Very beautiful hair color and green eyes. What hair color will accentuate green eyes


Hello everyone, it's me, Alice. Every girl, sooner or later, decides to change her hair color. In fact, it's hard to find the kind of paint that would suit your face and emphasize your eyes. Today we will talk about what hair color suits green eyes.

Considerable attention should be paid to this issue, because if you choose the wrong color for coloring, then your eyes will be lost and will not be able to decorate your image. We will also learn some tips from the coloring experts.

What should be considered when choosing a hair color?

Before you buy hair dye, you need to pay attention to:

  • color type,
  • eye tint,
  • Your strand color
  • Skin condition.

I want to immediately emphasize that if a girl has green eyes and natural red hair, then it is better not to change it. Natural red hair is perfect for green eyes. If you are bored with your color, then freshen up your style with other shades of red.

Some choose to add red paint red color, but you need to be careful with this. A large number of red, will create the image of a defiant and vulgar girl.

Follow two basic rules when choosing paint:

  1. If you have healthy skin then paint in dark colors or shades of red and copper. Too dark color will add a couple of years to your look.
  2. If you have wrinkles, pimples or inflammation on your skin, then color in light blond or golden tones. Strongly light paint will make you pale.

Try not to change your natural color, it can be slightly lightened or refreshed.

Advice! Do not choose your own paint color if you do not understand this.

What hair color suits green eyes?

Each color has its own shades. This also applies to the eyes. Green color The eye has many varieties and it is important to consider this. Moreover, skin color also plays a lot important role. Today we will see different shades of green and see several coloring techniques for green-eyed girls.

Light green eyes

Green-eyed girls most often have light green eyes. At the same time, in such owners of eyes, the skin is olive or light golden in color. In that case fit chestnut, red and caramel paint. You can also dye individual strands in wheat, light blond and mocha.

Dark green eyes

This eye color sometimes resembles Brown eyes. However, in the sun, you can see green tint. Girls with green eyes are painted in shades of light brown. Can also be dyed black and brown.


If a girl has yellow-green eyes, then different colors of coloring may suit her. For fair skin, the following colors are suitable:

  • Chocolate,
  • Gold,
  • Chestnut,
  • Beige,
  • Caramel.

Girls with swarthy skin can be painted in red, dark brown, chocolate and copper.


Gray-green eyes look beautiful with a blond. See photos with different shades of blonde. Platinum and sand blonde are best suited for Gray-green eyes. Red color will also be appropriate in this case.

Extraordinary solutions

One of the trendy and extraordinary coloring techniques is ombre. In our case, we need to make roots chestnut color, gradually turning to golden at the ends. Some simply lighten the tips a few tones from theirs. natural color. Ombre looks beautiful in red and red tones.

Fashion combinations

Today it is very fashionable to emphasize your image with coloring. Creative painting can highlight the color of your eyes. This coloring technique involves coloring the tips, a few tones lighter or darker. natural color your hair. In this case, the color scheme can be any.

Two-tone coloring is suitable for green-eyed girls. Paints differ by 1-2 levels. Among warm tones there are no restrictions. combination of blond and copper color looks unique.

Advice! When coloring, do not ignore your color type.

To properly and beautifully dye your hair, you need to take into account many rules. Stylists, sharing their experience, focus on:

  • The most difficult thing is to choose the color of painting, for this you need to know the color scheme that hairdressers learn. If you cannot do this, consult a specialist. Do not choose paint only by the picture, be sure to look at the sample of the curl.
  • If you are choosing a paint for the first time and are in doubt about the color, then use the paint that does not have a stable composition of dye substances. Thanks to this, the paint will quickly wash off, and you can paint in a different color.
  • Be sure to test for skin sensitivity to your chosen paint.
  • If you have sick hair or skin, then it is strictly forbidden to paint. Treat your hair first. Visible problems are split ends, psoriasis, dandruff and dry hair.
  • Be careful when painting, the paint should not get into the eyes. If this happens, rinse your eyes with water.
  • If you are just choosing a color for yourself, then do not paint the whole head, but take only some strands. Such painting is called coloring or highlighting. This will protect all of your hair from the constant dye experiment.

Only the right hair color will help you emphasize green eyes. Seriously approach the issue of painting, so as not to spoil your hair. Best of all, the first time to paint with an experienced specialist.

How much can hair color change an image?

Not all girls are born naturally beautiful, but each has its own zest. If in your case it is the eyes, then you can emphasize them. correct coloration. Ask for help from a specialist and buy good paint. By choosing the right color, everyone will pay attention to the color of your eyes.

Learn to emphasize in yourself the good that God has given you. Thanks to modern technologies beauty can be done by yourself. Don't be afraid to experiment.

As it turned out, choosing a hair color that will not only look advantageous, but also emphasize, is not entirely easy. The same applies to the choice of hair color for gray-green eyes, the bottomless beauty of which can charm every man.

It is important not to forget that there are types of appearance, from which you should build on when choosing the right shade.

What hair color is perfect for gray-green eyes?

First of all, it is worth noting the aforementioned types, or rather the color types of appearance. In most cases grey-green color beauties with the appearance of the "Summer" type. At the same time, their skin is light and with a slight pinkish, olive shade. Eggplant shades, muted and silver-ashy tones will suit them.

"Autumn" is not only women of fashion with brown, but also with gray-green eyes. Warm apricot or ivory skin tone. Their ideal color is copper, light brown with a golden sheen, chocolate, dark brown with a red sheen.

If we forget about color types and start only from eye color, we get the following:

  1. Light gray-green eyes are in harmony with the blond. By the way, platinum, sandy blond loves Hollywood star Charlize Theron. The red color will help emphasize the passionate nature. And any image will be remembered by a caramel shade or the color of milk chocolate. Not less popular in the fashion industry is wheat color. True, it looks best on young ladies with fair skin.
  2. Dark grey-green eyes and copper shades hair can bring more attractiveness and charm to the image of any girl. In addition, copper curls look great on the owner. fair skin. But, if you want to repaint in a darker color, then stylists recommend paying attention to chocolate, chestnut beauty. Moreover, it is not necessary to paint curls in one color. Nobody forbids opting for highlighting, in which part of the hair will be highlighted. This technology will give the hair a spectacular shine.

What unusual hair color goes with gray-green eyes?

Color the tips, make an ombre, coloring - extravagant trendy color for gray-green eyes will be eggplant, pale pink, gray-violet, lilac, pearl gray, red, cherry, raspberry, blue, blue, lavender.

One of the most magic flowers from ancient times to our time - was considered green. That is why many girls want to focus on the green color of the eyes, thanks to the selection of "their" hair color, which will give their owners zest and charm.

To most effectively choose a color, you can mentally imagine how it will look on you. But before proceeding directly to dyeing your hair, it will be useful to consider all possible options choose from many different color schemes.

What is possible and what is not necessary

Everyone knows this classic look: red hair, freckled skin and green bright eyes. From such an image breathes attractiveness, passion and at the same time tenderness and innocence. Especially in golden autumn this girl looks the best.

Naturalness has always been in fashion - you're in luck your image will always be relevant don't change it!

Rules for green eyes

However, if you are passionate about change, find out what changes are acceptable in choosing a new hair color, and what stylists advise about this.

For green eyes, almost any tone is suitable. To make your whole image more complete and mysterious, it would be preferable to dye your curls in dark colors that have rich hues.

Dark shades emphasize all the charm of green eyes.

But, if you choose reddish shades, keep in mind that you will need to be careful about your makeup, which in this case must be perfect.

Such shades best emphasize the color of the eyes, making it brighter, but at the same time they highlight skin imperfections. Therefore, the skin tone, first of all, should be perfect if you are dyeing in copper or shades of red.

So, here are two basic rules for green eyes:

  • If there are no skin defects- feel free to use dark shades paints. Black, plum shades will not spoil the beauty of green eyes, but keep in mind that such colors can add a few more years to your age.
  • If the skin is not perfect, choose light, golden tones. However, in order not to discolor your face, avoid very light hair colors and their combinations. Platinum blonde or ashy can be combined with pale green eyes, closer to gray.

In the photo, in order, the fair-haired owners of green eyes: Amanda Bynes, Kylie Cuoco, Kirstie Alley, Lady Gaga.

Coloring in several tones

Whatever type of paint you choose, try to combine warmer, more natural paint tones. You can combine them in highlighting, coloring, in various schemes color combinations.

Use colors like balayage, shatush, flamboyage- all this will connect desired views color shades and emphasize all the chic of your image of a green-eyed girl.

Well suited with a difference in paint tones from each other by 1-2 tones.

From warm colors you can take almost any. Well, if you want light color hair, you can combine copper or light brown tones with each other.

A green-eyed woman will look feminine with - in this case, the roots can be dyed chestnut and make a smooth transition to golden at the ends of the hair.

Also, an ombre with a “flame effect” on the hair will look attractive: the tips are dyed red or red.

But, above all, the choice of color and its combination with others depends on what shade of green you have in your eyes and what type of skin you have.

Oh what different green eyes

Depending on which color of green prevails in your eyes, you can choose the most spectacular shades for dyeing your hair.

  • If your iris has orange or yellow blotches, choose a coppery red, chestnut, even reddish tint. All eccentric and bright colors - your choice!
  • Bright green or grassy eye color - beautiful colors such as honey, dark red, reddish, golden, medium chestnut will be the most suitable.
  • Swamp color - quite common, in contrast to bright green eyes. There is also an admixture of gray or gray-brown.

In this case, you should not try all the shades of red on yourself. Choose better black, dark blond, neutral brown. In extreme cases, with very light natural colors- wheat ("champagne splash") and platinum. The main rule is not to discolor!

  • Light green eye color - perfect light highlighting And light brown color.
  • Dull green eyes those eyes need brightness. Black with a blue tint and black with brown will help you find it.
  • If there is a clear admixture of gray in the eyes, brown (“bitter chocolate”) and black (“black tulip”) will do.

In the photo, in order, green-eyed celebrities: Emily Browning, Demi Moore, Mila Kunis, Melanie C.

Don't forget your skin tone

For better definition The ideal color for dyeing your hair needs to take into account your skin type. For example, a creamy peach tone with golden or yellow undertones is a warm skin tone. Cool tone is represented by blue or pink tint skin.

Thus, a hair color that is quite harmonious with one type of skin is completely out of harmony with another. Wrong hair color threatens a woman to look unnatural. There are quite a few nuances in this matter. Here's a little guide to guide you in choosing a color.

Olive skin

For women with a little yellowish tint skin in combination with green eyes, darker shades would be an excellent option own skin- bronze and caramel.

If you have no desire to look gray and "artificial", then avoid flashy light tones and defiant blond. For olive skin with green eyes wide range of colors:

  • brown;
  • plum;
  • chestnut;
  • burgundy;
  • black;
  • dark brown.

Read our article about professional and natural dyes(in particular, henna - for red shades).

If new color you don’t like the hair, try to wash off the paint from them - in this we tell you how to do it at home.

Everything about home lamination hair gelatin here: - let your hair shine as well as your eyes!

dark skin

Intense chocolate brown shades are the surest option when choosing a color for owners of tanned skin. In combination with this type of skin, all variations will look great. Brown both light and dark.

Bright skin

If a woman with green eyes White skin– she is lucky, as her choice in hair coloring will be one of the easier ones. If dark skin did not allow us to paint in bright hues, then for light type skin stylists, on the contrary, advise choosing hair dye from light colors.

In the photo - the owners of fair skin and green eyes different shades: Ann Hataway, Kristin Stewart, Katie Peri, Dita Von Teese.

Basic tones honey color highlight your eyes. Suitable for you:

  • brown;
  • red and all its shades;
  • black;
  • copper;
  • warm golden colors;
  • dark red.

As we can see, the choice is very large.

Now you, as the owner of green eyes, know what to do. pay attention to two main points:

  • skin tone of your face;
  • shade of green eyes.

As a result, it remains to do suitable makeup, pick up stylish hairstyle– and you are irresistible. Do not be afraid of the new, experiment, change, look for yourself!

A girl with green eyes just needs to play with the image, complement it with details, and be exactly that. femme fatale, which many fans remember with bated breath.

    All with a hint of red. It can be light brown, both dark and light, and chestnut. But be sure to have a reddish tint.

    And of course, the redhead itself, only on the condition that it is not bright, rather closer to light. With green eyes and red hair color, it will be a kind of witch. However, the choice is really quite wide, you can choose from light red to reddish chestnut.

    In my opinion, light hair tones are more suitable for gray-green eyes. For example, like this girl:

    Suitable ash, light blond, light chestnut, golden.

    Also good combination grey-green eyes with black hair.

    I have grey-green eyes and blonde hair. It seems to me that this is a great combination, and black hair color would not suit me at all.

    You can check what is suitable and what is not, by experimenting on yourself, or using programs on a computer, or you can turn on a little common sense and a little imagination.

    Gray-green eyes are ideal for red hair or with a hint of it. But here you still need to pay attention to your character. After all, the bright red hair color of girls is still associated with an extravagant character, or with something mysterious or mystical. You can choose caramel-colored paint or champagne splashes, the shade can refresh your appearance, light hair color will play in the sun and will rivet your looks.

    The only thing you should not do for a girl with green eyes is to go to extremes and dye it black or ashen, both shades will only spoil the charm of the owner of green eyes.

    I would answer this question like this - almost any color hair fit people with grey-green eyes. Let me give you an example to prove my point. I typed on the Internet celebrities with gray-green eyes and carefully looked at the photos that appeared. Here's who they belong to:

    Interestingly, they all have absolutely different colour hair - from the lightest - to almost black, and yet the color of the eyes is in perfect harmony with the whole image.

    I will say more, my favorite actress Milla Jovovich dyed her hair, it seems, in all the colors of the rainbow and still did not lose her attractiveness.

    Therefore, I would draw such a conclusion - the gray-green eye color is quite versatile, so any hair color, even orange, will suit it.

    To enhance the beauty of gray-green eyes, it is better to dye your hair. chestnut shades, as well as copper-red.

    Choosing a color is very easy. You need to look at your skin. If the skin has a golden hue, all shades of warm tones are suitable: red, golden, reddish shades.

    Bright grey-green eyes are best emphasized by medium chestnut, light brown, light chestnut shades. Honey blondes look great too. If the skin color is pale (cold) - brown (chestnut) is the best solution.

    Grey-green eyes are quite common, and in representatives of different sexes and owners of different hair tones. And combinations with almost all shades of hair are successful. But light colors are most suitable, ashy color, light brown. Highlighting and coloring will look very good. In general, skin care is also important, if the skin is pale, then it will not look very good with dark hair.

    Gray-green eyes in nature are more common with blond and red hair. These combinations will be the most attractive. Given that eye color has greenish tint, you can pick up hair of any shades of red (from light red to fiery red), dark brown hair will also look beautiful.

    Grey-green- very common eye color, which is found in blondes, and in redheads, and in brown-haired women with brunettes. So decide what hair color suits grey-green eyes both simple and complex at the same time.

    The choice of hair color for gray-green eyes should be guided not by the eye color itself, but by the skin tone. If the skin has cold undertone, then you should choose cold shades of hair dye, if warm, then, respectively, warm. Please note that shades blond And brown-haired, as well as redheads And chestnut, can be both cold and warm.

    Also, it is necessary to take into account the intensity of the color - bright colors are not for everyone, muted tones sometimes look much better.

    Many sites say the same thing over and over. to grey-green eyes the type of hair that is given to girls by God is suitable.

    But they want to experiment, to be a little more beautiful than their beauty.

    Therefore, girls with gray-green eyes can be advised very fashionable ashy hair color.

    Color blond good for black girls.

    Warm tones (red, red) are not suitable for gray-green eyes. This is advised by experts.

    I have grey-green eyes. I really find them versatile. My natural color is chestnut with a redhead. I think that for me it is the most unwinnable. Goes red ruby color. But I'm at my best when I'm a silver-ash blonde. It is a pity that such a color is extremely difficult to maintain. Also go light brown-ash tones. From dark tones - burgundy and amethyst.

Females with green eyes look mysterious and gentle. This color has a lot of advantages over others, having a large number of shades in cold and warm colors. The right hair color for green eyes can reveal the beauty of each shade. A suitable make-up will help to deepen it.

gift of nature

Analyzing the experience of nature, it becomes obvious that classic version green eyes are Red beast with funny freckles pale face . This image attracts men and at the same time is a manifestation of innocence. This natural combination will never go out of style.

If you want to repaint, just use a coloring balm and make the curls brighter or, on the contrary, muted.

IN this case skin tone must be taken into account. A lighter red hair color will suit a soft red hair color, which will make the skin radiant. Dark strands will give the face a shade of unhealthy pallor.

Hairdressers often offer red-haired beauties with green eyes to do coloring. It is permissible to combine bright red, red, chocolate. This hairstyle is suitable for perky natures, making the eyes very bright and saturated.

All the eccentricity of green eyes

Every woman has a period in her life when she wildly wants to change her appearance. In this case, you first need to find out which hair color suits green eyes. In order not to break firewood, you should be guided by the advice of experienced stylists.

In this case, one simple rule applies - hair can be any tone A. But given all the diversity of green, consider perfect combinations for each shade:

Don't forget skin color

In addition to the shade of the eyes, skin tone plays a very important role. Therefore, before changing the image, take into account this aspect. If it is difficult to figure out what it is for you, then be guided by two simple rules by choosing the color of curls for green-eyed women:

For those green-eyed women who know exactly what skin tone they have, there are a number professional advice hair color selection.

Four natural color types

Green-eyed beauties of this category are gifted with light, pale skin of the face, which is distinguished by a creamy, pinkish, golden hue. In summer, such ladies cannot tan, as the skin turns red and burns, and then it still remains white. TO light green eyes suitable saturated dark paint for hair. If the shade of the eyes is cold, then the shade of the hair should be the same (light blond, ash, silver). Warm green eyes look great with a reddish-brown hair color.

These are the owners of gray-green cold eyes with light olive or pale pink skin. After sunburn, the face becomes ash-olive. Perfect hair for this type of girls, they range from light brown to rich brown. Any shade of ashy will do.

These beauties with warm green eyes are often covered with freckles. The face can be peach, bronze, pleasant gray shade. His distinctive feature is immune to the sun. After tanning, redness immediately appears. Perfect Color hair - red (can be both bright and dark), brick and copper.

May boast light or dark color bluish-pink faces cold tone. Good with green eyes color type will look dark hair, with ruby, burgundy, cherry hues. Curls of gray and brown shades fit too.

Remember, before you change your hair color, look at the shade of your green eyes and facial skin. Then analyze which hair color is right for you. Only after that start experimenting with coloring. Well, best of all, put yourself into the hands of experienced hairdressers for the first time, so that the result will please and surprise others for a long time.