Thinning the ends of the hair: the effect of the procedure. Hair thinning, before and after photos

February 23

Modern stylists say that thinning allows you to create fashionable haircuts with original lines. The main thing is to know how to file your hair correctly, at what angle it is better to thin out the strands and what tool to choose for this. If you wish, you can even carry out the procedure at home. But what nuances are important to know so as not to ruin your haircut?

Hair thinning, what is it? This procedure allows you to artificially thin out the volume using special scissors. It would seem, why thin out the volume artificially if it is like that by nature? It turns out that the technique helps to achieve several health and aesthetic effects at once.

Advantages of thinning technology

What are the advantages of thinning and what does it give?

  1. Cuts off damaged split ends.
  2. Gives your hair a well-groomed look.
  3. Smoothes out all the unevenness.
  4. Helps give strands natural flow.

Even thin hair They will look fuller and thicker if you carry out the thinning technique correctly.

Thinning methods

An experienced hair stylist has several techniques that help achieve different goals. How do the types of hair thinning differ from each other?

  1. When thinning one bang, you can achieve a sophisticated look: the thinned ends give smooth transitions between the strands, and the bend becomes graceful.
  2. If you profile your hair from the very roots, using oblique or straight cuts, the curls will also look fuller and thicker. Root thinning is more suitable for women with thick hair unruly curls– it reduces their number, makes styling easier, and helps to focus on individual strands.
  3. Full-length thinning is usually used to create a trendy, ripped effect that adds a touch of edginess to the look.
  4. Thinning the ends of the hair gives the smoothness of the lines, the neatness of the entire shape, and the softness of the edging of a short haircut. If the density allows, it also gives airiness to the whole image. It is curious that thinning of the ends is done with oblique or straight cuts with different slopes. In each case, the result will be different, so a good hairdresser knows how to properly thin out the ends of your hair.

Thinning the hair along the entire length gives the hair texture and elasticity, which makes it easy to style without the help of a hairdresser. Experienced hairdressers use techniques such as slicing (sliding cuts) and “mush” (hair is divided into strands, folded upward, and then cut with wide-toothed scissors). In each case, the methodology is discussed with the client: after all, a new image is a responsible matter.

Who should refuse thinning?

In some cases, this technique can ruin appearance and negatively affect the structure. It won't fit:

  1. For those with curly hair: after the procedure, the curls will stick out different sides.
  2. If your hair is naturally thin, it is better not to thin it out.
  3. Have you been growing your hair for a long time and are happy with the length, which is easy to put into a ponytail? You should not mill the strands. Otherwise, the tail risks becoming thin and mouse-like.

Secrets of mastery

How to thin your hair correctly? Any qualified haircut specialist knows that the procedure must be performed carefully, taking into account many subtleties.

  1. The first rule is to use special tools: scissors and thinning blades. Scissors are generally similar to regular ones, but they have teeth with small notches that allow you to carefully cut hairs. The blades are covered with plastic: this helps it not to slip during operation, and reduces the risk of injury to the hairdresser. Sometimes, in order to learn how to properly thin hair with thinning scissors, hairdressers attend courses where they are separately taught this skill.
  2. The second rule is to correctly determine the type of hair, its length and thickness. Sometimes incorrect definition type leads to the wrong choice of haircut. Thinning allows you to eliminate shortcomings and bring the idea to perfection, or, on the contrary, it can ruin the most interesting idea of ​​the master.
  3. Rule three is to observe moderation. An experienced master knows how important it is not to get carried away with thinning, so as not to cut off too much from the client.

Learning to cut hair at home

How to profile your hair at home? It’s a little more difficult to cope with thinning without the help of a stylist; it’s better to immediately purchase special scissors. They are easy to purchase at hairdressing departments. Most often, bangs need a little thinning; they grow quickly and “don’t want to lie down” beautifully without this little hair treatment.

Have you decided to thin out your bangs yourself? Do everything in stages.

  1. Decide what kind of result you want to see in the end.
  2. Draw a mental boundary.
  3. Wash and dry your bangs.
  4. Separate your bangs. This is easy to do by making a ponytail, wearing a headband or pinning your hair back.
  5. Comb your bangs with a damp comb. The comb teeth should be sparse.
  6. Divide your hair into approximately three equal parts.
  7. Start milling from the central strand, pin the rest so that they do not interfere.
  8. Now you need to tightly twist the strand into a small bundle.
  9. Be bold and cut off the ends.

Are you satisfied with the result? Congratulations on your new skill!

How to thin hair at home if you don’t have special scissors? Take the standard ones. But they must be very sharp with long ends. Carry out the procedure while holding the instrument in a strictly vertical position.

Care and recovery

But even the hand itself experienced craftsman may falter, and the client may remain dissatisfied with the result. How to restore hair after thinning? Is it possible to return the volume to them for short term? They will help you:

  • henna (see);
  • red pepper;

If your hair surgery is unsuccessful, you should not despair. Restore the natural look and healthy shine to your hair with an inexpensive henna-based mask. Dilute the powder in hot water, mix it with cocoa powder, add a few drops of vitamins A and E (they are sold in pharmacies).

You can use pepper tincture: rub it into the scalp half an hour before washing, and then rinse with water. Just a few procedures can significantly improve blood circulation in the hair follicles, enhance hair growth, make the structure stronger (see).

The gruel has a great effect on hair growth. onions, mixed with honey. Grate the onion on a coarse grater, squeeze out the juice a little and mix the pulp with a tablespoon of honey. Rub the mixture onto your head, wrap it in plastic, and let the mask work for 10-20 minutes. Then rinse off the mask thoroughly warm water. Rinsing with a mixture of water and vinegar or lemon juice will help you get rid of the onion smell.

The main purpose of thinning is to create beautiful proportions of long and short hair, filigree processing of the shape. But the amount of hair to be thinned, as well as the length, must be discussed with the hairdresser in advance so that the result does not disappoint you. Mastering hair thinning at home, especially if you need to process a small section of hair, is not difficult: experiment, learn and change the image depending on your mood.

If we talk in simple words, then cutting the strands to different lengths, that is, their rarefaction is thinning. It is interesting because with its help a specialist can create a chic voluminous hairstyle, or vice versa - remove the thickness of the hair, which allows the hair to always look attractive.

Throughout life, hair grows: where a hair has fallen out, a new one immediately appears, which is why hair lengths vary. The professionalism of a hairdresser lies in the ability to maintain and correctly form the correct proportions of regrown hair. For this purpose, thinning is used.

It is not recommended to do thinning on very thin and sparse hair, because if it is performed poorly, hair restoration will take a very long time.

For this procedure, special thinning ones are used; they consist of small teeth. Some hairdressers use a razor or standard scissors.

Basically, the bangs are milled to give it volume, but you can also profile the entire length or ends of the hair. Consistently, the master closes the curls with scissors, while only part of the volume is cut due to the specificity of the scissors.

It is more difficult to thin with ordinary scissors and, according to some clients, it is also painful and dangerous - with one wrong movement you can cut off all the curls. Using a thinning razor is much more convenient. There is an important difference between scissors and razors: the former only cuts dry hair, while the latter cuts wet hair.

Many people believe that thinning causes irreparable damage to the hair. However, this is not the case provided that all rules are followed and the process is carried out by a qualified craftsman.

Thinning - pros and cons

Salon clients often ask the question: “How harmful is thinning to hair?” According to most women, this procedure provokes further hair splitting. According to hairdressers from great experience work - thinning brings only benefits and gives the hairstyle a fresh, interesting look.

It is also worth remembering that thinning is not suitable for all people; the question of its use is decided depending on the type of hair. Thick strands need this procedure to maintain healthy looking. If the hair is thin, but shines with health, you can also apply thinning to it, only with special scissors, and not with a razor, especially with ordinary scissors. Thinning is definitely contraindicated for depleted and weak hair; it will not bring any benefit, but will only harm the hair.

When styling their hair at home, many women strive to make it more voluminous at the roots, but the ends should remain manageable and not stick out in different directions. According to most people, this is what it looks like perfect hairstyle. And this effect can really be achieved, but only after treating the ends with special scissors. This is milling. In our article we will tell you everything about this method of hair processing, we will dwell on the tools with which it is performed, we will consider its main techniques and give a few useful recommendations from professional stylists.

Milling - what is it?

This method of hair treatment is very popular and is often used in modern hairdressing practice. Thinning is thinning out curls with special scissors. Depending on the design of the hairstyle, the procedure is performed along the entire length or in individual areas, most often at the ends.

Milling can give the following result:

  • increase in volume;
  • easier styling;
  • reduction in hair volume.

Depending on what kind of haircut is performed, apply different techniques milling. Right choice each of them and allows you to get desired result. In any case, the haircut becomes correct form and natural look. Thinning can be combined with simultaneous hair shortening.

Required Tools

Thinning hair is not done with ordinary scissors. Otherwise, you will not be able to thin the strand, but only cut it off. The haircut will be ruined.

At school hairdressing Special tools are provided for this procedure:

  1. Thinning scissors. At first glance, they look like a completely ordinary instrument. In fact, one of the two blades of the scissors is made in the form of a comb with thin teeth with notches, due to which the hairs are cut. This procedure is performed only on dried hair after styling. Thinning hair at home is quite difficult. It is important to be as careful as possible so as not to cut off the entire strand.
  2. Thinning razor (blade). The operating principle of this tool is quite simple. First, the curl is raised vertically, then the razor blade is moved along the entire length of the strand from roots to ends. The procedure is performed on damp hair. It is important to stretch the curl well.

Types of milling

There are thinning of curls at the roots, at the ends and along all lengths. The latter method is often used when cutting hair with thinning. Depending on the desired result, apply different quantities cutting one strand with scissors. What is each type of milling?

Root thinning The strands are performed at a distance of 2-4 cm from the surface of the head. In this case, thinning allows you to increase the volume of hair at the roots, create a hairstyle shape, and make styling easier. The procedure is performed using oblique or straight cuts.

Milling the ends makes the hairstyle more neat, allows you to smooth out the unevenness of the haircut, and ensures a smooth transition.

Thinning along the entire length Suitable for very thick hair. The procedure is performed with both straight and thinning scissors, as well as a special razor. The same type of thinning is used to create a torn haircut.

When is it better to stop thinning?

The hair thinning procedure does not always have a beneficial effect on its condition and general form haircuts. IN following cases professionals do not recommend thinning. This will only ruin the haircut and will not give you the opportunity to style it correctly.

So, no milling is performed:

  • on thin and naturally sparse hair with a rough structure;
  • on the weakened after perm and discoloration of curls;
  • on curly hair with curls of different lengths;
  • in the event that the haircut does not involve thinning, for example, we're talking about about the classic square.

But this does not mean that in all other cases, thinning must be performed 100%. The procedure is carried out at the discretion of the master and at the request of the client.

Milling techniques

Thinning of the strand is applied both externally and internally, as well as on both sides. The first method is done in short haircuts, the second for long curls, and the third if the hair is thick and coarse. The strands are selected using a comb, and then, using scissors, an insert is made from a certain side.

The hairdressing school highlights the following techniques milling:

  1. File teeth: the scissors are inserted into the strand at a certain angle at regular intervals, resulting in a uniform cut structure in the form of teeth. Used for finishing haircuts and thinning bangs.
  2. Pointing: traditional cutting and thinning with scissors using a serrated cut from the middle of the strands to the ends.
  3. Slicing: thinning with a sliding movement along the selected curls.
  4. Plucking method: cutting strands at different heights.
  5. The tourniquet method: twisting the strands and cutting the tourniquet in several places with the tips of scissors or a special razor.
  6. The targeted cut-in method: the ends of individual small strands are cut to different lengths. The technique is used to create a ragged effect and ensure natural hair movement.

Milling the ends

This procedure is carried out in order to make the hair cut line softer and smoother. The advantage of thinning hair, or rather its ends, makes it possible to:

  • simulate the shape of the haircut;
  • provide an attractive and natural appearance;
  • focus on the texture of the curls.

To evaluate the result of hair thinning, you should compare photos before and after performing the technique. In most cases, thinning is justified.

Thinning along the entire length

Hairdressers perform root thinning on people with both thick and thin hair. thin hair. In the first case, one should expect a decrease in volume, and in the second, on the contrary, its increase occurs.

Thinning hair along the entire length is used quite often. In this case, the strands are stretched and cuts are made either horizontally, or from roots to ends using a blade, or in a semicircle. In this case, the curls slightly fall apart and bend upward.

Properly executed thinning looks natural and does not spoil the haircut or hairstyle at all. As a result, hair is easy to style. Without professional thinning, the haircut lines look quite rough, which makes it impossible to achieve desired effect when creating a hairstyle.

When thinning your hair, you should adhere to certain rules:

  • the procedure is performed on dry hair after completing the main haircut;
  • in order to give your hair a natural look, before thinning you need to take a free strand in your hand and remember how different its volume is at the roots and at the ends;
  • To achieve a uniform haircut structure, it is necessary to maintain the same rhythm when working with scissors until the end of the procedure.

It is important that the master who performs thinning has a sense of proportion, especially if the hair is not naturally thick enough. Only in this case will thinning bring the desired result, and the haircut will look more neat and voluminous.

Many representatives of the fair sex are interested in the question: why do they thin their hair and how to do thinning at home?

Thinning is considered one of the most popular hair cutting techniques. This can be done with regular straight scissors, thinning scissors, a special razor or a straight razor.
Thinning is a hairdressing technique for thinning hair density, thanks to which you can add volume to the haircut, make the transitions soft, and thin out very Thick hair.

Thin haircuts suit all women, regardless of face type, hair and length. With the help of thinning, you can create a wide variety of hairstyles. However, it is worth remembering that thinning thin hair should be insignificant, otherwise the strands may become too thin and lack volume. It is not recommended to process curly strands as they will start to become even more frizzy. Thinning of thick hair should be thorough, but within reasonable limits. If you overdo it, the volume of your hair will be excessive, which will complicate styling and caring for your curls.

How thinning is done in salons

Today, most hairdressers believe that thinning is simply a necessary procedure when creating a fashionable haircut. This is the only way your hair will get enough volume and a more presentable look. In addition, with the help of this technique, hair becomes manageable and easily takes on the desired shape.

The main types of hair thinning used in hairdressing salons are:

  1. Processing bangs. As a rule, the ends of the bangs are milled, thanks to which it acquires a more expensive and aristocratic look. This effect is ensured by a smooth transition from the hair threads to the more delicate lines of the bangs. Most often they are thinned out this way.
  2. Root haircut. Thinning of the root zone of the hair is carried out by isolating additional short holding strands. This gives the curls natural volume and shape.
  3. Thinning along the entire length. Thanks to thinning along the entire length, you can achieve an original torn haircut, as well as successfully lighten too stiff and heavy curls.
Before going to the hairdresser, you need to take care in advance of choosing a master who specializes in thinning, since the procedure itself is a very sophisticated matter and to master it perfectly, you need a lot of experience.

How to make thinning at home

Of course, hair thinning requires certain skills and practice, but if you are not afraid to take risks and want to do this technique yourself, go for it! For this you can use regular scissors, straight razor or special scissors. The first independent experiment can be carried out on bangs, for example, if you decide to cut your hair, then the thinning technique will come in handy for you.

Thinning hair with regular scissors
The scissors should be parallel to the hair. To begin, comb a few strands, pull one of them, open the scissors and bring them somewhere in the middle. Slightly bring the working blades of the scissors together and simultaneously quickly advance them to the end of the hair. Under no circumstances should you close the scissors - this will definitely cut the strand.

Processing hair with a razor
The razor must be passed along the raised strand to its roots or the middle to the ends of the hair. The tool should be held almost parallel to the strand. Repeat the movement 4-5 times.

Thinning with thinning scissors
Special scissors are the easiest to work with - they can be closed because they selectively cut strands. The scissors are brought to the hair and closed several times along the strand. Hair can be cut either straight or oblique.

If you do not know how to thin or are not confident in your abilities, it is better not to take on this matter, but entrust your hair to the professional hands of a hairdresser!

In simulation modern haircuts milling allows you to give shape and volume. In some cases, this hairdressing technique can significantly improve the structure of sparse curls. Hair profiling is the cutting of individual strands, which helps shape the silhouette and emphasize all the advantages of the oval face.

What is the essence of the process

You can thin out the curls at the very roots, at the ends, or along the entire length, depending on the desired effect. Why thin your hair? - Thinning adds volume and fullness to any haircut.

There are three types of milling:

  • Radical;
  • "Ragged Haircut"- thinning the ends of the hair;
  • Thinning along the entire length.

What are the differences between these processes and can you do them yourself without visiting a hairdresser?

Short haircuts and soft, manageable curls

At home, you can use regular sharpened scissors with narrow tips or a special thinning tool (one-sided or double-edged scissors, depending on the type of hairstyle and the intended thinning).

The price of a professional hairdressing tool is considerable, but if the design and adjustment of the shape is carried out frequently, then the costs are worth it.

The process of root thinning is carried out as follows:

  • The hair is lifted using a wide-toothed comb from the roots;
  • Individual strands are cut at a height of one centimeter, at regular intervals.

Advice. Before thinning yourself, it is advisable to attend several hairdressing master classes, or practice on an old doll.

  • Vertical thinning, directed from the bottom up, is used to create fluffy bangs or lift the hair at the back of the head in garçon, cascade and semi-bob haircuts. Shorter curls at the bottom lift the top ones and give the hairstyle the necessary volume;

  • Horizontal thinning, performed along a stretched strand, but no more. How five millimeters of curl length helps create fashion effect“casual” - creative disorder;
  • Profiling the hair from the roots - cut thin strands from the root to the center and at the ends;

Advice. Practice on a wig before attempting thinning yourself. This is especially true for fashionistas whose curls grow slowly.

Thinning along the entire length

It is recommended to use special scissors, sharply sharpened, without notches or teeth. The slicing technique allows you to give clear outlines to your hairstyles medium length and emphasize asymmetrical bangs. The instructions for this technique recommend using this method in the forms of medium bob, cascade, page (see also the article “Hair loss on the crown of women: causes of the phenomenon and its prevention”).

Wet strands are thinned along the entire length from root to tip in the direction of stripes of the intended shape.

The “mush” technique involves hair pointing upward. This is done using a wide comb; the strands are thinned out at an equal vertical distance from the root to the ends.

How to thin medium-length and thick hair correctly long curls? Exactly the same as short ones. The only difference is that more attention You should pay attention to the shape of the hairstyle and the adjustment of the oval of the face.

Properly thinned hair can be easily styled when combed into a gorgeous, voluminous hairstyle.

Thinning the ends

Almost any completed haircut requires thinned ends of the hair. Thinning can be done using special scissors or razors. Depending on the option chosen, the tips can be straight or angled.

For bob and medium bob hairstyles, thinning the ends along the oblique is most often used. The required distance is two centimeters in width and five centimeters in length.

If there is an urgent need to perform fashionable haircut, and there is no time to go to the hairdresser, then you need to have the following tools on hand:

  • Special professional scissors for thinning (single-sided or double-sided);
  • A thinning razor for cutting hair - useful for those with short haircuts;
  • Dressing table - to see the result of the process from all sides;
  • A spray bottle with warm water for styling and moisturizing strands.

Most often, at home, you need to make the hair thicker at the back of the head or change the shape of the face using oblique bangs and temples.

Having pulled a thin strand from the root, we perform thinning, cutting off no more than five millimeters from the root to the center. It will help to increase the volume of your hairstyle " torn haircut“- thinning is carried out horizontally, cutting off the strands with a ladder, five millimeters less than the strand from above.

How to thin your hair and can you do it yourself? If you want, nothing is impossible, but you can also blame the result only on your skill.


The technique of thinning strands is used in almost any version of modern haircuts, and it must be performed by a master, a professional. It is quite difficult to achieve a great effect on your own. The proposed video in this article will allow you to become familiar with the use of the technique of thinning strands on both long and short hair (read also the article “ Balayage hairmodern technology staining").

How to make thinning? How to make thinning with regular scissors or a razor? It’s very necessary)


Yulenka Zaikova

For thinning you need special scissors


Hold the scissors vertically relative to the hair and cut at the desired distance.

Crazy Horse

To make hair look fuller, hairdressers cut it with regular scissors, thinning scissors or a razor. This creates a natural balance between long and short hair on the head. Various techniques Thinning the hair is called thinning or thinning.

Using regular scissors, hair strands can be thinned in different ways. Hair is cut with both straight and oblique cuts. Now thinning, performed using pointing, as well as slicing, is becoming increasingly popular. The shape of the hairstyle depends on which thinning method you choose. If the hairstyle needs to be given volume in some area, then, highlighting the vertical strands, they are milled from below. Short hair lift long hair and add volume to the strands.

If it is necessary for the hair to fit tightly to the head, the strands are milled from above.

Finally, to soften the contour of the hairstyle, give it a dynamic character and splendor, use the “saw teeth” method as in individual strands, and throughout the entire mass of hair. Milling the last way performed with scissors by cutting into the strands at a distance of 1-3 centimeters from the ends of the hair. Hair should be dry and clean. The edge of the strand becomes like saw teeth.

Thinning scissors are best for thinning soft, thick hair. Deep thinning is suitable for such hair, when the first cut is made at a distance of 1-3 centimeters from the roots of the hair. Deep thinning is contraindicated for coarse hair, otherwise it will stick out like the spines of a hedgehog.

The main thing in thinning is a sense of proportion. Of course, you also need to feel the hair, know which hairstyle is best suited to this or that type of face.

How to profile bangs

Bangs are very important element hairstyles It can draw attention to the face or, conversely, hide flaws. If your hair is thick enough, your bangs need to be thinned. Moreover, this can be done at home.

You will need

  1. Bangs, thinning scissors, comb, clips.


  • Thinning bangs is especially important when creating them. First, wash and dry your hair. It is not advisable to cut your bangs dirty hair, since the effect may not be the same. In addition, hair tends to spring back: without washing, there is a high chance that your bangs will turn out too short. It is better to thin out slightly wet hair. If you have curly hair, leave a couple of centimeters in reserve. Time for thinning bangs: 10-15 minutes.
  • So, after washing, separate your bangs from the rest of your hair. To keep them out of the way, pin them in the back with a clip or crab. Comb your bangs with a straight comb so that they lie on your forehead. Cut straight bangs by holding the scissors at a 45-degree angle. Divide all the hair on your forehead into 3 parts (you can large quantity) and start from the central strand. This way you will make the level of all bangs the same in the case of long bangs. In order to perform thinning, alternately twist the strands into flagella and trim the edges deep into the hair. At the same time, hold the scissors vertically: this is mandatory. Thinning with flagella is necessary to give bangs additional volume.
  • When performing oblique bangs with thinning, mark in central strand angle of inclination, and cut the left and right strands in accordance with this angle. Act carefully and boldly: cuts should be smooth and clear. However, don't rush. Thinning bangs is not cutting one length at once, but adjusting the length of the hair in the process. That's why final result looks natural and slightly careless.
  • While thinning, hold the strand with your left hand and the scissors with your right. In order to accurately measure the length, pull the strands harder. And even after choosing the desired length, keep your hair taut. Forefinger may rest on the bridge of the nose. Thinning bangs makes the strands lighter and airier. The fact is that hair of the same length is very monolithic: it lies in a layer. Therefore, such bangs quickly lose their shape.
  • If you intend to make side-swept or choppy bangs, hold the scissors vertically and make diagonal cuts. Thinning bangs is not recommended for all hair types. Thus, hairdressers do not advise performing thinning on hair with a very fine structure. As a result of such thinning, there will be practically nothing left of the hair. The main condition for thinning is the presence of thick and healthy hair.

How to make your hair a little thinner


Irina Ostapenko

scissors in your hands and inspiration in your soul))))))))


pour acid, or maybe tar.. they will immediately thin out.

Olga K.

Ask your hairdresser to profile your hair along the entire length - it will immediately thin out))


I also have very thick hair. But I would not recommend you experiment at home. Go to a salon and ask them to profile your hair. Professionals can do this procedure without shocking results.


No, I’ve heard about thicker ones, but how to make them thinner is strange

Yana Guseva

I would like your problem =)))

Marina Yas

Let me grow a little of your hair, because mine is thin and on one side it’s barely growing at all. On the advice of one forum member from the biobeauty forum, I was already planning to go to transhaier.... And here you are so lucky :)

Dasha Mokhova

yes... as I understand you.. everyone who has thin hair writes - oh, I would like your problems))) What about yours? You don’t have volume - I took some foam and curlers - that’s the volume. And we have? I can’t curl it - the cap is like Boniface’s, I can’t lick it with anything - it doesn’t help, the hair becomes more or less normal 5-6 days after washing. And the first days - just write - it’s gone. I once thinned heavily - yes, they are less frequent, but the split ends are terrible from thinning, the appearance is terrible. He advised me one thing, very good master- it’s not strange to cut all your hair exactly the same length, it becomes heavier, straighter and looks less thick - and so, I also use wax and oils