Every girl wants to look. Well-groomed girl


Lower back, back and abdominal pain are the most common before menstruation. They affect more than 80% of women who have reached puberty. As a rule, nulliparous representatives of the fair sex suffer from such unpleasant sensations; after childbirth they decrease. Pain in the back, namely in the lower back, is radiating, that is, radiating. In fact, the source of pain is located in the area of ​​the uterus and ovaries, but along the nerve endings of nearby organs, the discomfort spreads to the dorsal and abdominal muscles. The main reason why the lower back hurts before menstruation is contraction of the muscles of the uterus, but sometimes pain occurs as a result of other processes.

Pain in the back before critical days- a kind of warning about their imminent arrival. This is normal and usually does not cause panic.

The main reasons why the lower back hurts before menstruation, as well as their manifestations, are described in the following table.

Cause How it manifests itself
Natural increase in the size of the uterus. Before the onset of menstruation, the uterus increases in size, tilts back, and compresses nearby nerve endings organs, which affects their work. The muscles of the lower back and abdomen are under tension.
Changes in hormonal profile Before the onset of menstruation, the uterus begins to contract vigorously, thereby stimulating the production of hormone-like substances - prostaglandins. They, in turn, also provoke a higher frequency uterine contractions. There is a direct connection between the contractions of this organ and pain; the more of them, the stronger the discomfort in the lower back. Typically, pain in a woman’s body is suppressed by two main female hormone– progesterone and estrogen.

Immediately before and during critical days, the level of these hormones decreases greatly. Therefore, women at this time may not only have back and stomach pain, but also experience tachycardia, chills, and migraines.

Hormonal changes before menstruation also provoke fluid retention in the body, which also contributes to increased pain. The longer your period doesn’t come, the more your abdominal and back muscles become overstrained. The tissues swell and put pressure on all organs.

Overstrain of the hip region. This natural process, associated with increased contractions of the uterine muscles, which try to tear off their inner endometrial layer before menstruation.
High sensitivity (lower pain threshold). In some women who are especially sensitive, their back begins to hurt a couple of weeks before the start of their period, and the pain is very strong. Their body reacts to any, even the most insignificant change, and it perceives contractile movements of the uterine muscles very painfully.
Pregnancy. If pregnancy occurs, the female body undergoes significant changes associated with hormonal changes. The uterus enlarges, preparing cozy place fertilized egg. This causes pain before the expected period. Then they appear discomfort in a stomach. If you lie down after taking comfortable position, pain decreases, it becomes easier.

Opsomenorea (this is the name for delayed menstruation) is accompanied by the first signs of pregnancy. You may notice breast enlargement, nausea, and a change in reaction to familiar tastes and smells. However, if the pain becomes very severe and does not go away, you should consult a doctor; perhaps they signal ectopic pregnancy or the beginning of a miscarriage.

Position of the uterus. In some women, the anatomical location of the uterus differs from the norm. The organ is located slightly lower and leans back. Before the critical days, the uterus enlarges and puts pressure on nearby nerve endings, which causes pain in the lower back.
Heredity. If one of the closest relatives has female line there were such pains, then with a high probability they will be passed on to the next generation.
Spiral. If a woman has an IUD installed, pain in the lower back and abdomen before menstruation is considered common, since the IUD provokes frequent contractions of the uterine muscles.

Can my lower back hurt before my period? healthy woman? Yes, usually the back and simultaneously the stomach begin to ache a week or two before the arrival of the critical days. And this is due to the enlargement of the uterus, as well as the action of hormones.

2 gynecological reasons

Critical days are a test for everything women's health. At this time, all latent infections and pathologies may begin to appear.

If your lower back hurts before your period, the following pathologies can provoke it:

Female hormones are the main cause of pain before menstruation. But if their balance is disturbed, the pain can become much stronger and its duration increases. Also, disruption of the endocrine system leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle, it may become shorter or longer, with severe pain. If discomfort before menstruation appears due to malfunctions of the endocrine system, then they are accompanied by sleep disturbances, irritability, weight loss or, conversely, weight gain.

The presence of pain with a simultaneous increase in body temperature indicates the presence of inflammatory process in the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes. Due to inflammation, adhesions occur around and inside the uterus, which makes it much more difficult for blood to escape during menstrual periods. The uterus has to contract with greater force to push out blood, so it puts a lot of pressure on the back muscles, which causes pain. Cause inflammatory processes of infection genitourinary system sexually transmitted diseases.

3 other reasons

If your stomach and lower back hurt before your period, the following pathologies can provoke it:

  • Nervous fatigue;

Emotional fatigue greatly affects a part of the brain - the hypothalamus, which controls all vegetative processes in the body. Overwork of the hypothalamus leads to increased contraction of the uterus and, as a result, pain in the abdomen and lower back. If overvoltage or stress is eliminated, then with a high probability next month There will be no pain at all or it will become much weaker.

Sometimes pain before the onset of critical days can provoke diseases of the kidneys, bladder, and urethra. If a woman has difficulty removing fluid from the body, then a slight swelling occurs in the internal tissues, which provokes pressure on the nerve endings, causing discomfort. It is necessary to undergo examination to identify these diseases.

  • Underdevelopment of the uterus.

In the presence of a bicornuate uterus, severe pain in the lower back and abdomen often appears before menstruation.

These diseases will also cause melon symptom:

  • Spinal hernia, osteochondrosis;

These diseases can cause back pain before menstruation. An enlarged uterus puts pressure on the nerve roots of the spinal cord, causing severe pain in the back, genitals, and abdomen. Pain can radiate to the lower limbs and chest.

  • Tumors.

Uterine fibroids, cysts, and other neoplasms in the pelvic organs obstruct the outflow of blood, which leads to an increase in the organs of the reproductive system. Before menstruation, the uterus enlarges even more, which provokes pain in the lumbar region and abdomen.

Since there are many reasons for pain in the abdomen and back before menstruation, they can be both natural, physiological and pathological, it is not recommended to try to get rid of them on your own. It is better to check with a doctor and when he confirms that there is nothing wrong, you can take the recommended painkillers.

Treatment of lower back pain before menstruation

Pain is caused by natural causes or pathology. But if your lower back hurts a lot before your period, then you shouldn’t stuff yourself with antispasmodics; it’s better to consult a gynecologist who will not only identify the cause of the pain, but also prescribe treatment or prescribe medications that eliminate pain in the lower back.

When visiting a doctor to find out the cause of pain in the abdomen and back before menstruation, the specialist carries out the following activities:

  • asks the patient about the nature of the pain, its intensity, and the regularity of its occurrence;
  • collects family history to identify facts of this kind of discomfort in close relatives on the female side;
  • conducts gynecological examination, during which he takes smears for flora and sexually transmitted infections;
  • if necessary, prescribes ultrasonography organs abdominal cavity and hormone analysis.

After finding out the reason painful sensations in the back and abdomen, before the onset of critical conditions, treatment is either prescribed in accordance with the identified pathology, or recommendations are given to reduce pain if health is normal.

If the pain is not associated with diseases, the following will help eliminate them:

  • Medicines;

According to statistics, women take most painkillers during their menstrual periods. It’s not surprising, because the pain is so severe that you want to climb the wall. Taking analgesics (Nise, Pentalgin, Analgin) or antispasmodics (Spazmalgon) helps.

  • Warming up;

Some women benefit from applying heat to the area of ​​pain in the abdomen or back. Sometimes heating even relieves pain better than pills. Heat helps relieve muscle spasms and relaxation. You can purchase a special thermal plaster at the pharmacy, which is attached to the abdomen or lumbar region. Within half an hour you can feel significant relief. A heating pad with warm water, hot bath or shower. All these procedures help eliminate back and abdominal pain.

  • Light self-massage;

Use your fingertips to massage your lower abdomen and lower back in a clockwise direction. This simple procedure relaxes spasmodic muscles well and helps reduce pain.

  • Change in diet;

To reduce premenstrual pain, some women just need to enrich their diet big amount vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, fermented milk products and limit the consumption of unhealthy foods (fatty, fried, smoked, canned).

  • Respiratory complexes;

Breathing exercises like qigong or yoga help relax muscles and relieve pain.

  • Herbal infusions.

Many plants are good for helping you calm down, relax, and relieve pain. Just choose a tea or herbal mixture without caffeine, as it promotes vasoconstriction and increases pain. The best ones are those that contain ginger, raspberries, and chamomile.

When your lower back hurts badly, simple pain relief physical activities stretching, yoga, pilates. It is better to do them with pleasant music. The healing effect is achieved as a result of the release of happiness hormones - endorphins, which are natural painkillers.

IMPORTANT! You cannot perform exercises associated with strong tension in the back muscles, abdominal muscles, or lifting weights. This will cause increased pain and can seriously harm your health. .

Take the starting position lying on your stomach, placing your fists under it with your finger bones down. Connect your feet together, smoothly, carefully lift your legs connected together as much as possible. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds, slowly inhaling and exhaling, engaging your stomach. Smoothly return to the starting position and rest a little.

Roll over onto your back, smoothly bend your knees and pull them towards your chest. Place your palms under your lower back and begin to slowly rock your knees for 12 minutes. Put your feet down and relax. Perform the exercise twice.

Lying on your back, count the distance 4 fingers down from the navel and 2 fingers to the sides. Apply gentle pressure to this area while breathing deeply and calmly for 3 minutes.

Prevention of lower back pain before menstruation

If premenstrual pain in the abdomen and lower back bothers you every month, you need to take preventive measures. They are quite simple, but they will make it easier to endure this stressful period for the female body.

To do this you need:

  • mark the first one on the calendar and last days menstruation to know general information about your cycle, its duration and next time prepare for the upcoming painful sensations;
  • a couple of weeks before the arrival of your critical days, start taking herbal infusions calming, relaxing effect;
  • drink more warm water to improve metabolic processes;
  • exercise regularly, especially paying attention to exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles, back and legs;
  • enrich your diet with plenty of greens and lactic acid products.

Moderate pain in the lumbar region and abdomen before and during menstrual periods is quite normal phenomenon from point of view female physiology. The uterus is preparing to either accept a fertilized egg or reject the inner lining - the endometrium, after which the critical days will begin. By the age of 18-20, women already know quite well the behavior of their body before the onset of menstruation, so they can easily determine the character painful symptoms, associated specifically with the approaching critical days. If the pain has become stronger, longer lasting, or is of a new, unusual nature, then such signals cannot be ignored; you need to consult a specialist to avoid serious problems with health.

Many women may experience lower back pain before menstruation. When the phenomenon occurs for physiological reasons, it does not require intervention and disappears on average on the 2nd day of menstruation. Sometimes unpleasant sensations indicate pathological conditions. Then, in addition to them, other symptoms appear, and in such cases the help of a specialist is needed.

The reasons why the lower back hurts before menstruation can be divided into 2 types. The first may be associated with the onset of menstrual periods and are caused by changes in the production of female sex hormones, which is the norm. The latter indicate health problems.

Natural causes of pain in the lumbar region during this period:

  1. Features of the female body and the specific location of the genital organs, in particular the curvature of the cervix. in size, presses on the nerve receptors of neighboring organs, which provokes pain in the lumbar region.
  2. Contractions of the uterus. The insertion of an intrauterine device increases the pain.
  3. Low pain threshold and increased sensitivity to pain.
  4. Increased amount of estrogen released. It affects not only the contraction of the uterus, but also the body’s ability to secrete substances that dull pain.
  5. Genetic predisposition. If relatives of older generations experienced painful sensations before menstruation, then the girl will most likely inherit this feature.
  6. , characteristic before critical days. May cause discomfort and pain in the spine due to internal pressure.

This symptom appears a week before menstruation and goes away a couple of days after it starts.

Among the causes of back pain not associated with the onset of menstruation, the most common are pathological conditions endocrine system and genital organs, as well as pregnancy.

Read more about them below.

What symptoms can there be during normal periods?

Back pain before menstruation is not the only sensation during the premenstrual period that is considered normal. It is of a pulling and aching nature and covers a significant area of ​​the body: the lower back may hurt, as well as the entire area of ​​the pelvic organs, in particular.

The following symptoms may also occur:

  • unpleasant sensations - pulling in the lower abdomen. In a changing hormonal levels the uterus contracts, which leads to pain;
  • increased sensitivity and heaviness in the chest;
  • nervousness, irritability;
  • increased appetite, appearance of specific taste preferences;
  • , dizziness, drowsiness;
  • weight gain from 1 to 3 kg, caused by stagnation of excess fluid and increase muscle mass uterus. From pressure internal organs on top of each other with swelling, the tailbone also hurts.

Pathological conditions causing back pain

If your lower back hurts severely before menstruation, this may indicate the presence of pathological processes, such as:

  1. Infectious diseases of the reproductive and excretory systems. In addition to pain, the woman experiences frequent urge empty bladder accompanied by discomfort and burning.
  2. Benign formations, cysts on the organs of the genitourinary system. These are indicated by discharge with bloody mucus, tingling in the uterus, increased sensitivity of the mammary glands and disruptions of the menstrual cycle.
  3. Disorders of the endocrine system that provoke hormonal disbalance. In addition to lower back pain, the diseases are accompanied by weight loss, nausea, swelling in the legs and general deterioration well-being.

In these cases, the pain that occurs is acute and severe. Additional symptoms of pathological conditions:

  • odor aversion;
  • increased fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • absent-mindedness.

The woman urgently needs to consult a specialist and undergo an examination to confirm the diagnosis.

The lower back can feel tight before menstruation and in the early stages of pregnancy, both uterine and ectopic. The hCG detection procedure will help determine it before the delay.

How to get rid of back pain

Reduce pain syndrome Before your period, the following actions will help:

  1. Preventive and health-improving massage of the back and abdominal muscles, which will help keep the spine healthy and muscles toned.
  2. Healthy balanced diet to prevent the accumulation of toxins in the intestines and increased gas formation. The increased volume of the digestive organs increases internal pressure. Some experts recommend minimizing coffee consumption, and in the days before menstruation, giving it up completely.
  3. Relaxing bath with herbs and essential oils, which can be taken before or after the onset of discomfort.
  4. Use vitamin complexes as prescribed by a doctor.
  5. Regular physical activity– it will not only strengthen your back muscles, but also increase your overall immunity.
  6. Exercises to reduce pain: breathing exercises, yoga asanas, stretching. Effective when the symptom has already appeared. Self-massage of the lower abdomen and lower back will also help. in a circular motion medium intensity.
  7. Treatment of pathologies that cause pain.
  8. Hormonal support of the body. Most often, it is carried out by taking contraceptives selected by the gynecologist.
  9. Drinking herbal teas, infusions and decoctions based on chamomile flowers, mint leaves and St. John's wort.
  10. Taking painkillers. It is recommended to resort to this method as a last resort, because such drugs relieve symptoms, but do not eliminate the cause of the problem.

For most women, the moment when their period begins is big problem. Often this process is accompanied by pain in the chest, lower abdomen and lumbar region. According to statistics, six out of ten girls go to the doctor with such complaints. Pain during menstruation is considered a normal condition, as a complete restructuring of the hormonal profile of the body occurs. But there are also cases when it is still worth seeing a doctor.

As a rule, if your lower back hurts before your period, there is no need to worry - this is a common condition, and such a situation can always be neutralized. In general, every adult has experienced pain in the lumbar region at one time or another.

The lumbar region is considered the part of the body between the ribs and the coccyx; the nerve endings are located in the sacrum area. Pain in this area occurs in both older people and members of the younger generation. Most believe that the reason for this is sciatica, which has become much “younger” in Lately. But this is not always the case: pain can also be caused by other reasons.

The pain and accompanying unpleasant symptoms are of a different nature: sharp, aching or shooting. The duration and frequency of attacks vary - from 5 minutes and a one-time occurrence to several days and constant occurrence.

A person's perception of pain depends on large quantity factors. These include the person's age, symptoms that accompany the pain, individual characteristics psyche and physiology. Unpleasant sensations can be relieved with the help of painkillers, but it is not advisable to miss such a signal: it is better to make sure that serious pathology is absent than to trigger the disease and, as a result, undergo long-term treatment.

Causes of pain

Let's look at why your back may hurt. A nagging pain in the lumbar region may occur when the menstrual cycle begins. At such a moment in female body There are a lot of processes going on that affect general condition. Frequent manifestations the beginning of the menstrual cycle - pain in the abdomen and lumbar region, swollen breasts, discomfort in the muscles.

9 out of 10 women experience back and abdominal pain during menstruation. 7-9 days before the start of menstruation, a woman experiences premenstrual syndrome (PMS). A sharp release of hormones leads to the appearance of migraines and nausea, in in rare cases vomiting, mood swings, severe irritability, sleep disturbances, skin rashes, surge or decline in libido and lower back pain.

Such symptoms plague women who have not yet given birth but have reached puberty. In women with normal health symptoms go away in mild form. But lower back pain before menstruation may become more severe. In addition to natural circumstances, the following factors cause noticeable pain:

  1. Installed intrauterine device;
  2. Adhesions caused by infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  3. Neoplasms of the reproductive organs;
  4. Disease thyroid gland;
  5. Ectopic pregnancy.

Natural causes

The question of why the lower back hurts a lot before menstruation may also be of interest to women who do not have the characteristics and diseases listed above. This is due to the fact that nagging pain in the abdomen and lower back may be a consequence natural features body. At the same time, we must not forget that natural causes accompanied by unpleasant sensations and back pain:

  1. Heredity. If the female line has encountered such pain, there is a chance that it will appear in future generations.
  2. Presence of edema. The lower back may become strained before menstruation due to fluid stagnation, which causes swelling of the internal tissues and pressure on the nerve endings.
  3. Incorrect position of the uterus. The cause of pain is bending, curvature or underdevelopment of the organ.
  4. Low pain threshold. A woman may have increased sensitivity to ongoing biological processes.
  5. Enlarged uterus. During the period of PMS, the uterus enlarges and compresses the nerve receptors of nearby organs, which is accompanied by pain.
  6. The influence of physiologically active substances. Prostaglandins, acting on the body, cause frequent contractions of the uterus, which are accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Since progesterone and estrogen levels drop during menstruation, the body is unable to relieve pain on its own.

Depending on the woman’s condition and the level of pain, doctors recommend three approaches:

If during monthly cycle the pain is not severe, it is worth trying to familiar image life, as it is quite natural.

If your lower back hurts a lot, you can lie on your back, bend your knees and relax your stomach. You can also place a warm heating pad on your lower abdomen. However, you should not overdo it with warm water - this can increase bleeding and subsequently pain.

But if the pain can no longer be tolerated, you should consult a doctor. As a rule, to relieve severe pain, it is recommended to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics and painkillers, for example, Aspirin, No-shpa or Spazmalgon.

Medicines should be taken only after consulting a doctor and making a diagnosis.

As mentioned above, you should not self-medicate if your back hurts before your period. First of all, a woman needs to undergo an examination that will help identify the causes of the problem and prescribe a method of therapy. There are also ways to prevent the occurrence unpleasant symptoms.

First of all, to avoid the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, adhere to the following rules:

  • Keep records of your menstrual cycle, write down the days when your periods begin and end (when visiting a doctor, such records will help in making the correct diagnosis);
  • A few days before the start of your period, take vitamins and sedatives;
  • During your period, massage the abdominal area;
  • Take medical antispasmodic medications to help reduce pain.

To eliminate pain before menstruation in the lower back, you can do this several times a week. simple exercise: to do this, you should carefully, without sudden movements, lie on your stomach and put your fists under it, and rest your forehead on the floor. The feet are connected together, the legs are raised - you need to stay in this position for at least 30 seconds. You should breathe with your stomach during the exercise.

To prevent pain, you can perform one more exercise. To do this, lie on your back and bend your legs as if you want to touch your chest with your knees. The palms should be placed under the sacrum and begin to swing. Perform such swings for 2 minutes. Then lower your legs, remove your arms and rest. All movements performed must be smooth and accurate.

Also, when the pain radiates to the back, you can general treatment add others important recommendations: Remove citrus fruits from your diet and increase the amount of warm liquid you consume. In case of severe ailments, stay in bed and be sure to consult a doctor.

Do not forget that in addition to physiological characteristics call severe pain There may be other, more serious reasons. After full examination and diagnosis, the woman will know exactly how to treat the problem and how to relieve pain.

In most cases, pain before and after menstruation is normal. This is triggered by a natural physiological process that repeats itself periodically.

That is, in some cases, pain in the abdomen and lumbar region can be considered the absolute norm. Why does the lower back hurt and what are the natural physiological reasons painful sensations?

There is also a situation when sharp, strong, acute, aching, nagging or paroxysmal pain in the lower back can be an alarm bell and a signal to see a doctor.

Sometimes urgent hospitalization is necessary. If your lower back hurts during menstruation, in what cases can this be abnormal? So, the causes of pain that are considered pathological.

  • Adhesions in the uterine cavity can be a serious cause of pain. They are formed on the mucous membrane as a result of acute inflammatory processes. Adhesions are dangerous not only because they can lead to pain– they prevent the normal flow of the endometrium and menstrual blood, which can lead to the development of an inflammatory process. As a rule, due to formed adhesions pain in the lower abdomen and lower back only during menstruation, and unpleasant sensations do not bother a woman much at normal times. Adhesions can also become an obstacle to normal development pregnancy in the future.
  • The presence of a sluggish inflammatory process provoked by sexually transmitted infections is also considered pathological cause pain. In such cases, in addition to pain, sexually transmitted diseases also manifest themselves unpleasant smell discharge, sometimes an increase in body temperature to 37-38 degrees, the appearance of a rash and itching. If the lower abdomen regularly hurts during menstruation and this is accompanied by the symptoms described, the gynecologist must prescribe a study aimed at identifying pathogens.
  • Infection of the genitourinary system. When the female genital organs become inflamed, adhesions form in and around the uterus. This is the reason for proper blood flow. The uterus seems to be trying to push it out, but adhesions get in the way. Consequently, it contracts several times more intensely. The result is known and described pain.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system, such as cysts and fibroids. Benign formations change the natural size of the organs of the reproductive system. The result is the same.
  • Thyroid dysfunction. In this case, the hormonal balance is disrupted. And it is this process that provokes lower back pain before menstruation. This diagnosis is confirmed by such signs as sudden weight loss, even with good appetite; swelling of the legs, nausea, sleep disturbance.
  • Probability of pregnancy. Then you should immediately go for examination to a doctor. In this situation, nausea is added to the pain in the lower back, headache, palpable abdominal pain, vomiting and other signs real pregnancy. And the instability of the monthly cycle also affects this. If the doctors find nothing, then simply apply a heating pad to the sore spot or wrap a warm scarf around your lower back.