Interesting DIY crafts made from waste material. How to decorate your dacha with simple but interesting crafts from unnecessary material

With your own hands

Crafts from waste material– these are not only original, but also economical decorations for the home. There is no point in spending extra money on materials when you can make extraordinary things from recycled materials that are thrown away.

You can safely involve children in the process of making crafts to develop their fantasy and imagination.

More recently, a new direction has appeared in modern creativity called artdump. Verbatim from in English"dump" is translated as "garbage". Many artists, sculptors and other craftsmen work on creating works from recycled materials.

The new-fangled trend is spreading for another reason: it protects environment. Tons of garbage, instead of going to landfills and poisoning the atmosphere, are used to create accessories.

What materials can be useful for creating unique trinkets? The most commonly used inorganic household waste is:

  1. Paper – old magazines and newspapers, cardboard and products made from it.
  2. Plastic – plastic bottles, cocktail straws, caps, disposable tableware.
  3. Metal – cans made of tin, aluminum caps for beer or carbonated drinks.
  4. Scraps of fabric.
  5. Glass – cracked glasses, glasses or unwanted bottles.
  6. Old CDs.
  7. Burnt out light bulbs.

Interesting! Functions in the West a large number of recycling plants. In our country, similar enterprises are also gradually beginning to be created.

DIY crafts made from plastic

Products made of plastic can decorate your home, garden, cottage, vegetable garden and playground.

Excellent material for expressing imagination - plastic plates. From such secondary raw materials it is possible to make masquerade masks. To do this, you need to cut out holes for the eyes and paint them to match the appearance of the animal you want to depict. It could be a tiger, a cat, a lion, ladybug and other animals. Additional items(ears, mane) are cut out from plates and glued. Don't forget about the string or elastic band.

Appliques can decorate any room. You can do anything on a plate: voluminous flowers, paper figures animals cut out of felt. Here the flight of fantasy can be endless. Can be done interesting composition: Glue the bird and felt eggs to a plate and decorate a nest of feathers and twigs around them.

A common material from which many crafts are made is the bottom of a plastic bottle. From it you can make:

  1. Plastic lampshade. Neatly cut bottoms of the same color or different shades glued together to form a ball. An original lampshade comes out of it.
  2. Applications made of plastic. Bottle bottoms make beautiful flowers. By gluing such material to cardboard and decorating it, you can make interesting decoration for home. You can find photos showing similar applications.
  3. Funny pig. The whole bottle will be a decoration and a toy for children. She is painted in pink color and glue on the ears, legs and tail cut out of plastic.

Products made from plastic bottles, forks and spoons can be varied, you just have to show your imagination.

Crafts from old CDs

Various discs are made from glitter crafts. Unnecessary disks will be an excellent material for creating original crafts and accessories.

If you have old CDs lying around at home, you shouldn’t throw them away, but rather make interesting crafts:

  • Candlestick. A disc is used as a base, and decorative balls are glued along the edge using superglue. When one layer is completely completed, the next one is glued onto it. The best option– 4 layers of balls.

  • Christmas decorations. To prepare beautiful toys For the Christmas tree, you need to purchase transparent decorations. Cut the disk into small parts and then glue it onto the toy. When it is filled with mosaics, you need to carefully unscrew the top fastening and place golden brocade fabric inside. You can make a lot of these toys, they will look great on the Christmas tree.
  • Frame for mirror or photographs. To do this you need to cut a lot small parts from CDs. Then a regular flat frame is covered with mosaic.

  • Coasters for cups. In this case, discs with an interesting image can be left in their original form, and ordinary ones can be embellished. To do this, take a piece of fabric, from which 2 identical parts are cut out around the disk. The CD is covered on both sides with double-sided tape, to which fabric parts are then attached.

Idea! You can come up with a variety of compositions from CDs, for example, window decorations, animal figurines, chandeliers, bracelets. Australian Sean Avery decorates his yard and home with whimsical animals made from pieces of disks.

Cardboard crafts for children

Various boxes of shoes, candy and household appliances are thrown away every day.

An ordinary cardboard box can be turned into a toy for children. You just need to show a little patience and give freedom to your imagination.

You can watch a master class on making a TV. To make the process even more interesting, it is worth involving the child in it and preparing the following materials:

  • medium cardboard box;
  • cellophane or cling film;
  • scissors;
  • scotch;
  • drawing paper;
  • markers and pencils.

The top flaps of the box need to be cut off and then turned upside down. Draw a rectangle on the side surface and cut it out. The hole is sealed with cellophane or cling film. The TV screen is ready. You can make a remote control from the leftovers. The homemade TV is ready, all that remains is to paint it.

For television “programs” you need to make puppets. To do this take:

  • cardboard or thick paper;
  • scissors;
  • felt-tip pens or pencils;
  • ice cream sticks;
  • scotch.

You need to draw your favorite children's characters on cardboard or paper, color them and cut them out. An ice cream stick is glued to the back of the figures using tape. The puppet is ready!

Aquarium with fish. You can make an aquarium from an ordinary medium box. To make it you need the following materials:

  • medium cardboard box;
  • thick white paper;
  • pencils or markers;
  • threads and scissors;
  • colored paper;
  • shells;
  • beads;
  • plasticine;
  • scotch;
  • Super glue.

Cut off one side of the box. Cover the inside with light blue or dark blue paper, and the bottom with yellow paper. Glue shells and algae made from plasticine to the bottom using superglue. Draw fish and others on paper sea ​​creatures, color and cut them out. Then strings are attached to the figures and glued with tape. You can string beads onto threads and attach them in the same way. The colorful aquarium is ready.

You can make many interesting items for children from cardboard boxes: doll beds, household appliances, airplanes, houses, cars.

Attention! Homemade toys are in some ways much better than ready-made ones, because they develop the child’s imagination and imagination.

Children's crafts from waste materials

Children must be involved in the process of making toys or crafts from household waste. So, the baby will learn to be careful about surrounding objects and will develop his imagination. Interesting gizmos may come in handy kindergarten, on school activities or to participate in a competition on the topic “Ecology”.

Swimming turtle. It’s easy to make such a toy, and the child can take a bath with it in the bath. Materials you will need:

  • flat wide sponge;
  • plastic bottle (0.5 l);
  • buttons;
  • paper;
  • strong threads and needle;
  • marker.

The bottom of the bottle will serve as a shell, which must be carefully cut off. Then it must be attached to the sheet and circled with a marker. The legs and head of the future turtle are added to the resulting template. You need to cut out a template of the animal along the contour, then apply it to the sponge and cut it out. Place the bottom of the bottle on the base of the turtle and attach it with a thread, stitching it with a needle through a sponge. The threads wrapped around the shell on top are connected with a small piece of thread and decorated with a button.

Hare. This craft, made of fabric, will please any child. The following materials will be useful:

  • a piece of sleeve from a children's jacket;
  • scissors;
  • cotton wool or synthetic winterizer;
  • threads

The bottom corner of the fabric must be folded in such a way as to create a pointed top. It is cut into 2 parts - these will be bunny ears, which need to be tied with thread. Then the top is stuffed with cotton wool (sintepon), forming a head, and again tied with thread. Next, take a thread or thin tape and tie the fabric crosswise, forming the paws of the animal. The thread (ribbon) is tied in a bow at the back. The cute bunny is ready.

Crafts from waste is a topic that makes people think creatively, get used to treating nature with care, instill environmental thinking in children, develop their craftsmanship skills, and satisfy aesthetic needs.

On planet Earth, people produce approximately 3.5 million tons of waste and garbage every day. Over time, this figure will, unfortunately, grow, but not decrease. Now all civilized humanity understands that this is serious problem, requiring a decision that must be cardinal. What does a radical decision mean? If you threw a bus ticket on the ground, throw it there too a plastic cup from under the coffee, poured broken glass V " secluded place"in the forest, then this is not a fundamental solution to the problem. In this barbaric way, you solved the purely personal problem of not cluttering your space with trash at home or at work.

Meanwhile, in developed countries people have learned to sort industrial and household waste and recycle it. Recycling of recyclable materials is called (from the English recycling - recycling). That is to an ordinary person Just carefully sort the garbage and put it outside. Then begins the work of specialists who give the garbage a second life. However creative personalities sometimes they find amazing ideas for making something useful or interesting out of garbage.

What types of recyclable materials can be used for manufacturing various crafts? First of all, this is paper, old clothes, different types plastic, wood waste, scrap metal, glass and glass products, rubber and rubber objects.

Why is it worth recycling waste and making something out of it, rather than just throwing it away?

  1. Once waste enters the environment, it becomes a pollutant. For example, 1 liter machine oil, poured onto the ground, forms a thin film on it with an area of ​​two football fields.
  2. Many resources on globe are exhaustible or limitedly renewable, so it is quite logical to use waste as secondary raw materials.
  3. Garbage and worn-out items are a cheaper source for making new products than natural ones. Here it would be appropriate to use the statement that the rich are rich not because they spend a lot, but because they know how to save.
  4. Making crafts from garbage - a most exciting activity, requiring creativity and ingenuity. You can involve children of any age in the process, which will take them away from computers and tablets and make the family more friendly.

What can be made from waste

In everyday life, people often use things obtained from garbage. These things can be obtained in production, or they can be made with your own hands. Here are some examples of using garbage as recyclable materials.

The scourge of garbage cans in Russia is plastic bottles. What can be made from plastic waste in production? Turns out, this type Garbage is very easy to recycle, and it can be recycled an infinite number of times! At the enterprises, caps and labels will be removed from the bottles, sorted by color, then compressed, crushed, passed through a steam boiler to remove residual impurities and eventually get granules (flex). Flex can be used to produce not only plastic containers, but also, for example, non-woven or polyester. Has the thought at least once occurred to you that you are wearing clothes made from plastic bottles?

It takes 60 days to recycle an aluminum can, such as a Coca-Cola can, and put it back on the store shelf. Approximately 75% of all aluminum produced since 1988 is recycled aluminum.

In addition to recycling waste in production, there are many ways to make crafts from household waste. So, for example, you can create with your own hands Beach bags, rugs, decor items, toys for children, Christmas decorations and many other crafts made from solid waste.

On the eve of the happy holiday This year we will present several original ideas for crafts made from waste material - garbage.

Previously, these were light bulbs, but now they are cute toys for the Christmas tree.

You have accumulated used cocktail straws! Stack them, tie them with wire in the middle, straighten each tube, and paint it with gold paint. Original decoration ready for the Christmas tree! You can also do Christmas tree toy, following the instructions described in the picture above.

Don't throw away tubes from toilet paper! They can be turned into cute Santa Clauses!

What do you think of these “cozy” penguins, made from plastic bottles using paints, yarn and imagination?

We could give dozens more examples of how waste is turned into design elements, but the length of the article will not allow this. Therefore, we will focus on tips on how to make crafts from garbage for children at school and for children in kindergarten.

What should a child do for school?

On environmental theme, that is, the topic of relationships in nature, you need to start talking to your child from an early age. It’s even better to back up your words with action. An excellent lesson in ecology can be joint production with junior schoolboy useful crafts from waste for school. They say that children should not play with matches, and this is absolutely true! But you can make a whole didactic game out of empty boxes!

To work you will need:

  • 33 matchbox;
  • colored photocopy paper;
  • colored self-adhesive paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • many small items: buttons, doll slippers, keys, acorns and so on.

It is clear that a son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter should work together with an adult. The steps are very simple:

  1. Cut out rectangles from photocopier paper, corresponding in length and width to the surface matchbox.
  2. Seal the top of the matchbox with the prepared rectangles.
  3. Cut out letters from self-adhesive paper and attach them to the top of the rectangles.
  4. Place in each box a small object whose name begins with the letter written on the box.

The multifunctional toy is ready:

  • the child, putting objects into the correct boxes, learns the alphabet;
  • tries to arrange letters in order;
  • makes words from letters.

Important! The child not only memorizes Russian letters and develops ecological thinking, but also develops fine motor skills of the fingers, which has a positive effect on brain development.

What to do for a child in kindergarten

It is known that mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers relive childhood events again and again with their children and grandchildren. Adults, just like children, are interested in making something and turning ideas into reality. Let it surround us now Christmas story, but Easter is just around the corner, which means that soon it will be necessary to paint eggs, and painted eggs Need stands. Here is a master class on making stands for Easter eggs made from the most banal material - tubes of used toilet paper.

To work you will need:

  • toilet paper rolls;
  • corrugated multi-colored paper;
  • ribbons, scraps of lace sewing, strings;
  • glue;
  • a lot of positive.
  1. Take the sleeve and make a strip of glue in the center.
  2. Cut from corrugated paper different colors rectangles with a width equal to the height of the sleeve and a length 1 cm greater than its diameter. We wrap the sleeve in a piece of corrugated paper, gluing it.
  3. We fix it in the middle of the product: a rope, lace or braid, and tie it.
  4. Ready!

And if in kindergarten teachers also teach children how to color Easter eggs placed on homemade stands, then this will be a wonderful lesson. In the process, children will come into contact with beauty and learn the basics Orthodox culture, they will understand that things need to be treated with care, that before throwing them away, they need to think about where this thing might be useful.

If kindergarten children master the technique of making pom-poms from plastic grocery bags that have become unusable or from garbage bags, then together with adults they can make a lot of toys and useful things.

This poodle is assembled from pompoms of the same color, made from plastic bags, which could simply be thrown in the trash.

And again actual topic: this sun can become great decoration for the New Year tree.

The question arises: how to make pompoms from plastic film (from garbage bags)? Very simple! The following materials and tools are required for work:

  • clean garbage bags;
  • sharp scissors;
  • thread with good density;
  • two cardboard rings with a hole inside.

The packages, depending on what is planned, can be of different colors: either all one color, or multi-colored.

  1. First we make long strips from the bag.
  2. Next we wrap them cardboard rings in a circle using the slot.
  3. If the strip runs out, then cut it off at the root of the ring.
    Apply a new strip.
  4. We stop laying the polyethylene strips when the rings are completely closed. Using scissors, we make a slit between the cardboard rings.
  5. We slightly move the rings away from each other and pull the polyethylene strips between them with a strong thread.
  6. We remove the cardboard rings and straighten the resulting pompoms.
  7. It's time to turn on your imagination and collect pom-poms into the right thing or into a toy. If you don't want a toy, put together this charming rug.

Modern life dictates its own rules to a person, one of which is careful attitude to nature. By making useful things from waste material, people preserve one or another natural resource and contribute to saving the planet from being littered with garbage.

Have you ever made crafts with your own hands from waste materials? A positive answer to this question can be heard from many parents whose children attend kindergarten or school. Today we will discuss original ideas crafts from improvised means.

Original ideas from the collection of needlewomen

First, let's figure out what waste material is. These are any available means that we use on the farm. Often, many items must be recycled, but you can make original crafts from them. By the way, such crafts will not only help your child get high mark in an applied arts lesson, but will also decorate your personal plot.

What material is suitable for constructing crafts? Let's look at the main types of waste material from which you can make a real one. designer masterpiece. So, available tools suitable for modeling crafts include:

  • carton boxes;
  • toothpicks;
  • cotton pads;
  • matches;
  • dried leaves;
  • chestnut fruits;
  • any bumps;
  • buttons;
  • threads;
  • plastic or glass containers;
  • cocktail straws;
  • stones;
  • various papers;
  • wax candles;
  • clothespins;
  • CDs and much more.

If you want to show your imagination and realize creative ideas, use everything that is no longer useful to you on the farm.

We organize an exhibition in a kindergarten

Many parents are repeatedly faced with the problem of modeling crafts for their child. In kindergarten or school, they give similar tasks every now and then. You can safely help your child design an original craft that will take pride of place at any exhibition of objects in hand-made style. We would like to present to your attention a master class on creating a simple, but at the same time original crafts made from waste material with your own hands for children in kindergarten.

Necessary materials:

  • 2 pcs. clothespins;
  • thin wire tape;
  • cocktail straws;
  • different-sized buttons;
  • adhesive tape (duct tape or insulating tape);
  • office glue.

Step-by-step description of the process:

To design such a machine, you can use colored objects or, for example, invite your child to pre-color wooden clothespin paints. As you can see, in a matter of minutes you can make a beautiful and easy craft together with your child.

Bouquet of buttons: a simple and beautiful craft for a schoolchild

Let's say your child is in 2nd grade at school and he was assigned to make a craft for his arts and crafts class. As you understand, parents are simply obliged to help their child accomplish this homework. We bring to your attention the construction of a designer craft from waste material with your own hands, or rather, from buttons. Let's try to make a beautiful and colorful bouquet. Let's get started?

Necessary materials:

  • different sizes of multi-colored buttons;
  • green craft wire;
  • felt fabric;
  • templates for cutting flowers;
  • wire cutters

Step-by-step description of the process:

Decorating a garden plot: designers' ideas

Many housewives try to decorate their garden plot to make it cozy and unique. From waste material you can make crafts for your dacha with your own hands, for example, original flower beds, hanging flowerpots, stools, frames for climbing plants, animal figurines, decorations for an artificial pond, etc.

We present to your attention a step-by-step photo tutorial on how to create a craft from an unnecessary plastic canister with a nominal volume of 5 liters. Most often, housewives plant flowers, shrubs or ornamental trees. Today we propose to design a flowerbed that will not only become an excellent design solution on summer cottage, but will also testify to your impeccable taste.

Necessary materials:

  • plastic bottle with a nominal volume of 5 liters;
  • scissors or stationery knife;
  • gouache paints;
  • thick white cardboard sheets;
  • pencil;
  • glue or double-sided adhesive tape;
  • decorative elements;
  • ruler.

Step-by-step description of the process:

Every woman dreams of decorating her dacha. Indeed, a dacha that is decorated with all sorts of objects or some kind of crafts looks prettier. Of course, it is most profitable to decorate a country house and a personal plot with things that you created with your own hands. Today you can create a huge number of crafts for your dacha yourself. But in this article we will tell you about what crafts you can make for your dacha from waste material with your own hands. Here you will see photos of such crafts and can find a description.

Craft ideas from waste materials

Beautiful and bright pendant.

If you go into this topic in more detail, you will see that you can make just a huge number of crafts from waste material. A beautiful pendant It's also very easy to make in bright colors. You should prepare:

  • A large paper plate and small size,
  • Beads and plastic,
  • Wool threads, pumpkin seeds, plastic straws,
  • Hole punch, scissors and glue gun.


  1. First of all, you should make holes in a large paper plate using a hole punch. Cut out petals from a piece of plastic and glue them in a circle to the plate.
  2. Now it’s time to color the pumpkin petals and seeds. Glue pumpkin seeds that have already been painted onto the plates.
  3. Next you should tackle the pendants. For this purpose, you need to make flowers at the ends of the threads. They are done as follows: first you need to secure the bead to the thread. Glue pumpkin seeds to it.
  4. Then attach the finished threads with flowers to the plate. They are fixed into ready-made holes.

Here's yours wonderful craft ready. She can easily decorate absolutely any country house.

Unusual clock for decorating the interior of a dacha.

In this article you can find more than one master class on crafts made from waste material. Creating such crafts will surely bring you happiness. If you have a mountain of old newspapers and magazines accumulated at home, then do not rush to throw them away. Remember that these things can be used to create original crafts that will be a wonderful interior decoration.

For creating beautiful watch you will need to prepare:

  • strips from magazines and newspapers,
  • thick cardboard circle,
  • switch mechanism and glue.


  1. Newspapers or magazines are cut into small strips. Each strip is rolled into a roll.
  2. If the rolls turn out colorless, then they can be painted bright watercolor paints. There is no need to do this kind of manipulation with magazine rolls.
  3. These rolls are glued to a circle of cardboard using glue. These rolls should be glued closer to each other.
  4. When the work of gluing the rolls is completed, it is worth fixing the clock mechanism and hanging the clock in the kitchen or in another room.

Bright lanterns.

For the New Year, people make paper lanterns to decorate the Christmas tree. But did you know that almost the same lanterns can be made from plastic bottles? Such products will be wonderful decoration your summer cottage and will attract the attention of many. Everything you need to turn a simple bottle into original gift This:


  1. First we paint the bottles bright color. To make them look even more attractive, you need to depict some kind of ornament on them.
  2. When the paint dries with a knife, you need to make cuts in the bottle. Bend these strips and lightly press the flashlight.
  3. Now make a hole in the cork and fasten a thick thread in it, which will act as a loop.

Picture of pistachios.

It is worth noting that making crafts from waste material is an excellent activity for those people who love creativity. Not even anyone the right material can be used today. Pistachio shells are the very material from which you can create original products. For example, paintings made from this material look quite beautiful and unusual. To make them you need: the pistachio shells themselves, glue and paints. You also cannot do without your skills and imagination.


Peacock for the garden.

Above we presented those crafts that could be made to decorate a country house. Now it’s worth bringing a few crafts with which you can decorate your summer cottage. Craft - the peacock is excellent option. To make it you will need:

  • Plastic bottle 5 liters.
  • Film and wire.


  1. First, a frame is made from a bottle of wire and film.
  2. Many strips are cut from the film, from which fringe is made.
  3. These strips are glued to the bottle and to the bird's tail.

Pots made from rubber boots.

Even old ones can be used to decorate a summer cottage. rubber boots. They can be pots for different plants

  • To make the boots look decent. They are painted a certain color, a hole is made for hanging and soil is poured into them.
  • Now you can plant any plant you want in these unique pots.

Product from old flower pots.

If there are a lot of old flower pots lying around idle at home, then with the right approach they can be put to good use. You can make them out of them beautiful craft, which will appeal to many of your guests. If you look at the photo, you can understand that this craft is extremely simple to do.

Flower pots can fulfill their main role in the design of a flower garden. But if you add a little fun element and decorate them with colors, you can get something original.


Old tires can also be used to create something original. For example, you can make a minion out of them, to whom you will hand a rake and a shovel.


Ordinary 5 liter plastic bottles can turn into funny pigs. They are simply painted pink, their ears are cut out and eyes are made.

Such pigs can be spread throughout the entire dacha area. They will look great on green grass.

Ideas for a garden made from bottles.

In this article we continue to list crafts made from waste materials for the garden. Plastic bottles are probably found in every home. However, there is no need to get rid of them quickly. Today you can make many interesting products from them.

For example, you can make a beautiful lamp from glass bottles. You will need glass bottles, light bulbs and wires.

Another idea is a tree made from plastic bottles. Such a product will certainly look very attractive on any summer cottage.

Bottle caps are suitable for decorating a fence or any wall in a summer cottage.


We hope that you were able to learn how to make a craft from waste material with your own hands. Use our ideas and decorate your cottage with beautiful products.

Sometimes it's a pity to throw away beautiful packaging and old, but close to the heart buttons. Don't torture yourself, don't take these valuables to the trash can. Better check out the options for crafts made from similar recycled materials created by children together with teachers and educators at preschool educational institutions.

Contained in sections:

  • Garbage. Activities, scenarios, crafts on an environmental theme
Includes sections:
  • Polyurethane foam. Master classes, crafts made from construction foam
  • Pencil shavings. Crafts from colored pencil shavings
  • Costumes made from waste material. Eco-friendly fashion, clothes and dresses made from waste for children

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You probably all remember from the well-known morning program that you can make anything from a plastic bottle from a washbasin to a vacuum cleaner. What's worse about our talented children? They will certainly quickly cope with making charming flowers that will decorate both the group and any area in the flower bed near the garden. Children of older groups can even cope with butterflies, which are made not only from bottles, but also from leftover fabric that any mother can find.

Waste material is probably one of the most common materials for crafts, arts and crafts. Plastic bottles, food containers, cups, spoons and plates, plastic straws, kinder surprises, old things and other household waste cost nothing, but using them in your creativity you can make real masterpieces.