What hair color goes with black eyebrows. Correct eyebrow color depending on hair

Choice of colors

Tinting your eyebrows is not just a way to make them more noticeable. A well-chosen shape and shade can correct facial imperfections, smooth out or hide some things, while emphasizing others. And for the eyebrows to look natural, their color should, one way or another, be combined with the hair and eyes.

How to choose eyebrow shade to match hair color

In order for the shade to look not only impressive, but also natural, it is necessary to follow, if not direct recommendations, then the basic tips. Warm-colored hair is always combined with “warm” eyebrows; cool shades are selected in the same way. Unusual colors such as pink or green, in turn, can create contrast or completely match the hairstyle.

Excessively dark eyebrows on blondes most often look strange and attract unnecessary attention from others.

Video: “Everything will be fine” about choosing the ideal eyebrow tone to match your hair color

In order not to get confused in the nuances, it is generally accepted that with light hair, eyebrows that are 1-2 shades darker look good, and for dark hair, in the opposite direction, the same amount lighter. But the latter does not always save you from selection errors. Then specifics come to the rescue.


Owners of night-colored curls are lucky in that their eyes will definitely not run wild from the extensive selection of various shades of eyebrows. After all, their great advantage, which for some may be a significant disadvantage, is that it is advisable to combine black only with it. Regardless of the eyes and skin, lighter or simply warm colors will give an undesirable contrast with reddish notes. Which, in turn, will create the appearance of obvious artificial coloring.

The ideal eyebrow color for a brunette is one that matches her hair.

If, however, there is a desire to somehow diversify the appearance precisely due to the shade of the eyebrows, then preference is given to dark and cool colors, again, close to the hair. You can try taking a pencil 1 tone lighter - this variation almost always looks advantageous.

Video: Maybelline makeup artist on choosing eyebrow pencil color for brunettes

Girls with fair skin can also look among the cool shades of brown and dark gray, but for those with dark skin, a classic black eyebrow pencil is best suited.


For women with different variations of light brown, it is very important not to overdo it with dark tones, be it a regular cosmetic pencil, permanent makeup or tattoo. Excessively bright colors and black on the face look ridiculous.

To avoid confusion when choosing, you can always make your eyebrows a tone darker than your hair.

Natural light brown goes well with almost any shade of brown, including red or golden tint. The latter is especially good in almost any case - it is considered the base tone. If your hair tends to shimmer in the sun, then you can highlight your eyebrows with chestnut dye. Some girls are more suited to other colors, but you need to choose from a warm range. But it’s better to avoid those who are too red.

Video: Maybelline makeup artist on choosing the color of eyebrow pencil for fair-haired and brown-haired women

Beige eyebrow pencils with grayish notes look great in combination with blond hair, while ash-blond beauties can diversify their look with richer gray tones. But soft chocolate shades are suitable for dark hair, especially with dark skin. But, again, you shouldn’t bring the color of your eyebrows closer to black - it makes your look heavier.


It is important to ensure that the eyebrows and hair are harmoniously combined with each other. Therefore, if the color of the curls was obtained by dyeing, most likely, you will have to resort to dyeing the eyebrows. Black and rich dark tones are unacceptable, because even against the background of soft red they will look as unnatural as possible, and even with bright copper they will scream about their inappropriateness.

Eyebrows that are too dark do not match red hair and show off the coloring

When choosing the right color, it is important to consider saturation. Fiery hair suits soft terracotta, golden brown and chestnut shades. Lighter ones are shaded using the basic rule - take a pencil a little darker.

Warm hair color goes well with eyebrows of a similar shade

In order not to miss the chosen eyebrow color, just pay attention to the tone of the hair. Cool tones with an admixture of red or brown are combined with cool and relatively dark shades, while warm shades with reddish tones, including copper and carrot, are preferred. But it’s still not worth combining bright colors with rich colors - the result should look harmonious.


If fair-haired people do not want to emphasize their eyebrows with a black pencil, then brown-haired people should highlight them once again. But in most cases it is better to refuse the color of the raven wing, preferring shades of brown that are close to it. Black itself will suit only very dark hair.

The color of a brown-haired woman's eyebrows can completely match her hair.

When choosing a color, you must be guided primarily by individual characteristics and preferences. As a result, eyebrows may differ by 1-2 tones or be the same. And of course, the main hair color is important: cool ones are combined with grayer shades, warm ones - brown, like dark chestnut and terracotta.


Some girls (especially former brunettes) sin by combining white hair with fairly dark, or even black, eyebrows. But for natural or dyed blondes, it is important to remember that dark eyebrows are contraindicated for them - they look too ridiculous against the background of white hair.

Eyebrow color should highlight facial features and not just stand out

The problem with naturally fair-haired people is that their eyebrows are often sparse and inconspicuous. This leads to the fact that girls try in every possible way to emphasize them, resorting to pencils, gels, shadows, permanent makeup or tattoos. But most, in their desire to make the outline brighter, forget about the rules of compatibility. To choose the right eyebrow shade, you just need to pay attention to the color of the hair roots. It’s worth starting from this, choosing a similar one, but slightly darker.

Platinum blondes can create a modern look by completely bending the rules by pairing snowy hair with smoky or near-black brows. It is worth noting that such a bold decision is not suitable for every woman.

For those who have dyed their hair blonde, another piece of advice is relevant: the color for the eyebrows is taken a tone lighter and, preferably, in a brown-beige tones. In this case, it is better to refuse cosmetic pencils, giving preference to painting - ordinary makeup is not always able to lighten the eyebrows so that they look not only beautiful, but also natural. The main thing is that the light shade does not stand out from the overall image.

Noble gray hair

Not all older ladies tend to cover their gray hair. At the same time, some girls, being far from old, bleach their hair not to blonde, but to those very famous and noble smoky shades. How should they be?

Gray is no longer associated with old age

Gray is a cool color, so you should give preference to shades of the same color scheme. If your hair roots are dark, then regular black will do. For those who are lighter, it is better to look at the ashy palette, traditionally 1-2 shades darker. But lightening your eyebrows, on the contrary, is not worth it.

If gray hair is still a consequence of age and is just beginning to appear, then it makes sense to choose a dark or rich color for the eyebrows. This will shift the focus to the face.

Highlighting and unusual coloring

In the case of highlighted hair, attention is most often paid to the original color. If it is dark, then eyebrow variations, similar to those for brunettes, are suitable. Otherwise, you can look for something in between shades suitable for blondes (with intense lightening of the strands) and light brown.

Unusual hair colors are usually combined with dark eyebrows

When painting in such unusual colors as blue, green, pink and others, it is difficult to judge any compatibility. Here, a bold contrast with black is most often used, because adding blue eyebrows to the same heavenly hair seems to many to be a dubious undertaking. Another smart option: pay attention to other nuances, such as eye and skin color.

How to match eyebrow color to eyes

Even though the shade of the hairstyle sets the main direction of the cosmetic range for the eyebrows, it is important to take into account what we call details. One of which is eye color. A correctly selected cosmetic product will highlight them, make them brighter and more expressive. At the same time, a bad color can make your eyes look gloomy.


For brown eyes, eyebrow color is not so important

When choosing a shade for eyebrows, brown-eyed women need to pay special attention not to their eyes, but to their hair color. The available palette will depend on it. Brunettes should definitely choose black, and blondes should look for something beige. The largest choice remains for fair-haired and brown-haired women: both dark brown and chocolate colors can highlight brown eyes.

A light contour of the eyebrows in combination with brown eyes can give a noble and, when creating a complete image, an aristocratic look.


Eyebrows can be dark, but it is better to avoid pure black - its combination with green eyes often creates a gloomy effect

Professional makeup artists consider green eyes to be the most difficult - successfully choosing the eyebrow color that suits them is not at all easy and you can’t do without experimentation. But what you should definitely give up is black and the entire gray range. It is better to choose something between brown and chestnut shades.


The easiest way to highlight gray eyes is with graphite or brown eyebrows.

The most common mistake is trying to combine gray eyes with ashy eyebrows. Yes, the colors should match each other, but, alas, this is not the case at all. This combination looks bland. If you want to highlight the shade of your eyes with something similar, then the tone should be much darker: graphite or wet asphalt. But this option is suitable only for dark-haired people; for others it is better to choose something from beige or richer brown tones. But the brightness should be in moderation, otherwise the look will turn out not so much expressive as piercing.


Graphite is the optimal eyebrow color for blue eyes

Dark and rich shades will be relevant only for brunettes and brown-haired women. Experts advise other blue-eyed people to choose ashy or light brown shades. They will not only emphasize the color of the eyes, but also visually rejuvenate the face and smooth out unevenness.

If a girl, in addition to blue eyes, also has golden curls, then eyebrows of a terracotta, chestnut or soft brown shade will almost certainly suit her.

Who will suit eyebrows of different shades?

In addition to the usual black, brown and beige, you often come across cosmetics for eyebrows in interesting shades. Based on the names of some, it’s hard to figure out who they might be suitable for. Therefore, we will analyze the most popular of them, in order to avoid confusion.


This color is a cross between brown, red and beige. Depending on the predominance of one of these shades, different variations can be obtained: from pinkish to dark brown, one way or another shimmering with red. Due to the latter, it is hardly suitable for a brunette or blonde, but it will be an excellent choice for a light brown-haired, golden-blond or red-haired beauty. Other owners of warm hair colors can also try terracotta.

Graphite and ash

These shades are distinguished by their unusualness and are primarily preferred for those who have the courage to dye their hair a smoky or other unusual color. In some cases, they can be great for cold blondes, including dyed ones. Don’t forget that graphite eyebrows emphasize gray and blue eyes.


Ideal choice for brown hair. It also goes surprisingly well with dark brown or red hair. But at the same time, ladies close to brunettes should still avoid this shade.

When choosing the final eyebrow shade, hair color is always taken into account and only then the eyes. Individual facial features are also important, so the choice will still have to be made through a series of trial and errors. Nevertheless, knowledge of the basic recommendations and nuances will help you not to make mistakes on this difficult “path”.

The common formula, in which the eyebrows of blondes should be a tone darker than their hair color, and brunettes should be a tone lighter, does not always work. These tips will help you avoid getting confused in your choice.

Platinum and gold blondes

If you are the same brunette who decided to become a golden blonde, your eyebrows need to be made a tone lighter in the beige-brown range. In this case, coloring will help, since eyebrow makeup products will not provide the required degree of lightness and will not look natural, showing through the dark hairs. Don’t overdo it: albino eyebrows only look spectacular on the catwalk and in photo shoots. But platinum blondes with smoky gray and even almost black eyebrows look very modern.

Brown-haired and brunettes

The transition from light hair to dark hair also entails a change in eyebrow color. Have you ordered chestnut curls from a colorist? Choose shades with brown undertones for your eyebrows. And if you leave the salon with cappuccino-colored hair, focus on the gray undertone. A pencil or shadow can easily and imperceptibly handle the task (a tint gel will most likely not be enough).

The luckiest ones are those whose eyebrows are already darker than their hair. They may not think about changing the tonality; nature has already taken care of everything. However, the option of lighter eyebrows is also viable and can even be quite useful. Firstly, if the eyebrows are quite thin and stubbornly do not want to expand, the dark range only focuses attention on this. Secondly, it will help you visually rejuvenate: soften wrinkles and facial contours.

Raven wing

The simplest choice is its absence. So those with blue-black hair don’t have to choose. Regardless of skin color (whether porcelain or chocolate), they are recommended to wear an exclusively cool black color to match their hair. This is because warm brown, as well as overly light shades, will fade into red and therefore look unnatural.


If you decide to change your eyebrow color and doubt your own abilities, go to a brow bar. Here make-up artists specialize specifically in this part of the face. The professionals will help you choose the shades of eyebrow makeup products or color them with permanent dye. For permanent hair, go to a trusted professional with solid experience and laudatory recommendations. The pastel color of the eyebrows should be matched to the color of the eyes, as if it were eye shadow. With hair (no matter pink or turquoise), it should either completely match or contrast.

2. When choosing eyebrow color, follow the same rule as when choosing cosmetics in a store. Test the product and shade not only in artificial light, but also in daylight. Ideally, on a cloudy and sunny day.

3. Take selfies - they are better than a mirror and a friend in helping you look at yourself from the outside.

4. If you need to make your eyebrows darker than natural, before signing up for coloring (and especially permanent ones), try tint gels, shadows, and pencils. The color doesn't suit you - just wash it off and try further.

5. To maintain the shade, you will have to stop by the salon every two weeks, and renew the tattoo once a year. Can't make it on time? Tint gel to help.

To dye eyebrows or not? What color of eyebrow dye will suit my face? Should you dye your eyebrows yourself or hire a professional? From this article you will learn how to dye your eyebrows, how to choose the right eyebrow dye color, and also why you can’t use hair dye to dye your eyebrows.

Well-shaped, full eyebrows, the color of which is in harmony with the hair color and complexion, can make any girl stunningly beautiful. However, what about those with thin, faded or graying eyebrows?

Eyebrow makeup.

Of course, eyebrow pencils, gels and waxes can help solve many problems. However, doing your eyebrows every day can be time-consuming and tedious. Some women choose permanent eyebrow makeup, but it is usually done with one mono color. What if you want to use different shades of color in your eyebrows?

To avoid these difficulties, most beauty experts and celebrity makeup artists advise trying. Safe natural or chemical dyes allow you to preserve the color on your eyebrows for up to 4 - 8 weeks.

Should you dye your eyebrows yourself or hire a professional?

Of course, you can tint your eyebrows yourself at home. However, there are a number of advantages that only a professional eyebrow master can provide you with:

  • Helps you determine your face type and the appropriate eyebrow shape
  • Will help you choose methods to give your eyebrows a more voluminous look.
  • Helps cover gray hair if present
  • Will help you choose the optimal eyebrow shade to match your hair color
  • It will relieve you for a significant period of time from the daily morning fuss of eyebrow makeup, since the effect of eyebrow coloring will last for at least several weeks

Using hair dye to color eyebrows.

Can I use hair dye to color my eyebrows? If you decide to try this experiment on yourself, we would like to advise you not to do it. Dyeing your eyebrows with hair dye can be unsafe.

The fact is that hair dye is specially designed for the scalp, and for the delicate skin of the area around the eyes it may be too aggressive. The oxides used in hair dyes are strong and only suitable for use on the scalp.

You risk getting burns, blisters and irritation on the skin of the eyelids and eyebrows, various types of allergic reactions and eyebrow loss are also possible. In some cases, it can even end in blindness. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether you should dye your eyebrows with hair dye is clear: under no circumstances.

To color eyebrows, use only formulations and products specifically designed for coloring eyebrows and eyelashes. Their gentle formula is specially designed for sensitive skin around the eyes.

How to dye eyebrows: eyebrow color depending on hair color.

Many people imagine a nightmare scenario: leaving a beauty salon with terrible, wide and dark eyebrows. How can you avoid this? The trick is to choose a shade that suits your skin tone and hair color perfectly.

Luckily, your brow artist will be able to recommend the best shade based on your own preferences. If you want to achieve the most natural effect, color your eyebrows a maximum of 1-2 shades darker or lighter than your natural eyebrow color.

If you decide to dye your eyebrows, you need to know how to choose a color that matches your hair color. The general rule is:

  • If the hair is dark: eyebrows are dyed 1-2 shades lighter
  • If the hair is light: eyebrows are painted 1-2 shades darker

Do not try to choose an eyebrow shade that exactly matches your hair color: such a combination, as a rule, does not occur in nature.

What color eyebrows will suit my hair color?

  • For blondes: dark eyebrows

Darker eyebrows can visually frame your face and enhance the color of your eyes. Therefore, fair-haired people should dye their eyebrows a color darker than their hair, especially if the eyebrows are barely visible.

On the other hand, tinting your eyebrows light brown or golden can brighten up a blonde who has naturally too dark eyebrows.

Some women, having lightened their hair or dyed their hair platinum blonde, decide to lighten their eyebrows as well. This should not be done, because, unfortunately, it is bleached eyebrows that will give away a dyed blonde.

  • For redheads: brown eyebrows

Red-haired people rarely have red eyebrows. Therefore, if you have dyed your hair red, avoid dyeing your hair the corresponding shade. Cool reddish-red tones in the hair will go well with rich dark brown eyebrows.

However, if your hair color is golden-red rather than red-burgundy, try using copper shades when tinting your eyebrows.

Most red hair shades look best with a medium brown eyebrow color.

  • For fair-haired people: dark eyebrows

Fair-haired girls, as a rule, go for an eyebrow shade that is 1 or 2 shades darker than their hair. Dark brown girls will look spectacular with a rich neutral brown eyebrow color, while those with brown hair can use all shades of chocolate and espresso.

  • For brunettes and black-haired women: black eyebrows

If you have jet black hair, black eyebrows will look the most natural. Avoid reddish-brown shades. If your eyebrows are naturally black, you'll probably want to dye your hair, preferably a color a shade or two darker than your eyebrows.

  • For gray hair: natural eyebrows

Gray hair is a natural part of aging. While some people let nature take its course, others prefer to hide it. A few gray hairs that stand out can be plucked by hand, however, plucking hairs from the eyebrows can result in unsightly bald patches that distort the shape of the eyebrows. For this reason, gray people are advised to avoid tweezers and instead choose a long-lasting eyebrow tint that matches the color of the hair on their head.

  • For men: same as for women

Men with eyebrows that are too dark or too light often go for eyebrow tinting. Men's eyebrow tinting is not much different from women's eyebrow tinting. There are no special “male” eyebrow dyes. Therefore, men should follow the same advice as women when tinting their eyebrows.

How can tinting my eyebrows change my face?

Thin, sparse eyebrows can ruin the most beautiful face. Tinting these eyebrows can enhance the natural beauty of the face and especially highlight the forehead. Of course, dyeing your eyebrows cannot change the density and thickness of your eyebrow hairs, but a dark color will make your eyebrows visually more noticeable and expressive.

Do you want to give your face a more well-groomed look? It's amazing how a pair of well-shaped eyebrows can transform a face. Neat, well-groomed eyebrows frame the eyes, improve facial symmetry and create an attractive appearance. Choose the right shade for your eyebrows and receive compliments from others!

Find out what types of eyebrow dye are available, what are the pros and cons of each type, and which one is better. How to choose a color, what should be taken into account. Review of popular products and tips for choosing them.

Types of eyebrow dyes

This product can be crumbly or pasty. The first option is more natural and involves mixing the powder with an oxidizing agent or water. Usually in this case we are talking about ordinary henna. It is produced in jars or bags. To make color lasting, the composition often includes citric acid, sodium perborate, and soapstone. The main producer of such products is India.

The main disadvantage of henna for eyebrows is the long time it takes to prepare the mass and the inconvenience of its use (dirt remains, has a strong unpleasant odor, and requires leaving it on the face for many minutes). Among the advantages, safety for health, hypoallergenicity, and lack of skin irritation should be highlighted. Among its advantages is a lower price compared to ordinary paint. You can buy this product at any beauty salon or pharmacy.

Professional stylists recommend tinting your eyebrows with paste paint. It is produced in tubes or jars with volumes from 5 to 50 ml. It can be ammonia-free, not harmful to hair, long-lasting and natural. Most often, this product is made on the basis of water, sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium benzoate, etc. Given this composition, girls are often allergic to it - the skin becomes irritated and red. Before using it, it is necessary to conduct a test to identify this reaction. For this purpose, you need to apply the mixture to your elbow; if there are no consequences, the procedure can be continued.

The cream texture paint will delight you with bright and quick results. It does not smell as strong as henna, it is easier to dilute and does not spread over the surface. But it also has its disadvantages - a high probability of oxidation when using metal utensils, the need to use gloves and care for eyebrows after the coloring procedure. To do this, it is advisable to lubricate them with castor oil from time to time and comb them well.

Note! Paste paint is the most convenient because it is actually easier to use.

How to choose eyebrow dye color

It is very important what color of eyebrow paint will be chosen, because they should neither stand out from the general background nor merge with it into a single whole. Age also plays a role; older people should not choose too bright shades, and young people should not choose dark ones. If you take black or chestnut, then make sure that it shimmers or shines a little. This will focus attention on the eyes and add intrigue to the image.

In order not to make a mistake when buying eyebrow dye, you need to consider the following points:

  1. Leather. If it is pale, then you should not choose an equally light shade; a dull paint with a slight wheat tint will be enough. Those with a “medium” type of dermis should give preference to the milky range. It will play beautifully in the sun and will not turn you into a “gray mouse.” For dark-skinned people, the best choice would be a product with a rich brown tint. It will help to achieve a unified concept in the image and make it harmonious.
  2. Hair. Red-haired girls will look good with chestnut-colored eyebrows with a dark orange tint. The darker the curls, the richer they should be. Blondes should choose ash and caramel tones, and fair-haired women should choose coffee tones. Gray strands look good with graphite-dyed hair.
  3. Brows. Bright black eyebrows should not be repainted white, since even after preliminary lightening, an unattractive yellowness will remain. But blondes can use any dye, but you need to take into account that as the hair grows back, there will definitely be an unaesthetic contrast.
  4. Eyes. Red eyebrows look great with green eyes, but with blue eyes they can clash. White will go well with blue, and black with brown. At the same time, if you wear lenses and do not intend to remove them in the near future, focus on them.
Things are easiest for fair-haired girls; absolutely all options suit them. The rest need to adhere to the rule: cold tones to cold, and warm tones to warm. Those who want to create a romantic look should choose light shades (wheat, milk, light nut). Black, brown, ash, chestnut, and coffee colors will help you create a serious image. The most universal is red dye, because you can easily paint both black and white eyebrows with it.

Before choosing eyebrow dye, keep in mind that the darker the hair, the longer you need to leave the product on it. Based on this, formulations with an effect of less than 10 minutes are not suitable in this case, since they simply will not give the desired effect. The same applies to those with light eyebrows: there is absolutely no point in using dye that needs to be left on them for more than 10 minutes.

Important! For those who just want to highlight the beauty of their eyebrows, it will be enough to use paint of the same color, just keep it on for no longer than 5-7 minutes.

Which eyebrow dye to choose

The most popular brands can be safely called Kodi, Schwarzkopf Professional, Estel Professional and RefectoCil. They offer both inexpensive and premium products; the range includes brown, chocolate, nut, almond, white, black, and red shades. True, it is almost impossible to find powder products here; the emphasis is on cream eyebrow dyes.

Let's take a closer look at each brand:

  • Kodi. She has more than 20 different formulations without an ammonia base. All of them are produced either in jars or in tubes with a volume of 15 ml or 5 g. Their disadvantage is that in addition you need to buy an oxidizing agent. The quality of the products is excellent - the rich color lasts for more than a month. It is also very important that they successfully pass allergy testing. There are suitable options for those who want to paint themselves brown, black, graphite, and cream. The manufacturer offers henna for lovers of chocolate and red shades. Country of origin - Australia.
  • Schwarzkopf Professional. This company does not boast a wide selection of eyebrow tinting products. She has only 10 such products, but each of them is intended for professional use. It is very convenient to have everything you need in the kit: oxidizer, protective eyelid strips, brushes, gloves. The average volume of cream paint is 20 ml, the same amount for the developing emulsion. This option is suitable for all hair types and is produced in Germany. It is one of the top three in its niche. The colors available on the market are black, brown, chocolate, milk. It is noteworthy that the dye can also be used to color eyelashes.
  • Estel Professional. This is one of the most popular companies, operating on the market since 2006. In terms of choice, the situation here is even worse than that of Schwarzkopf's competitors, because buyers can choose only 2 colors. The brand released it in black and brown colors. But the package contains a developing emulsion and protective discs for the eyes. The products are hypoallergenic and safe for health. It has a pleasant consistency, does not spread over the face and is highly durable: the bright color lasts throughout the month. She can cope with the most severe gray hair in just 15-20 minutes.
  • RefectoCil Awf Color. Only 3 paste-based products are sold under this brand. But, unfortunately, the Austrian manufacturer provided only classic colors - black and brown. They promise to delight with their brightness for 6-8 weeks. Moreover, the staining process does not take even 10 minutes. The composition does not contain aggressive components that irritate the skin, so even those with very sensitive skin can use the paint. The products are packaged in convenient 15 ml tubes and belong to the professional category.
  • Delia. The company does not indulge in a variety of colors, providing only brown, black, graphite and blue-black paints. What distinguishes them from their competitors is the ban on use for eyelashes. They are sold in cardboard packages. The manufacturer claims that its products are enough for 15 stains. Color fastness lasts for 14 days. The products do not contain PPD or other harmful additives and have been successfully tested by dermatologists. The trademark is registered in Poland.
  • Rocolor. Eyebrow paint of this brand is sold in the form of a tube (coloring composition) and a drop-type bottle. The latter contains the developing emulsion. It is used to dye hair in shades from light gray to deep black. According to the manufacturer, 15 ml is enough for an average of 15 procedures. It is very convenient that the products of this company can be mixed to obtain different shades. No less beneficial is the possibility of using it for eyelashes. It retouches gray hair 100%, easily penetrates deep inside and is evenly distributed over the surface. When used correctly, the composition lasts for 6 weeks. Under its influence, the structure of the eyebrows is not damaged due to the hypoallergenic nature of the product.
It is better not to buy products from untested brands with a little-known name; at a minimum, they must pass all the necessary tests for an allergic reaction and be approved by dermatologists. All paints collected in the list are actively used in beauty salons by professionals.

When choosing a suitable product, you need to take into account the color of your eyebrows, the composition and type of paint, volume, configuration, brand. Last but not least are the durability of the product, its safety for health and the time it takes to dye. You also need to pay attention to whether you can quickly repaint your eyebrows if necessary, for example, if you don’t like the color.

When choosing paint, you should take into account the following points:

  1. View. If you are concerned about your health, then give preference to natural, ammonia-free formulations. They should contain various plant components - castor oil, vitamins, etc.; The less “chemistry” the better. Those who are concerned about allergies should buy products that say “hypoallergenic” on the packaging. This means that the paint has successfully passed all the necessary tests.
  2. Equipment. It is most profitable to buy products that already come with an oxidizing agent. A plus will be the presence in the package of protective strips that must be placed on the eyelids during the dyeing procedure.
  3. Product type. If you don't want to get dirty and want to save time, choose paste paints. They are very easy to dilute; you just need to mix the bulk with the developing emulsion.
  4. Color. Most often you can find black and brown paints on the market. They are mainly sold in paste form. If you need a red tint, then henna is the ideal choice. Under no circumstances should they be mixed. It is also not recommended to combine several different colors unless the manufacturer indicates otherwise.
  5. Brand. Of all the brands, Russian, French, German and Australian are especially trusted. Specific names are listed in the section above.
  6. Dyeing time. On average you need to count on 10-15 minutes. If the product acts faster, this may indicate that it is unnatural and, accordingly, harmful to health.
  7. Volume. Expect that two eyebrows need at least 2 ml for good coloring. Therefore, you should not take too large a package, because fresh product is much more effective.
  8. Compound. If your skin is sensitive or suffers from acne and acne, then ammonia-free paint or ordinary henna will be indispensable. The last remedy lasts for more than 2-3 months, and it will not be possible to paint over it all this time. But it contains mainly only natural ingredients that do not irritate the skin.
How to choose eyebrow dye - watch the video:

By learning how to choose eyebrow dye, you can find the most suitable option for you and give your eyebrows an even more beautiful color. As a result, your image will sparkle with new and bright colors, pleasantly surprising everyone around you. And most importantly, you no longer have to use different pencils every day, wasting your precious time on it.

The tradition of changing the shape and dyeing eyebrows has come to us since Ancient Egypt. Today on the Koshechka.ru website you will receive a virtual consultation on how to choose the color of your eyebrows without disturbing the harmony in your appearance when creating your image.

What is the ideal image of a woman? All stylists agree on one opinion: “Naturality comes first!” Everything about a woman should be natural and harmonious.

When choosing a new hair dye, don't forget about your eyebrows. They are a very important detail of a woman’s appearance. Light and hardly noticeable will make you faded and inconspicuous, too expressive and bright will give the image a vulgarity.

Have you already thought about what color your eyebrows should be? The secret is simple: they must be in harmony with your color type. In other words, you should focus on hair, eyes and skin.

Now let’s look at the question of how to choose the right shade based on your color type.

Using the tips below, you can easily determine which shade is best for you to choose.

  • The owner of green eyes can safely experiment with different shades of brown. Trial and error works best because even stylists note that it is difficult to find the right shade for green eyes. Only one thing is known for sure: black, gray and metallic colors will not work in this case;
  • Blue-eyed women have the easiest time deciding. Your palette is all shades of gray and light brown tones. Prohibited are bright, too saturated and dark colors;
  • In the case of gray eyes, harmony in colors can play a cruel joke; gray eyebrows can easily ruin your appearance. A light brown palette or the color of wet asphalt would be appropriate here;
  • How to choose the right eyebrow color for those with brown eyes? Hair plays a decisive role in this matter.

Complete harmony is important here. Hair is a decisive factor in choosing eyebrow dye. There should be a complete idyll between them.

  • How can brunettes choose eyebrow color? There are two options here:
  1. If you are striving for the image of a business woman, their color should be one tone darker than their hair;
  2. The color is one tone lighter - it will make your face more delicate and youthful.
  • For brown-haired women, according to stylists, choosing the right shade is not at all difficult. The choice of options is huge:
  1. For copper-haired people – bright red;
  2. For chestnut brown-haired women - terracotta;
  3. For auburn - chocolate;
  4. For light redheads – brown;
  5. For red-browns - graphite.

How to choose the color of eyebrows to match the color of hair for those who have an unnatural shade, for example: turquoise, pink or lilac? The rule remains relevant: warm tones to warm, cold tones to cold. Well, try to avoid sharp contrasts.

If you still find it difficult to decide, you can always turn to specialists for help: a makeup artist, stylist or hairdresser. Now, this can be done even using a computer, using special programs.

Website ko6e4ka.ru. advises – don’t be afraid to experiment. The ideal option would be to test the selected shade under different lighting variations. Evaluate your appearance both in rainy weather and in bright sunshine.

Before you decide to get a tattoo or chemical dyeing, choose the most suitable tone using a pencil or eye shadow.

The colors of pencils for tinting eyebrows are very diverse. It is the rich palette that makes their use a more profitable option than shadows.

And one more rule: blondes choose a pencil several shades darker than their hair, brunettes choose a lighter one.

If you want to achieve a darkening effect, use shadows. They are applied with a brush, in dotted and short movements. Paint mainly the curve, not the base.

When choosing a tone, try applying cosmetics with a pencil or eye shadow in the daytime, in natural light. This is the only way you can see all the shades and determine whether the pencil suits your look.

And, most importantly, when choosing what color to paint your eyebrows, do not chase fashion. Focus on naturalness, which will only highlight the beauty of your face.