We remove machine oil stains from clothes. How to remove machine oil from clothes

With your own hands

From the appearance of stains machine oil No one is insured on clothing. To do this, you don’t have to be a motorist or work with equipment. A careless touch to a dirty car, a recently oiled bicycle or a children's swing - and a greasy stain appears on your favorite jacket or jeans. Such a nuisance can ruin your mood, but don’t despair.

What you should know about the oil

Engine oil is obtained from petroleum. During distillation black gold is divided into light and heavy fractions: the former are used to produce gasoline, the latter are used to create oil. This little excursion helps you understand that stains from machine oil are better removed with gasoline.

Machine oil leaves stubborn stains on clothes

Oil does not dissolve in water, which means washing without pre-treatment will not get rid of stains.

Remove stains fresh

Fresh stains are easier to remove. In the case of machine oil, this is especially important. Over time, the contamination is absorbed deep into the fabric, a film forms on the surface, and the oil gradually polymerizes.

It will be difficult to remove such a stain. Easier to remove fresh spots

from machine oil

If the stain is fresh:

Special means Special detergents for washing and removal difficult spots

presented in an assortment in stores with household chemicals departments.

  • Before use, try applying the product to a piece of the same fabric or in an inconspicuous place. This will help prevent the item from being damaged.
  • Powder stain removers easily deal with fresh stains. When doing this, consider the type and color of the fabric. For colored products, use only oxygen ones; for white ones, chlorine ones are acceptable.

    Powder stain removers work better on oil stains

  • For difficult stains, use special soap (Udalix, Antipyatin). Carefully read the instructions on the packaging and take into account the composition of the fabric.
  • Bioclean S is a detergent for washing oily workwear. This is a concentrated alkaline liquid intended for hand and machine washing and soaking. It is also used as an additive to washing powder.

    Special products are used for soaking and washing workwear

  • Foral-S is used for washing white and colored workwear. Removes oil and other stains even in cold water.
  • Udalix Oxi Ultra is a powder stain remover containing oxygen bleach, surfactants and enzymes. Effective against oil stains. Works by soaking clothes in hot water.
  • Household chemicals offers stain removal sprays K2r, SA8 from Amway and others.

Wash the dirty item after treating the stains with special products. The washing mode depends on the type of fabric ( necessary information placed on the product label).

At machine washable set the maximum permissible temperature

If there is no stain remover in the house, not to mention a special spray, try to solve the problem with improvised means.

Available means

The simplest of remedies can be found in every home.

Opt for additive-free soaps that are labeled 72%.

Laundry soap is a time-tested stain remover

  1. Rub the dirt with moistened soap and leave to act. There is no need to moisten the fabric - the result will be worse.
  2. After a few hours, scrub the treated area with a brush.
  3. Wash the item.

The method is cheap and accessible. Often the stain can be removed without leaving a trace.

Dishwashing detergents

Liquid for removing grease from dishes is also suitable for combating oil stains. To enhance the effect, the product is mixed with washing powder.

Dishwashing detergents can also help remove oil stains on clothes.

  1. Pour the liquid or gel onto the stained area.
  2. Leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Remove the product with a clean cloth.
  4. Hand wash the item with powder.

It is better to use purified aviation gasoline or Galosh (there is less risk that stains will remain on the fabric). Before processing, stock up on clean cloth or paper napkins. Put gloves on your hands.

Refined gasoline effectively dissolves oil stains

Proceed as follows:

  1. Place a clean napkin under the stained cloth.
  2. Moisten the swab with gasoline and gently work the stain from the edge to the center. The dissolved oil will be absorbed into the napkin, so it must be periodically replaced with a clean one.
  3. Repeat the procedure until you achieve the desired result.
  4. Sprinkle the treated area baking soda so that the remaining product and oil are absorbed (otherwise streaks may remain).
  5. Wash the product.

Video: how to remove machine oil stains using gasoline

Gasoline is used to clean leather, suede, silk, and wool. It is safe for natural animal fibers. Light-colored fabrics may leave streaks. Before applying the product, dampen the cloth around the stain with water - this will help avoid a halo.

Solvent and kerosene

Use solvent 646; acetone is ineffective in this case. Processing is carried out in the same way as with gasoline. Test on an inconspicuous area first to avoid discoloration or damage to the fabric.

Kerosene works on stains almost as well as gasoline

This is how you get rid of stains on down jackets and a coat. It is also effective for cleaning products made from denim.

After treating the stains, the jeans are washed by hand.

Follow the instructions:

  1. Treat the contamination with one of the products.
  2. Fill with washing powder and moisten with water.
  3. Scrub the stain vigorously with a brush.
  4. Wash the product.

Turpentine with methyl or ammonia

To prepare the mixture, take the same amount of turpentine and methyl or ammonia. Apply the composition with a cotton pad or swab. If necessary, repeat the treatment. After this, wash the product.

Turpentine is especially effective when mixed with ammonia

The mixture is used for processing fabrics made of silk, wool, acetate fiber, and velvet. It even works on old stains.

Ammonia is another remedy for combating oil stains.

When working with chemical liquids, protect your hands with rubber gloves.


Use white paste to light fabrics not colored.

  1. Apply the product to the stain and leave until dry.
  2. Remove any residue with a brush.
  3. Wash the item by hand using powder.

The method is suitable for light natural fabrics made of cotton and linen.

Some users recommend using Sanox plumbing cleaner and other oxalic acid-based products. If the situation is hopeless and the choice is between trying to save it or throwing it away, then experiment.

I do car repairs, all the time in dirty fuel oil. I always soak my robe for a day or more, depending on the degree of contamination in the Sanox rust remover, one bottle per suit. If heavy pollution, then more bleach. When washed once a month, a suit lasts two to three years. Sanox contains oxalic acid.


Thank you girls, I would never have thought that a simple FAIRY could cope with machine oil. Today my son fell into a puddle next to the car, his jacket got dirty, I think with machine oil, because... Just washing with soap powder didn't help. Thanks a lot! I started washing it right away, the stains were fresh, maybe that’s why it helped!



I have a red summer raincoat, the car was splashed from a puddle that contained motor oil or something similar. I soaked it in Vanish, rubbed it with gasoline, white spirit, lathered it with laundry soap, left it overnight, and boiled it in soda. Nothing came off, oily circles remained on the cloak.


The product is called 100% - nefras 80/120 costs 30–80 rubles 0.5 rubs off with a bang, then wash with rinse aid and everything is ok






Unimax stain remover, I think that’s what it’s called. This is a pencil that was like glue, remember? You smear it on, leave it on for 15 minutes, then wash it off. Sometimes you need to apply it several times, but I haven’t seen a better stain remover. My husband stained his Ferrari windbreaker with oil from some kind of machine, it was also a shame, but they took him out.

Darth Vader

I removed oil stains with toothpaste. Apply white paste to the stain (no sparing), leave for a while (I leave until it dries), then wet, rub, wash. The method has not failed yet)))



I remove such Loc stains from Amway for my car enthusiast, apply to the stain for 20 minutes and into the machine


If you are not confident in your abilities and the effectiveness of the available arsenal of products, it is better to contact a dry cleaner. Professionals will put your clothes in order, removing stains and leaving no halo of streaks on the fabric.

No one is immune from the appearance of oil stains on clothes. Do not rush to get upset and throw away the damaged item. Choose an acceptable way to combat pollution and use it to the delight of yourself and your family.

Have you stained your clothes with machine oil? Do you think that now only dry cleaning can save your things? In fact, you can deal with this problem using the tools at hand. And so that you can do this quickly and without extra effort, let's figure out how to remove machine oil from clothes.

Machine oil is extremely difficult to remove from clothes using conventional powders and stain removers. Typically, after washing with such substances, traces of oil remain on clothes. The fact is that they penetrate deep enough into the fibers, and therefore are not removed by such means.

Do not give desired effect in the fight against such stains and bleaches. They also rarely get rid of oily marks the first time, and with repeated use they seriously destroy the fabric. In addition, they are not applicable at all for colored things.

As for using a clothes or toothbrush for such washing, they are also in this case turn out to be ineffective. Under the influence of such devices, the fabric also shrinks and becomes thinner, but remains with the same traces of contamination as before washing. They can only be used for rough items, such as denim overalls.

How can you remove such problematic stains? Only a few can cope with them folk remedies. Let's take a look at them in more detail.

Method 1 - white chalk

You can remove a completely fresh stain from machine oil from your item using ordinary chalk. This should be done this way:

  • First you need to crush the chalk into fine crumbs.
  • After this, such crumbs should be applied to fresh dirt and rubbed well with the crumbs. Next you will need to wait a few minutes until the oil transfers to the chalk.
  • Next, you will need to remove the remaining chalk from the clothes, and wash the item itself in washing machine.


The presented method will only help you if the stain on your clothes still sticks to your hands. If it has already hardened, you need to use a different technique.

Method 2 - kerosene

  1. Kerosene is applied directly to the oil. After that they take a regular napkin and with its help they move the contamination to the center of the stain.
  2. After this, the remaining oil is removed with the same napkin, and the item is thoroughly washed by hand or using a machine.


When washing items, it is advisable to use the highest possible temperatures permissible for a particular type of fabric. Otherwise, you risk damaging the product with kerosene stains.

Method 3 - dish soap

How to remove a small but fresh oil stain from a jacket or pants? You can do this simply and quickly using the most ordinary dishwashing detergent. This product only needs to be applied to the stain and left for a quarter of an hour, after which both the remnants of the oil stain and the remnants of the product itself are removed from the clothes.


item after such cleaning mandatory You will need to wash it by hand using high-quality powder. This is the only way you can get rid of the stain completely.

Method 4 - gasoline

This method can be used if the stain is old enough. You should proceed like this:

  • To begin, you will need to take two dry cotton cloths and type on them. a small amount of gasoline.
  • Next, you will need to place the rags so that they cover the stain from above and below. Next, you should let them lie there for thirty minutes: during this time, all the dirt will come off the clothes and transfer to the rags.

After this, you can throw away the rags and simply wash the oil-stained item in a basin. If you do not do this, gasoline stains may remain on the product.

Method 5 - solvent for oil paints

This method is suitable for fresh stains. To use it, you just need to put a cotton wool or napkin under the fabric, apply a solvent to the item, wait for the product to work, and then remove its remnants with a napkin. It is necessary to rinse the product after such cleaning.


If you suspect that the solvent may damage the fabric, be sure to test this product on an area of ​​the item that is not visible to prying eyes. If you see that nothing happens to the fabric, you can safely use the presented method of dealing with greasy stains. If not, look for another option for removing technical oil.

Method 6 - nail polish remover

This technique works on a variety of fabrics, including denim. To use it, you will need a nail polish remover that contains acetone (softer analogues that do not contain acetone simply will not cope with stubborn stains). You will need to apply this product to a sponge and work it into the stain. After this, the item will need to be left for half an hour so that the chemical can remove the industrial oil.

Immediately after this, the item needs to be washed. This can be done normally soapy water.

Method 7 - soap for stubborn stains

Nowadays, machine oil stains can be removed using a special method. laundry soap, allowing you to get rid of traces of technical fluids. How to use it? You should soak the stained item in warm water, then thoroughly rub it with soap and leave for half an hour - this time is necessary so that the cleaning components of such soap can cope with the stain that is difficult to remove. After this, the item can be washed in regular detergent.


If you choose this particular product for washing things, be sure to use gloves when working with it. Remember that chemicals that are so aggressive to technical fluids can cause irritation or even burn your skin.

Method 8 - toothpaste

This the product will do Only for rough fabrics (for example, to remove dirt from jeans) that can be scrubbed with a toothbrush. It's easy to use: all you have to do is apply toothpaste directly onto the spot so that it completely covers it. After this, you should wait until the toothpaste is completely dry, and then remove any remaining dirt with a brush.


After such cleaning, it is best to rinse the item in washing machine. This way you can be sure that there are absolutely no traces of oil or paste left on it.

Method 9 - mustard powder

This is another technique for removing dirt from pants or a jacket, and it is recommended to use a brush. It is used like this:

  1. Take a small amount of mustard powder, toothbrush, some warm water and soap.
  2. Mustard powder and soap are alternately applied to the stain, rubbing these products on the stained fabric with a toothbrush.
  3. When the oil stain is gone, soap with mustard powder wash off, and rinse the item itself several times in cool water.


this method is also best used for dense materials, it is suitable, for example, for jeans. Delicate fabrics This way you can only spoil it.

Method 10 - machine oil purifier

This product can be purchased at auto stores. Applying it at home is not difficult: you will need to apply a small amount of this product to the stain and leave it for the time specified in the instructions. After this, the item will need to be rinsed several times in cool water.


Please be aware that this chemical can be very harsh on many fabrics. Be sure to test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the damaged item before use. Once you are sure that this product is absolutely safe for your clothes, you can use it freely.

Method 11 - special spray
This product is best used when the stain on clothing has just appeared. You will need to treat the dirt with it, wait a while, and then remove any remaining dirt with a clean cloth or paper napkin. This spray will allow you to remove stains even from a down jacket or leather jacket.


remember that you can only work with such products wearing gloves and a respirator. If they come into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, they can cause serious inflammation. Use such stain removers only as a last resort.

Method 12 - magnesia powder
This is effective folk way pollution control. To use it, you will need to mix magnesia powder with ether until you obtain a homogeneous paste. You will need to apply the resulting slurry to the stain, rub it in carefully, leave it for a while, and then remove the remnants with a napkin.

If the stain was small and completely fresh, you can simply rinse the item afterward. If you are struggling with old stains, you should wash your clothes several times in cool, soapy water.

How to wash jeans

You can remove oily marks from jeans different ways. The easiest way to do this is with ammonia and turpentine mixed in equal quantities. You will need to act like this:

  1. First, you will need to apply a mixture of the presented substances to the stain.
  2. Next, using a napkin, you will need to carefully remove the remaining stain, being careful not to smear it on the fabric.
  3. After such cleaning, the jeans will need to be washed several times by hand in soapy water or in a washing machine. This is the only way you can get rid of the rather specific smell of turpentine, which is very difficult to remove.

Video: how to remove a stain using turpentine:


Remember that low-quality jeans may fade from such washing. If you are not sure about the quality of your pants, it is better to use gentler products for them.

You can also remove oil stains from jeans using a brush. This is one of the few cases when this processing method does not damage the fabric and actually gives good results. For this cleaning you will need:

  • Toothbrush;
  • solvent;
  • washing powder.

To remove the stain, you will first need to treat it well with a solvent, then apply a small amount of powder to the stain, moisten it all with water and remove any remaining oil with a brush. After this, you need to rinse the jeans several times so that there are no streaks left on them.

How to clean a down jacket

Removing oil stains from outerwear is very problematic. You can do this at home only if your product is quite dark in color. In this case, you can act like this:

  • First you need to thoroughly treat the stain with a special solvent.
  • Next, the down jacket should be washed several times in an automatic machine, using a fair amount of powder. You can add stain removers to the water, but only those that do not have a bleaching effect.
  • If you fail to get the desired result the first time, the procedure can be repeated.

Video: how to remove oil:

If you find an oil stain, especially an old one, on light jacket or a down jacket, it is better to immediately take such an item to dry cleaning. Only there they know how to remove machine oil from outerwear without damaging its fibers.

How to prevent stains from appearing on clothes

If you constantly work with technical liquids like machine oil, you need not only to know how to wash such stains from your pants or jacket, but also to understand how to prevent such stains from appearing. The easiest way for this purpose is to treat clothes with special oil-repellent sprays. They can be bought in specialized stores. It is also recommended to cover your clothes while working with such substances with aprons or covers made of thick fabric - they will protect your things from drops of machine oil.

You also need to remember the techniques that will help you avoid spreading such contamination throughout the item. One of the most effective in this regard can be considered the use of table salt, which you can simply sprinkle on top of a fresh stain - the salt will absorb some of the oil and prevent it from spreading further. For the same purpose, you can use soda or ordinary clean rags (the main thing is not to rub the dirt with them, but simply blot it).

Completely eliminate the possibility of machine oil getting on your things (especially when maintenance car) is almost impossible. However, knowing the techniques for dealing with such stains, you can save your items from them without going to the dry cleaner.

Video: how to remove a stain with stain remover:

Every car owner at some point is faced with the need to change the engine oil. Despite the fact that the procedure is simple, it is quite dirty: lubricant particles often end up on clothing. This liquid quickly penetrates deep into the material, as a result of which car owners experience serious difficulties when trying to clean an ingrained stain.

Moreover, ordinary products such as washing powder will not help in this case. How to remove machine oil from clothes? In fact, there are quite a lot of products that can remove such stains. Below we will consider only a few methods available to everyone.

Before looking for an answer to the question of how to remove machine oil stains, it is important to note the following: If drops of liquid get on clothing, the contamination must be removed immediately.

Regardless of the type of lubricant used in the car, this material has a certain resistance to chemical substances. Therefore, to wash engine oil, you should use products that can remove vegetable fats and mechanical impurities.

Also, before you start washing your clothes, there are a few things to remember important nuances, which affect the final result:

  1. Any tissue (especially if it is thin) can tear during this procedure.
  2. Before you wash a stain, you need to test the chosen product. A piece of the same fabric or a hidden area of ​​contaminated clothing is suitable for this. This recommendation is explained by the fact that most of the products used to clean the material from motor fluid are highly aggressive.
  3. Stains should not be rubbed. Instead, they need to be blotted with the chosen product.
  4. The brush should be used in cases where oil gets on your jeans.
  • cotton pads, napkins;
  • sponge;
  • a brush with special bristles that do not damage denim fabric.

Simple Methods

So, how can you remove machine oil stains? Today there are several types of sprays on the market designed to remove dirt from clothes. Thanks to them, removing liquids is not very difficult:

  1. Apply a small amount of spray to the contaminated area and wait a few minutes. The time interval is indicated on the instructions for use on the packaging of the selected product.
  2. At the end of the wait, you need to wash the item using laundry soap.

It should be recalled once again: The cleaning spray contains aggressive substances that can cause irreparable damage to clothing. Therefore, it is not recommended to apply the product in quantities exceeding the amount indicated on the package. Otherwise, the contaminated area may become discolored or torn.

Remove stain from motor oil This is possible thanks to a simple laundry detergent that everyone has at home.

True, this method will only be effective if appropriate measures are taken in a timely manner:

  1. Dilute a certain amount of powder in warm water so that a non-liquid semi-thick mass is formed.
  2. The resulting composition is applied to the stain and rubbed thoroughly. This action is repeated many times.
  3. Subsequently, the clothes can be put into the washing machine.

To quickly remove stains, you can take a small piece of chalk. It must be crushed onto the contaminated area and wait a little. Chalk absorbs oil that has not yet set in well. Finally, you will need to soak the fabric in warm water, leaving it for 25 minutes.

How to remove machine oil when the stains from it are still fresh? Dishwashing detergent will help solve the problem. At the same time, it easily removes oily liquid from the metal without leaving streaks on it.

Through ordinary detergents stains are removed as follows:

  • the substance is applied to the contamination;
  • the fabric is lightly rubbed and left for 15 minutes;
  • the stain is removed under running warm water.

Dishwashing detergent is suitable for clothes that require delicate wash. Such products contain substances that actively break down vegetable fats. This explains the high efficiency of such funds.

Other techniques

Removal machine stains can be done using a number of other means:

Solvent (kerosene)

Before you start cleaning the material, you should place a napkin or something similar under it. Cleaning the fabric is done using cotton swabs. The work must be carried out carefully, since with prolonged contact, solvents damage the material being processed. Using such products, you can clean clothes from various substances that contain vegetable fats.

Acetone and gasoline

Acetone and gasoline are used when removing old stains. When working with each of these liquids, you must stock up sufficient quantity napkins or use a sponge. You will need at least two of them.

Having soaked, for example, both sponges in acetone (gasoline) should be applied to the stain on both sides and left in this position for 30 minutes. At the end of the specified period, the contaminated item must be washed. In this case, it is recommended to use banal powder.

Laundry soap

Another fairly effective remedy in the fight against fresh oil stains. After wiping the contaminated area with laundry soap, you should then walk over the surface with a coarse brush. It is better to take the one with metal teeth. This method can only be used when stains are removed from rough fabric.


Ammonia must be pre-mixed with turpentine in equal proportions. The resulting composition is applied to the motor oil mark and left for several minutes. At the end the mixture is washed off under warm water and with soap. Ammonia and turpentine can remove even old stains.


A small amount of toothpaste is applied to the area of ​​the material that has been exposed to oily liquid. After waiting until the product has completely dried, the area can be washed under warm water and soap. The described method is suitable for fabrics that require delicate washing.


Having mixed magnesia with ether, the resulting composition in the form of a homogeneous slurry is applied to the corresponding area and wiped well.

Oxygen-based bleach

This product is sold in many hardware stores. Use bleach according to the instructions on the package.

Mustard powder

Quite unusual, but at the same time effective method combating oily liquid. Mustard is applied to the contaminated fabric and left in this form for 30 minutes. Next, the soap essence is prepared. After the allotted time has passed, the mustard, essence and warm water must be rubbed with a brush, performing circular movements.

Video: removing machine oil stains

Some of the most difficult stains to remove are those associated with petroleum products. Machine oil is no exception. If you are the “lucky owner” of a machine oil stain, you will have to work hard to remove it. But! Nothing is impossible - any oil stain can be removed without even resorting to expensive products.

What and how to remove machine oil stains from clothes?

Possibility to wash grease stain depends on how long the stain has been on the clothing (treatment immediately or it is old) and on the quality of the fabric (from natural fiber or synthetic). In any case, you can choose an effective method.

Powder absorbents

It is easier to remove fresh stains if the oil has not had time to penetrate deeply into the fabric. In such cases, improvised powder absorbents are used. They quickly absorb excess oil without letting it pass further. These include:
  • starch;
  • salt;
  • dentifrice;
How to proceed:
  • As soon as a stain has formed, one of these products is applied to it in a thick layer.
  • You can even press down a little with your hands for better contact with the fabric.
  • Leave for about 30 minutes, shake the item.
  • Machine wash at high temperature, paying attention to the type of fabric.

Dishwashing gel

An excellent tool for removing newly appeared stains is considered to be dishwashing gel designed to wash away grease:
  • The product is applied to the stain.
  • The item is left to soak for 20-25 minutes.
  • Clothes are washed in a machine or by hand with the addition of washing powder.
  • When stains appear on white items, add bleach to the wash.


Old stains can be removed, but additional intervention is required using chemicals. You can try to remove stains using specially cleaned kerosene or gasoline :
  • Cotton napkins are impregnated with one of these products.
  • Apply napkins tightly on both sides of the stain.
  • Leave for 20-30 minutes.
Under their influence, fatty fibers are broken down and then washed off with washing powder.

These methods can only be used when removing stains from thick fabrics that are used on overalls and dark-colored items.

Means chemical origin It is better to first test on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing so as not to spoil the fabric. During the stain removal procedure, you cannot rub this area; you can only apply napkins tightly and leave it for subsequent breakdown of fat. The brush is only suitable for overalls made of thick fabric and jeans.

Purchased funds

Produced by industry special means for removing stains, including greasy ones. They can be purchased at car dealerships. Each of them has instructions that must be followed carefully.

In addition, soaps for removing stains are sold - Antipyatin, Tar, Glycerin . They lubricate greasy areas on clothing or soak laundry in a soap solution, rubbing soap on the contaminated area.

Selecting a product by type and color of clothing

  • Clothes made from natural fibers and dense fabrics Can be cleaned using nail polish remover or white spirit. To do this, treat the stain with a sponge or cotton pad depending on the volume of the stain and leave to soak for 15-20 minutes. Then wash in the washing machine.
  • If clothes denim , then you can use a mixture of turpentine and ammonia in equal proportions. Moisten a sponge with it and lubricate the contaminated area, hold for about 15-20 minutes. Then the item is thoroughly washed in several waters. This product washes well, but the downside is that you will then need to get rid of the persistent smell of turpentine.
  • If the stain is placed on dark fabric, but the clothes are delicate , then you can use dry mustard diluted with warm water. Apply the resulting slurry to the stain and leave for about 20 minutes. Then it is removed with a napkin, and the item is washed in soapy water.
  • If thin fabrics in light colors , you can use toothpaste. It is applied to the area with the stain, allowed to dry completely, then carefully removed and washed in the washing machine.
In the next video, a young man will tell you how he managed to remove a machine oil stain from a gray down jacket:

An equally popular problem among men is grease stains. We'll talk about how to get rid of it in the next article: .

Oil stain under the car - how to remove it?

If you use it carelessly or if your car malfunctions, engine oil ends up on the garage floor.

You can get rid of this stain in a short time, if it is fresh and the driver noticed it immediately. You can first soak the stain with soft and thin cloth made of cotton, as well as paper napkins or towels, applying to the stain and slightly pressing in the middle.

Then apply the following remedies. Some of the oil can be absorbed by absorbents:

  • ash;
  • cement;
  • construction sand;
  • salt;
  • starch;
  • washing powder;
  • cat litter;
  • baking soda;
  • small sawdust.
You need to sprinkle them in large quantities, press down and hold for a while, and then wash with a concentrated soap solution with the addition of washing powder or dishwashing gel using a stiff brush.

Among the chemicals you can use Pemolux, solvents for oil paints.

There is another cleaning method:
  • Mix lime and turpentine 1:1.
  • Apply to the stain.
  • Cover with film to prevent it from drying out.
  • After a few hours, wash off with water.
If the stain is not completely removed, repeat everything again until it is completely removed.

Engine oil stains can appear when driving a car or having it repaired. The main thing is to react quickly, work carefully and choose suitable remedy, which will actually cope with the task.

Car owners often face a problem: how to wash off engine oil that accidentally gets on their clothes? Since the oil has a greasy and liquid consistency, it is deeply absorbed into any material and is very difficult to remove.

It is especially difficult to get rid of such contaminants on dense tissues- jeans, down jackets, jackets. Machine grease is practically not removed by ordinary washing powder, and the use of bleaches can lead to damage to your favorite item. Cleaning clothes with a brush often causes significant thinning of the fabric, which can also cause the item to become unusable.

In fact, there are several products that can be used to easily remove machine grease. The choice of product depends on the type of fabric and the age of the oil blot.

Read in this article:

Washing gel for dishes

Any dishwashing liquid perfectly dissolves fats, including machine oil. In addition, this product is not an aggressive substance, so you don’t have to worry about it ruining the item. To remove a blot, you need to apply a little product on it and leave for 15-20 minutes. After this, you should take a rag or wet wipe and begin to gently scrub away the dirt. If the stain is large, you may need to use several clean wipes.

When the contamination noticeably decreases and becomes lighter, pour it into a basin. warm water, apply dish gel to the stain again and wash until all dirt is completely removed.


If oil has recently appeared on clothes, you can do the following:

  • Take a piece of chalk and grind it into powder.

    Under no circumstances should you use colored crayons - the resulting powder should be pure white.

  • Sprinkle chalk liberally onto the stained area and wait a few minutes for the powder to absorb the oil.
  • Then shake the chalk off your clothes and throw them in the washing machine.

Kerosene or thinner

Apply a few drops of solvent or kerosene to the contaminated area and immediately begin scrubbing it with a napkin. In this case, the napkin must be guided from the edge of the stain to the center. Then pour a little more solvent or kerosene again, take a clean napkin and repeat the procedure.

Then place the item in the washing machine, set it to the maximum possible high temperature and select the intensive wash cycle.


A special soap called Antipyatin will help remove oil stains from clothes. To do this, thoroughly rub the contaminated area with soap and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then pour warm water into a basin and wash by hand using the same soap until no dirty marks remain on the clothes. Antipyatin is very effective means, with the help of which even the most hopeless, old blots are removed. However, this product has a specific smell, which is slightly reminiscent of the smell of ordinary laundry soap. To get rid of this smell, clothes after treatment with Antipyatin need to be rinsed in a washing machine with the addition of conditioner.


Motor lubricant is also susceptible to solvent action. To remove a stain using this product, you need to moisten it cotton pad, place a few drops on the dirty area and rub until it disappears. This must be done carefully, in a circular motion, trying not to go beyond the boundaries of the spot into a clean space. You can remove the unpleasant “aroma” of the solvent by machine washing.

Turpentine and ammonia

Many people use a mixture of turpentine and ammonia for removing machine oil from jeans. This method involves intensive brushing, and you can safely use it, since the jeans do not become thinner as a result of such mechanical influences. Turpentine has a rather pungent, persistent odor and to get rid of it, you will have to wash the item in the washing machine 2-3 times after the cleaning procedure.


Using gasoline, you can remove even an old oil stain. To soften it, you should take two napkins, pour them generously with gasoline and place one napkin under the stain and the other on it. After 30-40 minutes, the old contaminant will dissolve and be absorbed into the wipes. Then hand wash the item until the clothes are clean. Since gasoline has enough bad smell and can leave streaks, it is necessary after hand wash wash the item in the washing machine.

Before using the products listed above to clean expensive items, such as down jackets or down jackets, it is necessary to test the fabric for sensitivity to a particular technical liquid.

To avoid unexpected surprises, the best thing outerwear Dry clean it to specialists who know exactly how to remove machine oil from clothes correctly.