Pictures from matches diagrams. Crafts from matches: detailed instructions, diagrams and a master class for making various crafts (95 photo ideas)

To mom

Matches can be found in any home. In addition to the main function of this item, they can be used to create crafts. This activity improves fine motor skills, concentration and perseverance. Crafts made from matches can be of any complexity, so not only a child, but also an adult who loves making crafts with their own hands can find an interesting task for themselves.

What crafts can be made from matches?

A beginner who likes to create crafts may have a question about what can be made from matches. Crafts can be either flat or voluminous.

Here is a more detailed list of possible crafts:

  • Boxes and boxes made of matches;
  • Furniture for dolls;
  • Paintings and compositions;
  • Accessories;
  • Volumetric products such as ships, houses, animal figurines, etc.

The list of possible options is not limited to five points. Rely on your imagination and bring any crafts to life.

If you need a craft that matches a specific theme, pay attention to the photos of crafts made from matches on the Internet - this will help you get an interesting idea.

Before you start creating match structures, you need to prepare for work. For convenience, we recommend that you adhere to the following recommendations:

  • First of all, you need to find a comfortable place to work.
  • To avoid surface contamination, cover your work table with a tablecloth.
  • If glue is used for work, pour the liquid into a separate saucer. It is better to pick up glue with a toothpick.
  • Prepare a utility knife.
  • Before you start creating designs, cut off the heads from the matches. This way the result of your work will look much neater.

Simple crafts from matches for beginners

To create great things, you need to start small. So, before taking on complex work, it is better to start with simple tasks that will help improve concentration and skills.

In addition, handicrafts have a positive effect on the nervous system. Next, we list the favorite tasks for beginners in the field of creating match structures.

Making a match house without glue

Making a simple matchstick house without using glue is one of the most popular craft options. This initial stage is necessary in order to subsequently create magnificent matchstick copies of existing architectural masterpieces.

So, here's a list of the items you'll need:

  • Stand;
  • 7 matchboxes;
  • 2 five-ruble coins.

After you have prepared all the necessary items, let’s begin the master class on crafts made from matches:

Place two matches parallel to each other on the stand. Place eight more matches perpendicular to the two existing matches. This is how we created the foundation of the future house.

Lay out 7 rows of four matches, heads in a circle. Place 8 matches facing away from the foundation. Place six matches at the top of the house and place a coin on top.

The last two rows have a hole into which you need to insert several matches. Place one match at a time, holding the structure so that it does not collapse.

Place a match in the holes between the walls, then level the structure.

Before you begin creating the roof, make a horizontal roof using the method of alternating the heads and backs of matches. Insert sticks along the perimeter of opposite walls. Insert items perpendicular to the ceiling.

Rely on the instructions for properly making crafts from matches. If the diagram shows windows and a chimney, they can be made by creating an outline using brown match heads.

How to make a cat from matches

This task will definitely delight your child. So, in order to create a figurine of a cute cat from matches, follow the following algorithm:

  • Glue 14 matches together with PVA glue. When the glue has dried, cut a circle or oval from the plate. It will serve as a muzzle for the cat.
  • Glue 7 matches together and cut out ovals from them for the cheeks, and 5 matches for the ears. Glue the cheeks and ears to the cat's head. Place the cut pieces of matches with sulfur on the muzzle so that it serves as a spout. Make eyes for the cat.
  • Glue a pentagon from six matches. Fill it with scraps of matches. Attach the cat's head to the body. The torso should be supported by a stand. Glue three cut matches on the back so that they hold the cat's body.
  • Make legs from three pieces of cut matchsticks and glue them to the bottom of the body. The components of the paws with sulfur can serve as the animal's claws. The remaining remains of the matches can be connected to each other so that they form a tail.

If you wish, you can attach a mustache or tongue to the cat from plasticine. So, the beautiful craft made from matches is ready, now it can decorate the shelf of a bookcase or desktop for many years.

Drawings from matches

In addition to creating crafts, you can make drawings from matches that are not inferior in beauty to crafts made from matches. Externally, such a drawing looks like an applique. The result can be framed and hung on the wall.

So, before applying matches to the surface of the cardboard, you first need to sketch a drawing with a simple pencil. Next, make an outline for the match pattern, thinking about what size match to use in which case. After creating the outline, start gluing the matches to the cardboard.

If desired, you can use additional decorative elements, for example, if a house is depicted on cardboard, you can glue ready-made fabric flowers or satin ribbons in the shape of a rainbow to the bottom.


In this article we learned how to make crafts from matches with your own hands. You will definitely enjoy this activity, because gluing together small particles to create a single picture or craft will instill delight in your heart.

In addition, such work is very calming and uplifting. Don’t be afraid to take on difficult tasks and conquer new heights, as creativity requires constant practice and learning new things!

Photos of crafts made from matches

Panel of matches. Master Class

Tuchybaeva Nazilya Rafikovna, teacher of the MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type "Rainbow" Zainsk, RT.

Master class with step-by-step photos "Panel of matches".

This master class is intended for preschool teachers and parents.
Purpose of the master class: This panel can be a wonderful interior decoration, as well as a good gift for any holiday to loved ones.
Target: making panels from matches with your own hands.
- teach techniques and methods for creating panels from matches;
- develop creative abilities, aesthetic taste;
- cultivate accuracy in work and perseverance.
Soaked matches lie on the table,
It seemed no longer needed.
They would be thrown on the floor and kicked into the corner
Or to the cellar, to the scoop, beyond the threshold.
Throw it away and completely forget it,
After all, the matches are wet, why store them?
Why put them on a shelf somewhere?
Wet matches are of little use.

Or maybe we’ll still take some boxes,
Let's dry on the stove for a bit.
And later we can light the same stove,
In the darkness of the night, light a candle with them,
Light a fire for fishing, hunting,

And also on a hike. In general - in nature.
Let's gather all our friends around the fire,
And immediately everyone will feel more comfortable and warmer.

It may depend on these same matches
Home. Yes, here he is, do you hear?!!
The wood is crackling and smoking in the fireplace.
And mom, who is always right,
He will sit next to you on the chair.
And he will say: “Son, we are finally together.”
He will hug you and warm you like a baby,
With love and affection, from the bottom of my heart.

I didn’t throw matches =)))), but made this panel:

To make it you will need:
glue stick
postcard (or favorite photo)

Step-by-step execution of the panel:

Glue matches onto cardboard. Each square should have 14-16 matches (their number depends on the thickness).

The arrangement of the squares should be alternated - horizontally - vertically, alternating through one: head down and head up.

The panel is ready. Leave it under pressure overnight (or for several hours). The next day, cut off the excess white cardboard and glue a larger square cardboard of any color onto the back side of the panel.

And we will get a frame for the panel.

After the match base is ready, stick the picture on and wait for it to dry (you can press it again).

Here our panel is ready!
To place it on the back side, you can stick a leg or make a loop. It will be an excellent gift, especially if you choose the appropriate picture, it will be suitable for any holiday.

The match is perfection!
Superfluous - not at all!
You are for love, for bliss
Light the way!....
(Mikhail Guskov)

Are matches not a toy for children? But no! We have made a selection of a variety of ideas for crafts made from matches for children. They are not only beautiful, but also useful. Working with this material develops logic, imagination, fine motor skills, and also contributes to the development of perseverance. If you add the use of plasticine or paints to the creative process, the kids will be even more happy.

We would advise you to do matchstick crafts with your children. If left to chance, they may quit this activity. If you get them involved, the process will be fun. Check out our selection, stock up on matches and get creative. We tried to make the most detailed master classes to make it easier for you to master the process of assembling crafts with your own hands.

Simple Shapes

Crafts made from matches and plasticine can be flat or three-dimensional. Choose any shape and fasten its body with bright plasticine balls.

In this way, you can assemble a simple house, a man, a pyramid, or any animals from matches. Take a look at the photo to understand the assembly principle and get some ideas. You can easily repeat them.

Any of these figures can be placed vertically. If you need a craft from matches for kindergarten or elementary school, we recommend making a house, a person and a dog. Place them on cardboard for a great composition!


You can make a cute panel from matches with your own hands. The craft can easily be turned into a photo frame or postcard - it all depends on the additional decor.

We will need thick cardboard. Measure the length of the match and multiply this number by 4. If you are making a larger panel, then multiply by 5, 6 and so on. Lay out the cardboard so that you get 16 equal squares. We fill the first square with matches, placing them vertically. One match looks up, and the other looks down. Fill the next square horizontally. So we go through the entire cardboard.

It is best to fix matches using simple office glue. Just don’t use too liquid, as it will soak the wood. The top of the craft can be coated with wood varnish. We glue a large beautiful artificial flower in the center, and beads or pictures around the edges.

If you are making a postcard, for example, March 8 or February 23, find ready-made thematic cuttings and glue them to such a panel. Or simply place a family photo in the center.


Most children love to draw trees, houses and the sun. Almost every similar drawing can be made more interesting.

Take cardboard. Draw fairly large images of a standard house, fence, Christmas tree, apple tree, sun or something else. If the cardboard is not colored, paint it one color.

Take matches and fill all the empty spaces with them. You can fix matches using PVA glue or even plasticine.

All that remains is to decorate the matches in the desired colors. It is best to use gouache, as watercolor requires a lot of water and is not too bright.

Painting on a backing

It is very convenient to lay out paintings from matches on foam substrates. Wash it thoroughly (there were probably vegetables or herbs on it) and dry it.

Come up with a picture together with your child. You will need plasticine and some matches. Lay out the volumetric parts, and simply press the matches into the rolled out plasticine.

You can also create a painting using paints. True, watercolor will not fit on foam plastic. If you decide to paint the substrate, take gouache and glue the matches onto PVA.

Such a craft made from matches can be safely taken to a competition in a kindergarten or elementary school (grades 1-2).

Finished drawing

If you have a child, then your house is probably full of different coloring books. If so, use a large image for the matchstick craft. You can also use various stencils and create your own drawing.

Glue the picture onto the cardboard. If there is no background, you can paint it over. Next, we begin to lay out the matches, pressing them tightly to the paper and to each other.

The heads of most matches will need to be trimmed first. In some cases their use may be appropriate.

It is best to glue matches with a cloth using stationery glue. If you need to fix a small part, it is best to choose superglue.

Complete the picture with any decor. If desired, the matches in this craft can be carefully painted with gouache or acrylic paints. Such works look beautiful in combination with autumn leaves and other natural materials.


For this craft, we will need not only matches, but also boxes. You also need to take 2 large “hunting” matches or matches for gas stoves. They are long, so they will be an excellent basis for the rails in our craft.

We lay out the rails from two matches vertically, then glue sleepers from short matches to them. Let them stick out a little around the edges. The easiest way is to coat long matches with glue, and then lay standard ones on top.

In the first box we make two small holes - we will insert toy headlights into our train. Fasten the boxes together with threads or matches. We will make the wheels from unnecessary batteries. If you don't have them, use buttons. We attach them to the craft with superglue.

This craft will be very interesting for children, especially boys. After all, we won’t just make it and put it on – you can play with it!


For this craft, you can additionally take toothpicks, although you can get by with matches alone. Snowflakes don’t have to be made in the winter – children love them at any time of the year.

As a preparation, take snowflake stencil or cut out a regular octagon. First we make the edges - glue matches or toothpicks so that they look beyond the edges. Then we fill each sector with matches, arranging them alternately: head up - head down.

It is best to stick the matches in the center first, and then lay the edges. If the cardboard is visible, glue cut matches to it.

You can lay out the second and third on top of the first layer. It all depends on how voluminous you want your homemade snowflake to be. Glue sparkles into the central part of the craft (make them from tinsel, rain or wrapping paper). You can also glue a decorative snowflake or polystyrene foam to imitate snow.

You can make this craft from matches with your child for the New Year for kindergarten. Or just for fun at home.

Vegetables and matches

Crafts from vegetables And fruit Children always like it. If you add them with matches, it will turn out original and funny. Try making a hedgehog. Even the little ones can handle this kind of work.

Take a potato and a tiny garden apple. Draw a hedgehog face on the potato using a marker. Stick the matches in as tightly as possible to create needles. Plant an apple on top. If you don't have an apple, rolling it out of plasticine is a good alternative.

The craft is very simple, but it is perfect for kindergarten. And you can also play with it at home. Make a big hedgehog family - it will be fun.


With this video master class, you and your child can easily make a toy furniture set. The table and chairs are useful for playing with dolls (albeit small ones) or kinder toys.

The assembly process seems confusing in words, so it's best to take a look at it. Step-by-step instructions will help you avoid mistakes and glue matches correctly.

We hope that this selection of matchstick crafts will inspire you and help your child do the best work for kindergarten or school. As you can see, all materials are very simple. In addition to a large package of matches, you will only need what almost every schoolchild has. Success in creative work!

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