What to wear on a date with a man. The end goal of a date


The first date can easily become the last, you don't want that if you really like a man, do you? Then you need to take care of your appearance. We have prepared for you a lot of tips on what to wear depending on the chosen place. You will learn how to dress up for cultural events, cafes, restaurants, nature, cinema. You can choose the right bottom, top, shoes, accessories and look perfect. Believe me, the guy will certainly appreciate it!

When going on a first date, check with your boyfriend where it will take place. Feel free to find out, you will agree that it would be absurd to appear at a picnic in evening dress or in a museum in a tracksuit, even in the most fashionable one. Relevance and seasonality are the two main rules for choosing an outfit.

Cultural event

To attend an art exhibition, a theatrical performance or an organ concert, you can wear a skirt below the knee and a spectacular blouse or an elegant black midi dress. Heels - slightly above average or high, jewelry - not voluminous, but eye-catching, hair can be raised with a hairpin or slightly curled and loosened.

Black sheath dress

Date in a cafe or restaurant

Dinner at an upmarket restaurant has a strict dress code. Jeans and sportswear are strictly prohibited. An evening dress, long or short, is required. A stylish blazer and some jewelry (a small necklace, gold-plated earrings with a stone) will emphasize your status. The heel can be high, it visually lengthens the figure. By the way, we somehow understood that. Take a look at this article, which talks about Greek models, "on the floor" and many others.

You can come to the cafe in jeans, but elegant and combined with heels. No "boyfriends" and moccasins! A great addition is a mid-thigh tunic or a soft, stylish pullover. A win-win move is a dress. Accessories are also needed (pendant, small earrings, wrist bracelet) and a jacket in the cold season.

Casual clothing

Hair should be styled in waves or picked up. Don't forget about convenience. Curls falling into a plate will not make a good impression on your chosen one.

A walk to the movies

Dress a little more smartly than usual. Add small touches to everyday clothes. A bright scarf and a beret instead of a sports cap, a coat instead of a down jacket or boots on a small wedge will help transform the look.

Jeans under a coat with a scarf

Party in a nightclub

Avoid provocative and revealing clothing. Mystery and intrigue are allowed, but not vulgarity. No transparent blouses, skirts-belts! You can also look stylish in tight-fitting trousers with a tunic or top, in a cropped pullover with three-quarter sleeves and a tight mid-length skirt. Add to this large earrings or voluminous beads and a bracelet.

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A beautiful hairpin will not be comfortable, after a couple of hours such shoes will begin to rub, and your legs will hurt from it. Choose spacious shoes with medium, not thin heels and relax in comfort.

Hairstyle - at your discretion, just do not allow complex, bulky designs. Take a hair clip or a suitable hair band with you to collect your hair while relaxing after the fiery dances.

Skinny jeans and white top

Trip to nature, picnic

The best clothes are in sports style: jeans, leggings, loose-fitting trousers, a zip-up jacket, comfortable flat shoes, but not sneakers. Don't forget a hat for the season, a backpack or a comfortable shoulder bag. Take water, wet wipes and paper tissues with you. The hairstyle is everyday, no shiny varnishes and rhinestones. Everything should be comfortable!

Stylish sports suit

A few more tips about . You will learn what should be included in the wardrobe, and what should be thrown into the trash a long time ago. Our article about that will help to put everything on the shelves. Here you will find several effective methods and general helpful tips.

To conquer a man, you should also. Read here how to take care of your hair, hands, face and body skin.

Strike a man on the spot with your sociability, take note of our list of the best.

If you feel no more than 25, look at what the girl in this video offers, she has prepared specific bows:

Features of choice depending on the season

Dress appropriately for the weather and season. Do not be lazy, look at the weather forecast before choosing an outfit. It should be suitable not only for the date, but also for the time of year.

  • in winter When going to a restaurant, do not choose too thin fabrics and sandals. Half boots and a dress under a fur coat would be more appropriate.
  • Spring and autumn do not forget to take a light coat or jacket, an umbrella with you. A chiffon scarf around the neck will look beautiful.
  • In summer you should not wear a T-shirt and shorts, of course, if you have not agreed to meet on the beach. A light dress, thin loose trousers and a blouse, sandals with a small heel are more suitable for a date in hot weather. Actual clean and collected at the top of the hair.

Choose comfortable and appropriate clothes, but do not radically change your style so as not to lose confidence in yourself.

Also keep in mind that on the first date you need to come dressed to the nines, because in any case they are met by clothes.

How not to dress for a first date with a guy

When dressing for a first date, avoid:

  • Candid cutouts in clothes. Vulgarity attracts attention temporarily, while mystery attracts more serious interest. Open up a little, but do not put all your virtues on display. If you really like a transparent blouse, put it on, but always over a tight T-shirt or turtleneck.
  • Short shorts and skirts. In them, a woman looks more frivolous, and even quoting Lermontov by heart will not be able to smooth the impression.
  • An abundance of jewelry. Do not take the meaning of the word "shine" literally. The presence of rings on each finger in especially impressionable men can cause a stable image of a gypsy fortune teller. Choose one accent: earrings, beads, a ring or a bracelet that matches the style of the outfit.

Neat clothes, clean shoes and a neat hairstyle will always help you to be on top, even if you didn’t guess with the style of clothes for the first date.

And this video with a selection of 5 things that you should not choose for a first date:

Don't push your luck - take your first date outfit seriously! Suddenly, your soul mate is waiting for you on it, which you can simply scare away with an ugly appearance?

Psychologists almost unanimously argue that the beginning of a serious feeling that arises in our heart is evidenced by the fact that after a date with a young man, we remember in all details not our own, but his outfit. Some ladies really assure that this is no longer love, but real crazy love. Others shrug their shoulders doubtfully, being living evidence that there are many exceptions, and indeed such a rule works only in one direction, because the reverse is not necessarily true. Be that as it may, no matter how well you keep your image in your memory as a pleasant memory or no matter how frivolously you treat your wardrobe in general, it is simply necessary to take the time to select an outfit. Especially when it comes to the first date...

The question of choosing an outfit for the first, and for the second, third and twenty-fifth important date should be asked in advance . The latest is the day before (it is better to spend the evening in pleasant dreams and have a good sleep). We prudently hang out the chosen outfit, check the heels on the shoes, bring cleanliness and tidiness to perfection, look in advance for a hair straightener / curlers / lucky comb / favorite set of decorative cosmetics / stylish and appropriate jewelry. We make the most important decision about which fragrance to wear for the upcoming meeting. Light and beloved by you is best, but it is also important to take into account the influence of perfume on our mood and on the perception of the male half. Magical Kilian perfume for mystery or light trail Trezor in love from Lancome for feminine sophistication? All these preparations, from practical actions to the formation of an emotional mood, will help reduce the nervousness of the upcoming meeting, eliminate the image of ideal perfection in a hurry, when something is sure to fly out of your head, and also reduce the risk of being late to nothing. After all, it is permissible for a girl to linger only for a period of no more than 15 minutes, and not for a time of 3 times 15 ... Yes, and the chosen one during an exciting wait may well wind himself up, after which the naturalness and ease in your communication may be in question.

What should a girl look like on a first date? Fashionable, sexy, stunning? The male half of humanity, supported by psychologists and stylists, believes that if the fair sex is also counting on subsequent meetings, is focused on a long-term serious relationship, then the choice in the outfit should be in favor of the romantic classic of the image . The highest mark in the perfect outfit for a first date is occupied by a dress or a skirt with a blouse, high-heeled shoes, loose hair, in the cold season - raincoats and coats, draped scarves, long, but discreet gloves in design.

Details are worked out taking into account your own tastes and convenience . If you feel like a tightrope walker on high heels, then it’s a good idea to choose ballet flats, in which you definitely won’t fall, stumbling out of the blue.

The most unspectacular outfits for the first date, as a rule, include jeans and sometimes trousers, in which contrasting femininity and airiness, sexual lightness do not become direct associations with the overall image. In the general style of the outfit, avoid pretentiousness, accessories should not be too catchy, at least their number should be moderate. A man should not be focused on your bright accents, but on you - on your face, your eyes and lips . By the way, all stocks of cosmetics are useless, but you can’t neglect makeup on a first date.

As for color, it is best to choose pastel or softened colors . So our favorite black and red are too "talking" about sex and high ambitions, they may well scare a man at the subconscious level, and therefore are undesirable. It is also better to exclude pink and yellow - they very openly hint at the frivolity of a pretty woman and push a man to frivolity or excessive looseness. In the previously published article ": 11 colors of your sexuality" you will find tips on the effect produced on the stronger sex by other color options. The palm for the first date belongs to the impractical white, which men perceive not only as the most feminine option, but also as a compliment - after all, this amazing girl is with him now. .

Yours and his outfit on a date, his expectations

We return to what our life can never do without, to exceptions to the general rules ... How successful the chosen outfit will be depends largely on the style of your chosen one (and on plans for your general day / evening) , and not just from your taste and skills in male psychology. So if a young man does not get out of a tracksuit, then you are in dizzying heels, the embodiment of style and the latest fashion trends, on your first date with him, you may well find yourself suddenly “out of shape”. The same is sometimes true with regard to the sweet simplicity of the female appearance, when a companion appears at the parade - in shoes polished to a shine, in a tie with a perfect knot and an elegant pin, and, of course, in a suit. A couple that differs greatly in style will look a little funny, and the girl and the boy in it will experience a certain awkwardness.

Separately, it should be noted that at a romantic meeting, a very strong change in image, even if it is undoubtedly for the better, is not always a good decision . To find out, they will recognize you, but after all, inviting, it is quite possible that he tuned in to something completely different. So Miranda, the heroine of the Sex and the City series, was once very surprised when a new suitor literally ran away from her, beautiful and perfect, on their first romantic date. It turned out that the whole point was that initially he was captivated by her sweet naturalness and awkwardness - not made up, disheveled and in a gym outfit.

What is he thinking about?

What do women want, what do men think… You should not question the Universe, addressing it with such philosophical topics… Your ease and naturalness is the key to success, it’s not the packaging that decides, but how it is presented. Polls among men show that a woman they really like does not catch on with anything in particular (attire, bust or hairstyle), but is remembered in a general way as a whole. It is difficult for men to highlight the details, but at the same time, the first impression of harmony is very important for them. Packaging, presentation ... the main thing is the content, your inner beauty, which needs to be emphasized, revealed on the first date and on each next, only in a different way, in a new way, because a woman is a mystery that a man must solve throughout their life .< div>

Maria Koshenkova

Preparing for a long-awaited meeting with a guy usually begins with a dejected look into the depths of the closet: “I have nothing to wear!”. And, having received an invitation for a date, running in a hurry for a new dress and shoes is not the right decision. Surely there are a couple of things in the closet that will help create an interesting image and please a man. Replenishment in the wardrobe is, of course, wonderful, but not for the first “walking” of a new thing on a date: it can be uncomfortable, restrict movement, and you will have to spend the whole evening straightening a sleeve that slips from your shoulder or a skirt that rises up. This is especially true for shoes - they must be reliable and tested by at least two or three preliminary exits, then the date will not be spoiled by the search for the nearest pharmacy and a band-aid.

Basic rules for choosing an outfit for a first date

Convenience, comfort

The first date with a guy is already quite an exciting event, which in itself can cause embarrassment and awkwardness in a girl, so it is important that the clothes in which she came were “comfortable”, fit well. That is why you should not go on a first date in a new thing.

If you really want to beat your boyfriend with a chic dress bought on the occasion of the upcoming meeting, then you must first “walk” this outfit at least once in order to assess how comfortable it is, get used to it and feel confident.

The same applies to shoes - you need to check the stability of the heel (if any) in advance, spread the shoes a little in order to enjoy communication on a date, and not think about a rubbed finger aching from pain.

Compliance of the image with the situation

When choosing an outfit, you should definitely consider where the date will take place. You should not radically change your style - it will be uncomfortable for yourself, and the man will surely notice that his companion feels "out of place." However, the style of clothing should match the situation, and you need to work hard to create an image:

  • if a man invites a girl to a restaurant, then a dress and high-heeled shoes would be appropriate;
  • jeans with a blouse and comfortable pumps or ballet shoes are suitable for going to the cinema or for a walk in the park;
  • if active recreation is expected (horseback riding, cycling), then it is better to choose sports shoes that will be convenient and comfortable;
  • for going to the theater, to an exhibition or to a concert, both a dress and trousers or a skirt with a blouse are ideal; if it is a cold season, the image can be supplemented with a cardigan, or instead of a blouse, choose an elegant sweater;
  • if a man invites you to a club on a first date, then the style should be appropriate, club-like;
  • for the first date, it is better to abandon overly strict outfits, office suits (except when the date is planned immediately after work and there is no way to change clothes) - such a girl may seem too cold and unapproachable to a man.

Accessories should emphasize, complement the image, without distracting attention from the "hostess" herself. You should not put on all the jewelry at once - it will look tasteless. But an elegant chain with a pendant, a hair clip, a scarf made of light and delicate fabric, a neat handbag will enliven the image and help set the accents.

Particular attention should be paid to makeup. It should not be too bright, defiant, but you should not refuse it at all either. A light make-up that emphasizes natural beauty is always in fashion and always appropriate: a man will appreciate that a girl is taking care of herself, but she will not think about the question of what will remain of this beautiful face when she washes her face throughout the evening. Hairstyle should also match the image. Loose hair, light curls emphasize femininity and romance and will surely please a man. A low bun in all sorts of options, a bagel, braids (for example, a loose braid to one side), half-loose hair, a Greek hairstyle also looks quite elegant and feminine.

The end goal of a date

If, going on a date with a man, a girl plans to seduce him, then all methods can be used: bright makeup, a miniskirt, a deep neckline, high-heeled shoes, and fishnet stockings. True, the combination of all this can immediately shock even the most daring man, sexuality is also good in moderation.

When planning to build a serious relationship, you should not openly demonstrate all your virtues from the first date (even if you have something to brag about, this is not the time yet).

You need to choose feminine images, but not aggressively sexy. For a first date, it is better to give up deep necklines and translucent clothes, the ideal length of a dress or skirt is up to the knee. You can generally wear a maxi - it's both beautiful and elegant.

Good color scheme and style of clothes

The cut of clothes, as you know, can both emphasize the dignity of the figure and hide the flaws, and vice versa. Therefore, when choosing an outfit for a date, first of all, you need to focus on the fact that the “suit sits” on the figure. To assess how good the chosen dress looks from the side, you can take several photos from different angles - this will help you decide what is really worth going on a date with and what to leave for another occasion.

A sheath dress is an undeniable classic that will help create an elegant, feminine look and is suitable both for going to a cafe or restaurant, and for visiting a theater, museum, exhibition, ideal for slender girls. A floor-length dress looks very feminine and romantic, in addition, a long dress will help hide leg imperfections. Dress in the Greek style, free cut is suitable for full girls and will help to correct figure flaws.

In this selection of photos of dresses - the most successful ideas on how to go on a first date, which will help you look unique and stylish:

Also an important factor influencing the image of a girl is the color scheme of her outfit. For a first date, the ideal choice would be:

  • black color is a classic that is appropriate for almost any occasion, however, in order not to look gloomy, it is worth “diluting” it (if it is a suit - with a light or bright blouse, if it is a dress - add accessories);
  • a great alternative to black - dark blue, burgundy, purple, they look no less elegant;
  • pastel, muted colors will help emphasize the tenderness, romance of nature;
  • colorful colors - only as an additional touch (for example, a colored blouse for a dark suit), but not the main one;
  • hot pink, red colors are undesirable for a first date (the only exception can be a red sheath dress or a trapeze with a jacket - this will not look vulgar and will not spoil the guy’s first impression with stereotypical associations);
  • the femininity of the image of the model with guipure inserts, light, flowing fabrics are emphasized, which is especially important in summer.


Despite the fact that a woman is set for a serious relationship, and not for a date for one evening, underwear should still be impeccable. And not only because plans can change and you want to stay with a man until the morning (although this option is not excluded) - beautiful underwear adds confidence, increases self-esteem, even if no one except her knows what a chic set she is wearing this evening. Even without planning to undress, it is best to wear the kit. Underwear should be selected so that its silhouette is not visible through the fabric of clothing.

Matching the outfit with the weather and time of year

If for a summer date the choice of clothes is limited only by colors and style, then for the cold season it is a more difficult task. The main rule to remember is that a girl should not only look beautiful, but also not freeze at the same time. A red nose and hunched shoulders from the cold will not add to the attractiveness. For a walk in the park in autumn, when it’s already cool, but you still want to enjoy nature and breathe fresh air, jeans with a sweater, a jacket or raincoat that fits your figure, and comfortable shoes are ideal.
If you don’t have to walk a lot, then you can put on beautiful ankle boots with heels, this will emphasize femininity. It is especially worth taking care of your health and comfort when going on a date to the skating rink or for a walk on the street: a stylish knitted scarf and a hat will look no worse than loose hair, not according to the weather.

Typical mistakes girls make when choosing clothes for a first date

  1. the desire to put on all the best and at once;
  2. excessively bright, defiant makeup (unsuccessfully, stupidly putting on makeup is worse than not wearing makeup at all);
  3. too everyday clothes, familiar and everyday jeans;
  4. tight, too revealing clothes, emphasizing the flaws of the figure;
  5. poor choice of shoes in an effort to please a man (high heels are undoubtedly beautiful, but painful for hiking).

Myths about female beauty and preparation for dates

Myth 1. Appearance is not the main thing for a decent girl

Of course, a man evaluates a girl not only as a beautiful shell, but also as a person, a keeper of the hearth, a hostess, an interlocutor, but also pays attention to her appearance. And here we are not talking about impeccable, glossy beauty and outfits from the latest collection of fashion designers, but about a sense of style and the desire to emphasize your natural attractiveness with a successful ensemble of clothes and makeup. You can look "a million" in ordinary jeans, choosing an interesting look.

Myth 2. Good men prefer smart women over stupid, painted dolls.

This is undeniably true, most men prefer a relationship with a smart girl who is interesting. But to assess personal qualities, time is needed, communication, and the initial impression is formed already from the first meeting, so do not neglect the care of appearance when deciding how to dress for a first date.

Myth 3. Let him accept me for who I am.

This is the right approach when it comes to acceptance in general - as a person, as a person with all its advantages and disadvantages. Acceptance occurs in the process of getting to know each other, but not on the first date, when people get acquainted only with the “shell”. Therefore, for a first date, appearance is of no small importance: grooming, neatness is always in fashion and does not require excessive effort.

Myth 4. The more naked body, the higher the chances of winning a man

Perhaps yes, but when it comes to a serious relationship. A short skirt, an open back and a deep neckline will surely impress a man, but not for long. When a man sees such a clear appeal to his instincts, he accepts the terms of the game, but he is unlikely to take this girl seriously and plan a long-term relationship with her.

Thinking about the question of what to wear on a first date, the main thing is not to rush from one extreme to another, to be natural, to be yourself, well, and to work a little to “show” yourself worthy. Do not put on everything at once, shiny and open, and put on make-up like on the podium, but go on a date smart, well-groomed, stylish.

There is no doubt that the vast majority of serious relationships between a man and a woman begin with a first date. Let me be old-fashioned, but the first date, like the first impression, is a decisive factor in the further development of events between the couple. If you want to make a good impression, then first of all, you need to know how to dress for a date.

Today we will analyze a few tips that will help a man decide what to wear on a first date. It doesn't matter if you're dating "blindly" or have known each other for many years. You have to pick the right date outfit to be confident in your style.

Do you think that by captivating a girl with your charm and charm and inviting her on a first date, you have done the main job?! No matter how. Perhaps you were able to take the phone from her and forced her to succumb to your invitation to a cafe or restaurant, but this is just an excuse and an opportunity to see each other again. No more.

How to dress for a date

On the way to your goal (for someone it is to find a person for life; for someone it is to find a girl to spend evening and night with her), there should be as few mistakes as possible, because there may no longer be a second chance . Where to begin?

First, you must decide where exactly you are going to go on your first date. I will not give my recommendations, which is better, go to a restaurant or go skating. But, in my opinion, going to the cinema, for example, is not the best option. Sitting for 2 hours, while chewing popcorn and trying to ridiculously throw a hand on a girl is the plot of a classic comedy.

Secondly, the recommendations and style that I will be covering should not be a strict plan for action. I hope you understand that the sense of style itself should be gradually developed in you yourself. Therefore, if you think that this or that part of the wardrobe does not suit you, feel free to change it. The main rule is to feel confident! But we'll talk about this a little later.

So, how to dress for a date and what tips a man can take note of, we will analyze further.

Date in nature / walk in the park or city

Who hasn't had a date in nature or in the park? Each teenager, not having a lot of money, arranges a date in the park in 90% of cases (statistics “out of my head”, I did not look for reliable sources). In younger years, a walk under the evening lights seems to be something magical and unforgettable, and a picnic on the lawn is the best opportunity to get to know each other in an informal setting.

The best choice of clothes for dates in nature is practical,. If you do not know where you will be taken, it is better not to wear white or light ones. As soon as you sit on the grass or a bench, immediately plant a spot. The best choice would be denim jeans in dark blue or indigo, as well as chinos in dark colors: blue, dark blue, dark gray. From above, I would advise you to wear and be sure to bring a sweater with you, or even better -. If it gets cool, you can cover your girlfriend's shoulders and prove yourself a gentleman. From shoes, it is best to choose classic borg, monks or moccasins (you can read more about men's classic shoes). If you are going to walk a lot - white classic sneakers.

Date in a cafe / dinner in a regular restaurant

There are situations when it is convenient to arrange dates in a cafe or an ordinary, not “pretentious” restaurant. For example, after the end of the class, you can go with a classmate to the nearest cafe and have a cup of coffee with a piece of cake.

In this case, I recommend adding a little formality to the casual dress code and instead of a T-shirt and sweater, wear a casual shirt and a casual jacket / . If you do not have a jacket, you can replace with a V-neck. From shoes - classic men's shoes or good classic (not sports!) sneakers in white. It turns out practically, in which you can even go to a club with a girl.

Dinner at a good restaurant

If you have invited a girl to a good restaurant, and this is already a very serious date, then you should dress appropriately.

You must have at least one . It must be worn on dates where it is required to comply. In addition to the classic suit, there should be light colors. Putting on a suit, you should pick up classic shoes. In addition, accessories such as a tie can also be recommended.

  • Do not wear black or overly bright, provocative wardrobe items. You have a holiday - the first date, why wear mourning black? Bright colors, such as red or bright orange, will distract your interlocutor or even worse, annoy. Recommended colors: dark blue, beige, brown, white. I do not recommend: black, orange, bright green, red. Colors for the bold and self-confident: dark green, burgundy, dark purple.
  • Your clothes must be clean and tidy. . . Socks without holes.
  • For the first date, wear what you feel comfortable in. But this does not mean that you should come in sweatpants and a sports jacket.
  • Do not wear newly purchased clothes if you are not 100% sure of them. New shoes can rub. A new suit may not be tailored to your figure. A new shirt may come with a label that will rub against the neck or body. Why bother with these misunderstandings?

Personal care

An important detail that should never be neglected is self-care.

  • Rule number one - hair must be cut and properly washed. Nails must be trimmed. Read . If you have a beard, make sure it is neatly trimmed and styled. If you shave, you should shave without cuts. I recommend reading the article with tips. I hope you don't need to be reminded that before a date you need to take a shower?
  • Rule number two - choose a good one with a light scent. But do not overdo it with its quantity! There is nothing worse than a man who, at a distance of 5 meters, smells of caustic perfume.
  • Rule number three is fresh breath, but preferably without chewing gum.
  • Rule number four - put a regular cotton handkerchief in the back pocket of your trousers / pants or the inside pocket of your jacket. Believe me, sometimes a handkerchief offered to a girl in time works wonders.

In conclusion

Having analyzed a few tips and tricks, I think you have understood the general principles of how to dress for a date and not lose face. The main thing to remember is not what you wear, but how you wear it. If you have never worn a business classic suit, then you should not wear it on a date. I assure you, at first glance you can see whether a person wore trousers, a jacket, shoes or not. The first date is not a field for experimenting in clothes, so you should follow these tips for a man who is going to meet a lady.

I wish you luck on your date!

Do you finally have a date with a guy you've had your eye on for a long time? Do you open your wardrobe and don't know what to wear for the occasion? When you know exactly what not to wear on a first date, making your choice becomes much easier.

The time has come again when I decided to go on a date again. Maybe I'm driven by the fear of dying alone and I'm tired of spending lonely evenings and falling asleep in an empty, cold bed? Regardless of the reason, I'm going to add to the number of first dates I've had before. Since I already have experience in these matters, I can tell you with confidence what you should not wear with a man so as not to spoil his impression of you.

No. 1 No cutouts and tops

On a first date, in no case should you wear this most common item of women's clothing. You may have the most beautiful breasts on the planet, but you can't let him see them even through the gap in your blouse. Firstly, the demonstration of the chest does not leave any mystery about you, and secondly, it is vulgar.

It doesn't matter how hot it is outside, there's no reason for you to wear a miniskirt on your first date. This petite piece of clothing shows too many legs and no inhibitions at all. If you put on a skirt that is too short, you leave no reason for the imagination at all for a man - he already sees everything perfectly. The skirt for the first date should be just above the knee. This will look great! In addition, your pumped up calves will be visible.

#3 Clothes should be in season

No New Year's Eve sweaters in July! No need to wear a fur coat in the summer either. Anyway, I don't need to tell you how funny and ridiculous this can look.

#4 No flashy blouses

Unless, of course, you and your boyfriend are going to a Hawaiian luala party. A blouse in toxic shades that makes a guy want to wear sunglasses is not the best option for a first date. Neon clothing colors are not suitable for your occasion. In addition, such clothes are out of fashion a long time ago, so it's better to throw them away.

We are nervous, and when we are nervous, we can put on too much makeup, overdoing it with lipstick or eye shadow. Once I got burned on this, now the lesson is learned. Men do not like to kiss women who have a thick layer of lipstick on their lips, especially bright. They do not like it when cosmetics remain on their face after a kiss. The rule of three applies here: foundation, natural lip color and mascara. You can apply some blush for a radiant complexion.

#6 Too high a heel

Here are two reasons why you shouldn't wear too high a heel on a first date. The first reason is that it looks defiant. I don’t like this word, but if you think in high heels, then it should not be more than ten centimeters, otherwise you will be left with a bad impression. The second reason is that walking during a date is a necessity. If you are offered to take a walk after dinner, then you will not be enough for a long time. I know you can object, you were “born in heels, you can walk several kilometers in your huge stilettos” ... but I warn you.

№7 Red nail polish

Yes, it's sexy. I mostly paint only red, I'm madly in love with this color. However, red nails don't say much about you on a first date. The reason why you need to choose a different color of nail polish for such an occasion is that you are a “vamp” girl who is ready to tear his heart apart before emptying his wallet. I know this may sound exaggerated, but it's best to leave the red polish on.

Unless your date falls on Halloween, these tights will never be appropriate on a first date. Moreover, I do not think that such a thing can be worn in the first three months of dating. Of course, fishnet tights or stockings look very sexy on women's legs and men just go crazy for them, but you need to pass the time before putting on such things.

#9 Anything that shows too much of your body is not good for a first date

On a date, you should not look like you showed up naked or forgot to wear something. Put on a moderate length skirt, blouse with a smaller cutout on the chest. Things also should not be too tight. Of course, you have a beautiful body, but you don’t need to openly demonstrate it on a first date.

#10 Jeans and T-shirt

Finally, the last thing you can’t wear on a date is jeans with a T-shirt. I don't mean cool, stylish jeans and a nice plain t-shirt, which are actually perfect for a date. I'm talking about the ripped jeans and Metallica T-shirt you wore in class 8. Unless your date is at a rock concert, of course.

You must show on the first date with your behavior, including clothes, that you are a calm, balanced woman with taste. After all, your companion should listen to you, and not stare at your chest or legs.

Put on something comfortable and convenient that will give a reason for his imagination to run wild. For a man, it should remain a mystery how you look under a blouse or sweater.

What do you like to wear on a date? Do you have a favorite outfit for this occasion?