to be bought in a store, or a note to a child reminding him of what he needs to take with him to school - the bulk of epistolary communication has moved into the realm of computer typing text. But this is for adults, but what should a child do if the teacher, checking his notebooks, does not understand what is written there and lowers his grades for handwriting?

Let’s try to understand in our material today what is the reason for a child’s poor handwriting and how you can deal with it.

We indicate the goal and means

Open your favorite student's notebooks. What exactly in what was written bothers you the most? This can be “dirt” in the form of numerous blots, overs and crossings, letters tilted “out of order,” mixed up or missing letters. Select a “goal” and let’s get started!

Let's say right away that if the words are readable And there are no serious grammatical errors in the text written by the child , then it’s hardly worth worrying about; perhaps the child’s handwriting simply does not live up to certain canons of perfectionist parents. Of course, it’s nice to hold a notebook in your hands, the pages of which are filled evenly and in beautiful letters However, do we really love our children because they write beautifully?

Psychologist Natalya Karabuta says: “If a child puts a lot of pressure on the pen when writing, is distracted, wants to write quickly just to go about his business - all this is a sign of increased anxiety, which, of course, does not make children’s handwriting better. However, school scribbles are unlikely to become a role model if a formidable parent stands over the child like a “sword of Damocles”, scolding him for every incorrect connection. And this is quite understandable; under the influence of such pressure, the child’s anxiety will only increase, but faith in own strength- will suffer seriously. Remember yourself, sometimes a responsible task does not work out, and a prepared speech tends to fail, because you are hanging under the menacing, appraising gaze of your manager, even though you are absolutely confident in your knowledge and skills. What can we say about a child in whom adults, with such “Cerberian” behavior, develop constriction, an inferiority complex and an absolute dislike for writing as such. Remember, a necessary factor for a child to develop beautiful handwriting is parental patience and understanding.”

So, arm yourself with patience and understanding and begin training sessions.

There are quite a lot of means and methods that will help improve a child’s handwriting; let’s look at some of them in more detail.

Strengthening your hand

Beautiful handwriting largely depends on the hardness of a child's hand . The problem of poor handwriting, for example, in a first-grader, is precisely that the child does not have sufficient practice in working with his hands and fingers.

The following will help make your hand firmer, your fingers more skillful and resilient, and also develop good and correct pressure:

  • various techniques,
  • hatching,
  • drawing a figure by points,
  • game with small details (constructor, mosaic).

At preparing for school we advise you to pay more attention namely drawing with colored pencils, sculpting platinum and shading, and not independently mastering calligraphy. These activities will help strengthen your child's pen and quickly master beautiful writing.

Relax your hand

Baby puts too much pressure on the handle ? Need a relaxer. And sometimes not only the arms or shoulder girdle, but the whole body. The therapy package may include relaxing baths, aromatherapy, and more “cuddles” throughout the day.

And also try to instill in the child as much confidence as possible in unconditional parental love, strong pressure speaks of internal anxiety. To relax anxious baby try practicing at home not in standard workbooks, but in beautiful, comfortable large notebooks with your favorite cartoon characters. In such company, it will be easier for the child to relax and problems with pressure will gradually disappear.

We teach beauty

One more trick - instilling in the schoolchild an appreciation of the beauty of letters . After all, in our computer world little man With a logical mindset it is quite difficult to understand why do you need to write beautifully? , the epistolary genre is not in fashion these days.

To do this, take an A4 sheet of paper and let the child draw in full width letters and letter combinations that are difficult for him and color them in different ways. Try to assemble some phrase from such beautifully written letters, for example “Happy Birthday” or “ Good morning" Some similar stories will help the child become convinced that it is worth trying for beautiful handwriting.

Time and quantity

Time , which you allocate to work on improving handwriting and number of training exercises must be dosed. You should not expect positive results from your child if every evening, instead of walking and communicating, you force him to rewrite various texts over and over again for hours.

15-20 minutes of exercise per day quite enough, besides, a student in grades 1-3 is unlikely to be capable of more long time concentrate your attention on the lesson in order to efficiently complete the assigned task.

Write texts of no more than 4-6 lines and pay attention to the essence of what the child is copying. If the content will be interesting , the emotional component of the process will help the child write such a text beautifully.

You should not get carried away with the amount of rewritten text; due to the uneven load on the arm muscles, the child may experience pain in the hand, shoulder and neck. Remember how, during lectures at the institute, you, despite being tired, had to write for more than an hour after the teacher, so that at the end of the lecture, fatigue was felt throughout your whole body, and your middle finger had a dent from the pen. It's a terrible feeling, isn't it? You shouldn’t subject your schoolchild to such suffering, you don’t want spasms in his hand to start just by looking at the notebook.

Posture and workplace

Of course, it is important to ensure that what position does a child sit in while writing? . And if it is quite difficult to see how this process occurs at school, it is possible to monitor how correctly it sits at home. Pay attention to the child that when writing, you cannot bend one leg under you, your back should also be straight, your head should be slightly tilted, your elbows should not come off the table, the correct tilt of the notebook is necessary, and its middle should always be directed towards the middle of the chest.

Also remember to make sure your child held the pen correctly with your fingers . Talk to the teacher, if you cannot persuade the stubborn little one to take his school instrument in a way that is easier, it is possible that the authoritative advice of the teacher will help you reconsider your attitude to the comments and take the pen correctly.

Many parents buy their child a swivel chair for their home work place, which, due to its mobility, can also create difficulties with handwriting. If the child is quite lively and active, it is difficult for him to sit in a chair without moving. Every movement of the little butt or twitching of the legs sets the spinning chair in motion, the whole body vibrates, as a result of which the hand trembles and twitches. It is quite difficult to write beautifully in such a situation of constant movement, so it is better to buy a regular chair with legs, without wheels and the ability to spin. Do not forget that the table must be sufficient in width and length so that the child can place a notebook and textbook on it.

Experiment with the pen

You may have never thought about it, but... How easy is the pen to write? , especially in children’s not yet very skilled fingers, seriously affects the quality of handwriting.

It is difficult for an adult to understand the essence of the process, because our hand is already positioned, the pressure has been developed, and we have more strength, but for a child this nuance sometimes becomes a very important factor. After all, the letter ballpoint pen involves constant muscle tension.

Therefore, make it a rule: It’s a must to buy school pens for your little schoolchild. . In the stationery department, don’t be shy, let your child try to write with all the pens he likes, let him choose the one with which he thinks the letters are written easier.

Make sure that the pen does not scratch, catch, or scrape the paper; if the teacher does not mind, buy a gel pen if it is more convenient for the child to write. It is quite possible to introduce a 4th-5th grade student to such a representative of the retro style as a fountain pen. A stylish attribute will give the child a sense of uniqueness and status, because if you write with such a pen, you no longer want to rush, the very attitude towards the process of writing letters changes, making handwriting more beautiful and smoother.

Working on the elements

If a child connects and writes incorrectly certain elements , it is worth paying attention to their development.

Select words and texts using “indomitable” letters and combinations so that the development process is as precise as possible.

Buy copybooks and start writing hooks and sticks, and then practice “fusing” them into letters. Oblique lines are drawn in the copybooks, and it is also possible to trace letters along dotted contours.

Pay the child’s attention to keeping the line, practice so that the letters do not protrude beyond its boundaries and are more or less the same in size.

Let's brainstorm a solution

Of course not always - the problem of inattention, most often, in a small schoolchild is still the relationship between thinking and fine motor skills , it is still very difficult for him to translate the information contained in the brain into a specific system of signs. This problem may disappear as you grow older and develop neural connections.

Responsible for teaching reading and writing left hemisphere brain - abstract-logical, the task of the right is the development of intuition and imaginative thinking. Interactions between the hemispheres can affect learning to write.

Difficulties with beautiful handwriting can be observed in, especially those who have been overtrained, as well as people who are equally good at using both their right and left hands. However, at a certain correctional work and such problems can be overcome. When working with such children, the main thing is to try to pay attention not to what did not work out, but, on the contrary, to how the child wrote certain words or even letter combinations correctly and beautifully.

Our mother Natalie tells : “When my son went to first grade and learned to write, what he did could hardly be called handwriting. Some scribbles... We trained, slowly graduated, and I also liked that the teacher at their school didn’t highlight in red what didn’t work out, but marked in green those combinations that were, so to speak, closest to the ideal . We continued to work at home in the same style. My son wrote, and I circled the combinations that I liked. And even though there were initially 1-2 of them for the entire line, he saw that there was something to strive for and was very happy when he did better and better every time.”

Problems with handwriting can be a signal of various disorders, both neurological and psychological nature, and, of course, this is worth paying attention to, especially if the child’s academic performance suffers or there are difficulties with learning and development.

But if your student does not have very beautiful handwriting, however, he remembers well, thinks logically correctly, writes without errors and brings good grades Perhaps this state of affairs should be taken more calmly.

After all, you see, it is not always important how beautifully the letters or numbers are written, the main thing is that they have meaning and logic.

How to improve handwriting?

    To improve your handwriting as adults, you need to learn to write slowly. Basically, handwriting gets ruined by writing too quickly. I also seriously messed up my handwriting, plus I use the keyboard more often than the pen, but then I realized that I can get everything back: just write more slowly and learn to draw each letter beautifully.

  • How to improve your handwriting

    Watch this video here. It addresses issues of improving handwriting primarily in children. Also mentioned here is a technique for improving handwriting and increasing writing speed. Perhaps this information will be useful.

  • Perhaps this will help you:

    I myself suffer from ugly handwriting, you seem to try, you draw out the words in your own eyes, you write slowly, but when you look closely from afar you see an incomprehensible picture of clumsy letters dancing back and forth.

    What primarily prevents me from having good handwriting is that it is very uncomfortable for me to hold a pen in my hand, my fingers begin to ache and I quickly want to remove the pen from my hand altogether.

    In our modern times When using a computer, so many people generally lose this ability to write, as unnecessary.

    But we cannot exclude the possibility that the computer will disappear and something else will come into our lives.

    You can change your handwriting, the main thing is to want to. Remember in elementary school, during writing lessons, we wrote a lot, tried to write out every letter. First, start by writing simple letters, the correct spelling. Then write the words, connecting the letters correctly. Switch to copying texts. Practice a lot, the main thing is not to rush, try. Beautiful handwriting is rare these days. It is very good that an adult is thinking about this issue.

    There are ways - one of them is simply to rewrite the text, trying to copy it, while the text must be written by hand, by a person who is good at calligraphy, you need to write slowly, because otherwise, you will still write in your own handwriting. Or take a calligraphy course. 🙂

    Handwriting can be improved, the main thing is that there is a desire. The most proven method is to write every day, for example, poems or ready-made texts from dictation. Everything is like at school. It is important to write slowly. You need to study for at least two hours a day.

    Yes it is possible. First learn various kinds copying the handwriting of your friends, then practice filling up a notebook like in early childhood.

    I know the real answer, and this is completely different from what was written about above. The fact is that a child is taught to write before his brain is prepared for this work. And in the second or third grade, a child while studying Latin font begins to write in English or German very beautifully. The same goes for drawing fonts.

    In order to improve your handwriting as an adult, you need to write a lot and not quickly, but at first slowly, writing out each letter, so this is very exhausting work, so think carefully about whether it’s worth doing this or leaving everything as it is...

    Hello. My name is Nazaryan Yulia. I individual teacher on handwriting correction. Of course, handwriting can be improved. Today there are several very effective techniques. I use one of them in my work. It is effective for both schoolchildren and adults, regardless of which hand the person writes with. More information about handwriting correction and correction can be found on the website

    Improving handwriting is quite difficult, but it is possible. The main thing is not to rush and write carefully.

    After all, the handwriting of schoolchildren, and even adults, deteriorates when we start to rush.

    Try to make the letters more standard, not wider or narrower than necessary. Buy a good fountain pen.

    If possible, you can take calligraphy courses; they are available in big cities.

    How improve handwriting.

    Reading your written lectures. Having purchased good pen Bic type

    Improve handwriting It turns out naturally when you read your written lectures on a subject day after day, you can immediately see where the writing is illegible. More and more is gained from lecture to lecture. improve handwriting.

    I taught my son this way in the summer, his handwriting was terrible, understandable, but with differences, as I taught him, I took a notebook in a large square, put the text in front of my eyes for copying and attached a Picture with painted letters, said write as much time as you want, but so that the letters turn out one to one, but so that the top of the letter and them does not go beyond the edges of the cell, I wrote and looked through it, noticed which letters turned out well, but a couple were lame, I wrote each letter separately and asked to repeat until there were 5 pieces absolutely perfect, every day he wrote a couple of texts, slowly, I timed the time, after three weeks his speed approximately doubled compared to the first day, but he still wrote slowly, but beautifully, then he wrote faster and faster faster, after I transferred him to a notebook in a lined first grade, there were difficulties again, he began to write a little like in a cage, worse, no matter how hard I tried, it didn’t turn out as beautiful as in a cage, but for us it’s still beautiful, then it’s the holidays ended and we went to school, I asked the teacher to allow us to write in a lined notebook for literally a couple of months for the first grade, but she did not agree, in short, he began to write in an ordinary lined notebook, not for the first grade, his handwriting became increasingly worse, and even more so, he could not keep up with the speed of writing with the class, with his new handwriting, and I don’t even know if it’s worth it to suffer so much with the new handwriting, for this you need at least three months of daily writing; at this time, you are not allowed to write quickly and It’s not nice for your hand to remember new handwriting..